HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-8-28, Page 1RENEW ZQ1 SU JSQBlaaraIQN. Novv le the tenni t o U In and haye your lubperIp't{UgKi to The Advocate l: We elm iP F1ve you r+17 local naves to coiffiae and Interthe esting and we b'1i a eve flue' up ;lalrrt. l•ieip along', th9 good era to tele TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR Cadges13ItI it�I'JI Tele des tee seaaoxz of the year weesa you are reriewfiia your newa,pa,per Bub, aartptiene, Tree Advocate Blabs with all zinc Otty Weekly -end Della eaPere and the IdaC•awlnes at terms ;that are ■' big Inducement, Cali arid get our nate,, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUG. 28, 1913. SANDERS & CREECH • Local Items noxi Mrs. James At Okinson is visiting in Oshawa. Mrs W. T. hesotu was in London Satterda . 4 .-. Y Mr and ,Mrs, A. E, Fuke are .in To. route this week, Mr. �'4''m. May was in Toronto this iveel;' on busixiess. Mrs. Quince has returned from a visit in Stratford. ' Mr W. S. Coy .of Toronto IS vis titin<_ Mr. G.' Bedford. 114uriel Evans of Ailsa Craig is c,isitin� Mrs, S, uance, G•• • , : , , , Miss. Annie Easterbrook es visiting with friends in Stratford, . . Roy' Shosenberg 'of London is vis- ting with relatives here, • . Miss Hettie Sweet has returned from a visit in Hamilton and Miss Gladys Bissett returned Tues- dap from a visit: wide relatives in Paris, t arid LTi, and Mrs, H. Eltvortt,ythe and Mrs •Wm; Sweet. are, on Mr. trip te, Detroit. 'Mrs S. Fitton; who has been vis-- item,, ,with. friends in Winnipeg, re; turned home last• week. • . • •. Mas:; 011ie Quince and; Miss Maud Rall'nc have retu n d o Q ' r e fr m attending the millinery openings in Toronto. . Mr_ and Mrs: Holmburgh and two chi•ldren • of Sault Ste Marie are vis- iting ,with. Mrs. Holmbur h'st g parents, lir, and Mrs. L. Da yg Hat, �YI1i Frank Knight of friends is shaking hands with friends in town this week On returning to the ,vest he will' remain in Winnipeg, ___ Mr. W. C. Rivers has recovered from his .recent • _illness, • Five rinks' of .bowlers. from. the Gran rtM Club, St, AT rj s, are here this Wednesday afternoon as we go * g o press. Messrs:• Jones . & May have engaged aSVTisc Shearer of Peterboro as trimmer in their millinery de art • • for Fall., • The' Antua'ersary Services of the 011 Stt ay, Sept.Church, to be held" on Sunday, Spt: 7, well be conducted by Rev. J. W. Tea Eych, B,A, of Hamilton a forme r rector. • was recti` ed e s iv h re ye terday of the death of the \vele of Rev. , R. 'Gundy of St. `Thoma, a formeri pastor o1 Main `Street Methodist Church. Tlie. remains'- vv' oold .. h iii •be br ught • here for burial 'to -day (Thursday)' •iii; the Exeter Cemetery.. .- Fal' Fair time F i im is now. on, •Exeter Fair dates"are Monday and 'Tuesday Sept._ 15 and 1,6. Q4lq, taro • weeks day before the big y comes. The dire actors are making all preparations nos. and we hope • the townspeople will render all the, assistance they can. --� • A wonderful fertilizer, SYDNEY BASIC ,LAG can be obtained from HARVEY EROS: MRS BLATCHFORD AND DAUGH TER INJURED, POTATO CANKER DANGER Crectiton lana, NIr, and or Thedford, ent7 :Mr. Mr. Wilk Ed Vi'illext':y a feet• daysa Campers' Some of v, have a rest but forget Mr. w opened Thos. Kluin finds business main. We barber ens should rneage and meat: i who have'`heen during the Detroit. Mr. John spending Monday school as He itis for two much Mr, Wm vtsit:n g Miss Chicago home Tuesdayto Her man; to welcome Mr Peter Evangelical conference ville. Mr. .Tobias deny iii of writing The attending poor hopes Miss with her wawa Mrs. visiting and her ' Rev the Conference, gehcal A lar a all wee • Mr', Aiellin Belling are visiting this week, don` Pollock dayin. _ g Eggert is expected of the on Sept. Sunday next week. of last week is fuer,-Miss Margaret rted here 1ti'TcPherson year wi•th Denom y- Mr. ;and and McGrath, Mr and daughter. Hockey to Mr. daughter Penhale-in and Hackney. Cora Tohn ths. Hockey the infant Geo. Gardiner le, William Usborne Heywood Heywood, iCooper-Iii James Courtice-In 9th, Elisabeth. late. John Y Mrs, Shepherd and childre visited the latter's pa) 'and Mrs. Gravelle Sunda. 