HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-9-4, Page 41 7-71 etgr tirrOIXLt?, Sander:e & Creech, Proprietors in. advance $1.00 per year in Canada 41.50 in. Unitstd States. If not paid do advance 50c. extra per year may .'be charged le SEPT '4.;;'z' 13. • The British tax -payer is still hear. Ins the burden of naval defence, =shanks to Laurier and is Senate. —p•— The second anniversary of Canada's. .. efusal to become an adjunct of .the United States is rapidly approaching --.0 The: Borden Government has taken • up the problem of prison reform and a commission has been appointed to • _o into the whole question:. This is )ric of the great problems of reform `:.ha! the I..aurier Government left Alone, This is the task appointed -To hold 'the vision of a final arrival at some. fitting destination; to maintain un - 1 to t;: -,ed a sense of p, rson'al worthi- ness • to be defeated in each foolish dream of the younger life,. and to be disciplined in a larger vision, Made more sure by adversity; to be dela y • od for most of a lifetime -and yet to believe in the strength of the human -spirit to surmount pain, outlive 'dn, and defeat malice and envy, to be- lieve in the gradual but all conquer- ing power of good, will to be sad- dened but not embittered; to be beat- n but not conquered. That is the stern business set before us. NEWSPAPER) LAW 1-A posttnaster is requ;red to ,give 1iotice by letter returnee the paper does not answer the law, when a,subacriber -.does not ,take Ihti.'s paper out of the Office and state the reason for Sts not 'being taken. 'Any neglect to do so -makes the postme.ster responsible to the -publieher for payment. 2-11 any person orders lets paper dia- •ranttnued lee must pay 41 areparagee or the publisher may continue to esad t until payment •za made and collect the whole amount whether the paper Is tak- en from the effete or not. ,Theme can 'roe no legal discontinuance until pay- ment is made. 3 -Any psrso who, talks -a paper „out of the Post Office, whether diluted to iris name or not, olt whether he ha,s subscribed or not, Js responsible for the pats. 4 -If a subscriber orders his paper stopped and the publisher continues to • send, the subscriber :s bound to pay Tor it 'tt slse to10.0. it out of the Pets: Office. Th_s proceeds upon the 'ground that a man must pay for 'what :re uses. 3 -The courts have decided that .re - `fusing to take newspsipers or 'parody - els from the Post Ott3ce or trenhoving leaving them uncalled. for, Is prima facie *nyider-ce o: intentional fraud. The Spotton Business Colleges, - which re -open for a Fail Term 011 .Sept 2nd are the largest trainers of young people in Canada. They • are filiated with the Connie r : ial Edv- .,.ator Association of Canada. and 'have a :hain of seven colleges, 0f which the Clinton Business College is a worthy link. There are many • - reasons why 1: oung people should at- teno one of these colleges as we have .. over two thousand g.adnaates per • year and these schools have e;nen :-establisited during the last thirty 'rent Every graduate is guaranteed ., posi- lion consequently no young person • need hesitate as to pining a foot - :101 i in the business world_ "In a multitude or counsellors there is ,2isdo•r,-"corsequentiy having aver 'thirty teachers in these various i'oI- iegss. we have been, able to pick out a curriculum which very far ur- passes that of any other school. The famous system of Bliss book -keep - :log is a leading feature in the Com- -nrercja1 Departments, and in the Sten- o raphic Depart::rend students inae "rase either Gregg or Isaac Pitman .short -hand- Those who cannot enter of the opening on Sept 2 may --'neer .ani- other day of the year as each student is instructed individually at his own desk. Those who cannot t n- •tei at present mai- study at home through our Horne Study Department, without any further charge. The Spot - ton Business Colleges have trained .len, of thousands of young people and consequently are in a position to train other ambitious ones. Those de- sirous of improving their condition in lift should write to the Clinton Busi .mess College. Clinton, Ont. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN 'GRAND TRUNK TRAIN SERVICE FROM TORONTO Train leaving Toronto 10.15 a. ay, daily except Sunday for Penetang SVharl will be discontinued from All- .ndaie to Penetang after Saturday, Sept. o, but will run through to Hunts :eine and North Bay via Muskoka Wharf commencing Monday, Sept. 8. MUSKOKA EXPRESS, leaving To- • • onto 12.01 p.m. daily, except Sunday feu Muskoka Wharf and Huntsville, tail? bt. discontinued after .Saturday,:, Sept. th. BUFFALO MUSKOI A EXPRESS iearitm Toronto 2.20 a.m. daily for M?~aumssic,ka Wharf, Huntsville, Bark's ani North Bay, will be rlisteon- "tinueel after 'Sunday, Sept. 7. BUFFALO EXPRESS, leaving To- ronto 32,05 a.m. daily for Niagara Fall: • and Buffalo, ala, will be discontinued' after cicadas, Sept. S. Train leaving Toronto 1.40 p.m Sat - :Sat . only for Jackson', Point be discontinued after Saturday. ;_Aug. 0. Tract .eating Jackson's Point 7.30 ia:rn Mondays only for 'Toronto will 7,3be -nn an Tuesday,. Sept. 2, 'nstead of Monday, Sept, 1, and will he dis- co:rtlnued after that date, Through Pittsburg SIeeper on 4.32 ,Tr.n: tr3;1 r'rorn Toronto will be dis- t -.mallet:ed. is.-oUnued. alter Saturday, Sept, 6. "Last Puliina.i Sleeping Car for 'King Ston' 'ii"har.•' will leave Toronto H3,45 :Saturday Sept. 13, and leave King - stone Wharf 12.20 a.m.: for Toronto after Monday. Sept. i5. 1 PRACTICAL, HEALTH HiNT•. Constipation. Prunes. washed and eaten raw are very good for this trouble Eat sly: or eight a day as many days es Necessary. Dates are also good, eaten. ><n the Same way. An apple, at bedtime is a great help. Eat brae muffins every day: These are simple remedies and require time and patience. What helps one person has no effect upon another The best way to regulate this trouble is by diet Instead of mt'divine a cupful of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast Is also good. and. above and before all. regu tar habits. ••M,.• -•,••-i, N. • • • . 0 HAD AN EYE TO BUSINESS. American Picture. Dealers Now Have Europe at Their Mercy. "The United States is now selling Lim'opeau pictures at a great profit and is no longer .buying in aur market." 'These worlds of Berheim, a former pit•ture dealer. sum up the present eonditiou of the pis•ture market. where in, an, dozens of sales this year have shown, there hots- been a slight fnllim_ ulr in prices. For several devades the Americans have,. been cleaning up al. the Europenn salesrooms. sometimes paying a nrie•e which brunuht them ridicule from col eetor•s and dentine- on enimon this side. Nuw it is apparent. bow ever, thud the Atnerteans hold a coni meaning position in the world's pk•ture market, and the European dealers are glad to goto the United. States to buy back works of art at a price yielding handsome profits to the .American pur e liaser5,. Tbe• impression all along has been that these European purchases were made with the object of forming mag niticent private art e•oilections In the United Stater and that the higher prices sometimes paid for coveted pie tures merely reflected the keenness of American connoisseurs to take the best Europe had to offer. it is now felt however, that many of these pert -Mises Were made as a business investment by the shewdest business men in the world who are now giving Europe an opportunity to reacquire the canvases at /wives yieiding,a eonsidertble profit to the Americans. -Paris Cor Pbiiadet phia Ledger SLEEPING IN DOSES. Short Slumbers Said to Be Better Than Long Ones For Invalids. Freneb°physicians are claiming won- ders for the benefits which result from sleeping in doses. Too long continued sleep has a tendency to stupify rather than to strengthen, while 'a shorter sleep, repeated at intervals through the twenty-four hours, has a much more stimulating effect. Experimentshave been made on pa - dents in the free hospitals and clinics who were suffering from mental de- pression and physical exhaustion. They were allowed to sleep for three hours and then stay awake for four, again sleep for three and then awake for four, and so on through the twen- ty-four boars, and their recovery was found to be far more rapid and sat- isfactory than that of those who slept for long periods and