HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-19, Page 4Ctl eech, Proprietorsc 1)A,X. JUS' 1 ), '13 The next time Laurier boasts, of his ovc iior British institutions, he should Fee reminded that actions speak loud er than words. A dutiful sort does not rob his mother. The Liberal Senate threw out the; Highways Act to Give .the, farmers :Metter roads, but they pawed . the .Railway Subsidy A.ct to give the rail 'mays assistance prae.tically* • without 'discussion. Sir George Ross has now the record Fuf going back on every prineiele whish he ever professed. 1-te has a1 -- so the record of having at some tithe or other deluded every person who put t'uneidence in his words, The loedly attnoune I"friends ,,: the farmers" on the Liberal sid<. .lp • posed the two most important areas_ '" cert e a x On? session for the aid gra 'her flimsee' Ilitatr sincerity was shown In. the fait, they . votedl in the House a gains[ the :agricultural Ail Bill anal their friends in the Senate killtei rice Highways Act. bIOUNT CARbIEL Death of Henryierwie,--0.1 Friday trt+t ling;', lune 13th, Henry leo!, le, an old ;lied highly vespeeted resident of till ttsavnaship, passed `sway at the Age at: eel gars. Bornin the County of \\ exiortl Ireland, he came to e-:a'l'l.i:a when a young ligan. settling in Pielneine acetas ki > Toronto, near 1 0, <ri,to, etn.1 t nee in this , a :sea p some fore iti so. n. years a '*, sett,n,te. on he nee- .tr a t*'a IIsi to he died. r eoese,en,::'i. a). nor t lei g`- .1•11 :t; was zil\: ,-•.ite',l .nil Ifi ar (et- trust 1n. tib.: t:`'% .?, t`. .:Y i till lona I.. ;t star`:: .; 'aa' ttetr a;Iters, lar R. a\ a,;! \ 1.9;1,10:1 ; .hlrj. 1\Ln'is tie Z.senn.c,5 ts this 3" t e :an'.six. sons, William. John. henry-, James. Matthew tt'a' Al er 1 and Joseph. + � with whom R.,tl st levee The a car took as•c en 31.a']da.t mornine and was largely at•. eiended Mrs. M I\ermiel and daughter,tetrao:o Oakville attended the *"un- ecrai of her uncle, the late Henry 1.7'aayle,-stir many friends of MI.Cory Regan are pleased to see that he is -able to be- around again Miss Sadie 1l:cieaaa and Liz zie Laeey of Dash- woe./ ash-'5voori; were, visitors. i.n our burg on Sunday -Mr, George O'Leary ":n,1 Bryon Terns of Parkhill attende.l The s iteral t3: the late lienre. Doyle on tlaareda\,-'sir and Mrs. I3 eswr t -'f ,`gev'lr, are eieitinee their data fete ,'lira`. 'GRAND BEND zl:r - and 'errs. Tetreau visited Thede -a S� t in xndav,-Rev and :sirs, `w�a r_ere. arrived -home Friday -Mrs Phoebe Mason o 'Parkhill is visiting a* Frank Tetreau's -.sir, and firs. Z.t T. Amos of Brinsler called on filen:is. were 'last week, -lir, Wm. -Patterson 'held -a successful barn raising \\ >d- •:nes ¢at', -Ma, H. Hamilton is ell- .^ales fi»e baby boy arriving Monday, est `hr Banter ' : ld by the Lal ties Aid Tuesday' evening was e:'e 1li attended. The, Z.hureh, was Rrowded to the. doors -tri.. ,p, 3ceeds at: onnt in g to CSS Theile + tisold a'I i7r tai?t_ ,Z3z.e. and Ware Oliver sitets :heir ^at here orer Sunday, --Mrs. John .leairf. is t1a the s ek list. -Mr. Thos. • Wei ; held a barn raisi:eg Friday. -Mr. Ed Gill, r„ %was in Goderh h ..last • vee ting in the capacity of atiry-. mare -Mr P, raker vas an Exeter. Mo , a -.-Mr, A. T ed rwaa-1 moved ifs .tet, the betise which war, va' .ate1 b'r Frank w ta;ton -Mr Ross was 'ailed -ter Fairest Monday. o Twin; to the.aU— •ne_. - of his sister, 'errs. Eagle. -disc\. Hel:- of Dashwood is Visiting her ':ro- 'ne] here„ -:sir, p Ws7er was in- I,on-• "rt e on business last weep Mr. raker is raid ap With a sprained knee., atGURATION OF GRAND TRUNK LAKE AND RAIL ROUTE SERVICE BETWEEN EASTERS ANIS WEST :RN CAN- ADA Corernezeing Satnrda , Tune Itle, -vVestbourni, an'. on eat': ".",lorirlay. Wednesday. ani •a -,la tat _t *she Grand Trunk Railway "4.:'; operate s,,eei , 'Stear . Expres: leev- sng To—onto 1).45 s n. stay^ vac at Hamilton Brag- ora Paris. ii once;- stack itc,e sc e. Lon—don, and Sath-. ..