HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-3, Page 8Wb !XETER MARKETS' 1AOH WEDNESDAY .. 44.,011,A. 93 93' Date ,,,,A4 ;Rt41 • t4 45 48! Estes. s treat , ,,. 3Oates. l48 reit' .., .,.MA. ,..., 100 1 00 fie) +es..lae�r bag ..... 1{ (50 1j ,50' T' -as „i rtofikAA.M.,AA11, 1GQU 1000 moot, Per cwt., family 'd 80 Mout "kw grade per cw 1 50 • 1550 0 20 9x0 .28 00 20 00 Qttl�yrt `20 Died Apples per lb Live hoge, tercwt., 18bo1q- aerton.., Brant tier ton .. A &ttgn i• Beet HICKS' FORECASTS FOR JULY A re,a('tioznary storm period will 'de- velop all. run its course fro- n .\'4 est : to as during the 6th, 7th, Sth and Oth The moon is perige ; onthe hili and on the celestial equator on the :Oth, will cause this periad t:i. hold on or be prolonged bey ,ata its normal. limit.ttions. A climax of summer -!rest culminating in startling gusts of wind thunder rain and hail will in all prob.. ability visit wide sections on and touching the 9th, after • which, Took for sudden drop of temperature over most parts of the country. Very eoo1 nights for July will follow as a se� suet for two or three days after these storms: PURSE LOST.—On Sunday,. Tune 29 on Side Road south of St. Marys Road.. a purse containing about X7,2:5 Finde rewarded by returning same to Advocate Office. PUPS FOR SALE:Four thorough- bred Seetch collies for sale. Apply to Mitchell Willis, Stephen, Exeter P,O, RENEWED JERSEY COW. — Five years old for sale. Apply do L - DAY Exeter. TEACHER WANTED—For S. S. 7o. 4, Usborne, Apply to WILLIAM COATES. Exeter. Ont. MAIN STREET GARDEN PARTY will be —The Annual Garden Party wt held on Main Street Church I_a:vn under auspices of Ladies' Aid, • on Friday, .July 4th, commencing at 6 o'clock p.m. Exeter Band in attend - price. Admission 25c, and 15c., in- cluding program . and supper. Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Office, Ilixete?r. PASTURE TO RENT Ano Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres .being Let 11 S.B., Con. b Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good supply of water all season. The cider press is in good condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. Farmers wanting. help for next .sear eon should place their order at once the Canadiaia Government Agent, Advo- cile =ice, Exeter, )1 , Get some neatly printed catlins cards at The Advocate. Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood , we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS, THRESHING OUTFIT, ETC., FOR SALE.—Grain mill, nearly new; 200 feet cable, block and pulley, Clover mill; 20 horse power engine,; wagon, tank ,circular saw, in good condition. Apply to Sanders Bros., or to Mrs. Thos. Cookson, Exeter P. O. HOUSE FOR SALE A one -storey brick house in good state of repair. Apply to T. HAW- KINS Hawkins' Hardware Store, Exeter: -V-OAT,ION NOTICE ,Kindly take notice that my dental office will be closed from the middle of July to the middle of August, Any person desirine dentistry done in the near future will confer a favor by not- ifying me at earliest opportunity. Al- so note that my office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. DR. ROULSTON. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3. Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end; wood shed, pig - house 16x24; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced.; good orchard For further particulars apply to John: Cornish, Exeter P.O., or on the premises. :'''a' lUtkl t SWINGING A BUSINESS JedlcIous advertising Is the derrick. that swings a business to success., Classified Want Ads, are terse busi- ness bringers that are suitable to any business, Thy help the small oast 1111140610 big, and the big ones to, Wearied bigger, d.14�t0W 1.7 '61 II LOCAL DOINGS. It is 'still hot and dry, and dusty, and dirty. Goderich bowlers are expected here this week. Thecutting of the hay crop has commenced. Who wouldn't be a kid with bunch of holidays on hand,? Mr. Wellington Hernis off work as a result of a nail penetrating his foot # Rev Baker of Woodham and Rev Powell exchanged pulpits on Sunday We are in need of a shower for the sake of the crops, and tocool things off a bit. Mr. Thos, Elliott on Saturday ptm chased the tannery property from Tr, T H..1cCallum. l't,c Crystal City ,,Courier says, ---Mr JOh,I Cudinore again has a t eautiirzl garden and can already exhibit ,:tt.eet peas to full bloom. Mr ,Arthur Mitchell of Iiurondale. who had his hand severely cut while operating a circular saw a few days ago ,is now improving fast. The soldier boys returned on Fri- day from the annual ,:amp. All went well with them, there being no sick- ness or accidents and all enjoyed the outing Mr, C. W. Welsh is 'recovering very nicely in St. Joseph Hospital, London. He expects to return home next week Mrs. Welsh is in Exeter at present The annual excursion of the Huron. Old Boys' Association of Toronto takes place this year on Saturday, of this week. The objective points are Clinton and Lucknow, July 1st, Canada's Natal Day, was spent very quietly in Exeter_ Most: of the people, who could, went out of town—to Grand Bend, Centralia, Elimville, and more meant points. Keep in mind the Garden Party on the Main Street Methodist Church Lawn under the auspices of Ladies' Aid on the evening of Friday, July 4th when the Exeter Band will dis- course music, the admission 'is 75e, and 15c. including program and sup- per. Don't miss it. .. Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, rector of Goderich .occupied the pulpit in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday morning, preaching a very excellent discourse to an appreciative audience. Rev Collins preached to the Masons in„Goderich the same morning, and. to the Masons here in• the evening. The seven year old son of .Mr. Richard Penhale of Toronto formerly of Stephen, had the misfortune to fall from the roof of .a shed the other day, a distance of eight feet, and while escaping serious injury, his left arni was so badly lacerated by a rail that it required several stitches to close the wound. The Matriculation Examinations closed on Monday last. The Middle School Normal Entrance examinations closed Friday. The papers on the whole were very fair on all the ,ub- iects except Normal Entrance English Literature. As several questions were asked on work not prescribed by Cir. 58 of the Regulations, a protest was entered on behalf of the candidates writing at Exeter. Other schools are also entering protests. Mr.' W, Weid- enhammer is busy reading H. S. En- trance and P. S. Graduation papers. The following from the "Parkhill• Gazette -Review has further reference to the death of the late Mrs. Pen - hale :—"The funeral of Mrs. Samuel Penhale .. who died on Tuesday, June 17th . took place from her residence, Elliott Street, on Thursday 18th. the deceased with her husband has 'ived in Parkhill during the pa st tine years Deceased was born in the Township of Usborne. Her maiden name was Mary Ann Ching, a daugh- ter. of Mr. John Ching of .Shadeland Man. She is survived by her husband Mr,' Samuel Penhale and - six small children three sons and three daugh- ters, The following from a distance attended the funeral, -Mr. George Hes man of Toronto; Thos. Heaman of Brantford uncles of the deceased;,hlr and Mrs. George Penhale of Exeter; itilr. Haggle Kilmer of St. Thomas, and Mr. W. L. Colwili, Centralia; she is also survived by three brothers and six sisters all of whom are in Win- nipeg and Manitoba. Ti2I�'Il I MEMORIAL BAZAAR. —The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Memorial Church held their annual Garden Party on the Rectory Lawn Friday night last, and the results were most gratifying in every respect. The weather was ideal for such an event and a large number were in attend- ance.. The Exeter Band furnished excellent music and the evening was a most enjoyable one for all in attend ance The proceeds amounted to $65, ATTENDED CHURCH—The mem bers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A, F, & A, M, accompanied by several'are- thren from Seaforth, Hensall and Parkhill attended divine service in Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday evening last, where they listened to a fine sermon by the District Deputy Grand Master, Rev. D. W, Collins, who is also rector of the church and chaplain of the lodge. The brethren were particularly pleased to have such a large number of visitors with them. On their return to the Lodge room the usual votes of thanks were tendered the rector, the wardens, and the visitors. WEDDED.—A quiet church wed- ding took' place on Saturday, June 28 at 8 o'clock in the morning in Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, when Miss Lydia L. daughter of Mr. James hand ford .became the bride of Mr. Gen. Grit'fiths or Toronto, the ceremony being performed in the presence of only the immediate relatives by the rector ,Rev. D, W. Collins. The bride and groom were assisted respectively by the sister and brother, Miss Hattie Handtord and Mr. Gordon Griffiths, The young coupleleft irnrnediatclr ter the ,ceremony on a trip to Mus- koka and cm their return they will reside in Toronto, . The realty friends extend congratulations and best wish -- es to the young couple. vurATE `" ; WWAY ' Mr, 1 R, Carling was in London on Monday • Miss Lina Johns spent 14'londay in London Mrs. John Snell . was in London on Tuesday. Miss Ida Armstrong spent Sunday in London. Mr. Gerald Hurdon has returned front Buffalo, Miss Sarah Sweet of London spent the holiday here, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11 Newell "were in London Monday, Mrs, J. A Stewart Spent part the week in London. Miss Clarkson spent the holiday at her home in London,. Mr. .Marry Carling returned to Brantford on. Monday. Mr. and Mrs, R, Luker spent the holiday in St, -Catharines. Miss Roether of Walkerton: is the guest of Mrs. N. J. Dore, Air. Elmore Senior of Toronto spent a few days .at his home here, Mr.Robert Leathorn of London is spending a few days in town. Mr and Mrs, Inwood and daughter of London spent the holiday here, Fred Shaddock of London spent the holiday here with Leon Treble. Dr. A C. Ramsay and family -of, Hamilton are visiting relatives !here, Mrs, Pond and child are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. Dining. Mrs E. J, Christie, with her daugh- ter, is visiting her parents. in St, Catharines, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Lewis of 'Cross - well, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs, 'Wnr. Fletcher last week, Mrs, Ed, Sanders and son Eddie of Sand Lake, Mitch,., are visitors with Mrs. Thos. Snell and Mrs. Mc. Avoy, Mrs. John Gould and daughter, 'Irs. H. T, Bishop and. two children of Detroit are visitors with Mrs. Thos. Sanders. Miss Ida Marchand was in Hensall a fete days this week relieving at the 'Phone office, owing to the death of Miss Scott. of Mrs, Foster and children ot.T pronto Miss Margaret Handford of Brock- ville attended the marriage of heir sister last week. Mr and Mrs. W. M. Blatchford who. are visiting friends in and around town,, intend returning to Toronto in a week or two. Mr. Ed. St, Clare DeLacey of Kauai Hawaiian Island, was the guest of Mrs. Tom and Mrs. W. D. Yeo dur- ing the past week. Air Salter of Toronto and son Mr. Alf Salter of London spent the holi- day here. In all probability Mr, . and Mrs. Salter will return here to reside. Mrs. Sam. Beckenhaur 'and Misses Lottie and Lotus Krause of West Point, Nebraska, are visiting - Mrs. Jane Dearing and other relativesthis week. Miss Nellie Young of Rossburn 'ho was attending the Presbyterian Con- gress at Toronto spent a few days in Exeter the guest of Mrs. Snell and Mrs McAvoy. Mr. and Mrs. Ern llunsford of Marlette, and Mr. :and 'Mrs. Russell Patrick and son, Max of Flint, Mich., have returned to their homes, after visiting their uncle, Mr. Win. Duns ford of Stephen. The Exeter Band was in Lucan on fitly 1st Mrs. W. E. Sanders of Sarepta Jii at present very ill, having undergone an operation Tuesday. A camp of instruction in physical and military training for male school teachers will be held in London from July 2 to August 13. It is expected that a large number of teachers . from all over Western Ontario will attend the six weeks of camp. School teach- ers attending the camp will receive from the department of militia and defence at the rate of $2 per day. They will also be entitled to trans- port to and from home. EXETER . ONTARIO Mist. Amy Johns left yesterday to vhsl'l iu Raileybury, Miss Ruth Hooper is home From London Collegiate. Mr John. Norry was home iron) Forest over Sunday, Mr Ed. Fowell was in Chicago on business this week, Misr Wilson of Toronto is the guest of Mrs . L. Waugh. Mr. P. 13, Dignan and family of To- ronto are visiting, here. Mr, Frank Knight of Guelph is vis- iting his home here, Miss Nettie Sweet spent the 'holi- days in Windsor and Detroit. Air, C. 1I. McAvoy of Toronto is holidaying at his home here, Dr. and Mrs. S. "Thomas of London are visiting at Mr. S. Martin's, Rev. Avery of Granton and Rev, Sharp exchanged pulpits on Sunday Mr. Frank Sheere went to Fort William Saturday to visit his, brother Mr. Wm. Treble attended the fun- eral of the late John Evans; in London on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Relished of Detroit are visiting the latter's home in Ex- eter North, Misses Gladys Ford, Ella Baker rend Wilbert Luker have returned "roni Chatham Business' College. Mrs, ivelson Case and child and Mrs. Stephenson of St. Marys spent the week end at Mr, Thos, Case's. Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Handford and two children of Swift Current; Sask., are guests of Mr. Handford's father Mr. Jas. Hanford, Mr. ,Tom Carling of Brighton -pent the past week with 'relatives here. Gerald Fitton and Jack Mathew re- turned, with him' Wednesday to spend the holidays. SUBSCRIBE, FPB TUE DOC� AND GEM ALL THE NEWS. Felosesslooluelmee~Insiliewesserollell Our Flours abr ands Purity on the market. They include 5 Roses Royal Household. and Milyerton IIIIe 1, G. SELDON Exeter,— Ontario. R. 1st IRoU.tE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer STEWART'S PHONE116 See Our Splendid Showing Of Hot Weather W earables WHITE WAISTS We hada chance to buy an assortment of beautiful White Waists at a low price. They arrived' last week and we have marked thein at ` very low prices for quick selling, BLUE LUSTRE A beautiful cloth, very suit- able for making ggrls' or wo- man's- bathing suits. It is 40 inches wide. Extra value at per yard 50c. STRAW HATS • 'Some new and nifty shapes in plain and fancy straws.Many styles ` to choose from at 25c to 2.25. NEW SHIRTS In white, tan and mauvewith the French cults and soft collars with tie to match. They look like silk. The difference is in the price. MILLINERY The knife goes into the price of millinery this week Every hat will be sold at value. Take advantage of it, FANCY PARASOLS To match any dress, They are not high priced. You'll want one for the hot sunny days, $1.00 to $3,00 TENNIS SHOES • For Boys, Ladies, anti Men A splendid shoe for all out door sports. TRUNKS & StJ1TCASES Whether you want a suit case at $1,50 or a genuine' leather at $5.00 and up, call and see what we have, You will finda big assortment. AMERICAN. COAL OIL People who use Coal Oil stoves demand the ` hest oil:. We sell the American Water White, It is the best. J. A. STEWART 3Ifl1l NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second Hand Watches, taken in, trade or procured in some other second=hand way. I am : the only n y authorized. Official Agent here, and am -the only one who can issue an Offic ial guarantee which will be re. spectecrby other Official Agents th.roughQtit Canada, A. MARCHAND EARLY SUMMER SALE M' SALE STARTS JUNE 26 : AND IT LASTS '10 DAYS. 1\Thy wait til llater to supply your summer needs? We 'Dave aver stocked in many lines, and WE NEED THE MONEY. An inspec- tion of our lines will convince you Bring the children too. They will be interested. A few of THE BARGAINS- SNAPSHOTALBUMS A B ruts PRESERVING KETTLES 12 reg. 75c. to clear at 49c. 12 qt, Grey Granite kettles at 35, 2 reg. 1.10 to clear at 75c. 6 qt. Greg Granite Kettles at 25c 3 reg. 85c, to clear at 50e, , "4 qt, Grey Granite Kettles at 20c 3 reg. 25c, to clear at 20c, 2 qt. Grey Granite Kettles at 15c All must go. 6 qt. Grey Sauce Pans at 25c. Don't forget „the contest at the. Candy counter. A draw with .10c, purchases. Ask about it. Ourcandies and peanuts are always fresh Try Purity powder for Lemonade and Lemon Pie. A jar will make two gallons and cost 15c. Will show you. An Edison or Victor Phonograph will make your evenings pleasant and the cost is trifling. Step in and look around. Powell's Bazaar Big 'p'ariety Stare Big, Variety Store JONES � MAY Pl30NE NO. 82 Hot. Weather Wants Everything You Want Here At this time of the year we want . something Sool to wear for the holiday and summer season. You will find us well prepared for your wants. For the ladies For the Gents DRESS AND WAISTS A very fineshowing of White and Colored Dresses and Waists for the warm weather. Call and see them. HOSIERY AND. GLOVES Hose of Silk, Lisle or. Cotton in all shades. Gloves of Silk, Lisle or Taffeta in both long or short. WHITEWEAR. Ladies' Dainty Whitewear in Skirts, Slips; Gowns, Corset Cov- ers and Drawers. A big lot to choose from. EMBROIDERIES All widths to choose from in very swell patterns, Real wide for 75c and $1.00 a yard. STRAW HATS Soft Straws, Sailors and Pan- amas are the good sellers.. We can give you the _ very newest. SHIRTS AND TIES Soft collar and cuffs or 'starched; cuffs with a big. assortment of. ties in all shades. Also wash ties SOX AND , UNDERWEAR Sox of Silk, Lisle or Cashmere in al lcolors, Underwear in all weights, Combinations . in all weights. SHOES Summer shoes for everyone in white, brown, tan and patent; Low shoes, Oxfords and pumps in a variety of styles. MILLINERY MILLINERY Do not miss this Big Opportunity. All trimmed HALF PRICE, A nice lot for you to pick from. ats. at CLOTHING WHITE PANTS Men's and Boys' Summer -Suits For the Hot 'Weather --All pure in Grays, Browns, and Mixed Goods. Right up-to-date. white or white with black stripe, JONES & MAY 31eadcoarters for the celebrated "W.:L+. Sanford Clothing