HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-17, Page 8k BCH EXETER MARKETS. �1E1� E.64035 W4DNES'AAY ^•^ ft...' a/an Y lIt R..... Bzr * �vlietzt. . . Pefc- . .. , . e ...•.. . • Pot.-•toeesa,per bad .,..1, E ly, :torten oar. per cwt., family F o•rr" tow grade per eW lButrNx ,.... aa.. ....... Dried Apples per lb R.. R Live hogs,. per cwt....—. .. Short pertain .•.. .. Thai main toff .... Sugar P.3eet meal_........ 93 93 45 4$ 34 100 100 1 00 1 50 1000 10 00 2 80 150 1 0 20 2t 9 00 28 00 22 00 20 00 FOR SALE Jersey Cow, tiM ellent strain . j. D. KESTLE, Exeter. IARVESTERS WANTED. , -- For Newclal r, Ilan., Long season and our - rent wages guaranteed. Full inform - tions can be secured from W, W. Hunter .William -St, Exeter. PURSE LOST. -On Sataday, Tune 29 on Side Road south of St. Marys Road, a purse containing ;about ;7.25 Finde rewarded by returning sante to Advocate Office.. TEACHER WANTED,—Holder of First or Second Class Certificate to teacl, in S. S. Nos 6, Stephen. Stater salary Duties to commence after the summer holidays.—GEO. M AW- HINNEY, Sec.-Treas., Crediton P.O. Ont. TEACHER WANTED.—For Union S, S. No. 13, Hay and Stephen, hold- ing Second Class Normal Certificate, School two utiles west of Exeter. Apps) stating salary and qualification to NELSON STANLAIti.E, Hay P.O, Marr;age Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Exeter. , E , PASTURE TO RENT Anc Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres being Lot 11, S.B., Con. 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay, Good supply of water all season. The cider press is in good condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. Farmers wanting :reale for next sea - eon should place their order atonce the Canadian. Government Agent, Advo - tete Gffice, Exeter, —`a.-.— Having taken over the Butchering Business of lir. Frank Wood ," we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. WM. RIVERS. THRESHING OUTFIT, ETC., FOR SALE.—Grain mill, nearly new; 200 feet cable, block and pulley, Clover trill; 20 horse power engine; wagon, tank -.circular saw, in good condition. Apply to Sanders Bros., or to .Mrs. Thos. Cookson, Exeter P. O. GEO. R. BEDFORD Is offering for one week 21 lbs. of Granulated Sugar for a Dollar with a Dollar's worth of Groceries, Crockery, and GIassware at. Half Price, a quantity of Tem Jars at the usual prices. Produce taken as cash. Carling's old stand, Exeter lr - OPENING OF RIVERVIEW PARK. —Under the auspices of the Women's Institute the new park by the river will be formally opened on Friday, evening, July 18th, at 8 o'clock. A grand display of fireworks and bon- fires. The band rein furnish music. Town and Country people are Cor- dially invited. Silver collection will be taken fo defray expenses. HOUSE .FOR SALE • A one-storeybrick house: in good state of repair. Apply to T. HAW- KINS Hawkins" Hardware Store, Exeter. VAOATION NOTIOE 1 Kindly take notice that my' dental office will be closed from the middle of Tuly to the middle of -August. Al- so note that my office is closed. every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. DR. ROULSTON. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice Iand being south part -of lot 9 Con. 3, Usborne. There is on the premises a"good ,frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling- at one end;: wood shed, pig- house 16x24; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard Fox further particulars apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O.; or on the premises. SWINGING A BUSINESS Judicious advertising lathe derrick that swings a bur inete to success. CialsiltedWantAds. are terse hold. Mess bringers that are suitable to any buslnees. T6hay heap the small ones became big, and the Mg ones to b*ome bigger. Ci0l,NiM4I rr 14,11 a ..Aare, LOCAL DOINGS. MeatJasaatarafaaaga00444oalaK.asaaticalika Mrs R. Inifht is quite ill at her. home.. Mrs. Whiteford is ill and confined to her room. A number of the bowlers will vis- Seafor.th this afternoon for a friendly game, Mr. Harry Parsons has been award- ed the new Rural Mail Route 'rent Exeter west. Mrs. Fred Luxtort was taken to the Hospital at London last week, where sits is undergoing treatment. Although expected the Entrance Examination results have not arrived for this week's issue of The Advo cite. The Advocate phone nurnber is 25. Cali us up when you have an item of news and the call will be ap•.. prec iated, Miss Whittle Howard has accepted a positionas teacher in Edmentdn, and will leave for that city at the close of ' the vacation. William Dignan and family, who were to leave on Tuesday 'ast for West, decided to postpone their de•• parture until next Tuesday.