HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-10, Page 8EXETER MARKETS. vtORD } AOB WEDNESDAY SDAY ti ,mks ANl,..........., 9$ 933 l i 1 •;f ).N11110,k*,% 41,.4 40 t48 girl ar' • it . rlieat . , N , , , , i : e. 4$ ^$ 84 n '$4 en,. ♦..4........ 41t••• -•,R1 00 100 oes, per;bag ... * 1 50 1 G(1 .nay.„a.erton.... n..., 1000 10 00 poi r per cwt., favii7 80 Flo•i, ,. tow grade per ow 1 5t0 150 p $itr.r. ,r. « . •.... Gi.V 20 Hgu ,,.. ,rt .,.,,. 20 20 0 Dried Apples per lb.... 8 $ l Lives imp, per e'tvfa a... ,23 00 Sheer: per ton, ....., ,T3 01) leer ton: , . :.. , ... .a0 00 Sugate Beet meal....:.... 2 Mrs. J, A, Stewart le visiting m Searorth. The cusses Seldon and Harry ere visiting in Ingersoll, Mr. John Case of Toronto 1-isited relatives here this weeks 111r. Henry . Lambrook of Brantford is visiting Here for a few days, A number of Exeterites attended the Listowel Races on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Case of Ingersoll visited at 'Ale. Thos, Case's over Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Stanbury attend- ed the marriage of the former's •xis-• ter • at Bay iela on Tuesday, Mr. W, W. Hunter manager of the Union, Bank, Newdale, 'Ian., arrived here Tuesday night to visit his par- ents Mr, and Mrs. John. Hunter, for a few weeks, PURSE LOST.—On Sunday, June 29 on Side Road south of St. - 'Marys Road. a purse ,containing about e7,25 Finde rewarded by returning same to Advocate Office. PUPS FOR SALE,Four thorough- bred Scotch 'collies for sale. Apply to Mitchel; Willis, Stephen, Exeter P.O. ..— TEACHER WANTED—For S.S. No. 4, Usborne, Apply to WILLIAM COATES. Exeter. Ont. TEACHER WANTED. -For Union S. S. No. 13, Hay and Stephen, hold_ ing Second Class Normal Certificate. School two miles west of Exeter. Apple stating salary and qualification to NELSON STANLAI%E, Hay P.O, Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate 'Office, Exeter. PASTURE TO RENT Ano Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres being Lot 11, S,B., Con. 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay, Good supply of water all season. The cider press is in good condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. •'sl I Faraners wanting help for next sea- son should place their order at one the Canadian Government Agent, !dvo- cage Office, Exeter, Get some neatly printed calling at The Advocate. —_0_— Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS, cards, THRESHING OUTFIT, ETC., FOR SALE. --Grain mill, nearly new; 200 feet cable,' block and pulley, Clover mill; 20 horse power engine; wagon, tank -.circular saw, in good condition. Apply to Sanders Bros., or to Mrs, Thos. Cookson, Exeter P..0. LOCAL DOTNGS Ali '.ars Wm, D:auncey is ill at her home. Mrs. Harrell is iii at her home on Station Street. The usual weekly half -holiday dur- ing July and Aµgust starts to..day. Mrs, Jas. Stewart, Huron Street,, is at present, quite ill at her home. Miss Katie McFalls is presiding at the organ in fames Street church in the absence of 1V Ir. Phillips. Owing to a fall down stairs last week Mrs. Richard Delbride is laid rip with injuries to her back enc} ankle. While picking cherries on Saturday last Mr W. J. Bissett accidently fell from the tree and although no bones were broken he received a bad shak- ing up. Have the Advocate sent to your summer address. Notify us, giving your old as well as your new address and you will receive . your paper promptly. Mr, Stephen Hogarth's son Tohn had the misfortune to ,fail from the wagon one day last week, with the result that his shoulder was bruised and his arm broken. Mr. W. J. Robinson last week pur. chased the Hustonfarms of 200 acres on the 3rd concession of Stephen, at Fairfield, -Mr. Robinson had rented' them for some years, Mr. L Armstrong accidently tell into the cellar at his home on Sat- urday last sustaining injury to his hip and otherwise bruised. He fell about seven feet on a hard floor. Mrs elcAvoy had the unpleasant experience on Thursday last of falling into an open cistern that had just been sunk into the ground, sustain- ing several bodily injuries, as well as being badly shaken up. Broke Three Ribs.