HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-8-7, Page 5„
1;a TSL
Or. (X. F'. 13043LSTON. L;D S., 1't.13.S:
lttgabor of. Use ft,C.D.S, of Ontario and.
l:lonor Graduate of 'Parente Ertivers$tys
0 -trice -Otter Dickson & Csarling's laW
otter). . Closed Wednesday afternoons.
O1.. A, it.. I INS3YI4Z'l,.
Firmer Graduate of Toronto Cln'.^veraitq
Teeth (Attracted without pain, or any
bad. effects; Office oyer Madman.
Stanbury's (Voice, Main Street, '13xeter.
$oliciirdrr , NNtaries, Conveyancers, Cam-
int sliOners. Solicitors for the Molsons
Bark, etc. )
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices--Main-St., Exeter
R. Carling, B.A: L. I3. Dickson
We .have a iarrge aanount of private
funds to loan on farm and village prop-
tlrt:ee at low rates or tnteerest.
Demisters, Soliicitors, Eire ter.
Agent Contederat°;on i-,bte Aeeunce,
Company, also Fare Insurancelead.
tag Canadian and British Companies.
Blain -St., Riveter.
Life, Fire, Aceldbnt and Plate Glass.
Insurance, Golleottng accounts.. and con-
ductingauotton sales. - Exeter. Ont.
A New Catalogue. of
Toronto Ont., is now ready. Write
for one It gives full particulars con-
cerning a famous school.
The undersigned is, offering for sale
that desirable .10tt acre farm, situated
inn, the Township of Biddulph, being Lot
13, Con. 1. There is on the premises
a good tra ane: Mouse, isatin with, founda-
tion, orchard. The Swam iia well drain-
ed and all hander cultivation This is
arc excellent foram..'v e11 situated and will
be -sold reasonab1A., 'er further: partic-
ulars amity to Sohn O'Neil, Mooresville,
The undersigned is offering far sale
rot 6, North Boundary .Stephen, con -
thing 10f3„,acres of good land. There
n the premise's a. good frame house
w with stone cellar bank barn with ce-
ment floors 3 good wells, said a
Small orchard, !rhls is a good grain
or grass farm, or wto'uld make a good
stock farm. Situated two miles from
Easter ; phone in house'. Will be sold
reaseoahse. For particulars apply on
the premises, or +write the undersigned,
`red Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillips'.
College At
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own hones to
occupy lucrative positions es stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
fact every sphere of Business Activities
You may finish at college if you so.wish
Positions guaranteed. linter - college any
day, Individual instruction. Expert tea-
chers, Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada.. Summer School at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon-
i President Principal
ANT person who is the sole head et
a fancily or any male over year& old,
tna' homestead a quarter.. sectiotri of
available D. omunikaa 'land . rn Mansoba
Seska'tiahewen or Alberta. 'J"he ap-
plicaait (must appear in person at•'the
l?ominion Lands Agency or Sub
agency for the district. Bintiry by pro-
ro-xy'made be made at any •agen.cy;. on
certain ct oditiioner . by Sather, mother ,
eon; daughter, brother br slater ,of ,in-
tending ttolm,etstee.der
Duties -Six marital -8%, reaidSfice upon
and cultivoation of the land In each
Of three years, A hontest'eafler maay live
within u1 x1c n.:l s at Ii g homestead on
a. ` &Iran. oe at least 80 acmes soliely.
owned and occupied by .him dr by hie
father, mother, or daughter, brother
or tsisber.
In certain dtetric a a • homesteader An
goad standing array pre-empt a quart
erisection along alae hid hollies tea&
Price fi8.00 per a .ere.
Duties -Must reside upon the 'thane
stead or 'pr'e-carniotion six,, months In
each of sig yearns from date of boine
.stead. entry (including • tha ti•rn.? re-
,riuirecl to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty acres extra. .
A boniest -ea -dor who has oxhe.'usted his
homestead right and carnet obtain It
Care>aeamptfo;n may enter. tot a pun'.
ahaaaed homes pad in certain d.st'rr.cts
Price 413.0o - per aaot'e. Duties- 1itust
reside six months ft% each • of these
•yoars, cultivate fifty acres and erect
O 1t6vee worth $209,
V.",, 6CxtSr.
D6lauty of, the Minister rat tate, Interior
N.1:€.--TSnauik:erfted publication n or
Okla at4vlertiselitrint -MrtiU not be paid for,
L*lectric Restorer, for Men
phosphnttolA to oto proper tOiieiOn t itt:Otero
vin and vitality. Premature deeay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. ritoItait4* * will
make you a new ratan. Price t8 a bo or'two for
So.Mailed to DAY add ass. The i9c 'beUDras8
. . $'biiria4M.. viatl.
