HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-17, Page 5DENTA
or. td, F,. Trouts o$, I..17;5,,
Dr i'tIS7r,
i• & elnl►er of the R,C,D,iS, of Onterfo and
Lliortor• Graduate of TOI'Onto° Ttnive pity,
Oftlee-^£lover Dickson % Carltng'e . law
Office. Clotted Wednesday afternoons.
Olt, A. E. ICINSM4T4, L.D,Sr, .D,,p.t
Ugnofc G�iradualte of Toronto tin;,versi'ity
Teeth. extracted witlfout pain,, or an
bad effects, Office over Gladxn2 &
Sti ntat'y's Qftifce, Main Street, EXetor,.
Staielttyrs, Notaries, 'Conveyancers, Com:
Missignerp, Solicitors for the Mojsons
Hank, etc. •
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Offices--Main-St., Exeter
it. R, Caal:rcig, B.A. . L. 13, Dickson
We have 'a large amount of private
Entitle to loan on fanand village prop-
erties at low rates Of interest.
Barristers, Se/niters, Pdreter,
Agent Confederation Idle Assurance
Cvartpany, also Fire Insurance In lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Ma+:ar-St., Exeter.
Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting auotlon sales. — Exeter, Ont;
A New Catalogue of
1VtvcrIl LIV] AT
. ,
TUO. 1Me Mrs. Ikidtila ' AYl ri hI b
lotted wife of. Air„ Ricky Englagd,die l
Jule 3rd. Deceased 'fad beelt in poor
Subjects taught
by expert instructors
at the
t' M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted ,to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt .Tr,
Principal CVianifutut
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosnhonot restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension; restores
vim and vitality; Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. PhospbonoI will
make you a new man.. Price $H a box or two for
$5. Mailed to any address. 'frheSco'bellDrug
Co.. tit. Catharines. Out.
We 'have thorough courses and
competent experienced instructors.
We do more for our students and.
graduates than other schools do. At
present we have applicationsoffering
from $600 to $1200 per annum, for.
help Business men know where
they get the best help. We have
three. departments, Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy. Get our free
0 A. McLACEILA.N, Principal.
Toronto Ont., is now ` ready. Write
for one It gives full particulars con-
cerning a famous school.
The undersigned is altering for sale
that desirable 100 a!cre arra, s., =tun e
t d
in the Townsh•I.p of Biddualph, being Lot
13, Con. 1. Thera is' on the premises
a gccd fmane Houle, barn with,founda-
tion, orcharjd. The faatmi !ss well draiki-
ed and a41 under cuiti•vatIon. This is
an, excellent Yarm, Well: *situated, and will
be •sold reasonable. For further partic-
ulars apply to John O'Neil, Mooresville,
The undersigned is offering for sale
Lot 6, North S;cYttridary Stephen, con-
taining 100 acres of good land. There
is on the premises a good frame house
with stone cellar; bank barn with ce-
ment floors; 8 good wells, and a
small orchard;. This is a good grain
or. gratis farm, or wioxuld: makee a good
stock farm,.. Situated two miles from
7aefi..r phone In house,. Will be sold
(reasonable. For particulars apply on
the premises, or wtrite the undersigned,
Fred Green, Hay, or ' B. S. Phillips',
College At
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own homes to
occupy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in
foot every sphere of Business Activities
You may finish at college if you so wish.
Positions guaranteed. Enter college- any
day. Individual instruction. E:gpert ten.
chars. Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec.
iai course for teacher`s.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' . Association of Can-
ada. Summer School at famous
Spottnn Business College, Lon-
President Principal
ANy person who is the sole head DoE;
.a. family or, any male over 18 years Old,
niay hornestead a, quarter se tioir of
,availaible :D.oanlnibrt land en •Manitoba
-Saskatkhewen or Alberta. The ap-
apllcant must appear to person at the
IIJOnninian Lands Agency or. .Sub;.
.agency for time district. Entry by .:pro-
nty rraade be m,ade a t any age,ncY, ^on
,certain conditions by father, mother,
,son, daughter, brother or sister ,.of in-
tending (homesteader
Duties—Six months* residence upon
and ',cultivation :Of 'the 1In4 in each
et three years, A homesteader' may live
•urithiz 'au.,ne miles Ott his homestead on
fhrm of at least .80 acres eoliely
,owned.. and occwpied by him or by his
'father;, mother, eon daughter, brother
,or siker?
In ,certain district$ a h,Onneeteader
sgood:etantlin,g may pre-err+lpta quart
,or-pectiom 'along side hie homas'tead.
Price- $3.00 per acre.
