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Exeter Advocate, 1913-6-19, Page 7
'Il DAI,TD AWAITS GOOD DIGESTION When the Stomach is Wrong the is Whole Body Suffers—Row to 1 . Keep It Healthy,. Indigestion is one of the most. t}li,atressing maladies affiicting man kind. The ;stomach is unable to perform the work mature calls upon. It to do, and the result is extreme after eating, nausea, heart- z7i painful fluttering of the heart, ssick hea eche, and often a bathing of food, even though the sufferer is half starved. .People with pope digestion are prone to try all sorts of experiments• to aid o process o digestion, a th lE' e s f digest nz, nd,there la only one way in which the trouble can be actually cured, and that is through the blood. ' That is why the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pillscures even the most ob- ttinate oases of indigestion. They make the rich, . red blood that strengthens the stomach' and its serves, thus enabling it to do its Pork. The process is simple, but the result means a good appetite, end increased health and pleasure 'In life. ' Mr. R. • Lussier, of Sorel, Que., offers ample proof of this, tie says: "For several years I was . sufferer from indigestion, and the torture I suffered after meals 'was 'eften .almost unendurable,, Often I would go without a meal rather :hen undergo the suffering that fol - owed. Accompanying the trouble ,. had headdaches, dizziness, and of - ten a - feeling of nausea.` All :the ime I was .taking one medicine af- ier another in the hope of getting elief, but without avail. Finally I read of the ease of a similar suf- ferer eured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided ()try them. I took the pills steadi- for about six weeks with result that I was fully cured, and could eat anything I cared for. I may sed that I have not since had ally return of the trouble." If you are ,suffering from indiges- lion do not waste time experiment - ng, but begin to .cure yourself to lay -with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, which go right to the root of the trouble through the blood. Sold by ell medicine dealers or by mail at 1O cents a box or six boxes for $2 Dfrom, The Dr, Williams' Medicine o., Brockville Ont. Pearls of Truth. Leisure is a very pleasant . gar- ment to look at, but a very bad one to wear.—Hawthorne. Neither days, nor lives, can be made noble or holy by doing troth - Ing to them:: Ruskin. , .•,. The comfort which poor human beings want in such' a world as this is not the comfort of ease, but the comfort of strength.: Kingsley. The only happiness a brave man ever troubled himself with asking Much about was happiness enough to get his work done.—Carlyle. Politeness has indeed • about it 'something mystical; like.religion, it 'is everywhere understood and .no- Issrhere defined.—Chesterton. We may know a roan by the cone - loony he keeps, we may know him ',still better by the books he loves; land if he loves none he is not worth knowing.. -Bishop Spalding. The ledger of the Almighty is •strictly Dept, and every one of us has thewbalanoe of his operationi 'paid over to him at the end of tae. minutei :every of his existence.--. I y� Huxley:. It is good for us to have some- times troubles and adversities, .for they make a man enter into him - ;self, that he may know that he .is en exile, and may not place his hopes in anything of this world.— ;Themes A. Kempis. vb Fashion Is Individual. The fashion in Kiangsu Province, (China, is whatever one wants. :Every man wears what` is right in .his own eyes. A.panaana goes jaun- tily down the street followed by a ur-covered brim cap. Felt hats of (scarlet and verdigris green follow 'along with greys and browns that really do the amateur hatters cre- 1dit: Eskimo top capes, a few derby !hats, and the smart military uni- :terms gave the streets a piquancy that was missed formerly in the KClhina blue crowds, Of all the no- tices posted on the city gate the 0118 that attracts the most` attention is the fashion plate that has been ex- 'hibited for weeks. It displays two or three of the typical "western" Isu tss,•; There Lige the "swallow Ita.ii1ed" and the low front frock for evening functions. There.one finds 'the plaited skirts recommended for the women.' The silk or "stove_, 'pipe" hat has its corner with the other felts. a. ;RE J `14b1i►A'ittY ..... 