Exeter Advocate, 1913-6-5, Page 7Prices of These Products -in the Leading
Markets Are Here Recorded
,Toroirto, June 3.---P1our-On1,arie wheat
"dbOlouj.', 90, per con. eistentS, ,53-94 1,0 53.95,
„Montreal or 'Zerop to freighte, alanitobtse
-First. patents, lia jute )Jago, $6.30; eee,
oncl natents, in jute bawl, 5480; strong
belterea lu jute bag, $4.60.
"Meultoba, wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.01,
-en traelt, Bey porta; No. 2 at 901-4o; No.
3, 95 1.2e, 4tsY Ports.
Ontario wheat -No. S white and red
wheat, 97 to 98e, outeitie, and inferior at
80 te B5c.
Oats --Ontario oats, 34 to 35e, outeide,
auti at 371-0 to 38e, on traelt, Toronto,
Western Canada eate, 40e tor No. 2, and
at 37 1-20 for No. 3, Bear- Porte, premPt
Pea43-T5o market is purely nominal.
Barley--Pricee nominal,
Corn --No. 3 American corn 64 1-2o, en-
roll, and at 59 1.2c, ea,L, Midland.
BY e -Pr ices nominal.
Buckwheat --No, 2 et 62 to 63c, outaide.
Braa..--alanitoba brae, $17 to $47.50; in
bags, 'reroute freight. Shorts, $/9 to $19.50,
Toro at°. .
Country* Produce.
Butter-Dairya'prints, choice, 23 to 24e;
inferior, 17 to' 190; creamery, 26 to 28e for
rolls, and 26,,,to 27e for golids,
-Eggs.-Oaee loth, 20 to 21e here, anti at
"1.13,a outside.
Cheeses -13 1-4 to 13 1-2e for twin, and at
130 for largo; old cheese, 14 to 141 -lo,
Beaus--lEaud-picked, $2.25 per bushel;
primes, ita te $240, in a jobbing way.
Hotiey-Extraeted, in tins, 125-4 -to 120
per lb. for No. 1, wholesale; eombs. 52.50
to $3 per dozeu for No. 1, and 52,40 for
Poultry -Well -fatted, clean, dey-picked
stock -Oh -hater's, 1.9 to 220 per lb.; fowl.
16 to 1.7e.; turkeys, 20 to 21e. Live poula
try, about 2e lower than the above.
Potatoes -Ontario otock, 65o per bag, on
track, and Delawares at 60.0 per bag, on
Provisions. .a.
'Bacon, long elear, 151-2 to 15 3.4e per
lb., in ease lets. Pork-kilt:Mt eut, 526;
do., mess, $22. Mame-Medium to light,
19 to 200; heavy, 17 to Met rolls, 16' to
16 1-4c; breakfast baeou, 20e; 'book, 23 to
Lad -'-The -market is firm; Tierces,
14 1-2e; tubs, 14 3.4e; pail, Mo. "
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled hay -No. 1 at $12 to $12.60, on
track, Toronto; Islo. 2, $11. Mixed hay
is (meted at $10,-
Ba1ed Straw -Good. stock at $8 to 88.50,
on track, 'Toronto.
Winnipeg Market.
Winnipeg, 'June 3.--daelx-Wheat-No. 1
Northern, 94c; Ne. 2 Northern, 91 1-20; Nta
3 Nei:thorn, 880; No. 4, 83 1-2e; No. 5, 76e;
No. 6, 72e; feed, 58e; No. 1 rejected, eeeds,
221'201 NO, 2, dee $801- No. 3, do., 80'1.4o
No. 3 tenet, 820; No, rea Winter, 96e1
NO. 2 red Winter, 92 1-2e; No. 3 red Will"
ter, 89e; No. 4 zedWinter, 840. Oatict-
No. 2 0,W,, 3.50; No. 3 0,W.' 32 1.40; extra
No, 1 feed, 34a -Se; No. 2feed, 31 1-2e,
Barley -No. 3. 471.40; No. 4, 461-20; reject-
ed, 421-4e; food, 421-40. Plax-Ne, 1 N, -
W.(., $1,14; No, 2 9.W., $1,12; No 3 C.W.,
$1.03 3-$.
Business at Montreal.
Montreal, JOue 3. -Corn -American No. 2
YelloW, 66 to 66' 1-20. Oltts-llansaltau Wens
era, No. 2, 41 to 411 -20rnanad_itsia WeSt-
era, No. 3, 381.2 to 39o, Oate-salatta No.
