HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-26, Page 511&
Dr. t . 3', a; OTILSTON, ..D.O.,
les ser of the R.C.D.S. of Ontario and
'H Gxadet atie of Toronto Universe ,
OMs --Over 7yiokison , Carling's law
°frits. Closed Wednesday afternoons,
DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L.D.,`k., Tana,Sa,
Donor Graduate of Toronto University
Teetl a ieeetee without pain, or one
had eft,o te, Otf;ee over Gladman &
stmt eve's Office, Marek Street, Inxetop.
DICIC�,)N , 13 RIs ItS,
Solic7ks, Notaries, Conveyancers, Cont
missiktiers. Solicitors f'or the Moleona
Bank. etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates or intermit
Offices—Main-St., Exeter
I. R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson
We have a large amen t o1 Pr rate
[untie to lean on Laatn, and vintage prop•
ez'L'iea at low rattle of interest.
BarrNiters, Solicitors, Exeter..
Agent Confederation Lite Assurers*,
ContIMAY. also noire Insurance !'n nettle
hila t"1st14adtron and British CommiaiiWit.
Ma(n-St., Exeter%
Lille, Fire, Auietdont and Mate Masa
Insurance, Qoaiesting aeeounte. and cote
duettng aeon sales. — Exeter. Ont..
The undersigned is offering for
sale that fin e 15p acre farm in the
Township of Stephen, being the west
half of Lot 15, Con. 8, arid. Lot 16,
Con 0. There is on the latter a good
frame house, containing 8 rooms,two
good bank barns 84.x40 and 30x50,with
good stabling underneath; a never -
failing well with wind mill appliances;
water through the barn; ^well under -
drained well fenced and in, good state
of cultivation. For further particul-
ars apply on the ,premises to 5, K.
Schroeder, or B. S. LPhillips, Real
Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont,.
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores everynerve is the body
to its ggroper tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. 1!•#atrphonoa will
knew man, Price !al a box or two for
Co.. . mailed
ines. Ont. The $oo'belY Drug
We have thorough courses and
competent experienced instructors.
We do more for our students and
graduates than other schools do. At
present we have applications offering
from $600 to $1200 per annum for
help Business men know where
they get the best help. We have
three departments, Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy. Get our free
U A. MeLACRELAN, Pt+fnelPal.
very Woman
is interes d and should know
about the wonderful
VMhtrllaQ Sere!
Toronto Ont., is now ready. Write
for one It gives full particulars con-
cerning a famous school,
Tho. undersigned is offering for sale
that desiratee 100 acre farm., situated
In the Townethem of Etiddulph, losing Lot
13, Chia. 1. There hi an the preinse,9
a good era homes, barn witiiLfotsnda-
tion, orohend- The faR1m !s well drain-
ed and all under ouefivatirset This is
an excellent falreri, well situated, and will
be sold reasomabba. For further partic-
ulars apply to Scrim O'Nell, Mooresville,
Ont. WM. KELur,,
The undersigned is offering. for sale
Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen., .con-
taining 100 acres of good land. There
is on the premiseis a. good 'frame house
with atone cellar ; bank barn with ce-
ment floors ; 3 good wells, and . a
smell orchard.This is a good grain
or grass farm, or wb•u1d snake a good
,tock farrn,. Situated two miles from
Exeter ; phone in houses. Will be sold
reaso,,,ablse. Forparticulars apply on
the premises, or write the undersigned,
Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillips',
College .At.
Thousands of ambitious young peo.
vie are fast preparing in their own homes to
occupy lucrative positions as stenographers,
bookkeepers, -telegraphers, civil servants, in
tact eYery sphere of Business Activities
Yon may finish at -college if you so wish
Positions guaranteed. Enter college any
day. Individual instruction. Expert tea-
chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest
trainers' in Canada. Sayan colleges, Spec-
ial course for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial
Educators' Association of Can-
ada. Sumpter School at famous
Spotton Business College, Lon-
President Privalp
ANY person who la the sole head +ot
a. fan»ty or any male over 18 years old,
may +heinestead, a, quarter section of
available Dominion land fad Manitoba
Saskalethewe n or Alberta. The ap-
plicant inset appear in person at the
Dominion Lands Agency or Sub.
agency for the district. Bmbry by pro-
iy made be made at any agetncy, on
certain conditions by tathor, mother,
bon, dautphter, brother or sister of In-
tendlag Oiotneateader
Duties --Six ineertha' residence upon
and cultivation et she Lard in each
of three yeare, 'A bosnestieade r may live
within Berne rteeeea o2 Wm hotne,stead on
a farm od at least 80 acnes solely
owned and occupied by hint or by his
father, mother, eon da.ughtar, brother
, or a ltttler.
