HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-31, Page 8c. X.ETER MARKETS. CII. SD EACH WEDNESDAY Wise , «,« .. , 85 85 Berl 45 48 Buelt > rteat.�,. , 48 48 Oats, ... , 85 85 Pews , .. , .. , , µ "1 00 1 00 Potat • ,»a. per bag1 50 1 50 Hay, a - .. on .. ... 10 00 10 00 Four. per Cwt«, Yfamily 2 80 our, s ..v grade per cw 1 50 1 50 Patten ..«...,.... `d0 21 Pried Apples per lb ... , 9 7i 28 22 00 26 00 Lave hogs, per cwt..... Short- nwrton Bout nee ton. .... Sugar Beet meal;�.�, . , NOTICE.—We will continue- our "White Sale" for One week and tdd Tablellnen• Towellings, Ducks, Cot- tons ant, White Ailovers. MRS, W. D. YEO. FOR SALE—Jersey Cow, excellent strain. J., D. NESTLE, Exeter. HARVESTERS WANTED, — For Newdele, lian., Long season and cur- rent wages guaranteed, Full inform- tior can be secured from W. W. Hunte. William -St, Exeter, TEACHER WANTED,—Holder of First or Second Class Certificate to teach, in S. S, 'No, 6, Stephen. :States salary Duties to commence after the su.nmer holidays.—GEO. ,dAW_ HINNEY, Sec.-Treas., Crediton P.0, Ont. TEACHER WANTED.—For Union S. S. No. 13, Hay and Stephen, hold- ing Second Class Normal Certificate. School two miles west of Exeter. Apply stating salary and qualification to NELSON STANLAKE, Hay P.O. PASTURE TO RENT Anc Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres being Lot 11, S.B., Con. 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3,, Hay. Good supply of water all season. The cider press is ii goad condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O; We expect to shut down next week for repairs. Those needing chopping done please take notice. -HARVEY BROS READY FOR THRESHING -- We are now ready to engage with farm- ers to da their threshing on short- est notice.-COOKSON & SANDERS Exeter. PUPS FOR SALE—A number of excellent . hound pups for sale. Apply to F. TRIEBNER, Stephen, Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied. by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. WM. RIVERS. Autoes For Sale 7 -passenger car, Thomas make; 1 5 -passenger car, Ford. Both are in good running order with nearly new tires all through. Apply to John Sta- tor. Grand Bend, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE • A one -storey brick house in good state of repair. Apply to T. HAW- KINS Hawkins' Hardware Store, Exeter. VACATION NOTICE Kindly take notice that my dental office will be closed from the middle of July to the middle of August. Al- so note tbat my office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. DR: ROULSTON. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres." of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3, Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end, wood shed, pig- house 16x24; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass ; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O,, or on the premises. TG FARMERS WANTING MIEN, Farmers watnti,ng hired men for next seasc.i, should plats their orders at once others; 1St there wi71 be difficulty :sl eee'. i n help., Orders lett with the Lots Governmsnt lamployment Agent, to 1:,t0 district, Advocate Orb:co, or • sad re_ sed thereto, will receive prompt .etter,,tk`n C. H. SANDERS, Agent. I.v16;a"eicaea • Ls /f/1 tOk 0114 SWINGING A BUSINESS Judlclous advertising Is the derrick that swlnps a business to success. Classified Want Ads. ars terse bust nese bringers that are suitable to any Walnut. they help the email ones become blg, and the big once to become bigger. ht n+! J,C,tarl.. ...:.. IP LOCAL DOINGS. Rev. McAlister~ preached at Bethany ond afternoon. S uo ay aft .noon. Hot weather puts the blush on the peach and the freckles on the peach of. a girl. The honeymoon is about over when he begins to notice that the sleeves of her kimono are trailing in the butter dish, Who is the most enviable ? —the maul who has taken, his holidays, is taking. them ox has them. still to take? We vote for the last named. 11r. Jos, Davis last week disposed of ten acres of land situated east of towr to Mr, Louis Day. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $800.00. Mr Chas. Birney is the first to • presen the Advocate with a home- growr ripe tomato. Mr. Eirney holds the record for 'early tomatoes, and what is equally to his credit he ;lever forgets the Advocate with a fair sample On July 1st the new _Municipal Act came into force and one of the provis ions in the Act says,—"No municipal council or owner of land shall lay out any highway less than 6t feet wide, or except in case of a city or town, more than 100 feet wide." Mr W, J. Heaman's. rink of bowlers consisting. of Rev. Collins, Mr, Glad- man, Mr .L R. Carling and himseltt did particularly well in London this year, reaching one game from the semi finals, in the consolation. They won five games and lost three. Fishstories are common, but often good .stories but snake stories are unusual in this country. Robt. 'Win- ter of Seaforth tells a good one when he claims that he killed one of the spotted kind measuring 18 feet in length. Robert should go to she head of the class. Announcement of ,.he marriage of hiss• Pearl Leavitt, youngest daugh- ter of Mr Wm. Leavitt of this place to Mr. Goldie Cochrane, of the firm of Jackson & Cochrane of Berlin, Ont.. in Moosejaw, Sask., on June 28 hat been made. Mr_ and Mrs. Coch- rane will reside in Berlin, where they" win be home, to their friends after October 1st. It will be welcome news to a large section of the travelling public of Canada that henceforth the railways will be compelled to carry trunks as freight. This is quite as it should be. There are inanY people nowadays who. carry luggage in excess of that al- lowed free by the railways, that the express rates for .overweight have be, come not only an imposition but a nuisance The Model schools will open on August 19. Those who wish to at- tend in order to qualify for limited third class certificates should make application before Aug 19 to the deputy minister of Education on a form which will bet supplied on re- quest to him, but application will not be accepted from those who will not 18 years. of age before December 31, of this year. • The ,Mitchell Advocate says,—"We had a call on Saturday, from Mr. Mc- Bride wife and three daughters. Up to thirty-three years ago_ Mr. McBride was a resident of 1Vlitchell,since which time he has_beent residing, in Galt He said that Local Option has greatly injured the business of that town and that the road between Pres- to and Galt ,the former being a "wet town" and only three miles apart, is literally paved with broken bottles..". The post office department is con- sidering the whole question. pf par- cels post No announcement will be made as to rates, etc., for some time. however. The department intends to work out the plan, as, it did the pos- tal note and other branches of the service It was hoped to start the service January 1; but, there is no def- inite announcement as to this. Meat, - while rural mail routes are increas- ing rapidly and there are now 1,500 in operation. FELL FROM ROOF. --Mr. Fred Green, while shingling en Mr. Fred Witwer's stable on Saturday last, ac- cidentally missed his footing 'fhd fell to the ground below, a distance of many feet .breaking his shoulder and fracturing his hip, and he teas badly shaken up. Medical aid was . at once sought and his injuries dressed, but he wili be confined to his home for. some time to come. HICKS AUGUST FORECASTS.-- With ORECASTS.-With . a regular storm period covering the 2nd to the 7th, having its seen: ter on the 4th, we mayexpect al] the phenomena usually attending such periods at this season of the year. The influences of the :Mercury and Venus periods will also be felt in the- storm hestorm and changes at this thne. The moon will be new, or in conjunction. wits• the Sun and the, Earth, on the second„ in perigee, or nearest the Earth on the 3rd, and on the celestial. equator on the 5th, all of which will to a marked degree, intensify storm and seismic disturbances during this period A. wave of excessively high temperature willappear in western sections as early as the 1st, the bar orneter Will fall to very low readings cloudiness will tepidly .ensue, and storms of rain, thundZ:e and wind will organize and start en their eastward march across the country. On and touching the 3rd, 4th and 5th dan- gerous storms are probable, and' no reader or these forecasts should be surprised at such disturbances. Des- tructive hail and probable tornadoes will be natural consequences, espec- ially ,in northern and Borth western parts. Harvest: in the northwest will be endangered by great hail storms