HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-9-11, Page 8EXETER MARKETS. etED EAQk1 WEDNEsn, 13a,rr r ,.1, ,...,,.,, dB 41 8c8 Buve vheft, ., 48 4 ac. 6,116 32. 32 Pea,. ... ...,.a;.....,• 100 1'00 1 50 1$0 10 00 10.40 2 70 X .50 150 20 22 22 22 .12 12 9 7 11 9 20 28 00 2200 26.00 Patel . res, per bag ....'. MOM'. per cwt., fancily Flom.. tow grade per ew Butter 11416-11. ,. Eggs .......... .. bix .,. ....,... $ens..,« ..............' 1 ooeters.... ...,. '.Turkey ... .. .....• Dried Apples per ls •b .. , Live bogs, per Cwt Short, per ton Bran eer ton Sugar Beet meal..... ,. A wonderful fertilizer, SYDNEY BASIC SLAG can be obtained from. HARVEY BROS. Having taken over the Butchering Business .of Mr. Frank Wood ; we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford, We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS. Repairing done, at it again, turning out the flour that makes the dough. You can buy cheaper flour than MODEL but you can NOT buy bet- ter manufactured by Harvey. Bros. 25c. in Canada pays for the Advo- tate to the end of the year. CANNING FACTORY CORN Growers of corn for the Canning Factory whose corn is nearing the canning condition, are requested . to bring sample cobs to the factory, when they ivill be advised when to deliver Don't Forget the Exeter Fair on Monday and Tuesday of next -week. BICYCLE TAKEN. -On Friday,Sept 5th, a bicycle was taken from behind the Town Hall. If not returned Iorth- with the matter will be placed in the hands of the authorities and if the guilty parties arefound out will be prosecuted to the full extent of the+ law PROTESTANTS MEETING— Rev. Henry* A. Fish of Owen Sound, a Methodist minister of 25 years stand- ing will address a meeting in the Town Hail, Exeter, Monday evening, Sept. 15, commencing at 8 o'clock ort the subject of "Our Homes and Schools:' This address will be ,of great interest to Protestants and ll such should avail themselves of the privilege of hearing Mr. Fisher on this timely topic. No admission fee: Let there be a good attentance.-1 t. Moosejaw News.—"A very pretty wedding took place in Moosejaw,. Sask., on Sept. 3rd, ' when EIIa Maud Heywood of Winchelsea, Ont., was un- ited iri holy bonds of matrimony to Anthony Joseph Hand of Seattle, by Rev. Johnston. The bride was at- tended by her twin sister, Mrs. Nor- man Middleton of Lang, Sask., and the groom by Mr. Middleton. The bride looked charming in embroidered mensoline and carried a bouquet of roses. The presents were numerous and costly The happy couple left on the evening train amid showers of rice for Winnipeg, Toronto,London, nr Ex- eter and other points ast. The bride's travelling suit was a navy blue broad cloth and picture hat of black and white sealette. After a few weeks visit in Ontario they will • return to Moose Jaw, where they will make their future home. Mr. Loney Hey- wood of town was one of the guests. Voters' Lists TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voter's List Act, by His Honor, the Tudge of the County Court of the County, of Huron, at the Township Hall, Elimville, on Friday, the 19th of September 1913, at 10 o'clock to hear and determine complaints of . errors & omissions in the Voters' List .of the Municipality of Usborne Township for 1913. FRANCIS MORLEY Whaler, Sept. 3„ 1913 Clerk VILLAGE OF EXETER. Notice is hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Exeter on Saturday, 27th Day of Sept. 1913, at 9.30 o'clock to hear and determine complaints of errors & omissions in the Voters' List oe the Minicipality :of the Village of Exeter. for 1913. T. 13,' Carling,. Exeter, Sept, 8t 1:913 Clerk. COSTS LITTLE Accomplishes Much A two cent stamp does a lot fpr very little me ey, but it would re- gime thousands of two cent stomps and personal letters to Make your wants known, to as many people as a esc. investment in aur Gleittfied Want Ads, LOCAL DOINGS. '+I Exeter Fall Fair ,next Monday and Tuesday, s ay. The Thames Road Post Office is now closed for mail matter, the rural routes making this office iunnecessary Spare linen should be used, occas. ionally, or it will yellow, and rs'hen brought into full service will go very quickly The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs David Ross. of Winnipeg, nee Miss' Rivt;is, died recently at the age of 8 months, after a month's illness, "W. Brooks, the enterprising, but- cher has put a new Ford delivery automobile on the road and will in this way be able to cover a large territ- ory in a short tune," --Crystal City Courier The Exeter Bowling Association de- sires to thank Mr, Jos. Senior or his kindness in supplying free of charge several beautiful framed photographs for their club house. Mr. Senior ap- Preciates the beautiful grounds and