Exeter Advocate, 1913-8-28, Page 5DENTAL
p rS fi.• P'. ktc?'Lf7irSTON,
t DIIlN,71'�ST ..
idenel er of the kt.C:1R.S. of Ontario anis.
slot** fitr4a4ttate of Torontp- 1.1111vererlt7y
r Otfeeei-Orer Dickson &CA"rlfllg'a law
,thele. Closed Wednesday afternoons.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, I,.Z?,5., DMA,
Donor graduate of Toronto Llniversit9
Vette extea,cted without pain, or ' any
bad erfeofs. Office over, Gledrne,n ,&
eltan'tiuxy's Oft -lee. Main Street, Exeter.
Solieitora, Notaries, Conveyancers, Coin-
udessioners. Solid ors for the 1slolsoirs
Hank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest antes of interrixt
Offices—Main-St., Exeter •
t. R. Carling, B.A. L. II,Dieltson
We have a laage amount of private
Binds to loan on faawrn and village prop-
erties at low rates of srnterest.
,Bact.:eters, Solicitors, 'Canter.
Agent Confederation Lite Assurance
Company, also bre insurance in lead-'
inig Canadian and 1 rftish Companies.
Mahn -St., Exeter.
Lite, Fire, Acnldbnt and: Plate • Giass
Insurance, Collecting.accounts. and cots.
ducting auotton eases. • tett+r Ont.
Vflpille FALL TERM OPENS SEPT •• -2nd
A New Catalogue of
WjNGld'A.M-.- "lze residence •af 1rs,
Madigan was partially destroyed •by
fire last week, whichstarted from
over -heated pipes in : the . kitchen,
wehich aeon spread over the house
consuming the entire contents and
gutting the whale interior. Prompt
action of the fireflies), prevented it
communicating with the glove factory
of W. H, Gurney adjoining:
Electric. Restorer for -Men
Pbospbonol rest es 01010 nerve In i'he adv
r.....-. »..,..W .. WI itg proper Avg ; reasi►ate;a
vina and vitality. From tere damp atfd all sertual
weakness averted at once. ripeeplutuoil will
Make:you, a new mean. price E8 a box, or two fpr
$6, Mailed to uny address, me Sc luell Dsug
0o.. tit. Catharines. Out.
Each Tuesday until October 28th: inclusive.
Winnipeg and Return - $35.90
Edmonton and Return - 43.00
Other points In proportion
Return/limit two months,
BOMESEEEERS' TRAIN leases Tororetre
2.00 p.m. each f.Tuesday, May to Annum,
inclusive. Beet train to take, as Rrinalpest'i4;
reached early morning, enabling passengers to
make ell branch' line connect -tom
Through train, Terento to
Winnipeg and West .
Pardcubm .from t;anadiany
trite M. G. 2�aus...., ae
D.P.A.; C.P. 87.i Toronto
DEN 1'SID,—The W, M, S, of
ley- church held their regular meet-
Inp, en Mrs, John Middleton's spacious
lawn All .the ladies of the congrega-
tion . were invited, also, all the mem-
bers of Granton ,W.M.S. There . was
a good representation from both soc-
ieties, even though the thermometer
registered ninty . in the shade. Mrs.
Wilson, District organizer, was pres-
ent and in her usual • bright a aden,
ter taining manner added greatly
to the program. Six new members
were added to the roll. 'Lunch was
served on the lawn,
aro all signs of . the system being
clogged,. The- Liver and Bowels are
Inactive wed the Stomach is weak from
undigested foods and foul ga.see.
the i rslat trait remedy, wilt mama you
Leel dike a. tneW persotfle
Winatitpeg, June 27,. ,11511
.. Atter talttalg three boxes of your Fig
Pills for stolmach1 and' liver troubles I
feel strong and well 'and able to do
'try own work,. bare. A. IT. Saulter
Sold at ail. 'dealer in 25 and 50 cent
boxes or encased b'y The Fig Pill Co..
St. Ttuornmtf.' Ont.
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
Toronto Ont., is now ready. Write
for one It gives ,full particulars cons-
cerning a famous school.
