HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-10, Page 4tee° 1'0i
under:: & Creeeh, Proprietors
Id advance $1.00 per year in Cami,&i
$1,50 in United States. It not paid
in advance 50e, extra per year time
be charged.
A recent change: in the Division
VQ art Act provides that in any place
Where fees and emoluments are un-
zler $600, the municipality roust •p•ay
42 or every sitting' o£ the Drvie-
ao,n'Court to both clerk sled bailiff, and
in addition to this, the countymint
not only pee for their books as hereto
fore, but also for necessary forms re-
The timely activity of the eMinister
oe Finance, Hon, W. T. white, sav-
ed the Dominion &roue another Ouch
mes.s•as was • involved in the famous
York Loan failure. It is known that
efr. WI
xto r.e
d tan }r
un e szel to pro
tent the policy holders in the Union
Life As urance Company. Hie eff arts
were successful and the thousands of
policy holders in this company owe
him a debt of gratitude.
No appointment for a long time has
been received with such general fav-
or as the promotion of .Arthur Melee)
en, M. ,P., for ,Portage he Prairie to
the position of Solicitor -General. He
has been generally recognized as pe-
culiarly fitted for the position end
the press ,of both asides of polities
have heartily congratulated the Prem-
ier on his selection, Mr. Meighen is
an Ontario old boy, his home being
at St Marys, but he has been prac-
tising, in the West at Portage la
Prairie for a number of years. He
has made a special study of western
problems and thoroughly understands
and sympathises with the Western
view -point.
We wish, .through the columns of
the Advocate to express our sincere
thank: to the neighbors and friends
for their kind assistance during the
illness and death of 'our son, Elmer.'
It is a great comfort in time of grief
and sorrow when one has such friends
as you have shown yourselves to- be.
Sincerely yours, Mr. and Mfrs. Robert
Two gaily decorated autoes, filled
with a party of Huron Old Boys were
in the. village on Saturday, enroute,
to Goderich. They considered this,'
place °one of the prettiest in the
county and mentioned particularly the
pains our people take in keeping
their homes neat and 'tidy.
B, Brown raised thc hip -roof sec-
tion en his barn Friday. The rain at
noon made it rather dangerous for the
men on the timbers but all went off
without a hitch.
Roland Either of Ubly, Mich., is.
visiting his uncle and aunt Mr. and
IIrs H Either.
Sam Brown and Teddy Brown ac-
companied by' John Preeter of Zur-
ich left here on Saturday for the
west with Victoria, B•C_ as their ul-
timate destination. They took the
boat ug the lakes from Pt. McNichol.
Chris Heist is 511 in bed from an
attack of rheumatism. We . hope he
will soon be out again.
Eldon Burn left here on Tuesday
for waterloo. Eldon has made many
friends here who will,• be sorry to
see him go.
Mrs Paget accompanied her sister
Miss Robertson to St. Catharines last
week and will spend a few days at
The boys camping at thelake,, re
turned home on Monday night after
a week's outing. They had the time
of their lives and appeared to have
enjoyed themselves very Much.
1-1 Silber, M.P.P., made a business
tr p to Chatham on Tuesday in con-
n > -tion with the drainage scheme
being introduced' in this Township by
the McGillivray Township Council.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Lawson !eft for
the west on Monday night. They in-
tend visiting their friends in Man-
itoba and Alberta and wilt be gone
about six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sweit zer and fam
ily are camping• at the Bend,
Mathew Finkbeiner spent a' few
days last week in Guelph visiting his
son Charles.
ler. and Mrs. Orme and Helen nave
returned. .home from the lake where
they camped for a week.
Chas. Ewald of Akron, Ohio, is vis-
iting his mother this week.
The hot weather spell was broken
by- the drenching rain on Friday.- It
was a soaker -and a welcome one in-
We are sorry to report this week
the death of one of our young inen
who has been taken away at an early
age. We refer to Elmer R. Gower
whose spirit took its flight Wednes-
day the 2nd inst., at the age of 27
years .8 mos. He worked for Mr, C.
