HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-7-3, Page 4Saader;, & Creech, Proprietor.;
In advance $L00 per year in Canada
31.5E in United States. It not paid
in adv nee 50e. extra per year may
be charged.
UI;S]►A Y, JULY 3, '13
• Principal Shore is in Markham ow
ane to the. illness of his another.
lir. and efrs. Peter Kraft had for
their guests Mr. Henry eluschet 14i-
•her sister, :Mrs. elonk of Berko..
The fine neiv learn of Adam Birk ie
ntiw in the course of- ereetiof.
Misses Ruth and Ala Gren eea 'l'
are visiting for two months in Wel
The Evangelical pulpit was occ'upi
,ed Sunday by Rev. ,Arthur I,:eilerm i
.who recently returned from Berlin en,a
will spend the summer here. •
Wm. Schroeder and daughter of the
West are visiting at the home of
Henry Schroeder.
Miss Lucinda Kraft is home ;:'rom
Exeter for the summer.
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
ger Ayton, Ont., was the scene of a
pretty wedding an June the [8th
when Rey. J. H. Grenzebach of Dash-
wood was married to Miss EmtnaFil-
singe,• of Listowel. Rev. Se R.
Knecht& of Berlin tied the nuptial.
knot at high noon in the presence o!'
the immediate relatives. ' After par-,
taking of the wedding dinner they
left for Hamilton, Niagara . Falls, Roch
ester and a trip down the lake to
the Thousand Islands. Rev, And Mrs
Grenzebach will be at home to their
friends after July 15th.
Dr. Roy Hodgson Married.-•Ds.Roy
Hodgson, a former Whalen young -wan
was married in Saskatoon on -Saturday.
tune 21st .to Miss Myrtle iViurray the
daughter, of Mrs. E. J. Murray of
Toronto: The happy couple are -low
on a honeymoon trip to Banff,,,, and
will be at home to their friends after
July 15th. The doctor's many friends
here will extend congratulatiotr, enid
best wishes.
Death of Miss Scott. -Sincere and
deer regret is expressed at the .'d
death of Miss Edith Scott, daughtei
of Mr and Mrs. George Scott of" flies
place, which occurred on ntiay'
last at 2 o'clock. Miss Scott'tias'iari-
en down with an attack of pleurisy cn
Mae 24th last and despite . he best
medical treatment and careful nursreg'
of loving friends to assist her •n ne
emevee struggle against the latai, ick,'
rsess she gradually sank till the end
mine She was a young lady r: -of
cheerful disposition, esteemed tied
beloved for her many excellent qual-
ities, and her demise will be x.a•tlj
felt by a lege circle of friends with
whom she was a general favorite. The
funeral took , place Wednesday it ",7
Dominion Day passed off quietly in
.:xur burg on Tuesday, Some went to
the Bend and others to Centralia,
Miss Robertson of St. Catharines is
visiting her sister Mrs. W. H.Paget:
Herb Fahner, Eldon Burn, Garnet
"SWeitti er, John Lovie, Herb. Grabens.
and Milton Harris are camping at the
fiend this week. They have a tent.
It ha: been arranged that one of the
boys must act as cook for each day.
They will have •a great time eating
fish beans and potatoe.s clone up. to
'the King's taste,
School closed for the summer holi-
days on Thursday. The entire staff
of our teachers will be replaced. The
decision to leave this section will be
a bog loss as the teachers had been
very successful. We understand the
trustees have engaged a principal a
accan who comes well recommended
Some alterations have been made to',
Lawson jewellry store. Two doors'
have been put in in front, one for the
store and one for the printing office
We are sorry to state that Elmer
Gower's health has not been the best
the lass few days. 'We all hope ,here
will soon be a change for the ;setter
Chris Hoist had his barn raising on
Friday. Everything went along. .eith
out a hitch. When completed the
barn will be one pf the. best_.in the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Redfern of Tor -
onto are speneling a few days in town
guests;. of ' firs.. August Ewald..•
Mr.'';Harrison Becker who has been
teaching school near New Hamburg
is home for his holidays.
Bernard Brown is getting his barn
ready for the carpenters to erect a
hip root on it.