—Mr, Richard Crocker unfortunately fell on Sun- day while going up some steps and broke three ribs. The aged gentle- man has been ill for many months and this additional trouble is greatly regretted by his many friends. On pretty good evidence we yearn that the results of the Entrance ex- aminations are far from satisfactory in many of the rural schools, while in others the result is excellent, Ex- eter's result is as usual good, .but the names will not appear for a few days At a union meeting of Exeter, Sun- day school committees it was decided to run an excursion to Springbank the last week in July, and to petition the Council to make the day of picnic Civic Holiday. The committee is -wait- ing for the G. T, R. to confirm the date. HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey brick base' in good state of repair„ Apply to T. . HAW- KINS Hawkins' Hardware Store, 'Exeter. VACATION NOTICE Kindly take notice that my dental office will be closed from the middle of Slily to the middle of August. Any person desirine dentistry done in the near future will confer a favor by not- ifying me at earliest opportunity. Al- so note that my office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. DR. ROULSTON. The Post Office Department have issued a new regulation forbidding the putting up of any kind of notice in any post office, unless it be a depart- ment notice. The public need not be come annoyed if the postmaster re- moves any .notices put up in the of- fice. Those are his instructions. Mrs. David Cobbledick last week received a three thousand dollar cheque from the head, office of the Knights of the Macebees, her late husband having been a member of that society which is to be commend- ed for their promptness in settlement of this and other claims due benefic- iaries. fl ATB Mr A.. MeDonell attended London Races last week, Miss Ida Lowe, teacher of Fol ens, is home for the vacation, • • Mrs. Wrilliaiiis of Fillmore, Sask., is visiting, friends in Exeter north. Mrs, (Rev,) Ramsay and daughter or. Ottawa are visiting relatives here. :Mrs.. Murphy of Clinton, with her niece is the guest of her son Richard Mrs. and Mies Colerick of Lonclor visited at Mr, Wm, Dreees over Sun- Mis.. Gallaway of Sarnia 1s the• guest of her aunt .Miss Annie Cob- bledick: • 'Miss Patterson of Brusscle is -mend ing, a few days with Miss Jessie \Ic.- CuIlottgh. Urs,. S. Fitton leaves Saturday for Winnipeg where she will visit for y few weeks. ” Misses Birdie and Lillian Boyle re- turned Monday from a visit in Mar- lette .Melt, Mr. Abe Davis of Calgary spent a few days last week with 'his parents and son Lester, :Miss Hazel. Young of London is. visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, John Colwell, , Mr. and Mrs._ Theo, Sweet of Van- couver ancouver B. C., are visiting ' with rel e atives and friends here. C. H, McAv*oy, after a couple weeks' holidays' here, returned to Toronto Tuesday evening.. '1r. and Mrs. A. J, Ford and family left Saturday morning' • last to visit different parts in the West.. Messrs. Clarke, Stewart, Seldon and Taman are attending Goderich Bowl- ing Tournament this week. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Witwer spent last Sunday in Zurich •with their daughter Mrs. Dan. Koehler. Mrs, S. Eacrett. of Brantford eisit- ed with relatives here last week, the guest of Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Rev. D. W. Corns and Mr. R. G. Seldon leave Saturday to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge at Ottawa. n. ~Leader Treble has succeeded in building up a superior musical organ- ization_ in Exeter. Twice recently Lu- canites have had the pleasure of lis- tening to the Exeter brass band, and on both occasions the lovers of music were highly pleased, Most of the players are young, and Mr. Treble has worked hard to bring their , playing up to such a high standard. The band will always be -Welcome to Lu- can.—So says the Lucan Journal., FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being seath part of lot 9 Con 3. Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end; wood shed, pig- honse 16x21; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars, apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O,, or on the;,: premises, SWINGING A BUSINESS Judicious advertising is tha derrick that swings a hotfoot* to *accost, ' CiassitiedWantAdo. acre teres busi- ness bringers that are suitable to any business. they heipi the smsli ones heoorne big, and the big ones to trecortar stager. dti,>,ImiMM Ia, ny o a wNo,re, Misses Ella Baker and Gladys Ford returned to Chatham Business College. this week for a further short course. Mrs. Mortimore, after a few days' visit with her mother, Mrs, Swale, returned to her home in London, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holmes of Sask- atoon, Sask. who are visiting in Lon- don, spent Tuesday with Mr; and r John Pedler, Mrs Parker 'of London, accompani- ed by her niece, little. Miss Braith- waite, spent Sunday with her moth- er, Mrs. Piper. _Mr. Will W;ctson and Alvey, Olive and Amy Trevethick of. Brinsley aut- oed to Exeter Sunday and spent the day. with Mr. and Mrs.: M. Amey. • Mrs. G. L. Mantle has returned home atter a three weeks' holiday wiiton at Ch her Icors.nge, "Goodenuf " Cr Gran d Bend, Three rinks of bowlers autoed to Clinton Friday afternoon and the bowlers of that fair town took them into camp treated them handsomely The Clinton greens proved somewhat too keen for the Exeter boys and the players a little too good, so that all three rinks were clown as follows, Wilson Gladman, Clark and Heanran 17 down; Levett, Stewart, Collins and Seldon 13 down; Spackman, Doyle Taman and Creech 7 down. Rain in- terfered with the evening game when the boys expected to redeem them- selves. 'Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Braund and three daughters of Brantford autoed here last week and spent a few`days with the former's parents, Mr. end Mrs, D. Braund. GEO. R. BEDFORD Is offering for one week 21 lbs. of Granulated Sugar with a dollars ds worth of Groceries, Crockery Glassware at Half Price, a quantity of Tem Jars at the usual prices. Produce taken as cash; Carling's old stand, Exeter. After 20 years hesitation the Ont- ario Medical Council, in annual meet- ing, Toronto, decided by unanimous vote that they would accept a qualifi- ed practitioner holding a Dominion license to register without examina- tion and pursue his profession hi the province. For nearly a quarter of a century the defendant provinces of Canada have required that a %physic- ian' or ` surgeon wishing to move in Embalmer from another province pass a rigid examination before being granted ai'ETER ONTARIO license. 11T Mr, Jones of the bent,: of Comnieree is v=isiting .t his 'tome in 'Ayr, Mise Victoria Miners has gone to Saskatoon to Visit for the vacation months, Jonathan Merrier, el, P•, and Mrs. Merner of Zurich spent ThursdaY •with friends .in town. Mr John Spackman returned Times day from a visit with relatives at St Thomas and Talbotville. Mr, and hers, Arthur J. Ford, who have been visiting here, left Monday for their home in Detroit. Mr. It Phillips, organist of James Street Church, left last week on a two months' trip to England. Mrs Gregory and daughter Miss Stella lett Saturday morning for Seek atoon, Sask., to spend the summer•. Miss Viva Fisher of Hamilton is vis- iting with relatives and friends in and around Exeter for a few weeks. lir. A. Hastings left Monday for Waterloo where he will visit his brother, Mr, Wm. Hastings. who is quite ill: Mr. E. Christie and Mr. T Rus- sell were in Guelph, last week receiv- ing instructions regarding the judg- ing of . live stock: at the fall fairs. Mr- 5, G. Jones and Dr, Harrison of Detroit left Friday evening on a trip to the Old Country. They were accompanied as far as Montreal by their wives and Mrs. Rooke, Miss Martha Carling returned on Thursday to her. duties in the .New York Hospital, .Miss Eva Carling of the same city is now visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Carling. Mrs. '(Rev.) "Martin of London and daughter, Mrs. (Dr,) Gunn -if Calgary spentthe week end with Mrs, 5. A. Stewart, ,Mrs. Gunn sang very ac- ceptably in Caven church Sunday. SUBSCRIBE. FOR THE AND G)3l1 ALL THE NEWS. Our Flours are t hrabesnds on the market. They include 5 Roses Purity Royal Household and Milyerton - R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario A. N. ROWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License "After teaching in the Mitchell Public School for about eleven years Miss May has sent her resignation to the trustees with the object -that she may take a well-earned rest. She began in the lowest department, and worked her way upward to the room next the principai?s. The young lady. proved herself a most efficient and popular teachers and her resignation is much regretted."