In certain districts a homesteader An
gond standing may pre-empt a quart
.3r'ysection, (along side his homestead.
Price ge.clo per acre.:
Duties—Mast ree4de upon the hose
stead or pre-emption six months in
each, of .oix year from date of home-
stead entry (Lflcauding the i;itn,e re-
quired to earn homestead patent) and
cultivate fifty cedes -extra.
A homesteader who he,s exhausted his
bernmetead right rind cannot obtain
Preeernption may enter for a pun.
ehsased homes+cad in certain, .dienects
Price 3a_e0 per acre. Duties- Must
reside six t'nsrrtttlh!e in each of : these
yearee) cuiltiviate fatty acres and erect.
a home worth $000.
WI. W. mar,
Depety et that Maio of the Interior
N.li.---Gree tt+heo'rieeed peblieation of
this afvertisentetit will not be peed for.
hour druggist ibr
h.. It he cannot supply
the MARj;rL, accept nq
other, but send stamp for illus.
tr.stad book—sealed. It gives tall
particulors and directions invnlaabie
tola,3i a.WXNDSORSUPPLYCO.,Wladsor,Ont
General Agents tor Canada.
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fads. These
phis ace exceedingly powerful in regulating the
d¢asrattve portion of the female system. Recluse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Tana are salad at
Tho obeli three
for Co., Mailed to
STANLEY—A quiet but pretty
wedding was solemnized on lune 14
at the home of Hugh Mc.Diarmid, near
Seaforth, when ;his daughter Margaret
A. was united in wedlock to Thomas
Dryden Baird of this township.
CLINTON—On Tuesday at 2 o'clock
in Toronto the marriage took place
of Blanche Alma Davies to Arthur'
Everett Allin, M.1.., son of Rev. and
Mrs 5, J. Min ,of Clinton.
itIr, and Mrs. Short are again resi-
dents of our burg, having moved into
the house lately vacated by Miss E.
A, Shier, -Mr, R. Humphreys and
Eric of London, Eng., who have oeen
visiting A. G, Paul for the past two
months left last week for Alberta to
joie, Mr. Humphreys in their new
home there.
To ebeanne the t4tenteart ad und4geleted
toad, foul Ones, exeeaie bile in the liver
raid waste natter fay .tide( bowels, w'IJ]; Ma
pair your 'health. a bent epsheln re-
gulator is PIO PILLS. ' At all ,deaierte
25 and 50 cin* or 'Vele Fig Pill Oct.,
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
tentertero wanting hired men, for next
erecta stiotald plaza their orders ah once
otharetten these will be ditficultIte difficult;aa
e+esalsb ttelp.. Oren. left with the
LecaA haat EMplayineat Agent
At!' ttaIv dhstriet, . Adillecuce O f!oe, or
ariaresn il thereto., wilereceive protszttt
ettanai?a C. ST. .ND RIttt Agent.
by. New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding,
itching, blind or protruding
Pints, send hne•your address, and
>I will tell you how to cure your-
self at home by the absorption
treatment ; and will also end
some of this 'home treatment
free for trial, with references
from your own locality if re-
quested. Immediate relief and
permanent cure assured. Send
no money, but tell others of
this; offer. Write to -day to Mrs.
M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor
Ye Olde Firm Of
Heintzrnan Co.�L
One Genuine Heintzman & Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy
Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar-
anteed 5 years. Regular price 450 selling price $290.00 06.
per month.
One Thomas Square Piano -Rose Wood`Case 74.1-3 Octave
over strung scale guaranteed 5 yeas $150. or $3. per month
One R. S. Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case ;7 1-3
Octave over strung scale in splendid condition guaranteed
5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per mouth.
One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Ootaue
overstrung,scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years
$150.00. $3,00 per month.
15 or 20 Organs in good repair fully guaranteed from $10
to $50,00 one to $2.00 per month.
Ke urtman & . Co.