€a. arriTing ;tura Wharf. oS ti e-ra '4d. :a' a, Cee] -pant's tiC steamers leavieg S st e a Wirers 4.15 p for S aw t Ste. ,?.arie (1t :Po:- Arthur ar.d For: William t Sesame: leavin; Sarnia \" kart c,3 •s not call a: Por -..krthm- 01 the arrive i of the stea^:] _- at crt \V:iirani, special : 1 -a ; o *hes . •frights standard will Iea\_ -bat fling tit 4.45 p.m., arriving 'iti in-t.re a 7.15 uE¢ horning. The. service afforded by true rw i's tht finest in every respezt and .;in cbttdes Parlor and Parlor -Cafe service i."etween Sarnia nand Sar nia 9 a Wharf', taelle*at service on the beats -,of 'tl Northern Nav,„ation Company; ii. eluding the "Haraoni ” the finest and .artiest passenger boat 'en tea Great i„aiaes Standard Sleeping Cars :with Electric Lights in Lower' an 1 ppe1 Berths. Colonist Sleelxing, Cars *a»aria Berths ,free., Dining Car and Coaches on the Grand. Trunk T'acif- Z between Fort William and Winnia- reg Through Sleeping Cars between. ; ort \irilllana .atnd Edmonton, comtnera- -.-ing Ione 16t11. A special twain willrun the reverse way --from Sarnia Wharf to torontr• enntnens:in"'� Sunday, Pune 4th, and. to la Tuesday, Friday and Sunday .este e:ltter The first Eastbound train :haring direct ctesnter cbtitit on lea" Sarnia on 1 riday, Lune 13th. Fur particulars, reservations ?r0tettmer or train ntay be obtained :ctrl-t,.L.;itiori to Gland Trunk A ,tr w.rite C. E. Horning, District . as roger Agent, Union Station. Toronto`, j. Dore, Station Agent, Exetrx Dashwood Everything, seems to be dull around. town with little or nothing to report by your correspondent. • The Lutheran ' Church Sunday School picnic yesterday was a splen, din success. The weather was ideal and contributed much to .snake it pleasant for all. Mr. G. S. Blacikhell of Hyde Park, spent the week end with the Misses Eleanore and .Edith Walper at their home on the Bronson Line. FARQUH.A.R Mr. Arthur Campbell lost a valuable horse last 'week as a result of up ture of the stomata, -The Boundary boys got a sound trimming in base- ball by the Plugtown nine last week about 15...to 2, which was a surprise after the trimming they gave Thames Road a few days before. -Mr, and Mrs. Arthur. Campbell visited Mr. Jas. Abbott at Centralia on Sunday. Quite a large number attended the circus in Stratford on Saturday. SHIFICA - Mr. 'anti 1frs. Rate left for New Hamburg to attend the funeral of Mrs Rutz„ --Mr. Herbert Guenther of Buffalo is visiting with Messrs, Tzred, and Jacob Gaiser for a week.\lr. Henry Shenk called on 4hipka friends Sunday. -The Shipka '\lethoclist church h are leaving their Strawberry Sia Tuesday. June 24th, A good time is eepe: tel, an. a dandy prea- g,r3'r is in store. HLTROND ALE Mr, an sera ran. Strang of. Mani- toba are visiting with the tit aler's brother, Mr. Henry Strang. `.1r, Strang has prospered in the West, They were atteMle'".1 the Presbyterian a.ongress at Ottawa. It is over t\\en-- ty years lineae Mr Strang went West, -Oliver and 1' n Rowdiff4 Cecil cil Harris, Maggie Strang and. Katie San - dere of S. S. No. 1. are writing at Entrance" Exam, this • week, -Mr. Down encs Clarence. Mr, and Mrs. Wood ani Harold were London .visitors last week. -Mr. J, M. Robertson spent the week end at his home near C:lande- boye.-sirs. -Arthur Mit hell, •we are lad to say, is improving -Mr, Blatch- ford is gradually improving also. -Mr. asLI Mrs Herbert Blatchford, who Imre been West for a number of years. are visiting • uader the paren-' tal home. --The Rural Mail Delivery in this locality seems to give satisfac- ticn,-RevMr, Hawke and Mrs,. Hawke have been visiting witli Mr. and Mrs Frank Drawn. a GOLFER'S PROGRESS, RING me two niblicks, also 'retch tha Jigger, 113 Five mashies, twenty balls and- yes, a sleek. 