HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-9-4, Page 5Ker; DENTAL. Its ULS'XON, L,p.S, A,D,S; DENTIST if need of the R.C.D.S, of Ontario pa feradultte of Tor°RIO Univerrsety. Over Dickson & Carlin . a ' e lrsw offieet. Gored Wednesday afternoons, l 1R. A. R. KINSMAN, L,D.S,., fLono�r elraduate roe' Toronto Universitg DENTIST Teeth ext> eted without pain, or anyn bad aftests. Off_c.e over Gladmti.n 5t tan'tnary's Office, Maio Street, Exeter,. LEGAL DICKSON Ek CA]aLIIVG, BARRISTERS, Sal1ettfara, Notaries, Conveyancers, Com- missioners. Solicitors for the Molsone Bank, etc. Money to Loan atliaweet rates of interf.nt Offices—Main-St., Exeter L R. Carling, BA. L. I -L. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount oe private fends to loan on gamin and vt'ilage p1rop- ertiee at low rakes of interest. GLADMAN & ST'AN'BL19RY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter,. J. SENIOR 'Agent Confederation ,Life Assurance Company, also Pare Itar3uraaice In lead - trig Canad'ia'n and British Comi1an1es. Ma/,n-St., 111Xeter. T. 9 OMRL1 NG LIfe, Fire, Accident and Plate Gass Insurance; Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auotion wales. — Exeter. Ont. College At Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- pla.are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions asstenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servant', in fact every sphere of Business Activities You nasi finish at college it you so wisp Positions guaranteed. Enter college any clay. Individual instruction, Expert tea- chers. .Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec. ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educator& Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. Geo. SPOTTON B. F. WARD Presldeut Priv ,Si SYNOPSIS OF C Ax�DIAN NOItTE WEST LAND R'INpULATIONS lake.- ANY person who is the sole tread or a family or any male aver 18 years old, may homestead a, quarter section of available Domini r], land in Manitoba Seskatehewe n or Alberta. The ap- Plfcant roust appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- agency for the district. Entry by pro- sy made be made at any agency, on certain conditions by fla.ther, mother, soh,, daughter, brother or sister .of in- tendiria homgsteader, Duties—Sir months' residence upon} and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may Live within mime n.!lesi o,t his homestead on a Sassn of at 1,east 80 acries sollely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, eon daughter, brother or eIste-r In certain districts a hlomesleader &n good standing may pre-empt a quart eresection 'along side his homestead. Prier $3.00 per acre: • Duties—T4lust reside upon the home stead or pre-emption six months in eacihrof ,six years furan date of home- stead entry (including the time re- quired to .earn hotmestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted els laoaneetead right and can not obtain fi 94re4emptio,n may anter for a' putt- cha,aed homesseed in certain, dtetrictis Price $.3.00 per acre. Duties— Must reside six months In each of these years, ceulrtiv4ite fifty acres and erect a house worth $300, w' W. CORY, Deputy of the Minnetee of the Interior 14.9,"-Unnaillh,orized publication of thin advertisement wins not .be paid for, FARM FO.Rt SALE The undeeeIg'ned is offering for 13a1e that dessraible 1.00, acre faun, 'eetuated In the '1°o Wasb.',p of 9 ddulph, bethe;• Let le, Con. 1. !Tlh+erei i'a on the pr+eanksea a good fralmle etoulse, barn witb;,founda- tIon, oruhatjd„ The faxen is well drain- ed and 41 Wndetr eulftvatsnn, Villa fa an excellent femme Weil; situated and will be sold reaeonabie., F,or further partite- ulars apply to Jdhin O'Neil, ,Mooresville, Ont, W144, KELL7t# FARM, FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for aaao Lot • 6, North •Bourtdat'y Stephen, con- taining 100 acres of good band, There is on the premises a good frame house with stone cellar; bas* barn with ce- ment floors ; $ good wells, and a small or'chaxJ. This is a good grain or grass farm, or wlo•uid make a good stock 'farm. Situated two miles from Eaet,r• ; phone in houses. Will be sold reaso;naheel. For particulars apply on the prernilaes, er write the undersigned; Fred Green, Hay, or >3+. 8, Phillips', Exeter. L 'MLE X' Ml' Oscar Carpenter, London, is visiting relatives here,—Mrs, Dickson and Miss Maude visited at Mr. James Broadfoot's over Sunday, Little Miss Gladys returned hoose with them. -- Mr, and Mrs, Bolton and Mrs, Linden- feld Hensall, spent Sunday at Messrs Gordon and John Boltan's,—Mr, John GIenn , sr., spent the first o1 the week at Toronto Fair and visiting his daugh- ter Mrs'• Goodfellow. --Miss Ray Hot. - ton very pleasantly entertained' a few f a hero y ung friends on Friday after noon before leaving for Seaforth to attend Collegiate.. --Rev. John Ilar tof St, Marys was a pleasant caller among friends on Friday.. -Miss Jamieson of St. ,Marys spent the past week with Wm. Glenn's family. -.