1 o£ Michigan visited •; on the Mallard Line fr last week. are leaving for their hone the Gr•and: Bend orchards w; So many com4 cantpir thou shalt not steal'. ---.ea,- Potato Canker should not be `al- lo�vecl to galn a ;foothold in Ganda, It• , '. that is a disease'tit makes slow pro- m >Joan rc ss but where one broken out ik has deleecl every knoavii means. a£ conti•a1. With the a praacIz of the >, _ harvest,..all growers are par tieularly . requested to examine their for signs of ranker.' A ease g of 'potato canker escaping detection 'forms a source of future infection, The following information should helm growers' to detect and destroy the danger. .� 1, On discovery lie any, sign of the canker notify the Dominion Botanist Y i ' and submit specimen, when an inspector willbe sent toassist and p advise the grower as regards treat= ,rent. 2, Unless prompt action 'is taken the authorities are • notified to destro crop Y «hole affecte'tl; under •''The' Destructive Insect and. Pest'Aet'r and . ' the instructions of the inspect'orehalf be thoroughly carried out. 3 Cut off and 'burn al potato tops o •retrievingl p - ° t p i stal• ks •without them Froin the • infected areas. 4 Di, at once all potatoes on four Las in carefully hand pick them, and • those those already dug, and separate the tubers i - se t from those apparently or perfectly sound. S Place the diseased tubers in a pile and cover with earth. The in- sector will advise youregarding i their disposal: b. Al' perfectly sound tubers may be stored in the usual way, but none must be used for any purpose what- soever until the inspector has given permission. i 7 Allow no tubers to remain u1 the ground, nor ,any animal to have :access to an infected field, The or- ganism causing the disease is liable to be spread through the excreta of animals• having eaten infected potat- in a raw condei° •8, No raw potatoes whether des- eased or perfectly •sound must be us- ed for any purpose whatever. Aft• er they have been examined by .tire in' spector they may be boiled. Boiling a he disease e ill aosolutely destroy t , germ.. 9. It , shall be illegal to sell, offer -for sale, or in any way dispose 'of, or receeve any deseased tubers. - fora seed of a o. .11 :The env p tatoes resulting' from an infected crop no matter how sound, thee may appear is strictly prohibited as the disease �11e use of is • entirely propogated by - infected seed. `12. The land on which a diseased troll has been raised is useless ;for the cultivation of potatoes for Ben indefinite nuni'ber of years. It may, however •be used for the growing of: any other kind of crop except potato, 13. Ali tools, implements,. etc,, us- ed on infected land must be carefully cleaned by washing with an. antiseptic solution, 14 Every izerson who contravenes ane provision of this Act, or any reg- ulation made thereunto, shall be ria- ble, 'upon summary conviction, to a fine •not exceeding one hundred dol- lags. or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding sic months or to both fine and imprisonment. E )NE MORE - *PIONEER GONE TO REST. Again; it becomes our. sad duty to,1 tate the .death of one more of Ex- ° _ John ter s pioneers M the person • 1 J of n IeyWood; •W110 departed • this lite august 25 1'913; at the home of his Laughter, Mrs, •11. Parsons, at the age if 8 years, 8 months. 1 a 1+ - Deceased was born in Merton, rev inspire . England, .in the year 1829, ie carne to Canada in the ear ? 