HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-10, Page 1n#Delael7 To= f5 tifeleClefeef'7o1 flow is the 11111 a to well in and have your eubsicrip s to MAO .drooato =e- MAIM,. We alma tp g v'e yaw all tee local Deere to coeeelso and interesting. form, and we I2eliesie 'We .give up to the claim. eielp sarong the good work. Ca, LS rtsToe Ills le the scasson or the yea: when seeare eenewing serer iteweeep. r EVA. . 'ecript.rue, Ito advocate clues with. It tri City Weekly and Daisy papere rad t1:e Keeea „tnee at terrrup that are big enducesoent,. Ca41 and get our settee, T ITENTY-SEVENTH: YEAR EXETER. ONTAR1(), THURSDAY, JULY 101913, SA Ishii C EEC,H ;01.alf Holiday Agreement The undersigned merehents of this town, agree to close our places of :business at half pant twelve o cloak on -Thursday afternoon duringthe months of July and:August. 3..A:..Stewart W. W. Taman S.'Marein and Son W. J. Seaman W 3, Beer 13. Spackman J. Grigg F. Boyle B, W. F. Beavers Tones and. May Jos Davis Mrs. Yeo Geo: A. Bedford E. N. Shier S. Fitton A. Marchand Advocate Ptg. Co: - Times Ptg. Co. ENTRANCE TO LOWER NORMAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS Seven Exeter, students tried the ex- amination and •• five passed, M. Case, R. E. McArthur, L. Stewart, Irno H. Sweet, R. Bruce Walker, who are now receiving the congratulations of their friends, Local Items Thursday half -holiday commences this Thursday afternoon, • M-- • Boys who smoke cigarettes are like wormy apples. They drop long. -before the harvest time. They rare- ly make failures in. after Iife, be- cause they .don't have any after life. The boy who begins &°making before his 15th year never reaches the life of the world. When the other boys 0 are taking hold of :the world's work he is concerned with•the sexton and the undertaker. Through an unfortunate oversight at the recent examinations some • trues? tions on the paper in EnglishLiter- ature for admission to the Normal Schools were set on texts not pre- scribed for the course. The.Minister accordingly desires to rnnounce to all concerned that in valuing the can- didate's answers on the above paper the full 100 marks will be assigned to the questions set in accordance with! aale the course of study. At the close of the work any additional :consideration will, be made which the circumstances justify, Under the law at present single Hien can be sued and' their wages garn isheed`,but a married man is safe up to a limit of $25. In order to get af- ter dishonest debtors who take .ad- vantage of this to defraud the pub- lic the Wiarton town council is ask- ing the County Council to memoral ize the Legislature to have the $25 exemption . clause withdrawn from the statutes and reserve to a married man only. 75 per cent. of his pay, leaving the other 25 per cent. liable to be attached for any debt he` may owe. A SUCCESS. -The Mai?). St. Meth Garden Party in spite of the heavy rain proved a great success on Fri- day. ;the receipts being about $70. When the rain came on the basement of the church . wigs used and .the at- tendance was large, while the good things, were provided in abundance. - ENCAMPMENT OFFICERS. OFFICERS, -`At the regular meeting of the Ericandp- ment Branch of the I,O.O;F. held on Monday evening, the following offic- ers were elected, viz.: --`4V, Murray, C. P.; R. N. Rowe, H. P.; W. J. Statham S, W.; E. Howald, J. W.; Thos Boyle Scribe; W. Johns, .Treas. T. F. Boyle, rep... to Grand Encamp-. ment to be held at Belleviele., OPENING OF RIVERVIEW PARK -Under 'the auspices of the Women's Institute the new park by the river will be formally opened on friday evening ruly 18th,; .at 8 o'clock.. A grand display of fireworks and ,xon- fires. The band will tarnish music Town and Country people are . cor- dially invited. Silver collection will be taken to defray expenses. TORONTO OLD BOYS,- A num- ber of the Toronto Huron- Old Boys who were on their annual trip to the home county, autoed down from Clinton Saturday and spent two or three hours, and"afterwards went around by .Grand Bend and Bayfield to Goderich. From Goderich they took a trip north and returned-- to Toronto Monday. In the party were Roger • Crocker, Nelson Cobbledick W. W, Sloan, E, Floody, F. W. Hod- son, J. H, Simmons, N. W. Heron, Two trains brought