1've found a pastime to improve my fig tire, Reduce my 'weight by several pounds per u tett. neve cue a gay vermilion coat that trimly.. I tnay be posed; sone lemonade to quaff, otand back and \vatop my 'muscle-% tauten grtnaly, going to :golf. Where is the tee'" 1 only see the caddie Agape to criticize nv dubious play. Where da you steep the stance?' unfound . the 'addle: Why does he grin in that suspicious' 'way? Nt.w tot a stroke. 'With anal serene gm - Dimity `cis done -a swab:, a swish, a thud - that's cel - 1 tut the turf, nut waving the teucity Io nit ine uath a t la$t: She ties in a curve most gra- . r"aaau_- a ,o Lilts benKti a crit Kbrue,s c i yunuttl ricer,. ueaiitz",rodl Q glut + i- i,l .R'ri ;rig anti awn- I,.,e,t\.., faunae tut. i idler fr brill .'".. s ,l t ,e diel d1'1 i a,aae,age \\:a\.'tt X71 a, t.:a. that 4.4'44'444,4A a..:t r. t. 1aiUst1 t1 and It.eatr,I i.et 7a.+a.ark{. ii'-es,•n. .rg,a,a.it .e5 i+t. tut> rT;* it.ey \e nett••: at'itKir .tarred Her. A (.11.1mm m \\ ulti:in sclis traveling iti :aromelet. On n trip lutein_h :1 nee...et . was r.tarrifel by four stalwart totteks 1, as eituir 13 1>rn,leai tin itt+tes I.lie a:1\ 'es statrtt"tl taut with ;treat cheer t as the Journey progressed anti Ili* 9.i1 t"k•air dwtwti open theta tnt"y tna•_u n egiaitat a prayer ti> Allah it w:t: it•Ia, rum . 't€u' gh a tilt Mournful it:- ,relseeeeet rexi'i titinuu was sorlthinn, fins Gt.w scaly +iok,•ti On awakening.. the pr.tyer. Irrot\'tt more tnalairifnl, alrlire,-t 1evrelirti t;, meas stilt being intoned 11;r/then ue tier iuti•ri>reter she tasked at;at7if.,� of the 3nysteriotts words tilteri>reter pretended not to bear, twine, preeeed tar an answer titian a\we"d low and said: ".11aden5. sinr•e yen Insist, they pray teat the great Allah may snake you fat." --Cham go l'ribone. Sacrifice! There was only one piece of pudding .ear dinner, and Mrs. Jones divided it between her t•hlldrett. Ned and Grace. \ea looked first at his piece and then t'bit mother's empty plate. "'Mother," ale said. 9 -don't think I can eat my paddingieing while you tavenwt any.'" -Why, lett, said the mother. much pleased, "stow unselfish yon are, dear: But. you lee; ray boy, there Is no more pnd- Iig." 9 ttnow that, mother. You tripe 'Grace'si"-Lo'ndoti Maii. t One Exception, '"''Wbere there's a winner there's alt- nye a loser" • "'Not always." "Weil, masse au instance to tite eem arsee "Wben you're playing cards with titer girl for kisses.*` teIIhaat-- ui mfrsdd the .doctor's high. Beribatut4int be enc" Ms B.euhatd-".vl'liitt'a vb TOtIg ThYire .,, t!o lnlaerxbie b W Shakcopearn PERT PARAGRAPHS.. �O1\XE persons are ,so that unlucky , y. they always get the seat in the ear next to the large lady' who has been eating onions, it is bard to make some people tin derstand that What Is yours i'n't alt their own and that things that are disagreeable to 'the.0 may be odious to you, You have to show up the cocksure fellow occasionally or there's ne liv tug with WM. Anyway, the people who are iu the limelight .can't °hive *many dnrb se Frets. We hate :to have our t'rientis pity n' and think thetu hard hearted If flee liiil't. Don't find fault. If you must wori op' your meanness, just get some sharp tongued person started on .the subject ,,you Want to see ventilated, €)un't reel hurtIf somebody else atoes your work better than you du h ei'•t1 rets your job if you don't prop rl.y attend to it S•uurseelr. Some people won he. sat1,t tl awitli tt ("bailee t,, go to Iteawen limes'. t svt+re tutu€�bi�tl With a return tl. keta We iaaF a 1 none the e'hlef difference be being a schemer r and n dreamer rely one ut praetiv at.iiity, Th.re Is no sense In tieing a t'or .' n sou wouldn't be a rout RSee the mighty hunter rMan of Blo od. h'ront the lira without pity Coming forth to slay Tustin play , Wild, ferocious quail, With no salt on the tail Ot a single one, To have tun With the plover That hover Over the stubble. , To bubble With enthusiasm, Over prairie chickens While the plot thickens. 