HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-10-2, Page 5fa1'dlNTAia
Gt., la`, RQIUI,STQ 1,,1x.5., 1%17,S.
.04D''lier of the U.C.D.S. of Ontario .and STP ATFOFlD. ONT.
Mtn Or Graduate of 'Toronto UnleersitY.
eliderece--Oyer Diekeen & Carlfng'e law
of le. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
pit, A. R. KINS,IvIAit,
/loner Graduate of Toroetq UnlvereitY
Teeth exteeeted w,thotvt pain, or any
bad eft este. Office Avec• Qladn an &
(rStanbury'a Office, Marin Street, Exeter.
Soltgltors, Netarie`s, Conveyancers, Coale.
mtesbbners. Solicitors for the Molsoes
Bank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest sates of interred
Offices—Matin-St., Exeter
L R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amount of private
funds to loan on term and vll.age prop-
ereles at low rates of lrntoreet.
GLADMA11 & •Srl`AN73tJRY
Rarrlstets, Solicitors, Dieter,
'Agent Corti ederation Lite Assurance
Cottlpany, also Fite : Insurance in lead-
hag Canadian and British Complenles.
Ma In -St., Exeter.
Lite, Fire, Aecidbtit and Plate Glass
Ineut'ane, Collecting accounts, and coir
ducttnQ auetion sales. -- Exeter, Ont.
College. At
Thousands of ambitious young peo•
pie are fast preparing In their own homes to
occupy lucrative positions aeatenographere,
bookkeeperseteiegraphers, civil servants,ia
feet every sphere of Business Activities
Ton msy finish at college if you so wish
Positions guaranteed. Eater college any
day. Indtridual instruction, gaped tea-
chers. Thirty years, experenoe. Largest
trainers In Canada. Seven colleges, Spec.
lal course" for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial
'Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon-
President Priiuek
ANY person who is the sole head of
a. family or any male over 18 year old,
ntay homestead a quarter section of
available Do:nines : land -ut Manitoba
Saskatchew. n or Alberta. The ap-
plicant rives appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-
agency for the district. k]rvtuy by pro-
xy made be made at any -agency, on
• certain conditions by rather, mother,
- son, daughter, brother or sister of in-
• tending homestead er
• Duties—Sin months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each
of three years, A homesteader may live
within nine at`1ee tee hits homestead on
a fasin oP at Least 80 acres sollely
owned and occupied by him or by hie
Cather, mother, eon daughter, brother
or :sister.
In certain districts a homesteader tin
good standing may pre-empt a quart
• sr -section 'along side hds homestead.
Price $8.00 per acre.
Duties ieluet reside upon . the home
stead or pre-enifption six months in
• eacSh, of ,six years from date of home-
stead entry (Including the Henn re-
quired to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right and can not obtain a
pre -remotion may, enter for a purt.
chasedhomestead in certain dlstri:cts
• Price $3.00 per acre. Duties-•' Musk
reside six months in each of these
years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a. hose worth $$00.
Deputy of the 1Tiineste'r or the Interior
N.33-'Unanehiorized publication of
Chia adverttsee/tent will not .be peed for.
Ow registration again exceeds that
of any previous year, The boy or
gill who has not received our free
catalogue does not know the great
opportunities of Commercial life. We
have three departments, Commercial
Shorthand and Telegraphy, and we
offer you advantages not offered else-
where. in Ontario. You may enter at
any time. Write, fey our, free cata-
logue -ret once,
I) A, ViteI,ACI LAN, Principal;
Write to -day for the catalogue of
Toronto Ont" It will help you to
ansa er the question, Careful iude,
ment should be excerised in choosing
a school
Every • Woman
is interested and should know
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
Ask your druggist for
It. If be cannot supply
the MARVEL; accept' no
other, but send stamp for Illus.
trate book—sealed. It gives frill
particalsrs•and directions invaluable
to ledies. WINDso14 supPLx Co.,wlndsor.Oast
General Agents for Canada.
'"The Brew
that Grew"
4 d4n
Selling fust because
made right
Made and matured in
the .old way
Mauurc Sprca�crs
Make the machinery do the
heavy work, and always get
the best.