Miss Beatrice Hoffman of Toronto
is visiting her uncle, Mr. B. Brown,
Sr. for a few days.
August Kuhn of the Bank ..of Com
merce, Cobalt, was in town one Mon.
Herb Young has bought a Pope mo-
tor cycle. It is a four horse -power
machine and will prove quite ` handy
in hie business transactions.
Michael Hirtzel is visiting his laugh
ter in Hespler,
Ed A. Schmitt of Berlin has been
in town the past week on business.
Joliti Mitchell can boast of having
spring rye 4 ft. 7 in. tall, Can any -
one beat this ?
Harry Beaver of Hamilton spent the
holiday at home here with his wife
and family.
Rev, S. R. ICnetchel, presiding elder
: of Berlin, con:ductetl the special Quar-
terly services in the Evangelical
Ghurcl: last Saturday and Sunday.
Miss • Pearl Holtzmanreturned to
Chicago on Tuesday after spending
her holidays •;here with her'„ parents.
Mr. ,and Mrs.` C.has.'.'Girviu of•.Nile
were the guests of Mr.• and Mrs.
Eerb Eilber last Thursday and Feesf
'he Methodist Church Su'
school picnicked at Grand Bend
Feiday, Three bus leads left
besides a 1 rge number of single 1e
All had an enjoyable time. Gains
1.ra:1 ail sorts were played.
M15 ' Ella Link' is visiting Miss Rok
ie Either at Zurich„
Messrs. Paul Shenk, Ed. Fahner:ani
li. Eilber were on a fishing jaunt at
Grand Bend on Wednesday.
Broke .Ankle Bone. --While drawing
wood one day Iast week Mr. .•neat.
Sims had the nxisfortuee of breaking
a small bone in his ankle. He was.
riding an top of the load when the
atakee gave away and letting the load
dawn the ankle . was caught with the
result as above stated.
Death of leers. 1.,ewis..The „rim
reaper death has again entered oxie:
of our homes and taken" away an aged
wife and mother, in the person of
Mrs Willis who died last
m Lewis,1,
Friday at the age of 75 years, 2 mon-
ths Mrs. Lewis had been in noor
health for ,some time, but her illness
wee not Considered_ 'serious, During
her residence in Crediton she has
proved a kind and loving wife tnd
mother and a very agreeable neigh-
bor and friend. She will be greatly
tressed by all, Her remains were in-
terred in the Exeter Cemetery on
Monday, Rev. Selby Jefferson officia-
ting. She leaves to niourri her 'loss
a husband, two sons, Will of Algon-
quin Park and James of Manitoba;
and two daughters, Mrs. F. W. Clark
of this place and Mrs. Harry Paisley
of Marietta, Ohio, to whom are ex-
tended the sympathy of the commun-
Mr. John Keys has sold his farm
to Wm. Hill for a good figure. He
intends taking off ane more crop
after this 'year.
C..Dinney and F. Glanville have
each purchased a Fros. & Wood hay
loader. Hay will be going up after
Haying is in full swing this week
and is a very short .inti light crop,
No. 6 School closed on Thursday,
J.. Hanover has completed the wall
under R. Davey's barn.
On Friday June 17 the Methodist
Sunday School of Crediton, Goshen
Line and No. 6, Stephen, held 'their
annual picnic to Grand Bend. It was
an 'idea' day for bathing, boating and
other sports of which everybody en-
joyed themselves till they were tired.
but much refreshed by their days out-
ing. The sports consisted of races
and baseball. First was a very fast
and exciting nine inning game of ball
between Goshen Line Maple Leaves
,and Zurich, Mr. F. Kerr being umpire.
The batteries were for Maple Leav-
es R Schroeder and A. Amy; Zur-
ich, W. Brown and L. Hoffman. Score
Races, -Boys' race, 8 and under -A.
Hartman, W. Lawson, E. Hartman.
Girls, 8 and under -V. Hartman, Wild
King Boys ,16 and under -Hanover,
Wareing Eilber. Young men -A. Bak
er E. Mason, Sholdice. Boys 12 and
under -E. Chambers, Eilber, M. Ding
Gies 12 and under -Hanover, G. Mew-
hinney. B. Hartman. Three Legged
:race -G. Mawhinney and T. Chamb-
ers, E. Gambol and M, Willis, C.