856 • Y - feta+�.,27 yeas of a e. Alter send- g e ng teva years in Exeter he settled,. in a farm two miles east of town •' a.cupieu by his son, At thisi 'me he was marred to his much' be- ' i ; oven suite Susannah Featherstone, vhf redeceased him. 3 wears, a e S e v- Beginning farm life in 18 8 h 1i d m the pioneer days .of Huron county and labored hard with great ,conveniences, clearing and placing inder cultivation .200 acres of theanauto :hoicest ,land in Usborne township,fives vhicir brought hem: rich •returns in iter ears.. FTavting retired. from 'arm , life in 188.9, at the age of sixtY a s he has since lived in Exeter, Tears He connected himself, with James Church under • the astorateof Street u p 2ev. Dr, i�I. R. Willoughby and has ince been a devoted and true Christ- an,and has now gone. to reap ,his eward. His ending •was peaceful and quiet, •g p t ;ircumstantial evidence being sugges- :eve of the probable fact that he was •iot aware of his departing • life, he )eing found sleeping comfortably at o'clock, but dealt in his bed at six n the morning.. He. simply fell asleep tad awakened in the heavenlyhworld to mourn -e loss threes He• and ;ons and tvv° daughters -Caleb, Josh-, ea ant Esti and Mrs. Parsons of Ex- :ter, and Mrs, . Eli Lawson of Credie. :on: and one brother, George, ;of Win- Thelsea and one sister, Mrs. William [.owcliffe of the London Road South, adepartmentnes The. sympathy of• the community ;Otis out to the bereaved family and' ,elateves. Mrs. Win. Blatchford and daughter, o I'1 Bra s. Miss •Maud, of Pr spect 1 11, it hard, former residents of Usborne., met with a very unpleasant expexrcncc and iin£ortunate accident an Fxeday last Thee were returning from a visit with Hensall friends ishen they they met an automobile, The Horse ,notate became frightened and dashed into •potatoes' the ditch Both occupants were force; tluowii out with considerable 1 Mise Blatchford > sustaining a broken , le=, and other bodily injuries, •e 'le sBlatchford 1 alas, received only a ?ad shaking up. The services" of a spec-. ialist from London had to be• called to loot: after Miss Blatchferd's in- Juries. At the time sof writhe the 'Ottawa patient was • suffering • considerable; g path but she will likely recover, ""'�" , ,ale: and Mrs. Richard Baker and M daughter of London are visiting . r. , 'Dyer, Dr Orme is exectin anew reran- g . dah u front of his reside,°e, The iiecv verandah at the German parson- age -e almost completed and is one of the iinest in town: A Falmer -Wein picnic was held tit Grand Bend on Tuesday, A large crowd was in, attendance and a very a enjoyable day spent by 11, MTs;, Ethel Clark underwent an op- eratioi far appendicitis on Wednesday' Drs. Wishart and ,Browning performed the operation and the patient is floe P ing as ,well as can be expected ata present. Miss Clark's. • many friends hope she will soon recover her health, Mr, Geiger of Seamans, Brite,, is viMr, 12i: and Mrs.John Fink g•Aaeser. heiner, Conrad Christian and Henry Noel- icer of Detroit visited • their parents here for a few days last week• Mr. acid Airs, Wesley Frnkbeiner of Pittsburg Penn., are visiting his root- her I'vers, Rosi,na. Frnkbeiner, , . Mr. and Mrs. ATeliich of •Zurich and Air and Mrs, Smith of Detroit ,� ent' p la>" Sunday in town, the guests c, At. and Mrs. an. A2cisaac. r y�ir. and Mrs. W. A. Sambrook .:n.: daughter, Loreen and Mrs, Dora ? ink are atte a-ee. g •the Toronto Exhibition this week, The frame work of the Methodist church `sheds have been placed in chur•ch and the .carpenters are now e engaged in putting on the roofing, Adam e"in and daughters and Mrs. Peck of Detroit Chas. Finkbein- er o1 Sandusky, Mich. and. Chris. , Frnkbeiner of Landon visited their parents. VTr. and Mrs. Chas. Fink beiner the past week, Mr and Vies. Jos. Heist have return- ed home. after a short visit •with friends in'Sebewaing, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Beaver - r nd daughter of Sandusky, Mich., are •vis- iting friends in tow' . Mathew Frnkbeiner and Henrytein aches eft a d Y 1 1st Fri ay and