HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-19, Page 5PNT Dee LaToN LDS, D,D.$ DVNTIOT iwor 01 its* X.043.61.01 oivarlo wos nopio cotroort.to oZwyropto uroveridtr. o» -Or.' Dickson keel:013We law ' orrice, Closed VedneedZty afternoons, Da. A, a, lrfleSeVIAN, 14.D.Se, Honor Graduate of Toronto teneveristty pituvrIST %csath eadtected Without pain, or ring bad rfern. Office over ladman & Office, Malin Street, Exeter. LEGAT, • DI.CItSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SolierEttra, Ihaeries, Conveyancers, Com., Solleitors for the MelsOne Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. Offiees--Madn-St., Exeter 1. R, Carthig, B.A. L. a. 1:',01cicaon MONEY TO LOAN We have a leave amount of petvate runds to loan on farm and village MOP- erties at low rates of interest • GLADMAN & STANETIRY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Lite Assurance Company, also Vire Insurance Ink Canadian and British ComPanles. Idain-St., Exeter. T. E CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance; Collecting accounts, and con. ducting auction sales. -- Exeter, Ont. •";I. The cost of a Business or Short - band Education in the 150 ACRE FARM ,FOR 'SALE, The undersignedis offering for sale that An e 150 acre farm lathe Township of Stephen, being the west half of Lot 15, Qon8, and Lot 16, Con 9. There is on the latter a good frame house, containing 8 rooms, two good bank barns 84x40 and 30e80,with good stabling underneath; a never - failing well with wind mill appliances; water through the barn; well under - drained well fenced and in good state of eultivation. For further particul- ars apply on the ,premises to J. 1‹, Schroeder, or B. S. iPhillips, Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. Electric Restorer for Men Pkospbonol restores twirl' nom»l the boy to its proper tension ;restores vita and vitality. Prentantre decay arid an sexual weakness averted at eitgra Papiippono* itv rake you a atm roan.Mee or tart 15. Mailed to any addresS. The Rebbench. el1 Drug Nt. Catharines. Oa% CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. CANADA'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE' We have thorough courses and competent experienced instructors. We do more for our students and .gradeates than other schools do. At present we have applications offering from 8600 to 81200 per annum for help. Business men know where they get the best help. We have three departments, Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. D A. McLACHLAN, Principal. It is not an extraordinary vain Man who will admit that bis wire can sweep better than he, Sari Complection Indicates iiliMfougiott, 00111.004400 KYY neer trouble. FIq 'ILS will reliftii, ate your wratem end lee% 4111 nem* farces o0 that yeti can aleago »ere4 JOY We. M eal deelere 25 and ekeente ar The rig ria co,. at, Tholloo. Ont4 • Sold at Howey's Drug Store, TC FAIL1V1ERS WANTING WIN. Farmers wanting hiLred men . far fteXt season ohoudd• plane theta orders at once otherm ler there 4U be diffioultY sectaing help. Ofireirts left with the i4ocal Goverment ttruployment Agent for this dletTot, Adtheate °Mee, or addressed tehereto, w1 receive pronapt attention C. H. SANDERS, Agent. Di. de Van's Female. Pills A reliable 1 ch regulator ; never fails. These pills gra exce ngly vitrve4syrful in regulating tile generative p oft female stem. etelese ali•cheap imill o'ne, d vaufa axe 511d at (t5' a box, or t nee for $10. Nle to any address, The Webb° Drug 00., St. OaTharineu, Ont. ,41.r.11 I Every Woman is interested and should know about the wouderfal Marvel Whirling Spray • Douche Tourdruggist for it. le he cannot supply the 1,1ARITSL, accept no 04.1,er, but eend stamp for illus- trated book--sealod. It gives full panaims and directions invaluable to 1%, nos.wINDsonSEIPPLX CO.,WIndeor, Ont General Agents for Canada. retee,.. Tcronto, Ont. is quite moderate when the splendid results are considered. Onc postal card.