HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-31, Page 5•k
Dr. D
Ia . 1iYYiJLSI QN,. L.D,S.,
needier o4 ttua 12.0.D.S., of Ontario and
Honor C4raduate ot: Toronto Wniversity.
oefere -•river. Dickman & C1arling'e law
ante. Closed. Wedne,,ideY • afternoons,
o r Men
Phosphonol et stares evsiT Ter In flee, bOdY
to It3 prOper,,t�ittpn p reat4,res
villi and vitality. I'reseeture tit ea*;,and aif Belt*
weakness averted. ;ewe, riettpilo*oa- yri11
make_ You a now man, .Price t eboz or two tar
1*, 'mailed to any address, The Scoihell Drug
go..11$, Catluirines, Ont.
int, A. R. KINSMAN, L.D,S.,• D.D.S.*
1Edenor tlredtxzke of Toronto ° enevers/ty,
reed. extracted witttout pain, Cr any
bad agitate. Office o'vet• Gladmen ".ec
Btan re's •OPe:ee, Maden ^Street, Exeter.
Solac4tora,' Niotariece, Cenveyencers, dom- 1
;nesseonera. Solicitors for the Moisons .I
Bank, etc. • 1 i
a sweat ,rates of interest
)foney to Liaise at 1 1
Offices-Madn-St., Exeter i
I. R. Carlini'; H,A. L. L Dickson
i ue '.hove a laa^g'e aazount oY private.
funds to loan on faxen and village prop-
erties at low rates odt'tntnrest,
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.
°Agent Confederation. Life Assurance '
Company, also Fire insurance in lead-
itis- Canadian and British Companies.
efeen-St., Exeter.
L fe, F'i a> Acclde t. and Plate Glass
'Li r
Insurance; Collecting accounts, and con- i
ducting 'auction'sales. -' Exeter,- Ont: ;
A New Catalogue of
Toronto Ont., is now ready: ;Write
for 'one It gives full particulars con-
cerning a famous school.
The undersigned Is offering for sale
that desirable 10o acre farm, situated
in the Town.ah:p of B,iddulph,"being Lot
134 -Con. 1. Th,eire'is on the premeses
a good frame Morose, batin Withy founda-
tion, orcihna7d, The fattm is well drain-
ed and all ender Cultivation. This is
an, excellent farm, Well situatedand will
be sold reasonable, For further partic-
ulars apply to Jolhi O'Neil, Mooresville,
elmt. 'WM. KELLY.
The undersigned offering for ? sale
Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con-
taining i00 acres of good land. There
is on the preniseis a. good: frame house
with stone cellar; bank barn with ce-
ment floors; 3 good wells, emd a
small orchard;. This is a good grain
or grass farm, or wiener' make a good
stock farm,. Situated two miles. from
Exeter; phone 1n .housey, Will be sold
rease;nable, For , particulars apply on
the premises, or wn•ite the undersigned,
Fred Green, Hay, olr. S. S. Phillips,
l• CoiIee At
Thousands of anibitious_young neo..
;plc are fast preparing in their own honucs to
loceupy lucrative positions asstenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civiheervants, in
fact every sphere of Business' Activities
You may finish at college if you so wish
Positions guaranteed.. Eater college any
• day. Individual instruction. Expert tea-
cners. Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges Spec-
ial course for teachers. ..,
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-..
ads., "Summer School at famous
"potton Business College, Lon-
Pres1deftt 'Principal
We have thorough courses and
,one experienced instructors,
ye do more for our students and
raduates than other schools do. At
resent we have applications offering
romq $600 to $1200 "'per annum (or.
yelp. Business ;nen know where
hey get the best help. We have
hree departments, Commercial, Short -
and and Telegraphy. Get our free
htalogue. "
D A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
very Woman
is interested and should know
aboettbe wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
ask low druggist for
lt. If be cannot supply
the MARVEL, accept no
other, but send stamp for Illus-
trated book -sealed,. lt,givea fµ11
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies, W1ND5of S UPPx.Y co,. Windsor. Ont
General Asents Tor Canada. •
Dr. de Van's Female Pj1(s.
•'A rellable French regulator; never fails. These
rills are exceedingly ppowerful in regulating the
enerative portion of the female system. Refuse
It cheap imitations. Dr. de Neaa'a are sold at
6 a box, or three for 910. Mailed to any address.