Duttes—IvIust reside upon the home
stead;' or • pre,-e,nniption six months in
,Boat, E six yours from date of home-
stead • entry; (including the trine= re-
,quired to earn homestead patent) and.
,cultivate fifty aore6, extra.
A homesteader who hos exhausted his
homestead right and cannot -Obtain tr
tpr'e-4nrttl11on may enter for a puz;.,
.ahuagek1, homes, Pad in certain die Lz' ors
l?rr,ee, 58.00 par acre. Duties*, Must
reealdq six months ifil each of these
;years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
,a house worth *80o.
N �V. co,I•ty
1 eriitfY''the .Yliallater..er the'.tntertot:
N.1 . fina+utarorizeit °'Publication bP
tribhilt a+d'wart3sOthertt w i net ,be pallid i7iY ,
health for two years. 6he was born
in the township of Pickering in 1830,,
where she .married Rich. England in
1859. They moved West i<n 101,
and settled on the Centre Road, Hast
Williams, where they lived nine Years.
They theft moved into the Mark set-
tlement an the 26th, Con. of McGil-
livray, which was at that time nlearly.
all bush. Mr, and Mrs, k;ngianci cel -1
abrated their Golden wedding anniv-
ersary three years ago, There are
surviving a sorrowing husbned,, foul,
sons and two daughter's—John of.
Oklahoma, William of London, Mat-
they of Crediton, Walter of Green-
way, Richard of Owen Sound, and
vIrs. Susan Tames .Of Chicago.
MORAY—We regret to report that
111r. John Mawson died,, at his home,.
Con. 18, on the 3rd Inst, He. was 59
years old and had :been 111 four lays
from erysipelas. Mr. Mawson was
well and favorably known in this lo-
cality, having resided in McGillivray
all his life. The funeral was head
to Brinsley cemetery and was attend-
ed by a large number of relatives
and friends. Mrs. Mawson and fam-
ily have the sympathy of all.
St. Jahn, N. B., September r 19th, 1911
—My brother Wae a ge'eat eutterer from
kidney, sten:40h and bowel troubles and
was giveln, up ley tlwA doctors. lie was.
exiviged to try Fie Pius, width he did;
'and atter taking tIve boxes was coin
pletel& restored to health and is batter
to -day' than he hes been for years. You
can't recommend F.** Pdlle too highly.
At all dealers, 25 and cents or The
1? ig Pill Co., St. 6ithoanaa, Ont
R Sold at Howey's ,Drug Store.
nry AO
is interested and should know
about the wonderikl .
Marvel WhirlinII Spray
d.ak your dregglst stir
it. If he cannot supply
the TIIARVEL, accept no
other, but Gond stamp for illae•
trued book --sealed. It gives fall
particulars and directions invaluable
to ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,'WIedsor, Ont
General Agents for. Canada.
Dr, de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never falls. These
ills -are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
all cheap imiitations. the female
de Y'iusi are sold a
15 a box, or three for =10, Mailed to any address.
The 8cobell Drug Co.. St. Catharines, Ont.
Partnere wanting hired men for next
seaecn should place their orders at once
otherwise there will be difficulty to
scouting help. Orders lett with the
Locar Governmienit Employment Agent
for this district, Advocate Office, - or
addressed thereto, will receive prompt
attention. C. H. SANDERS, Agent.
irc*te._ !�
You'll. Sad it's
Now Perfected--
Best Bupable
Ye Olde Firm Of
One Genuine Heintzlnan & Co Up -Right -Piano, Fancy
Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar-
anteed 5 years. Regular price 450 selling price $290.00 $6,
per month.
One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7.i 1-3 Octave
over strung scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. per month
` One R. • S:Willams Spare Piano Rose Wood Case ;7 1-3
Octave oyer strung scale itt splendid, condition guaranteed
5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per month.
One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case, 7 1.3 Octave
overstrung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years
$150,00. $3,00 per wrath,
15 or 2b Organs in good repair fully guaranteed from' $10
to $50.00 one to $2,00 per month.
Heinztman : Co.
193-5-7 Younge StreetToronto
or Heintzman & Co: 38 Ontario Street, Stratford
eintzman and Co. Please mail .i ne
to -day ,a list of slightlk' . Meed... ioright
Pianos advertised in 'the... Exeter dra
Tlae musical surprise a: tuneful 1•ned
ley of marching and nmusic, is one of
the big ,novelties prepared for this
Year's Canadian National Exhibition,
Toronto, That it is a big number is
evidenced by the fact that eight
bands, 1.00 Cadets and 1.00 Boy
Scouts wlii be Worked into its in-
tricacies, John Henderson of Lon-
don will stage it, and that means it
will be artistic in every ,detail,
Fred McNee, a well-known citizen
of London, had a narrow escape here
on July 9, Mr, McNee was trying
his skill at a shooting gallery thou
form's part of the midway, when the
accidental discharge of. one of the
other rifles by an attendant came near
costing hint his life. The bullet from
the attendant's gun pierced Mr. Mc-
Nee's neck, going in at the side and
narrOw15; missing the artery, and com-
ing Out "at the back of the neck. The
doctor says that unless blood pois-
oning sets in, which is unlikely, Mr.