The undersigned is offering ' for sale
that desirable 100 acre .farm, situated
in the Towfnshlp of Etiddulph, being Lot
13, Con. 1. There' i& on the preane sea
a good frame house, barn *itis founda-•
tion, orchard,. The fanta ;s well 'drain-
ed and all under cultivation!, This is
an excellent farm, well situated and will
be, sold 'reasonable. For further partic-
ulars applyto John O'Neil, Mooresv1Iie,
Ont. WM. KELLY.,
The undersigned is offering for'sale
Lot- 6, North „Bocada.ry Stephen, con-
taining 100' acres' of goad land. There
is on the premises a. ,geed frame house
with stone cellar ; bank barn withce-
latent floors ; 3 good wells, and :a
,.orchand;. -This is a ;good `'green.
? or' vlusa farmw
, or ouii'l make .a good
stoc farm. Situated two miles :from
Exeter ; phone In: houses Will be Sold'
rea.so,.tabha. For particulars apply on
the premises, or write the undersigned,
. +u'Fred Green, Hay, or. B. S. Phillips',
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own homes to
occupy lucrative positions' as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fact every sphere' of Business Activities
You may finish at college if you so wish
Positions guaranteed, Enter college any,
day. Individual instruction: Expert tea.
deers. Thirty years, experenee. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.'
Affiliated with Commercial'
Educators' Association of. Can-
ada. Sumner School at famous
Spotton Business' College, 'Lon-
President Priaoipul
ANY person who is the sole head of;
a family or any male over 18 year old,
may horaestead a quarter section, of
available Dominion land ,ar Manitoba
Saskatchewan or Alberta, the "ap-
pl1cant ns.ast appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-
agency ,for the district. Entry by pro-
xy'ade be n ads .at any age.4ncy,: on
certain conditions by feather,' niothes:;
son, datnghter, brother or sister ,of in
tending homesteader`
Duties—Six months° residence iipon
and. cultivationof the land in each
of three .years, A homesteader flay live
within nine rt.'Ieaw•oit it'.is hoamestead " on
El. farnx oZ at least 80 acressollely -.
owned and occupied by hint or by his
•Cather, mother, seen daughter, brother
or leistee,
In certain districts a homesteader An
good standing rztay pre-empt a, quell
,erisection along side hds homestead.
Price $8.00 per acre.
Duties—resist reside upon the borne
stead or pre-emption six months th
each, Of six years from date of hoiae-
e'tead entry to e+laeding the t;drte re
:_"'1c ulred to earn lioreeigteed patent) and
cuuItivate Linty acres extra.
A homesteader wilts has exhausted his
hthr stead right and cannot obtainif
pt's -lampoon 'may ., , enter for a puri.
chia.sed ho,cnes0,eed iri certain d:.etn:et,s
MPrice Moo: per acre. Dirtics.—• kelt
reside six' tmomtitee 11t1 each of th >se
Year:e, cultivate tiety antes and erect
a house worth $300. •
w. 1OIt Y
Deputy of. the lvienister of the interior
N.73.—Unautihotized publication of
trate advertie•.etrflent oval mot .be paid Cr,o
always ATisit
(New Idea Series)
—It means quick sales
1 here you, have the decisive verdict
of a practical builder and contrac-
tor—the verdict of a man whose -
'knowledge of the science of heating
largely determines his income.
--lie always installs',- , ,
in houses built on
Spec' for the simple
reason that this
furnace means
quick sales.
Possesses many points of superiority'
that appeal' strongly tea discrimin-
ating buyers on sight. -
ot —
The Fire the heart
f the
p 0,�.
furnace—is con-
structed in such a
way that the maxi-
mum heat diffusion is secured with
minimum. foe; consumption.
are simple, strong
mrd easy to oper-
ate. It's always; ..
safe to installa
nate because tt us
generally known to
effect a. srviug of 25% to 50% in
fuel cmasump pn. Let us send you our
new gt
o .' .
