HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-8-7, Page 8ZETER MARKETS. QR kx ,I D BAOIt WE.rY� R$DA s h�' o p1 .. Y.. ,,... r f... 80 flail ' •.+*........M.,.. 40 Bouts sheet.. • , , ., ., , . , 4$ Oa y ts. .•... ..,,... !8i'Z Peas ...•••••••••••••• 1 00 1 Pottitoesxparba.a.., 1.50 1 flay, sortou....,.,...., 1000 10 parour. ptar owt., family 2 . 1 aw grade per ew 150 1. �Bi{��n..,.{,ty/tMr ,»....M ........, 22(0F Ei}gi. " l .. t .. 4 ...... , 20 Dried Apples. per lb , . , . „ ]Live . huge, per c ifsb..... 0 n $lrot•t : ner tan ...... • ... 2S: Bran rase ton.,...,,,.... 20 Sugar Beet meal..,...., . 26, A wonderful fertilizer, SYDNE BASIC SLAG can be obtaine froir. HARVEY BROS. ----w- . DOt. LOST. --.White fox terries with brown spot on one eye, lame o right front foot, Reward to perso return:n'T same. Phone 45 Hensel'. HARVESTERS WANTED. — Fo Newdale, Man., Long season and cur rent wages guaranteed, Full inform tion can be secured from W. W Hunter William -St,, Exeter. TEACHER WANTED.—Holder o First or Second Class Certificate ix teacl, in S. S, No. 6, Stephen. State salary Duties to commence after the summer holidays,—GEO. M1AW- HINNEY, Sec.-Treas., Crediton P.O Ont. TEACHER WANTED.—For Unior S. S. No. 13, Hay and Stephen, hold- ing Second Class Normal Certificate School two miles west of Exeter Apply stating salary and qualification to NELSON STANLAKE, Hay P.O PASTURE TO RENT Ana Cider Press for Sale. 15C acres being Lot 11, S.B.,'Con, 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good supply of water all season, The cider press is in good condition:. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O We expect to shut down next weel� for repairs. Those needing chopping don, please take notice, —HARVEY BROS READY FOR THRESHING' -- We are now ready to engage with farm- ers to do their threshing on short- est notice.—COOKSON tO SANDERS'. Exeter. --- PUPS FOR SALE—A number of excellent bound pups for sale. •Apply to F. TRIEBNER, Stephen. Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction, — WM. RIVERS. Autoes For Sale 7 -passenger car, Thomas make; 1 5 -passenger car, Ford. Both are in good running order with nearly new tires all through. Apply to John Sta- ton Grand Bend, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey brick.house in good state of repair. Apply to T. HAW- IKINS Hawkins' Hardware Store, Exeter. VACATION I�TMJTICE Kindly take notice that my dental office will be closed from the middle of July to the middle of August. Al- so note that my office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. DR. ROULSTON. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3, Usborne. There is on the premises a' good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end; wood shed, pig - house 16x24; two good' wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O., or on the premises. TG FAR•4tERS WANTING MEN. Farmers wanting hared men. for next seaec¢; should place their orders at once Dtlrerre tet there will be Siff:culty :n senLtinb help,. Orders left with the Lea' Government Employment Agent Co' thin district, Advocate Office, or aria reseed thereto, will receive prompt at•ter,tion. C. H. SANDERS, Agent. it�,,t 1U. i 04 " De , ) is ti. Yt SWINGING A Buslt ss Judicious advortising is the derrick that Swings a business to Success. ClaaslttedWantAda. ate terse bue - nese bringers that are suitable le any Waffles& they help the entail qtly S Com big, • and the biffsada . to Meanie WOW. 440,4t1.