the game of bowls and his gifts are ev- idence thereof. The money-sa•iing boy becomes the banker, the merchant, the professional. man, The boy who never saves a. cent makes the man who "earns his bread by the sweat of his brow," ,who never owns a home or enjoys the luxuries of life," Three rinks of bowlers went to Zurich and Hensall on Thursday last In the afternoon at Zurich two Exeter. rinks won and one lost, but the =isit ors wereo d wn two shots. .At Hensall in the evening two Exeter rinks lost but the points scored by the three rinks: were exactly even. Mr. C. Zuefle last week purchased Mr. C B. .Snell's half -interest in the Exeter Electric Light and Power Co.. Mr. Zuefle is now, the sole owner. He has been in charge for several years and the people of Exeter may expect the same good service they have of recent years been receiving. Last week when Andrew Hackney and F. Kernick of Usborne were de- livering a heifer the former had sold to Wm Snell, the animal went mad and turned on the men. Although it was blindfolded and held by two rop- es it succeeded in knocking Mr. Hack- ney down and bruising him consider- abIy. The beast was finally placed on a dray and taken to thei purchaser. In a report of the Western Canada Kennel club field trial held at La Salle Man., we notice that Mr. Ed. Bissett of Winnipeg, a former Exeter old boy, is again in the front rank in prize winnings for his Setter dogs and bitches, he having won nine priz- es. We also notice that he has been elected on the executive committee of the new organization of Western Canada Amateur Field Trial Associa- tion, We congratulate Ed. on hissuc- cessful winnings. The South Huron Ministerial As- sociation held its regular monthly meeting in the Trivitt Memorial Par- ish Hall on Monday. There was a large attendance of the members. The Rev. S. Jefferson of Crediton read a very thoughtful paper on the subject of the Home, Marriage, and Divorce. The paper was a very comprehensive one and showed great thoroughness in preparation. An interesting discus- sion followed in which all the mem- bers took part. Mr T A McConnell, a former , esi dent of Exeter, and brother of the late Mrs. Irs. Ao a H lI nd, died, at his home in London on. Sunday, after several month.; illness of cancer. 14Ir. McCon- nell was well and favorably known in Exeter Besides his wife he is sur- vived by ,three daughters -Mrs. W. Woods and Lulu and Estella, all of Landow also ° one -sister, Mrs. - john Ross of Victoria, B.C. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was at- tended by Mr. E Christie, of town, ROUNDS ALL STAR SPECIALTY COMPANY — CELEBRATED LAD- IES ORCHESTRA in the OPERA HOUSE on FAIR NIGHT. Every seat will be taken. Secure your seats early. CURIOSITIES.—Last week we were shown' two curiosities in the form of animate things. Mr. T. G. Creech broughr in what appeared to . be a species of mole, which' he had found and killed in his: icehouse. The body was about four Inches long, and cov- ered with jet black, glossy hair; it tvas without legs, but had normal looking feet; it had no eyes, ears, ex nose while out from the mouth were a number of tendrils or feelers of halt an inch in length. The tail was of about 3 inches in length, and. covered with a sort of scale. Any- thing of the kind, has never been seen here before to our knowledge. --Mr, W H Kay of Farquhar brought in the other curio, which was apparent- ly a tiny snake, but little larger than a hair and of about fifteen in- ches in length. It was found in .a pail of spring water and when touched tvitlt a small stick wound its body around the stick like the tendril on a grape. vine. As far as, the eye could see there was neither head nor tail to the thing. HICKS SEPTEMBER FORECAST —A. reactionary storm period will bring storms and other disturbances on and touching the 14th, 15th, 16th, The full moon is, at ,an eclipse r=ode oe the 156, and on, the same plate it is in apogee and on the celestial equator The great planet, Saturn, is itt quadrature with. Earth and Sun ou the 10th—a fact that almost .'er tainly .increases the tendency to sew ere . earthquakes for several days be- fore and after. This period is also neat the center of the Earth's aut- umnal equinox, and at the entrance of the Mercury equinox. Watch your barometer at this period it will fore_. tel the 'approach of any possible lane ger from atmospheric convulsions. Earthquakes and storms will reach a marked crisis within sixty hours, of sunset on the 15th. Another high barometer, and change to very much eoolet with frost northward, .will rol. l.ow on the wester -1 flank; of these storms XE rER 4:1137TICATE, T11111181111.17 SEPT. it 19113 Get ready for Exeter Fair— crest Monda" and Tuesday. Mr A, 5; Davis is