HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-9-18, Page 8aXE rER-11MV.0 BA' 'E•, THURSDAY SE T. 18 18 18 tX TEO MARKETS (9 EI kN 'SD l4M10 WEDNESDAY' Whe k, «:... «t..«. 88 85 .•A• ,$ Bucks tir«ett««« «« ,%.a"., 48 8 Pea rota•',,..;, per bag lusty, .A, ,. Flour, t,,,r ttwt«, family Hour, ,,..v grade per ow Butter:. Eggs. , . , .... . Ohix Hens Dux Roosters Turkey- .,,,e 1. Dried Apples per b .,. Live hogs, per cwt...... Shorts pee ton Bran pee ton. .,. Sugar Beet meal. «. . 32 32 I. 00 1 OQ 1 50 X50 1.000 10 tao 2 70 1 50 X50 20 22 22 22 12 10 9 7 11 4is 9 20 0022 00' 20 00 A woederfui fertilizer, SYDNEY BASIC SLAG can be obtained fron HARVEY BROS. Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr, A. J. Ford, We solicit your patron- age and we Hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. WM. RIVERS. Repairing done, at it again, turning out the flour that makes the dough, You can buy cheaper flour than MODEL but you can NOT buy bet- ter manufactured by Harvey Bros. 25c, in Canada pays for the Advo- cate to the end of the year. CANNING FACTORY CORN Growers of corn for the Canning Factory whose corn is nearing the' canning condition, are requested to bring sample cobs to the factory, when they will be advised when to deliver Don't Forget the Exeter Fair on Monday ancr Tuesday of next week. BICYCLE TAKEN. -On Friday,Sept 5th, .a bicycle was .taken from behind i t the Toavii Hall. If not returned _orth- wits+ the matter will be placed in the hands of the authorities and if the guilty parties are found out will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law BROOCH LOST.—On Main street, Exeter a gold brooch. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at this office.. The Advocate will be sent to any address in Canada until end of 1913 for 25c To United States points for 40c. Keep posted in the, news -of your locality and the county at large Tungsten Lamps for Sale.—Heamen's Hardware Store, Exeter. Voters' Lists TOWNSHIP OF USBOL:NE Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voter's List' Act,. by His Honor, the judge of the County. Court of the County, of Huron, at the Township Hall, Elimvilie, on Friday, the 19th of September 1913, at 10 o'clock to hear and determine complaints of errors & omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Usborne Township for 1913 FRANCIS MORLEY Whalen Sept. 3„ 1913 Clerk VILLAGE OF EXETER. Notice is hereby given that acourt will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voter.' List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Exeter on Saturday, 27th Day of Sept. 1913. at 9.30 o'clock to hear and determine complaints of errors & omissions in the Voters' List of the Minicipality .of the Village of Exeter for 1913. T. B. Carling, Exeter, Sept. 8, 1913 Clerk. URAND'Tf I R SYS, EM COLONIST EXCURSIONS SEPT, .'15 to OCT. 10, Inclusive From ail stations in Ontario at very low rates to Vancouver, B,C. Los Angeles, Cal. Victoria, B.C. " ` San.' Diego, Cal,. Nelson B,C, San Francisco,Cal Prince Rupert, B.C. Mexico City,ilx Portland Ore. Seattle, Wash, Spokane, Wash, One -Way Second-class Tickets Only will be issued Proportionate low rates to other points in Arizona, British Columbia, California Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Mexico, New Mexico, Oregon, Nevada Texas .Utah, Washington and Wyom- Ing Ful; particulars, berth reservations, etc, from any Grand Trunk Agent COSTS LITTLE Accomplishes Much A two cent stomp doe a lot fpr very little mercy,, but it would re- quite thousands of two cent stamps , and personal lettere to duke your wpnu known, to as snarly peoptiet Ise, investment in our :destined Alit Ade • eseretet me w so. iFila.e, A 1 LOCA I QTNGS.: Yt,•�T.�•�..a¢c.#,iAitalk�C.�lC.,e,� �BCas,•4 Rev. Curry of Watford and Rev. g' McAlister exchanged pulpits on Sun- day. Saturday and Sunday nights were ,cold ones but the believe little dam- age was done here, Those who seek. the road to hap- piness eventually discover that they have to build one for theinselves, If a piece of sugar is put into the water that flowers stand in they will keep .fresh quite a long time. Some business can get along with- out advertising, just as some men can make a living although dumb. Both are uphill jobs. The Municipal World says ti court of revision has no power to remit tares or make a reduction of assess- ment Diving to fire, loss after the as- sessor has returned his roll, Word was received here Friday last from Edmonton of the serious illness of Mr, Sandy Bawden of typhoid fev- er. An early and complete recovery is the wish of his many friends here. According to a London specialist, i:: white clothing for babies could be abolished in a generation there would be a 20 per cent. decrease in the number of persons with defective eyes Mr. A. E. Bradwin formerly editor and publisher of the Blyth Standard but later connected with the Parry Sound Star,•has purchased the God- erich Signal and took possession last week. Mr. S A Poplestone, left on Monday for Minneapolis, Minn., to attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Inde pendent Order of Oddfellows, as grand representative from the Ontar- io jurisdiction.—Blyth Standard. The Epworth District Epworth League and Young People's conven- tion will be held in the Methodist church Lucan, on Wednesday and Thursday, „Sept. 24 and 25. An ex- eellent program has been prepared for both days The wav the Dominion Government handled the Thaw case was about correct They simply bundled him onto an automobile, ran him to the border line, and dropped the howl- inc maniac over into, the United States Canada saw quite enough of him. Mrs. Harold Jarvis, wife of the well- knowrs tenor, died Friday at the fam- ily residence, Detroit. Mrs, Jarvis had been ill for over a year and a half and it is thought that grief on account of the death of her only child in Germany, three years ago, contrib- uted to her demise. A St. Marys correspondent -to the. Londor Free Press, says,—Thos. Rus- sell an Exeter cattle dealer, has. bought from Weir 3i Weir the 11 acres situated south of Miss Taylor's residence on James street, north ward he intending to turn the, property in- to a sub -division and move here next spring Messrs. John Thompson, Jas. Chase Jos. Klavin and Fred Green of Cleve- land were here last week renewing ac- quaintance with Mine Host Acheson of the Central Hotel. These gentle- men while on an auto trip seve., years ago, were stalled here for a few days and they had such a good time that they accepted the chance to re -visit the old scene and the old friends. Edmonton's tax rate is 12 mills. It is a single tax city. Property •is not assessed up to 100 per cent of sel- ling prices. Her main streets are 100 feet wide and side streets 80. feet. Edmonton owns her own electric plant and sells steam produced light at 8c. aid ,power at 3 34 per kilowatt hour. Owns her own telephone systetn, with 7000 telephones, which is automatic,. and derives a surplus. Here is something from an exchange that deserves to be passed along : "What would a farmer say if his wife left her sewing machine standing out in the back yard in, a rain storm over night ? What he really would say is out of the question for printer's copy and yet many farmers leave their bin- ders, which cost three or four times as much as a sewing machine, out in the sun and rain for weeks and months with no better shelter than. a fence corner Nor is the binder the only piece of costly machinery that re- ceives such treatment. In such in- stances Mr. Farmer, what should your wife do to you? A timely ap- ?plication of the rolling pin might do much towards prolonging the life and efficiency of your farm machinery. You can save a ten, dollar bill;' any day this week by acting on this sugges- tion" RUNAWAY ACCIDENT—While. on his mail route in the Township of Stephen on Friday Iast Mr. Harry Par- sons met with a painful accident, i'he horse took fright at a man repairing a fence on the side of the road and making a sudden jump parts of the harness. broke. Mr. Parsons at once lost control and the horse running away threw him out with the result that he received a severe gash in the head which necessitatedseveral stit- ches to close and he was otherwise injured. The horse , was captured some distance away. The damage: to, the rig was only slight. DIED IN SPOKANE.—Word was eceived here on Saturday last of the death the prvious day at Spokane, Wash., of Mr. John. Rendle, at the age of 57 years: Deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis about two months ago from which he had; not recovered and it is supposed That he sustained another stroke last week, resulting in his death.': The late Mr, Rendlc was a native of Exeter and lived' ,mere: all hislite with the exception of the last four years, .. during • which • time he., and his 'family had resided in Spokane. He was well and favorably known here and was a member of the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows. Besides his wife he is survivedi by four sons„ Daniel Percy, Harry and Wilfrid,, all at home. Deceased was a halt -broth- er of Messrs. Daniel, Sidney, roseph and Richard Davis and Mrs. Samuel Sweet of Exeter. It is expected the remains were 'interred in Spokane. The sympathy of the r om t1unity is eft teede:l to the ebei•eavecfi, Mr, Castor Willis is home for a few days. Mrs. Piper returned from London last week, Mr. Nelson Hill of Montreal is 1.113 -11 - (laying at his home here, Mr, and Mrs, McTavish of Shakes- peare visited here for the week end. Messrs. Thos, Oke and R, Leath - ore of London wereup, for the Fair, Mr, Geo, Baker