Lie ilcobell Drag Co.. $t. Cwtbariaes, Out.
Notice to Creditors
HELD late of the Village of Dash
wood in the County of Huron,
, Gentleman Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Sect!or 55, Chap: 26, I George V.
Statute: of Ontario, 1911, that all
persons having any claim "against the
above estate are required to send by
post prepaid or deliver to the ,ander
signet( solicitors for William Held
the Executor of the Will of the above
named deceased on or before the 1st
day of September, 1913 their nam-
es and addresses and full particulars
of their claims duly verified.
And further take notice that after
the 1st of September, 1913 the exec
utor , will proceed to distribute„ the
assets of the said deceased among the
eart`.ies . • entitled thereto, • having re•
Bard to those Oa:Ms only of which
zottce s'ha11 have been received as above
required and said executor will not be.
table for the said sestets or any Part
thereof so distributed as aforesaid go
any person or persona, of vvfnoee claim
or claims anotdee shall not have been re.
ceived by 'fm at the time Lot such d:s-
Dated at Exeter • this 19th clay of
Tuly A D • 1913. •
Solicitors for Executor
ANY person who is the :sole head of
a. tangly or any male eror 4..8 years- Old,
nay ,homestead a, quarter- section of
available Dominion, land i:xi Manitoba
Saskatiehewen or Alberta. -,.The: ap-
plicant inuet' appear .in persan^-•at the
L3ominian Lands Agency or • sub-
agency for the district. akLtmy by pro-
ey. aiaade be 'made at any ageency; on
pertain conditions by father, mother ,
son, daughter, brother or sister ,,of in-
tending holm,eisteader • •
Duties -Six months' residence upon.
and cultivation of bhe land' in each
of three years, A :homesteader may live
within Woe n.flies of fee homestead on
a team o,t at least 80 acres:8001y
owned( and occupied by him -or by his
father, nidxther, eon daughter," brother
or. sister,,
In certain destrtets a ii tnesfead.eir
good standing nim pre-ehpta quart"
er-isectfon .along side hese homestead.
Price t;3„00 per acre. -
Duttea-Mu.0t: eesidt; upon' •the Piocne
stead or pre'-emptiou six • iitont ie: ;;n
each., 04 six years from date of home-
stead entry ' ,(in,eaudiiig the : tins .:Tat
geared tie •earn. h,o Lestea'd pa,t'ent) and
cultivate` fiftyacres extra.
A•ll inrieisrteade� yrh e ,bars h ,tilted -lig
homestead right . and . caidhot;- obtain' it
5 r4 tnnip"ion may em.'ter ,ior a PUed
Glaser:, bee es,'•ead tn'•dcrteiu • dietr7".vis
J'rle8 •$8.t1t) per aero, Putleeee Mutt
reside six. pealitltlm,• in,. eaacla of these
.years,- cutt1wate ' flft✓ acres 'arid." erect
,a, lvoutetd worth $8110.
Vet, W., ool't'y,
Deputy of• the Manistee crt the inter:or
, ltdton. �a!
In the matter' of the Estate of .Isaac
Smale. late of the Vlillage of, Ex--
cater in the County of 'Huron, sad-
dler, de:ceased...
There will beoffered for s6Qe by
Public Auction on the premises, on
SATURDAY the 9th day of AUG-
UST 1913 ,.at Z o'clock p,rn,, the fol-
lowing valuable properties namely;
Parcel. No, 1 ---Lot number Five on
the Wrest side of,, Carling street, and
North of Gidley Street, "Gidley's
Survey Exeter, containing :' 1 acre.
and 4 perches. of land, more or less.
Parcel No. 2 -The South. half of
Six • on the West side; of Carling > St.
"Gidley's Survey," Exeter, containing
2. rtids"and 2 perches of land more
or less.
On parcel No. 1, there is erected a
frame, dwelling, also a frame stable;.
on parcel No. 2, a frame Dwelling all
in fairly good condition, Any per --
persons contemplating building a
residence, or residences should avail
themselves: of this opportunity to ac-
quire advantageous sites and plenty
of first-class material :for re -eon,
struetion work, •
The properties arefavorably locat-
ed convenient to school and church-
es and within a short distance of
Main street Railway Station and Can-
Terms of Sale -Z0 per cent. of
purchase money on day of sale, bal-
ance in 30 days thereafter. Other
terms made known on, day of sale.
T• -B, Carling • Dickson & Carling
Auctioneer Solicitors elor
Mortgage Sale
Unless the moneys due under a
ccertair Mortgage made by Dorothea
Mille- ter George Koch, are sooner
paid there will be offered for raee-
bv Public Auction on FRIDAY, the
Eighth day of August, 1913; at
2 o'clock p.mat the Zimmer Hotel
i at Dashwood, the following desir-
able property, viz :-A11 that certain
parcel . or tract .of land and . premises.
situated in the village of Dashwood,,
in the Township of . Hay and County,
of Huron .,being composed of part .of
Lot number twenty-four (24) in the
South Boundary Concession of the
said Township of Hay, more partic-
ularly described • as follows :-Com-
mencing at a point in the Southern
boundary of Lot marked "B” on a
Plats of part of said' Lot humber .wen
ty four known as "Noah Fried's Sur-
vey" of the said Village, of Dashwood
at a distance of One -hundred and
fifty seven feet, 'six inches east from
the: south-west angle of said Lot "B"
thence northerly three hundred and
thirty-seven feet, six inches to - the
northern boundarY of said Lot markt
ed "B"; thence easterly along the
northern boundary of said Lot "B"
fifty-two feet and six inches; thence
southerly three hundred and thirty-
seven feet six inches to the southern.
boundary' of said lot "B" thence
westerly along the southern boundary
Ye. - Olde Firm Of
Heintzman. & Co,
One Genuine Heintzman & Co. Up -Right Piani), Fancy
Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar-
anteed 5 years. Regular price 450 selling price $290.00 $6.
per month.
One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7i 1-3 Octave
over strung- scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. per month
One R. S. Williams Square piano Rose Wood Case ;7 1-3
Octave over strung scale in splendid condition guaranteed
5 years. $150.00 43.00 per mouth. .
One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Octave
overstrung "scale in: splendid condition -guaranteed 5 years
$150.00..$3,00 permonth,
15 or 20 Organs,in ood,re air folly' guaranteed from' $10
o. 0 per month.
to. X50.00 � One to �i2 0 . ,-.
.einzt an +� Co;
-193-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto '
or' Eeintzran & Co. 38 Ontario Street, Stratford
m and Co.Please mai
�exnt� ally Upright ,' used U ri' t
to -day a list of slightly �� �.
in the . Exeter Ad-
Pianos ad ert>�sed
Rae:- Unaut,hrorleed publication of ress
teem aevertitgeenent tit st'd fee,
F/ "":.,
of said lot IT of fifty-two £eet,six
"int;l'tes to the placd of beginning.
Sale Terms.,1.0 per cent, of pur•»
chase money on day of .sale; Balance
in 30 flays thereafter. For further
particulars apply to;.
Auct., or to
Solicitors for Morttaagee,Exeter
Miss Lily Ortwein .is visiting friends
in "Berlin: -Bob Chesney of Toronto
is visiting at his home here.- ` Miss
Beatrice Cudniore has taken a .post••
riot^, in Toronto, -Miss. Emma. Thome-
see of Toronto 15 visiting relatives inM
town, -Mrs, Habklrk:';of'..Seaforth is
the guest of her ,•sister Mrs. Alf,
Taylor, -Will Yungblut” 92 the` West'
'visiting his sister, Mrs. James Bon -
theme -Mrs. Shitrtiy "Ct Detroit is
here, owing to 'the illness of °Mrs, N.
$hiri ay. -Geo, Joynt' is ' makin pre-
parations to rush up his new vapor
atoe without delay. -Mass ,Mabel Cull:
more, who - recently underwent an
operatioi' for appendicitis in Strat-
ford hospital„has recoveeed so as to
be able to return home htarry Jac-
obi. who recently retired '' from his
farnY near Chiselhurst has purchased
50 acres from Peter {1\ Naughton and
Will resume farming, -=Frank Coleman
underwent an operation for appendic-
itis at Stratford Hospital, last week,
vJame Jcshnston • who' was operated
on fol appendicitis over two weeks
ago. and appeared to be recovering
nicely is not as well, 'and it. is fear-
ed another operation is necessary. -
Miss Lily',McK.ay, •.teacher, oft Wind
sor,`is home for the •holidays.—Mrs.
David McLean has - returned from a
visit with her daughter gear ' New
York. -Mrs James Botithron has re-
turned from a visit with her . parents
at Waterloo -Abe Case, station agent
and wife are visiting. in Toronto.
Mrs. Robert ponthron; has returned
f ruin a visit with her daughters in
'Bailie.. During the week Mr, Bon-
thron received word that his sister
Mrs. Ellis was dead. .
'Miss Helma Sipple of Detroit is vis
sting relatives and fa lends in town
Misses Gladys and Rose McNevin
of Goderich are the/ guests of their
aunt Mrs. E. Appel. -Miss Nettie
Well of Detroit is visiting her par-
ents Mr and Mrs. ' H. Well -Mr. B
Appel left for a visit to his old
home near New Hamburg. -Mr. Thos.
Johnston visited friends in Strat-
ford' and Berlin. -Mrs. Wm. Klo,pp of
Stratford is spending a few weeks
with her sons, Messrs. Elmer and
Oscar Kiopp.-Miss Verus Gottschalk'
has gone back to her. home in Bad;'
Axe Mich. -A private wedding took.
place at the residence of the bride's
parents Zurich, the contracting par-
ties bein; Oscar A. Miller- of Berlin.
and Miss Josephine Howald. Rev. C.
C T Maas of Preston performed the
the ceremony. The ,attendants were
Mr • Herb Howald and Miss Clara
Millet _
Ivan N. Lore of the Canadian Swift
Company travellin• staff out of Wey-
burn. Sask.,. visitea relatives here. -
Johr McWilliams of Elora is spending
part of his holidays with his mother,
-Miss McKay of London is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. E. A. McKenzie, -►
Marshall Laughton has returned after
spending a• month with relatives near
Appiee-Dr. Oscar Selloff and wife of
.Cleveland Ohio, are visiting Harry
Selloff prior to their departure for the
West .., -=Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. McFalis
have returned after spending a few
days at Grand Bend. -Mrs. T. Brooks
spent a -few days with her parents at
Exeter. the last week.
Accident. -A serious -'accident oc-
curred last _week when a horse driv-
en by Miss Lulu Simpson upset the
buggy into a deep ditch. Miss Simp-
son had her grandmother, Mrs. Tames
Simpson out for a drive, The horse
became• frightened by an auto and up-
set the buggy." Miss Simpson sustain-
ed a broken leg, also •.one aria was
broken :arid 'the other *arm was badly
sprained Athough she' is 75 years of
age she is doing nicely at last report.
1 ,
L•.- Frank �.. Can
1vI TC 1VIr P'x
I�XXr.L p
bell has entered an acti,'oan at Osgoode
Ilea against Bliza Jane Irwin, as ad
nlinlstratrix of, the estate of the late
John .Dr)' 'Irwin of Toronto to re-
cover $35,000 alleged due under as
titgreemenr whereby J. D. Irwin was
to pay; plaintiff the -valuation of dean
W ItiDSOE XAD,DS Arra4+1.
TO All Women --'I will 'end .!tars with
full instructions, my home traatuirairt .
which positively cures, Leltoferrl;oer►, Ul-
ceration, D.eplacemente, l'e'ading of the
womb, Palnfull or Irregular Periods,
Iltertme And Ovarian Tumors or growths
also Hot Flashes, Nervousness, Mel-
ancholy, Pains in the 'Revd, Back or
Bowels,, asci Bladder troubles, where
eaused.by'.weakr-ewe pecullar to our'sex
roe can . continue treatment et home
at a coat of on,ly,43.bqut 12 ceq,te( a wee>s
1vly book. "Woman's - Own Medical Ad-
viser," aleft sent free on request.
Write to -day. Addz1ess, Mrs. M,Summero
Box. R, 840 Windsor. Ont.
Miss La zie Hogg of Woodham died
at St. Joseph Hospital, London, on
July 17 .where she had been five
or six Weeks following an operation.
The remains were brought to the
hone of her sister, Mrs. Sidney Mills
and interred in Kirkton cemetery. The
brothers and sisters of the deceased
who never married,' are, Samuel and
Herbert of Woodhain, Mrs. Mills, Mrs
James Mills , Mrs. Harry Rodd, of near
Woodham, Mrs. Samuel Gunning . of
Whalen Mrs. J, Cooper of ElimvilIe;'
Mr. Joseph Herbert' of near Lucan,
Mrs Wm. Stephens df Motherwell
It is our duty this, week to record
the death of James Johns which took
place at his late residence, Varna,. on
July 22. The deceased was 'enjoy-
ing good health until three months
ago. Deceased - was born in Corn-
wall, England, in the year 1842. In
the year, 1873 he with his , family
moved .to Canada, settling at Scar-
borough where, they remained one
year after which they moved to
Varna The deceased was well known
and respected by all who knew him.