193-5-7 Yoange Street, Toronto
or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario Street, Stratford
Heintzman and Co. Please mail me
to -day a list of slightly used Upright
Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad-
1.1$1 0ALL
Mr. and lugs. McPherson and Miss
Ella went to 'Falkirk- to attend the
wedding of the farmer's grandchild
Miss Mary Willena .Robertson, to
fames Morton Cruikshank-TMiss Creig
ton having completed the millinery
season has returned- to her 'home in
Porth.—Lloyd Davis of the Molsons.
Bank Teeswater, was home for his
sister's wedding.—The marriage of R
Munn of Hay and Miss Jones of near
Kippen took place on the 18th. --Miss
Mabel Cudlnore, nurse of Stratford, is
home for her holidays.—Last week 1)x
Seliery. who has been a much esteem
ed citizen of Hensel]. ,for 16 years
left for Toronto accompanied by his
wile and son Lorne, to reside. lien -
sail loses agood citizen.—Wes, Yung..
blut of Manitoba spent a few days at
home,—Miss Edith Scott, daughter of
George Scott, has been seriously ill
with pleurisy, It was found necessary
to perform two operations.
On Wednesday of last week at 2
o'clock a happy event took place at.
the residence of W, C. Davis, when
their only slaughter Etta was united
in marriage with one of our, most pop-
ular business men, A, W E. Hemp-
hill. The wedding was a quiet one,
being attended by the immediate re-
latives only. Rev. E. McL. Smith
performed the ceremony, after which
the happy couple received the con-
gratulations of those present, The.
bride was attired in a handsome trav-
elling suit, After a luncheon the nap-
py couple left by 'motor car for a
wedding trip to various points.
The Lucan team came up on Tues-
day evening and played a very fast
game of ball, the score being 0-6, but
had they left the umpire at home the
score would have been different, as
the Lucan boys got all the doubts and
Dilly's nine just took them and looked
Mrs. Hunter and daughter of Brum-
eels are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 0.
Mr. Walthew of St. Thomas, who
was stricken with a slight stroke of
paralysis is still at the home of S. An-
drew, but is improving slowly and ex-
pects to be able to be taken home the
mkt of the week. Mrs. Walthew came
onSaturday evening and is waiting
on him.
Several of the younger girls are in
London today trying their musical
Several gents and their lady friends
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
Mr. Byron flicks returned on Satur-
day evening from a five weeks' trip to
the West. He went as far as Calgary
and and reports the crops look-
ing fine and well advanced.
Mr. Harold Young of Lucan is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs: F. Colwill.
Mr. B. Quarry spent a few days last
week at Parkhill.
The famous Blue Jay picnic to the
Grand Bend on Saturday last was
largely attended and all report a first-
class time.
The farmers in this locality are re-
joicing over the recent rains.—Mise
Anna Ellerington of Toronto is guest
of her brother,iFred, here.—Mr. and
Mrs. Bullard of Hensall spent Sunday
at James Broadfoot's.—Miss Ellen and
Mr. S. Harton visited Mr. and Mrs.
R. J, Patterson, London Road on Sun-
day.—Mr. Harold Glenn :of Crediton
spent week end with parents here.
He went to Chatham Monday.—Mr.
and Mrs. G. Hobkirk and Mies Maggie
visited R. Lang and family, London
Road on Sunday.—Mrs John Glenn re-
turned Friday from:London where' -she
spent, a week.—Mrs. Byohman has
had her house re-roofed.—Mrs. Wm.
Glenn, -Sr,, is visiting relatives and
frieude in London, Toronto and
Elmira.—Mrs. T. G. Hemery returned.
to her home in Mitchell Tuesday and
Miss A. Ellerington accompanied her.
—Mr. George Hobkirk is making prep-
arations to build a wood -shed and
summer kitchen, -Large crowds at-
tend the base -ball games in• John
Bolton's field. A great intrest is tak-
en in them.—Mr. Stewart McQueen
sports a new buggy. Messrs J. Bol-
ton and F. Simmons have their's pain
Don't forget the union picnic in
Mooney's bush on Saturday.—We are
sorry to say that Miss Gretta Me -
Naughton still continues i11. She has
returned from Toronto where she was
taking treatment.—We are pleased to
say Gordon Pybus out again after his
recent illness.—Mr. and Mrs. George
Eyre spent the week end with old
friends in Niesouri Tp.—Mr, and Mrs.
Locke Petty of Hay Tp. spent Sunday
at R. Cole's.
