HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-26, Page 7INE SECRET OF
Xeep the Blood, Nob. art Pare with
Dr. Williams' Pipit Pills
, The condition of the blood makes
all. the difference between health
and "sickness, Impure blood and
strong healthy 'nerves and muscles
never 'go together; If the blood is
thin every part of the body be-
-comes weak. The stomach fails in
strength and the, appetite becomes
poor. The body does not obtain
enough 'nourishment from the fund,
and Boon the nerves begin to ,core -
plain and the person becomes irrz-
table, despoaldent, woru out and
nervous. For a bine there may be
no actual sickness, only ,a run-
down, weak condition, but there is
no defence against disease and from
such a eon tlition spring disorders
such as anaemia, rheumatism., indi-
gestion, neuralgia, and even para-
lysis itself,
People with impure, thin blood
should take Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, Every dose
helps to make new, rich blood, and
new blood means health and
strength. They stop the progress
of disease, and red cheeks, good
appetite, new "strength, declare the
general 'improvement in -the health,
Here is an example. Miss Ellen;
Maude 1VIeQuoclale, Harriston, Ont.,
bays : "I feel it my duty to add my,
voice to the many now recommend-
ing Dr. Pink Pills. For
years I was a sufferer with back-
aches, rheumatism and nervous-
ness. I was eo bad at times that I
was confined to my bed. I felt
sleepy and heavy after my meals,
and had flashes of light before. my
eyes, and a difficulty in collecting
my thoughts. After using several
remedies without benefit I began
using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
ased ten er twelve boxes in all.
They -gave me the best health I have
enjoyed for years, and I have not
since had the least return of the
You can get these pills from any
dealer in medicine or by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Cheese May Be Stored ilz a High
I3y the use of pasteurized iuilk
for Cheddar cheese two Wisconsin
experimenters—J. L. Sammis and
A. T. Bruhn:—claims to have over-
• come the uncertainties of the manu-
! The processes have varied from
day to day, with corresponding
variation in the product itself, as a
result of the 'great differences in the
kind and quantity of bacteria in
the milk at the outset, but heating
to 160 degrees to 165 degrees Fah-
renheit kills 99 per cent. of the bac-
After next increasing the acidity
'of the milk to 0.25 per cent. with
;hydrochloric acid, a pure culture
of lactio acid bacteria is added. The
final operations can be carried out
;by regular time schedule. The pro -
'duct is stated to be not only of
h lore uniform quality than that by
:the ordinary method, but the aver -
!age yield is higher, the losses of fat
{being reduced.
The cheese may be safely stored
at a high temperature. The de-
'etruction of possible disease organ-
isms in the milk is a sanitary set-
t -vantage.
.The Fat in the )tire-.
Sir George Reid, High ( nuuis-
sionor for Australia, is well known
for his geniality, his bulk and his
ready tongue. Talking to him not
long since, a correspondent asked
Win l oiad he ever found himself at a
loss for a haek-answer. '''We11,"
he said, ''.I was fairly nonplussed
One day at a political meeting
'down -kinder.' It was near the
close of my last campaign, and I.
remarked that 'C thought' of retic-
ing from politics as I felt I Was
fast nearing 'that bourne from
which no traveller returns, Upon
which a voice at the back of the
No symptoms that indicate: any of
She ailments of childhood should be
allowed to pass without prompt
attention. The little ailment may
soon become aserious one, and per-
llap,s a little life passes out. If.
'Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the
;house minor troubles can be
promptly cured and serious ones
averted. The Tablets are guaran-
teed absolutely "safe and can be
given to the newborn babe as well
as the growing child. Thousands
of mothers use no other medicine
for their Iittle ones. The •Tablets
are •sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a, bok from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville,
Sir George lI. Reid.
hall observed sardonically, 'My
word, the 'fat will be in the fire
then, Georgie!' " Glancing down
at his ample waistcoat, the portly
High Commissioner continued,
"The roar of laughter that greeted
this sally- was Homeric. I faced it
for a few ,moments, but nothing ef-
fective by way of reply occurred to
me, and I sat down --,absolutely
'flummoxed' for, I think, the first
time in my life."
Bing George to Rave a Movie.
Following the example of the
Kaiser and Alfonso, King George
has given orders for a picture,
theatre in miniature to be fitted up
at Buckingham Palace. This is
mainly intended for the. Royal chil-
dren, but their Majesties . them-
selves are very fond et seeing the
world on the film. The Kaiser has
had a pieture palace all to himself
at Potsdam for ever a year, and
during the recent wedding festivi-
ties this was a very popular haunt
for august guests anxious to see
themselves on the screen.