the excursionists to Huron, one going to Lucknow and the other to .Goderich, BASEBALL, Won James -Street ..4 Mein -Street 0 Cavan Memorial ...5 Lost 2 7 0 On Friday night Main and James St, met and a close gate resulted, the final score being 8-7 in favor of the latter. • On Monday night Caven e•lemorinl defeated James Street in one of the best games of the season, Score 5-3 Mrs. John Colwill is on the sick lost at present. The river bridge on lvlain ' Street is being refloored, Mrs, Fred Luxton is quite ill anti under' the doctor's care. Dr. Hyndman has purchassed a now, Run -about Studebaker automobile. Two rinks of Granton' uowlers are expected here ; Thursday afternoon. The rain • of Friday was 'a welcome one, and helped the crops a great deal Miss Ida Marchand is holidaying at Goderich. \liss • May Gill has returned from a visit at St. Josepn - Miss Wilson of Toronto is the guest of Mrs, Waugh. Mrs. Will Foster and Miss Margaret Handford are visiting in Granton. Mr, Loney Heywood left yesterday for Weyburn, Sask,; to take charge of : a church •for a year, Principal W. 13, Weidenhammer left Tuesday evening for Guelph, where he will take a course in agriculture. Mrs. Eagleson and children of Greenway are the guests of the corm ex's sister, Mrs. Wm. Sweet, London Road. Mr R..L. Johnston, who left here a couple weeks ago for. Winnipeg, re- turned Wednesday and is visiting witb Mr and Mrs, Waugh, WM: G. CARLING DEAD Word was received here Saturday morning by Mrs. E. Christie of" the. suddeil ,death the evening,. before at St. Paul, Minn„ of her brother, Mr,. Wm G Carling, a famous sportsman and restauranteur, and who was form erly a resident of Exeter,. and •a•e1l known here . A St. Paul paper speaking of his death gives the following particulars -"Funeral arrangements for W. G. Carling, who died suddenly at hip summer home at White Bear last ev- ening state that the funeral will take place Monday afternoon. "Mr.eCarling's.death was a shock to thousands in the City of St. Paul herehe hadbeena where ,so long famil- iar figure and prominent in numerous activities. Thursday afternoon Mr Carling was at his restaurants in.the city, and seemed in his usual. health. To those who sate him then and talk- ed withhim the news of, his death was almost unbelievable. Up to the very moment of his death he gave no indidation of being ill. Mr. Car- ling had been spending, e quiet 4th at his summer home and was 'in ex cellent spirits, when suddenly ire complained of feeling cliz zy, and in a few moments was dead. In addi- tion to being one of the best known restaurant men in America Mr. Car- ling was for years a leader in the St Paul Driving Club, and always enjoyed that form of sport. Tele- grams received from Winnipeg show the wide esteem .in which he was held in that city, where be was located over twenty years ago before coming to St. Paul." The late Mr. Carling left Exeter/ over thirty years ago. He was twice married: His first wife being Miss Foster of Seaforth. A widow, . two sons and one daughter survive; be- sides two sisters, Mrs. E, Christie of Exeter and Mrs. E. Howard of Lon- don :andone half-brother and . one half-sister, Mr; D. Tait of St. Pauls and Mrs, Laramie of Detroit. THAMES ROAD Hamilton -Monteith -On W.ednesday 2nd inst.'- a very pretty wedding took place at Springhill Farm, Motherwell the home of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Watson, when their niece, Miss ieesie A. Hamilton was united in marriage to Mr Chas Monteith of Thames Road Usborne. Promptly at 5 o'clock ,p.m, while Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus" was being played by Mrs. Vinetta Derr of. Crediton, the Blida' party. entered the drawing room. The bride was tastefully attired in cream mes- saline silk adorned with lace and pearls She wore a briaal veil of em- broidered Brussels net . crowned with orange, blossoms and carried a boquet of create rosebuds.. She was ,ted,.._'in by her uncle, Mr. Andrew Watson; preceded by .little -Miss Elis abeth Hamilton, niece of the bride as flow- er girl, and -Master Charlie Campbell nephew .of the groom as ringbearer. When the bride reached the .assigned place by the groom, before a beauti- ful bank of ferns a hymn suitable lo the occasion burst forth, sung by the Motherwell choir. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Stewart, pas- tor of Motherwell church, assisted by Rev. C Fletcher, pastor of Thames Road Presbyterian - church. While congratulations were being extended, music was again rendered by Mrs, I err,. after which an ample wedding repast was partaken of upon the lawn The evening wasp very pleasantly spenr by all, entertainment suitable to such an occasion being provided. The . grooms' gift to the bride was a handsome crescent pin set with pearls to the flower girl a gold locket and chain, to the ringbearer a pearl set tie` pin, and to the organist a dainty back. comb. Numerous costly. and use sial gifts testify to the good, will ex- tended to the happy couple. Guests were present to the number of one hundred and forty. Thursday morn- ing Mr and Mrs. Monteith left 101 Toronto on a honeymoon trip, The bride's going -away costume was of navy blue serge with tnsecan hat, Up- on their return they will take up their residence on the groones tine farm on the Thames Road, Usborne. The good wishes . of a host of friends are theirs, as they launch ova upon a life, we trust, of usefulness in the community, as well as one, of hap piness and prosperity.. PRINTING PRICES MUST GO UP l anCIoell structapfrai byaT.:ilc erug d he to draw' the tile and oversee the work 01 construction. After carefully 'conederiing Plan floorig the steel bridke on ;:on. 4 and 5Lot 20, the tender of ib ' Stratford: Bridge Co., to construct new abutments,strengthen the bricl ;c•. by' a concrete 'arch, and put on a standard reinforced Concrete floor, 'et $945:00 was conditionally accepte,l (conditions as to time, excavating, etc. not being definite), and the Clerk wt instructed to write theca acc'ordinglr Accounts amounting to 8724.87 were passed and orders issued in payment Council adjourned to meet Satin-. dale August 2nd, at one otlock. F. Morley, Clerk. 416, STEPHEN COUNCIL While the newspapers all over On tario have for a year or two been recording the continual rise ,inpri00 of living and of many lines of axial ness, they have been apparently for- getful of the Tact that subscriptioe rates and those ser job printing as. well (notwithstanding a ,substantial increase in • their wage; 1)11`1) have e not kept pace with the cost of manafac • ture and general rates of living. The unwisdom, of•this is gradually making* itself plain to the'netvspaper fratern- ity, and in several counties local or- ganizations have been formed for concerted action in the way a4 self- protection. `Bruce, Perth, Grey , and Wellington are among the: counties which now have associations of print- ers and publishers, and Huron has a e- cently come' into line, with a county association which will have for one of its objects the discouragement ot that foolish practice of :working for nothing, or next to nothing, in the printing business. .& schedule of liv- ing rates has been adopted and the public rust hereafter expect to pay for /loth advertising and job printing at rates which will allow the printer to meet the very substantial increase incost of running ;his business which has been progressing for several year An advance in prices must be looked for at once. LADY TALKS ON HEALTH Miss Powell of Whitby. the govern- ment delegate, addressed the Exeter rBanch of the W. I. on Thursday of-- ternoon, The 'subject was "A rraee,t Day Need." True frienclsh'p ; :inset"'= ishness and honesty were touched upon as necessary to cultivate, but the leading thought was emphasiz ing the need of health, showing how im- portant to the future of the nation that healthfulness, be carefully .,;onsid ered. The hope of the future is in the children, that .they be better •eau- ipped for the battle of life by Being endowed with healthful minds rind bodies, and knowledge as to how to care for and preserve health- We have no right through ignorance, care lessness or neglect to rob the child of his greatest asset in life, and no right to start him 'out in life handi- capped by weak mind or body. It' is the right of every child to begin life with health and to be taught the laws of health. Health is largely following out the laws of Nature. Three great factors in regard to preservation of health were touched upon, pure air ,pure food, pure water. Pure ;air is the