We have thorough courses and
competent experienced instructors.
We do more for our students and
graduates than other schools do. At
present we have applications offering
from $600 to $1200 per annum for
help Business men know where
they get the best help. We have
three departments, Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy, Get our free
D A. McLACHLA,N, Principal.
very Woman
!s into ested and shoe
about thewonderful should know
Marvel Whirling Sprar
r193i your druggist for
it.. If he cannot supply
the i,tARVEL, accept ao
other, but send stamp for Illus.
trate+ book -sealed. It gives full
particulars and directions Invaluable
to ladloa. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO:, Windsor. tint
General Agents for. Canada.
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating, the
generative portion of the female system. Rofste
all cheap litigations. Mr. de Tao's are sold at
t6 a
box. or three for Ma. Mailed to any address.
nis IcHbll'Drug Co.. far. Ca hada•., OssR
Notice to Creditors
HELD . late of the Village of Dash
wood in the County of Huron
Gentleman Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Sectior 55, Chap. 26, -I George V.
Statute:: oi Ontario, 1911, that all
persons having any claim against the
above estate are required to send by
post prepaid or deliver to the ander
signed solicitors for William Held
the Executor of the Will of the above
named deceased on or before the fat
day of September 1913 their nam-
es and addresses and full particulars
of their claims duly verified -
Arid further take notice that after
the 1st of September,. 1913 the exec
utor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the 'aa d deceased among the
arta - entitled thereto, having re.
gard to those clatter only of-' which
sot:ce obeli have been received as above.
required and said executor will not be
liable for thus sold agdebr'or any part
tatis'ree*' so distributed air aforesaid t'e
any person or persona. af wtuose claim
or claims aab'tatce'shall not have been re
calved by him at the time hot such di's-
Dated at Exeter this 19th day of
July A D 1913.
Solicitors for Executor
AILSA CRAIG -Albert Walker ag-
ed 5 ?ears, son of Mr, W. Walker,
who resides three miles out of this
place had his left ear torn off l.rriday'
when he was trying to separate two
dogs which had started to fight.
Mortgage Sale
Unless the moneys due under a
ccertajr' Mortgage made by Dorothea
Mille to George Koch, are sooner
paid there will be offered for tale
by • Public Auction on FRIDAY, the
Eighth thy of August, 1913, at
2 o'clock p,nn., at the Zimmer Hotel,
I n Dashwood, they following desir-
able property, viz :--A11 that . certain
parcel or tract of land and premises
situated in the village' of Dashwood,
in the Township of I-Iay and 'County
of Huron -being composed of part of
Lot number twenty-four (24) in the
South Boundary Concession of the
said Township of I-l:ay, more Partic-
ularly described as follows: -Com-
mencing at a point in the Southern
boundary „of Lot marked B on a
plan of part of said Lot number twen
ty four Irnown as "Noah Fried'sSur-
vey" of the said Village of Dashwood.
at' a distance of One -hundred and
fifty seven feet, six inches east from
the south-west angle of said Lot "B"
thence northerly three hundred and
thirty-seven feet,six inches to the.
northern boundary of said Lot mark-
ed "B"; thence easterly along the
northern boundary of said Lot "B"
fifty-two feet and six inches; thence
southerly three hundred and thirty-
seven feet six inches to the southern
boundary of said lot `B" thence
western- along the southern boundary
of said lot "B" of fifty-two feet, six
inches to the place of beginning.
Sale Terms. -10. per : cent. of pur-
chase money on day of sale ; Balance
in 30 days thereafter. For further
particulars- apply to
Aunt., or to
Solicitors for Mortgagee,Exeter
'PAC I F f C
Each , Tuesday until October 28th. Inclusive.
Winnipeg and Return S3'S.00
Edmonton and Return - . 43.00
Ocher points In proportion
Raw:Mbnit two months.
$OMESEEt6.ERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto
9.ODp.m. each. Tuesday. Ma to, August.
nrncigsive. Best train to take, as Winnipeg' Is.
reached early morning. enabling tossediters to.
make sit branch line connections.
Through trains Toronto to -
Winnipeg and West
Particulars -from Canadian Pacific (gents or
write M.
Ye Olde Firm Of
Heintzman & Co.
One Genuine Heintzman & Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy-
ancyWalnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar-
anteed 5 years. Regular price 450 selling price 1290.00 $6.
per month.
One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 711-3 Octave
over strung scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. per month
One R. S. Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case 17 1-3
Octave over strung scale in splendid condition ,guaranteed
5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per month.
One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Octave
overstrung scale in splendid, condition. guaranteed 5 years
$150.00. $3,0er month,
15 or 20 Organs in good repair fully guaranteed from $10
to $60.00 one to $2.00 -per month,
flea ztman & Co.
