HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-26, Page 8• • 4,:XE1lt../111•1117i2iTB.• TED711811AT sJUNE 2.6% EXETER MARKETS. oa ND RAOR INTS'DADA) .. . 98 93 46 48 Armirmiriorv-orieriviwounint LOCAL DOINGS. 4S It 'e funny how this al d old world Bi Rena on in the same old way-. 1 00 1 00 W e laugh and weep and die the same 1 50 1 501 As the folks of yesterday. . 1000 16 IV We're puzzled by the same old things • i:31.tee v neat.. 1,40RF•110,11.1“ Oalt, • n • 4, • • ... • .. 4, t NW" ••••11.• . . •001.••••••• Roto ttes• per bag ItaY "r ten. • • • * • • • • • • MOM. per cwt. ii fatally Flout . t•tw grade pet QW ... . Far• eci Applete pier 11, Lire n leer cert. ..* Sharr,.. per ton... • • • ** f• • ao o.ctr ..... • tiger Beet meal . . .... . , 1 V) 20 20 z 1, 20 20 4i 9 60 28 00 22 00 26 00 W. W. Taman, R. G. Seldon, J. A. Stewart and R. N, Creech are tak- ing in the Thistle Scotch Doubles at London this week, At a meeting of the School Board lase week the teachers' salaries for the ensuing year were fixed at the same amounts as last year, with the exception of that of Miss Quacken- bush which was increased $25. A number of Exeterites took in the Mount Carmel picnic Wednesday of last week. TEACHER WANTED—For S. S, No, 4, Usborne. Apply to WILLIAM COATES. Exeter. Ont. MAIN STREET GARDEN PARTY —The Annual Garden Party will be held on Main Street Church Lawn under auspices of Ladies' Aid, on Friday, July 4th, commencing at 6 o'clock p.m, Exeter Band in attend- ance. Admission 10c. Refreshments extra Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Office, Exeter. PASTURE TO RENT Anc Cider Press for Sale. 150 acres being Lot 11, S.B„ Con. 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good supply of water all season. The cider press is in good. condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. Farmers wanting help for next sea- son should place their order at once the Canadian, Government Agent, Advo- cate 011ice, Exeter, Get some neatly pittrited calling cards at The Advocate. 'Having taken over the Butchering Business of Mr. Frank Wood,, we have moved across the street into the premises lately occupied by Mr. A. J. Ford. We solicit your patron- age and we hope as heretofore to give you every satisfaction. — WM. RIVERS, THRESHING OUTFIT, ETC., FOR SALE.—Grain mill, nearly new 200 feet cable, block and pulley, Clover mill; 20 horse power engine; wagon, tank ,circular saw, in good condition. Apply to Sanders Bros.,or to Mrs. Those Cookson, Exeter P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3, Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling at one end; wood shed, pig -- house 16x24; two good wells of water • 35 acres in grass; 'well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O., or on the premises. Auction Sale OF REAL ESTATE IN THE VIL- LAGE OF EXETER. Mr Thos. Cameron has received in- structions from the undersigned to sel, be public auction on the nrem- , ise., on Saturday, June ,28, 1913,. at 3 tecioce p.m. that nice home, consis- ting of Lats 192, 193 and 194, north side of Church street in the Village of Exeter On this property is a very comfortable lee storey frame house; good cellar, with furnace; electric lights; hard and soft water; small or- chard- of choice winter and email fruits; a good garden all planted; ev- erything up-to-date and in good re- pair. Also the buildings and land known as the Exeter Tannery. This property consists of the buildings and and over three lots of choice land. The main building is part frame and part brick. A lot of valuable build- ing material on this property and will be sold in part or in block, with or without the land to suit purchasers. • Terms and particulars made known on day of sale, or on application to the undersigned. Possession given to suit purchaser. Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor is leaving town at an early date T. H. McCallum Thos. Cameron Proprietor Auctioneer SWINGING A BUSINESS Judicious advarthilna it thederrld that aisrltias a business to success: • ClatilflOd Ws nt Ads. ars terse bull. nest bringers that are suitable to any iitinest. They help the small ones booing bia, and the big ones to bacons !Naar. 41.