Zwicker in town for a number of
years .and during that time proved
himself to be an industrious, conteous
and excellent salesman. About ayear
ago he was obliged to leave the store
on account of an attack of that dread
ed disease tuberculosis, He appear-
ed to rally at tunes aancl only a ''ew
days before his death was in `own
visiting hie friends, His demise 'eaves
a great breach in the circle of his
chum• ani it seems too hard to be-
lieve that he should be no more. Itis
remain, were interred in Exeter 'em-
etery" List Enda:se the Rev. Jefferson.
officiating. The casket was covered:
with lowers 'presented • by the :hair
Sunday y,eho:,l :lass an'I friends, aa,
a.toke,' of their re..pe n and ss mp43t:ty
He leaves to meant his loss, his pan
ente a sister and tleene. brothers be
side:, a large number of sorrowing
fraee Ie .t a wheat ie extended thc ,ym
paths of the teittumtaity.
:!lir John fearticib of Pittsburg is
home on a visit.
A load of people from here went
w th the auto bus to Goderich on.
Tuesday for a clay's outing. They
report a very pleasant tune.
Rei; 5. H. Grenzebach and Mrs.
'Greneebacli arrived safely to their
home here last week. They were ten-
dered a reception by the members of
their con regatien on, the evening of
their arrival,
The farmers . are busy these days
saving their hay crop,
Messrs. Henry anti John Sweitzex
of Crediton were in the village Tues-
:lir Norman Kellermau left 'rues --
des mottling, for Berlin and it is
hinted that he will not return alone.
it is said that Mr. Ed. Wilds naee
rowh escaped being shot ane might
last week as he was going home from
this place. A rifle in ,the hands of
Mr. Art Henheffer was discharged,
the bullet through the top of -1r.
Wilds' buggy. People ought to be
of :-ire-,
e x:l'L •n discharging
aro-• ear aI I
Mr Ed, Nadiger's new harness shop
is nearing Completion and will soon
be ready to move into.
Mr Geo, -Becker was united in mar-
riage one day last .week to Miss Mary
Rarich of the 14th concession of rine',
Rev. C. C. 5, Maas pfficiating. ' e
extend congratulations.
Mr. Arthur Kellernnan is clerking in
hie father's store, it mill
Since: taking. aver the grist
Mr. Jacob Kellermarm has enjoyed a
good patronage and the flour he is
turning out is giving such good sat-
isfaction • that it is ,finding its way
into the hones of the .people from
far and near with good results. They
have always a good supply of mill
feed on hand.
Mr. David Bettschen, who had his
fingers crushed recently while at
work on Mr. Hoffman's barn, is able
to work again.
htr Chris Kellermann was laid off
work several days Last week with a
sore hand, he having run they tooth
of 'side delivery rake into it.
Much sympathy is expressed for
Mr. W. E. Sanders in the, loss of his
wife, which sad even occurred on
Monday, July 7th.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. Burk and family
of St. Thomas visited at the hone
of the latter's mother, Mrs. Nora
Regan. ---141r. Patrick Glavin returned
to hire home here after spending sev-
eral weeks in Belton.—Mr. and Mrs.
Watson of Jackson, 'Mich., are visit-
ors at the latter's sister, Mrs. R.
O'Rouke: Mrs, Jacob Nett and fam-
-ly of Detroit are visiting at the
house of Mr. Angus : Campbell.—Mr.
P. Kilgallin and bride of Goderich
called on friends here last week.-
Mr. and Mrs. P. 5. Buckley of Moores
wine visited their aunt Mrs. 5. Madden
last: week.—Mrs. `.O'Neil of Goderich
visited her daughter Mrs. John Row-
land.—Mr. Frank. Guinan left this week
for, London where he intends to a a-
main for a few weeks. when he will
leave for Toronto '.where he has se -
lured a good' 'position.—Mrs. Cassidy
and daughters Mae and Anna are
visiting friends in this neighborhood.