1 of the bowels is an absolute iteces city for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decoys end poison the whole body, causing biliousness, Miall. redoes and emit headaches. Salts nd .other harmminer�l •purgat ,ver &tate the delicate Wang of the mole.r, Morse's lndlan Root Pilis-alintirely yegefpble-- regulate , the bowels effectively without' weak- ening, sickening or, griping. Use Dr. Morses " ro la ►.., Kt> ot',..Pills I'OR11tia t pitE1 T, R'S WARNING Secs l.'reiatxla e Veniehtllg As Victims of DIstases "The :Tench race is becoming obliterated; alcolloliszri, tubereulo sis and the absence of adequate hy- giene decimate the country," is the opinion] of Alexandre Ribot, :a'ter- mer premier, as expressed before the Hygiene Social Allis ee. "Our people must be instructed in the perils that menace us,'' the speaker eontirzued, "it will require all the resources and strength of the government successfully to combat the dangers," This peesimistie view was shared byanother prominent Frenchman, Leon Bourgeois, who also has been premier, M. Bourgeois declared that al- though the death rate Of ttibereu- losis liacl fallen in. • England and Gerzuany to 11 for 10,000 popula- tion, the rate in' France was 22.5. The general mortality in France, notwithstanding the progress, of medicine and surgery, was still 18 to 19 a 1,000, while in England, Hol- land and % the 'Scandinavian coun- tries the -mortality did not exceed 14 to the thousand, "Indifference to these conditions, and national inertia, imperil the very existence of the . French peo- ple," was the closing declaration of M. Bourgeons. CIRCASSIA:N WALNUT. Is Getting Scarce, One Good Tree Selling for $8,000. The high cost of Circassian -wal- nut al - nut is due to the scarcity of the beautifully figured variety demand- ed for furniture and interior fin- ish, for the tree itself is more wide- ly distributed than almost any other of commercial importance. The demand for the best wood, how- ever, has always outrun the sup- ply. Even in the eighteenth cen- tury, when wars were frequent, so much Circassian walnut was used. for gunstocks that the supply was seriously depleted. • Early in the nineteenth century the wood of 12,- 000 trees was used kr this purpose alone, Single trees, containing fine burls or choice bird's-eye figures, have sold for more than .$3,000. The tree is native to the eastern slopes of+the Caucasus and ranges eastward to the foothills of the Himalaya mountains, . from which it extends southward to northern In- dia and the mountains of the upper Burma. It has been widely planted in America' under the name . of English walnut. The wood grown here, however, has not the qualities demanded by the cabinet and fur- niture maker. Much of the Circas- sian walnut now, used comers from the Black Sea anal from other parts of Asia. CHIDLHOOD COLIC COMPLETELY CURED No other medicine will so quickly cure oxalic as will Baby's .Own Tab- lets. They regulate the bowels, isweeten the •stomach and drive out every trace of this trouble. Cons oerning them Mrs. Wm. A. Smith, Rocit•Ihaeen, Sask., writes: "I like Baby's Own. Tablets . and always keep them in the house. Whenever my • baby has colic : I give her a couple of Tablets and she is Genn well again; I know .of ' no other medicine for little ones to equal qual them:" The Tablets are sold by medicine- dealers or by_;mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Cremation Grows in France. Evidence that the practise of cremation is slowly growing in France is 'shownby the figures for 1912, submitted to the Academy of Medicine. Last year 541 bodies 'were cremated, as compared to; 519 in 1911. .Crematoria exist at, Paris, Marseilles, Rheims, and Rouen. One is building at Orleans, and one is about to be built at Monaco. There were 8,500 cremations in 1911 in America, and 8,858 cremations in Germany in 1912, and in Switzer- land 1,583 in 1912. Qr 1 '11 II 19 NOT TILE REASON. $arber :—"Hair's a Mt thin en top, sir. Have you tried our hair tomo Z" Bald Man :--"No, that wasn't the reason." And a vast amount of love is 'adulterated with• gen trsne"money..., •ilave •Bcen An. • .....Untold] 1 New Brunswick Woman Praises. Dodd's Kidney Pills She "Sitiferetl for Poor Years, s, and the Doctor. Could Not Help Iter, But Dotld's kidney Pills Gave Iter a New Lease ot Lite. Porton, Carleton 00,, N.B., June 16 (Special).