$4 IOC 4,11 CN NNS, ,• d8 48 �0 00 84 550 02 21 55 40 d IP LOCAL .DOINGS. ka00.044*46.00,,240c4kaA The Exeter Band picnicked at Grand rel Bend on Thursday, Dr. M Gillicutidy bas purchased a new Studebaker roadster auto. A nice shower of rain just now would spoil the little Potatoes. The James Street Sunday School will picnie at Grand Bend to -day. Winghaiu tax rate is 20; mills, This is three mills higher thant last year. The Exeter Band will play in the Park on Huron Street on Friday ev- ening A large number of Exeter people went to :Hensall Monday night to see the fire. sir Fred Mallett has had tnother severe attack of stomach trouble, het is again improving. James, son of Mr. John Morley, who has been severely ill for several days is now on the, mend. The Exeter Bowling Tournament commences next Wednesday, and a large number of rinks are expected, The one thing we need particular- ly is a good rain. ,It is very dry and dusty ,and the late crops could stand it. nicely. Mr, J. 1-I. Hare of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, was in town last ;week investigating the marketing of bad eggs. Rev, Wickett of London will 'oc- cupy: the James Street pulpit next Sunday Rev. McAlister is taking a, month's holiday. Mirrors of road crossings for the use of warning automobiles ire 1,eo ginnina,r to be used in England, and the results are very good. Miss Alma May has accepted the position ot teacher for SchoolSectioii No 4, Usborne her duties t o com- mence after the holidays. Gordon son of Mr. Fred Wells; had his right hand badly mangled in a press at the Times Office on Satur- day. The palm of the hand was sev- erely cut and nearly all the bones of the fingers were broken.. Monday was civic holiday in sever- al of the cities, and, as a result many visitors were herefor the week _nd, Among them we notice R. S. Crock- er Frank Oke, Fred. Hat{ skhaw, Mr. Blayney J. R. Bissett of Toronto ; G. Acheson of London. Mr. J. G- Smallacombe moved with his family to Stratford on Thursday Last where they intend making their future home. Mr. Smallacombe and family have been residents of Exeter for many years and their many friends will regret their departure. Five rinks .of 'bowlers journeyed to St. Marys and played afternoon games with the Granite Club. The Granites were up two points in the afternoon. and Exeter was up 52 in the even- ing The visitors speak very highly of the excellent entertainment given them by the ::Granite. Club members. Magistrate South of Vancouver, on hearing an aassault charge, said,—"I have always held in this court that if one man calls another man a foul name the other man is not worthy to be called a British subject unless he returns the insult with a blow." It is a pity there not a few more such magistrates. Mr. W. J. Ford last week made a lfine shipment of hogs from this ata - tion through Mr. I. Armstrong. There', were 16 hogs to the bunch and the', price was $9,75per cwt. The hogs averaged over 225 lbs. each, so that, the cash paid' Mr. Ford amounted to $356.75 which is an excellent result from a hundred acre farm,: The Main Street Methodist and Presbyterian:. churches willhold un- ion services next Sunday -the former in the morning and the, Iatter in the evening both of which will be con- ducted by Rev. Powell. The servic- es in the Presbyterian Church for two following Sundays will be con- ducted by Rev: J. Richardson, B A.. of Kippen, in the absence of Rev. Sharp- who is taking his holidays. A ponv driven by Mrs. Ed Tones ran away at thebridge on Main St. Sundae evening after its becoming frightened at an automobile. The buggy struck the side of the bridge and she and her little child were thrown out on the planlu;flooring. Mrs Tones got a nasty cut over the eye and was otherwise bruised, while the little one got several slight bruises,. It was very lucky the injuries were not greater. No blame is attached to the auto driver. C P. ,R. AGENT. -T, B. Carling has been appointed C, P. R. agent for thisdistrict, and he is also agent for a number of steamship companies, Office, Town Hall, Exeter. • FREE CATALOGUE -To get a good start in Commercial life you should attend Stratford Business Col lege which is the best business train- ing school in Ontario. Write the Col lege for a free catalogue. SALESMEN WANTED We have the ,best money making surveys in Windsor. We want a man to sell lots in your territory. Big money for right man. Apply Met. calfe Agencies, 201. Davis Block,' Windsor Address R, A, Irvine, Mgr CARD OF THANKS Mr. C, W. Heaslop of Stephen de. sires' t� convey to the neighbors and friend:, his sincere thanks for the many -.acts of kindness and sympathy. shown hint in his recent bereavement and to all of whom he feels deeply greatful HICKS AtI'GUS"i' FOREC.AS S..