Mondaycn the Harvest Excursion for the West, Henry Tick of Chicago is spending a felt da s y at home with his parents, rdenry Sweitzer has returned home fro,• a business trip through the west - ,, M.r. ,and Mrs. Ben Bertrand and little 'Louis returned to their roma i.1 Detroit last Thursday, after •-pe.iain%'-Airs: theta vacation here, TIi? �vcrI: of painting and • dec.orat- jai; • the • basement of he Evangelical will be commenced this week, .Harrison Becker left for Pembroke on Tuesday, where he has-been en- gaged. to teach a school in the neigh;- boyhood. The special rally da services o£ p Y t he �'. P. A, took place in •the Evan- ige norni) Cliauspecial Sunday.• In the morntind special 1 sermon was' deliv-genet Bred by Rev. Becker, . which eved inspiring. 1n the evening a song ere vice was held. Addresses were „rt. en by Freeman A2orlock and Harrison Becker Several anthems were ,ung by the choir, solos by Miss Carrie Kuhn and Harrison Becker and a du - eft by the Misses Clara and Martha Wind, The program proved. quite a treat and all felt pleased with • the day's special service. j'� L vasnwo�Qd , R. Batten. of Wincliel .ea he a barber shop here ;•:t al ' pri s premises, ;ael a' 11 satisfactory Neill, e are Teased to agai;i. nit p in our village and our `Tte, extend him a lelaera,I nai give him every encourage Lena and Mary Schroede at their home her summer, have returned I Oestreicher, who has bee the holidays .here, lett c to resume, his duties at tli teacher in. Rosthern, Sas; been teaching; in the We g. years and likes it there ver DTagaerood of Sarnia at Mr. Henr Bender's, y Ida Goetz, who has .been ' for nearly a year, arrive spend a fete week p friends here -were please her home. Draft a member , m b r of it Church, is attending of the Synod at Sebe ' s 5 tin Guenther ryas taken•su< on Tuesday and at the tin. 's i i g i r a serious conditia physician has rathc for hisrecovery. Iaercher of Berlin is visitir sister, Mrs. Nornan Kellet Jas. Tevichen of London her sister, alis. ,Adam Bir'. other sisters in the village. g Boese°,of' Berlin, President c preached in' the Ev< church last . Sunday mornin; congregation. leasedatvvi hlih heard limn an p r discours FORMER USJ3ORNE RESIDENT DEAD: Word has been received by seta-, here of the;"fTeath of J. JV m._ Gardiner• who died at ' Clearwater Man. on Tuesday, Aug.' 19 •at thea of 60 years,. 9 months. The de •ea see' y G sect 'vas a victim of an attack of paralysis and has been a sufferer for man months, Air. Gardiner .was a na • e tit/ of Usborne; being born on the North Boundary in the year 1853, evher'e he 'continued to reside up to about ' 25 , years ago, when he mooed with his: tamely to the west, settle, neat Clearwater, where he fixe continuously resided since..: le was a man of stet- ling character and his death is much regretted by a large circle of friends. both here and in the West. He is survived by a wife, five • daughters and four sons; also three .sisters and one brother, Mrs. Ballantyne; Mrs. Duncan Mrs. John and. Mr Johna Kay, - Jas, C. Gardiner, Gill of Usborne: In- ferment took place at Clearwater on August Zh .� LETTER FROM NORT71 ,DAKOTA Mr. Henry Reynolds, 'a former rest- dent of Hay Township, writing from his new Home in Bottineau, North Dee kota, •in part says e --We are now 'iv- Y we in North Dakota and must say we feel that we cannot live without we the ood old Advocate to r g hear he news from out native town and, sur- rounding country. You know aper- soLL feels that way when so far 'awa ,: �i�use trout his .It 'te, arid. aringtng as. • We die ,sa •manyf' fond recollection of the toevii' of Exeter and neighborhood we can never forget th m,:�" L like living here- very et ell so far es the country is concerned, but there is a Fast :difference in the ways of the western people and those- of theChurch • east add ,people of our age do not take up: so readily or to them