#0•61.4,i IV/ g Itpoehlf , „ • Fooled by the same old takes, We see, and wonder, and decide— And make the same mistakes, We ponder on the sante old thoughts, Our Joys are no more glad— Our wisdom no more wise than theirs Our sorrows no more sad, We worship just the same old gods,. Although in different terms; We go the same way when we die— To feed the same 'told worms. We have our phones and trolley cars. Our "three-roorn flats for rent"— We're slightly speeder, it's true, But are we more content? I think it's only men's desires, And appetites that • grow— That's why we say that we've progres'd Since the time of long ago. Demanding more, we've given more, And no one is to blame That the happiness we really get Is just about the same, Dominion Day comes on Tuesday, A band stand is being erected in Riverside park. Mr. J. D. Atkinson has bought a Clinton runabout. Mrs Weidenhammer is confined to her room owing to illness. An advertiser may help himself by hiring someone to help him. Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance. Some advertising copy reads as if the advertiser had written it for fun and failed Main Street church quartette took part in an entertainment in Parkhill. Monday evening, Some people get most of their pleasure out of spreading bad news about other people. A marl who gives his children hab- it e of industry provides for them better than by giving them a fortune, Mrs (Rev.) Sweet, who has been visiting here, addressed the Main-st. Sunday School on Sunday afternoon. Keep your hens at home. Your neighbor's invitation to drop in and be friendly, does not ,apply to your poultry. Don't forget the Trivitt Memorial Church Garden Party to -morrow (Friday) Evening. Exeter band jn attendance. Let Fortune do her worst, whatever shc makes us lose, as long as ,he never makes us lose our honesty and oue independence. A convention of the Sunday Schools of South Huron was held in Caven Presbyterian church on Friday last, afternoon and evening. A number of the Exeter Macias motored to Parkhill on. Sunday and accompanied the brethren of Doric Lodge to church on Sunday evening. The copious showers of rain that ell the latter part of last NKeek did an immense amount of good, but ar- ived a little too late to make the hay crop a good one. A good way to get rid of the fly' is to starve him. Every good citizen should oigin an early campaign for cleaner conditions, so the fly will find but little filth to breed upon. Marriage some one has remarked, s the result of a maiden effort. In this connection we hear and read a great deal of the June bride. We as- sume that there is a bridegroom, al- though he is not often rnentioned. Onions are reported to be dying in great quantities in the ,Zurich and and Hensall district. A small worm' s said to be the cause. It operates from the bottom and makes its way to the heart of the bulb, where it performs its work of destruction. Keep in mind the Garden Party on the Main Street Methodist Church Lawn under the auspices of Ladies' Aid on the evening of Friday, July 4th when the Exeter Band will dis- course music, the admission is 10 cts, and refreshments are extra. Don't miss it. Mr, Henry Strang gave a very in- teresting review of the subjects jects discussed at the World • Wide Presbyterian Congress held in Toronto recently in the Presbyterianchurch on Sunday morning last, he having been the delegate appointed from Caven Church. Rev. Mr, Sweet, who has been vis- iting relatives here for a week oc- cupied the Caven Presbyterian and the James Street pulpits On Sunday last rr..•rning and evening.respectively, and preached very interesting sermons 'The people of. Exeter were pleased to hear their former townsman. Messrs. H. Thomas, J, W. Robinson G. E ‚McTaggart and Dr. McTaggart of Blyth. „when motoring to -London on Saturday, dropped off at Exeter long enough to administer a beautiful trimming in a .team of bowls to W. D. Clarke, Jas. Taylor, R. N. Creech and W. W. Taman. Score 21-7. It appears we were misinformed last week when we stated that Mr. Van - stone, sr. died in Wingham as a re- sult of injuries received in an auto accident near Hensel]. It was re- ported to us as a fact, but we , are glad to be able 'to say that he as wel: as the other ‚members of f he party are recovering nicelY, We would ask our readers to kind- ly look at the elate on their labels, and if in arrears, attend to same at their earliest coriVenience. The price Of The Advocate is one dollar a year in advance, and one dollar and fifty cents if not so paid. Some are ive years in. arrears. If all were to set- tle it would not mean much to each, but Wottla mean at least one thousand dollars to us. If we must make out accounts it will be for one dollar and fifty cents per year. GARDEN PARTY—The Arterial Gar den Party of Txivitt Memorial Church wit he held on the Rectory Grounds this Friday night. Everybody wel- come, • Exeter Orangemen will eelebrate July lith at Hensall this year. Goderich is having a bowling tour. =tent commencing on Tueeday, July 8th According to the Voters' List there is a considerable increase in the pop- ulation of Exeter. The charges of theft of horseshoes against two Lucan blacksmiths ere to be tried in London this week. Lebanon Forest Lodge, A,F, will attend divine service in Trivitt Memorial Church June 29 at 7 pen, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson an- nounce the marriage of „their niece, Jessie A. Hamilton to Mr. Charles Monteith, on Wednesday afternoon, July second, nineteen hundred and thirteen Motherwell, Ontario. Agriculture furnishes only six per cent, of the criminals of the Domin- ion Although the agricultural popte lation of •the country amounts to about one-half of the whole only, six out of one hundred of the criminal classes come from those whose oc- cupation is the tilling of the soil. The Gwent Male Chorus gave a de- lightful entertainment in James -St, church on Thursday last, and were greeted by a fair house. The 'many chorusee, solos, duets, and quartettes, were rendered in excellent voice and were heartily applauded, They cer- tainly proved themselves to be one of the best vocal organizations that has. ever visited Exeter. Should they ever re -visit Exeter they •will be as- sured of a crowded house... .m.,,,•••••••• The people of Canada last year smoked 975,325,501 cigarettes, an in- crease of nearly 200,000,000 over the figures of the previous year, accord- ing to figures computed by the de- partmeet of inland revenue. In , fact the consumption of tobacco and wet goods has increased all round, The per capita averages —Spirits 1.112 gallons compared with 1.030 last year Beer -7,005 against 7.114; Wine—.131 against .114; Tobacco -3.818 poends a- gainst 3.079 pounds. The figures for tobacco include cigarettes. Marks Bros. Drathatic Company ap- peared here before the foot -lights for three nights this week. Monday night they presented "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," Tuesday night, "Virgic's Sweetheart," and Wednesday night "The Girl front Alberta." 13ra_cie Marks takes the leading role in all three plays and she is a clever little artist, supported by a well-balanced company. The specialties between acts are refined, fresh and entertain- ing to a marked degree. The Marks Bros. 'lays are all right and merit liberal patronage. Mrs. John Welsh was in London aver Sunday. While there she visit-. ed Mr. C. W. .Welsh, who, is in St. Joseph Hospital, undergoing treat- ment The trouble was thought to be in the stomac,h, but the doctors find no trouble in that organ. Eminent doctors, who are attending the med- ical conference in London will ex- amine him to try to locate the cause of the trouble. Mr. Welsh is feeling fairly well and is ,up and about as usual. Mrs. Welsh, who recently went to Regina to spend the summer, re turned Sunday, and is now with her husband. The Crystal City. Courier of last week contains the following particul- ars of an accident that •befel a form- er resident of Exeter, and brother of of Mr George Cudmore of town "Mr Aaron Cudmore had a narrow es cape from serious injury or worse on Monday while bringing home same cattle which he had purchased. Mr. Cudmore wass driving the wagon in whick. the cattle were loaded, when suddenly both cattle and horses be- came frightened and in the resulting mix-up the unfortunate dealer was All publicity is not advertising any more than all noise is music. ' The Lucent. Journal, a weekly news- paper ,published by Hugh Dia- mond made its first appearance lest week. While it has always been con- sidered that with 000 paper already in Lucan the field, is pretty lull, etill the new paper start$ a1 well, and will undoubtedly get a full share or the patrobage. A new time table on the Grand Trunk Railway has gone into effect. The only change affecting this branch is in the morning, the train from the north will leave at 8,54 instead .of 8.48,—six minutes later, while the from the south will be 9.44,—being nine minutes earlier, eepeee WOMAN'S INSTITVTE.