-• A reactionary stormeri oil is cen- tral on the 10th, llthp and 12th be: int* at the centre of the Mercury ner- Vod. Tendency to thick genera] :lou diness, with light, drizzling trust arid rail for several days, is characteristic of these Mercury disturbances, slits - heavy sleet in cold weather. .100d tants, and heavy stor,ars attend these Mercury periods when combined. ;Kith other astronomic causes. Much cooler weather ofted follows Mercury storrr'r • miss Lily 11 llraratf oldS MTzss arah Sweet returned to Lon- don Tuesday, Mr. John McIntyre returned. to 'Hensalr Tuesday. Mr, D. Hartleib was home rroni Londor ,on Tuesday. Mr Geo, Powell of Thedford was in town on Wednesday: Miss Neta Johnston has returned from is visit in Brantford, Mz', RobertLeathorn of London is spending a few days in town, Mr, and Mfrs, Wes. Handford have returned from a visit in Toronto, Mrs, Plant of Seaforth visited with Mrs. ,I±,asterbrook during the 'wed;,. Mr, J. C, Gould and daughter of Galt are visiting at Mr. R. Gou1d's Misses Maud and Amy Johns have z'etiuned from a''visit in Haileybury. Miss Carrie Knight of Ilderton is visiting her aunt, Mrs, W. H. Levett �Ir .and' Airs, Bedford and daughter Dorothy were in London Thursday, Ir, ' Part of last week, in Detroit on busi� nL H. Dickson spent the latter a. Malcolm Bedford of: London, is vis- iting ;tis uncle, Mr. Geo, Bedford, for a few days. llr, R .Rogers of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here and at Grand Bend. '.JER .1VQ.LATE, TtTJBsfAY ?rayne is visiting in Mr, I, Armstrong is having his house reised another story and other- wise remodelled. Mr.' Bruce Anderson of the Hank of Commerce staff, Ottawa, spent the week end with friends .here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Bissett and Mr, Krueger of London spent the week end in Exeter and Dashwood; Mr, and Mrs, Waugh; and `the tat- ter's mother. Mrs. Johnston .left Mon- day far an outing, at Port Dover. Mr. I. R. Bissett, who has been in Toronto for the past year, lea ves Thursday for Moosejaw to take a position. . Nt. and Mrs. Fred Bawden return- ed last week from Edmonton where they have been residing for a- few months Mr and Mrs. John W. Taylor and family left Tuesday morning for the West, where they will -spend sev- eral weeks. Mrs R. N. Creech; and son, TTugh returned Wednesday from a visit in Detroit Miss Iva Stokes accompani- ed them home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bayley, •vho have been spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Esli Heywood, have returned to London. Mrs. keys, who has been visiting here for several weeks, Left yesterday for Chatham, where she, will make her future home with Mrs: E. McGee. Mrs. Pond and little daughter, El- oise. who have been visiting at ner father's, Mr, H.. Dilling, returned to Toronto ' Thursday. She was accom- panied • from London by Mrs. W. G. Bissett who is gouing to visit at Toronto and Peterborough. Mrs Wm. Sherritt of Seeburn, Man, and her son-in-law, -Mr. Gibbs and wife and little son Teddy of Winyard Sask., are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Jarrott. Mr. Gibbs is engineer on, the C.P.R. from. Winyard to Saskatoon. Buffalo Brand Fertilizer I AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BUFFALO FER- TILIZER .,THE BEST AND CHEAP- EST BRAND MADE. DONT OR- DER UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN ME Nelson Stanlak e LAKE ROAD, HAY P.O. Mr. I, R Carling; %AS in London on. business" Friday, Mr Alex, Stewart and daughter,. Irene, visited in London Friday. Mr. Chas, Lozadenfelt left last week fora two weeks' visit Windsor. or , Miss Anne Sanders of Waterloo is holidaying at her home here for few weeks. • :Vise Ruth Shosenberg of London is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw. Miss A, Morlock left Saturday for Detroit where she will visit forit time with relatives, Mr. Wm. BIayney