TUCKERSMITH—On Monday last
abeut 8 o'clock, as Mr. William Doig,
was driving home from town his horse
took fright at some object and ran
away, throwing eut of the buggy and
breaking his left leg near the ankle,
The accident is a serious one,
AILSA ORAIG—J, B. Black, aged
18, who says his home is In. Hamilton,
and is a steam -boat hand, was sent to
the Prison Fermat Guelph Monday by
Magistrate Snaith for ten month■ for
kicking in a door and stealing a gold
watch worth $30, from Johnston Twe-
edle's house.
MITCHELL—Charles, the 10 year
old, and youngest son of Mrs. Wm'
Welters, of Fullerton, died early
Sunday morning of scarlet fever and
diphtheria and waa buried the same
day. The eldest daughter succumbed
to the same diseases on Friday. Ow-
ing to the nature of the dieeasee, the
grief-stricken mother was obliged to
lay the bodies of her two children oat
herself, place them is the coffins and
leave thein outeide the door for the
It always makes a girl mad to Jai
scared by a mouse when there aren't
any men around.
Any man can got any woman to
marry him if he only propoees to hoe
n enough, different ways.
It is generally easiest to kiss a woe
Mitt right titer you have begged hex
Lb forgive you for t omethtng.
After a4 Zan ISIS argued a certain
Why Women Have Nerv�
The "since".. emclety-,s1eepl isnes$—and warnings of ,Pain alid dis-
tress are sent by the nerves like filring messengers throughout body and
limbs, Such feelings may or may not be accompanied by backache or
headache or bearing down. The ioeatl disorders and inflammation, if there
is any, should be treated with Dr, Pierces Lotion Tablets, Then the
ner4ous system and the entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of
DR, PiroaE'C3
when taken systematically and for any period of time. It is, not a"cure-all,°
but has ggivenn uniform satl,f Cion for over forty years, :being designed for
Ms 'Ingle purpose of caring woman's peculiar aliments,
Sold io liquid tom or to bi!ete by
dru to—b soott pae.cent.
Stamp* tot' bQ q :~ , f lad's
Favorite Paler tt a ets.
Aa. Dr. Plate, �e Buda io,'
E's.. woman oter1. fe perm, The
Pee Common sense M edfcel 44
Mlwr R.V. Piero, M. D, 1005
iP ansae
Trow rsvo4fla,i ACV."
TrocheeTrocheemomothersher fq aerore fit their
children ein1 Nrem,eiree. It's the cruor.
doctar to your etre lame. Send
00m-ve 1,Grmes n 1,1r,Pkraasabooe.
RAC!! F d e-
•. TO
Each Tuesday snail October 28th; inclusive,
Winnipeg and Return 535.00
Edmonton sand Return - 43,011
Other points Return Li twoths.'°q°porMou
HOMESUEBRS' TRAIN leaves Toronto
LSO pan. each 'Tuesday. hi
eir tw Auttle
meas Best train to take. as wiaaiyet Is
reae ked earl), paownlai, enabling passengers to
make all branch coatteeaip.
Throughtealna Tomei* to
Winnipeg and West
Particulars from CanadianParkin co
We Cine Steady Employment
to reliable .energetic men for
the sale of our products. We
give all the advantages that a
reliable well advertised, estab-
lished first can, offer. If you
wish" to represent us, WRITE
NOW before it is too late,
for further information.
under cultivation and one of
the most complete Nursery
plants in. Canada,. Established
35 years. Free catalogue of
stock on Application.
Large Doors --Easy Firing
Ask our agent to explain
its many advantages, or
write our nearest branch
for booklet.
Look at these roomy
Double Feed Door..
You can use a biE
shovel — there is no
danger of hitting the
sides and spilling coal
all over the floor.
These doors will admit
a big chunk of wood too.
The Sunshine Furnace is
easy to operate.
r 1,
Sans e Furnace
London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John,
Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton
Sold by T. Hawkins & Son
Why should any other
cereal be called "just as
good" as
I 60
Because Kellogg's is known to btebest
and most nutritious cereal on the market—
Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
is enormous as trade returns will show—
Because another large modern factory, the
best and most sanitary in Canada had to
be built to take care of our constantly in-
creasing trade—
Because the imitator, knowing these facts
and having few selling argulraents for his
own product thinks to create a market for
it by comparing it to Kellogg's.
But ---the flavorand the sustaining
qualities of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
cannot be counterfeited. Sold in
big packages at 10c. Look for
thee signature.