1. feed, 41 to 411-2e, Barley -Man, 'feed,
49 to 60e; malting, 61. to 64o.• Buckwheat --
No. 2, 58 to 60o, Plour--Mau. SPriug wheat
patents, firsts, $6.40; eeeontio, $4.90; strong
bake, $4.70; Whiter ps.tente, choice,
$5.25; straight rollers, $4.75 to 84.86;
straight rollers, bags, $2.16 to $2.30. Boiled
eets-Barrele, $4.35; bagi, 90 lbs., $2.05.
Than, $17; shorts, $19; middlingo, $22.;
moullie, $26- to $32, Ilay-No. 2, per tell.
ear lots, $14 to 814.e0. Oheeee-Finest
Wdeterne, 121-8 to 121.40; finest easterns.
111-2 to 11,3.4e, Butter-Ohoicest • cream-
ery, 26 112 to 27c; seconds, 251-2 to 220.
Eggs -Fresh, 220; selectee, 25e; NO. 1 stook,
Potatoee-Per bag, ear hots, 60 to 70e.
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 28.--Wheat---
May, 90 1-2e; July, 91.3-80; September,
921-90. Oash-No. 1 hard, 93 7-8; No. 1
Northern, 923-8 te 933-80; No. 2 Northern,
90 3.8 to 913-90. No. 3 yellow zero., 603-2
to 63o. No, 3 white oate, 371-20. NO. 2
rye, 55 to 620. /lour and bran unchanged.
Daluth, May 28. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
93-3-8e; No, 1 Northern, 923-80; No. 2
Northern, 897-8 to 90 3.801 May, 915-20
asked; .Tuly,s92 3.8e; September, 92 5.8 Lite
seed, $1.29 6-8; May, 51.25 3-8 nominal: J141,1",
51.301-8 aeked; Bepteraber, 51.321-2 asked;
October, $1.30 7-8 asked. -
Live Stock Markets.
Montreal, May 28.--Cla'ttle-Receipts, 600;
cows and springers, 80: calves, 1,5005 sheep
arid lambs, 500; -hogs,- 700. Beestes, 71-4c.
to 8 1-2e; medium, 51-4 to O:Ver 7; comanon,
4 to 5.• Mich cows, $30 to $70 each. Calves,
20 to 61-90. Sheep, about 60. Springla,mlas,
$4 to S6.,each. Hogs, about 103-4o.
Terouto, June 3.-Cattle--Ohoice export,
56.75 th $7.25; choiee butchers, $6.60 to
57-16; good medium, $6 to $6.25; emannon,
$5 to 56.25; cowe, 55.50 to $6.25; bulls, -$5.25
to $6; canners, $2 to $2.50: cutters, $3,25 te
$3,75. Calvee--Geod veal, $5 to $7: choice,
$8 to 50.50; common, $3 th $3,50. Steakers
and feeders -Steers, 700 to 1,000 lbs.. $4.50
to $6.25; yearlings, $2.10 to 53.50; extra
choice heavy feeders, 900 lbs., 55.85 to $6.25.
Milkers- and springers-Proan $40 to $76.
Sheep and lamba-Light ewes, 35.60 to
$6.50; heavy, $4.60 to $5; larabe, yearlings.
87.50 to 5810; bucks, $4.50 ao $5; spring
lamb, 53.50 to' $6.50 eaoh. llogs-$9.8,
fed and watered: $9.50 to $9.60, f.o.b., and
$10.10 to $10.15 off ears. .