193-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto
or Heintzman & Oo. 33 Ontario Street, Stratford
Heintzman and Co. Please mail m
to -day a list of slightly used Upright
Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad-
A lady. correspondent to the Mail
and Em.Pire frits the nail on the head
regarding Canada farmers in the
lowing ;-"Sir, --Wi11 you allow me to
just say a few words an the fact that
the farmers of Canada are not' pro-
ducing enough butter for home eon,
sumpton? The shortage is alarming,
Only for other countries some would
have to go without it, It is even said
that the shortage is attributed to
laziness Is it not sad to be told we
are too lazy ,to work to keep up the
suptaly for our own demand in place
of being one of the leading export -
erg ? Whose fault is this? The
farmer's wife's ? No, It is that of the
farmer himself, Let him keep the
cows and there will be a way to get
them attended to. Can't we cemem-
her our grandparents on farms telling
us of so many cowls, to milk and so
much butter to make • and market,and
how they used to spin the wool into
yarn and• knit for the whole family.
and even to sell ? Why, yes, it was
a usual thing to buy homemade rocks
in ' stores And wool was spun rot
women's and children's dresses, and
men's clothes as well. --spun at home
and taken to :the factory and woven
into cloth . I rememberall this, and
why is it not .done to -day? Why is
it we are so short of butter ? Prices
would be just the same, Is it the
farmer's wife ? No, it is the farmer,
the head of the house, who is not
so industrious as his grandparents. If
he was he would have more cows
and keep his ow{n1 boys and girls at
home and not aim at making teach-
ers out of them, and typewriters and
professional men who very seldom at-
tain much . A few may, but not in
general. and they livee to regret they
ever left the farm. There is' no home
so independent as that of the farmer,
and none valued much: less, for work
has apparently become a burden for
theme in place of -a pleasure. Surely
something will be done to awaken the
people Why cry out for help? Keen
your children an the farms and you
will have all the help you require.
Ther again no matter what prices a
farmer gets now he wants, to hire as
grandfather did, so much a year and
board Men and women won't work
now for grandfather's prices. They
want current wages in proportion to
what is got for produce. Everything
has changed, but one thing, that is
we must eat as, of old. So let the
Farmer trq and get back into grand-
father's ways and keep the boys and
'girls; at home, and produce more of
everything and I will venture to say
all will be better, off in the end than
by deserting the farm for city life.
The -Government will have to step in
if `things go on, as they, have and com-
pel = so much production on so :nuch
acreage and so many cows to the
hundred acres, Can they do this?
Yes this can . be done, and when a
man who understands what he is talk-
ing about gets up. and, tells us we are.
are too lazy in Canada to produce
enough butter for home consumption
it is about time somethi.t was c'ona.
A few months ago I visited a farmer
I knew as a boy."Well, I said how
is business?" "A11 right," "You are
getting good prices now.. "Yes, to
what we used to whenhay went for
$8 to .$11 per ton and other things
in proportion; butter 10c, per - ib.,
and. eggs 9 -and 10c. a dozen." "'Yes,"
I said "there is a great change. Now.
the demand is great compared with
those days." "Why, yes," he says
"I dor't care now if we only have
jalf a crop; we are as well off as we
used to be in the times when we
worked harder., "You,". I said `•work
hard now. How can you with all the
machinery to do all your work ? I
think I said. farmers of •to -clay have
Caller. out with work to what your
grandfathers used to do .and yet they
were the most happy, and then :Moines
seemed to be more plentiful, boys
and girls- at home all working. How
things have changed." Let us pray to
God for the return of those happy
days, those satisfying days, which
mans of us remember, and let the
farmers of today seal their folly of
not keeping in touch with, the old
stock. Education is all right. on the
farm it should teach us better ideas
in many things, but keep the educa_
tion on the farm for better results
than teaching, etc: etc. and let Can-
ada become a leader in butter and
beef as well as bread,
A Farmer's Daughter.'
Mrs: McMordie of London; is visit-
ing her daughter Mrs. Glenn. -Wild
Cook. of Chicago is here visiting his
mother and other relatives -Fred G.
B.onthron of Chicago is home visiting
his parents and relatives. -Miss Tda
Gudmore left last week for Guelph,
where she intends visiting for a .noon-
th,--Mrs: N. Shirray is recovering
nicely.-Edniorid Geiger who has
been teaching near liairow, is :Home
for the holidays. --Mise, Gertie ''etty
is home from Stratford hospital,
where 'she is in training, as nurse,--
urse,-Miss Lily Yungblut is recovering .lice
ly from the effects of her second op-
eration at Stratford hospital. --Mrs. H.