Special Prices to Clear Out an
Overstock by August 1st.
The Russell Motor Car, Com-
pany, Limited, Toronto, are offer-
ing an Automatic Spring Bumper
at a greatly reduced price.
This bumper has solved the prob-
lem of full elliptic springs. A ver-
tical and horizontal adjustment ad-
mits of its being fitted to any ear.
When fastened to cars with :senii-
elliptic springs there are no holes
drilled in the frame, ;but a '.ery in-
genious hook clamp fastens the
bracket firmly to . -the ' frame.
Prices : brass, $6.70; nickel, $7.25.
The Gould. Millions.
"I shan't go to their house
again." "What's the matter?
Didn't they ask you to sing 2"
"Yes." "And didn't you 1" "No.
When I asked to be excused they
merely let it go at that. I supposed,
of course, they'd insist on it."
MInard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
A tourist who had been taught
in a severe storm in the Highlands
of Scotland finally Came to a soli-
tary cottage and eagerly accepted
an invitation to stay over night.
After supper while he was wearing
a suit Of the guidman's clothes till
his own were dry he met the mis-
tress on the stairs, She bore a
broom in her hands, from 'wh ;.h he
got a sharp thttrop on the head,
followed by the exclamation
"That's for askin' for the lien to
stay aa' nicht l"
ininarda Ointment Curie Cargos In Cows.'
Mr. George J. Gould, the bead of
the Gould family, is a millionaire
who is conscious of the responsi-
bilities entailed by great wealth.
He has a family of six children, and
they are all being trained for defi-
nite careers, though in the course
of time they will inheritmillions of
money between diem.
The story of how the Goulds
amassed wealth partakes of a ro-
mantic nature. , Jay Gould, the
founder of the family fortunes,.
started life at fifteen ,as a store
clerk. He worked from . six in the
morning until ten at night, • and in
order to improve his education he
was accustomed to rise at three in
the morning. In this manner he
acquired. •aa knowledge of mathema-
tics, and secured a post as assistant
to a surveyor. Gradually he ac-
quired a, slim of 500, and with this
capital he started on his own as a
maker of maps. - His work was of
such an accurate nature that ere
long he found his capital had in-
creased to a round $5,000. Then
he migrated to New York and be
came a, leather merchant.
For years he 'struggled along un
til his great chance came. The Erie
Railroad was on the brink of ruin,
but Jay Gould saw that if •properly
worked it could be made into a
preeperous concern. lie succeeded,
in conjunction with two partners,
in securing sufficient capital to buy
up the stock, and in a short space
of time they had made five millions
between them out of the railroad.
Jay Gould continued to btiy up ne-
glected railways, and eventually
made his pile.
At his death he loft fifteen mil-
lions to his eldest son, George,
whilst his four other children re..
oeived ten millions each. Zt was
laid down in the will that George
Gould should look after the money,
and so successfully has he done this
that he has increased the family
pile to one hundred IIl•illions,
D A It
The Second: Sou ;off hing and Qaleetl
of Spain,
The Infante Don Jamie, 14eeorld
son. et the king and queen of Spain,
now fiv0 years old, vas born deaf
and dumb.
Per tz long time no one outside
the palace knew ef: the prince -45
hrrhity, and there: it, was scarcely
Mentioned except in whispers, The:
late premier, Senor C'analcjas, an-
nounced two year agothat, the li't
tie prince had a form of tubercu-
losis which prevented him teen",
hearing or talking.
His lack of hearing was proved
by Making a loud noise suddenly
near the boy. He did not move,
Although' throe years of Tinge at •diet
time ho;,had never uttered a Muind.
and already had the faxed look anal
strange behavior Characteristic of
the deaf and dumb.' Spanish tape-
eialists adjudged him incurable.
One ef them performed a difficult
operation..withont beneficial result.
The child was sent to the sanitar-
ium of a, c.eleb mixed physician in
Switzerland; but he returned in the
same condition as before. •
Don Jainie at present is under the
care of Valencia -1i nuns whose millsd
sion in lifb is to educate the deaf
and dumb. The name "0f Miss H"el-
en Keller has .been mentioned in
the palace, but nothing definite, has
been arranged about asking her tci
undertake the teaching of the boy.
One difficulty is that Miss Keller,
who does not know Spanish, would
have to teach in a foreign language.
Result of the Withdrawal of Troops
From British -Somaliland.
A terrible story of atrocities in
British Somaliland is told by a Bri-
tish officer who had been serving in
this district.
The British posts were withdrawn
by the Government from the inter-
ior ef Somaliland in 1910, and the
administration is Dow confined to
the coastal region; including the
towns of Berbera., Bulhar and
Zeyla, whose protection is entrust-
ed toa small garrison of Indian
The Mullah, the British officerin
question said, had been our enemy
there for many years past, and
several expeditions had been direct-
ed against him. But as the country
was not a valuable one, and our
policy had recently been to• with-
draw from the hinterland and eon-
centrate upon Berbera, the nativ'es
had;been left at the -Mullah's me
cy, and he had burnt and sacked
the villages, killed the men,taken
away the women, and left tt a, miser.
-"able remnantof mutilated old wo-
men and young children who were,•
starving, and unable to remain in
the decimated villages.
These wrethched people were
mutilated by having a cross cut
from the chin to the abdomen, and
left to find their way as best they
could, to seek British protection.
So frequently did this happen that,
the very hyenas, the most cowardly
of beasts, had plucked up courage
to dog and attack these miserable
pilgrims as they came down. to the
coast. The reason for this condi-
tion of things is that'Somalilancl is
an absolutely wo"rthless country it
was a bad bargain which the Bri-
tish wiaahed they were well out of,
and it is because of the expense that
the hinterland has been abandoned
in this way.
Man and Wife Fatten on Grape -
The notion that meat is necessary
for real strength and the founda-
tion of :solid flesh is nowno longer
.as prevalent as formerly.
Excessive meat eaters are usually
sluggish & part of the time because
they are not able to fully •digest
their food, and the undigested por-
tion is changed into what is practi-
cally a kind of poison that acts
upon the blood and nerves, thus
getting all through the system.
"I was a heavy meat eater,"
writes a Westernman, "and up to
two years ago, was in very poor
health. I suffered with indigestion
so that I only weighed 95 pounds,
"Then I heard about Grape -Nuts
food. and decided to try it. My
wife laughed at ane at first, but
when I gained to 125 pounds and
felt tso fine, she thought she would
eat Grape -Nuts too. Now she is fat
and well and has gained 40 pounds.
We never have indigestion any
more and seldom, feel the desire for
"A neighbor of ours, 6f4 ,,years
old, was troubled with indigestion
for years, and was a Heavy meat
eater. Now ainee he has been eat•
ing Grape -Nuts regularly, he says
he is well and never has indigos.,
"I could name a lot of persons
who have rid themselves of indigei
tion by changing from a heavy meat
diet to Grape -Nuts." "There's a
Reason.".. Name "given by Canadian
Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read
the little book, "The Road to
\Yellville," in pkgs,
Ever read the above totter? A new ane
Appears tram time to time. They are
genuine, true, and full el hunters Interest,
Chapped' and Cracked. Could Not
Put Them in Water, Skin Red
and AR. Swollen' Cutioura Soap
and Ointment Cured in Two .Days,
She Keeps Her Flesb Down
Rowing and 'INo Potatoes.>,
There is no doubt that within; re-
cent years there are fewer stout
women in the smart set in Europe
and Axnorioa. Almost every day
we are shown. Mrs, X. or Mme. Z.
who was onee abnormally large and
at present is as slim as the slim-
meat, It is no secret that there
are many ways of reducing flesh,
some more, agreeable •' than others,
Emerald, P. E. 1.—•"I got my banns and that most stout pt eplo have
chapped and they cracked. If I would close
inY hands the creeks would bleed, 1 could
not put them in 'rater or
do baldly any werk. The
N7 skin was rod and my hands.
, . , all swollen. They were so'
sore I could not sleep. I
tried everything I could get.
In ibe drug store. --- ----
and all kinds of ointment,
and they 01d me no good
till I used Cutieura Soap and Ointment.
They cured my trouble in two days. ()tal-
cum Soap and Ointment are the best that
eau be made." (Signed) C. IV. Murphy,;
Dee. 23, 1011,
4:15 Huntley St, Montreal, Quebec,—
uebec,—"My one year old son was troubled with
eczema in the face. It started with red-
ness and irritation; then it was like apnnplo.
Afterwards it was an open sore with mat-
ter oozing out, causing itching and keeping
him from sleeping at night, Ills face was
covered with eruptions. After unsuccessful
attempts with different remedies, I tried
Cuticura Ointment, which I used one week
and ho was completely cured of eczema:'..
(Signed) Mrs; J. N. Racket, Nov. 15, 1911,
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
sold by druggists and dealers overywhere.
For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p.
book, send post card to Potter Drug & Chem.
Corp., Dept. 52D, Boston, H. 8, A,
Admiralty's Plan Carried Out by
Steamship Companies.
