HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-9-11, Page 5r.. DENTAL Dr, O. F. IIQUTAST,ON, L,D,S„ D?llf+ TEST of the. R.p.D.S. or Ontario and • 'ittadaate. of Toronto tinivereltyk -Oyer Dickson & Carling's law office, Closed Wednesday afternoons, DR, A. It. KINSMAN, L.D.S., D•T)..S„ goner Graduate or Toronto • University DENTIST Teeth extpacted-withoiut Pain, or any bad a*teets. Office over Qladtntrn rkltan +tt'e Office, Main Street, Exeter. I.Ec3Alr DiC C8ON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, 'Qons tnipeionerS• Solicitors for the Molsons Sank, etc. 1 ploney to Loan at lowest a'a.tea of interest Ofittcea-Matln-St., Exeter I. 'Ii. Caxitns, 13.A. L. H. Dickson MONET TO I+04 We ,have a large averment of Dotvats a prop- erties to loan artEaeurt and - village e G' lYr i>- erties at low rated of interest. GI.Ablvl:AN & STANDOUT Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter. 3. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assure= Company, aleo Fre Insurance in leed- fng Canadian and Britten Cormartias. Mutat-St., Exeter., T. B CARLINGI • Life, Fire, .Accident.: and. Plate Blass Insurance, Collecting accounts. and con- ducting' .auction„ sales. - Exeter, Ont. College At I Home Thousands of ambitious young pea ple are fast preparing hi their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities' You m+y finish at college it you .so wish Positions guaranteed. Eater college any day. Individual instruction. ffixpert tea• chem. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- . ada. Summer School at famous, $potton Basiness College, Lon- don. GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal SYNOPSIS OF CAP1ADIAN NORTH WEST LAND RLl'CIULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years old, may .homestead a, quarter section of • i lable Se,skatc,he Dominionn land ' orAlberta. Q7 The Manitoba' p- ,plicant nest appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- agency for the district. Entry -by pro- xy made be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister ,of in- tending homesteader Duties -Six months' residence upon .and cultivation of the land In each ,of three years, A homesteader may live within nine n.fles of his homestead on a farm e4 at least 80 acnes softely -owned and occupied by him or by his •tat,her, mother, won daughter, brother or sister,. In certain districts a homesteader &t good standing may pre-empt a quart ger-Isectien 'along side hes homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside upon the home stead or pre-eanption six months in each, of six years frolm date of home- stead entry (inciluding the tisne re- quired to earn- homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acre extra. A homesteader who iis.s exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain preemption stay enter for a pun; chased honiessead in certain distrt'ctei Price $3.00 per acre. Duties-- Must reside 'six months in each of . these years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the rdini,ster of the Interior • N-B.--ilneasti orixe�d (publication of this advertisement will trot •be patid, for. WHICH SCHOOL WILL I ATTENpi Write to -day for the catalogue tti ELLIOTT• Toronto Ont., It will help you to answer the question. Careful •iud- ment should be excerised in choosing • , a school. have You made provision, for employment during the Fall aft 1 Winner mon- ths or do you, wish steady ,;re-- nu,nerative work the year thrtugh Write us and secure the Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, free outfit exclusive territory. Over 60.0 Acres tinder cultivation. Established ov. er 35 years. 'A reputation for high grade stock and fair +Zeal-: h g. A. salesman can make mon- ey - Selling for its. We want an energetic reliable man forExeter and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. N.B.-Free catalogue on request ilionmemmomoultmummuimiwromat FARM volt SALES • The. ,anderaigned :is offering for sale that desirable 100 acre farms, situated: In the Towresh'sp of .Bidduiph, being Lot 13; Con. 1. Thera Is on the prerrti.seg a gccd frame dimes% barn withfounda- tion, orchard. The fad1x is -well drain- ed and all under cuifivation. Tills is an excellent bairn), well situated and wt,1t be 'sold reasonable. For further-pertic- ular'a apply to Sohn O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont. WM. XVILLY.` FARM FOR SALE -'The undersigned is offering for sale `Lot 0, North Boundary Stephen, con= twining 100 acres of geod land. There le en the premises a good frame house With starer cellar; bank barn with ce- ment floors ; 8 good wells, and a small orchard,, This Is ,a good grain or grass farm, or wloutd snake a good ;stook tarns. Situated two miles tent Eye liar';_ phone in hemmer. Will be sold reati+rttabile; •11'pr •pisrtinuts;ge,,'> PPW btl- the prentiees, er write the undersigned$ Fred Green. HaYi er !4. 5, iyhlttlpra, Exeter. BUSINESSAND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the aiteme Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College M. session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W,, Westervelt J, W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal t7 ANTO 7-•-' A ver prett weddiPg 1 IF ENS.41‘1,4 was solemnized in Wesley a larch y'ee, terd• y at; 0,1e 0'fi100k when Helen tvene youngest (laughter of Mt. and Mee• Williarxi Doherty, was unikitl. in ;mar- rifta to Mr, Samuel T, xiptlietrne of Saskatoon, Sash, CLAYTON ---It was with a�shock rd surprise and sorrow that h wff was received in town on Saturday morning that Miss Oarle h pT y had died suddenly in. Winnipeg the day before. Mies Shipley had left the previous Monday in company with her aunt, Mrs. Roberson of Regina, and, family who bad •been camping at Goderieh during the summer,with the intention of spending some time in the west in the hope that the change would prove benefietal to bear 'health. the remains were brought home for interment, A WINDSOR LADY'S APZ'111 L To All Women -I will send fres with full instructions, my home treatment, which yoaitively cures Leucorrhboa, U. ceratior Displacements, Falling et th womb, Painfull or Irregular Periodls,. uterine arxl Ovarian Tuioxs or grOlifihs RIso Hot Flushes, Nervousness, 3591- a.ncholy, Polus In the Head, Back or Bowels. and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our dos You can continue treatment at heal* at a cost of only;1BbeUt 12 ceatl4 a week hiy book. 'Woman's Own Medias' Ad- viser," also sent free on 'request. Write to -day. Address, Nide. M.Suarumattr Box. H. 840 Windsor. Ont. '.' Pandora Range will bot'. cook and bake at the same time its full capacity. This feature.andN many other exclusive ones will compel your serious consideration when you select your. kitchen range. 383 LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL ;Sl WINNIPtrG, VANCOt)VE1t ST. )Oh1N. H AMTLTofl w Itt CRY SASICATOON vOi EDMONTON e.3. Pandora Ran ;, ges are sold '• everywhere by good dea- lers who back op our .guar.- antee on this.;-;- dplendid, e r 11.-MCraoially ., S Sold in Exeter by T. Hawkins & Son Thr. MeDo4.aid" of 1'409 14 accolrr panted by Mre. 1,4c7Rofa'ld, arrived here last week,, and i preparing to pract- ise dentistry la the office, recently oe- cupi.ed by. D33, Sellery.--Last Week Mr Janis Moore had a severe attack of suh stroke,. and (s tinder the care of the doctor, -.-Many of quiz people at- tended Toronto Fair, and this week. they are going to London Fair, Next week it will be Exeter and Zurich. - The Labor Day local bowling tourna- ment was a successful, affair. McKay eI' y and Borthron won the trophy; and Hemphill, and Arnold the consolation. On Thursday evening last 3 rinks of Exeter bowlers were here and the game;, ended an exact tie. At high moon on August 26th the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. H. 1-I, Elliott of Shawville, Que., was rhe scene of a, very pretty weddirig, when her only daughter, Annie Edith, be- came the wife of Dr. George Mc- Alister of Georgetown, Ont., and a formet well-known resident of this village where he lived until he took his degree in medicine three years ago ROUGH MARRIAGE KNOTS. Pledges Under Which They Were Tied In Medieval rams. The matrimonial contract today is a thousand tinges more polite than it was i the middle ages. It.b:as lost the en- raging frankness of its medieval orig- 311111. In the good old days -when the bride Vf$ taken "for fairer, for fouler, for beitt'r. for. worse:' and promised "to be toixoru and bonny" to her husband, hor filth's. gave the bridegroolu one of tho bride's shoes as,. It token of the tr:lusl'er of authority. '• The bride was wade to fres the t•hange by a blow on the head duly administered with the dr- 4. duty 11111. 11 anon Siguitioant 3111(1 t.••„t a use of the artu•ie than our •rt t +,i'• r1stuu1 of thrt1wiug it after ta: anlage: 'i'Iie tlashtunic oath ,i ir,-.t hi ,rife. 1vt 11. t tantl bialys o1 i i '1 -'lit' might leave hlui .1.s a point r h,vu,r. lire erre. he h'a:$ snowed 1,3 'es -os 0)11 Ill. wife anti aliiltenlirt'1, t,o ,, ,1 1V,+Ish law lay's it -du vn !bat three toows with a broomstick -on only :,art of the lot-' 3 .'s• 0111 the 11314 is a i;lir alto - it t'.” while another lir„\i+ii-( tb 14 the sti' k ''le not lunger 111:113 ins linst;al„i'• :arm n,u' thicket• than his tinter 'l'he br,tlo. 1 ','ever. had her privy• le -res. In +01.1311:1 t -Outlines it 11':I•:lirr :r t;1)1 right 1ht' 'morning after the wedding *day to ask fur any stint of ttlutx ; .tt' nny estate that she 311,31 her hn'Irri1,1 ,-unhi nut 111 honor rel'tl7t• .\ ::esu that to be pretty sure of his hri+h's 'intentiou3'• to run su•-h a risk. These old ti:iit' marriages here often rd driven -linrgoins, 1vbh'h unbiash. 131g1y displayed a gootl deal of unlovely liniU:iit 50itiblauess Yet Ltbe rough kunts'th; t 'Vet•e find a tholNand y'ea1t:. hold faster than many; of t ho be- ribboned -and bejeweled bonds we tin gooteeiy adjust today. - New York World • The Metaphysical Society. The distinguished company of con- tributors to the first number of the Nineteenth Century was selected from a yet -more distinguished company of which Lord Avebury was a member. This was the Metaphysical society, founded by James Knowles and Ten- nyson in 1869. Its Members ranged from Dean Stanley • to Huxley and from Tyndall to Manning, and its meetings saw such unusual sights as the Catholic Manning, supported by two Protestant bishops, presiding over a discussion among atheists, deists and freethinkers. The Society formed the nucleus of the band of contributors who supported Knowles as editor first of the Contemporary and then of the Nineteenth Century. --Westminster Ga- zette. ° Had to Follow. One day a young colored man of sporty appearance dropped !net a coun- try ouptry livery stable and said he needed a job: He looked promising, so he was set nt work greasing the axles of a buggy. In a remarkably short space of time he reported the task finished, "Look here,” said his new boss, "do you mean to say you've greased all four of -them wheels already?" . "Well," .rejoined the new man: "I've greased the two front ones." "And why haven't you greased the two hind ones?" "Well," said the new man again, '•sn long's the two front ones goes all right the two hinds ones jes' nacht'lly got to follerl"-Everybody's. Lobster Twine: A than who had wondered what lob- ster twine was found the answer very simple. It Is a fine quality, stout twine an eighth of an Inch In diameter, made of manila hemp and originally intend ed for making the netted part of lob ster' pots. Lobster twine has conte also to be used on board vessels, both 5811 and steam, for serving ropes, for whipping ropes, including ropes even of wire, and for various other purposes for which a stout, durable twihe of this size might prove useful. There" is probably more lobster twine used now on vessels than for the purpose for which it was first made. Puzzled Hire. Mark Twain and his peculiarities were beim discussed' by an English class in a certain high school, One youthful' orlter''bad -der5 eloquently described Mark's petrsonal appearithce and had'latd uniiilal Stress on the nu tiipi'a , 4of4nessl"for +wearing.' white turns is u• ' a " li flee] •said '• 2iri:el °'liiitXC'Ii 1$tei�le youth. "+tydon't see bow the nubile ,knoWs whether h1s flannels were red vt white;',--lliktet,bod$'s htagazlnei. er..,..