He leaves to mourn( his wife, and Mrs.
W M. Beyer of Kansas City, Mrs. C
A, Treat and Chas. G. of Chicago,
Mrs H. T .Hutchings,' Goderich Tp..
Thomas H, of Exeter,, ,Alfred G. and
Arthur ill.. 01 Satiigan, Sask., and
John R and Ethel M. at .home, The
funeral was held 'Thursday to the
Verve' cemetery..
to r.'buildings on lands tzentiolled Io
leases etwen hint and- ,T, H, ince,
The pyaintiff is . the assignee of the
Including Muskoka Lakes, -Ake of
Bays, Algonquin. Park, Maganetag^s,p
and French River, Georgian Bay, TI-
nlagare. and IKawartha Lakes, Lit,
cellent train service via Grand rrunk
Railway to and from above resorts.
Tourist tickets at reduced rages,,
good to return until Nov.. 30th are
now on sale to above resort.
Write for illustrated folders and
time tables, telling you how to get
there and containing list of 'hotels
rates etc,, to C. E. Horning, _D ,P.
A. G T. Ry., Union Station, Toronto
N. J. Dore, Station Agent, Exeter
BRUCEFIELI?-Joliti.. B. (Mustard
our lumber merchant has had fi spur
track -rain into his yard for conven-
(coos in handling lumber, He also in--
n -tends: handling :'coal "next winter.,
AILSA CRAIG --`W`. W. Gandiiag
florist ,and Harry Coleman, traveller"'
of Lonclor were badly hurt whenan
d`utomnobile driven 13y _Mrs A. E., "salver,
ti1'ood London,' overturned hi a ditch
neat Bowwooti on Satui•d4y It ,tilt Vit«•
Silvetwood escaped injury Witt an-
other gentielpan from London was utt
;hart, Both victims were ;taken to,
.Grand <Bend,
rWoman's orna s Dan-er Signals
Rot dashes --dizziness, fainting spells, headache, bearing -downs
feeling and ills of a kindred nature -are natures danger signals.
The female disturbance or irregularity back of these eallp, or help,.
should have immediate• car e and attention. Otherwise the delicate
femalecOnstitution soon 'breaks down.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescription
:for., more, than,40 year* has been lending its health restoring aid to thou,
Banda of women year after year throughout its long life;
This wonderfully .uccessfutremedy imparts strength to the entire system --
particularly to the means distinctly feminine. Nerves are refrea)ied. The "stale",
overworked business woman, the ruin -down house -wife, and the wear' eitre-worn
mother of a famijp,--all wfll gain strength from, this famous prescription which
40 years has demonstrated its effectiveness -in liquid or tablet forte.
Write Dr. R. V. Pierce's Specialists taut* t* Invalid.' Holed -
Correspondence Strictly Confidential -and no charge.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pallets regulate and Invigorate stolaaola, liver
and bowels. Sugar-coated tiny Crannies -easy to take as Gandy•
The Damper Does It
When gas surplus accum-
ulates in the Sunshine
Furnace' the autorrnatic
damper releases it into the smoke
pipe. When pressure is relieved
the damper closes automatically.
If you install a "Sunshine" you
will never be troubled
with furnaceg as in
your house.
A Sunshine Furnace pos-
sesses many other exclusive
advantages. Pay our agent a
visit or write for booklet to
nearest branch.
Sanshine Furnace
London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B.
Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 338
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
Why should any other
cereal be called"just as
good" as
Because Kellogg's is known to be4iebest
and -most nutritious cereal on the market—
Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
is enormous as trade returns will show—
Because another large modern factory, the
best and most sanitary in Canada had to
be built to take care of our constantly in-
creasing trade ---
Because the imitator, knowing these facts
and having few selling arguments for his
own product thinks to create a market for
it by comparing it to Kellogg's:
But=• -the :avorand the sustaining• Kellogg ���.-'s Corn Flakes
c�u�.11ties of g�
cannot be counterfeited. ..Sold in
big pad
acka es` at 10c. Look for
he signature. ,