first essential to life Whole. some foods properly cooked and proe. perly' eaten are necessary to supply"' the heat, energy, brain or muscle. It is needful to know .something of food values` in order to select the most nutritious foods.' Pure water is very nourishing to the system. "rhe habit of .mouth breathing, defective teethe hearing, and vision, were dealt with,. as' were also the need of play and of rest. Whether rich or poor the mental, moral and physical con- dition of the next generation depend upon the soundness in mind and body. of the :boy of to -day, Health -is the most valuable possession we may have and with a'reasonable amount of care good health /nay- be maintained. A discussion followed the address and many of the points touched upon were taken up and discussed by the ladies present. Last week we stated that the re- ceipts of the Trivitt Memorial Church aarder.. .party amounted to $65. It should have read $70.55.. • EN- TER COUNCIL The Council met in the Totvn Hall Monday evening, 7th inst., Mr,Doyle being absent. Previous minutes were read and approved. Harton-Scott-That the accounts be passed as read. -Electric Light Co 115.94; Imperial Oil Co., 23.01; Bell Telephone 7.60; Ross Taylor 12.85 Geo. Ford 100.00; T. B. Carling, pt. salary .20,e0.. postage 5.00; John Ford 37,50 W. J. Bissett 42.00 Jas. Connor 30.001_ Mrs. Harness bell -ringing 25,00 Exeter Band, pt. grant 50.00; Thos. Holders street watering 38.00 T hos, Flynn 3.00; T. Creech 6,00; R,Davis 4.00; Silas Stanlake 2,00; Mrs. White 50c. ; Sweet Bros. 2.00; W. Creech $9 G Orange 12.00; N. Vale 5.00; R, Robins 5.00 e John Bell 3.00; Weekes Bros 7.00; M, Vale, 1.00; J. McDon- ald 14.88. Scott -Hind -That we charge $1.50 per load for cement gravel delivered withinthe corporation. -Carried. Scott-Harton-That no one be al- lowed to remove gravel, from the corporation pit. --Carried, Hind -Scott -That any person or persons found moving gravel from the corporation pit other than the em- ployes will be summarily dealt with. -Carried. ' A communication was read from Mr W. 1). Sanders re drain across Main Street and along the south side 'of the Commercial Hotel, claiming that the. said drain was flooding his land and if the council did not take steps to remove the trouble he would be compelled to take action. The coun- cil will give the matter their con- sideration. Scott-.Harton•-That the ,^ouncil request the Canadian .Express Co. to install a 'telephone' in their office for file convenience af their'customers, Scott -Hind --From now on that the council meet promptly at 8 oc'lock, - Carried. Hjixd eeljournment, T. B. Carling, Clerk, USBORNE ,COUNCIL Usborne Municipal Cduncil met at the Township Hall, July 5th, All the members were present, The minu- tea of the last meeting were read end approved. The Council agreed to furnish tile , ;The Council convened at Crediton July.7 at 1 p.m. All members present Previous, minutes read and approved. The following orderswere passed, D. Mawhinney, grading, etc. 2.00 ;Hays. 8r Querjn, half award drain 5.13,13.75 G Penhale, plank for culvert 3,00; F Triebner gravel and work 40.00; lly Clark gravel and com,, 27.75; J. Mc- Lellan gravel, 6.00; J. G. Wein and others, clearing 3r4 S.R. and con. $25 Win, White, gravel cont.; Blk, 1, S.B. 52.15 el; _Mitchell, coin S,B. 3,85; W White gravel lst Sideroad' 8,00; R Davey com. 1.25; . Ed. Disjarcline, gr. 3rd sicleroad 30.00; Wm. Stade, gr. cont, 3rd s.r, 22,50; Felix Wild, cora 3rd s.r. 2.50; W. Hill, com. and work, 11.00; W, White, work on road to pit 1l.50 r W. J. Anderson, gray. ,on, c,r. 297.40; S. Andrew, fence to Rol- lins pit .,15.60; G. E. Hicks, cedar posts for fence, 7,00; F. Silber, eon- crete tile 10.50; A. Morena Adair's. award ditch 16.50; J. Denny, gravel contracts 65.00; Baker and Farrell, r ep road 8,50; Jas. Kenny, rep. bridges 3.75 • John 'Turner, gravel, 9.00; Emil Goleen filling bridge 3.00; A,Baker graves 2.50; W. Disjardine, rep. ro ad 3.00: Johnson and Dearing, lanterns on bridge 10.00; J. B. Hodgins, com. 0,00 M MclntYre, gravel cont. 77,25; Jerry Brophey, com. 2.50; C. Regan, coin 3,75; Jos. Lawson pt. pay on bridges 8,00.00; C. Prouty, gratuity 25.00. The council adjourned to call or reeve, Henry Eilber, ,21erk AGED TUCKERSMITH RESIDENT • DEAD. The death