on and touching the days named. Black and ominous clouds, with phen- omenal lightning and thunder even wherethere is little or no rainfall,, will ai$pear at this time. Look for earthquake reports within four days -of the and, this being a central clay of a. marked seismic period. Change to much cooler from about the 6th> to filth. i1x;^ and Ntrs« Cazt,ui are visiting at Drysdale. Mr. Lee Wilson is holidaying in Port Stanley this week, 1I iss Maida Hero of Norwich orwich visiting.herergxandnntre , is Mr Lloyd Rivers returned froni All viostor. Monday evening. Mr. . Axt of London visited with his son Mr H. Axt, over Sunday Miss Ethel Bissett returned rrom Coliingwood Wednesday evening. Mrs W, G. Bissett leaves this week to visit friends in Peterboro, Mr' Bennett of Toronto is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J, A. Stewart. Mr and Mrs, Ed. Crocker and child of Toronto are visiting relatives here Mr Chas, Dyer of the Nelsons Bankstaff is holidaying in :Hamilton, Mr Russell Frayne and family re- turned to their home in Brantford on Saturday. Mrs Thos, Snell, Huron Street, has turned from a visit with, llrs, Millson at Hensel( The Misses 'Isaac of . Corbett are visiting with their grandmother, Mr, W. Dearing, Mr and Mrs. T. B. Hill of Van- couver. B. C., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M'Iantie. Mrs Cliff, Spackman and child of Guelph arrived here Monday to visit for a month. Mr. H. S. Waugh, of Toronto v=isit- ed with his brother, Mr. G. L.Waugh over 'Sunday, Mrs. Merry of Trail, ::B.C., spent a few days last week, the guest of Miss Ethel Bissett. Messrs, Budd and. Armstrong of F?olden's Corners visited at Mr. R, N, Rowe's ,over Sunday. Miss Vera Rowe returned to Tor - Onto on Monday, Miss Reta accom- panied her and will visit for .a week. Mr, and Mrs, Richard Penhale and family of Toronto are visiting rela- tives and friends here for ;a couple weeks Mr F, G. McAlister, who has beervisiting his parents at James-st, parsonage returned to Toronto on Monday Mr McCreath of Lucknow speili Monday night at Mr, I. Armstrong's and ' is now spending a few days at Grand Bend. Mr. E J Christie was in London Tuesday to meet Mrs: Christie ' 'end daughter who have been visiting in St Catharines. Mrs Gilbert and daughter, errs. Axford of Talbotville are visiting Mrs John Spackman, who is some- what indisposedat present. Mr and Mrs. E. H. Spackman and daughter. of Blenheim - spent a day or two with Mr- and Mrs. John Spack- •man on their way to Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Coughlin of To- ronto who have been visiting rela- tives in Centralia, were guests of Mr. M. M.. Doyle and sister 'last week. Rev D. W. Collins: left Wednesday for an outing at' the, Soo, while 'Mrs Collins and family left to visit with parents at Birr. Both visits were de- layed a few days owing to the ill- ness of their little daughter, but she is recovering nicely. Wheat is pretty mach all cut in this district and is an excellent crop. The other grains look well also. Buffalo Brand Fertilizer I AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY YOU 'WITH THE BUFFALO FER- TILIZER ,THE BEST AND CHEAP- EST 'BRAND MADE. DON'T OR- DER UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN ME Nelson Stanlak LAKE ROAD, HAY P.O. The Misses Zuefle are visiting in St. Thomas, Me, O. Southcott has returned from a visit in Preston. L. G, Watson is the guest of Mr. T. E. Handford, 1Vluskoka, Mrs. Eastwood of Whitby is visit ingher daughter Mrs, Stanbury. Mr. John Spaakmtn of Toronto was the attest ofrelatives here fora gets days. Mr., John McIntyre is back in town having resumed his position with Mr. Alf, Walters, Mrs. Earl Hardy and two children of Winnipeg are visiting of the home of, Mr, S; Hardy Miss Eva Carling and Miss Winnie Carling ,left on Wednesday for New Yorlt and Brantford, respectively, Mr, Moses Amy ,and wife left on - an extended visit to the West Tues-' day: They will visit at Crandall Out- look and other places. :lir. and Mrs, Wilbur B. Phillips of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Owen Sound are guests at the home of Mr B. S. Phillips. Pon Kwong leaves this week for an extended visit to his old home in China A cousin, Pang Hong, is in charge of the business here. Miss Lily Hodgert of Toronto is visiting in town. Her