—Mr. Jos. Sullivan of Mooresville vis-
ited his home near Khiva on Sunday
—Master Daniel Stuart of Detroit is
visiting friends here,—Mrs. Thomas
Lane and son of Detroit are visitors
in our burg. The farriers around
here are busy hauling in their hay.
-ear Frank Coughlin's house was
struck by lightning during the storm
on Friday afternoon, the current en-
tering on the telephone wire and
passing down to the basement, com-
municating with the woodwork, but
was discovered and extinguished be
fore much damage was done.
BL`k rn.-Herbert Dexter, eget • 22
sw ae tin lei a •cave -:n on Taman's
Ttt'stt tv,” After a strenuaur izour.:el
half's work he was freed' little the
wosss eerthe neo—rap,, He was covet.
ed w.t.r over t.vr feet of earth.
Millions on Millions of Them Are.
Flying Through Space.
What Would Happen if One of the Lar-
gar of These Erratic Derelicts Should
Whirl Itself. into Our Soiar System.
Tho Birth of a Nebula.
Possibly it has never occurred to
many people abet there are such bodies
as dark stars, but so great an autboxity
as Sir Robert Teak has said that the
dark stars are to the bright for num-
bers as the cold. horseshoes in existeuce
are to the red hot ones. For every such
hot one there must be ri5'.any hundreds
of cold ones, so that if thesimile is
sound the heavens must contain an to
credible number of these derelicts on
the ocean of space, whirl, baring rived
their life, have grown cold and dead,
but are still racing about at stnespeed
until in their wanderings they rneet
some other heavenly body In terrific
Such gigantic catastrophe as the
clash of two suns, each perha5J s rola
lions of miles in diameter, rushing et
each other at the rate of tweets. ee
thirty or even more tulles per •et•ond
would result. so the 'niatlretuati'iami.
tett us, in a Nvorld splitting explosion
exactly as It *mete were composed of
billions or billions of tons of gramme
der, and as when gunpowder, explodes
nothing is !eft but gas and smoke, so
in the clash of stars nothing would be
left of the two great solid bodies which
had collided: but an immense whirling
mass of int•anaieet•ent gas called a
nebula,. of which, as most people know,
there are quite a number dotted over
the•• heavens. This maelstrom of gas
would sail abont-among the stars for
ages, in the coarse of which it would
naturally cool down and condense into'
a star system much like our own, with
probably a central sun, planets and
Some of these would sooner or -later
arrive at a condition of temperature
suitable for the support of life and as
the centuries passed would become
peopled with sentient beings._ <Grad'
•ually they would grow too cold for fife
to exist and tinnily beeorue frigid, cold,
dark stars once more. The number of
stars visible to the naked eye is only
a few thousands. With the best tele-
scope and other instruments it is cal
culated we can detect abotrt"a hun-
dred . millions- -not a Targe number
(there are fifteentimes as many peo-
ple as that living on this globe); but,
Judging by Sir Robert Ball's horse-
shoe simile and reckoning only a bun-
dred dark ones to every bright one, we
may take it that there must be at least
10,000,000,000 dark stars chasing about
In space, mist of wvhii•h we have never'
seen and probably toner will see.
I say most of which. for perhaps it
may come as a surprise to some that
the earth we live in is a dark star.
So are all the other planets and plane-
toids of our solar system. which with
their moons. of which bodies, shining
only by the reflected light of the sun.
there are at least' GOO .known to as-
tronomers. Nor must we forget to
mention those bodies called shooting
stars which may _ be seen almost any
clear night it patiently watched for.