—"I find D4dd.'s Kid- ney Pills the best kidney medicine I have ever used. They have been of untold benefit to me." The speaker is Mrs. John S. Dick- insert, of this place. She is.enthu= great in 1}G'1' praises of the Canadian kidney. remedy, and not without reason. , • "I suffered from kidney trouble that started• in a cold," ,ahs oontiu• ues, "And for, four years I was never free (Alt, ' I was treated by a doctor, but he did not seem to: he able to do me much good. "I had rheumatism and ` neural- gia, and my joints 'were stiff ; my, muscles were cramped, ,and I was always tired and nervous. I per- spired freely with the: slightest ex- ertion. I was depressed ' and low spirited,' my limbs swelled, .and I had a. dragging sensation' across the loins. "Nine boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me," Are not Mrs. Dickinson's symp- toms those of any run-down -eons- out woman? They aro also the symptoms of kidney disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills give new life to run-down women . by airing their kidneys.. WEALTHY; EARNS f2A WEER' Rich Russian Thinks -Every Man Should Do His Share of Work. Parisians who follow the doe - trines of the late Count Tolstoi are. interested in the example set by a Russian of great wealth, Alexis Savaroff, who spends one-half of his day .as .a paper -hanger, earning $12 a, week. M. Savaroff does not carry his matter's precepts so far that he de- nies himself the pleasures offered by his wealth, but he believes, and tries to .affirm by his life, that each' man ought to do his share in the world's unpleasant work, He ar- rives at his job each morning in his automobile, gets into his overalls and begins work. He is employed by a St. Petersburg firm of con- trading interior decorators, and lately 'was promoted to the position of foreman. When the whistle blows at the end of the day Savaroff' returns home and there begins his life of social prioimklnenee. He has been doing this for six years, and de- clares he enjoys it. Peter Taxed Beards. Beards—These were regarded as a sacred possession by ancient. races. The Jews were proud of their beards, and wore them through the days of their Egyptian bondage, although the Egyptians shaved. The Weeks and Roman's of the ancient days mostly shaved, and the term "barbarous" (beard .riwas applied for long Ing) pp a period to people who were consid- ered out of the pale of polite so- ciety. Beards have been taxed occasionally; as in Russia by Peter the Great, and at an earlier date in England. Please the. Home Folks By serving Post Toasties They are among the good things to eat, but not in the cook book, because they require no cooking. Toasties are' always crisp and appetizing—ready `to eat direct from the pack- age-. You: save heaps of time and avoid hot work in the kitchen. Some -rich cream—sugar if you want it -or cool fruit juice, with these fluf- fy bits of corn, and you have a dish that is fascin- ating for any meal of the day. Toasties aro sold grocers everywhere, Cseasuse I'oetum Cereal 00., Ltd.. Windsor, Ontarik DANDRUFF OULfl LIFE OFF IN SHEETS O, Hair Dry and Lifeless, Almost AU Flair Out on One Side of Head, Used Cuticura Soap and Cutiaura Ointment. Hair Coming in Nicely and Scales All Gone. i'8 Adeiadde'St., St. John, tee ey ti s Alts fl 0 S to O 1 e P cured rey li boy of; a bad case of dan- Ontl draft' with tura Soap and Ointment. The ti an d rUif formed on his head soon after birth,. dry' and life- less The hair was ' -- • less and almost. all out on "one 4 side of his Head. I washed the lite tie head twice a day with warm, water and Outi- eura Soap; dried It; end very carefully ap- plied the OOuticura' intment and in about milieux took a veryfine little comb. and the dandruff would. lift off in sheets and soma of the hair wouldcom a too, Then I would. put, Outicura , intment on and let it renlidn till time 'to wash' the head again. 0 I used a large box ' puticura Ointment 'with the Outicura eep and his hair was coming in nicely and the scales all gone. Today he has as ni ca o a head of: hair and as Cele from dandru as you .would 'is ish to see.", (Signed) Mrs 0. F..Keast,May 20. 191,2. • A single cake of uticura Soap and box of Outioura Ointmen nt are oftensufficient when all else has fai ed. Sold by druggists andeloalers evverywh re. Liberal sample of wl each mailed free, th 32-p, Skin Book. :Address post card. otter Drug Se Chem, Bo Dorn,. Dept. 32D. ston. 11. S. A. OWL CAUSES TERROR. Attacks and Wounds Two Men in South Wales. For three days it was a mystery. It was believed a madman had es- oaped and was in hiding in the woods near 'the little village of Carleton, Penrith, in South Wales. Then it was learned that an owl was respa nsib le. George Lamb, head gardener at Carleton Hall, was returning to the village one night about 10 o'clock when suddenly something struck him on the head, knocking off his hat and cutting a gash two inches long on the side of his head. Thinking some one had thrown a stone at him he searched behind the hedge, but could neither see nor hear anything. He went home and informed the police. Next night about the .same hour Thomas Pattinson of Penrith was attacked at the very some spot, receiving a deep gash on the `side of the head. Sergeant Armstroxtg of the Pen- rith police was directed to •investi. gate. As he was making the usual inspection, searching for footprints or finger prints on the moss and grass,he suddenly heard 'art angry hiss, and before he had time to re- cognize his assailant he was struck on the face, one of his eyes •farrow- liy escaping destruction. With the other eye he saw a huge owl, which was upon him once more, before he had time to recover.. The owl cut open -his cheek with its beak. He beat the angry bird off, but could not capture it. BUNIONS NO JOKE. Not to the -man who has to move about, but a slight application of "Putnam's" softens the thickest tissue and cures the bunion quickly. wast as good for warts, lumps, and callouses` is Putnam`s Painless Corn Extractor. Use no other, 25o. at all dealers. "1 have a message for the world," said the gloomy individual on the platform. "Before you go any further," spoke up a man in the rear of the hall, "please tell us whether or not your message is prepaid." i tnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. Pat Again. On a certain Saturday two Irish- men were arranging to attend a meeting together on .the following day, but each was at a loss to know how, on arrival, he should tell whether the ether had gone in. They thought about the matter for some time, and then Pat said, "Well, if I get there first I'll put a chalk mark on the wall, and if you get there first you rub it out." If happiness ever comes to some men it will have to do so against their wills. The Five Great 'Races. ]SIG CHEST III E ANS BIG I31IA IN Physical Culturlst Says htehttality Increases with n11scde. It has beet stated by' I;Sir John Cockburn that the boys who were beat at games were the best sehol- ars. " This question is now being tested at some public cshools and in a loss scientific manner at one of the uni- versities. In Denmark, where almost every elementary school: hes a gyeanasium attached, it is a eommanplaoe that the best gymnasts are also the best scholars; but with the Danes seho- larahip inelustes a great deal that is physical. Mr, ". Dunker, one of their leaders in physical clture, who was at eine time employed by our education office, told a repre- centative.of the London Daily Mail that he could see the intelligenee expand in direct ratio with the chest, and, he added, in the case of women, with the waist. This was in the case act of pupils but of teachers who . went to Silkeborg, Denmark, to learn the art of phy- sical training, One Oxford doll .who had studied the question maintained that walk- ing was the form of exercise most often associated with high intelli- gence. He would m-aintain that all. clever men were good walkers and that many dons would walls univer- sity athletes off their legs. There are certainly a number of remark- able examples of this exceptional walking ability among scholars. Some well known headmasters and downs will occur immediately to the mind of public sehool ,and univer- sity men. Groat skaters are often clever men, and it is possible that the fac- ulty of balance, most necessary in all games, is associated with intelli- gence and once develops both in de- veloping one. Any Headache Cured, Tired Systems Re -Teed WHEN YOU'RE DULL, TIRE©, REST- LESS DAY AND NIGHT SOMETHING ". iS WRONG iN THE STOMACH. A Prominent 'Publishing Man Says the Quickest cure Is Or. Ham- ilton's Pills. Headaches never come to those who use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and tate feet is vouched for by the Assistant 'Manager of the Poultry Success ;,Tagazine, of Springfield, 0., Mr. X. II. Callander, who writes: "No better medicine than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. We use them regular- ly and know of marvelous cures that re. stated everything else. They cleanse the whole system, act as a tonic on the blood, enliven digestion, help the stom- aeh, and make you feel strong and well. For. headaches, indigestion and stomach disorders I am confident that the one prescription is Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Being composed of natural vegetable remedies, Dr. Hamilton's Pills poesesa great power, yet they are harmless. They aid all organs connected with the stom- ach, liver, and bowels. In consequence, food is properly digested, the 'blood is pure and nourishing`, the body is kept strong and resists disease, all druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box, 5 for $1.00, or by mail from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y.. and Kingston, Canada. Not the Same. "Are you the same man who ate my mince pie last week 7" 'No, mum. I'll never be th' same man again I" tdlnare': Liniment Cures Distemper. Old Joke Bobs Up Again. Boss—"Where's Jones? His va- cation was up this morning." Fellow-clerk—"It was, sir; but he telephoned that he would have to ask for a few days rest up before he could possibly go to work," vi Try E11 ur'ihie Eye Remedy NoS,u.rt;ag—Feots Fine—•.Acte Quoslekt1. Yr Try 1t1or.1 ed, weak, watery k: sad UI 1 5rauutatod 1uye11ds. IIb strati,d Book In each Package. DtUR1NE ie corn - q pounded by an,%41 tats-nota'aYatant ° Rly btedtcino" Gut used is sueceeaLut Y.tiFs1- 1 �j adJ clans' Practice tdt many years. ro�v f6Y �! dedicated to tl,e.i'ubtlo send sold b, Druggists atne-atc.pervel;,_ Slurtne 9.2172.2. Fye Salvo. Is dsepte :?Le -5O . Murine Eye Remedy Co.. hiasm • "Go away from me," said the fashionably -dressed woman to the tramp ; "I wouldn't have you touch me for a dollar." "I was only goin' to touch you for a topper, lady," came the reply:. lMnard's LlnTment C res Diphtheria. I SSt.7l1 Chinese students, like other for- eigners seeking to master the Eng- lish language, nglish-language, sometimes make Ind.. formes mistakes. Bishop Montgom- ery, at a recent anniversary of the 'Sosie.tyyfor the Propagation of the 'Oospel, ,gave :some . examples of an - 'ewers given by students to exam- ination questions. ., When asked, "What are the five great rases of mankind 9" a Chin - tee student gave the following an- swer : "The hundred yards, the hurdles, the quarter -mile, the mile and the three miles." Right in Style. Mother has a splendid suit A stylish tailored gray, She simply sewed it red rosette Oe fathvt's cutaway,. , Park & m wi1UTP sA0E Quality, flavour, and pertcet cooking, -combined, The maxi:mute of nourishment rind palatability. Bust beat --then serve minigiutix trouuble and neat. 4 FARMS FOR some. DAWSON, Ninety Calltnrno Street Toronto. LIRUIT, STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY J. Farms in all Beotianit et Ontario. Some chaps. ACTORY SITES, WITH OR 'i41`OHOCiT 1• • Railway traokaee. in '',Toronto, Brampton and other towns and cities. ERID1a13TIAL PROPERTIES IN Brampton rind a dozen other towns.. 114. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto 3,000 ?Bp Ho1Sf3STEAsDR AND IM• proved .farnie, $16.00 to .545.00 per acre. nest grain and mixed farming country. Write Can miesioner. Board of Trade, 31uniboldt, Sask. MALE HELP WANTED. 0 UT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right. Learn barber trade: always sure om•nlovnaent for barber. Our 1, . proved methods, constant practice and nstructions Qualify yon for position; 'In short time. Rend for catalosue Aoler STAMPS' AND COINS 6i TAMP COLLEorOits—nuNiettt. u h7 ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Revers Cents. Marks Stems Geninanv. Tornnto 1411 CELLANEOIt$. CANGER, TUl.IOItM. LUMPS, 15'5'0.. internal and external, cured with- out Dain by oar home treatment. Write es before too late. Dr. Reitman Medics Co.. Limited. Coltinewood, Ont. THOMAS FLYER For Sale. This car was taken in exchange for a roadatcr model as it was tuo largefor the owner. Oompleaely equipped. Price ;6600.00. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR GO., Limited,, 100 Richmond St., West. Toronto. Phone . M. 2072-3.4. Puzzled. Newedd—nisi you spend so much money as this before I married. you? Mrs. Newedd—Why, yes. Newedd—_ Then I can't understand why your father went on so when 'I took you away from him. MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Lini- ment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. A11 the people use it. HARLIN TTTLTON. Pleasant Bay, O.B. Wouldn't Dare to If Wide Awake. Mrs. Gabbleigh (nudging her hus- band, who is snoring) --William, you'd make less noise if you kepi your mouth shut. Husband (only half awake)—So'd you. Minard's Liniment Cures Carnet in Cows In London. The doorbell rings. The mistress of the house answers it. Asmall child, the child of a near neigh bor, is discovered on the doorstep. The Mistress—What is it, Cissy 1 The 'Child—Please, ma'am, moth- er wants to know if you'll be so kind as to lend her your recipe f'r makin' bombs. The last one she inade only smelled ' bad and wouldn't bust. TWO ;1►;`I•.1VERY TRUCKS Capaoity 1,500 pounds. Wired sides. Filly equipped. lued30 h.p. engine. • Price $1,000.00 each. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR 00., Limited, 100 Richmond St., West. Toronto. Phone M, 2072.3-4 !NEB ammo() NAVIGATION CO. 'NIAGARA To THE SEA 'Your Vacation Trip ITICIULE TO CO Niagara Falls, Toronto, T11ou sand islands, St. Lawronee . ltapids, Montreal, Quebec and. the Saguenay River—one of. nature's •most impressive scenic wonders. Low rates for Molests including meals and bertha, 'For infer. mation apply to local tieltet agents} or • Hugh D.Paterson, Gen. Agt., Toron• to, Ont., or IT. Foster Chaffee, Mont. treal, nine. esss Saler