of W2lkervlile vette Saturday with friends and relatives in town. firs, John Bissett and Mrs. Ed, Bis- sett of London visited relatives here this week. Mr Gilbert Dow returned last week from a trip to the West of several weeks duration. Miss Mary Gould returned last week from a Visit with relatives, at l3rooks- dale and -Stratford. Messrs. Roger and Edwin Crocker of Toronto are here attending; the :un eras of their father., Mr. Peter Bawden of Ridgetown spent Thursday last .with his patients and olcl friends here. Mr. John. Elliot of Vancouver, B. C arrived here last .week' to visit his mother, Ivirs. B. V, Elliot. Wilburt and Ernest Dearing of 'Hes- pelet spent a few days during the week: with friends here and at Hensall Mt'. and Mrs, ''W: H. Tom. and Mrs. W. D. Yeo left thiis, week for a trip east to Toronto, Port Hope and Na- panee Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Robinson ° . and family .qf Denver, Col, were guests of Mrs. E. Sanders and Mrs. R. " N. Creech on Friday last. Mi. W. D Clarke returned Tuesday from a trip to Bermuda, Mrs. Clarke and Gale are spennding! 'a few, ,days in St. Catharines on the, way home. Mrs. Johnston, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs, Waugh, left Saturday evening for a visit of two months with her brother, Mr, Charles Rice Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dale of Fort Wayne, Ind., spent part of last week the guests of the latter's sisters; Mrs. Acheson and Mrs. Billings, at 'the Central Hotel. Mr. J. G. Jones and Dr. Harrison returned Friday last from a two mon- ths' trip to the Old Land. Both are looking well and appear to have en- joyed themselves thoroughly. Mr. Jeremiah Knott, who has been in Owen. Sound for several months. has returned to town to reside. sirs. Knott found the climate of ":Owen Sound unsuited to her and has been i11 much .of the time of their resi- dence in the northern town. . We are in a position to introduce yon to many youngladies and gentle- men of suitable temperament end dis- position desiring, to make the acquaint anee o • others with a view to mar- riage. Send 10 cents ,for full partic- ulars to the Canadian Correspondence Bureau P,O, Box ;$91,,MoetreaI, P. Q.. —0-- MISS J. J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Specialist ,will be at, the Cent`r''tal Ho- tel, Exeter, Saturday, Sept. 27th. One y. __0 .- GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. —Wages 18 to 20 per, month.—Mrs. A. Blackburn. 795, Richmond St., Lon- don, Ont. NOTICE—One of the head officers of the Independent Order of Forest- ers will be in: town on Monday night next to meet the members of the or- der and explain the reason of the new. rates. All niembers of the order are invited, HOUSE AND•LOT FOR SALE Brick Cottage, very central, on An drew St:, just behind Town Hall. Contains parlor, diningroom, kitchen summer kitchen, 3 bedroqms,3 closets large pantry, cellar throughout, hard and soft water, extralarge lot with several fruit trees. Also stable. For terms apply to A. Hastings, or B. S. Phillips, Real Estate Agent, Exeter. 3:fary has an X-ray gown, In latest style 'tis made; But if she had a grains of sense She'd stand right sin the shade. uratic, HICKS' SEPTEMBER FORECAST -A regular storm period involves the 17th to the 22nd. This period is at the centre of Earth's autumnal equi- nox. The Vulcan, Mercury ,Earth and Jupiter disturbances will combine their forces to this period. Equinoctial storm, of wide sweep and violent force are more than probable ,at this ante,. A correct interpretation of barometric readings will foreshadow. the nature of approaching storms, 'ong before they strike. Boreal storms from the northwest, will meet tropical storms from the equatorial regions at this time resulting in tornadie storms ,over central to southern states and change to higher barometer, very much cooler and frosts will, result in ninny states as a sequel to these equi- noctial convulsions. A reactionary storm period is central on the 75th 26th and 27th. This period is at the centre ,of the Mercury period, and at the culminating crisis of the autum- nal equinox of the earth, There are sttone probabilities of a spell of threatening stormy weather extending over several days, a.ncl perhaps filling the gap between, the regular storm period?, immediately before and after these dates. We calculate that equa- torial or equinoctial • storms and hur- ricanes will be more numerous and more severe during this autumnal per- iod than common. There will be dan- ger of rosts at night in. the high barometer areas that follow on the heels of storm areas, and the dan- ger of frosts at these, times will be in proportion to the lowness of bar- ometer readings attending the storms Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESS N.D to the Postmaster General will bere- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri- day the 17 th day of October,. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week, over Dash- wood (Khiva and Mt, Carmel) Rural Route from the Postmaster General's pleasure next. Printed notices containing further ie fordlation as to conditions of propos- ed Contract may be seenand blank forme of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Dashwood, Khiva, Mt. Cazniei and Sarepta, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at London. . Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, 5th Sept., 1913 G C. ANDERSON, Superintendent, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AND GEM ALL THE NEWS. THRESHING COAL Just received at Cen- tralia a car of. Coal eepec ially for threshing. ,we. R. 6. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario STEWART'S PHONE 16 Where Reasonable Prices Prevail. 15 -Ladies' New Model Suits This season we have secured from one of the best Manu- facturers in Canada fifteen or these Model Suits, Every suit has come through the hands of expert workmen and is finished with the best trimmings and linings. No two suits alike. The cloths are .very natty and are of high grade fab - ries. The regular prices of these are from $25, to $30. We leave marked them for quick selling at $18,50 and $20,00 New Fall 8z Winter Coats They are an entire change from last season's ' garments Don't wait until they are picked over, All the newest styles and cloths are now on display in this department. • MILLINERY. The new trimmings and shapes and the newmodels are being prepared for our openings, We are now ready to execute any advance orders FLANNELETTES Ne wflannelettes have been placed sat stock and are now ready for the early buyers: See our leader in the new pat terns 36 iii, wide for 121/,c, NEW DRESS GOOb3 Many new fabrics make their first appearance,,. We have a wonderful showing of New Silks, New Velveteees New Dress Goods and Suit - Ings. We invite you to see them. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Our special lines of Fall and Winter underwear arc here, You will be surprised when you see the garment we are selling this . season. for $1.00 J. A. STEWART Our Stave Will Solve Many a 'Wedding Gift Perplexity r When you are purchasing a present, it is a matter of money and what you want—nothing else, Then this is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A good variety o4 articles, selected from the larg- est stcicks, consisting of • Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. These {boobs are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed, MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE That nicely situated, comfortable and up-to-date frame cottage on the corner of Main and Victoria Streets Good kitchen, cellar and woodshed hard and soft water, Possession - to suit purchaser, For terms and par- ticulars apply to D. Mack, Exeter, or T Cameron, Auct:, Farquhar. 13. 14. ROWE Phone 20a Residence next to.the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO ,buys 15c. the best. Talcum Powder Oompleoion. Cream Tooth. Paste .. Lemonade Powder a good Hair Brush Tooth Brush .. 3 . good Jap Fan's and hundreds of other Articles at Powell's Bazaar PHONE 55 B'ig' Variety. Store TC FARMERS WANTING MIEN, Farmers wanting Nixed :men for next seascn should place their orders at once oathuer•a lee there will be litf'.eulty, seaming help. Orders left: with the Local Government Employment Agent for this. district, Advocate Mice, or addressed thereto,wi•11 receive prompt attention C. H. SANDERS. Agent: JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Millinery Display at. Sept. 13, and Following Week WHEN THE NEWEST CREATIONS FROM HATDOM WILL BE ON OUR TABLES FOR YOUR APPROVAL„ THE LATEST PARIS AND NEW YORK MODELS' . WILL BE HERE IN AN ABUNDANCE OF COLORS AND STYLES. SEE OUR DISPLAY. IT WILI,, DO YOU GOOD, Winter Coats LADIES MISSES CHILDREN The best yet, no two alike and a" big range to choose from. A bigger variety of cloths and styles are shown here than ever before. They are .go- ing fast, Come and get your pick of the good ones. Early buying in the se coat line will pay you. Dress Goods Everything that is smart find ' new wile be found here in,.the season's best colors, Tweeds, Serges and Bedfords are strong`,with Velvets in Plain,Cord- eel and Fancy -one- of the leaders. Furs Out furs are here early to give you first choice, ;Persian Lamb, Persian Paw, Piscino Mink, ,Sable, Marmot, Fox, Wolfe •and ThiT et are some of the ieadieg furs, Prices very moderate, Men's and Boys' Clothing The New Winter Clothings are all .here and are a reap nifty bunch, The nattiest on the market, Suits ' Overcoats, Raincoats, `CNE & MAY Eeadquarters for the celebrated: W«E, Sanford Clothing op