-Mr. Geo slob• kirk is on a trip to the west. lair. and Mrs. R, Bullard spent Sunday with friends here.—Mr. Wm. Glenn, sr„ spent the week end with friends in Blanshard.--.Miss Nan Horton has re- turned from Har'purhey,—Miss Mary McQueen returned to London Labor. Day to resume her studies,—Mrs. Phil- lilr Ryckman spent a week with • her son Grant and family, FREE TO YOU—AY LI SISTER FREE N°l FROM WOMENRY S SISTER S FFER4 I am a woman. x know woman's sufferings. I have found the care. I will mail, free of any charge, my hopme treat• wom n'stailotentisnatI want to tell I sufferer about this cure — yop, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to tell you how to cureyyourselves. at home without the bele of a doctor. Men cannot understand wom- en's sufferings. What we women know from ex- perlenee,.we know better than any doctor. 1 know that my borne treatment is a safe and sura cure for Leucorrhoeaor Wbttlsh discharge..Ulmentten,Dls- oor�PaaJ.ful Periods, or Uter•inef the wor Womb, pian Tassora. or Growths, also pains M the head; hack and bowels, bearing down teelints. nervousness, creeping fenc- ing up the spine, melancholy. desire to cry. bot flashes. wearieers. kidney and bladder troubles whrra caused ak.ssesreuar i want to send youbywea cosrepfrtsr i0 datiy s•to trsatsssatcurse:. entirely free to prove to you that you can. scare yourself at home, easily, quickI *ad surely. Remember, that it will cost you moth., be give tha treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about tz cents a week, or less thantwo cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Jest send ma your name and adds** a; tell me how you suffer, if you wish, and t will send you the treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. 1 will also send you tree at cost, my book—"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISED" with explanatory illustrations show- ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at horn*. /leery woman should have it, and learn to think ter herself. Then when the doctor says—"You must have an opera. tion, '• you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. it. cures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, l will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures I.eucorrheea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health Always result from its use. Wherever you live, 1 can refer you to ladies of your own loality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this soma Treatment really errs all woman s diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Just send was your address, and the free ten days' treatment fa yours, also the book. Write today, as you may not see this offer again. Address: MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box H.840 - • • W,lNDSONI, Det. Why should any other cereal be called "just as good" as G� CORN FLA Because Kellogg's is known to be•thebest and most nutritious cereal on the market— Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes is enormous as trade returns will show— Because howBecause another large modern factory, the best and most sanitary in Canada had to be built to take care of our constantly in- creasing trade— Because the imitator, knowing these facts and having few selling arguments for his own product chinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellogg's: But ---the flavorand thesustainjng qualities of Kellog 's Corn Flakes cannot be counterfeited* sold in big packages at iOc. Look for the signature. 93 l :i: Enamelled steel, round -cornered reservoir can be washed so clean and sweet that it can be used for preserving, etc., as well as heating water. Though a small feature, it is very important and, along with other equally important ones, places the Pandora Range in the lead of Canadian Ranges. See this special reservoir, before purchasing your range. 1 iti1jle v>a,%7%(l i' 'j'/� { ,, ,•t 1�• Pandora Ran - gee are sold everywhere by good des: lers who back te up aur guar- tee'_ antee on this ;splendid 'range --W-- London Toronto tslolt6real tVinnipeg Vancouver SLAM flamdton Catty Sa kataoll • ::i}::7eel 'i e: "eleteeee0 eieeelikileetiefeeeitillei;eeie. Sold in Exeter by T,.Bawkins San Sho Might. M9 war On. a visit to her grand 6.11 talo farm, and her enjoy - t cggntrrlife was somewhat Iv the apprehension of being by the COWS, One day her +Paler asked her to run to the baro 4 call h r grandpa, to dinner. Site �- but, espying a cow in the lot, 0 he. niulley kind, Wan back, cry 'Ob, manllna; there's, a cow out r ko 11 3 aaQe ou , ,B tot the window at gra meek looking bovine bee mother "Why, 11 ariorie, that's a inuliey cow She can't barna you, for she hasn't any horns." ` "But, mamlxta," exclaimed the child. "Om might butt me With her pompa- 'dour."