1Citi there be game Ieft When he is through? Will each bird family be bereft By what he will do? Well, not Exactly. His plot Sounds large, But when he makes the charge The birds may be elsewhere, Feeling pretty fair, While the owner of the Nearby cow May allow That he'll bane to be paid a, .lot For picking out the birdshot From Bossy's wide Side, Ob, the city bunter, Wild, ferocious man That he is; his plan Goes oft astray. For, say, Instead of picking the prize Be is in luck to get Exercise, But it is nice To know that a few birds may :€ Be bought at a reasonable price. toot. 50 I'If R Ci N�'+1r';a ill" rTJEryRy. WITH ITHE CANADIAN BANJ. OF COMMERCE CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RET, $12,500,000 MONEY ORDERS S Mr. Ed, Peters of Arva, .Ontario, writes, "I used Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer on nay wheat this stall. Where I,used it the field ;is 50 per cent better. I intend using snore of the fertilizer in the Spring, Hotnstead Fertilizers are manu- factured and sold by the Michigan Carbor Works, Detroit; Michigan, who will send, free to any farmer their book on fertilizers with a handsome ecalender postage :,aid$ They want agents where t11ey are not now represented, Address - Michigan Carbon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814-A, Detroit, ,Michigan, ask ing ,for terms. ELIMVILL)BB The Elimwille football team went to Saintsbury last week and played a good game with the boys of that burg and succeeded •in: defeating .them one to none. -On Friday evening last Eliinville and Winchelsea played a friendly game of 'baseball which ended in a walk -Over for Winchelsea. El imville can put' up a good game of football , but lack considerable in base ball. -llxss Dickinson of Saintsbury spent Sunday with her aunt, Mr Jas Flora, -Wes, horn returned last week from the West• Wes believes in the stay in Ontario plan. -Rev. and Mrs Steadman left Tuesday morning to visit Mr. Steadrnan's father at \Vyoniing, before leaving for 'a six weeks' trip to the Old Land, While away ;they are ;going to attend the World's Sunday School Convention held in Zurich, Switzerland. -Mr. Jno Tucker took in the Seaforth races on Thursday- and reports a good time. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that C ontain.:M ercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense amen land eompletely derange the whole,system when entering it through the mueous surfaces. Stich ar ielesshould never be used except on prescriptions from repute- bre physicians, as the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them, Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. 1'. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0,, contains no Mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous the system. In buying oft b surfaces y ng $alI's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, It is taken inter. flatly and madein Toledo, Ohio, by y,' ,r. CHENEY & CO. Testimonials free. Sold by all Druggists, Price -15o. per bottle- Take Hall's Family Pilisfor constipattun, GODERIOH-A near drowning and a heroic rescue occurred here Saturday night. Two young men were bathing in the mouth of the Maitland River, where the cnrrent is more or less treaeherone, and one of them, Uns- worth Jones, though a swimmer, was overcome in some manner, and if his companion. George Case, had not' immediately gone to bis reseue, a.. drowning would have been certain. Jones was unconscious .when his res- cuer pulled hirci out of the water: A WINDSOR LADY'S APP i1, To All Woinen-I