HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-31, Page 1FtE EW 'TateSet1:SSW111E; "t'P:ill New la the Mole est eesel in ancl have yew, cub ieripe 4lli to 413,9 Advocato re. /lowed, We atm to Ohre *au all ttie lenat neve tri cenolee And interesting tier311x and. we believe we /lye up to the claim:_ Rely along the good work. TVi'ENTYrSEVEN',1'H YEAR. EXET , ONTARIO, TRU1 SDAY, e U1X 31 1913. SANDERS & CREEC Ct.,OinitNG tteseeSS Tete :e the eteason car the pee whoa. you are renewhse your neweeeleer eul?R:' 6c•rips:fns»The Adxoea.te' ,clubs with .alt Vet Otte Weekly and Dadiy paper*. and the MagatzLnea at terms that ere l► big inducement, . Cali amid get .our rateel, T-alf Holiday BASEBALL. AgreementWon Lost James Street 7 3 Maid Street 1 30 The undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business at half past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoon during lithe months of July and August. J. A. Stewart W. W. Taman S. Martin and Son W. J. Heaman , W. 1; Beer H. Spackman J. Grigg P. Boyle B, W. F. Beavers Jones and: May Jos Davis Mrs. Teo. Geo. A. Bedford E. N. Shier S, Fitton A. Marchand' Peter Frayne Advocate Ptg, Co. Tittles Ptg. Co. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST ING OF VOTERS' LISTS Voters' Lists 1913 Municipality of The Village of Exeter County 'of "Huron: NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted Or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 3 and 9 of "The Voters' List Aet" the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or .delivered. of the list made pursuant to said not, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said'Munioipality to be,entitled to vote in the said MUnicipality at Elections for members of the Le islq tive Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said llst.wee first posted up at my (Age at Main street, Exeter, on the 28th day of. July, 1013, and remains: there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said List, and if any omission or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the saiderrorscorrected according to lam, T. B. CARLING, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 28th day of July, 1913. Local Items --a—.. Mr. Thomas Case has sold, his farm in Hay to Messrs- W. J, Beer and F. J Wickwire, A wonderful fertilizer, i SYDNEY NEY BASIC SLAG can be obtained from HARVEY BROS, Retail merchantshere received me- morial cards announcing the death of Col, Little of the firm of Robinson Little & Co:, London, which took place last week. Caven,it2'elnorial 7 2 James Street won another game from Main Street on friday evening by a score of 8-3. The fastest game of ball of the ;yea son was played on Monday evening when James Street pulled one aver on Caven-Memorial to - the tune o1 2-0, The Exeter Band will give an out- door program in Exeter North this Friday , eyening-not at the new park buf in Exeter North. Mr C. Zuefle is sufferingfrom a fractured left wrist, sustainein the cranking of his automobile; Mr. Wm Brimacorbe is consequently in charge ,of the Electric Light Power. House: The Rev. D. W. :Collins on Sun- day last completed seven years as rector of the Trivitt Memorial Church It may be said that the veru best of harmony has always existed between the rector and his people and incumbency here has been attended with unqualified success. Probably as -high a compliment as can be eaid a minister is -thee he wears well, and that he is more highly thought of and grows more in favor as time wears on The above can, be said of Rev Collins. He has laboured earn- estly faithfully and .with marked in- telligence .in Exeter, and it is the hope of all that his ministry may long he extended among •us. The Ontario education department has sent out orders superseding the high school French grammar' by a re- vised grammar, which must be exclu- sively by .July 1915, The new book costs sixty cents, which is forty cents less than, the old, and the reader in. connector costs eleven cents: Notice is also given that a revised edition of the public school spelling book,. somewhat smaller than : the one now in use, will come `.into,,use, in July of next year. A. new; high school history ox Canada, which was to have 'been ready in September, will probably be soinewhar delayed.. The department. evil' insist , ipon its regulations 'being carried out, and if necessary will with holtgrantsfrom schools using un- authorized books. A Grand Clearing Sale of Pianos Player Pianos and Organs. DURING THE: HOLIDAY SEASON WE HAVE DECIDED TO HOLD A "SPECIAL SALE" TO REDUCE OUR STOCK. This is a good opportunity to place in your home wa piaano or organ at a very moderate price. We carry in stock all the High Grade Piano manufactured in Canada, comprising Gerard Heintzman Wright & Co, Stanley Nordheimer Kern, Newcombe, ,Morris. New Scale Williams, .En- nis & Co. and Dominion. Just to show you that we mean business we are offering a Hight Grade Piano, finishedin mahogany, Louis XV. case, overstrung scale, ivory .keys, guaranteed for 10 yrs, complete with instruction, books for $225,00, This Piano is absolutely new and cannot be, sold- in the regular wav for less than $300.00. TERMS The terms are very reasonable. We will. deliver this Piano lo your home ox receipt of $10 down and $5 to $8 pea.: month .till the balance paid without interest, Thisprice includes Free Tuning six months from. time of purchase, DON'T DELAY SEEING THIS INSTRUMENT, We will tell you, more about it when you call. If you wish different terms than eve have stated we will be glad to meet your requirements. The same liberal terms and reduction, in price applies to all the Pianos we handle, SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS $165 UP: One Bell Organ, 6 Octave, wvitl, Walnut Case, $25.00 This Special Sale starts on Wednesday; July 30, and ends Aug, 13 B. MARTIN & SON STORE OPEN EVEN INGS DURING SALE. M. J. O'Neill and A. S. Wood of Windsor, Ont.,representing INNELL BR PIANOS will be in Carlin ... gf s Old Stand, Exeter, demonstrating n their fine line of str u mint f e sora limited t me, commencing JULY tai 1913 Mr, Fred Mallett has been confine to his home for several days uncle the doctor's care. It is said that Mr, W. A. Balked was bitten by a dog on Monday an he desired thatdts head should send to Toronto for examination. It rs also said that the dog has clisppeared since, and'cannot' be found. The remains of the late Mrs. Silas Stanlake who died in Donalcla, :kjta. on July :19th, ' were brought here on Monday morning for interment, the, funeral taking place" from the resid ence of her son Nelson Stanlake, on the Lake Road on Monday at 2.30 p..m.. to the Exeter cemetery. The re- mains were accompnniecl here by her son Chester, E H OF MRS. JOHN ESSERY There passed away at her' home: Andrew , Street Grace Hicks, widow . of the late John Essery, at the age of 78 years" and 6 months: The de- ceased had enjoyed leer usual health. up to about a week ago, when she was taker. down with illness and -compell- ed to take her bed, and gradually weakening ,the end came Tuesday' morning last about one o'clock, in- firmities of old . age coupled' with a weak heart being the immediate cause ce death .Mrs: Essery was a native of England, but came to Canada with her parents and :settles in this district when quite ' young, and she has continuously, resided here ever since. In the year 1855 she married Mr. John Essery, who predeceased her in November last. Mrs: Essery was admired and esteemed for her many ,good qualities and while she had reacbe_1 the elicited spats in life her demise will be regretters by a large circle of friends. She was :a. valued member of James .,Street Methodist Church and took an acs tive part in all church work. She is survived by°two sons and one .daughw ter -William Essery o ' Usborne, Lon- don Roar; south; Robert Essery" of Stephen. and Mrs. L. Breland Essery Brantford, The funeral "took place to the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday. d All arrangements ` for the Bowling r 'Tournament which commences ,4ug, 13 are now well under way, and the I inclieations are that .it will be a most i successful affair. We trust that "thee be towvzs:'Will do everything, ;possible to give' the visitors a hearty welcome,'. THE MERCHANTS OWE IT TO THE LOCAL PAPERS. -There are. few editors in this province who have not made a vigorous and continuous fight against the city' mail order house This has been done in the interest of the home merchants and without Tone:' and without price. I1 the. editors of Ontario had received reg- ular advertising rates for all they have said against these enemies of the• country merchants they could now be wearing diamond's. The department htores appreciate adverising space and, are willing to take all the average country paper has for sale and at a good rate. -This paper has refused them time and again. What other class of business or professional men. would z:efuse business to help their friends when many of said friend , never seem in the least disposed to return the compliment -or even appre- ciate it. SI? OUT OF SEVEN The results of. the Entrance, to the Normal examination which -.appeared on Wednesday show an excellent re- port for Exeter School, six out . of seven candidates having been success ful in passing, two receiving honors. Thestaff and students deserve con- gratulations on the result; The successful ones were N. E. Amy, E. C. Case honors; L, G. Har vey T. Penhale, H. Quackenbush, C. Wood honors: EXETER COUNCIL The Council met in the Town Ha Monday evening, 28th inst., Mr. Scot being absent. Minutes of the prey sous meeting read and approved.• Hind-Harton-That the followin accounts be paid; -Imperial Oil Co 42.63 ; T Houlden street watering $5 Wm Beer 1.60; T. Hawkins & Son. 18.37. Canadian Brass Co. 160.49; :T Creech, cemetery, 5.45; Jos. ,McDon ald 31.50; N. Vale 2.00; T. Houlden 1.00; • John Bell, labor 38,00; T,Corn 3ish 68.00; T. Creech 72:00; William Creech 33:50; R. Davis- 70.60; Thos Flynn 35.80; S. Handford 72.10; Geo Orange 34.30; R. Robins 36.30 Sidne Sanders. 28.50; H. Rumohr 44.50; N Vale 36.00, W. Westcott 13.56; T, Walper 28.00:. Harton-Hind-That the Council lay four blocks, of cement sidewalk for which petitions have. been re- ceived and accepted as follows, •- One block on the, west side of Car line St, from Victoria to Gidley,. One Block on the north side of John St. from Andrew to Albert One block on thee West side of Elizabeth St from James to Huron. One block on the East side of Al- bert St. from James to Huron. Tenders for the above are asked the same to be in the hands of the clerk, Friday evening, Aug. 8 at .7_p, m, For further particulars as to the pecifi.cations, etc., call at the office of the reeve. Sprinkling the streets with hose v private consumers is : hereby strict y forbidden, and no person or ner- ens. shall be allowed, to sprinkle or. se in any manner whatsoever the water supplied by the .council upon awns gardens, grass plots, boule- ards or grounds of any description accept between the hours of 6 and in ,the forenoon, acid 5 and 9 • in he afternoon, Many complaints have been made f late re Bicycle riding, oe the side - elks, ,as it has become a nuisance nd dangerous, and in consequence 01 einethe m commissioner has been in. tructed to enforce the by-law goy- rning the same. . The council adjourned to the :all t Do not fail to see our beautiful line ofPlaerPlano the , Reeve, I ; B, Carling, ' Clerk, 11. g 7 Y • MAYOR GREIG OF SEAFORTIa RESIGNS • Seaforth July 25. -At the meeting of the Town Council Mayor Greig handed in Isis resignation, which was actuated .and Councillor • Harry Stew- art was appointed acting mayor un- til the new incumbent is elected. The reason for Mr, . Greig's resignation is that at the last session of the Ontar- io _• Legislature an amendment was made to the Municipal Act, clisquali- l5 ingt division 'court clerks frons hold ing municipal positions, the disquali- fications coming into force om Tulp 1, As 11r, .Greig is clerk. of the r)iv isioe Court in Seaforth, he was oblig- ed to resign either position, and he naturals chose the least rernunera. tive Nominations to fill the vacancy will be held on August 1st, and in the event of an election, it will be held on August, 8, NEARLY DROWNED AT FIELD --o•-- A triple drowning tragedy seeme,. ed imminent stere on July 23 morns ing when Fred Pierce, a young •To- rontonian while in bathing off Hew -- it's; _Reaee, got beyond his depth and! in his struggles twice pulled dowin bliss "Peggy McTaggart, a 16 -year-old Clinton girl, who went to. bis rescue before Graham Ross of Goclericir, almost exhausted, finally managed to get a footing on bottom and dragged the drowning man and his ;girl rescuer into shallow water! Pearce was taken ashore unconscious and it took three-quatrers of an hour of were for men working inrrelays to bring him back to life. Both of the rescuers were badly exhausted when they "reached the shore, but were at once taken care of by physician. Quite, a number witnessed the affair and unstinted praise is being heard on every side for Miss McTaggart, whose brave attempt to . save the life of the young man so nearly re- sulted in the loss of her own. BAY - ACCIDENT ON L. Hr & B. A spread rail just at, a switch point aloe st, ipime.diately beneath the St. Marys -Sarnia track overhead bridge derailed. the. Wingham to London Bruce train, No. 32, att 9.30 Saturday; morning causing the baggage car,in. which adozen men were riding, to overturn, Joseph Flynn, a sectionman, who lKees at Clandeboye and who was prc- ceeding in the baggage car with a numbe - of others to Hyde, Park, was the most seriously ,injured, but will recover. He was hurled through a oper doorway and pinned between the Lucan Crossing station platform and the upturned car and escaped death by a miracle. He was extricat- ed be, other men, and after treatment was driven to his home. All of the passengers escaped in- jury and many of them did not know that the trouble occurred until word was carried to the coaches. The baggage car was in, charge of Baggageman Wm, Sneath of Wing - ham. who sustained an' injury to his foot about a month ago and was bad- ly shaken up when the wreck occur- red The uninjured immediately went to the assistanceof other men, many of whom screamed from their injuries in a manner that caused the greatest fear among ,people near by. Thos. Chaddick of Hensall member ber of the 'section gang, was struck over the heart by a trunk or some piece of baggage and was also badly shaken up Martin O'Donnell of Clin ton had his leg squeezed and was al- so bruised about the body. Other members of the gang in the baggage car who were bruised and cut and who required medical atten- tion were Henry Bagly and William Moore of Clinton Wm. Stone and Jack Tapp, o1-'Hensall; Harry "Brown of Clinton; R. Sanders of Exeter; Arthur Brooks of Centralia; Thos Boyce of Centralia and others. GODERICH MAN KILLED -_a_- St. Catharines; Ju1y28.-Travelling at a high -rate of speed under orders to proceed to Hamilton, a fast freight ran through an open switch in the St Catharines yards this afternoon and collided head-on with a stalled way -freight. Fred Pearce of Mimic° engineer of the fast freight, and Chas. , Thompson of Goderich, the biakentaii, were instantly killed. One of Pearce's legs was completely eev- Bred .,Thompson's body was buried under the wrecked cars and was not recovered for two hours, Fireman Hewitt of Miniico, jumped and escap ed with light injuries. Young Thome. son 'whose people reside in Goderich was a popular employee of the Grand Trunk and was well-known at the stations along` the main, line through Western; Ontario, FELL 37 FEET Falling 37 feet trom the top of a silo. which:. he, was repairing, Wm, Weston a young farmer, living neat St. Marys, on rural route No, 4, on Saturday received a broken hip and other injuries which necessitated his removal to Victoria Hospital, London ot: Stmday. horning. At the hospital he underwent an operation by Dr. W. J Stevenson, who has topes of Itis recovery.His condition tt the time of writing however, is regarded as very serious Crediton Hot isn't it? The, past week has been a scorcher and 'made a person hunt up the cool spots and discard the clothing. The plisses Tillie, Millie, Mary and Madeline Bettrand, Ella Link, Clara Fahner I ishan Geiser arid Lulu Geiser returned home from the Bend on Monday where they have been camp- ing ir. cartage ",Detroit" Cora week. Our barber, Mr. Sambrook, has had an excellent crop of berries this year His garden is quite a money -making pro position for him. ME Copping, the English ;uur nalist who has been here the past season left on Monday for ,England. Mr, Copping has charge of the ',oys. sent out to thisdistrict by the Ber- nardo Homes. Miss Gladys Bluett of London is visiting her friend a lass Murial 'Mich .Isom, Mr and , Mrs. . Snyeer ants Finkbeiner of Cleveland are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Finkbeiner" of See forth and Frank Finkbeiner of London visited their parents on Sunday. Our boys went to Clinton Tuesday to play a game of ball: Haven't ye heard definitely about the result bu we heard a hint that they got trim- med to the tune of 10 to 3. Mr and Mrs, Nuergarth of Boyne City Mich., are here in their auto yr 1ting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mr:e. Joseph. Haist, Dr. Orme is giving his residence .s new coat of paint, which will add greatly to its appearance!' Mr. Christian Zwicker of London is spendinte a feyv days in town with his son Charles, Mr and iktrs, Manz and Mr. • and Mrs. Nicholas of Tavistock autoed here on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oestreicher, The Council held a meeting in the Town, Hall on Monday. l'he next meeting will be held an, the llth of August instead of the First Monday as is the usual custom. Mrs. Henry Matz has returned home after an extendecl visit with her chil- dren in Rochester, N.Y., Hamilton, Toronto and London, •Her daughter Mrs Dambra, and sons of London accompanied her here', Mr and firs, Thos. Wind of De- troit are camping at the Bend. 'Herb Young and Mose Feist spent last Sunday at the Bend visiting with friends, Little Gerald Zwicker has not neon well the past week, but is now im- proving ,;,,• -. . Mr. and Mrs. Levi Heist and (laugh- ter have returned to Pigeon, Mich., after a short visit in town. Word has been received here prom Mr. and Mrs, James Lawson in the west stating that they are having a pleasant trip and enjoying themselves immensely: Miss Clark of London is visiting her cousin Miss Ethel Clark. Mr. Berlin of Niagara Falls has arrived here to take charge of the Bank in the stead of Mr. Paget, who has been transferred .to Port Col- borne. During Mr. Paget's residence here the business of the Bank has in- creased and he has proved a very courteous official. Mr. August Kuhn has been appointed Mr. Paaget's suc- cessor and will be, here as soon as he can be relieved at Cobalt. Thatgrimreaper death has been busy r our neighborhood. Hardly a week passes without the bell tolling the sad news, Last Wednesday, the 23rd inst, we learned 'with deep re- gret of the death of George H. Holtz mann. who passed away at the age of 55 years • and 11 months, About se-ven weeks ago Mr. ' Holtzmann cut. his leg with an adze, while working at some barn timber and at the time the cut was not considered serious. It finally developed into blood poison ing and in spite of, the best medical care and attention it gradually be- came worse and he, was made to bear a great deal of suffering until death relieved him of his pain. The de- ceased was well and favorably known in this vicinity and is a man whose demise will be sorely felt. As a carpenter he had -few men his equ- al and many a houses and barn in the neighborhood stands as a Monument of his work. He was a good citizen a kind neighbor and a loving father to his family. His remains were in. terred in the Evangelical Cemetery on Friday the Rev. Becker officiat- ing The funeral was very largely at- tended. After the burial service the funeral sermon was preached in the church where Rev. Brown of Zurich and Rev. Jefferson of the Methodist Church here assisted the resident pastor of the church, The deceased (eaves to mourn, his loss, a widow, five sons and three daughters, three brothers and tyvo sisters, who have the sympathy of the community. t PARQUHAR —0_ The harvesting is progressing very fast on account of such' dry weather, some having commenced cutting oats and we hear the hum of the thresh' ing machine once more. -Messrs. W, Pollen and H. Stnale are to accom- pany Geo. Coward with his 'outfit and D. Brown, John Westlake and W. Devine are to operate Frecl Ellering- ton's We understand. Hallie Brown is also putting an outfit on the road so the needs of the, farmers ought to be well looked after this year, -Mr. W. Stewart of Toronto spent the week end in the vicinity. -Mr', Amos Francis spent Sunday at horse, hav- ing, av-ing• been engaged the past week in the neighborhood of Iis.toweil on his dairy testing :duties, There 1s sprue' talk of Hensel' hold ing an Old Boys' Re -union sometime in August , J aski►woOd Henry Pfile has his trotter here r training on the course. lar Mr George Kellerman,i was intern salt yedin 2 Mr. Chris.steray Haugh'sptirchasfamilyan ofautPlake visite.'