We handle the very best
Also Litter Carriers,
Steel. Stalls and Stanchions
Nothing Better7and nothing
quite so good.
Wes. Snell,
Implement Agent
Exeter, Ontario
I am a woman.
1 know woman's sufferings.
I have found the cure.
I will mail, free of any charge, my home treat -
went with full instructions to any sufferer from
women's ailments. I want to tell air women about
this cure — you, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to
tell you how to cure yourselves at home without
the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand wom-
en's sufferings. What we women know from ex-
perience, we know better than any doctor. 1 know
that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for
Leucorrhoea or Whitish discharges, Ulceration, Dis-
Peor riods Uterine f the or OvarianuTumorsnoyr
Growths, also pains in the head ; back and bowels,
bearing•down feelings; nervousness, creepingfeel-
ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot
flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles
where caused by weaknesses peculiar to oursex.
I want to send you a complete 10 days' treatment
entirely free to prove to you that you can cure
yourself- at home, easily, quickly and surely.
Remember, that it will cost you nothing to give the
treatment a canrplete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12
emits a week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation.
Just send me your name and addresstell rue how you suffer, if you wish, and 1 will send you the
treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return •mail. 1 will also send you free
of cost, my book --“WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations show
Ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at honed. Every woman should
have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says—"You must have au operas
Hon," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home
remedy. It cures all, old or yoursg. To Mothers of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple home
treatment which speedily and effectually cures I,eucorrheea, Green Sickness and Painful or
Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies., Plumpness and health always result from its use. •
1 can refer you to ladies of your own 10
Wherever you live, ity who know and will gladly
tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cares all woman's diseases and makes women
well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address and the free ten days' treatment is
yours, also the book. Write today, as you may not see this eller again. Address:
MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 14.840 • • • • WINDSOR, Ont.
4li; i��itr• (`�'1';l tt ii�. ,J,•:;.
Jif /'���Y!'yj�l(; I? l% 1,1)�>% !4'14
Enamelled steel,
round -cornered reservoir
can be washed so clean and sweet
that it can be used for preserving, etc., as
well as heating water. Though a small feature,
it is very important and, along with other equally
important ones, places the Pandora Range in the
lead of Canadian Ranges.
See this special reservoir, before purchasing your
range. 381
Pandora Ran-
ges are.sold
by good dea-
lers who back
up our guar
antee on this
r a n g e--=-
�., W VasColver St. JohHxd�tai S con ,
uu �
gold. %x1 Exeter b ' `. nawkina & Son
Miss Laura Steffens of Detroit is
visiting, her friend, Mss Emma Heide-
man,—Mr Jerry 'finezcher of North
Dakota is back to the old home re-
newine, acquaintances.—Mr, and Mrs,
Isgbert Heideman are backs from a
visit is Detroit, —Mrs, rohn Miro t,nd
daughter of Grand Forks are
visiting relatives and .friends in the
vicinity.—Mrs. 1, N. Taggart of South
Bend, Ind,, and Mrs, Philker and
daughter Adelaide, of the Mississippi
States. are visiting the home .of their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frd. Hess, sr,
—Mr. Peter 1,)ucliarre of the Bron-
son .Line was thrown out of his rig
while returning home from church
and sustained a broken leg.—Messrs.
A. F. Hess and J. W, Graybi,el won
the final rotund in the. Scotch doubles
defeating Mr, T. 'Wurtn and E. Zellex
by a score of 14-24, The winners
each get a pair of howling shoes,--
hoes,—Mfrs, ,C, Wagner left for Colborne
Friday on a visit to her granddaugh-
ter Mrs. J, Durst,—Mr. Win, Schenk
of the 3.4th can, is laid up with ty
phoid fever.—Miss Lydia Faust at-
tended the Y. p. A. convention held
ac Mildmay' last week. She also vis-
ited at Milverton and Listowell.—The
Ladies' Aicl of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church presented Mr. and Mrs. Jac -
oh Howald with a handsome prayer
hook on the eve of their departure
for Stratford, where they will reside.