J. D. Cooke; who was called here ons
account of the illness of her mother,
has returned to Toronto., --A. party of
Indians fron Muncey Reserve are
here assisting' at flax pulling, -Mr. and
Mrs. Madge of New, York visited the
former's sister, Miss Anna Madge,
this week. -Mrs, Johns who has been
spending a few weeks with her mot-
her,, Mrs. 1;. Cook, has returned to
her home in Guelph. -Mrs. F, A..
Sellery. who with her son, Lorne has
been. spending a few days u-ith her,
parents, has returned to 'Toronto: --
James Johnston of Willow 1-Iat , ar-
rived home front Victoria X-rnspital,
London last week. lnilcll improved. --
George 'Thompson of Con. 2, Hay,
died recently' at Killarney, Ma it., at
whicl place he liad settled. His wid-
ow was formerly Miss jessic Moir. He
was 52 years of a.ge,
Twa, of our boys captured a young
eagle oI the :golden crest variety last
week and took it to a gentleman in.
elected Mayor
who, being
Mr, WM. Ament was
ol; Seaforth on Friday by
(succeeding 5. C, Greig,
Division Court Clerk, hadunder the.new provincial
Success depends largely : .
Good Health
In your raee for success don't loose eight of the fact that only
through good health can you attain success.
The tension you must necessarily place upon your nerves, and the
sacrifice of proper exercise you have to make at times must be
balanced in some way.
D>rr, Pierre's Golden Medical »iscov er
Me balancing power -a vitalizing power. It acts on
tate stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, thus
purifying .the blood and giving strength to the nerves,
indirectly aiding the liver to perform its very important
work, Dr. Pierce: Carlon Medical Discovery has been
iniccessful fora generation aa a tonic and body builder.
Sold by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form.
atrial box of °'Tablets" mailed on receipt of 50 one.
Cent stamps. •
If in failing health write x. l;'{. 1t. •Pierce's
,faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, New York.
The People's Coatroom
Sens+ Medford Adviser
newly revised .up -to.
dais edition -of lee8
pages, answer* hosts
of delicate questions
which. avert woman,
stn lerrmerried,ought.
to knew. Sent FREE
to cloth binding to say
address en receipt of
SO ens -cent stamps: to
cover cost of wrapping
and mailing only.
Farm Laborers.
Plus half. cent a mile from Winnipeg to destination, but not beyond ."w'ac-
lead, Calgary or Edmonton.
$18.00 to Winnipeg, plus half -cent a mile from points east of Macleod
Calgary or Edmonton, to Winnipeg.
Aug, 18 ---From all ,stations east of Kingston in Ontario.
Aug, 22 -From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, v:.i:rtrat
ford and south thereof in Ontario.
Aug 25 -Frons stations north of, '.td not including Main, Line Toronto to
Sarnia Tunnel, vjaa. Stratford alt stations Toronto and nor:at and
east of Toronto to Kingston.
Sept 3 -Stations Toronto and Eaast & East of Orilla and. Scotia Jct:
Sept 5 -Stations Toronto to North Bav incl ,and west thereof in G it^rio
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest r he
Ween Winnipeg, Saskatoon Edmonton.
Full particulars at all G.T.R. offices or write C, E, Horning, D.P.A.
G. T. Ry,, Toronto Ont.
Aug. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Round Trip Rates from Exeter to
New London, Conn. .5.13
Portland Me. 19.90
Old Orchard, Me. 20.20
Kennebunkport, Me. ... 20.75
Murray Bay, Que23,35
Carolina, Que 23.50
St: ,johns N.B. 2835
Halifax, N.S. 30.35
Charlottetown P.E,I. 31.80
Sydney N. S. 34.85
Proportionate low rates to other
points. Return limit Sept 4, 1913
Full particulars from my
each 7 UESDAY until Oct. 23 th
Winnipeg and Return 535.00
Edmonton and Return 43.00
Proportionate low rates to nt'a-
er points.
Return 'limit two month,.
Through coaches and Pullman tour-
ist, Sleeping cars are operate 1 to
WINNIPEG without change, leaving
Toronto 11.00 p.m., via Chicago and
St. Paul on above dates.
Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia
and Northern Navigation Company.
Grand Trunk Agent.
Large Doors -Easy Fir. in
Ask our agen-t To explain
its many advantages, or
write our nearest branch
for booklet.
took at these roomy
Double Feed Doors.
You can use a big
shovel - there is no
danger of hitting the
sides and spilling coal
all over the floor.
These doors will aria
a big chunk of wood to;-
orThe Sunshine Furnace is
easy to operate.
Sanshine Furnace
London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. Sohn, N.B.
Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 331
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son