set kindly' .aa younger people 'do, and it is. these and minor other reasons we .dorfli feel so much at home as we others' a would, drf£e !9 t stile and peopleieari have aof quite dong Y g fihyn to me not any better, nor yet sh g; than the Canadians, but I must good quite •so " as the people of On- tatiaa' .,y Buis born and raised under the :Ui• iiou Jack and feel rather out of place to be living, tinder the Stars and Stripes. However 'we hope some , time in the fut•ure to return to our native land and spend the remaining • :days of our-- life in, Exeter. We have lots of wild ducks, prairie hicken ..rabbits and other gameRau-in Isere eirach turnisn excellent sport to those who: enjoy _that kind. of thing: We car, hear the prairie evolves howl at night ..quite distinctly, which is indeed rather romantic for us, Cro s' look prettyood here,but P g.miles as a general thing the weather ., has been too dry. 12Y OH, MY. -Let's go and hear good for once. "Mr. Tohn A. a ve.ntrilogtiist and •singer of A.. Kelly, :omit and Irish .songs, as well as an entertainer along- with Miss Lily` Lorell,Hoevat t a soloist and piano player, are at. the Opera House, on Friday and Saturdaaa Sept 5 and 6., are The price is right and people r :alkeno of this entertainment. I 'am going. are you? SURE. Adults 25c. children 15c:•• There is also. o'cio tie en Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock 's for the children as well as This t 1 Ric. a A , for tig two" hours. Only Ric, and 5c; for the afternoon. lout COBible .hoice of seats, •GREEN -Miss with i h has, Methodist 9th, the -blit •Arkona -Miss the Carriere Saturdays his A•Ir, • was in., Sarnia Saturd< and firs, C. H. Wilse Mrs. Cliff near Thedfor Madeline and Go: of Grand Bend, are liol fr ends• here. -)less Mii i returned to Detroit. e- tat the Harvest Hon Church will be lie eyeth special c 7th, Mere particula• anti alis.. John vViisi made a flying visit he: Fern Gill of Gra guest of Miss Ethel 0 Myrtle Ravelie and Mi of Grand Bend vi -Mr, James has had a very' •suecessf bees.., ■ Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EI FELTS en the premises of the unctersegned, !ANDREW STREET, .EXETER, on SATURDAY., AUGUST 30, 1913 at 1 o'clock, the following articles Parlor, Dining -Room, Bed -room and Kitchen Furniture; Also. one buggy and cutter. Everything in good condition. Terms Cash. r Terms Positively no reserve. RLING THOS. HAWKINS T. B. CA , Proprietor Auctioneer s A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL • 1lany •of •our readers may attend a Business College .this fall, Do not forget that some schools are better than others., .WT direct the attention of our readers to Stratford Business which has no superior in the province. The Fall term is from Sep Interested should wr teethencolle collese ge ee catalogue In Stanley, Mrs. -In -In and firs, -In daughter Hackncy,.aged -In Hockey. At ,aged -In Cooper, . BIRTHS Stanley, August 15 g5, Mrs. -.,Win. Denomy,ea sc August 18,%' to Ii Joseph Rau, a daughter. Lucan, on Aug, 19th,. Mrs, I. E. McGrath, Exeter, on August 26 Mrs, Geo. Hockey, .: Exeter,' 4ug. 24, to a Asa 1'enhale, • a daught --o-=- DEATHS ESCAPED'DEATH AFTER FALL FROMTRAIN AuC.tion SaleLOw OF AUTOMOBILES , & FURNITURE AT' GRAND BEND On SATURDAY, AUG UST 30 '13 at 3 o'clock p.m.q One THOMAS, seven passenger, 50 hdrsc power car.ooseu Zefie_ five passenger: FORD car. These cars are in, first-class con -N. dition. •There will also be sold one oil tank with pump, and onegasoline tank also a number of hens and several feces 'of household furniture. pieces - 5 n finder cash, over that Terms S a d amount 3 months credit on furnishing a• proved joint notes:. 6 per cent net p cash .on credit amounts annum off for e o -reserve, . Positively n RY Auct: BER , o ED, STATTON, JOHN Prop. THAMES ROAD "-0-- Bethany Church Anniversary,= :The- Bethany Methodist church Aar -river- sary on Sunday and Monday .ast was attended with excellent results, and the congregateon is to be .congratul- ated on its success. The weather cn` Sunday• was all that could be desired and iso for the to o Mondayev'g a n g• Rev. H. J. Fair .of Arkona, a former pastor. took the services on Sunday and preached two excellent sermons, showing that had lost none of his old time vigor and excellent preaching' qualities. The services were much brightened by the presence of the J Street Methodist church choir, Exeter,: which rendered the music. On Monday evening a good old -.lash- io 1 tea meeting was held in the base- ,tent of the church, after which a .program was rendered in the Pres- byteriai3 cliui•cli: Rev, Powell acted. as chairman in his. usual happy roan- •net „ancl • interestrrig antt • instructive act dresses were delr',vered by Reeds, Steadman, Far•r aifd Fletcher. The musical part of the °program was fur- Tshed by James Street (Exeter) choir, assisted by Grant and Harvey Milli- gan, the boy violinists of London, ext excArhe ellent theirZleieaxperrsoc z their a- mounted to $140.00. Rev. Dr. Meldrum of Cleveland, Ohio, a former resident of Usborne, will occupy the pulpit •of the Thames Road Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning next. RATES FOR LABOR. • DAY VIA , GRAND TRUNK. RAILWAY .' Falling from his train as it rushed Qli rate of towards n s at alugh speed; John Gill of Dublin was Pecked an unconscious condition afew u° in ell out ,of Sarnia after lying night beside the tracks. Although ex- r for many hours he was not ver- ions) injured and after his wounds y were dressed he proceeded sal on the next •train west. It es •said that he was drinking heavily before the ac- cident and train officials say it is wonder he was not killed as the train was travelling at 50 miles an hour _,_ -::�.. - : Retur-r; tickets wi l be issued be- t eta all stations i Canada east of Pork- Arthur, also to Detroit and •Pt, Huron Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, Y. SINGLE FARE-Goodgoing Sat- urday, Sunday and Monday, Aug. 30 and 31 and Sept. 1. Valid for return until Tuesday, •Sept. 2, 1913. FARE AND ONE -THIRD -Good going Friday, Sat;t.. �-day, Sunday and .. „ Monday. August Valid 30th; 31st, incl September 1st: for return until Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 1913, Full particulars and tickets at all Grand. Trunk Ticket Offices. Y R .S anon A elft Eteter %.J,I?O T, Station Agent,. LETTER FROM PONE KWONG • Vancouver, B. C,, Aug.11,'13 T, : B. Carling Es b, q•,•a ' Exeter, Ont. . Dear Sir,.- . - I arrived Vancouver safely on Aug- Aug - ust dJames. 8, an just a fete lines to thank -You and Wm, B, Weidenhamtner, the , p g for aur Prenci al of High School, -y kindness • in heart toward me. I will leave Vancouver on. August 13, Wed- nesday morning . I must close novo, g Give my best regards to • all • my friends ' Yours respectfully; Ponce Shuo I o tv ng (Mr • Kwong is oie his way to China to visit his old home for some time.) Stephen, on Aug. 21 g of Mr. and y 2 Years, 6 :n. Exeter, on. August 26 daughter of Mr, and M Clearwater, Alan„ At Gardiner, formerly 60 years, 6months Exeter, Aug. 25, rot aged 84 years,. 8 moat Clinton, on )Aug d 1.3 3 months : , d 'Clinton, on Friday; A Picka•rd, relict at' t L. Courtice, in her 80 _es__ -�- The .Spotton ' Baseness Colleges, •cli re -open for • a Fall Terni on tubi P Se 2nd are the largest trainers of p e ` e in Canada. They are young p opt affiliated with the Commercial Ede - Gators Association of Canada, an have a chain o1 seven colleges, of wield. the Clinton Business College is a worthy Mk. There are many reasons Ser• young people 'should at- tend one of. these colleges, as we have over t vo titoirsand graduaates tier year and these schools have bean established during the last thirty year Every graduate is guaranteed aposi- -nem qtl ii ng person foot neec! hesitate •easy to no gainio n hot i in the business world. "In a multitude of counsellors there •is wisdom,'consequently having over thirty teachers in these various ,col- leges. we have been, able to pick out a curriculum which'very far , tilt,- passes that of any other :school: The famous system of Bliss book-keep-1l� int; is a leading feature in the Cony- rnercial Departments, and in the Sten- agraphic Departments students may take either Gregg or • Isaac Pitman short -hand, Those who cannot, enter on the opening on Sept 2 niay g'nter any other day of the year as` each student is instructed individually at his own desk. Those who cannot Fn- ter at present may study at Name a through our Horne StUdy D p rtrrent, without any ,further charge. The trained ten, ton Bol tthousanctsness E nl young people Y g ti and consequently are in a position to train other ambitious' ones, Those dem i . , siiou., °t improving their CotLditionrn l . -write , ; „. , •tress College, Clinton, Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC C +�` riLI�'' ` Farms lands and • Ma,t]ltoba, • ►SaskatcY].ewaTCl _-,--- FARM LANDS FOR THE SETTLER Terms-1-20.th cash, balaanee in payments Loan of $2,000, conditional for F Loan of 81,000, .conditional for • Stock READY-MADE FARMS 'IN SELEC • Improvements nide by the C.V.E.• ;. ing ii and, commence farininb immediately. COLU117BT,A VALLEY meIRre an TEi� In the Beautiful Itav rmere and W British Colurnrsra. E lI, TOWNSITE-- ANI) I 1 IVL1zAl R FOR PAZt T'TCUIWARS , , , •as'sed Ernest- AGENT C. 1',..R, I✓ANS� S - • RAILWAY • Town Properties Alberti and - British Columbia • �- -""` extending over 19 year • s. arrn Development Buying, ..• TED. DISTRICTS e to enable settlers to enter upon i : i r _ ,, ( : S t P RYiIT .LAND indeernere Districts` • in Southern S NVERMERE HEIGHTS APPLY TO • M.Spot-daysMrs -.ear FIRE AT GODERICH• Goderich : Aug. 22, -Fire .which was discovered at 215 this morning, completely destroyed the' big plant of ,the. ICensiagton Furniture' Co.• here to -day and caused a loss of $40,000. Eighty-five men are out of work. The tactor,; is owned by F. G. Rumbagll of London and it is •expected will he rebuilt The building was a frame one and when the fires was noticed hacl made great headway, - etre Oppbl'tunitihs, on • to tfew't will Watt. ��' Bak con good loses nul5and,Otlr put ~gib ), d there tautly security. a few 'Ou w to i3A .,,,, '• ,/ •� ••a ;- .. 4, t '- F =_ w' e •• Tight - is etre poop le who • looking tor to tend. mon y if you want y • ial• or a dot s, V1�ant Ad>§. in touch with 1 "money F,, • .�., ., m.M :;: GRAND BEND ••• SEAFORT%T.-Mr, G. F. Coiling ' ,formerly of the Collegiate Institute, Sea£orth died in the Western • Hos- pita), Toronto, on Monday, He was very popularpwhen living here,. -The deah occurred u , Chi.ca�o Saturda of Nancy Hays, relict of the late 5 Dorrance, ,.for"rnerly of McKillop. The .e remains Were brought here for • in- tcrnent, 'She ivas. �9 ..years, •of 'age, and. -Anotheroldo dE1resrdent, of os• eafortl� 11t10 a l i •, S away Thursday in •the person of iVj:ar area `C•leasan, relict of the late Miciiaet O'Keefe, She was ,28 years of. .age :and is survived b a roe'n-u• lam es • tyro sons and three daughters , . M , P. Baker and son. William were in Hensall an , business Saturday. 1Tr, and Mrs, Asaph' Gravelle, Mrs: Tetreau and Mrs, Disjardine and daughters visited relatives in Drysdale lash week. Mr Win,' Clarkson was in 'Medford svTariclay, s M Dorialct who visit.. M . and Mre, .� , ed for a few with Rev. and London returned to their• h once in Friday, Mrs Disjardine and daughters, .who have poen visiting thuai fit l�s s week flier Asaph Gravelle, 1 v i days. , Louis- fore leaving far their home ri ElYl•ot, .. „ , , a,s e 0 n 5, d' a.. e 1, r. g s Cy f n• • -d i- It ld to rs' re id 1 - se s_ R. ul to ri. r, to a th;. 4 Ir, . er, th Its, Inc rs ig of 111 hs,, th. da At he th