occurred on Sunday, June 29th in the -person of John Day - man ;aged 85 years and 7 months, Deceased was born in Devonshire, England, in 1827, and: on coming to Canada settled witth .his parents in the Township of Hope. When a young man of 19 he took me hisfirst farm now owned by his brother, William, later moving to Tuckersmith, where he has since resided. Besides , his widowed wife he leaves two brothers William of Usborne; Humphrey of Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Maria Blatch- ford .of London Township, He also leaves a family of seven sons and three daughters -Humphrey, John and Joseph of Saskatchewan; Charles Usborne. Township; James, Henry and Thomas and Elizabeth and Marys at home and Sarah of Algoma. The funeral took place to , the Exeter Cemetery ne Thursday,. July 3rd. • SAREPTA Death of Mrs. Wm. E. Sanders. - There passed away at her home on the Lake Road, Stephen Township, Annie Snaith, wife of Mr, William E. Sanders at the age of 45 years. De- c eased had been ailing for some time,; but her condition was not con- sidered: serious until a few weeks ago . when it was discovered that she was avictim of cancer of the liver, Her sufferings during the past two weeks have been very severe and the end came as a happy release, as. no hope could be entertained for Ixer recovery. The deceased was born in the Township of Hay, her maiden name being Annie Smith. In March last she married her now bereftbus- band. besides whom she is survived by three brothers and two sisters John and George of Sodom, Henry of Crediton, Mrs. Fred Green, Exe- ter North, and Mrs. Dan. McCarty of Washburn, Wis. The deceased was of kindly disposition, a true friend' and good neighbor, and her demise well be an event of deep re- gret to her many friends. The fun- eral took place Wednesday to the Exeter cemetery; CENTRALIA ownarionro Death of Mrs, .Heaslip. -A sad and very unexpected death took place at the home of NIr. Christopher W. Heaslip of the 2nd concession of Stephen, on Monday morning last, when his beloved wife passed away, at the' age of 35 years. The deceas- ed had been slightly indisposed for several days but no one ever dreanie l that her end was so near. Sunday night she went to bed as us- ual without • complaining, and there were no apparent signs of her trouble beingworse, but duringthe night she was stricken with a stroke of paraly- sis and without rallying passed away at 3,30 The deceased was born near Boboaygeon, her maiden nanxe being Eva McGregor. About three years ago she moved with her .husband and tauxily to' the 2nd concession of Ste- phen_,,where she: has since reside&,, and during her residence here, by her kindly disposition and estimable qual- ities she had endeared herself to a huge ,circle of friends who will deepiv regret her demise. Besides the sorrowing husband she b.; survived by two sons and one daughter, all of whom will have the sympathy of the whole community. Her remains were taken by train 'Tuesday morning for burial near her- old •home, Mrs, Marshall is :suite sick at the 1 home of Mrs. Luker, and ander the doctor's care. Mist. Marie Hodgins is 'tolydayine with her grandmother . n London. Mrs J ssery and son`af (ry tr I i.'ity Man., are visiting at Lae .xortiei o' her sisters, Mrs: Davis and 4Irs W. Parsons. Mr. Wm, Robinson has pur.'laase:' the 200 acre .farm wt Mr. Huston 't about :$12000. :lir. Robin 1- se; a tennant an the farm' i o, and knows just what he is getitni Titc ma€l boxe, have arrived .a, ad it expected the new .mall route out o£ Centralia will start in a couple c; weeks. Mr W. G. Vauderfee:i of Toronto has commenced work at the ehure•ih decorating it. Mr, Vauderfeen i s professional as a decorator, aid th:. people. of Cantralia. will no doubt have a first-class ;job when completes'. The W. M. S and the, 'Mission Band held- their monthly meeting on ti+••. Parsonage Lawn on Tuesday, ant 't took the Lorin of a picnic and a vt.r pleasant time was spent by all Tres ent. Mrs. McIntyre of London is spend ing a few days the guest of Mr. ani' Mrs J, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and son of London were the guests for .:a fee. days at the home of Mr., and Mrs. W R. Elliott, and while there on Satur day evening last had their baby hciy christened. Several from the village were among the invite.! guests. On Tuesday afternoon while :lies Olive Dempsey was coming to Pe village from Mr, D. Austin's the eoess. she was driving became frighter e and ran away. Miss Dempsey lung for about half a mile, j•it the horse turned to come to the village mi.' the rig and -driver were thrown into the. ditch. Luckily Miss Dempsey got off with only a Jew bruises and a shaking up. The horse was finally caught in the village after making a tour of a couple of steets. Mr. Wm, Blatchford o£ Exeter was a guest at the parsonage On Friday. WATCH MOTORISTS TOItISTS ON ,COUN- TRY ROADS. Hon. W. 3, Hanna is determined td see that the Motor Vehicle Act is enforced, and that the motorists, liar- ticularly while driving through the small towns, villages and rural sec- tions, pay due attention to the rules of theroad and to speed restric- tions The Provincial Secretary's De- partment has decided to appoint ten special constables, who will be ;sta- tioned at various .points in the prov- ince rovince with roving commission to keep tab on the motorists, BAYFIELD Stejck-Stanbury-The marriage: took place on Tuesday at 11 o'clock in the morning of Miss Fborella Maud Stanbury, daughter of the late Dr. Stanbury, to Mr. Robert Ferdinand Stelck of Edmonton. The ceremony was performed by the bride's ancle, Rev,Stewart, London, assisted by Rev 'McFarlane. The young couple left in the afternoon for a trip down the St. Lawrence. Western Ontario apple packers are being severely criticiz ed for ship- ping a poor quality of apples to the west. - BIRTHS Lippert -On Con. 13, Stephen, July 4 to Mr. and Mrs. David Lippert, a son. • i2ollard-On Con. 3 Stephen, July 6 to Mr, and Mrs. Percy Mollard, a daughter. Ford -In Usborne on June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford, a son. Love -On June 24th, Town Line,Stan- • ley to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love a daughter, Webb -On June 30, Sauble Line E. Hay to Mr. and Mrs: A. 'Webb, a son. Merner,-On July 2nc1, Con. 14, • Hay, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner, a daughter. MARRIAGES Stelck-Stanbury-At the home of the bride's mother, Bayfield, July 8t1, Robert Ferdinand Stele's- of Edmonton, to Miss Florella Maud, daughter. of the late Dr. Stanbury, Monteith-- Hamilton- At Motherwell on July 2, at the home, of Andrew Watson, his niece, Miss Jessie A. Hamilton. to Charles Monteith, of Thames Road. Wright -Martin -In Toronto on Tune 2 Florence Ethel. Martin of Jay- •fiele to Charles .Ernest Wright al Toronto. Parrott -Ferguson -On June 28, at the home of the, bride's parents,: Mc Gilllivray, Percival. H, Parrott of Saskatoon, Sask., to Miss Artelle. A. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J, Ferguson. DEATHS Carling --In St. Ppul, Minn„ July 4, Win G. Carling, aged 56 years, Sanders -in Stephen, Lake Road, on July 7 Annie Smith, wife of Wm, E Sanders, aged 45 years. McGetrick-In Clinton, June 29, Ann McGetrick, aged 75 years. England -In McGillivray on Jetty 2nd, Matilda Albright, beloved wife of Mr. Richard England of McGillivray, aged 78 years and. 6 months, Gower, -In Stephen, on,July 2, Elmer le, Gower, aged 27 years, 8 months and 4 clays. STRAW ImportEd Eng- lish. n - lish and American THE BEST SELECTION OF HATS - EXCLUSIVELY SHOWN BY THIS STORE - ESPECIALLY PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING, FIVE REDUCED LINES $L1t' QUALITY for 50c. $1.SG QUALITY for 75c $.1.75 QUALITY for ......... ...... 1,00 2.25 QUALITY for 1.50 $3.25 QUALITY SPECIAL for 2,50 PANAMA A LARGE ASSORTMENT .OFr GENUINE PANAMAS IN THE LATEST SHAPES. FOUR REDUCED LINES $3.25 QUALITY for ... .., 2.50 $4.35 QUALITY for 350 $5,00 .QUALITY SPECIAL for 4.00 $6.00 QUALITY SPECIAL for 5.00 GAPS' A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER CAPS IN GREY, BROWN TAN and OTHER SEASONABLE COLORS. THIS IS A SPECIAL LINIs OF CAPS, MANUFACTURED FROM AN EXTRA FINE QUALITY OF GOODS AND SPLENDIDLY tr1DE, NOW SELLING AT THE. SPECIAL PRICES, - 50c. 75c. $1,00 OC A SPLENDID LINE OF .SILK • ANL CASHMERE SOCKS IN THE LATEST SHADES OF TAN, !SLUE gREY AND NUMEROUS OTHER COLORS AT 25c. 50c. 75c. WE HAVE A SPECIAL SILK AND L WQOL SOCK IN TAN AND GREY IT IS SOMETHING NEW AND I5 SELLING WELL AT OUR REDUCED PRICES, W.W. TAMAN TAILOR