—Mitchell Advoc- ate Miss May was formerly a teacher in Exeter School, and is a sister of 'Ir, Wm. May of town. I CARD OF THANi(S,—I`Trs, James Abbott desires to convey to the neighbors and friend's of Centralia her sincere thanks for the many kind - nesse.: and. expressions of sympathy during the illness and subsequent de- mise of her late husband. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR JULY —A regular storm period extends from the llth to 16th. The centre of the Venus period falls on the 14th,' the. culininatittc day of this regular storm period The Moon will be extreme declination south on the 15th, hence northerly air currents will flow south- ward at the culnainationof this per- iod, modifying ' the summer heat, end giving more pleasant nights for tem- porary comfort to rnsn and beast. GEO. R. BEDFORD ' Is offering for one week 21 lbs. of Granulated Sugar with a . dollars worth of Groceries, Crockery ` 'and Glassware at 'Half Price, a quantity of tem Jars at the usual prices, Produce taken as cash.. Carling's old stand, Exeter. STEWART'S Summer Clothes That Keep You Cool. Don't make Iife unbearabieduring the hot summer days bv, wearing unseasonable, clothingHere are some suggestions that will make living apleasure these days. FOR WOMEN WHITE WAISTS An asortment of white waist M many of samples yand will bersold les. Thee a sat big reductions. WHITE VOILE DRESSES A few left in sizes 1.4,16, 18 years. A cool and dainty dress for hot weather. Price $4.00 to $5,50. SU2dMER PARASOLS To match any dress, also in colors of blue, green and black in the India shape—$1 to $3. FOR COMBINAT'N UNDERW'R If you once wear combinat tion underwear you will want no other. It is the only kind for the hot weather. STRAW HATS The season's newest shapes in plain or sennet straws, A. hat for every face, See cur penalties at 4.50 and 5,00. WHITE SKIRTS In 'White. Rep?, and Bedford. Cord, tailored in the newest Tistyles very easily laundd- ried. COOL HOUSE DRESSES - In sizes froth 34 ,to ' 42. Some very pretty styles in good washing materials—$1-to 2.25 LINEN COATS Are . in demand this season, They are serviceable and rave one's clothes while driving . or. motoring. Price $5 to $7,95 MEN OUTING SHI11TS In white, cream and tan with soft collar and tie to match, A splendid shirt to wear when you go without coat and vest RADIUM HOSIERY In silk And lisle, They are re-inforced in toe and heel, and can be had in black, grey and tan. 'Per pair :50c, Store closes Thursday a'ternocns during July anal August J. A. STEWART Nth Regina Watches, when sold without an Official ruarantet -' and by other than an authorized,. agent, are liable to be Second- hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second=hand way. I am the only authorize Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issuean Offic- ial Guarantee which will be rep spected' by other Official Agents throughout Canada. Watch this Space next week and Watch our Windows this Week for Bargains. Powell's Bazaar Big variety tore Big Variety Store JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Some Hot Weather Bargains This is the Month for Hoildays and you will want suitable garments for your Outing. WASH DRESSES For Ladies and Children in a big variety of colors and styles All at reduced prices. FANCY PARASOLS We are showing some real new Pattern's and colors, Just the thing for the hot weather, WASH GOODS In Ginghatns, Prints, Chambrays Bedford Cords, Muslins and Voiles, GLOVES AND HOSE For.,. the warm :weather. All colors in Silk, Lisle, Cotton or cashmere MEN'S e. SUITS In two or three pieces, Summer weights, Either light or Clark. A good rangeat reduced prices. Come now and get a bargain. WHITE DRESSES Only a few left but they-. are real beadles. All to clear at a price. MILLINERY ..All Millinery at half price. A few real good trimmed hats and shapes still left. WHITE GOODS In Pique, Bedford Cords, Voiles Repp and Linens. ' WIDE EMBROIDERIES For dresses, . A11 at ' ` reduced prices, 25 swell patterns to choose from. STRAW HATS Every kind to choose from, 1.0e up, All straw hats are to he cleared out at cost price, JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing Yi