HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-24, Page 5RC►vI,+.r„•>d ori,, I+.D.S.e P.p.S DEN'TIOT somber of the "R.0,11,5, td Qatari* and Oozier Graduate or Toronto U tveraity, Otftrer-Giver Mattson & Carlini 's law °a te.), Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dn, A: R. KINSMAN, Honor Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Teeth eaat✓sacted without pain, or am bad enacts. Ott:ee over Gladfnan & Stanbury's Offiicc, Maden Street, Exeter, LEGAL DICKSON & 'CAR.LINo, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, notaries, Conveyancers, Com naiesianers. Solicibors for the Mo1so11a Bank, eto. Money'to Loan at rawest Taloa of Interest OP£%es--Malin-St., Exeter I. R. Carling, R.A. f,, H, Dickson MONEE TO LOAN • We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village prop- er't'ies at low rates or interest. GLADMAN & STA.NatnitY Barristers, Sollicitors, • 9reter. s, SENIOR Agent Confederation Life AeeuranoeF Ooenpany, also Fare Insurance In lead - tag Canadian and Dritish Comifarriee. ,MaasnaSFt., Exeter. T. H CARLING Lite, Fire, Accldeut and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting "auotiou sales, — Exeter, Ont. • . FALL TERM OPENS SEPT Znd A New .Catalogue of Toronto Ont., is now ready, Write for one It gives full particulars con- cerning a famous school. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for ,sale that desirable 1oa acre farm, situated in the Towimsh p of Eaddu1ph, being Lot 13, Co.n1. Tlivere le on the pretenses a good frante tiorrs'e, batain with, founda- tion, orethar}d. The, to 1m as weal draira ed and all under aulfivationt This is ail excellent farm, well, situated and will be geoid reasonable. F,or further partic- ulars apply to Jdhm O'Neil, Mooresville. Ont. WM. Ii1LLY,. FAiiAVI, FOR SALE The undersigned d is *tiering for sa21e Lot 6, North B;ouindary Stephen, con- taining 100 acres of good land. There ie an the premises a good frame house with stone cellar; bank barn with ce- ment floors ; 3 good wells: and a emelt orchard:, This is a good grab's or grass farm, or Would make a good stock: farm Situated two miles from Exetor; phone In house}. Will be sold' reasonablie. For particulars apply on. the premises, or write the undereiigned, .Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. PhilllpsE, Exeter. Goliege .At Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own hones to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in Rack every . sphere of Business Activities You may finish at college if you so wish. Positions guaranteed. Entercollege any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea-: chers. Thirty years, experenee. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven 'colleges, -spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, -Lan- don. Landon. GEO..SPOTTON B. F. WARD Presideitt Principal .r. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head Of a family- or any male over 18 years old, inlay homestead a quarter section of ,available Dorninison land sin Manitoba •Saskat1chewen 'or Alberta. The ap- plicant (roust a ppea r in person at the Dominion Lands r -Agency: or Sub- agency fore the district. Embry by pro- ay made be maids at any agetecy, on cerlaLr, conditions by father, mother, son, daughter,. brother or. sister et in- tending homesteader Duties -,Six months' rea1dence'' upon .and cultivation of tate land in 'each sot three yeare, .A hosnestieader may live within (nano :ti,';less of his homestead on • a. farm ox a:t least 80 acnes sollely 'owned and occupied by 1Thn or by his 'father, another, son daughter, brother or {sister;. . • In certain districts 5 hiomesteader. An good standing may pre-empt a quart •er-section clout side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre, • Duties -Must reside upon the home' stead or pre.esniptiom six months in ,each. ef• sir yearea rrotn date of home. istead entry • (ineloding thp-' t rtte •re quired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres= extra. A hoanesteader who has exhausted 'ifs homestead right mad cannot obtain a ,pre-F,etnption may eater for a pun. ehesed hoam,es+•sad in certain .dlstxi eta !Price $11.00 .pear acre. Duties-- TvIust reside six tnombhs in 'each of these, -are, culFtivrate fialty acres and erect a house worth $800,• Vt. W. CORY,' Deputy of the Minister at the lnter;ar • 14,$,--tinaut3h,oFrized oubllca•tton oL Address inks advectisscnent Willtrot .be paid fora HOMESEEKERS1 EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until' October 28th; inclusive, Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 l:drnonton and •iieturn 43.00 other RetO months proportion ROMTSii%EEERS' "TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m. each ITuesday. May to August Inclusive. Best train to take, as Winnipeg is reaebed early moraine, enabling passengers to make all branch line connections. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and west Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or Write M. G. MURPHY, D.P,A.; C.P. Ry.; Toronto Electric Restorer for Men Phosnhonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vdtn and vitality. Premature decay and all salmi weakness averted at once. PLtoslphonol will make you a new man. Price 88 a box or two fat 86. Mailed to any address. The Seo'beli Dreg Co.. at, Catharines. Ont. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. CANADA'S BEST 'BUSINESS • COLLEGE We have thorough courses and. competent experienced instructors. We do more for our students and graduates than other schools do. At ort Sale present we have applications offering Mortgage g g Auction Sale OF RESIDENTIAL PRO?ERTIES IN EXETER. in the matter of the, Estate of Isaac Smale late of the Viillage .of Ex- eter in the County of tluroni •:ad- dler, deceased, There will be offered, for sane by Public Auction on the premises, on SATURDAY the 9th day of AUG- UST 1913. at 2 o'clock p.m., the fol- lowing valuable properties nanielY,• Parcel No, 1—Lot number Five on. the likrest side of Carling street, and North of Gidley Street, "Gidley's. Survey" Exeter, containing . 1 acre and 4 perches of land, more or. less. Parcel No. 2 --.The South halt; of Six or the West side, of Carling St, "Gidley's Survey," Exeter, containing 2 . rods and 2 perches of land more or less On parcel No. 1, there is erected a frame dwelling, also a frame, stable; on parcel No. 2, a frame Dwelling all in fairly good condition. Any .per - persons contemplat#ng building a residence, or residences should avail themselves of this opportunity to. ac- quire; advantageous sites and plenty of first-class material for re -con- struction work. The properties are favorably locat- ed convent to 'short and church- es and within a:short distance at Main street Railway Station and Can.• ning Factory. Terms of Sale -20 per cent. of purchase money on day of sale, bal- ance in 30 days thereafter. Other terrne made •known on clay, of sale, T B( „arling Dickson & Carling • Auctioneer .Solicitors for Vendors. from $600 to $1200 per annum for help Business men know where they get the best help. 'We have three departments, Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. D A. McLACfLA:M. Principal. Every.Woman: Is latereeted and should korai about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray D011lahe Askyour druggist for tt. Ir he cannot supply the MARVEL, accept no other. bat send stamp for illus- trated book—sealed. it gives fall. particulars and directions invaluable to ledies.WINDSORStJPPLY CO. Wtndwr, Gal General Agents tar Canada. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails, These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse ail`che8p intitatlons. Dr. de Vsa'i are sold at a box, or three for Flo. Mailed to any address. mit Aoobell Drug Ce., fit. Cafbsrtasr. Ont. TC FARMERS WANTING EN. - Farmers wantinig' hired men for next seascp, should place their,orders at once o'thery isc• there will be iifficulty 'n siacui iiia; ftp. Orders left with the Local Goveiiuseenit Employment Agent Cor tags district, Advocate OLLice, . or addressed- thereto, will receive proanpt ot'tentlen C. H. SANDERS, Agent: OF DWELLING HOUSE :& PREM- ISES IN THE VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD. Unless the moneys due under a ceextain Mortgage made by Dorothea Miller to George Koch, . are :•ooner paid there will be. offered .for rade: by Public Auction on FRIDAY, The Eighth day of August, 1913, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the Zimmer Hotel i n Dashwood, the ,,follotiving desir- able property, viz :—All that certain parse' or .tract of land, :and premises situated in the village of Dashwood, in the. Township of Hay and,. County of .Huron.,being ,composed of part of Lot number twenty-four (24) in the South Boundary "Concession of the said Township of Hay, more partic- ularly described as follows ;-Com- mencing,at a point , in the Southern boundary , of Lot marked "B" on a elan of part of said Lot number wen ty four known ,as "Noah Fried's Sur- vey" of the said Villages of 'Dashwood at a distance of One -hundred and fifty' seven 'feet, six inches east from the south-west angle of said Lot "B" thence .northerly three hundred and thirty-seven feet, six inches t� the northern boundary of said Lot mark- ed "B"; thence easterly along the northern boundary of said - Lot "B" fifty-two feet and six inches; thence southerly three hundred and thirty- seven feet six inches to the southern boundary of said • lot "B" thence westerly along the southern boundary OUSE CLEANING SN Ye Olde Firm Of Heintzman & Co. LIMITED One Genuine Heintzman. & Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy Walnut Case,slightlyused, splendid condition, fully guar- anteed 5 years.: Regular price 450 selling price' $290.00 $6. per month. One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7i 1-3 Octave over strum; scale guaranteed 5 years 3150. or $3. per month One R. S• Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case ;7 I.3 Octave over strung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per month. ' One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Octave overstrung scale in splendid.. condition guaranteed 5 years $150.00. $3,00 per month, 15 or 20 Organs' in good repair fully guaranteed from $10 to $50.00 one to: $2.00 per Month. • HeiinZtmain : 8 Co 193-5.7 Younge Street, Toronto or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario Street, Stratford Heintzman and Co. " Please mail'. me to-daya list . of slightly used . ,Upright Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad- vocate Name of said lot i93" of fifty-two feet, aabi inches, to the place of beginning, T, ern s of Sale -10 per cent. of pur- chase money on day of sale; Balance in 30 days thereafter, For further ;particulars apply to ED, BOSSENBERRY Auct., or to DICKSON Bt CARLING : Solicitors for Mortgagee, '.xeter, He Won. 'rte scene was tha clubroom, me hour Advanced. Serious. giuuuiy„ t•IiMar- tui, elated, were the earnest tat•es et the talkers by turn us tut+ art;uu,+gats for and against carne thick and ,rust. And the subjeet unser tieh,ite, -Do Fish Sleep?" That wags all, but it was sufficient to keep them at It tills date hour of the night, Ithiie putieutly wan- ed their respective wives at home. So faercely waged the controversy. that it burned itself away, 'Tore came a lull. Most of the debaters were played right out. It was then that the "cheerful idiot," who had played the listener's rote, chipped in. Rising from his roomy, armchair, where be bad lain unobserv- ed, he stretched, yawned, then spoke: "Gentlemen, the hour is late. 1, for one, must hie me to my eot Do fish sleep? I do not know. But if they don't, why .river beds?"—Lindon An, ewers. MOUNT CARMEL. ' Mrs' John 'Rowland's many friends ale pleased to know that she is re- covering nicely after her recent ill- ness.—Miss Margaret Quinn of De- troit is the guest of ms's 1. Camp- bell foi a few days, thisi week.—Mas- te- Alyward Flaherty of London is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. Hall at. present.—Mrs, Campbell of St ,jos- epi,. was a visitor of the home of Mr Jos Guinan's for a few days last week. -Mrs. D. Morrison and son, Edge of Detroit is visiting friends in this .neighborhood.—Rev. Fr. F, Forster of Sandwich College visited his brother here .:for a few days. CHISELHURST Mrs Barr of Exeter visited at R. Cole's and E. Diunnin's' over Sunday. —Rev Richardson of Kippen, gave us a goon sermon an Sunday.—Miss An- nie Wre, of •Toronto is visiting her brother G. L. here.—The young people of this locality intend going to the Bend an Saturday next,—The first story of G. L. Glenn's new house i, completed.—Mr. H. Jacobi intends returning here, having pur- chased ' Mr. McNaughton's fifty acres.—Mr annd Mrs. Childs of De -1 troit are visiting of the home of John Chambers and George 'W. Wren.— Miss Sllillinglaw's two Entrance pup- il; were successful, Cecil O'Brien and Florence Westlake.—Quite a number fron 'here attended the ball game an the Boundary Monday evening, Hen- sel! vs. Boundary.—Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Horton and daughter, Grace, have a eaurnec1 from a. week's sojourn at Grand Bend,—Miss Grace Horton's music pupil Rossie Broadfoot, was successfu'.in the recent musical ex- amination taking first-class honors. ZURICH Mr. Sheriff of the Molsons Bank Ber lin, is visiting in town.—Mrs. Mc Wal- ters of Detroit is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Well.—Miss Flossie Kibler of Berlin is visiting at the home of Mr. O. Fritz.—Miss Freda Hess, -teacher of Weyburn, Sask., is home forthe holidays. -Mr. Addison of the West and Miss Helma Koehler of Toronto, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Koehler, Goshen Line.—Mrs. Koehler, formerly Mrs. Jacob Waltz, died on Sunday at her home on the Babyton Line. She had reached the age of eighty years. The remains, were laid to rest on .Tuesday morning in the Lutheran Cemetery. —Mr. and Mrs, D. 11. Steinbach and Miss, 'Emma Heideman of Detroit ar- rived.ott Wednesdayfor a visit to their parents.