improving his house with a coat of paint Division Court was held in the T'otvn Hall an Tuesday, ^ ), Ju dge Holt presid- ing. ' Mrs Hee's, who has been residing here for. sometime left last week for the Old People's I-Iome at Clinton. Recognized Star Artists are the members..of the Round's Ladies''' Or- chestra—At Oper House on Fair Night. MISS MORLOCK announces her First Display of Fall Millinery on Saturday Sept, 13, and on the 15th and ,16th. 11•r. Adolphus Hooper of Lake Road who . had his barns destroyed by lightning ,a few days ago, raised the frame work of the: new barn Monday. Word has been received here that \Marydaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones is confined, to the Regina Hospital suffering from a severe at- tack of typhoid fever, Word was received here this week of the death of Nelson, Fisher, son of Mr, and Mrs. John .Fisher of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, who died on Mon day last. aged about 32 years. Word has been received here by relatives of the death of Sarah Wil- cockson., wife of Robert Hodgson, and sister of the late James Hodgson of Osborne she having died at Colum- bus Ont., on August 20th at the age of 79 years. John A. Kelly, ventriloquist and en- tertainer accompanied by Lily Lor- rell. Leonard, gave _yery, pleasing en- tertainments in the Opera Rouse on Friday and Saturday evenings, The pat ronage was not as large as the enter- tainers deserved. Owing to some trouble in, connection with the customs the literature and lithographs for the Rounds All Stai Specialty Co., who appear Here Fair night have not arrived to date. This advertising material may arrive later and it is to be hoped so, as the com- pany is a good one and deserving of a full house. Mr. Alvin Brintnell has resumed his duties as teacher at Victoria Square. Miss Gladys Ford and Miss Olive Wood left Monday to attend Chathan! Business` College. Mr. Geo. Armstrong sold his fine black driver to Mr. William Hey of Zurich who will exhibit him as a show horse.' Mrs. John Welsh and grandson Ger. ald Long left Tuesday for Winnipeg owing to the severe illness of Illrs, Charles Long. Mrs, J. H. Clark, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs,. John Gilfillan, "Woodside Farm," Kirkton. for the past three; months, left on. Tuesday for home, in Los An- geles Cal. Mr. Robert. Willis, Mr, Fred Willis and little daughter, and. Mrs, ,Tohn.. Willis, of Marlette, Mich,, and Mrs, t Percy Luxton. of South Bend, Ind., were here attending the•funeral of the late Thomas Willis. Sixteen thousand�ndautomobile ceases have been issued by the Pro- vincial Secretary's Dept. so far this year. The auto's evidently come to stay and is now considered one of 'the necessities of the day for professions. and business where much -travelling is required. A quiet wedding s solemnized at the home of Mr. David Mack on Wed- nesday September 3rd, when his niece Miss Mary Laing and Mr, J. 13. Simp- son, both of Hensall, were united in the bonds,, of matrimony. The bride who entered the parlor escorted by her uncle wore a tailored suit of navy blue `gentletoen's serge and bad ' a' black and white silk velour hat. The I ceremony was performed by Rev, S J' Sharp of Caren Presbyterian church Mr. and Mrs. Simpson left on the evening train for Toronto, Niagara?' Falls and other easiern points. Mrs, Values Gould is in London this. week, Mrs. Popiestone is visiting her son in Blyth Miss Irene Rivers is attending the Londou Fair. Mrs. Geo. Snell is holidaying this week in London, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Powell visited lin London this week. Mr. Samuel Martin returned from Toronto Saturday, Mrs. John Woods and daughter were in London Monday, Miss Valera Bedford is spending the week in London. Mr• Louis .Herat spent the past two weeks in Toronto, Miss • Mabel Walters has resumed her position in London, her llrs.dJohnston7Mros. f •ToronWaughto. is visit - Miss Edna Brock returned Tuesday from Chatham and Toronto. Mr. Ben Grigg of Waterloo visited over Sunday with relatives Here. Miss Hall of London was the guest of Miss Carrie Dyer over Sunday, Mr, E, J, Spackman of Toronto vis- ited here Sunday with his parents. Miss Harvey, daughter of Mr, Chas, Harvey left Monday for Whitby. •- Mr Geo. Armstrong of Paris is vis- iting hie brother, Mr I. Armstrong, Miss Vera Sanders of Detroit visit- ed relatives here part of last week. Mr B, W. F. Beavers and family vis- ited in Toronto and Brantford last week. Messrs, Geo. Bedford, Geo. Crawley and a A 112cDonfellwere Londonthis ri in 1 n week. Mrs. James Fairbainn of Winnipeg spent Tuesday here the guest of Mrs. Fish. Miss. Viola Penbale has returned from a visit on Stag Island, near Sarnia. Mr, George McFalls of . Biddulph