—one effort—we do the ret This college is open all year FARM FOR SALE The undersigned Is offering for 'sale that desirable 100 acre farm, situated in the Township of Hid.dulph, being Lot 13, Con.. t. There Is on theprem4ses a good frairhe.housS, barn with founda- tion, orchard. The fatal; is well drain- ed and all • under cttlikVation. This 15 'an excellent Parrot situated and will • bo sold reasonable., For further partic-. tilers apply to 'Tobin. O'Neil, Mooresville,. Ont. •WM. KELLY. • FARM FOR. SALE The undersigned Is offering far sale • Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con- • -Mining 100 acres of goad land. There is en the . premises a good fre.rne hotts.e with stone cellar; bank - barn with ce- ment floors ; 3 god walla, and a fall orchard', ,This 'is a good grain ,'ar grass farm, or wiould make a good • Stock farm. Situated two miles from • Exet:tr , phone in house. Will be sold • res.sooable. For particulars apply on the premises, or write the undersined, -'Fred Green, Hay, or 13. S. PhilliPS, • Exeter. 1 1 College At I • Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are hist preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, • bookkeepers, t,elegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of • Business Activities You may finish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Enter college any day. Individual instruction. Expert tea- chers, Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers M Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers, • Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of. Can- • ada. Summer School at famous Spo.tton Business College, Lon- don. GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President - Principal .•1111•••1 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS • ANY paean who is the sole head of famity or any nsale Over 18 yeara tray homeste'ad a quarter section of One R. S. Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case '47 1-3 available Darninikart, land in Maniteba ' Octave over strunos scale in splendid" condition guaranteed • Sasketlethevren or Albe.rta. The ap- plicant Must a ppes r in person at the 5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per month. 27 ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE — PALATABLE -- ISTUTRMOUS BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE • LOCAL OPTION—Residents is the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for perso-ial or family use. Write- to J )HN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA rebalateleatAi Weeetalleneee4e eaheatAaVieteateeeeeeeeeeveleateeererealereeser. 44.",- • ' • _ USE CLEANING Ye Olde Firm Of Heintzman & Co. LIMITED • One Genuine Beintzman & Co. Up -Right. Piano, Fancy Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar- anteed 5 years. Regular price 450 selling price $290,00 86. per month. One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7j 1-3 Octave over strung scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. per month Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- agency fotr the district. Entry bY pro- xy made be made at anY agennY, Gfl certain conditions bY father, mother, • aen, daughter, brother or sister ,of in. tending hounssteader DUtleir-Six Months' resideruce upon and cultivation of the land In each ot three years, A homeetietuder may live within nine i.lee of his homestead on a. farm of at least 80 aerials sorely Owned and occupied by him or by h1 father, mother, eon daughter, brother or Isis -ter. In certain districts a homeeteader good standing tray pre-empt a ettart or-Ssectlen 'along aide lids homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. ties --Must reside upon the home Stead or pne-emption six morsi.hs in out, ot si years from Liale. of home- stead entry ancturling the Wine re- , aUlred to earn homestead paten* and hifitivate fifty attest extra. )A. homestaider who has exhaueted homestead right and cannot obtain Peeeenualon may colter for a pun. chased hernesoced th certain ,distects Price 23,00 per acre. Duties-- Mus.t trivonthrs in each of these years, Chltivate fifty acres and erect hease Werth $300, wt Vire toar, Dtmuty of the Minister of the interior One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Octave overstrung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years $150.00. $3.00 per month. • 15 or 20 Organsingood repair fully guaranteed from $10 to $50.00 one to $2.00 per Month.• Heinztman & Co. 193-5-7 Younge Street Toronto or Eleintzrnan & Co. 38 Ontario Street Stratford Heintzman and Co. Please mail me today a list of slightly used Upright Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ado vocate. Name •4 thies advertisetnent net be Pafd tor, Addr N.B.