--. Llzcan Journal. The pulpit of the ,Trivitt Memor- ial Church was occupied by Mr. Duplan of Centralia on Sunday in the absence of the rector, who is at- tending the Masonic Grand Lodge at Ottawa. The Clinton New Era last week passed another mile -stone, being now on its 48th year. The New Era has always been a bright, ,ead- able journal and is a credit to the town in which it is published. The fireworks at the opening of Riverview Park on Friday evening will . be well worth seeing, "Storm- ing Storm-- ing of the Fort," as on Coronation Day will be a special feature and without doubt will prove very inter- esting. Hereafter all goods shipped by ex- press from points in. 'the west to points in the east, or vice versa, or between western points, will bear a reduction in rates of one-fifth, but no change _has been made in charges on goods shipped between eastern points The loss - to the express companies yearly by the reduced. tariffs is estimated near the million - dollar mark. But they can stand* it, 'judging by their huge profits. The results of the Examinations of London Conservatory of Music have been issued and the following are the successful candidates from Ex- eter, who are pupils of Miss Gladys Bissett. First class honors 85 per cent Second class 75 per cent; Pass 65.— Piano, grade III., Miss Lena Coates 89%; Grade 1., Miss Fern Francis S5M Miss Mildred Marchand 84 ; Harmony, Grade III„ Miss Flossie Hunter, 98; Theory... Grade 1., Miss Lena Coates 95. --o NOTICE.—Special Sale of Corsets and Children's waists; -also Ladies' Black and White Underskirts; for and week only. Commencing Friday, July 18th Remember the date.— IIRS. W. D. YEO, Exeter. CARD THANKS—Mr. W. E. San- ders desires to convey to the neigh- bors and friends his sincere thanks for the many kindnesses' shownhim during the illness and subsequent de- mise of his beloved wife, and to all of whom he feels deeply grateful. . GREY HAS MODEL VILLAGE.— Flesherton is a model village, the councihaving prohibited citizens from hanging on vehicles, coasting or tobogganing on the streets, bicycle riding on the sidewalk, loitering on the streets, or in doorways, disorder- ly conduct, offensive language, intox- ication, street obstruction with builds ing material or otherwise;. no children to be on streets between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. ; no ashes, siftings, shop sweep- ings, loose paper, straw or refuse of any kind may be placed upon the streets, nor can the same be burned upon the streets. CAPTURED FIRST PRIZE.— The Exeter L, O. L,, No. 924, which cel- ebrated the 12th July in Hensall suc- ceeded in capturing the 1st prize in the Banner contest. It was by far the best banner in the proces- sion that day, and it may be said that few banners in Ontario can com- pare favorably with it. This banner was specially designed by Mr. D. B. Sanders and was afterward§ made to order The beautiful coloring, er- tistic designing and the magnificent material from which it was made makes it a thing of beauty and much to be admired. Mr. Sanders, wato was instrumental in procuring this flag for Exeter Lodge wishes to thank the business men and citizens of Exeter, who so generously con- tributed to the fund for procuring this much prizedbanner. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR JULY —A reactionary storm period is cen tral on the 18th, 19th and 20th, This period is co -Incident with' the full Moon, or Moon's- opposition with the Earth and Sun. The barometer will show marked atmospheric changes at this: period, the temperature will •'ise and a show of blustering summer. clouds and storms will appear initially parts of the country, drifting frronr westerr to eastern parts: of the con- tinent, Some local rains will fall, but general and well distributed rains will hardly occur at this time. A seismic: period is central' on the j8th causing earthquakes 'in different parts of the earth between the 15th and the 23rd..; Somewhat cooler weather will fellow storms. A regular storm' period involves the 22nd to 27th, liar, ing it: centre on the 24th. If the bar ornetei 'does not rise after electrical. storms on and about the 23rd, at series of blustering thunder storms will appear for several days and nights in succession at this period. If pre- vious July periods have brought rain freely, a continuance of