mother and sis- ter ar.e. also visiting ,in. Usborne prior to going to Regina to reside. Mr, Franklin O'Neil . of near Lucan who returned Wednesday of last week from a four months' outing at Utah gave the Advocate a pleasant call on Monday: Mr and Mrs. Theo. Sweet and fam- ily. who have been .visiting relatives and friends here left Monday even- ing fox Hamilton, wh 'ere they will snake their future home. SUBSCRIBE. FOR THE AND GET ALL THE NEWS. fassuateaveawmasasmaseemasioreagal Our Flours a e e on the market. They include' 5 Roses Purity Royal Household ,and Milverton R. G. SELDON• Exeter, Ontario ist. RoWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO STEWART'S PHONE 16 Where Goods and Prices are Both Right. Here is a Chance to Save Money ! 'W EIT; Take note of this—A White waists . ranging in price from ed out this week at astonishi for 75e,, $1.00, $1.50. WHITE The balance of this season's sizes at ridiculous prices, hut but secure one ,while your si SUMMER We have them. We are the season. Our idea is to the next two weeks. LADIES' LIN If you buy a linen coat get several months that you can. ing the next two weeks yon them at greatly reduced pri. MEN'S sr Perhaps your straw hat is chance to buy ; a new one. W all straw hats, Ail the new net straws. POUL We will h.andtle any eluant highest prices.' WAISTS Waist Snap. About 150 1,00 to 3.25, are. to he clear- ngly low prices. Your choice SKIRTS stock. A good assortment of they, must go, Don't delay ze is here. 1.50 2.00 PARASOLS reducing the price early in clear every parasol during EN COATS it now. - There are . still make use of it. Besides dur- een save money by. buying ces, RAW HATS getting shabby.. Here is a e are reducing the price on est styles in plain and sere - TRY ity ,of live poultry. We pay Storj closes Thursday c noons during July and August STEWART �urStore Till Solve ..:.. Many a Wedding Gift Perplexity .. p �' When you are purchasing a present, it is a matter of money and,what,you want-- nothing else. Then this is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A goad varietyof articles, selected from the larg- est stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, ` Clocks, Etc. and of superiorhese gg sasew' beautiful, and modern in design, quality. We crake a specialty of handling High Grade Watches All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed. MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician Exeter,' Ont. THE STORE. THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT Powe" Big Variety. Store We wish to announce that we have installed a NATIONAL CASH .REGISTER, and willgive you a cash receipt with ev- ry purchase .of 5c. or over. Save the receipts and get valuable PREMIUMS FREE. Its up to you to get in line with the store that shares its profits with you SPECIALS NOW ON SALE TOOTH PASTE for cleaning and preserving the teeth -only 15c. LEMON POWDER for Lemonade, cheaper than lemons, 1.5c. a jar CRUSHED ROSE or . VIOLET Talc cum Baby Powder, 15c. A full line of drug preparations at cut prices. Conte and ask us about your wants.3 COME IN OFTEN POWELL'S BAZAAR .W%•10 ,lasomemassseo'"1.0%10%.0wWeeek JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Mid - Summer Sale Of All Summer Goods If you are in need of any Summer Goods do not fail to attend this bargain sale. Everything adver- tised wiil be sold. WAISTS iib DRESSES A lot of nice, ones deft. 'but all to be cleared out. MUSLINS; GINGHAMS ,. A good selection at real sale prices. WHITEWEAR This is the time to buy when they are sold cheap. MILLINERY Only a few left. MI to go at less than half price. PARASOLS All Fancy Parasols to be sold at a big sacrifice, BOYS' WASH SUITS All boys' wash suits to .clear at 65c., 75c,, $1.00 Big Clearing of Clothing & Shoes CLOTHING We have a lot of odd lines of New Up-to-date Men's ,Cz Boys Clothing and. Odd Pasts, 'These Suits are this Spl'ing'S style and the cloths are , the best ,incl patterns the newest. , Men's Suits $7, $8, $10,, Boys' Suits $3 $4, $5. SHOES A lot of Odd Pairs of High Shoes Oxfords, Pumps, Tan White and Patented for Men, Women and Children. All . uew stylish shapes, but as the lines are broken we will sell the whore lot at .about one-half the regular price. Come and see them, JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing