Exeter Advocate, 1913-7-24, Page 8EXETER MARKET a eNG'ED EAOU WEDNE$P 1t�t.A.kt 44,4•4 9 c03 i+�ta•'4V ' «},«RR«4,R,.«R4.} '5 48 tt tv ata heat ., } 34 84 100 100 POW oes, per bag .. «! . « 1 50 1 50 .Lar, aertoea....,4. 1000 10 00 Moue. per Mtn family 2 80 Mar, 'tow grade per ow 1 50 150 ,,,t,.. 20 21 20. 21. 9 5 8 A0f0 26 00 eerie Tried Apples per lb Live hogs,per -cwt,..,, Shorts per ton. R •.. , liven Per ton �. .,.,... Sugar Beet meal .. ..... SPECIAL, -,.JULY "WHITE SALE" tier the remainder of the month. See advertiSement in another column. -MR. W. I>. YE'O CARD OF THANKS—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanders of -Stephen wish to express their sincere ,thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy show them during their resent bereavement. FOR SALE—Jersey Cow, excellent strain. • J. D. I(ESTLE, Exeter, HARVESTERS WANTED. - For Newdale, Man., Long season and cur- rent wages guaranteed. Full inform- tior can be secured from W. W, Hunter William -St., Exeter. TEACHER WANTED.—Holder of First or Second Class Certificate .to teacl, in S. S. No, 6, Stephen. Stater salary Duties to commence after the, summer holidays.—GEO. MAW- HINNEY, Sec.-Treas,, Creditors P.O. Ont. TEACHER WANTED.—For Union S. S. No. 13, Hay and Stephen, hold- ing Second. Class. Normal Certificate. School two' miles west of Exeter. Apply stating salary and qualification to NELSON STANLAIE, Hay P.O. PASTURE TO RENT Anc Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres being Lot 11, S.B., Con, 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good supply of water all season. The cider press is its good condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. Farmers wanting hetn for next sea - eon s::ould place their order at once the Canadian, Gover'nniient Agent, Advo- cate orrice, Exeter, READY FOB. THRESHING -- We are now ready to engage with farm- ers to do their threshing on short- est notice.—COOKSON Sc SANDERS Exeter PUPS FOR SALE—A number of excellent hound pups for sale. Apply to F, TRIEBNER, Stephen. Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford, We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. - WM. RIVERS. FARQTJHAR The Thames Road Presbyterian church picnicked at Grand Bend yeste7day,•—Rev. Sharp it the ab- sence of Rev. Powell occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here • on Sunday afternoon.—Miss Ettie Al- Ien is visiting with her . uncle Mr, T Cameron. LOCAL DOINGS. Mies Lizzie Wynn is confined to het bed through illness. A number of the bandy boys autoed to .I'Iensall Saturday night to assist the Hensel). band. They report Hell- sall as having a fine organization . of players Workmen are engaged re -arranging the windows in several rooms in the school, as the first steps in an ex- tensive plan of remodelling the pres- ent building. Main Street Methodist and Craven Presbyterian churches are holding union services for two weeks, Rev Sharp preaching, while [rev. Powell is on his holidays. At the Masonic Grand Lodge held in Ottawa last week Rev. J. W. Ar ere- of Granton was elected District I e t • D putGrand Master of Mlisoiticl}is trict No. 4, South Huron. Rev. Col- lins .and Mr, Seldon returned Satur- day from the meeting. What is the penalty for writing an anonymous letter of slander? If the writer can: be identified by proof he or she is liable to an action for da- magee by the person defamed, and else to prosecution for criminal `ibel. and if convicted is liable to one year in prison, or a.finte not exceeding $10e of both. HOUSE FOR SALE, A one -storey brick house in good state of repair. Apply to T. HAW- KINS Hawkins' Hardware Store, Exeter. The Revised Statutes of Ontario•, the work of years of careful atten tion and legislative action, are rapid- ly nearing the stage when they will be read'• for publication. The stet- utes it is understood, will be printed in four volumes, three of which will be made up of the, statutes them- selves and the fourth volume con• tain.ne the index, and a record tel the disposition of all old legislation whicl. has been incorporated in the present revision. An effort to pay a third and last dividend before the end of the year will be made by the liquidators of the York County Loan and Savings Compan' Two dividends of twenty- five cents on the dollar each hare already been declared since the com- pany went into liquidation in 1905. A lawyer who has the details of the case in his possession, is of the opin- ion that Live or six cents should be paid bringing the total up to fifty- five cents on the dollar. johr Hogarth, son of Mr. S. je Hogartl of Stephen, who met with the misfortune some time ago of breaking his arm, .and who was taken to St. Joseph's hospital last week to have the fracture 're -set, has suffice iently recovered as to return to his home Wednesday. The broken parts of the bone were brought together and held in place by aid of a silver elate after which .a healthy and rapid knitting of the 'bones set in, and there is now every prospect of a complete recovery for the young plan. VACATION NOTICE Kindly take notice that my dental office will be closed from the middle of July to the middle of August. Al- so note that my office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. DR, ROULSTON. - FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3. Usborne. There is' on the premises a good frame house, 20x 25 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end; wood shed, pig - house 16x24; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O., or on the premises. Z ty 111 if:1%1:11 1 "art SWINGING A BUSINESS Judlcloue advertising is the derrick that swinge a !maltreat to success. ClassIfted WantAds. are terse Wei - tress bringers that are suitable to any buelnete. They help the small Ones become big, and the big ones to beedme bigger. fARf,y«,M IM to r$ W N✓Jtlre,... _ The Canadian Presbyterian referr- ing to a former Exeterite, says; `The somewhat :extended recess of thrid Presbyterian Ministerial Association at Ottawa was broken on the 24th June by a large muster of the 'mem- bers at a banquet .to do honor to Dr D M Ramsay on the occasion of his departure from Ottawa. Leave- taking speeches of marked appropri- ateness and fervor were made, , The members vied with one another in testifying to Dr. Ramsay's sinuglar ef•- fectivenese as a minister, as well as hi, marked cordiality and brotherlii nes.; during his sixteen years' pas- torate in Ottawa. His executive parts which are of an exception order,have always been at the command of any individual pr any cause that might require them. By common consent he has for many. years been regard- ed as the balance wheel of the Pres- bytery. A gap in the ranks of thle effective leaders of',the 'synod, that will be singularly hard to fill, is made be Dr .Ramsay's 'departure. In the cite too his championship of every - thine. that made for moral betterment will be safely missed. To the many verbal testimonials received by Dr. Ramsayon breakinghis connection with Ottawa was added the tangible one of a purse ,of $1,800 from the congregation of Knox Church. On the Znd inst Dr, Ramsay left for Toronto where he will be found at the of - flee,: of the Home Mission, Board." Mr Orville Southcott is visiting in Preston. Mrs. Roger Crocker 'eine' here visiting relatives. Fred Mallett returned Thursday front a visit in London. Miss Vera Rowe of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Miss Beryl 'Robinson of Regina, Sk, is visiting at Mr. John Hunter's. Mr and :gars Downing of Winnipeg 'are visitors at Mr. I. Armstrong's. Miss Irene Quackenbush of Vic=toria B. C, is holidaying at' her home here Miss Mary Welsh of London, is vis- iting at her home, London: Rd. north. Miss Florence Dinney of London visited' at her home, here over Sun- day The Misses Jessie and Gussie Rua - sell of Toronto are visiting with their father. Mrs. .A, G, Dyer is confined to her bed with a severe attack of stomach trouble. Mies Birr, who was the it nest Miss Gould, returned to London Monday Mit Jennie Harding returned ,Sat- urday from a visit with friends at Toronto is of on Beeton Mrs Floyd and daughter Helsa, of Kelamazoo, Mich„ -are here visit+ 'ing relatives, Miss Sarah Sweet of Loindon is holidaying at her home here, for a couple weeks.. Mx. Palmer of the Molsons Bank staff London, visited here overSun- dae with friends. Mrs, (Dr.) Harrison who has been visiting here returned to her :Borne in Detroit Saturday. Miss Ethel Sweet has returned to her home here after spending the millinery season at St, Catharines. Mr. Jones of tile Bank of Commerce staff who was holidaying at his home in Ayr returned to duty here last week. WEST WINS THIRD GAME The West won the third game, or rubber. in bowling from the East ori Monday night, by a margin 05 one Daint,— Creech, skip, 27 Stewart, sk. 17 Taman skip, 13 Seldon, sit. 17 Dickson skip 12 Clarke, sk. 17 — 52 51 Four rinks of bowlers went to 'lea - forth on Thursday afternoon and played afternoon and evening games. In the afternoon they were down 17 and in the evening: sue 1point Exeter iron five out of the, eight games:, , Messrs. Gladman, Collins, - Carling and Neaman are attending the I.on- dor, Bowling Tournament. INSTALLATION — The following officers were duly installed in. Exeter Lodge No. 67, I. 0. 0. F., last week by P .D. D. G. M., Bro. W. J. Mur- ray -N. G„ E. Iiowald; V. G., C. Sweet; R. S., R. N. Cregch; F. S. W. Johns; Treas., E. Dignan; War: den, W. Martin ; Con., W. Brad ; R. 5. N G.. W. J. Murray; L, S N, G. H Axt; R, S. V, G., R. G. Sel- don ; et -don; L. S. V. G., F. Boyle; I. G., A Coates, 0, G., E. Rowcliffe; Chap. A, Penhale; R: S, S., L. Wil- son L. S. S„ T. C. McLeod. WESTERN FAIR—SEPT,' 5 to 13. The Western Fair of London, On taric, will this year without" doubt sur pass anything ever before attempted by the Association. For months Fast preparations have been going quietly ori for the great Exhibition, and when the time arrives it will be found that everything is in first-class condition Enquiries of all kinds,, are coming into the general offices and the indication is that the buildings, although en- larged this year, will be filled to overflowing. The space in the Main Building is already about alloted. 11 is expected that the Agricultural and Horticultural Buildings will be crowd- ed .as the fruit exhibits from the different counties will be quite large and very attractive. The Women's Institute •alio"ughoht :Middlesex County will no doubt make a very attract- ive display in their competition. Prize lists entry forms and information of all kinds regarding the Exhibition will be given on application to the Secretary A. M. Hunt, General offi- ces Room 302 Dominion Savings Bele. London Ontario. 'TB. .M 8 f A MAY tars `:'hos. Snell visited friends in klensall this week. Mrs Silas Handford is visiting her daughter in Ay=lrner. Mrs. IL, N .Creech, and son Hugh A.1t" visiting in laetrot, Miss Irno Sweet is visiting in Wing.l barn for a few weeks, Mr W. T. Acheson. and Miss Mary trent to London' Tuesday. Mrs R. G. Seldon and sons have returned from a visit in Ingersoll. Mr Frank Sheere returned Friday from, a visit with his brother in Fort shill}gin. Mliss Gladys Bissett went to Kai- amazoO. Mich,, Monday to visit with, relatives 'Mrs Wm, Burke of Ingersoll is visiting her parents M; and Mrs, James Taylor. Miss E. J. Cunningham of Clande- boye visited , her sister Mrs, Yager over Sunday. Stanley Fisher of Guelph. branch of the Bank.. of Commerce visited ,vith friends here during the week, Mr Elijah Jory returned last week from a visit with hisdaughter at Bullard and with other relatives in the south counties`, ' He reports the crops, ,particularly hay, as being rood', these districts, Judge Walsh of Calgary, Alta., ar- rived here from the West on Fri- day evening, .intending to visit for a time with his brother-in-law, Mr.' G, L Waugh, but he 'had, scarcely beedea, here grai bearingn thelle receiv- sad news ed a teleg , of the death of his daughter at Calgary, No particulars were given but his daughter was ,enjoying the best of health when he left home, The judge left Saturday morning for bis borne Mr. Waugh accompanying hireas far as London. STJBSCAIBBi FOE. TEE AND GET ALL THE NEWS, • 1 Our Flours are hest brands 1 on the market. They include 5 Roses Purity Royal Household and Milyerton R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario w ROCUE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO DEATH OF MRS, STANLAKE.-- It sil! be sad news to many here to leave of the death of Mrs. Silas Stan - lake Sr„ who died at the home of her son chaster, at Donalda, Alta,, on Saturday last,. Jul' 19th. No par- ticulars as to thiel cause of death yet beer, received, but it would •.eem that she died suddenly, from the fact that the last word received from her a shorn time ago she was enjoying good health. Mrs, Stanlake's ?nae€len name was Elizabeth Parsons and she was bores .in London in the year 1853. About six years later the fatrely mov- ed to the Township, of Stephen where nearly all her life since has been spent About aiyear ago her hus- band died, a short time after 'vhich' she went West to reside with her son Mrs Stanlake was a woman much admired for hetmany good qualitie.,' and her unexpected de- mise will cause sleep regret among a large circle of friends, She was aged 611 years and leaves to mourn her detnise two sons—Nelson of 1 -lay arid Chester in the West --also five( brother: and two sisters—Harry Wil- liam John, James and Fred Parsons, Mrs John Webber of Devon and Mrs 'lobi' Kelleher of Proctor, Minn. STEWART'S PHONE 16 Where Goods and Prices are Both Right. Here is a Chance to Save Money ! WHITE Take note of this—A White waists ranging in price from ed out this week at astonishi for 75c, $1.00, $1.50. WHITE The balance of this season's sizes at ridiculous prices, but but secure one .while your si SUMMER We have them. We are the season. Our idea is to the next two weeks. LADIES' LIN If you buy a linen coat get several months that you can ing the next two weeks you thein at greatly reduced pri MEN'S s•r Perhaps your straw hat is chance to buy a new one. W all straw bats. M1 the new net straws. PO'UL We will handle any quern highest prices, WAISTS - Waist Snap, About 150 1.00 to 3,25, are to be clear - ugly low prices. Your choice SKIRTS stack, A good assortment oe _ they roust go. Dont delay ze is here, 1,50 2,00 PARASOLS reducing the price early in clear every parasol during EN COATS it now. ' There are still Make use of it. Besides dur- can save money by buying ces. RAW HATS getting shabby. Here is - a e• as'e reducing the price• on. est styles in plain and sen - TRY sty not live poultry. We ray Store closes Thursday teeter goons during July and August J. A. STEWART 4)) �ur at�r Will solve Many a Wedding Gift Perplexity .. When you are purchasing a present, it is . a, xnatter of money and what you want—nothing else. Then this is your store—for what you want is here and at the lowest possible prices. A good variety of articles, selected from the lam. est stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Clocks, Etc. These goobs are new, beautiful, and modern in design, and of superior quality. Wesnake a specialty of handling High Gracie Watches All kinds of Repairing done and guaranteed. MARCHAND Jeweler and Optician. Exeter, Ont. THE STORE THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT Powell's Bazaar Big Variety Store We wish to announce that we have installed a NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, and will give you a cash receipt with ev- ery purchase of 5c. or over, Save •the receipts and get valuable PREMIUMS FREE. Its up to you to get in line with the store that shares its profits with you - SPECIALS NOW ON SALE TOOTH PASTE. for cleaning and preserving the teeth—only LEMON POWDER for Lemonade, cheaper than lemons, 15c. a jar CRUSHED ROSE or VIOLET Talccum Baby Powder, 1.5c. A full line of drug preparations at cut prices. Come and ask us about your wants. COME IN OFTEN 15c. POWELL'S BAZAAR JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Mid - Summer Sale Of All Summer Goods If you are in need of any Summer G-oods do not fail to attend this bargain sale. Everything adver- tised will be sold. WAISTS ND DRESSES A lot of nicei ones deft, but all to be cleared out. MUSLINS, GINGHAMS .A good selection at real sale prices, WHITEWEAR This is the time to buy when they are sold cheap. IVMILLINERY Only a f e -w left, A I1 to go . at less than half price, PARASOLS All Fancy Parasols to be sold at a big sacrifice. BOYS' WASH SUITS All boys' wash suits . to clear at 65c., 75c., $1.00 Big Clearing of Clothing & Shoes CLOTHING We have a lot of odd lines of New Up-to-date Men's & Boys Clothing and Odd Pasts, These Suits are ' this Spring's style and the cloths are, tire best and patterns the newest, Men's Suits $7, $8, $10. Boys' Sults $3, $4, $5, SI -HOES' A lot ' of 'Odd ' Pairs of High Shoes Oxfords, Pumps, Tan White and Patented for 'gen,, Women and. Children, ,Allnew stylish shapes, but as the lines are brokenwe will sell the whole lot at about one-half the regular price.. Come and see them. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebratedW.E. Sanford Clothing