The SPYTVEirIR 'furnace is made in
Hamilton; dab. slave centre of Canada; by
Every. buyer
Furnace is
legal bond on
chase; guar.
against crack
any kind for
of a Souvenir
¢resenkd with a
date of q pur+
s or breaks of
5 years.
Sanlmore to Gurney -Tilden Co. Limited
W. J. Heaman, Exeter,
will be glad to show the "Souvenir line"
ii Ela .,SLD
Miss Hattie Cameron, who has been
visitine her brother , in, the west, ter
two months has returned; -T- Xrs. II41c-
Ewen and Alex, lvlttstarcl left Monday
for Winnipeg to visit their brother
William who is in the hospital with
no prospect of recovers^ -°Mr, -Xarry
Magee has returned to Toronto after
spending .,a month at his home here,
Fie travelled to and fro on his motor-
eycle,—Mr, Harry Horton has been
engaged as teacher for the coining
year at the Magee school at n salary
of $700. -Mr, James Baird and sisters.
Miss Baird and Mrs. Harrison of De-
troit are visiting relatives in this
snits.—+fr,..Sauvage of Seaaforth eon -
ducted the services in /he Presbyter-
ian Church here last Sabbath:' Rev,
Hall Woods, the poster, is expected
hone: this Week.—Mrs. Moses. Colwill
an aged lady of the 2nd of Tucker
smith, is very ill at present,
All the claims growing out of the
recent fire have been settled.—Mise
L. Stevens of Leola, Mich,, and Miss
Iclie Atkinson of Windsor are guests
or Mrs. W, McKay.—Miss M. Ellis
and Annie Carlisle represented Cop..
ens Assembly of Rebelcahs at the
provincial assembly at Belville.,—Frank
Blatchford is just recovering frons
long illness, and is now able to get
around. -G, C. Petty was. in Toronto
recently -attending a funeral of a rel-
ative,—Mrs, John McLean of • Bel
grave has been visiting the home of
Hugh McLean.—Hugh McLean leaves
in a few days for the, West, where
he purposes to spend a couple of
months. -Rev, R. Hicks is taking ' 3
weeks vacation. During his absence
the Methodist and Presbyterian : on-
gregations hold union services, .con-
ducted alternately .in each. chlrch.
The onion crop s:ef , this •• section is,.
on the whole, better tthan the average
-Mr, Dejean of, the Molsons • Bank
staff is holidaying .in Detroit and
other points. His wife accompanies.
hiui,—Another mail route, Hensall to
l-Iillsgreen is in operation.. T. Murd-
ock : is trhe carrier.
The native benedicts held their
annual picnic to Bayfield Thursday.
Ther, were 32 in the party.,
Mr Garnet Steinbach was visiting
iu tc, e n,—Mr. and Mrs. Platt end
remits' of Detroit were guests at the
Dominion House.—Miss Rose Raerchcr
o` Berlin is visiting relatives hare.
Miss; Mary hipper who is visiting in
the village, leaves shortly for the
west.—Miss Tillie Well of Detroitis
spending a few holidays with her par-
ents,—Samuel Geiger of Saskatchewan.
is visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs.
Moses Geiger= -Miss Elsie Johnston,
who has' been visiting her sister Mrs,
Julius Thiel for a few weeks, re-
turned to her home in 1Kincardine.-
Mrs: Wm. Wagner visited her hus-
band at Berlin.—Miss Katie Campbell
visited her sisters in Berlin and:
Guelph. -Miss Lena. Denome who left
recently- for a trip for the benefit
of her health, is improving nicely. -
Duringthe recent thunder storm a
mare •: valued at $250 •owned bse John
B Fordowas killed.—The Labor Day
horse races; bicycle races and foot
races promise a big day„ -After , a
short illness the 13 -month old daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs., Russell Rother-
mal of Port Huron, passed away.—Mrs
Mary Ann Ducharme, widow of the
late. Eli Ducharme, sr., died atthe
home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Clarette,,Saible Line, having reached.
the age of 79 years.She leaves a fam-
ily of sons and daughters, and many
friends in -the •neighborhood where she
has lived so many years. The fun-
eral was held Friday . to Drysdale
fney Give 1•tia Neighbor an !naught
Into the Future State.'