The decision of the White Star
Line to arni its new steamer Cera-
mic, which will be the largest boat
in the Australian trade, in accor-
dance with the British Admiralty's
plan's for the defence of •merchant
ships, disposes of the contention
that its fleet does not come within
the scope of that scheme*. This was
pointed out when the question was
first raised, as also was the fact of
the agreement which was concluded
between Gerald Balfour, as presi-
dent of the Board of Trade, and the
late J. Pierpont Morgan, on Sep-
tember' 27, 1902, to the effect that
the British companies in the com-
bine were to remain British, "not
merely nominally, but in reality."
In addition to the Royal ' Mail
Steam- Packet Company's steamers
Aragon and Amazon, 'wliicii carry
two 4.7 inch 'gulls each, several
Peninsular and Oriental liners are
provided with gun platforms, while:
the Hrulder boats La 'Rosarina el
Uruguayo, La Negri el Paraguayo
and La Correntina, running be-
tween Liverpool and the River
Plate, are being "similarly equipped.
It is also reported that the two
Union Castle liners recently order-
ed at Belfast and the Pacific Steam
Navigation Company's Andes will
be fitted for guns. The Cunard
liners Lusitania and Mauretania,
which were built under a subven-
tion from the Admiralty, are of
course in a different class.
"Is your new motor a self-start-
er 7"
"No," replied Mr. 'Chuggins,
"only a self -stopper."
Are Your Feet Calloused ?
Easy to remove lumps by applying Put-
nam's Corn and Wart Extractor. This
purely vegetable remedy acts painiessl3'
and is guaranteed. Insist on ' Putnam's"
only, 25c, per bottle.
tried uuoale method that has been
recommended to -them.
As a rule, 'these methods: emceed
owing to the anieunt of walking
that the patient has :to do, or the
hot water she has to drink, or
through the many pleasant, fat-
making substances from which she
must abstain. In feet, the majority
of people to -day have some fads
about diet that they would . suffer
untold agonies rather than disre-
gard. For instance, Queen Mary,
whose weight is 16 stones, pins her
faith to rowing and ''no potatoes,''
but th ecraze now attacks all meals,
even afternoon, teas: for bridge.
Thus at these gatherings China
tea is invariably preferred, and an
smart houses is brewed with Mal-
vern water, which can be got in
bottles. Lemon instead of milk or
eream, • saccharine instead of su-
gar, and dry toast in place of cakes
are carefully provided. Anti -fat
biscuits are also thankfully re-
A new idea is to have small silver
tongs Iike tiny asparagus tongs, so
that sandwiches may be eaten
without damage to dainty gloves
and delicate finger-tips. At Buck
ingham Palace and Sandringham,
however, ten is a square meal.
Good Advice for All Who Have Indiges-
tion or Stomach Disorders.
In his home at Waldegrove, • 1.5., no
one is better known than Sergt:Major
Cross, late of the 4th Queen's Own Bus -
ears. Speaking of the ill-effects of a cam-
paign upon a man's constitution, the
Sergt.•Major writes: "I served under Gen-
eral Freneh during the Late Boer war, in
the capacity of Sergt: Major. It was per-
haps owing to a continued diet of bully
beef, hard tack, and bad water, but at
any rate any stomach entirely gave out.
I was in such a state that I could eat
nothing without the greatest suffering.
The army looters did not help me much,
and since leaving the service I have been
very miserable. Some few months ago a
friend told me he had been a great suffer-
er from indigestion until htried Dr.e
Hamilton's Pills; they oared him! I con-,
fess it was without much faith 1 bought
a box, but the first dose made me feel
better than I bad. been for a long time.
Dr, Hamilton's Pills completely cured,
and now I can eat everything and any-
thing. I have recommended them to
others and in every case the result has
been similar to mine."
Quick, sure results attend the nae of
Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cure disor-
ders of the stomach, correct indigestion,
make you feel uplifted and strengthened.
To renew or maintain health, Dr, Hamil-
ton's Pills always prove a good prescrip-
tion. 25c. per box. five boxes for $1.00, all
dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo,
N.Y., and Kingston, Ont.
"It surprises ale that you can say
such cutting things about your best
"Why shouldn't I? I know them
better . than anyone else."
Waiter—The egg 8 Why, wasn't it atinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
boiled long enough, sir 1 Guest— A native station master on the
East Indian Railway had been given
strict orders not to do anything out
of the ordinary without authority
from the superintendent. This ac-
counts for his sending the following
telegram: "Superintendent's Of-
fice, Calcutta—Tiger on platform
eating conductor. Please wire in-
Yes ! The trouble was it wasn't
boiled soon enough.
1Nlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
Pat Again.
Pat was buying a clock, and in
recommending one to him the shop-
keeper remarked that it was an
"eight-day elock." "And phwat is
that?" inquired Pat. "Why, it
goes eight days without winding."
"So much as that," exclaimed the
Irishman in astonishment. "Be-
gorra, there's 'wan thing I'd loike
to be after axing ye If it goes
eight days without winding how
long will it go if yez do wind it
up' I"
E D , 7,
ISSUE 26--'16
11 ready leaked
to a nicety; whole,,
mealy and full
flavored, Heating.
only is necessary:
FL W. DAW$QN, Ninety Colborne Streeti,
,o'' Farms itt all sections of Ontario.
Some snaps.
ACTOR"?' SITES WITH OR, 11'1'C110U7a
Railway trackage, in Toronto.
Brampton and other towns and cities.
Brampton :old a dozen other towns.
14, W. RAWSON, Colborne St.,'Toronto
3i°�00 F proved farms, arms,F ADS 15.00 $45,00
per acre. Peet grain and mixed. farming
country, Writs Commissioner, Board oil.
Trade, Humboldt, Sask.
1t. Barber Trade; great demand: good
wages; twenty to thirty advertised foe
daily in Toronto papers alone. Can teach
You in ai'x 10 eight weeks. Send for Cate.
logue. lyloler College. 221 Queen East. To.
STAMP COLLt0T0lt:,—lttNDHIa,
ferent Foreign Stamps, Oataioges,
Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stains
CrTrnanv, Tnrnntn
!'1 ANC; II. TUMORS, tuna' 1.'ro.
J internal and external. cared wtth• •
ant rain by aur home treatment, Writs
as before too late. Dr. Rehman Medical
C,a.. Limited fnllinewnnrl. Ont.
Hearto•a• a Piano Is the
Action. Insist on the
Piano Action
1 aviciA ION co.
Vacation Trip
Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thou-,
sand Islands, St. Lawrence
Rapids, Montreal, Quebec and
the Saguenay River—one of
n a t u r e's most impressive
scenic wonders.
Low rates for tickets including meals
and berths.. For infor-
mation apply to local
ticket agents or
Hugh D. Paterson,
Gen. Agt , Toren -
to, Ont:, or 11.
Foster Chaffee.
P.T.M., Mont -
treat. Que.
( ?
Gtps.R,,ylrr ,
Her Exception.
Crabbed Old Lady (sarcastically)
-"I don't suppose there is another
baby like that in the whole world?",
Young Mother—''Oh, yes, there ',
is 1 I left one of the twins at home
with mother."
I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma;
Lot 6. P. E. I.
I was cured of a severe attack of Mem,
Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER.
I was cured of a severely sprained leg
When 'feu Eyes Need Vara
Try Marine Eye lto'ued,v ivo srparttngg 1 eels 'tlifying.
Irina --Acts Qttiettic, try it for Red,weak,
watery Eyes and Granulated ltyelids. eels- "Do you think that if women gen-
aotnp,,nadee by ouri)h'Usts -uo a' Patent rtes erally were given the-hailot 1t
teinc'--but used to succoasrul rlayotelans'ltaa would help them to understand the
ties for many years, • Now dedicated to the I tib-
110 and str1d byy nrtt6'gsste lrf ado .and SDs per il„ttie. zlational issues?"
Murine Ere Salvo In tsoptta Tubes,.2oe sad 60s "Well, it �vnuld helpthem to un4
Murine Eye Remedy co., Chleago
derstand that the men do not un.
den -Land such things any better
than the women do,"
What man hes done man may do.
--better. .
Liked 10 Wear Wife's Shoes.
Margaret Ilium filed a bill for a
divorce front John' Blum, a car-
penter, of Liverpool, England, be -
,cause, site alleged, her husband
insists upon wearing out shoes.
which are given her her mother.
Blunt, it appears, has very small
feet, of which he is extremely
proud. He likes to /dress them
well and on Sundays, the wife
charges, he was wont to wear a pair
of fine patent leather boots 'which
had been a present to Mrs, Blum
from her mother.
"Don't you' think 'everyone ought
to look for the gcictd in the world 2"
"Yes, but instead of looking for the
good, they seem to he kl,,icirtg for
the good things."
g {thy $ts-kgencedy
own Tor i!nnburrtr;
bor recto, stings, incl
lasters. A skin food e
tit Arlinteft dnii ;Sterno: ±'&OJ.