. at. Mr, George Kellerntann's on Tuesday, Master Herb Rinker is on the :•ick Ii'tatrsnr.suffering from an attack of rheum ,. , Ed. Nadiger has moved his stock - into the new building, ani no, has a fine harness shop, Non Parole has again changed 'trend• thie fine trotting stallion having t eel's - purchased Iron Messrs, Devine. &: Tetreau by Ed,. Bossenberry of: "Zilr ieh He was formerly .,owned here be Willis & Guenther, Mrs, Bender of Listowel is the - bat guesth. of her daughter airs. Grenze Miss Pearl Johnston has returned to her home in Berlin, CENTRALIA Mr W. R ,Simpso-t- and Mr. F Baulson motored in from London ora Sunday to visit the. Misses Hepburn.. Mr, Fred Essery is spea:lin; hie. vacation in Palmerston. liar Chas. Berm of, the Royal Ban Hamilton called on his Mende onI. the... townline recently,- Mr and Mrs. Gus Coughlin of To - rontc were visiting relatives here dur- ing the week. Mr. W. Parsons and wife, and Mrs: H. Essery of Crystal City, Man., re- turned Monday from a two weeks''" outing at Grand Bend. Mr Sinton Sweitzer of Windsor called an friends here this week. Mrs. Wes. Hodgins is visiting in Lucan this week. Mr D. O'Brien spent Sunday in Parkhill with his wife. Mrs. Marshall, who has been i11, was removed to the home of her - sister Mrs. Shapton, in Stephenthis. week. Mrs Brooks and family, who were visiting at Belgrave, were raked horse Monday owing to the accident.' which befel Mr. Brooks in which he got his foot severely injured. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ellerington of the Thames Road, spent Sunday with Mr. Quinton Miss Viola Hodgert of tjsborne is. visiting relatives here, Mr, Wm, Hodgert and family of Us, borne visited here Sunday, Mr, C. , Dnplan w1 o; .-has been con- ducting the English Church services at Wingbam, was home for a few days this week. GRAND • BEND Mrs Jos. Gill, who was visiting at Arkoma for three weeks, has return- ed home. -Mr, Arthur Mollard visit- ed his brother, Abner, Sunday. -Mr; Wm. Dewey and family left Monday for Anrherstburg, where they intend making their future home, -Mr, and' Mrs. Thos, Mollard and Mr. and: Mr. Saul Pollock were in Stanley Sunday attending the funeral of a relative, -- Mrs. .D. Webb is at present in a very low state of health, -Mr. E. Brenner has bought a new Ford automobiie, fro -re Mr. Cook of Heenan. BIRTHS Nagle -In Blanshard ,JuIy 19, to Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Nagle, a daughter Sceli-At Brinsey July 19 to Mr.and. Mrs; R. W. Sceli of South Porcu- pine a daughter, Hotson-In Corbett, July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hotson, a son, which died two days later. Lightfoot -In McGillivray, July 18th to Mr. and Mrs. John Lightfoot, a son---still-born, Sceli.,-At Brinsley, on July 19, to Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Sceli, of ,South Porcupine, a daughter. MARRIAGES Ross -Hanson -At the home of the bride's parents, July 16, Norman Ross of Moncton to Miss Minnie T., daughter of Thos. Hanson, Fullerton Garner -Ching -At Wesley Church. Edmonton, Alta., on July 19, 'Mrs - H. Ching of Edmonton, Alta., to Mr ,Wm. R. Garner of London. DEATHS Hogg -In London, July 17, Lizzie Hogg aged 72 years. Johns. -In Varna, on July 2Z, James Johns., aged 70 years. Essery.-In Exeter, on July 29, Grace Hicks widow of the late John Essery aged 78 years and 6 months FIRST POSTING OF USBORNE_' VOTERS' LISTS FOR Lala Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Sections 8 and te of "The Voters' List Act" the cop- ies required by the said sections to be se transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Oct, of all person appearine by the last revis- ed Assessment Rollof the said Mune icipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assetnbly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted ftp at my bffice Usborne, on the 24th July,1913 and remains there for inspection. Electors are caliez1,upon to examine list, said hi i .and Sf any omissions or other errors are found therein to take im- mediate proceedings • to have the said errors corrected according to law, MO1.LEY, Clerk bated at 'Whalen July 24, 1913, We are having anexeeedingly hot spell at present, We .need a good rain to coop things off a little,