—Harper's Weekly. A Handicap. The neatness of the New England housekeeper is'a matter of common re - Made, and husbands in tbat part of the ost{^glr; are supposed to Appreciate fweix' advantages. A bit of dialogue reported as follows shows that there may be another side to the matter: "M4L ,ba, have yap wiled the sink dry yea3" asked the farmer as he made final preparations for the night. "Yes, Josiah," she replied. "Why de you ask?" "Wen, 1 did want a drink 'or water, but I guess 1 cgs get along until moat fag."—Evef:yboders Magazine. Down to a Working Basis. -Will you be my wife?" he asked "Yes." she replied. "Very well. Now let's"get acquaint- ed and see whether we really care any thing for each other."--cbicago Rec., ord-Herald. interested. Husband (at pollee statlonl—They say you have caught the fellow who robbed our house night before last. Sergennt-Yes. Do you want to see him ? Husband—Sure: I'd like to grit to him. I want to know how be gut in ,without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for the last twenty years.—.udge. CROMARTY. sessearee Mise Mary Crawford returned from Goderich. Monday,—Quite a number from here attended the excursion to Goderich Monday. The weather was ideal and all enjoyed themselves.—A load of 20 young men motored tG Grand Bend last Saturday and ?pent the day. They report a pleasant outing.—The Mission Band of the Presbyterian' church intend giving a bazaar on the Manse lawn early in September.—The Misse. Margaret Mil ler and Bennor of Owen Sound are renewing acquaintances hi and around the village.—Mrs. Duncan McKellar is slowly improving.—Mr. Will and 'bliss Margaret Chappel attended the sun- eral of their cousin, George McMillan in Brussels Sunday.—The social under the auspices of the, tennis club held on George Wilson's lawn Monday af- ternoon and evening was a great suc- cess.—Messrs. Jetties Park and Lind- say ,McKellar left last Monday for the west.—Mr. James Park's new residence is nearing completion and adds great- ly to the appearance of the farm. -Dr. Wes. and Mrs. Hutchison of Saginaw Mich., visited the former's cousin, Mrs G. G. Wilson Sunday last. HBNSALL Rev. Hicks has returned from his vacation and will occupy his pulpit next Sunday; Mrs, Henry Cook is visiting in Tor- onto:—Mrs. 'Whale of Detroit is the guest of Mr. and, Mrs. J. V. Mi,lison,— Win. Johnston of Kenora is visiting his parents here.. -_Alvin Hemphill and wife spent a few days in Toronto. —Miss Stella Robson left for Toronto to complete her course at the Business College.—W. Moir, wife and daughter attended Toronto Fair. --Oliver Gei- ger and wife of Waterloo visited with relatives here,=—A, Taylor has the con- tract for putting in the water ank for fire protection.,—Miss A. Shirray and nieces have returned from Detroit. Miss Doherty of London is the guest of her brother Rev. Doherty,—Oliver Stevens, who has been, head miller at the Hensall Mill .for sometime, has gone to Montreal to take a position. His wife .accompanied him,-1l'Irs,ziilty of Calumet ivtich,, has returned home after a visit here.—Mrs, Geo, Walker, after a visit with relatives, has re- turned to her home in Guelph.— Dr, McDonald of London intends to start a dental practice herb soon.— Squire Petty placed a fine of $25 and Costs on a Cromarty and two Statfa mer- chants recently for peddling without a license, --The following left here last week for various parts of the west, Geo. Etobkirk, W, C. Wilson, A. Fair- bairn. Elgin McArthur, Ken, McArthur lay, Berlgough, Mrs, Uerigough, Mrs. A Dougall dattghter Cassie and son Will one `c C. 1^I r 1 .y, R . Dick. R. Drake, Mrs. KKepthfer. Mrs, Williams; Miss Will- iams Mr. Jacobi, Roy Green,; Walter Ilobk.lrl , hiss &Attie Pale, A. rw'tth spongy feet collects the Invisible �he'ae ms of disease,-sp ds tlisfmo' *yaw iimin wrr o oulr toad aunt poisons s no with t3rpbotd. Tbe! Blosqultowith Its hill 14 into a nsa. our veins 1i l►][�Alttt.# WE ARE 411 exposed to—such dangers—our only armor is food red. bloodl Let your stomach be of good digestion, your liver active' snd your lungs full of geed pure air and you on't surrender to any el the disease - hearing germs. The beat known tonic and altertitiv4, that corrects a torpid Iivrtr, and helps digestion ao that good blood is manufactured and the system nourished, is Dr. Golden,/. pierce's Medical !scout This famous medicine has been sold by medicine dealers inits liquid form for over forty yearn, giving great satisfaction. If you prefer you can now obtain Dr. :. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tablets of your firuggist et $L00, also in 50c size. or by snail --send 50 one -cent stamps, R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y., for trial box. ite?3lOit-S of Lifeare fully and properly answered in the People's Medical Ad- viser by R. V. Pierce, M. D, All the knowledge a young man or women. wife or daughter should have, is contained in this big Home Doctor Book containing 1008 pages with engravings bound in cloth, sent free to anyone goading 5o one- . Cant etampa to prepay cost of wrapping and postage. SEAFORTH,—Afr, and Mrs. Ta Beattie, Seaforth, announce the eel gagement of their daughter, Minn Merrill to J Ernest. Smith, B.S.A. Peterboro, the marriage to take pia Quietly' early in September. AILS A CRAIG.