then were awake for correspondingly greater lengths of time. If this tact :becomes universally rec- ognized end established as a truth there is no prophesying what strange results may occur. for if alt people 3ecide to sleep in such spasmodic snatches there will have to be consid- arable of a change in alt business ar- rangements, -Chicago Tribune. • Natural Bridge In the Philippines. A remarkable natural bridge in the Philippines was recently discovered by Mr. Paul R. Fanning. Although only about thirty miles south of Manila, it is believed never to have been visited before by white men, and it is the first large natural bridge reported In the Philippines. It is on the Lucsuhlm stream, a couple of miles west of Shang. Tibe stream runs through a canyon, ascl the space beneath the bridge forms a tunnel. about thirty-five feet broad and some 250 feet long. The floor of the bridge, now about 180 feet above the stream, bears evidence of having ounce been the bed of the latter.-Pbliippine Journal of Science. Want the Lions Spared. Though the natives rejoice whenever a tion is kliied, the intelligent African !Berner does not take the same view of :he matter, protesting that the lion is really a great help to hem, killing. as ie does. other animals which . prey on 'he planted crops. In one seasonit is •tairned 'that 350 lions were .slain, and 'his number, It Is estimated, would acre been ses_ponsibie for probably 30,- )00 zebras and antelopes, which des troy valuable crops as fast as the farmer ran plena and grow them. The agrieulturlsts deellare that if the lions are left unsianghtered for a few years hey will so reduce the crop destroyers hat farming will yield large profits. Artificial Meat Aetificial ;heat that closely resembles hutrber's meet in taste. but has great- 'r fond value. is 'claimed to have been .see-Ne•ed he 9r Reigfen chemist, The learicia'l tautest to made from malt trains wlriiauli are rs'stshetd, pregged and 'reefed Leith turlphorir acid and limn,. i lye nlaest le+ theti filtered and dried intil it hes cite+ atetwarenee of n Matt' `froi has 'ti1ar tiff vor of real :.flesh.-. l`Optila �iicbaralCs• COURTING A MILITANT. Miss Nanoy, O'Neill was s suftrasette lady Decidedly tuilitant, too. Who was loved by an Wellman, plartin oray, But vaQinlyd, indeed, slid be woo, , For Nancy Was busy at blowing houses And kicking the chancellor's oat And so had no time to he thinking of spouses Or frivolous subjects like that. With bonbons and flowers poor Martin Unlaced Iter, But �tancy wan deaf to his suit Though gently and sweetly and kindly Wooed her, At all hes r at p opcs s she'd hoot Till finally, wearied of being so tender, 8o patient and placid and calm, He gave up the homage he, once used to render And sent her a dynamite bomb. Fie true,:pted her garden with ardor most fervent, Cast bricks through her windows with zest, Set fire to the house and abducted her servant, Attempted to poison her guest. So Nancy said: "How can l ever resist him? Such mtlitance beats me," she said. So she put her fair arms round his neck, and she kissed bim, And now they are happliy wed, -Milwaukee Journal up he Her Mind Relieved. -Well." said the artist's wife, -'I'm glad on one account, that Reginald bus become a-cubtst." "What Is that?" her friend asked ••1s he making more money than he did while he was painting real pic- tures.?" •'No, he realty isn't making as mach, but formerly he had to hire girls toact as his models Now allbe needs is a pile of kindling wood." -Chicago Rec- ord-Herald. eyord-Herald. e A Horse Deal. In the hay market one afternoon re- cently a couple of farmers stopped to talk crops and horses. "Are you in the market for a good horse?" asked one. "Always ready to dicker," the other answered. "Ever see that little bay mare of mine?" "I think 1 know the critter." "How'd yon like to own her? She's yours at rock bottom price." Gathering up his lines preparatory to leaving the spot, the other farmer replied: "Well, John, 'I'd buy her this morn ing, but I bate to bust a dollar."- Foungstewn Telegram. The Lawyer's Choice. A judge and joking lawyer were con- versing about the doctrine of trans- migration of the souls of men into ani mats. "Now," said the judge, "sup pose you and 1 were turned into a horse and an ase. which would you prefer to be?' "The ass, to be sure," replied the lawyer. "Why?" asked the judge. "Because I have beard of an ass.be- ing a judge, but n burse never." -Phil adelphla Ledger He Knew Women. Teacher -Bobby, is this sentence e•or- rect: "She'll go whether she wants to or not?" Robby -No, miss. Teacher -Why not? _ Bobby-Becsnse she won't gp if she don't want to. -Boston Transcript A Cranial Qualification. "They used to nail bim bonehead." "That was before be succeeded_" "Yes. Now they espress It different- ly. They aril him a man of bard, solid sense. Washington Star. PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. Brushing the Teeth. In brushing the teeth use the brush downward for the upper teeth and from the gurus upward for the lower teeth. By this method the bristles go between the teeth as well as over the front and sides The teeth al- ways must be recognized for what they are -invaluable ad- juncts to both beauty and health. Consequently to pains are too great to secure perfectcleanil- ness of the teeth and mouth. If there is too much acidity .in the system . the teeth will deeny quickly, and much suffering 'will be entailed. To counteract this an alkaline dentifrice should be used. 1f the teeth are yellow or sbon"' discolored spots a utile powdered pumice stone -carr be used. It should be slightly moistened so that It will adhere to the orange wood stick with tvhieh it is .cabbed on the "pots. After brushing the teeth an antis selatte month wash should be need i i 4 i CLINTON-Two well known young Jeople were married here on Atig'ust 27, Mr. Walter l:lolrnes of Edmonton, ;on of Robert Holmes, ex-M.P., to Miss Irene Pearson, daughter of Mr. John Pearson, of Stanley Township. There is more Catarrh in this section of ttse coun trythan all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he tnearebia. For afireat many years doctors pronounced it a local dl e ease and prescribed Local remedies, and by eonatent. ly tailing to cure with local treatment, proetoenoed it incurable. Science has proven catarrteto be a constitutional disease and therefore requiree oonsti- tution+ri treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure, nuaunlao- Lured by F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, le the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teespoonfol. it nets directly on the blood nud mucous snrsaces- of the system. They ober one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to curet Send for dreams e and testi. menials. Address: F, J. CIIFNEY'' & CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by D 'ggists, 76 cents, Take Iia family pills for constipation. ZURICH .hiss Flossie Hartleib attended the Toronto exhibition, -Mr, and Mrs. J Preeter and Mr. and Mrs W. L. Sie- bert attended the funeral of a relative at Stratford last week.- -Preparations are being made for the Fall Fa it on Sept. 17 and 18. -:Messrs. Lee Hoffman and Geo. Hess attended Toronto Ex- hibition last week,-13iss Reta Sey- mour of Stratford is spending a few days with her friend Miss Esther L ie- boId,-Mrs. J. Ort has returned to Zurich after a visit 'with her children Zin Mich. -John Hey, sr., has disposed of his 25 acres at the Babylon Line to Messrs, Dan Staubus and Debus and has purchased M. Jacob Howald's pro perty east of town. -Mr. and Mrs. 3. Smith and family of Detroit, are vis- iting in this village. -Mr. James La- mont .who has been in the United States for nearly 30 years, is visiting his brothers Messrs. William and Peter Lamont It was 26 years since they had heard from him and his visit was a very agreeable surprise.,- Michael Stumpf of Mildmay, formerly o fZur ich ,met with a serious acciudent last' week while working on a church: The scaffold broke and parts of it fell on the unfortunate man's head rendering him unconscious. He is still in a very serious condition and may die.-Char- les..son of John Hartman of the Gos- hen Line, while out hunting, climbed a tree and fell sustaining a f racture of one arm and a badly cut face. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS ASTONISHED RHEUMA Acts on Kidneys,- Liver and Blood the First Day -and Out Goes Uric Acid Poison Anybody can afford to pay 90 cents to get rid of terrible • Rheumatism, Sciatica or Gout, and that's 111 RHEU MA costs at W. S Cole's and he says if it doesn't do all thatejaim- for it, money back. It's wonderful how speed -ay this shnple remedy takes hold esti bow the sore muscles limber up asd the swollen joints come down to normal. Make no mistake-RHEUMA - costs but little but it is the best remedy you can find to drive Rheumat s on from the system and bring back health to misery -racked bodily "I had Rheumatism for a long while and tried many medicates, but was not cured until I used RSA I cannot praise RHEUMA to bgh1y. My advice to those suffering from Rheumatism is to use this grail rem- edy as I believe it wii,l effect a premanent cure in any _ageaRese. B. Langham,Sattes, W. Va., Aprils 1912. Canadian National Exhibit EXPANSION YSITAI New Livestock Department Everything in .Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Go -1"" Exhibits by Foreign C Acres of Manufactures 1 MAGNIFICENT ART EX. Paintings from Germany, United States and Ca Educational Esktibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Shote America's Greatest Cat ,Sia AND NERO Tee BURNING OF R The Musical 'Surprise The Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus arid Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival IRISH GUARDS 3AB ,• Score of other 7Fannou s 73atat> Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the Airship Withington's Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Double Bill Of alir wol 'ill # PATRICK CONWAY'S Aug'.2.3 1913 TORONTO THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V,O., LL.D., D.C.L., President JOHN AIMS General Manager Assistant General Manage! ALEXANDER LAIRD CAPITAL, C , REST, $12 500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $i and upwards. Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may bo opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. at EXETER BRANCH -G. 3.4 WAUGEI, fd.ana¢er, Branch ileo at Crediton yvvvvvtle PURE— PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE Arco SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to nn'e• AA AAAt.nnniMnnnAnnnea 1 nnnnn, r, ,gin O.aA#•.At aimeerm.aa► FALL TERM -FROM SEPT. 2 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. CANADA'S BEST BUSINESS - COLLEGE We have three departments, Com- mercial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. Courses are thorough and practical. We have a strong staff of experienc- ed instructors and our graduates•neet with success. Write for our free cat- alogue and learn what we are doing. D A. 'McLACHLAN, Principal. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative t cheap imitation s. the female de Tsystem. sold atn 16 a boy or three for 510. Mailed to any address. 1'%s Scobell Drug Co.. St. Cgthariaes, Oat. Very •Woman is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel WhDouchining Spraye ask your druggist for it. I? be cannot supply ,the MARVEL, accept no other, bat send stamp for illus- trated book -sealed. It gives full ctions invaluable 0 ladies. WTNDSrticulars and Oli SUPPLY CO ,Windsor, Out General Agents for Canada. The lVlolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital & Reserve - $8,700,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT ., ..., . TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ,.-... , - , BANK MONEY ORDERS ...... ........ . Issued SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at'ai Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH - Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Divas= & CABLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Manager, ls; Manure Spreaders Make the machinery do the heavy work, and . always get the best. We handle the very best - Irnplements Also Litter Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stanchions Nothing Better and nothing quite so good. Wes. Snell Implement Agent Exeter, Ontario e. m ac Se p1. ]h a8 rty cei so. tet 1 an of we a ow fat or I) goc ere Pri i D etc: east ete: gull cult A boar chs. Priv reel year a he Ile 14 :1 this