The affair took the shape of a .sur
prise party. The large number who
assembled alI joined in wishing. Mr.
and Mrs, How.ald health and prosper-
ity in their new; home;
Report of S,' S. No .1, Usborne, for
the month of September. Navies in.
order of merit.
V. Class—Maggie Strang, Cecil 'Har-
ris. - •.
IV. Class Sr.—Katie Sanders and
Evelyn Cann, (equal), Malcolm Dou-
gall Ross Dick.
IV. Class Jr. _Ila Mitchell, Clifford.
IIII. .CIass Sr. -Lorne Oke, Rosa
Moir Alice Dick.
III' jr.—Annie Strang; Glady • Dew,
Thos.. Dougall, Wilber Selves.
II Sr.—Edgar Cudmore, Harold
Wood, Earl Mitchell, Percy Harris.
Pt 'IL—Annie Moir, Clarence Down
Vera: Dunn. • '
Pt I -jas; Oke, Gordon Cudmore,
Melville Moir.
MIs: Maud McAllister left last week
to attend the Normal at Stratford.—
Misses Jessie Buchanan and Irene
T)oiuglas are attending the Normal at
1-Iamilton.—The many friends of Mrs.
Wm Chapinan,• sr., will regret 'to
learn of her death, which took place
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
John Dick of Oakville, Sept. 24,
where she was visiting. The, remains
were brought here and the funeral
held from the residence of E. Rennie
her so -n -in-law, on Saturday -morning
to° Hensall Union Cemetery.
After a long illness Mrs. W. R
Hodgins died last week. The de-
ceased, whose maiden name was Marie
lModson, :ware born .near Chiselhurnt,
where she gi ew up and was married
to S. I'eriiin. Some time after his
death sbe was married; to W.. R, Hod-
gins of Hensall and has• lived here
for zboui tcn years. Of .late years
the has been assisting her son, Wil••
Ilam in the management of the tom-
inerc'al Hotel. The funeral took
pace to Meraggart's Cemetery. De-
ceased was in hex 50th year.
Another of our old residents passed
to the great beyond after an illness
of about two years duration. Samuel
Smillie Was known and respected all
over 'this section. He was in his 67tb
year. - Born in New Glasgow, near
Montreal 'in 1837 he, came to this sec•
tion• when a lad of seventeen and
taught school for several years in
Tuckersmith and ,Goderich Townships
He also farmed the 200 acres . now
owned by his son Alex. He served
the municipality of Tuckersmith for
some years as clerk, and was also a
Justice-. of the Peace. About 19 years
ago . he retired from. the farm and
came to 1",iensalI. Besides the widow
he leaves a son and daughter, Alex
on the homestead and Mrs. J. Tapp
of town. The funeral took place t,4
Hensall Union' cemetery.
Than his
The Medical Adviser by
R. V: Pierce, M. A, Buf-
falo, N, Y, answers hoses
if delicate questions
about which every man
or woman, single or nglr-
, tied oug4it to know, Sent
free on receipt of 50 ow.
cent stamps to pay for
wrapping and mailing.
LET the gr'eeteet athlete have dyspepsia and Me
strength will soon fail. Qne'a stamina—forces
fullness and strength of mind or Muscle
depend upon the blood, and the blood .ill turif
requires it healthy stomach, for the stoyziseb is the
laboratory where the food is digested and such els*
ezents aro taken up -or assimilated . ioak
Novi. In consequence all the organs ofthe body,
such as heart, hinge, liver and kidneys, as well ee
the nervous system, feel the bed effect if the store -
doh is deranged.
Dr. Pierces Golden
_Medical �s
helps the stomach tie digest food properly, starts the
liver Into new activity, retrieving tilepoisons from the
blood, and the various organs get rich, red blend. i le
stead of being illy nourished. The.refreshirng influcneer
of this extract of native medicinal plants has bean
favorably known for over 40 years, Everywhere
some neighbor can tell you of the good it lens +lona,
igefii by a U sedicine: deniers to IIeuid.or tablet fern,
nr send 50 orae»sept atwmns to ,1)M• 1p'leree, 1nit .aitch
Hotel, fiiu at1u, surd It trialttol will be =issued 3pze,
T.UCAN—Rev. Dr. Campbell of the
Presbyterian church has resigned his
pastorate here and has accepted a
call near the town of Perth. His suc-
cessor has not yet been appointed.