McNee will speedily get better.
Miss Ada Koehler of Toronto is
sPending her holidays with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs, P. Koehler.—Miss
Verus` Gottschalk of Bad Axe, Mich..
is visiting relatives for a few weeks
—Mr Victor Appel of the Molsons
Bank staff, Stettler, Alta, who has
been away from town for about four
years, is holidaying with his parents
Mr "and Mrs. Ed. Appel. -Mrs. Ed,
Sanders and son, Eddie R., of, Sand
Lake, Mich., are visiting with friends
here.—Mr. George Volland of De-
troit is visiting his mother and oth-
er friends in town. --F. W. Hess has
sold, his south end property on Bis-
mark Hill, to Mr. Samuel McBride. --
Mrs. Theo. McAdams and children of
London are visiting her parents, 1VIr.
and Mrs. Bassow on the Bronson Line
—Mr. J. Preeter left for a month's..
visit to the West.
Ar exciting runaway happened Fri-
day on the Babylon line. A pair of
horses owned by Mr. Sol. Martin were
hitched to a mowing machine and
were driven through a gate opening
to the main road. They were lett
standing while the driver closed the
gate but they started on the, run and
continued until
theyhad coveredared one
and a half miles. The macfiine was
rattled to pieces and when the horses
were found they had nothing but the
tongue of the machine with them
The horses were cut in places but
not seriously,
Mrs Henry Koehler, one of: Hay's
oldest residents died at her home on
the Babylon line on Monday morning
She was 80 years of age and leaves
one daughter, Mrs. Herman Bender,
six grand -children and three great
grand -children. Her husband prede-
ceased her some years. The funeral
took place to Goshen line cemetery
Three children of Wendel Smith
experienced a runaway Sunday owing
to their horse being frightened of
an auto. The buggy was smashed but
the children escaped serious hurt.
$,r.rouple of our sportsmen, it is
said :; got a ducking in Lake Smith,
while • fishing and shooting on the
Miss Lela Welsh of Toronto is
here visiting relatives.—Miss Myrtle
Wright of Toronto is visiting Miss
Flossie Foss and other relatives.—
Miss Versie Geiger, who has been. at-
tending the Collegiate at Waterloo,
is home for the. holidays.—Miss Cora
Davidson, who has been visiting iri
town for a few days, returned to
London.—Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and
daughter of London are visiting the
grandmother of the latter, _tlrs. Manns
—Mr. John Toddleft for treatment
at Victoria Hospital, London. ilis
many friends regret that he is not
improving more rapidly.—The busi-
ness people of Hensall have agreed
to close their stores and other places
of business on the i,23rd so that all
may attend. the great Union Sunday
School Picnic.—Mr. Pearson of De-
troit, a relative of Mrs. H. Cook's
was killed in an autoniobile accident
in Detroit last week.Mrs. Pearson was
also seriously injured and is not ex-
pected to recover. -Charles Cook of
Chicago arrived home on Monday and
is spending a couple weeks with his
mother, M. H. Cook.—Miss Iza Yuill
of Victoria, B. C., is here visiting,' ter
parents. Miss' YuilI left Scotland be-
fore her parents, and went through
to the West.—Rev. G. A. Hackney
of Trail, B. C., is visiting old friends
Alex Mustard. has returned from
Winnipeg, where he has been for the
past two week's at the bedside of his
brother William, who underwent a
serious operation, but is recovering,
—Miss Jean Mustard, nurse of New
York is home on a visit.—Dr. Peter
McEwen of Detroit, is visiting his
mother on the Bayfield road, this
week. --John B. Mustard met with an
accident recently that will lay him up
for sometime and might have cost nim
his life, He was pulling' down the
hay fork when the rope broke and
the fork descended and struck him
just below the ankle and penetrated
the foot, coming through on the un-
der side, and going through fully 3
inches, of ,flesh and muscle. He is w
doing as ell,. as can be expected.