—The large barn of Mr. F. G. Kalbfleisch was successfully raised on Wednesday. The barn is 481c100 feet and is the largest in this Township. HBNSALL Art Bush is home from the Coast where he has been for some time. —Charley Ohampman of Berlin, is spending his holidays here, with re- latives.—Lloyd Steacy of the Molsons Bank sniff, Alvinston, is home for his holidays.—Mrs, Thomas of Brandon, formerly of Varna, has been visiting at A. McPherson's.—Mrs. Quigley, of Elginfield, is the guest- of her sister Mrs. Carlin at the ging George.—Ern. Steacy is home for his holidays.. He has'a good position in a big store in Orilla.—Rev. R. Ricks spent a few days at the Summer School at Alma College at St. Thomas, --Thomas Hud- son of Marlette, Mich., accompanied by his wife; is here visiting with his mother and other relatives.•-Johu D. Buchanan; who has been. visiting with his parents for a couple of weeks bee returned to New York,—Mr. Wag - horn and his mother of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- Laren. -Mr, and Mrs. Garden, who hail beenspending some days with, Mr. and Mrs.'Moore, returned to De- troit on Monday.—Joyce McLean, who has been visiting at the home of his father, Hugh McLean, returned to Hainilton. THERMOS .. POPULAR AND NLY DIRECT INE REACHING A SUMMER RESORTS . IN HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO. Including Muskoka - Lakes, Lake -of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganeta:van and French River, Georgian Bay, 11 luag,ain' and Icawartha; Lakes. Ex cellent train service via Grand 'rruhk Railway to and from above resorts; Tourist tickets at reduced rates, good to return until Nov. 30th are now on sale to above, resorts', Write for illustrated folders and. time tables, telling you how to get t there ,and containing list of 'hotels rates ate., to C. E. Horning, D .P. A. G. T. Ry„ anion Station, Toronto N. J. Dore, Station Agent, 101,cetet t l STEI'iiEN- I)oitald Galbraith, of` Ms zxty . takes pvssessirrrt in the fall. West Williams, has sold, his fifty -acre ' farm o -n Concession 14, East Willi- , • roar living --William stn Mai t , a Xariller living near. Dungannon pias ams, to Ivlalcolnl McIntyre, of Stephen instantly killed on his farm. when he Township fox a handsome sum. Mr. fell front a load of hay. D3 You Feel ChIiIy Olt Feverish and Ache all Over i1��P ejworn oat—blue and tired 7 Don't let your cold develop u ro a tis, Pneumonia Or catarrh. Thehreliablealta - �j '� r attire and tome winch basroves¢ its value in th P u eas past 40 years its. Dom. I IERCE'S Golden Me41J Illitcloyfe Restores activity to the liver and to the circulation—the blood is Purified, the digestion and appetite improved arid the whole body feels the iturigorating force of this extract of native medicinal planta. In consequence, the heart, brain. and nerves feel the refreshing influence,. For over 40 years this reliable remedy has been seld fol liquid term by all medicine dealers, It can now also be obtained in tablqt form in $1,00 and 50c boxes. If your druggist doeea't keep it, send 60one-cent stamps to R,V.Pierce, M,D. Buffalo, rhf Common Sense Medieat Adviser—a book of 100 pages-grssw rs 44 medical! questions. aS'En$5Ao ttnone..eerst stamps to R.V. Pierce, M.D. LABATT'S TOUT The very beat for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest. Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME w� JoID. LABATT. +ZY, LONDVN, CANADA =9 J1;'alt h,,nnmmmmr. • r4 Furnace Grates on the Right Principle Note the three surfaces, each of which will last as long as the ordinary one surface grate. A gentle rocking is usually 3 all that's required but any clinkers happening to form are ground up by the mas- sive teeth of the four grates This is only - with verylittle effort. The 2one of the many ad- ;rate bars are so con vantages of the Sun- shine Furnace. Pay strutted that a volume of our agent a visitoo air passes freely to all parts. write for the Sunshine bo let. It shows you why it pays of the fire, to install this furnace. k - I Sui >�ne Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. Hamilton Calgary Casket -oar). Edmonton 336 Sold by. T. Hawkins & Son 1E !? ti 1111111.1 1; 11 1.1 ## 1, 133 :::r� � -• � ### 13 if if ### 14..331333}31 E• _ .11 3111 !r: •,F} iii ,13 • i 11 ii i!i!1 i91 sl 11 11 iii 11i ti 31 } 11{ ? 11 „l{{ 1l1 I !1 11l `1331i11111 , Et Ii# 311 311 1111 #1 111111N''1'1 1!II 1111113iEI#1E,F .:•13 r. • hill E 2 ! E � j1,1 1 111 1 �' Amid .1. t t 2 ���1 ��ll�fi�1111n,it.l.i•Si,l1�1I.F[11,�lliliiflll 11 it sE s ### 3