These. thong") they look like stars, are
hardly, as every one knows, to be dig-
nified by the name, being mostly but
very small masses of matter flying
about in "space. They are quite eoid
and dark until they enter our atmos-
phere,• which they do at such a speed
as raises them at once to a wbite heat
by friction of their passage through
It, and thus they are revealed to as.
For every one we see there must be
ninny thousands whose paths miss us
entirely. ships that pass in the night,
silently' and unknown. Some of these
are of immense magnitude and are un-
n doubtedly regular in their course.
Others are douhtlens dying about the
beavens on haphazard patbs. and it
it , eonceirable that one might come
along and collide with us or our sun.
The resin of surf a collision would
undoubtedly be the end of this earth
and its inhabitants. -
If the intruder were of any respecta-
ble size a collision with any of the lar-
ger of the solar system would
members ,
produce such a conflagration as would
raise the temperature of all the rest
above the point at which life-•. as we
know it could exist "The earth and
aft the inhabitants thereof would be
burnt up and the elements would melt
with fervent heat" Even if such a
star did not collide but merely passed
through our system, the effect of its
attraction would altogether upset pres
Pit conditions and almost certainly
bring about the cessation of lire on the
Neither can we encourage ourselves.
with the hope that the collision would
be too sudden for as to know meet)
about it. No such thing., Our astrono-
mers would see the star directly it got
near enough for the sun to fight it up,
probably fifteen or twenty years before
it arrived, according to its size and
speed. They would be able to calms -
late its path and foretell to a few
utes the precise moment or the cans-
:trophe, and we should have tee added.
hi)tror of the nntieipatlon of our slowly
‘atleanc-Ing dooin, Indeed, the passage
of eyeit a small star quite outside our
system by many millions of miles
would still Gave a strflicientiy disturb
int; effect on us to draw tis out or our
path and alter entirely our climate and
temperature, --Chambers' Journei.
CbeerfuInests and pontent are great
beautifiers and fettrous preservers of
,ytauthf ul ill-iL01L
•Mr. and. Mrs, Gillespie of Detroit
are visiting the Ratter's parents, Mr.
and Mis, Ed. McPherson—Mr. Set-
bourne English is home for the holi-
days.—Miss Mina Eggert of„ Detroit
visited her parents for a few weeks
—Miss Laura Stewardson and ,Mss
Devin Mason vare visiting friends at
Grand "end.—Miss Zillah English vis-
ited during the week end with Ex-
eter friends --Mrs. (Dr.) A. E. Mor-
gan and son George of Toronto are
guests of Mrs. A. M_ Wilson.— The
members of the Orange Lodge wor-
shipped in the Methodist church on
Sunday. -Mrs. Joe Hickey was in
Landon last week, -Mr, Hanry Her:le..
and Miss. Alice Mellin were married
at the parsonage on July lst. We
extend our congratulations.- The
lele hodi
lawsocial held at the' i t ,1st
church recently was a grand success
the proceeds being $93, --Rev. R. L.,
and Mrs. Wilson of Kerw ood visited
relatives here last week.—Mr. Law-
rence Ireland of Stratford was the
guest of his cousin, Mr, Robt..Mur-
ray over the holiday, -Mr. Andrew
Pollock is ill. We hope to hear of
a speedy recovery.
The gentleman on the tortoise
represents the man Who, does taut
nclvcrtise••--the one wha times teaco.
business as it was done' in the days
dale tallow candle or the oil lamp.
Are you in the Aare of the elec-
tete light• ---in the automobile of
Modern Methods?
Our Want Ads, are high voltage
batteries, whether you want light
power --business publicity oto
Competent help
Miss Alice Edwardsol Stratford nae
returned after spending a few clays
with her mother, Mrs. W. J., Cunning-
ham. --Duffield Noble of Toronto is
spending his vacation the guest of
Mr E. A. Mckenzie,—Mrs. Thomas
Hennesey is improving after her re-
centserious. illness. --Miss Minnie Neil
And 'Edith Lewis have returned, atter
a short vacation at the Grand 13encl.
—Mr Russell .Atkinson, relieving a-
gent on the G. T. R., is home for
a few days, --Mr, Harry Scl off of To-
ronto who has been ill. for some time
has recuperated sufficiently to make
the trip ,from that city, and is now
making his home with Mr, Esley
CLI\''TONS-A native of County
Sligo, Ireland, but a long time resi-
dent of Clinton, in the person of Miss
Ann McGetrick, passed away en San -
day at the home of her nephew, Mr,
P, O. Reynolds, -Miss McGetrick had
been ill only a few days of pneumonia
How's T
We offer One i undred Dollarsltewardfor lazy cute
of Outwit that cannot be cured bf Haab Caterrh
F. S. OHENEY & do,, Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known r: 3, Chaney for
the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business years,
and snanalilty able to
earry out any obligations made by His firm.
Wholesale Druggists, •lsrsledo, 0
Hall's dataitrh Oure is taken internally, aetisig di
reetly on the blood and mucous surfasa of the
system. 'Testimonials sent free. Price flo. per bot-
tle. Bold by au Druggists •
Tata Hall's Familv?-listerconstipation'.
The following is the report of the
promotions made an S. S. No. 8, Ste-
phen, at the close of the term:—
erm:Div, IL—Sr. Ih to Jr, II1.—Kenneth
Lawrence, Maurice Tiederman, Delos
Stibbins Fanny Baird Cameron, Em-
ma Disjardne,
Middle II. to Sr. II,—Henry Gre:;a,
Ross Disjardine, Fern Gill, Iva )lam-
Ilde Ravelle:
Miss Bella Potter, teacher
Div. II.—Middle III. to Sr. I11,—Len
nett: Patterson 74; Garnet Patterson,
70; Arthur Page 68; Reatha Disjar-
dine 65: Ella Ray Down 62; Emma
Defore 60.
Sr, III. to Jr. IV.—Arnold Ravellq
60: Leonard Ravelle 54; •Luella Green
(Mrs.) Vinetta Kerr, teacher.
"I suffered from Rheumatism for 1
six years; tried different doctors, with
no relief, 'I saw your advertisement
and decided to try RHEUMA. I have
taker three bottles and ale entirely
free from the disease. I was so bad
I could not sleep nights; now I sleep
well and my kidneys work perfect-
ly." -P. W. Miller, Catawissa, Pa,
"For four months I was badly af-
flicted with Rheumatism that much of
the time I was obliged to use a cane•
I usedone bottle of RHEUMA and
NOW. No one could be happier to
be rid of the pain, swollen knees and
badly swolen"-ankles. I certainly oe-
lieve there is no remedy for the dis-
ease like RHEUMA,"--Mrs. Daniel S.
Knox, Severance, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1912.
W. S. Cole guarantees ,RHEUMA
to cure Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago,
Sciatica Arthritis, Chronic, Neuralgia
and Kidney disease or money back—
and only 50 cents a bottle.
Including Muskoka Lakes, lake of
Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganetawan
and French River, Georgian Bay, 11
magam' and I.awartha Lakes. E.
cellent train service via Grand Trunk
Railway to and from above resorts:
Tourist tickets at reduced rates,
good to return until Nov. 30th are
now on sale to above.,,resorts.
Write for illustrated folders and
time tables, telling you how to get
there ,-and containing list of hotels.
rates ;etc., to C. E. Horning, D .P.
A. G T. Ry., Union Station, ,Toronto
N. 5. Dore, Station Agent, Eieter
Auction Sale
SIE EDMUND W+4>GEER, C.Y.Q., LLD.. .C,Zr., Vreeideut,
General Marnasfor Asadatent General Mae*ge
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $1,21500;000
Accounts Indy be opoevery opened at branch of The Canadian
Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive , the
e careful attention as is given.to all other departments of the
iaitl Caxdepartments
Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this
wayas satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. "
EXETER BRANCH—C4, L. WAUGEi, M.anaeer, Branch else at, Crediton
The Molsons Bank.