will . send free with Bull instructions, nay hone treatment which positively cures Leucorrhoea, Ul- ceration, Displacements, Falling of the womb, Paintuli or.Irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths also ITot Flushes, Nervousness, Mel- ancholy, Pains in the Head, Back or Bowels. and Bladder troubles, where caused by wea mess peculiar to our sex You can continue treatment at home t a cost of only 'about 12 cents a week My boos:, '"Woman's awn 1�iedleal Ad- viser," also sent free on r eilnest. enera i Write today Address, Mrs. :Summers Box. B. 840 Windsor, 'Ont. He Knew. "1 can prove to you the power of mind over matter," said the professor. "You needn't bother to," said the big, fat man. "But you may not understand it-" "Yes, 1 dol My wife weighs only eighty-five pounds." Explained. "Ail the world loves a lover." "Is that so?" "Why?" "Rohl Why? Because fie is such an easy marks rK Not a Clear Title. "Does Thompson bear a good repu- tation?" "Let m e see - Thompson?" sal: e$.i" "No, 1 don't think so," - "Why?' "He ran for of- dee fdee once" SK BRINSLEY.-A very pretty wed. ding was solemnized at the home of 11Fr, Wm. Pierce, Brinaley, recently 'when his daughter, Ruby Mara, was united in marriage to Mr, F. Edmonds of Manitoulin. The march was _played by Mary Amos. The bride wasprettlly attiredin cream pailette 'silk with pearl and crystal trimmings ,and also wore the regulation veil and carried white : carnations and :maiden hair fern. 'The bridesmaid, 11+Iisn Margerie Ed- monds, sister of the :groom, were a ° dainty white lingerie dress and car- r tied pink carnations. The groom was supported by Mr. A, W. Guild of Ham- ilton. The flower girl Mies Vecua Tre- vezhick carried a basket of nsarguer- rtes and looked -very pretty dressed in pink mull. The Young couple will reside in Manitoulin. a, Couldn't Be. "The people of the law firm are no gentlemens." "What makes you say so?" Because they ail three belong on to the i same college sorority." 141s Ruse. "He doesn't know mach" ".He talks' as if be dial" 'Oh, that's just to confuse you to you won't find him out." His Viewpoint, ""What are you -doing for a living?" 'Working." 9s that the best you can do?' "No; the waren" Had Doubts. ""l lana "dying to go Op to an alrsblp* e'T.d sort of like to do that, too, only In afraid that the dying might mna- saiae. That ')rater, on husband ever swear shaves himself" • } RHEUMATIC PAINS GO, Swollen Joints Vanish RHElJMA - GREATEST teEMEDY FOR. RHEUMATISM. :TOUT AND SCIATIC ONLY tie CENTS AND MONEY BACK FROM W. S. COLE IF I'i DOESN'T SAT ISFY Thousands of persons during the last year freed themselves from the bondage 'of Rheumatism; • •i d g 2 them- selves of the torturing pail„ reduc- ed the swollen joints, threw away canes and crutches, and from helpless beings became able to work and be of use to themselves and their fam- ilies. They took RHEUMA, the trod=. ern enemy of Rheumatism which is; also sure to cure Lumbago, Sciatica Arthritis Gout Chronic Neuralgia -es Kidney disease- - Don't be skeptical about RHEiUsfl You will know in a leve hours af- ter beginning the treatment that the poisonous Uric Acid is ieavin4 you! system throughthe natural channels. You will feel better in a' day you will know you:are going to be cured_ in less than a \week.'. Don't. think because R1{EUMA sold for citly 50 cents a bottle ,iaat it won't bring you back to health, There is no guess work about it,? RHEUMA is better than any react!y at ter times the price. Ask. W. 5, COLE Exeter. Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce,' are a safe, convenient and inexpensive'ethod of remitting small aunts of money: These Orders,„ Ta able withe�t �t charge at any bank in Canada (except in the 3tukcl tli -<.;' erritory) and'in the principal .cities of the United States, are issued the following rates . $5 acid tita r . . , .. , .......... , 5 cents Over ars and nori:usceeciing $10 6 " 10 .I, 0 30 10 " " BO ' ala SO.., 15 so REMITTANCES .BROAD should be made by means of our SPECIAL FOREIGN DRAFTS and MQNYEY ORDERS. Issued without delay at reasonable rates. EXETER BRANCH -C . L, W'AUGTi, Manager. Branch also at Credltotl The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years --1900-1911 Capital - $3,000,000 $4,000,000 Reserve $3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits - $23,677,730. 35,042,311. Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 48,237,284 Total Assets $33,090,192 . He s 83 Branches in •Janada, and Agents and Correspondents i n all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTi3D, SAV1NCS. BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. , Dicksolv & 04.nrINai•, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Manager, i? 1 t.�lil R H A D TRUNK SY5�� G T n : �U., NEW SERVICE BETWEEN TORONTO, SARNIA, SAULT STE. MARIE, FORT ART- HUR, FORT WILLIAM WINNIPEG. STEAMBOAT SPECIAL -Effective June 7th, Westbound, 7,v. Toronto, G.T.R. Hamilton G. T. R, London, G. T. R, Sarnia Wharf, Nor. Nay, Co S. S, Marie, Ont., Nor. Nay. Co An. Port Arthur, Nor. Nay. Co,' Fort William, Nor Nay. Co, Winnipeg, G. T. P. Rauilway • 10.45 ann.-Mon„ Wed., Sat, 11.53 a.m.- Ditto. 2118 p.m, Ditto. 4.15 p:m.- Ditto. 11.30 am. -Thur,, Sun. -3 p.m/Tue. 7.30 a,m,-Mon., Fri. 9,00 a.m.-Mon. Fri. 2.30 p in Wed, 7.45 a.m.-Tues., Thur., Sat. • Parlor Cafe, Parlor Cars and First-cles>--Coaches between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. Standard Sleeping Cars with electric light in lower and upper berths, Colonist Sleeping Cars berths free Dining Car and Coaches between Fort William and Winnipeg, Commencing June 16 a through electric lighted Standard 'Sleeping Car wili be operated between Ft. William .Winnipeg,' Saskatoon & `'Edmonton. This is the -inauguration of Grand Trunk. Lake and Rail Route Service between Eastern and Western Canada. A special train wil 'run the reverseway-from Sarnia. Wfarf to Toronto; commencing June 8, and each Tuesday, Friday and Sunday thereafter. Full particulars, Reservations on Steamers or Trains, may be obtained on application to Grand Trunk Agents or write C. E. HORNING, D,P.A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont CORBETT-Mrs, Mollard of Grand Bend is staying With her son Arthur. for a few days. -Tom Ryan has gone to Toronto seeking a position. -David Sheppard is putting a cement wall un- der his barn. QUESTIONS OF LIFE are fully and properly answered in The Peo- ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser by R. W. Pierce, M.D., As a result of knowing the laws of health - and nature happy marriages are sure to follow. Ignorance leads to misery and ill health. All the knowledge a young man or woman, wife of daughter, should have is contained in this big Home Doctor Book containing 1008 pages with engravings and colored plates and bound in cloth, nearly "00- 000 copies formerly sold for $1.50 each, is send free to any one sending, 31 one -cent stamps to repay cost of wrappings and postage. There are no conditions to this offer and the read- er must woe associate this book with the advertising pamphlets prepared by quacks throughout the country. Ad. - ,dress 66Z Washington St., Buffalo. Say a GOOD. Word it is wise to say a good word for yourself or your business, whether your; stock in trade be merch- andise or labor, Want Ads.. are the most direct line of communication to the best buyers. cvn.n,n haying Tools Now isthe time to prepare for the ,Haying Season We handle the ` Celebrated B. T. Bros living.Tools, Litter Carriers, Steel Stalls and Stainchion Nothing I3etter and nothing quite so good. es Snell Exeter, Ontario mple1 eat ,Agent