—Unauthorized intbileetd0 ess 0.4.,ZT.lomBICH Mr. (*per Wolper of the Goshen, Line, is building a new 401.1$0.-XI8. Zeal* Bossenhery of Berlin is visiting relativea hi town and vicinity for a few weeks.—Mr,andAllx,a, wmnon- Man and daughter Mired, attended the funeral Mr Hoffman's slater who was buried at Lietowele—Mrs. North. wood of Windsor vielted with her sister Mrs, Dan Koehler lash week— M, Ed. Appel was in Toroute lest week to attend the future' Of her gas,. ter Mrs. Boehm-um—Mr. Sol Schroed. err is visiting friends in Alicia, for a week,—Miss Mina Doan of Kansas formerly Zuriole is in town calling On Okifriers. It IS seven gears since Doan left here. —Miss Ezra Kaercher of Berlin formerly living in this Township diedon Friday after a short Hines'. She was a daughter of Peter Bender and was in the prime of life being about 40 years old, Besid- es her sorrowing husband she leaves a family of eix. daughters.—Mrs. (Dr,) Buchanan formerly of Zurich died at Toronto on Edda,- evening after an illness extending over five months. She had reached the age of My -nine years and leaves to mourn her loss; her husband, three sons, George of Sudbery, Miltonof Toronto and, Nor- man of Peterboro, the two daughters wbo are living at home being Olara and Pearl. Dr. E, J. Hagan of. Williston, N. D. after spending a week at the parental bonle at Hills Green, in Hay Town- ship, went to Peterboro, where be was married to one of the fair daugh- ters of that city in person of Mies Jean Garvey, daughter of Patrick Garvey, of Peterboro on the 5th inst,, and. the happy couple left imlnediatelyafter on their European tour. Dr. Hagan is a son of the late James Hagan of Hills Green. He was for several years prin- cipal of the Zurich public school. LITCA.N Police Magistrate Smith of Ailsa Oraig held Court in Lucan, where one Blacken:deb. named MoVicar charged 'lather Blacksmith named Jackson with stealing horse' shoes, of which be- tween 500 and 600 had been stolen from McVicar's shop, all finished shoe.s Jackson elected trial by Jury and was likewise committed for trial, On 10th hest, Pollee Magistrate Smith came to Lucan when another blacksmith named Sprowl was charged with the theft of some of the stolen shoes. Spowl also elected trial by Jury and was likewise committed for trial. In each case Mr. William Idacdiarmid, Barrister of Lucan appeared for the Crown, and Mr. L. H.Dickson, Barris. ter, Exeter, appeared for the defend- ants. In each case defence was reserv- ed. ' • Thomas Marks,.a member of the Bell telephone gang, which has been at work here for the past three weeks, while strapped to the pole in the south end of the village, after releasing the Wires, fell heavily to the ground with pole, which was found to have rotted and broke off near the ground, • when the snpportink wires had been remov- ed. Although Marks sustained noft.act ures, he was badly bruised. John R. Armitage, age 77, died here on Saturday last and. fhe funeral took place on Monday to Holy Trinity Church for service, thence to St. Jam - Cemetery, Clandeboye, for interment. EIDDULPH Word was received here on Vvrednes- day °fleet week that Rev. Father Arnold, Parish Priest of St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph, had departed this life at St. Joseph's Hospital, London'. The late Father had not been feeling well for some time and went to Lon- don on Saturday afternoon and under- went an operation for appendicitis at 5p. m. the same day. Reports to a short time befo.e his demise had been encouraging, but a phone message was received yesterday afternoou, by his sister who lived with him to come at,oece and with all possible haste she wasrushed to • his bedside, bale had expired a few minutes be- fore she and those accompanying her arrived. The late Father, who had charge of St. Patrick's Churcb, BtU- bulph, for the past two years was much beloved by his congregation and highly respected. • HARPLEY. — Too late for last week. Miss Eva McLaughlin of Parkhill H S, spent the week end with Miss Muriel Fallis.—Miss Olive Green visit- ed her cousin Mrs. Alex. Periso for a few days last week.—Norices for sealed tenders for stage driver on the new mail route from Parkhill to Grand Bend are to be seen posted up in any of the offices along the route.