-Mawhinney and R. Schroeder. Mar -
tied women's race -Mrs. Dinney,, Mrs.
Johns, Mrs. Brokenshire, Women's
three-legged race -M. Hirtzel and M.
Chambers, IJrs. Lawson and Mrs.
Disney, Mrs. T. Mawhinney and Mrs.
Johns. Ivlarried Men -W. Mawhinney,
M. Willis, E. Allen. Young women's
race -Hanover, Hartman, •Mawhinney.
Wheelbarrow race -E. Gambol and M.
Willis, Hill and King, King and Shol-
dice. Women's race -Mrs. Dinney, An
Berson, King. Umbrella race- Mrs.
Disney, G. Mawinney, Mrs. Lawson.
Run, long jump -R. Schroeder, C.
Sims, F. Kerr. Standing jump- R.
Schroeder, J. Yelland, F. Kerr. Run
hop. step and jump -C. Sims, F. fay -
tor R. Schroeder,
Mr. W. Simmon had a little raising
on Monday. He is building a large
drive shed. -We are sorry to say that
Mrs. Hannah Simmons is under the
Dr's care. -We notice a great deal of
new fencing in the vicinity which ad-
ds to appearances. -Miss Nan Horton
and brother Harry of Harpurley spent
the week end here. -Miss Ella Ches-
ney and mother visited the letters
brothers here over Sunday. -Mr, and
Miss Ellen Horton spent Sunday in
Seafortb. -Miss Myrtle Rychman
has returned from Hillsgreen where
she spent a week. -Mr. R. D. Bell
was able to take a drive out this way
on Saturday evening, -Mr. • Stewart
Mc Queen visited his sister Mary in
London one day first of .the week.
,Mise Rossie Broadfoot was in Exeter
on Tuesday writing on her musical
exam. We wish her success. -Miss
Nellie Anderson has returned home
after spending a few days with her
cousin Miss Maggie Hobkirk.--Mr.
and Mra, Chas, Kingon, London have
returned home. -Mrs. Mary Rychman
has had a new iron roof put on her
home which adds much to comfort
SI1AFORTH-Owen Oarr, home-
steader, at Danphin, Man,was arrest-
ed there last night and will be sent to
his relatives at Seafortb, Ont. He
has been acting very queerly and
laboring under delusions' regarding
his family matters.
The gentlerap on the tortoise
represents the man who 'does not
the one who tries to do
business as it was done in the days
of the tallow candle or the oil lamp,
Ari; you in the glare of the elec•
tyle light ---in theautomobile of ')
Modern Methods?
Otfl'Went Acts, are,high voltage'
l atteries,', vhethi you want light
or poi+ ar44esincss publicity or
tbrepateet help
Bookie** And Gallant Was trip shoos
Whom Enoiand Feared.
in M. dlac'Uertnot t rawford's "The
Sailor Wheal Engel lid Feared" i toid.
Me lite story' of Jolla Peel.luuea Bleu
a Scot, this Intrepid free intit'e ui the
sea, whose parentage remains a iuys
tery and whofounded tate Bailed States
navy, will ever live in naval history as
the victor in the valorous naval duet
between the Semple ' and Rieard Iiou
homme In 1770.
"I wish to have no connection with
any ship that does not sail fast, for t
intend to go in hartn's way," wrote
Jones characteristically when negotiat-
ing with the French admiralty for a
ship. "You know, I believe, that this
is not every ,one's intention."„ .
Joues' relations with the gracious
Duchesse de Chartres are delightfully
stated. She niclsuamej hien ''Chevalier
sans titre de la finer.” Charmed by his
impromptu defense of the Comte de
Toulouse's naval tactics at a dinner
she gave In his honor, the 'duchesse
Bl'eseuted with i b exquisite faire je
ed watch that had belonged to her
grandfather. Then It was that Jones
wade this memorable promise "May. It
please your royal highness, if fortune
should favor tne, at sea 1 will some
day lay an. English frigate at your
feet." Hefulfilled this promise as far
as he could when he surrendered to
the loveliest of women" the sword sur•
rendered by '*one or the bravest or
rneu"-Pearson or the. Ser.►pis "The
enemy surrendered at thirty •leve min
!rtes past 10 p tn.," wrote Jones to the
duebesse, "bs' your watch, • which 1 son
stilt twiny to 6s the moment of vic`tory. '
Napoleon's opinion of Paul >Jones : Is
tersely siuutned up in the remark tie
made to Berthier when the news or
Trafalgar was brought to him:
"How old was PALL! Jones when he
died?" he gloomily asked When 13erthier
told him about forty-five-apoleun re
marked: "Then he did, not fulfill hes des-
tiny. Had he lived to - this !Arne- I""rernue
might have had an admiral • " • Our ad
mirals are always talking about pelagic
conditions and ulterior objects, as if there
was any condition or any oblect in war
except to get In contact with the enemy
tnd destroy him . That ,was Paul Joues
:few of the conditions and objects of na-
val warfare. It was also Nelson's. It Is
.t pity they could not have been matoned
somewhere with fairly equal force."
A Bit of Shelley's Charred Skull Treas•
ured In a Locket.
It is not every Luau. not every hero
worshiper, who wouldesteem the tooth.
of his hero of more value than dia•
mond; There Is a ring belonging to
an ,English nobleman in which the
place of honor, formerly occupied by a
diattnond, is given to a tooth that cure
did duty in a human jaw.
'Phis tooth cost no less than $3,050.
but It was the tooth -of Sir Isaac New-
ton. A relic collector sold it at auc-
tion in 1848,- and the nobleman who
bought it gaveit the place' of a dia.
mond In his favorite ring.
Another tooth 'which so far excites
the veneration of hero worshipers as to
be able to bold a court of its own and
to draw from long distances a squall
best of followers is one that was orig-
inally hidden behind the lips of Victor
Rugo. It is kept at bis former resi-
dence in a glass case bearing the in-
scription "Tooth drawn from the jaw
of Victor Hugo by the dentist on
Wednesday. August 11, 1871, in the
gardens attached to the house of Ma-
dame Koch at 3 o'clock in the after-
noon." -•
The wig of a literary man appears to
nave been even more sought after than
his teeth. That which Sterne wore
while writing "Tristram Shandy" was
sold soon after tbe writer's death for
$10,000, and the favorite chair of Ales -
ander Pope brought- $5,000.
The most extravagant instance of Lit-
erary hero worship is that of a well
known .Englishman who constantly
wears in a small locket attached to
chain round bis neck a part of the
"barred skull of Shelley. -St. Louis Ile -
Bites of Insects,
This remedy against the bites ofIn-
sectsappeared in a recent issue of the
China Idedicnt .Journal: -Take one
ounce of iwim salts .11nd dissolve it
in one pint of water. Wet a bath
cloth wet enough that It will not drip
and rub the body well all over and
not wipe afterward. but dress. I am
very certainthat flies. gnats, fleas.
bedbugs. mosquitoes or tbe famous-
Africanfly will never touch persons so
treated A. somewhat stronger solution
applied and allowed to dry will leave
a One powder that the most blood
thirsty insects will not attack."
A Way Pins Have.
She was hurriedly"adjusting her veil
and had but a few moments in which.
to cateh her Tar. "Oh, clear," she nuns
Inured. "1 can't End a pin anywhere!
1 wonder where all the pins go to, any
"That's a difficult question to an-
swer," replied ber practical husband,
who was standing by, "because they
are alwayspointed in one direction
and headed In aanother,"-Argonaut.
Very Useful.
"A self made man Is of no particular
help to his fellow men,",
"But a self made woman i5 a' per
feet mine of information about hair
dyes and fare bleaches and pads and
things "- Lotiist"ille Courier -Journal.
Milking{ It Right.
Mother --I gave each ofyou boys fun
orange, Charles, you said you wouldn't
eat yours till after dinner, And yeti,
Jack, said the sunle, Have roti 'd
Calved fie? Charlie -.No, mother: We
didn't eat our oranges. 1 ate Jackal
WV ha ate mine, Ledo,
wiN(slrwL-•-Fire, which: drolte put
late Wednesday evening, .causing a
logs of $8,000 In John A. lcL,eazs's
lumber yards and mill, The blaze
had made great headway before being
noticed, and the mill was inflames be-
fore the water was turned an, 4,
quantity of oil, wbloh it was feared
would explode, was safely gotten mit.
The origin of the fire is a mystery,
The loos is partly covered bet iosur-
Row's ThisP
We offer ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any' case
of Qatarrh that cannot be cured by -Hall's Catarrh
P. J. C}II NET & Co., Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 1.5 years and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially abte to
earry out any obligations made by his first.
IxAtume, itna rAa & AMan ni,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, 0
$all's Catarrh Our is taken internally, arosgg di
reetly on the blood and mucous surt$es of the
system. Testimonials sent' free. Price Vie- per bot.
tee,. Sold by ail Druggists
TakeHall's Family Pills toroonetipetton, ,
FULLARTON-Ex,Reeve Jas. Bus
seI, one of the most widely known
and most highly respected "!&rmers of
Fullerton, Inspector for. the Hib-
bert and Usborne Insutance Comp.
any met with a very serious Accident
on Monday,of last week, He had just
returned from a drive with, his son
Bert, when the latter got out of the
buggy to pump some water, The
horse while drinking naught its brid-
le in a nail, and in jerking back broke
it and made away Mr. Russell was
thrown out and sustained such in-
juries that his life is dispared:of. The
hip bone and four ribs were broken,
his face and one hand badly cut and
at his advanced age his condition is.,
most serious,
spanking does rob cure children oC bed
wetting. There is a canet1tutletial cause
for this trouble, Mrs. M. Smelters, Box
W. 840. Windsor, Oat., 'will send tree to
any mother her successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. Red no
money but write her to -darty. if ,your
children trouble you 10 thi's way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are , it
can't help' it." This treatment also nares
adults and :aged people troubled with
mint difficulties by day "or night
HILLSGREEN-On Wedneeday of
Last week a quiet wedding took place
at home of Mrs. James Turner of the
Parr Line, Stanley, when her young-
est daughter, Annie, became the bride
of Mr. Benjamin Keys of the Babylon
GODEEIOH-Russell Oke, a train
man on the$Oanadian Pacific Railway
was crushed between two cars at Lin-
wood and fatally injured. His home
is in Goderich.
IN 1913;
Easy to Cure It Now;
Also Gout and Sciatica
W. S. Cole guarantees RHEUMA
to banish Rheumatism` or money back,
He sells lots of it. People. come for
miles to get it. RHEUMA quickly
steps the torturing pains, relieves at
once the intense suffering, and drives
tbe Uric Acid poison from swollen
RHEUMA is a wonderful remedy -
a splendia doctor's best prescription;
yot; don't have to take it a week and
then wonder whether it is doing the'.
wcrkor not..
Start to take it to-day-RHEUMA
aren't waste any time; it starts to zct
on: kidneys, liver, stomach and blood
today, and tomorrow you'll 'know that
Rheumatic poison is quitting you for-
ever Use RHEUMA for rheumatism,`
sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, neuralgia
and kidney disease. It surely does
wcrk-a bottle, for only 50 cents. Mail
orders filled by The R. T. Booth
Co, Lt'd, Fort Erie, Ont.
"Steamship Express" leaves Toron-
to 10.45 a. m. each Monday, Wednes-
day and Saturday via Grand Trunk
Railway stopping at Hamilton, Brant-
ford, Paris, Woodstock, Ingersolle on
don and Strathroy, arriving Sarnia
Wharf 4.00 p.m., making direct con-
nectionwith the Northern Navigation
Company's palatial steamers leaving.
Sarnia Wharf 4.15 p.m, for. Sault Ste
Marie Ont., Port Arthur and Fort
William • Steamer leaving Sarnia
Wharf. Mondays does not can at Port,
Arthur. On the arrival of steamers
at Fort William, special trains of the
highest standard leave that
point at' 4.45 p.m. via Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway, arriving Winnipeg
7.45 a.m. next morning. The service
afforded by this route is the .finest'
in every respect and includes Par-
lor -Cafe, Parlor Cars and Coaches
betsieen Toronto and Sarnia. Wharf
excellent service on the steamers of
the Northern .Navigation Company, in-
cluding the "Hatnonic," the finest and
fastest steamship on the Great Lakes
standard sleeping cars (Electric Lights
in Ler and Upper Berths} Co1onie
Sleeping . Cars (Berths Free) Dining
Cars and coaches, on the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway between Fort William
and Winnipeg, also Standard Sleep-
ing cars to Saskatoon and Edtnonton
Special trains run the reverse way-
ay--fie m Sarnia Wharf to Toronto, each
Tuesday, Friday and dundar.
Full particulars, reservations on
sten eters or train s at all Grated Trunk
Ticket offices,
N J, Dore, Station Agent, lexeter
'SIR EDM VND WALKER,. V.14 O„ LLD., I), C,10,, Provident
General Manager .Assistant General Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,006
Issued by 'The Canadian Bank of Commerce enable the traveller to
provide with funds without delay at each point of his journey in
a convenient yet inexpensive manner. They are issued payable in every
country in the world in denominations of
10 $20, $50, $100,$200
With the exact equivalent in the moneys of the prind alcountriesstated
Oa the face of each cheque. Theyare economical, absolutely safe self.
identifying and easily negotiated.
I;IXETEH BRANCH G,' L. w 4UGEi, Manager. Branch. also.at Crediton
Incorporated 1855.
Record: of Progress for Five Years -1906-1911
Capital $3,000,000 $4,000,000..
Deposits -
Loans and Investments
Total Assets
$3,000,000 • 4,600,000
$23,677,730- : 35,042,311
27457,090 38,854,801
$33,090,192 48 237284
Has83 Branches in Janada, and Agents and (lorrespondentsin all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate..•
.Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DxossoN & OAELXNG, Solicitors. • N. D. HU'RDON" lManag er,
STEAMBOAT SPECIAL -Effective June 7th, Westbound.
Lv, Toronto, G.T.R. 10,45 a.m.-Mon., Wed,, Sat.
Hamilton G. T. R, 11.53 a.m.- Ditto.
London, G. T. R. 2.18 p.m. Ditto.
Sarnia Wharf, Nor. Nay. Co 4,15 p.m.- Ditto.
S. S. Marie, Ont., Nor, Nay. Co 11,30 a.m.-Thur., Sun. -3 p_.m. Tue.
Ar. Port Arthur, Nor. Nay. Co. 7.30 a.m.-Mon., Fri. -
Fort William, Nor Nay., Co, 9.00 a.m.-Mon. Fri. -2.30 p m Wed.
Winnipeg, G..1'. P,' Rauilway 7.45 a.nt -Tues., Thur., Sat.
Parlor Cafe, Parlor Cars and First class Coaches between Toronto and
Sarnia Wharf. Standard .. Sleeping Cars with electric light. in lower and
upper berths, Colonist Sleepine Cars berths free .Pining Car and Coaches
between Fort William and Winnipeg:
Commencing June 16 a through electric lighted Standard Sleeping Car
will be operated between Ft. William Winnipeg, Saskatoon & Edmonton„
This is the inauguration of Grand Trunk Lake and Rail Route Service l‘-
between Eastern and Western Canada.
A special train wil Iron the".reverseway-from Sarnia Wharf to Toronto,
commencing June 8, and each Tuesday, Friday and Sunday thereafter.
Full particulars, Reservations on Steamers or Trains, may be obtained.
on application _to Grand Trunk . Agents or writeN.
Union Station, Toronto, Ont
Money is Tight
But there are people who
are constantly looking for_
opportunities to lend money
on good pecurity., If you want
to borr`oW,a few„dollars, or a
few thousand,'our Want Ads.
will put Von' in+roach with
those 'who have money to
saying T�ols
Now is Ethel time ' to prepare
for the Hayin�! Season
We handle the Celebrated
B. T. Bros
Saying Tools, Litter Carriers,
Steel Stalls and
and, nothing
quite so good.
tes» Sneli
Implement Agent
Exeter, Ontario