the'sare will be natural at this time; but we ser-. , iously qu.estio;a whether this will be the case :although the Venus period will help in that direction. E.E:J Mr. Fred Elliot of kiailybury, in [honie for a few days. Mr, Hugh McKay of Detroit visiting relatives here, 'Ia•. Gordon Taylor of . Toronto is visiting at his home here, Mr McGillicuddy of Watford is the guest of his sin, Dr. aleGilli- cuddy hlr. Lloyd Rivers is in Alvinston relieving at the Maisons Bank for a few weeks. Mrs R. R, Rogers and family are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E Christie. Mr. Bert Luxton of the Bank of Commerce, 'Montreal, is visiting at his home here, Misses Xis Johnston and Beatrice Howey' are ;attending the Summer School at St. Thomas. Mia Tille Yager returned home last week after spending the milli- nery season in St Marys, The children of Mr.and Mrs, Wni4 F ollancl 01 Royal Oak, Mich., are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Munroe, Mr j. Galls of St, Tlioniasis the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Harry El - worthy, also Miss Ettie Harton of Thomas. Mrs. Mortimore of London is here attending the funeral of her mother Mrs, Swale. Other niemliers of the family are expected. Mrs.- Harvey Perkins was taken to London Hospital to undergo an op- eration for appendicitis this week, The Kling Hotel at Seaforth will be deprived of its license after 1st of August, thus cutting the licenses to three in that town. - The Exeter Lawn Bowling Tourn- ament will commence on Wednesday August 13th, at 10.30 a.m. Entries to be made the evening before. At Regina Government officials are Looking forward to serious labor shortage in the province this year. With a crop acreage increased 13 Per cent. over that of 1912 the pros- pects are that there will be no great- er available supply of harvest hands from the East than there was last. year when, with 25,00 laborers need- ed only - 13,000 were obtainable. The farmer actually pays a prem- ium for bad roads. He paYs it in"L.:me expended in getting to market; in value of drafting animals and the food they eat, and in the extra Band for their care and handling ; in increased number of vehicles and wear and tear on them, and in the decreased pro- duct of land that has less attention and care. If the country lad a sys- tem of smooth and hard highways it would blossom like a rose, and pros- perity would follow in the wake. FOUR BROKEN R1BS,—Word has been received here that Mr. W. J: Carling. who left here •aefew mon- ths ago for Brighton, was the unfor- tunate victim of a runaway accident on Saturdaylast in which he sustain- ed fou broken ribs, a severely In- juredshoulder and a bad. -shaking up. His many friends here will wish for him a speedy recovery. YOUNG LIFE CUT OFF. -The home of Mr. and Mrs. William San- ders, Concession 3,_ Stephen, has has been saddened this week by the death of their: son, Percy Edward,at the age of 11 years, 15 .days. De ceased had seemed in his usual neal- th until Thursday morning last, when he became ill and a doctor was im- mediately summoned. The trouble was pronounced appendicitis and Dr, Moose, assisted by Dr. Hyndman, operated on Saturday` morning, but the case had apparently got too far advanced and it was impossible to save his life. Percy was a bright boy and had recently written on the• Entrance Examination. His early de- mise is greatly regretted by his young companions with whom lie was a favorite. The sympathy of 'the, community is extended to the 'be- reaved parents. The funeral takes place to the Exeter cemetery on EXETER Thursday at 3 o'clock. • TELUTill AY JULY 17 Harry Sweet has gone to I onion Mrs. D. johns is visiting in tit 1Sary. ;hisss. May Gill is visiting in Bridge- port;roMiss Bettie Passmore is home •'roili' Tonto for a visit, Rev, Collins is attending Masonic Grand Lodge in Ottawa • Mrs. Geo. Moir and son of Traverse City ,Mich., are visiting hare. Miss Katie Collins of Toronto is visiting Miss Kathleen Stewart. Dr, Sam Thomas and wife returned to ,London Friday after a visit here Master Fred. Cunningham of Ilder- ton is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Yager Misses May and Ethel Armstrong are home from Lucknow for the nol idays Misses Ethel, Clara and, Beatrice Vosper of Toronto are visiting rela- tives here. Mr. Harry Triebner returned Fri- day from a holiday trip to .Wingbant Gotlerieh Detroit and other places. Mr Geo, 'Pedley, \vho has been re- siding with his brother John here, is visiting with his brother