Good Health
Vim and Vitality
Are apaured If you 1,x111 cleapse your
etoltnach of =digested food acid Lout
gases ; the excess bile frotm , the liter
and tate wage' tl tient .troop the •tnteet-
Ines• and bo weds Dr tkud tote of
the greet watt, Weise?, Vamp *Gowen
and bowel rets edr.
At all der 25 stud 5Q ottOt hazes
or mailed by •1111 Cd., , Sb
Thorium, Ont.
Sold at. Howey's Drug mix:
Silo filling is the order of the clay.
around here.—Mr. Elston is busy at -
present.. threshing. He is going to
his new farm. near Woodham,
which he purchased.' recently.—Miss
Thelma Skinner is attending the Ex-
eter High School.—Mr. Sam'l Hicks is
away on an extended trip to Mani-
toba,—The farmers around here are
complaining of the dry weather, the
plowiWill Hunter being saised his shedone day
last week. He intends putting a new
Counslation under it. --People won't
want for potatoes this year for they
are a grand crop, and a good many
are busy • lifting them.
LUCAN.-Reeve C. - W. Hawkshawl
has been very ill the past week with
pneumonia but has been recovering
recently and gives hope of ultimate
recovery.—Chas. Reid when playing
ball at the Collegiate Field Day on
Friday, broke his leg as. he was slid-
ing to abase.—Jas. Park is recovering
alter an operation Friday for append-
CLINTON-The funeral took glace'
on Mo-iday of Harold Jackson, aged
four years, only sari of Mr: and Mrs.
George Jackson. Two weeks ago the.
little chap stole dowt, stairs quietly
before the family were - awake, gath-
ered together some papers and made
a bonfire, 'His little gown caught.
fire and he was fearfully burned
about the body and face. He also
inhaled the fire and was enable to.
take nourishment.
CLINTON—A wedding of particu-
lar interest was solemnized Sept. 24
at high noon, when the two pretty
anti charming daughters of Mrs. Aleft
ander McRae were - married to two
po.pulal young business men, in Miss
Bertha McRae to Mr. George Mt
Lellart merchant, of Clinton, and
Miss Zaida to Mr. Charlesworth of
Pixrt Arthttr
The undersigned is offering Por sale
that desirable 100 acre farm, situated
in the Township of 131ddulph, heIug Lot
13, Con. 1. 'lihlCre fie on the premises
a good Prelate Lote e, barfn With founda-
tion, °retool,. The farein'l is well drain-
ed and alll uppler oulftvat9on. Th •s le
an excellent faintrt,;,, weak oiltuated and will
be eold reasonable, FOr furtherpartIc-
Ware •apply to ;John O'Neil, Mooresville,
lent, RWM. KELLY.
The urtdereig•,ned is offering 'or sale
Lot 6, North. Po'tsndary Stephen, e•on
taitiing 100 acres of good land. There
la o'n , the prentieels a. gdod Cru ate ho use
with stogie • lar; batnlc barn wit h ce-
ment floss ; 3 good we1,1s, and a
amtit orct !Thin is a goad grain
or grass fall cn, cal vrioted make a good
stock farm, Situated two miles from
Exeter ; phone in houses. Will he Field
reasonable!. For patrticulers epeI • on
the-pneu]Ifses, or write the under•e r; n: d;
Fred amen. Hay, or a. s.
For Baking Success
—This Oven
Success on some baking days
can be expected no matter
what flour you use. But con-
stant success is rarer. It can
be assured in only one way.
The miller - must select his
wheat by oven test.
So ' from each shipment of
wheat we take ten pounds as
a sample. We grind this into
flour. Bread is baked from
the flour.
If this bread is high in quality,
large in quantity, we use the
shipment from which it came.
Otherwise we sell it.
Constant baking success comes
as a matter of course from
Av.' fio� .' bearing this rams
More Bred. and Better D r " and
i% , ."to ' v
y- /r%
T st
� :nary