• Itis the right of everyone to Ilya and enjoy the cheerful life.. We owe It'to ouraelves and those who live with us to lige the cheerful Ufa. We, cannot do too if ill health take* hold 9f us, The wife, mother and daughter suffering from hotfleshes, nervousness, headache, backachs draggle -down feeling, or any other weakness due todisorders or irre¢piaritiep of the delicate fera*le organ* -ie not only a burden, to herself;,• but to her loved ones,, There afar a Irsmrdy. Ports' years experience bas proven trrnaistalmbly .that DR.. TIERCE'S Favorite prescripvtion will restore health to weakened womankind. For 40 years it has survived yyrejudice, envy end malice. Sold by dealers inmedicine in liquid or tablet form,: Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreacriptionTabletn can be bad of druggist or mallet: ma receipt of one -cent stamps -tor $1.00 or 60c size. Address R. V. Pierce. td. l).. Buffalo. N. T. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and rows ;.orate stoimadi, Um* stud bowels. Sugar-coated, tarty graoaresck3. PARKrnLL--Mr. and Mrs. M. Fenn of town announce the engagement, of Lee, daughter, Olive Le , to Mr, William F. Burgman, of Wingham. The marriage takes place during the latter part of September. Electric Restorer for Men Pbosphollol restores every nerve fn tba body to i re:1r to lion restores vim and vitality. Prerna nue decay and allsexoal weakness averted at once. Phoaphono1 will snake you a neer man: Prise tar box. or twc fat 15. Malled to any address. The8cobell Drug O o.. lit..Cstharin es. Out. Vgico OUVENIR (NEW IDEA SERIES) OME folks dread the winter- . because of the furnace troubles it brings Antiquated heating systems are cer- Willy a nuisance. Dust and ashes, sometimes deadly gas fumes, all over the house. Or hot air like a breeze across a desert waste -poisonous, dry, health -destroying air. All because conservative manufacturers would not consider New Ideas in beating. The SOUVENIR furnace makes the hot air system the healthiest, cheapest and best. ' It's built right—A solid. one-piece iron fire- pot—tested and selected iron at that --and flanges on the outer side to increase midi- Sting surface. The grate is simplicity itself—ashes easily dumped by a simple turn of the lever No place for clinker troubles. From base ring to dome every SOUV$vIR furnace is perfect, Ask for our new booklet. The SOUVENIR Fur»ace is made in-Ha,n,G,,,,. the stove centre cl.. r,.-.:, oy Thellamilton Stove and Heater Co. Limited Successors to Gurney Tilden Company, 13 certaimy does eliminate furnace bothers Every buyer of a Souvenir Furnace is presfnteal with o kora bond on date of Our- , ; diose. guaranteeing fiiepoi ,opainst cracks or breaks of any kind for 5 years. W. 3. Heaman, Exeter, will be glad to show the "Souvenir line" GRANITTRUNKRstVEZ Harvest Help Excursions $10.00 to WINNIPEG - VIA CHICAGO AND DULUTH Proportionate low rates to Edmonton and intermediate stations. Sept. 3 -Stations Toronto and Eaast & East of Orilla and Scotia Jct. Sept 5 -Stations Toronto to North Bav incl. and west thereof in Ontario Harvest Help special train Hill ;eave Toronto at 2 p.m. ort September 5th via Guelph and Stratford. gri011 • The Grand Trunk Pacific' Railway is the shortest and quickest route he- tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon Edmonton. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO $3.85 Aug. 23 ,to Sept. 6, inclusive ;f2.85 Aug. 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and 14 All tickets valid for return until Sept 9, 1913 Full particulars at all G.T.R. offices or write C. E. Horning, D,P.A. G. T. Ry., Toronto Ont. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Exeter to London and Return. $ .95 Sept 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13. $, .90 Sept 9, 11, 12. Special train for London will leave Exeter 8.02 a,m. Sept. 9, 10, 11. turning leaves London 10.50 p,m. All tiskets valid for return until Monday, Sept. 15 Full 'particulars from my Grand Trunk Agent. IL The Western Fair London, Canada THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Magnificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily Western Ontario s Popular Exhibition Sept. 5 to .13 Two Speed:Events Daily Fireworks Every Night $2,000,00 ADDED 'iO Tag PRIZl+2 LIST THIS ThAR Take a Holiday and''visit Landbtfs''+xhibition ''-'*. a in Western OntarioPsingXe False onl all Railroads SPRO AL 10,,, OUftSI'tll`i 1jA"l�t -Sept• $ilii, Uth and 2tb, Prize tiat4 end an 1etormsbloni+tr.ent tjstr hteretary W. I. REID, President A,' M, HUNT, Socretary