visited Mr. and Mrs. T, C. McLeod over Sunday. Mr and Mrs. J. Hill of Crediton have been spending a few clays with relatives here. ..I '1' Brad, r. Wmrecently with W H, Levett, has secured a position in De- troit and left last week Mrs. James Wanless of Duluth, with her two daughters, is visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy, arriving Friday. Mrs G. Cochrane of Berlin is visit- ing with her father, Mr. Wm. Leavitt, Mr. Cochrane also visited here over Sunday.4 Mr and Mrs. J. Mogg of Auburn, Washington, have been the guests of Mr. and •Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook for the past two months: SUBSCRRBE FOR: TEE AND GE'11 ALL THE NEWS. THRESHING COAL Just received Cen- tralia at Cn tralia a car of Coal ebpec c, ially for threshing. ISO R. G. 'SELDON Exeter, — Ontario STEWART'S Where Reasonable Prices Prevail. 15 Ladies' New Model Suits • This season we have secured from one of the best manu- facturers in Canada fifteen of these -Model Suits, Every suit has come through the hands of expert workmen and is finished with the best trimmings and linings. No two suits alike. The cloths are .very natty and are of high grade fab- rics. The regular prices of these are from $25, to $10. We have marked them for quick selling at $18,50 and $20.00 New Fall & Winter Coats They are an entire change from, last s.eason's garments Don't wait until they are picket over. All the newest styles and cloths are now on display in this department. • MILLINERY The new trimmings and shapes and the new models are being prepared for our openings, We are now ready to execute any advance orders FLANNELE'T'TES Ne wflannelettes have been placed in stock and are now. ready for the early buyers. See our leader in the new pat terns 361n, wide for 121;se. NEW DRESS GOODS Many new fabrics make. their first appearance. We have: a wonderful showing at New Silks, New Velveteafs. New Dress Goods and Suit- ings.: We invite you to see them. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Our special lines of Fall and Winter underwear are here. You will be surprised when you see the garment we are selling this season for $1.00 J. A. STEWART ur Store Will Solve . Many y a Wedding Gift Perplexity r. When you are purr:leasing a present, it is a matter of money and what you want—nothing else. Then this is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A good variety of articles, selected from the larg- est stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. Tbese goobs are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing clone and guaranteed. MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician p. Exeter, Ont. FOR Q SALE That 'nicely situated, comfortable and up=to-date frame cottage on the corner of Maur and Victoria Streets Good kitchen, cellar and woodshed hard and soft water. Possession to suit purchaser. For terms and. par- ticulars apply to D. Mack, Exeter, or T Cameron, A.uct., Farquhar. 14. RoWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License 15c. buys the best Talcum Powder , Completion Cream Tooth Paste , , Lemonade Powder a good. Hair. Brush Tooth Brush .. 3 good Jap Fans and hundreds of other Articles at Powell's Bazaar PHONE 55 Big Variety Store TG FARMERS WANTING TEN, • Farmers wanting. blared men Lora neat seaernr ehousd place their orders at once oittuervk:ise there will be ditt:teulty Embalmer sect.zii g tap, Orders lett with the Local Government Employment Agent EXETER ONTARIO for tarts district, Advocate Ott:ce, or addressed thereto, will receive prompt • • attention C. E. SANDERS, Agent. JONES & MAY PHONE N. 82 P'illineryDisplay at. Sept. 13, and Following Week WHEN THE NEWEST CREATIONS FROM HATDOM WILL BE. ON OUR TABLES FOR YOUR APPROVAL„ THE LATEST PARIS AND NEW YORK MODELS WILL BE HERE IN AN ABUNDANCE OF 'COLORS AND STYLES, SEE OUR DISPLAY. IT WILL DO YOU GOOD. Winter Coats LADIES MISSES CHILDREN The best yet, no two alike and a big range to choose from. A bigger variety of cloths and styles are shown -here than ever. before. They are go- ing fast. Come and get your pick of the good ones. Early buying in the coat line will pay. you. Dress Goods Everything that is smart and new be found here in the season's best colors, Tweeds, Serges and Bedfords are strong,with Velvets iri Plain,Cord- ed and Fancy—one of the leaders. Furs Out furs are here, early, to give you .first choice, Persian Lamb, Persian Paw, Piscino Mink; Sable, Marmot, Fox, Wolfe and Thibet are some of the leadifg furs, Prices very moderate. Men's and Boys' Clothing The New Winter Clothings are all here and are a real nifty bunch • The nattiest _on the market, Suits Overcoats, Raincoats. JONES- 1'x.3' Headquarters for the celebrated W, E, Sanfof,+d. Olet.bing