Incorporated. 1855
Record of Progress for Five Years -1996-1911
Capital $3,000,000 $4,000,000
p •
Reserve - - $3,000,000 4,600,000
Deposits - $23,677,730: ' 35,042,311
Investments - 27,457,090 38
Loans and zu v.t854801
Total Assets - 33,090,192 48,237,284
Has 83 Branches in oanada, and Agents and Correspondents i n allthe
Principal Cities,in the World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & °Annum, Solicitous. N. D. HURDON Manager,
United' States had something ap-
proaching a sane 4th of July on
Friday when there were 8 deaths,
and 365 injured in the entire country
Mail Contract
to the Postmaster General, will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on tri-
day, the 15th August, 1913, for the
conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on a proposed contract for 4 years,
six times per week over Rural 42ai1.
Route from Zurich (St. Joseph) On-
tario from the Postmaster General's
Printed notices containing further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen -and
blank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at. the Post Office of Zurich
Drysdale Blake and St. Joseph and
at the office of the Post Office In-
spector -at London.
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 27th June 1911
C ANDERSON, Superintendent
There will be sold by public auc-
tion at the proprietor's residence, on
Ann Street, Exeter, on Saturday July
loth, 1913, at 1.30 p. in., sharp, the
following valuable property viz.—1
sideboard, bureau, single bed, book
rack, 2 mattresses., sewing machine,
bed spring stand and dresser, 3 stands
2 tables . writing desk, 1, doz. per-
forated chairs, 4 rockingchairs
dhiid.'s rocking horsey washing zinc,
suctior washer, washing machine, ice
cream freezer, coal 'neater,' gasoline
stove, 2 burners; gasoline stove 3
burners; press jack, aged driving eeny
buggy. cutter, 4 table lamps, wheel-
barrow, number • of pictures and tram
es. number yards carpet, seaters, . ;are
crocks,"A lot of other useful articles.
consistite of harness, bells, forks,h iet
scythes, tailors..iroos, tools, etc., too
numerous to mention.
Real ,,Estate ; beln:; Lot 16, Ann St,
1-5 acre of land on which la a good
comfnrtabie frame house containing '$,
rooms in goad state or repair, arid a
small frame.,stable, 5ood .garden; a
number of cheic:e fruit •trees iti plants
cherries, pears, etc.:
Terms of real estate made known.
on: day of -sale.. Household effects
13, Sl PHILLIPS, Aura,
Only Line Reaching Alt
Muskoka Lakes Maganetawan Riv.
Lake or Bays French River
Georgian Bay Timagami
Algonquin Park Kawartha Lakes
Full summer service now in effect
to all of above resorts. Write for
full particulars and illustrated folders
to any Grand Trunk Agent:
each TUESDAY; until Oct. 26th
Winnipeg sand Return $35,00
Edmonton and Return 43-.00
Proportionate low rates to oth-
er points.
Return limit two months.
Through coaches and Pullman tour-
ist, Sleeping cars are operated to
WINNIPEG without change, Ieaving
Toronto 1100 p.m., via Chicago and
St. Paul on above dates.
Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia
and Northern Navigation Company.
The Grand Trunk ' Pacific Railway •.
is the shortest and quickest route be- sr
twveen Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton
Tickets now on sale at all `Grand
Trunk Ticket Offices.
N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter
Money is Tight
But there are people' who
are constantly looking for
opportunities to lend money
on good security. i! you want
to bo1ri`QW,a' few,dollars, or a
few thouaarid, our;Want Ads.
will put'you in touch with
those who have' money to
Haying Tools
Now is the time to prepare
for the Haying Season
We 'handle the Celebrated
B. T. Bros
Hawing Toole Litter Carriers,
Steel Stalls and Stanchions
quite so °ood,
'Implement Agent