of Toronto spent a. few clays during' the week with rel- atives in Exeter North. The little Musses' Ella and Agnes Stonehouse and Aletha Hopper of Belgrave are visiting with their aunt Mrs, C. Birney, Mr. Frank .McLaren of New 'Mexi- co after a few days visit here, the guest .of Mr. R, Davis left on his return trip Friday morning. Mr. Samuel Sandors operator spent a few days in Cleveland, Ohio, during the week. He was accompanied- by Mr. J. C, Inwood of London, Mr Thos. Ballantyne of Carberry Plains, Man, who left here about ten years ago for the West, isshaking hands with old friends in town again: Miss M. J. Fisher left last week to visit Mr. Ern. Buswell at Flax- combe Sask., Dr. Edgar Buswell at High ,River, Alta. and Mrs. Clement at Vancouver, B. C. 1\4r Frame/ Tom of Toledo, Ohio spent the week ends with his :sisters here, Mr, Torn had hjust returned from a trout fishing expedition in the north of Michigan and is now on a similar: trip near Goderich. He re- turns to Toledo this week. SUBSCRIBE. FOR THE AND GENII ALL THE NEWS. Our Flours are best brands on the market. They include 5 Roses- -Purity Royal Household and Milyerton Ltfl. R. G. SELDOM" Exeter, Ontario RoWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO STEWART'S Where Reasonable Prices Prevail, Fancy China Crockery Glassware DINNER SETS 44 Dinner Sets ranging from $8 to $60 is what we can show you. Some of the latest and newest designs will be found in this assortment. Start collecting a set,,, We have sev eral stock patterns. TOILET SETS 40.10 -piece Toilet Sets No trouble to choose from such a wide rangeaof shapes and patterns.' You wju1 find' some- thing here you will like at a price you are willing to pay. HANGING . LAMPS 30 Hanging. Lamps ,lust received from the factories with prism or beaded trimmings, Some of the newest shapes and decorations are among then. $3.50 to $12,00. BURSLEM CHINA This 'popular ware is ' to `be -had in Salts and Peppers Creams and Sugars, Pitchers` and Tea-pots. ,There is a glowing demand for this;ware Call and see it. CUPS AND SAUCERS Many, peoplewatt odd cups and saucers at this season of the year, We have six diff- erent designs to show' you iii • neat patterns. BRASSWARE Teapot stands, trays candle sticks, brush'. and crtihTb tray •' and other pieces. Everyone is stamped solid brass and is of hest English make. JARDINERES new shapes it very pretty ]'n different sizes, " Some decorations with gilt handles '".,: and •ieets-25c to $2,50, Store closes hu 'sday' t"ter noons during July and August STEWART T.0 I�:la Our St�re Will S1 Many a Wedding e i ' Glf.. Perplexity exxty., When you are purchasing a present, it is a matter of money and, what you want—nothing else. Then: this is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A good variety of articles, selected from the larg- est stocks, consisting ot Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. These goobe are new, beautiful, and modern in deeign, and of superior quality. We matte a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed. MARCHAND Jeweler . and Optician Exeter, Ont. anniversary Sale August 8th We are 3 years here, and for 8 days we will run an Anniversary Sale. It will pay you to drop around, Specials in all lines. Come to the big feast of Bar- gains. PO WELL'S BAZAAR Sig Variety Store JONES & MAY PRONE NO, 32 August Sale OF Men's and Boys' Clothing In order to reduce our clothing stocks we are going to slaughter prices for the balance of this month. If . you are going to need a suit for the Fall come in now and save from $5 to $8. Scores of swell patterns and colors and every suit a Sovereign Brand and Fall weighs. Mens $15,and 2 $ 18 $ 0 Suits to clear at $10, $12 and $13.50 Also a large range of Boys Suits which we will clear out at greatly reduced prices. 300 pairs men's Tweed Pants a1 $1.50 $2, 0U ,nd $300., Dry' Goods All Summer (roods must go. Ladies waists, Parasols embroideries etc. at cut-rate grices Come in and look them over. Beadcivarters for -the celebrated W.4 Sabford Qiothizig