—A public meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thureclay, June. 26, at 3 o'clock sharp, at which Miss; M. V,,Powell of Whitby will speak on, "Our Country's Assets" and "A. present day need," The public is cordially invited to at- tend. • Dominion Day 4 qr.; SIM Single Fare Going 'June 30th; July 1st Return Limit July 2nd Fa -re and One -Third Going June 28-29-30 July. 1st Return Limit July 3rd, Between all stations in Canada eat of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge N.Y. Tickets now on sale at Grand Trunk ticket offices. SUXP.IBE R THE ADVOCATE AND GET ALL THE NEWS. Our Flours are beet brands on the market. They include 5 Roses Purity Royal Household and Milyerton ' R. G. BELDON Exeter, — Ontario RN. liOLUE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License almost crushed and pounded to death. , However the hardy veteran was able to complete the loading tof his car Embalmer of stock though he is nursing a brok- en rib and several other sore spots." EXETER — ONTARIO STEWART'S PHONE 16 See Our Splendid Showing Of _ Hot Weather Wearables WHITE WAISTS We had a chance to buy an assortment of beautiful White Waists at a low price. They arrived last week and we have marked them at very low prices for quick selling. , BLUE LUSTRE A beautiful cloth, very suit- able for inaking girls' or WO- • man's bathing suits. It is 40 inches wide. Extra value at per yard 50c. • STRAW HATS it Some new and nifty shapes in plain and fancy straws.Many styles to choose from at 25c to 2,25, - NEW SHIRTS In white, tan and mauvewith the French cuffs and soft collars With tie to match, They look like silk. The difference is in the price, MILLINERY • The knife goes into the price of millinery this week Every hat will be sold at 1/2 value. Take advantage of it. FANCY PARASOLS To match any dress. They are not high priced. You'll want one for the hot sunny days. $1.00 to, $3.00 TENNIS SliOES For Boys, Ladies, and Men A splendid shoe for all out door sports. TRUNKS 3t SUITCASES Whether you want a suit Case at $1,50 or a genuine leather if $5.00 and • up, all and see what we hav'e. You will find a big assortment. AMERICAN COAL OIL People who use "Coal Oil stoves demand the best oil. We sell the American Water 'White, It is the beat, J. A. STEWART NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am the only authorize(' Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected* other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND EARLY SUMMER SALE SALE STARTS JUNE 26 'AND IT LASTS 10 DM. Why wait til llater to supply your summer needs? We have over • stocked in many lines, and WE NEED THE MONEY. An inspec- tion of our lines will convince you Bring the children too, They will be interested. A few of THE BARGAINS— SNAPSHOT ALBUMS PRESERVING KETTLES 12 reg. 75c. to -clear at 49c. 12. 0, Grey Granite kettles at 35. 2 reg. 1.10 to clear at 75c. 6 qt. Greg Granite Kettles at 25c' 3 reg, 85c. to clear at 50c. I. 4 qt. Grey Granite Kettles at 20c 3 reg. 25c. to clear at 20c. 2 qt. Grey Granite Kettles at 15c All must go. • 6 qt. Grey Sauce Pans at 25c. Don't forget the contest at the Candy counter. A draw with 10c, Purchases, Ask about it. Ourcandies and peanuts are always fresh Try Purity powder for Lemonade and Lemon Pie. A jar will make two gallons and cost 15c. Will Allow yott. An Edison or Victor Phonograph' will make your evenings pleasant and the cost is trifling. Step in and look around, Powe l's •Bazaar Big Variety Store JONES & MAY PHONE NO, 32 Hot Weather Wants - Everything You Want Here At this time of the year we want something Kool to wear for the holiday and summer season. You will find us well prepared for your wants. • For the Ladies For the Gents DRESS AND WAISTS A very fine showing of White and Colored Dresses and Waists for the warm weather. Call and see them. • • HOSIERY AND GLOVES Hose of Silk, Lisle or Cotton in all shades. Gloves of Silk, Lisle or Taffeta in both long or short. WHITEWEAR Ladies' Dainty Whitewear in Skirts Slips, Gowns, Corset.Cov- ers and Drawers. A big lot to choose from. • EMBROIDERIES All widths to choose 'from in very swell patterns. Real wide for 75c and $1,00 a yard. STRAW HATS Soft Straws, Sailors and ?en- emas are the good sellers. We can give you the very newest. SHIRTS AND TIES Soft collar and cuffs or starched cuffs with a big assortment of ties in all shades. Also wash ties • SOX AND UNDERWEAR Sox of Silk, Lisle or Cashmere in al lcolors. Underwear in all weights. Combinations in all weights. SHOES . Summer shoes for everyone in white, brown, tan and patent; Low shoes, Oxfords and pumps in a variety of .-styles. • MILLINERY MILLINERY Do not miss this Rig Opportunity. All trimmed hats at HALF PRICE, A nice lot for you to pick from, CLOTHING Men's and Boys' Sunnner Suits in Grays, Browns, and Mixed Goods. Right up-to-date, For white WHITE PANTS the Hot Weather—All pure or white with black stripe, JONES & MAY Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing 1