James at Pigeon, Mich, 11xr .Russell'Frayne, with his ,vife and family, is the, guest of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frayne, co- two weeks. Mrs Sheere has, returned from a visit in Toronto and Brantford, Her, grandson Harold Sheere of Brantford accompanied her home, Mrs. R. G, Seldon ‘is .visiting in Ingersoll during the absence of Mr. Seldon who is attending the Masonic. Grand Lodge at Ottawa. Mrs. John Prig' and 'little daugh- ter of St. Catherines, who has been visiting relatives in Stephen is now visiting the fornier's sister, Mrs. W. Wilson, near Hensall. st3BSCBIBR FOR THE AND GET ALL THE NEWS. Our; Flours are hest brands on the market. They include 5 Roses Purity Royal Iousehold and Milverton R. G. SELDON Exeter, - Ontario R. N. ROWE -Phone '20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License .Embalmer ONTARIO STEWART'S Summer Clothes That Keep You Cool. Don't make life unbearable during the hot summer daysby wearing unseasonable clothing Here are some suggestions that will make living a pleasure these days. FOR WOMEN WHITE WAISTS An asortment of white waist in many styles. 'They are a set of samples and will be sold at big reductions. WHITE VOILE DRESSES A few left in sizes 14,16, 18 years. A cool and dainty dress for hot weather, Price $4.00 to $5.50, SUMMER PARASOLS To match any dress, also in colors of blue green and black in the India shape—$1 to W. FOR COMBINAT'N UNDERW'R It you once wear combinat tion underwear you will want no other. It is the only kind for the hot weather. STRAW HA'T'S The season's newest shapes in plain or sennet straws. A hat for every face,. See etir panamas at 4,50 and 5.00. WHITE SKIRTS In White Repp,, and' Bedford Cord, tailored in the newest styles and very easily iaundd- ried, Price $2, $2.50, $3. COOL HOUSE DRESSES In sizes from 34 to 42. Some very pretty styles in good washing materials—$1 to. 2.25 d..INEN COATS Are in demand this season, They are serviceable and cave one's clothes while driving or motoring. Price $5 to $7.75 • MEN OUTING SHIRTS In white, cream and tan with soft collar and, tie to match, A splendid sh,rt to wear when you go without coat and vest RADIUM HOSIERY In silk and Lisle. They are re-inforced in ;toe and Iheel, and can be had in :black, grey and tan. Per. pair 50c. Stare closes Thursday .r;noons during July and August A. STE A T, , pi4 A04, x$ 1I 4), NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee,. and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second- hand Watches ` taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am the ' only authorizes Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected''by other Official Agents throughout Canada, A. MARCHAND THE STORE THAT TREA,TS.. YOU RIGHT Powel1's azaar Big • Variety Store COME IN OFTEN wish to announce' that we have installed a NATIONAL' CASH REGISTER, and will give you a' cash receipt with ery purchase of Sc. or over. Save the receipts and get valuable PREMIUMS FREE, Its up to you to get in line with the store that shares its profits with you SPECIALS NOW ON SALE TOOTH PASTE for cleaning and preserving .,the teeth—only 15c. LEMON POWDER for. Lemonade, cheaper .than lemons, 1Sc..a jar CRUSHED ROSE of VIOLET Talccuni Baby Powder, '15c. A full line of drug preparations P P at cut priees... Come and ask us about OFTEN -POWELL'S BAZAAR 1 BONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Some Hot Weather Bargains This is the 'Month for Hoiidays and you suitable garments for your Outing. will want WASH DRESSES For Ladies and Children in a big variety of colors and styles All at reduced , prises. FANCY PARASOLS We are showing some realnew patterns and colors, Just the thing for the hot weather. WASH GOODS In Girtgliams, Prints, Chambrays Bedford Cords, Muslins and Voiles. GLOVES AND HOSE For the warm weather. All. colors in 'Silk, Lisle, Cotton or cashmere MEN'S SUITS In two or three pieces. Summer weights, Either light or dark. A good range at reduced prices. Come now and get bargain. WHITE DRESSES Only a few , left but they . are real beauties. All to clear at a price. MILLINERY All Millinery at half price. A few real good trimmed hats and shapes still left. WHITE GOODS In Pique, Bedford Cords, Voiles Repp and Linens. WIDE . EMBROIDERIES For dresses. All at redudetl prices. 25 swell patterns to choose from. STRAW HATS. Every kind to choose from., 1Oc' up. All straw hats are to ;re cleared out at cost price. VON]3S MAY . Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing