HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-3, Page 5r? l AlOp DI"lNTAte Ftcal)x,S'T'ON, L,lwi,S,, D.D.s D 'Pl .N'r i s T I'I. flrTQlll'bor of the R.C, S. of Antonio and Heiler Graduate of Toronto 17n1vereltn Waco—Over 9Ct:l+:lcaon & Oer1 hg's Inw office. Closed Wednesday ` afternotons, DIh, A. R, KINSMAN, h,,D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects, Office ever Gladrnan &, a�iliUt7's Orf;ce, Matin Street, Exeter. LEGAL -DIQISON & C,AZi.LING, BARRISTERIS, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Con- misidenerq.' Solicitors for the Nelsons Bank. etc. Money tq, Loan at lowest rates of inters t Offices—Main-St., Exeter I. R, Carling, B.A. . L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private rondo to loan Ott facnm and village prop ercies at taw rates oil intetrest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Baerietters, Solicitors, Exeter. J. SENIOR 'Agent Confederation Life Asauranoe Coanpany, also Pere Insurance fie lead Ung Canadian and British. Companies. Mat!n=S't,, Exeter. T. B CeeRL1 NG Life, Fire, Aceidbut and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auotion sales. Exeter, Ont. FALL TERM 'OPENS SEPT 2nd A New Catalogue of 151; ACRE FARM ,FOR 'SALE, The undersigned s offering for sale that fin e 150 acre farm in the Townsh e apof Stephen, being the west half of Lot 15, Con, 8, and Lot 16, Con 9. There is on the latter a good frame house, containing 8 rooms, two good bank barns 84x40 and 30x50,with good stabling underneath; a never - failing well with wind mill appliances; water" through the barnwell under - drained well fenced and 'in good state of.. cultivation. For further particul- ars apply on the .Premises to J. -K. Schroeder, or B. S. L Phillips, Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. Electric Restorer for Men PhoSphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vdm and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Ahoepbtonol will make you a new man. Price 88: a box or two for SS. Mailed to any address, The Seo'beil Drag no.. St. Catharines, Ont. RENTRAL STRATI ORD. ONT. CANADA'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE We have thorough courses •and competent experienced instructors. We do more for our students and graduates than other schools do. At present we have applications. offering from $600 to .$1200 per annum for help Business men know where they get the best help. We have three departments, Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue, D A. McLACHLAN, °Principal. • very Woman is interested and should know about the 'wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche 13IDDiiLPk —1 'atricic Q'$hea and Elizabeth A. Kelly, both of the towta shin p a I3iddullrh, were married at St. Patrick's church by the. Rev rather Quigley on• Wednesdayrn n t 110 o'clock; morning s .---oto--. CLINTON—A, pretty wedding took place at high Moon on Tuesday at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. E. Steep, North street, when their laugh ter, Margaret A. became the bride of Mr, Authur C. Olerkson, SALLOW SKIN LIVER S'POTS,, PIMPLES, DARK CIRCLETS UNDER THE.' are all alleene qt the, eyatem being' clogged., The Liver and Bowels are inactive send the Stomach: Is weak from undigested foods and foul gaged. FIG•1 PILL'S' the great fruit renyedy, will make you feel like a new person Winn3'peg, June' 27, .1911 Atter taking three boxes of your Fig Pills for Stomlach; and liver troubles I feel etrong and .well and able to do my own '[,Vora;. Mkls. A. H. Shutter Sold et all dealers In 25 and 50 cent boxes or gtyalled . b'y The •Fid' Pau Ca, St. Tthbtnue, Ont. Sold, at Howey's Drug Store. Toronto Ont., is now ready. Write for one It gives full particulars con- cerning • a famous school. FARM .FOR SALE The undersigned is offering Por sale that desirable 100 acre farm, situated in the Township of Bidduiptr, being Lot 13, Con. 1. There is on the premises a geed fragile iotas, barn w4tk founda- tion, ordb rid. The tattle iia well drain- ed and' all under oulfiva.tior♦!, This le an excellent fa;nm,t Well [situated, and will be ;sold reasonable, For Curther partic- ulars apply to Jean O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont, - , WM. KELLY, FARM, FOR • SALE The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 6, North Bouu dart' ''Stephen, con- taining 100 acres of good land. There is en the premises e. good frame house with stone cellar ; bank barn, with ce- ment floors ; 3 [good wells, and a T3nall orchard,. This is a good grain r grass farts, or veould .make a good stock farm. Situated two miles from Exeter; phone ink house., Wi11 be sold reasonabee. For particulars apply on the premises, or write the undersigned, Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillips, Exeter. College At Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in theirown hones to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Enter college any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea- chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Oan- ada, Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. 1GEO. SPOTTON 13. F. WARD President Principal SYNOPSIS Op CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANT person who ie the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land tial' Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear in person at the Doihinion Lands Agency or Sub- agency for the district. Entry by pro- xy made be trade at any age,ncY,, on Certaia conditions by itather, mother, eon, da.ughter, brother or sinter ;of tending hotrtmiesteader Duties -Six . months' residence, upon and cultivation of the land in each of three, years, A _hontestleader may live within ;Ilene n.:ieet of hits . homestead on a. farm of M least 80 - acnes sollely owned and occupied by hine or by his. father, •mother, son daughter, brother or [sister. In certain districts a . homesteader In good standing may pre-empt a quirt eresection 'along side hes homestead.. Price .3.0a per acre. .Duties -Must reside upon the [tome stead or prey-eneptfoni six mouths in each, or sig yoarcs ;frau date of home= stead entry (Including the time. re- quired to earn homestead; patent) and cultivate fitty acres extra, A hemeeteader who hays exhausted his homestead right and can riot ebtain preeentption may enter for . to pun. eho.sed hotn,estl end In Certain" :di.etrl:ctis Price [+3,110 per acre, Duties-. Must residel, six rriontlhie iso each '"' o: thew years•4 cultivate flew "acresand erect a, boucle worth 000. Wte w. CORX, Deputy or the Minister of. the Interior. N.B.•w-tt7,t•ratubleorized publibaton or teals advertiddnaent wtu sant .be paid tor, dal.- ourdra gist for it. If he cannot supply the MARVEL. accept no other, bat send stamp for illus trate, book—sealed. It gives fall particulars and directions invaluable to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.,Windsor, Ont , General Agents for Canada._ Dr. de Van's Female. Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative imitations. portion Dfemale Vn's aro Refuse 15 a box, or three for 710 Mailed to any address. The ileobell Drug Co.. St. Catharines. Ont. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal ChceAccountant 17Chartered The Ideal Beverages: ALE STOUT LAGER Made" John Labatt �d,00n� ItTC FARMERS., WANTING MEN. Fanners wanting- tiered men for next season should place their orders at once otherwise there will be difficulty 'r' eeowrl leap. ()Metre; left with the Lola Gatemen -tient Employment Agent for thle disti'iet, Advocate entice, er adclessrsedl ierete, ,wx'�. ,receive prounpt uttielatxtet C. H. SA, (MRS, Agent, USE CLEANING SNAPS Ye Olde Firm Of , Heintzrnan& Co. LIMITED One Genuine Heintzman & Co, Up -Right Piano, Fancy Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar- anteed 5 years, Regular price 450 selling price $290.00 $6.r per month. One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7j 1-3 Octave over strung scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. per month One R. S. Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7 1-3 Octave over strung scale in- splendid condition guaranteed 5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per month. One Steadman' Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Octave overstrung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years $150:00. • $3,00 per month, 15 or 20 Organs in good repair fully guaranteed from $10 to $50.00 one to $2.00 per month. einztman & Co. 198-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto or Heintzman & Co, 38 Ontario Street, Stratford Heintzman and Co. Please mail me to -day, a list of slightly used Upright Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad- vocate. r Name ' Address IRI'roN Rev. Fredrick 0. Ryott, who has been assisting Venerable Archdeacon Richardson at London, for the last. three weeks as a student, has come to Kirkten ae incumbent of BirJ,ton and $aintsbury. LV.CAN $arcualQ W: Cllatterbam, aged Ga years, died on Tune 30th, He had been ail only a few days with heart .trouble, and his deathcame suddenly, Mr. Clutterhanl was born in London, Ont, and canoe to Lucan with his parents at an early age, where he has resided ever since. lie is survived by his wife and two brothers, neither of whom reside here. Charles McComb and McLean, hard- ware merchants, and Miss Helen Mur- ry, daughter of Robert Murry of Lu - can, were quietly married at the glome of the bride's parents, ].?rands street, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock; The Rev, Dr. Campbell of the Presby terian ehuch performed, the ceremony only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present. CLANDEBOYE 141r. 'Wm. Gilmore, while employed putting a foundation under Mr, G, Carter's barn, had the misfortune to get one of his fingers ground. - to pieces by the falling of a large stone. Dr. Orme was immediately called to dress the wounded finger, and it has since been removed.—Mr. Chas. Ros- ser of Denfield • spent a few days in town last week,—Laughton Bros. have just completed raising their grain elevator. They are putting a cement foundation under . it.—Mr. Marshall Laughton is visiting friends in Appin. —Mr. Gilbert Carter is.egetting ready to raise his barn,—Mr. Jas. Dickey sec tionman, who has been laid off work for some time from the effects of four broken ribs, is able to resume work:—The wire men of London are working in the G.T.R. yards here; makingnew changes in the wires.— John Thompson ires.-John-Thompson died at the residence of ° his sister in London Thursday morning. He was 71 years old. The funeral will be held from Smith, Son & Clark's undertaking rooms on Thursday at 7.30 to the G. T. R. tie - pot ` Interment was made is Nursery Cemetery, Clandeboye, ZURICH Miss M. Melrose of Baden is visit- ing her uncle, Mr. Thos. Johnston Mr.' Wm. Lehman or London visit- ed his mother a fewe.days last week. Mr..; and Mrd. Chas, Kalbfleisch •of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. t and Mrs. John Kalbfleisch. Niles•. Kerr, who has been in charge of Preeter's Millinery department, re- turned to her home in 'Milverton last %geek,` Miss' Pletsch of Detroit is visiting with Mr. and Mrs Louis Prang. Mr 7Stanley Brisson left last Mon- day ,,for Windsor where he has se- cured .a position at traveller.. The •:: high constable of thie district is looking up farmers or others who bring youngkittens into the village and dump them on some vacant lot or leave them on the public road to die ,of starvation. A case is cited where a number of kittins were left on the Zurich road, west of town, and when found it was plainly seen star- vation was the cause, of their death. The charge will be cruelty and viol- ation of the health laws. Mr. John Smith, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wendel Smith, of the Goshen line, and Mise Clarriee Etue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Etue, Sauble line, were married at St. Boniface church, Zurich, by Rev. Father Stroeder June the 30th, , The witnesses were Mr, Joseph Smith brother of the groom and Miss Georgine Etue, sister of the bride.. High mass was sung by Rev. Father Stroeder, assisted bythe choir. Mrs. McCormick presided at the or- gan, After= the ceremony at the church the bridal party retired to the home of the brides parents, where a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by a host of relatives and friends. The wedding gifts where numerous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, after a short wedding trip, will be at home to their friends on Goshen line. HENSALL John McAlister is recovering slow•• lyl from his serious illness. Jamey. 'Bonthron went to Waterloo on Tuesday to attend the wedding of Wesley Yungblut. Greta Lammie who is attending the Brantford Institute is home -for the summer holidays, Mrs. Johns of Guelph is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Henry. Cook. Mrs. Shirray and daughters Misses Tena and Agnes, returned last week from Toronto, where they visited for three months. Misses Mattie . Ellis and Annie Car lisle have been elected delegates to the annual meeting of the Rebekah's at Belleville next month. John and Will Marshall are home from the Belleville Institute. Robert Eacrett and family have moved onto the'Term for a couple of months, and closed their residence in town. Rora Geiger left Friday for Tor- onto to take a position in a drug store, The following officers were installed in Zurich Lodge, A. F, and A. M., at Hensall last week, 'W. M., John Rob- ertson; S, W., W E, Hoggarb; J. W. F. Manns; secretary, James Bonthron; treasurer, 0; A. McDonell; chaplain, R. Drysdale; S. D.R, Dalrymple; I. G. A, W. Hemphill; M. 0., W. G. McRay; Stewards,- Alex, Smith and G. J. Sutherland; Tyler John John - stork The annual meeting of the mem. berg of, the South Huron Farmers' Institute was held in Hensall recently. It was decided to hold the regular meetings of the Institute the cotn4 ins year at Grand Bend and Zurich and the supplementary meetings at Bliraville, Exeter, Hensall and Ernes. field, 'At' a subsequent meeting of the direetore M. John Elder'of Hay was appointed president; Mr, Alex. Rrieh- anan jr. of Ttvakersmith, vice preside ent attd Mr, 13, S. Phillips, of Exeter secretary and treasurer, ooseesrr " bees sioi rmilleeee wwiirrneswwisursameo s ‘‘Itille" W eJt ye* ttte* , eootr atli � litl itlG Feelingwo Oce ttu iPe • agahst yo*.-tlEt;l rs of tele ae ids ' o t �___�" olrir' ryolkost1 rrsPr ;�' )w � y till [1101 aw►lrtrlet tw! WRt1lvG ltesdai Hl�LP, 1 %t racy :be thst your River is tired Ansi refuses to warlr, or your mi Ingestive organa bore b&4 to much to de and nasi care. Poriut le you baro been eatirtg the wag Wed 01 too, ! d your blood is to s r` rich or ianpoyerlshe who you )1044 Ila o ira;u1es. a �fii ry IPllr'S I Goi len 1 endo l�'Discovery W will give the required aid, T raea Ira entire a t !mote*. The_ we k c made Ate h. lit _.,_. astrong,yy1. ■ deThe he. liner Pibratea With tzsiK a. T si lacy% ill c� pn,oi ell ■ ■ impurities and cordes renewed beeltb to elei vein a her* 0. 1l uncle d rd organ o3 the body, NQ snort aUackrr et aithe -blues,"" Life becomes worth while again, and hope takes glees of despair. w ■ rrIII Insist nn aetti tp Ar. Piwrrce'e l t • Golden Medical ,Discovery. f, . aid's ! ° . , ..; D al Sold l'y dealers in medicines, ' ,40f..10 Jt" ', • Rimmiummomminnsuranammiiammaimmmiiiiiiimisiii ImamR CANADIAN .[-aO. ESE.EK.ER EXCURSIONS MANITOBA; ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th: inclusive.. Winnipeg and Re $33.00 Edmontan and Retain 43,00 lieturzwLin Oaft thertwo cis ismaaths. yebyastion BOMESl 3' TRAIN leases Tomato 2.40 D•til. eachp ue, y Mayto Actp,uat, erea ri4 tncluair 8yeat 20 to t ;Y1e dpeg . alt h,a, Thfou Tonanto M . and Weer Particulars from be adiaa of write M. G. We Give Steady Employaent to reliable energetic men fw; the sale of our products. We give all the advantages that a reliable well advertised, estab- lished firm car. Offer. If you wish to represent us, WRITE NOW before it is too ;ate, for further information. OVER. 600 ACRES under cultivation and one of the most complete Nursery plants in. Canada. Established 35 years. Free catalogue of stock on Application. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONTARP 1 `Q�QE No Furnace Dust in Your Home. a You will have no fur- nace dust in your home if you thave a Sunshine Furnace. A special dust flu prevents this en- tirely by carrying all dust up the smoke pipe. The Sunshine has advantages which make it 'by far the best furnace to in- stall. Our agent will be pleased to ex- plain them, or write for booklet. MCC1ary's Sunshine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 333 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son i s