—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Taylor visited friends near Egmondville,--Mr. John Love re- turned from Huron County Council meeting.—The S. S, picnic of the Methodist churches and Grace Church of Greenway, also the Presbyterian churches of Gravid Bend and Cora ett will be held in Grand Bend Parks on Saturday, June 21st, HENSALL Joe Case and wife of Toronto ,vere in town this week.—Mrs. Robt Bon- thron is visiting her daughters in Ear- rie.—The Misses Marie and Dollie Car- lin are visiting relatives in Detroit and Port Huron.—Rev. Chas, Hawke end wife of near Highgate visited rela- tives here last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Smyth of Trail, B. C., came home on Tuesday evening, and are the guests ce: the latter'ss parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hemp13111.—Mr. and Mrs. • Millen drvoc to Fullerton June lith and at- tended the wedding of their nephew, Wilbert Millson, who was married to Mies Almira. Greenwood, also of Ful- larton.—John Buchanan of Ames Ag- ricultural C011ege staff, Iowa, and Rev. David 13uchanati of Caledonia are vis- iting their home here this week,—Thc members of 'Tetuan Court 1 0, F. marched to Carmel Chareh on Sunday afternoon, -headed by the )3and, Vis- itors from Exeter and Rippen Courts accompanied thdiri. An appropriate service Was held.—We are pleased to see Roht Stewart out again, after be- ing confined to the hetite for seven months.—Rev. r. and Mrs, Henderson attended the wedding of the niece of the latter, Miss Pearl Grant of Beech- er, Sombre. acts in INature tn 004 Ott:Ur 004 lreilliablehoilloriv. egos ,tor thOrisi i* our ,Amerigen g , xiotti end bine** 10004 0 et litiroka 24;" ./ 140 dui pow4stipo nittnteti ai u* itr .7.0*0 *40 * foett„ • eetuttiog phrsiciea to tho Pereira Golden Seal sail fiteett,, toot, cheery bark teed hteeclrelte. for tag Clith et `b1m4 atittoulo6iliqula extuoreeptsoscefzutioneeastiedistoel Plante, OM iul 11100direet and 400/4dit root, Put uP h Uquldfb wso coiled DR, PIERCE'S Golden •edical DyspAs..22.7 end has enjoyed sk IPge eels for till thole Vire in ethrl druir �tor in the land. You coot now obtain the powdered extract in sugar-coated tablet form of _your teedielne deals er peed Vie oneHersitt postage ;stamps tor Wel box to Dr. Pierce's Inthilds' note). letiffalo. N.Y.. and tablets win be mailed, poetege prepaid. The "Golden Medical Discovery.' make* rica, red blood, invigeretoe the stomach, Ryer sued bowls and through them the whole system. Skin eteectanui bletcb00. bolts, pimple* mud eruptions--resuit of bad blood eradicated by WO alterative extract—as therisands have teatified. riertSeatice5ps of,Admvisseilits4gitts418y loaegeirzecroptrtiboottipard. ADDRESS DR, N.V. PIERCE, BEIEP&LO, N.Z • HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, A.LBBR.TA • SASICAT0HEW.01 • Each Tuesday until October 2Stlz; inclusive. Winnipeg and geturn - 835.00 Edmonton and Rettim - 43 00 Returiitoimithert trtitoitoisiln.nroportion •IIONCESEEKERSI TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m. each firnesdask, May to August, incluatve. .13alttraht to take, as Windipeg Is .13gevitoa.nyear enabling pasfengers to brattch e.connections. Throu Imins Toronto to Winnipeg and West larsParticu from Canadian Pacific rents or write 14. 1).P.A.; C,P.Ity..i Toronto 1 We Cive Steady Employment to reliable energetic men for the sale of our products. We give all the advantages that a reliable well advertised, eetab- lished firm can offer. If you wish to represent us, WRITE NOW before it is too late, for further information. OVER 600 ACRES under cultivation and one of the most complete Nurtery plants in Canada. Established 35 years.Free catalogue of stock on Application.. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO,' ONTARIO .011.01.1,11.10 • The Damper Does It When surplus gas accum- ulates in the Sunshine Furnace the automatic damper releases it into the smoke pipe. When pressure is relieved the damper closes autorna.tically. If you install a 'Sunshine" you will never be troubled • -• Sunshine Furnace pos- sesses many other exclusive with furnace, gas in advantages. Pay our agent a visit or write for booklet to your house. nearest branch. • McaarYS Sunshine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. r, Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 333 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son ........