Including Muskoka Lakes, ::.eke of
Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganett,vlo
anti French River, Georgian Bay, IA-
inagam' and £<awartha Lakes. i. c
celleni train service via Grand Trunk
Railwa} to and frons above ,resorts:'
Tourist tickets at reduced- rates,
good to return until Nov, 311th are
non ore sale to above reports;
i,t,Trite for illustrated folders andi
time tables, telling you how to get
there and containing Mist of hotels
'rates- tic.,. to. C. E. Horning, D .P,
G T. Ry„ Union Station, Toronto
N, 3, Dore, Station Agent, Faster
esters and $Ke neighbors and friends
fol thei:l kindness during the illness
Card of Thanks. -.Mrs. W, J. Vance azid subsequent' death of the late
and family desire to thank the. For- hj.sband arid father.
Woman. Ls As Old
She Looks
Nowoninn wants to look old. Man' in their effort to look
you thfelresort totbe` besutydoctor's' preeeripifone,'fhelr,nls.
take is that they visit the wrong department ire til drug stare:
Beauty depends upon health.
Worry, sleepless nights, headaches. Pains,+lisorders, irregri-
laritiea and weaknesses of a diatinctly femme character in a
short time bring the dull eye the. °crow's feet." the haggard
look. drooping shoulders, and the faltering step,
Toretain thoappearanee of youth you must retain health.
Instead of lotions, powders and paints, ask your druggist fer
Favorite Preset iiptilon
Thio famous medicine strikes at the very root of these
enemies of your youthful Appearance, it makes you not
only tookyoung, but feel yoang.
Your druggist can supplYyou In it old or tallfttfornnaergrnd.
s0 ono -coni stamps to Dr. iry.rcae's invalids Hetet and Sur.
Meal tnstltut., Buffalo, H.Y. add trial box will b. maned yen.
FREE TO i O -MY SISTER roc moots i o*N:f0 h5t: ATil s+
late a wonman..
r know woman's sufferings,
I have found the cure,
I'will snail, free of any charge, my home treat-
wro with
stailurent. instructions o�tell all .sufferer out
this cure .- you, my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, your mother, or your sister, I want to:
tell you how to curer Ives at home without
the Len Lela of a doctor. ta serot understand wom-
en's sufferings. What we women know front ex-
pensest we know letter than any doctor. 1 know
that my' home treatment is. a safe Gaud Sure cure for
*.ucrrhtsrWbfdicc�g*ti raton,Ds-
p hWhitish
Womb. Profuse, Scanty
or Painful Periods, Uterine or' Ovarian Tumors or
Oronrths. also pains ki the head; back and bowels,
booting dotyp•fesIiess. nervousaeas creeping
Ing up the spins, aaolancboly, desire to cry, hot
feel -
nailing. wsariaesg, kidney and bladder troubles
wiser* caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex.
I want to send you a complete 10 drys• treatment
*sorely_ n. free to prove to you that you cacure
yourse�f at home, easily, quickly and surely.
Remember, that it will Cost you tisetblag to give are
treatment a complete trial ; and if you should wish to continue, it will coat you only about rm
cents a week, or less than two cents s day. It will not interfere with. your work or occupation.'
Jaret and rr*,your nae* and address, tell me how you suffer, if you wish, and 1, will send you the
treatment foryour case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mall. i will also send you trey
of cost, my book—"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations show-
ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at honV. Avery roman should
have it, and learn to think for kerseif. Then when the doctor says—'You must have an opera,.
tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home
remedy. It cures Ili, old or young. To Mothers. of Daughters, 1 will explain a simple home
treatment which speedily and effectually cures T,eacoce
Irregular Menstruation in. Young Zadies, Plumpness andrrhhealtha,Greealwaysn8ioresultlcness fromand ibPainuse.ful or
Wherever you live 1 can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly
c s i really era woman a e
tell any offerer that this Home Treatment Y oar 11 iia sees sad makes ..omen
well, strong, plump and robust. Just tend Biu your address, and the free ten days' treatment is
yours, Also the book. Write to -day, as you may not see this olter again. Address:
MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box H.84O • - • • WiNDSOR, line
The Right Place for a Water Pan
in a furnace is just
over the feed door
and this is
where it is
placed in the
It has a lip
front and is
the right
height for easy fill-
ing without removal.
Its position and
capacity of the pan
healthy humid heat.
Write for the Sunshine booklet,
or get our local agent to ex-
plain the manyadvantages of
this furnace over any other.
make certain of a
M CC1ary's
Sunshine Furnace
London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B.
Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 335
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
There's no fuss or bother
about getting a meal, with
Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes
in the house.
Always ready to serve, fresh,
and nutritious.
Sold by all Grocers at 10c the
package. Look for this