A missionary returnedrecently from
rradia, wlit're be had spent many yearn
Ai the big.lmte-1 ne stopped at while in
linen he found little to complain about
-wept the absence of the very torrid
wr uces and spices to which be had be
...elle accustomed in the far east. For
mantels. he hard brought with him a
.anitply of hi. favorite condiment, and
,'v arranging With the head waiter
ibese were placed on his table, One
my another guest sawthe appetizing
bottle on his neighbor's table and ask.
ed the waiter to give him some of
"that sauce."
"1'm sorry, sir," said the waiter, "bur
It is the private property of this gen
The. missionary, however, heard the
other's request and told the waiter to
pass the bottle.
The stranger poured sonie of the
mixture on hill meat and took a liberal
After g moment he turned, with
tears in his eyes to the � erionary.
"You're a minister of the 'gospel?"
"Yes, sir.'i
"And you preach the doctrine of
everlasting fire?"
"Yea," admitted the missionary.
"Well, you're the flr'at minister I
ever met whocarried samples."—Fun.
How She bid IL
As a married couple were walking
down one of the main thoroughfares of
a city the husband noted the attention
which other women obtained from
passersby and remarked to his better
half: '
"Folks never look at you.. I wish I
had married some one, better looking."
The woman tartly replied: "it's your
fault Do you think a man will stare
at me when you're:walking with me?
You step behind and see whether men
don't look at me."
The husband hung back abort a doz-
en yards and for , the length of the
street was surprised to See every man
his 'wife pass stare hard at her and
even tarn around and lo9k after her.:
"Sure, lassie," he exelafined as he
rejoined her, "I was 1''rong Mid take it
/II never` sky aught about yotlr
looks again."" '
The wife bad made a face at every
mat she met.-Ii:xellange.
t1JIU U uijglklJll�ll0i1 Bill!! llllllillllllliMihllIwIll
.That Wonderful
pltll11pu1Glp lgllptlllglilltllillmoNIglU IpIDDIIIUII IImilloo011111piiIII111111i1( uluiIillll(lion`
P THERE is a time above all times when
woman shouldla b r# h f
bye . perfect p ys cal condition
It le the the* preftgps t9 ft* coming of iser babe.
During this Period puny women suffer from ligsgarbe,
sleeplessnesspan of various description . poor appetite,
and • beetol'.pther aliments which •should be elitnlntf ed in
Justice to the new life about to be ushered into thistaerld,
is a scientific medicine cmefuily compounded by an experienced and skittle;
physician and adapted to the needs and requirements of woman's deli te
system. It has been recommended for over forty years as a remedy for tiiroe
perirMhwhsdekeieipsounndfoeavpeod MotrhoodIwhich
byttsuee.. thsans o"the
benefited by, this great medicine.,
;Your druggist can supply you in liquid or tablet form or ytiu can send
50 one.cent stamps for a trial box of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Tablets, to Dr. Pierce, at Invalids' Hotel and Surgical institute, Buffalo.
Z 1`t. is your priviledge to write to Dr. Pierce for advice, and it will be gladly
given free of charge. Of course all communications are confidential.
1lliii81111i1iIN11I1i11111111iii11111IIIliillilpl111111 p@I11u11111 llllllu111111ii1i1llllWlllllilllllllililli(IVII1111111111411111pIil111111 1plu11M111 i11111111U11 ! I 1 ! 0
I i Uii l i �Upl p n Ilig(Iliili1111W0
Subjects taught by, expert instructors
at the
'Y, m. C. A. BLDG,.
Studentsassisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J, W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal charteredAccor Cant -
17 Vice -Principal
• Made By
John 'Labatt
• u.,ad
O.T. -
Via Grand Trunk Railway, plus half
cent per mile from Winnipeg to des-
tinationbut not beyond MacLeod_
Calgary, or Edmonton, returning"-
$18 from Winnipeg, plus half cent a
mile from points east of MacLeod
Calgary or Edmonton to Witnipeg,
Going Dates—
August 22 -From all stations oren-
to to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via
Stratford and south thereof in Ont-
August 25 -From all stations north
of. but not including main line, Tor -
ante. to Sarnia Tunnel, via Strat-
ford t.- all stations Toronto an l north
and ,east of Toronto- to Kingston.
Sept 3—Frons all stations Toronto
and east and east of Orillia and Scot-
ia Junction,
September 5—From all stations Tor
onto to North Bay inclusive, and .e -est
thereof in Ontario.
Farm Laborers' special • trains will
leave ',Toronto at 8.30 a.m.. on 'tu .
22nd via Hamilton and London. and
at 2,00 p.m. on Aug. 25 and Sept.
5th via Guelph:, Berlin and Stratford.
This is an exceptional chance to visit
the west, which is truly called the
land 'cif "Golden Opportunities" and
many prosperous farmers and busi-
ness tnen now residing in Western
Canada can trace the origin of their
good -fortune to a "Farm Laborers'
Excursion." The route via Chicago
is an attractive one, many large tt kes
and -towns being passed en rout:, to
break the monotony of the journey,
there being something new, to se Y ll
the time, The Grand Trunk Pacific
Railway is the shortest and quickest
route between • Winnipeg, Saskatoon,
Edinonto with smooth roadbed, cnru
the newest, •most picturesque, and
most; rapidly developing section cif
Western. Canada .
Ful 1particulars at all Grand 'Trunk!-
Ticker offices, or write C. E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, G. T.
ally. Toronto.
Farm ' Laborers Excursions
Plus half cent a mile from 'Winnipeg to destination, but not beyond Mac-
leod, Calgary or Edmonton.
$18.00 to Winnipeg, plus half -cent a mile from points east of Macleod
Calgary or Edmonton, to Winnipeg.
From all stations east of Kingston in Ontario.
Aug. 22 -From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, vie Strat
ford and south thereof in Ontario. .
Aug 25—From stations north of, ,it not including Main Line Toronto to
Sarnia Tunnel, viaa Stratford all stations Toronto and north and
east of Toronto to Kingston.
Sept 3—Stations Toronto and. Eaast & East of Orilla and Scotia Jet.
Sept 5 -Stations Toronto to North Bav incl and west thereof in Ontario
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be-
tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon Edmonton.
+3,85 Aug. 23 to Sept. 6, inclusive;12.S5 Aug, 26 and 28, Sept. 2 sad c4
All tickets valid for return until Sept 9, 1913
Full particulars at all G.T.R. offices or write C. E. Horning, D.P.A.
G. T. Ry., Toronto Ont.
Aug. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Round Trip Rates from Exeter to
New London; Conn. p• 25.13
Portland Me. 19.90
Old Orchard, Me. 20.20
Kennebunkport, Me.... ... 20.75
Murray Bay, Que2135
Cacouna, Que 23.50
St. Johns • NB 28.35
Halifax N:S. 30.35
Charlottetown P.E.I. 31,80
Sydney N. S, 34.85
Proportionate low rates to other
points. Return limit. Sept 4, 1913.
Full particular's from •illy
each TUESDAY until Oct. 261h
Winnipeg and Return $35.00
Edmonton and Return 43.00
Proportionate low rates to 'oth-
er points.
Return limit two months.
Through coaches and Pullman tour-
ist, Sleeping cars are operated to
WINNIPEG without change, leaving
Toronto 11.00 p.m., via Chicago and
St. Paul on above dates.
Tickets are also on sale via Ga: nia.
and Northern Navigation Comprny.
Grand Trunk Agent.
The Western Fair
Landon, Canada.
$27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
Twice Daily
Sept. 5 to 13
Every Night
Take a holiday and visit ;London's Exhibition
Single Fare on all Railroads in Wet:tert1 Otiitario
SPECIAL .U+"'x.U.i,SION p,A'TES—Sept, Deb, llth and 12th.
• • • triieliistsjend all tntormitioa tro;n the Secretary
MwoVV: X. REIN, President A. 14I. Hi7NT, Soeretary