—Fire of rinkno'e origin on Saturday night destroys the barn of Edwin Philips, three Anil east of this place, together with ti season's crops and some implement It was with great difficulty that h house wax saved. ST. MARYS—St, Marys Catlloli Church was the scene of a prett wedding when i?iiss Margaret Wats and Mr. Stephen Tevlin celebrate their nuptials. The bride was atten ed by Miss Nora Welsh, while Mr.' 1 Tevlin assisted the groom. nY SUFFERED WITH BILIOUSNESS AND SICK EIVAD,AiCEIE Cal'dary, AltiatJuly 8, 291] L was a great Skfferer for a 1onp time vetfIn BlliOWemelss, Seek Headache and Liver. 'Trouble. Nothing seemed tc do nue any good. I had almost giver up In despair *heel I decided to- try FIG PILLS After talctiig about eiaif a box the head- aches stopped and my appetite improv- ed, I have just fineshed the fifth box and feel ate well ens ever. I can, •heartdlyr recommend Fig Plinks for stontachi and liver troubles. Mrs. a. Mary ElIson. Sold at all dexale'rieii in 25 and 50, cent boxes or availed by levet Vag Pill Co., St, Thomas, Ont. Sold at Howey's Drug Sure, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND - Subjects taught by expert instructors at the gfazeite, Y• M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free, Enter any time. 3. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal chartered Accountant 17 Vice -Principal ).- ie 'f 'e 'n d es �e s. e c y h 1 I Have You made provision for employment during the Fall and Winter men ills or do you wish steady re. numerative work the year thru Write us and secure Agent's terms, We offer the best ie ,he business. Pay weekly, free out''it exclusive territory. Over, 600 Acres under cultivation. Esi`ablishrd ov- er 35 years. A reputation for high grade stock and fair .'eat- ing. A salesman can make mon- ey selling' for us. We wan an energetic reliable marl for Exeter and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. N.B.-Free catalogue onrequest WHICH SCHOOL WILL I ATTFNI Write to-daa'ccy for +�thhe. catalogue o e1'�s > /TD Toronto Ont, It will help you tc answer the question. Careful iudg ' menet should be excerised in choosink a school, i Electric Restorer for Men oho$ h.No1restoreseverynerveinthebody to its tension proper ; restores rani and vitality. Premature decay and all sex' al weakness averted at once. PAosphonoi will make yon a new man, Price f3 a box,or tnon r,r f5. ., Mafit.ilCMed toM* ranyine., addOntress.. The Boobell neve Co CANADIAN `�sr DAC 1 r 1 C4,. HOMESEEKE R S' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th; inclusive, Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and,Return - 43.00 Other- points in proportion Return Limit two months. HOMESEEKBRS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m. each tTuesday. May to August. Lode ve. Best train to take, asc'fWinrupeg is leaetteeeeeleemornine. etlabling passengers to make all branch line cora ecti0fl& - Througia trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Particulars 'from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G MURPHY, D.P.A.;'C.P. t Toronto RAND TRUNK SYS EM Harvest Help Excursions $10.00 to WINNIPEG - VIA CHICAGO AND DULUTH Proportionate low rates to Edmonton and intermediate stations. Sept 3—Stations Toronto and Eaast & East of Orilla and Scotia Jct. Sept ,5—Stations Toronto to North Bar incl and west thereof in Ontario Harvest Help special train will leave Toronto at 2 pat. on September 5th via Guelph and Stratford, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tereen Winnipeg, Saskatoon Edmonton. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO $3.85 Aug.'' 23 to Sept, 6, inclusive ;$2,85 Aug. 26 and 28, Sept. 2 and t4 All tickets valid for return until Sept 9, 1913 Full particulars at all G.T.R. offices or write C. E. Horning, D.P.A. G, T. Ry., Toronto Ont. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Exeter to London and Return. $ .95 Sept 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13. $ .90 Sept 9, 11, 12. Special train for London will leave Exeter 8,02 am. Sept. 9, 10, 11. Re- turning leaves London 10.50 p,m, AU tiskets valid for return, unci` Monday, Sept. 15 Full particulars from my Grand Trunk Agent, The Western Fair London, Canada THE GREAT LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION $27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Magnificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily Western Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 5 to 13 Two Speed,Events Daily Fireworks Every Night `82,000,00 ADDED TO Tan RRIZ1; LIST TITIS YEAR Take a Holiday and gisit London's Exhibition Single Fare on all Railroads it( Western Ontario SPECIAL, EX0I7EStON DATES—Sept, Stb 11th and 13.. p , tit. Prize Lie td and all information from the Secretary i . J, REID, President A.' 11I� fflJ TT, Soct'etary f •? •