?RACE TREATY IS SIGNED. .640 m..ilus 1N15 HOURS,
Ceremony In London- :Very Brief,- Remarkable Flight of Airman
Only . One Match .0e,eurred. Carrying .a.z•Passenger. '
A desPateh :from London says A deSPatehIrbpa'"Ttoisse :spars
The treaty of 4560,°,e bet*,teen Tur- French' arviater Pierre-Y061."-earrYing'
- key and the Ralkan allies was, sign.- a passenger* made ' a flight fr.Cirn
ed at _St. Iarhes' Palace at. 12.40 Turin tO Rome and return,aa total
pm. on Friday,. Thsautata the firm. distance -of ,abont-640 miles, in fli..:'
action of Sir Edwa,rd Grey, - the teen' aud 3" hall h"rs °If. I'Vednes'?';'
spokesman of •daY. riellreY°11 '5tarte4 fir(3112 Turin
trusted and respected
,,. the Ettropeali concert, _the B4diran five o'clock in the inorninc.. and
\. il arrived at Rome at 11.30, lia,Ving Dietineeltaeaasiie became in later 'life
war, ..0.1ter a duration of nearly
made only one stop at Pisa for the, ae 0 platform orator, it Ls interesting to
eight' months, was '.dofinitelytermi- P.arposer of replenishing ,4is supply. note the Preeess by. vvhieb. Sir George be -
.i such an effective epeeeh m
,aker. Pot
nated by a ceremony lastino- exactly
of Petrol. On the return trip. he the thn Years- preeeding Federation the
one hoar. Five copies of the 4,6atil left BA)tae at one o'clock- hi the budding statesman,- taaeht school iii hie
one for each belligerent Sta,te, on natiVe 'county., of Middlesex. Occasionally
afternoon, stopped- at Pisa and ha heard a Political. spesseh. ()nee he. bor-
'Plain, Printed sheets, with blanks reached Turin ,af 9 o'cleck. reared a horee. and eaddle.and'rode;fifteep,
le,ft for the signatures, lay on the miles to bear D'A'rey -McGee. Butsltalvas
polished- mahogany table. Sir Ed- • to the ."stnie of Temperance' that. he
..gives credit for hie schooling in the art
ward Grey opened the proceedings SOLDIERS RETURNING. of public; epeaking. . As a member of the
organization it became- his privilege to
by inviting- the delegates to sign 'the share in - the 'honors' and ,to ` work side
• treaty, w,heleupon -copies of the Went to Vu.relle, at Baeginuing el by side with .men Many years his senior.
"Thou oeeasionally," he (says, "there Was
treaty were passed from hand' to the ,BalltanlYar.
a .field.night .for the geod of the Order,
hand by the:different delegates „for Adespate,h from London saya,...„ Svhich mend ta a debate '. on some prear.
signature as they sat round the kinl'g "
-Twelve ' -hundred ' reservists a ;„.the. Zea.
teeeplpetar.ap4fee,; woritilothe6ersaLeBrolaeepeeu,eaute.
table,•,.., Theproceedings were busi- Bulgarian. and,Aiastrian,armies.who, jetitesa In, thete field -nights , the school..
nes.slike.' -and brisk. Th,e .only, 'jar-. went to. zorope., at, •theabeecnon.g. an'eater; -.ate, the. highest, .authority- on- all,:
iit-Aatf., and eiglernical, questionsa wee by
ring note from the pc.int of. view, of,
Of 'tills' gitl:kf.,t11.--,Wat ad ' are :nevi' alathe of,- hie ofaca- a , desige.)-ea'aa.., eaeote..
' the Setviaiue and Gl'eeks was the on their',waya,back` to the ilnited; *fly,. 00 'frOM necessity, more "ffectuentlY,
' discovery of an annex to the trea,ty, -states, and. canada, . arrived eotia.than from (ilmice; I wee obliged:to 'wregtle,
,not , alwara. logically, 1 - feat, with the
tielle'ved 10 have been drafted aby- wedhes,aay at Grim,sby from labaat prdthooniet bf,'every propoeition On .whieh
Bulgarians, proposing that --the, .aud.,preeeeded to ..Liverpool to, em. it was possiblelor oppiisitesato contend:"
treaty should Come -into .force with- bark 'for the. ocean voyage. . .
'. First speech In Parliament.
' Oilt, -fUr.ther 'ratification. .- This an-,
In ' later yearo the Young schoolmaster,'
nex was not signed. "
A G 0 0.1)..COW.' after an ,appeeetieeship - in the newsPaper
bueirtess, eret as proprietor of the 'Strath.
roy. 'Age," -after, as Pes-t Owner of the
Relflaitlithie 'Test, of 7,„„.1.4 and 30 Seaforth "Expositor," and else" in the
eapaeity of Pilinie school intiPector, be
POIS.O.14,TOUS--MA.TCHES.' •-, Da Y . t- ''' . °pale ,,p. paerner, el ;)arlianaent, PJ..fa4;
s -,...ingly late/eating; is ,has dew:1'4)1,1mi 01
A despatch froin GiOlpli says: maiden effort as a speech alleher in the
Royal Society • of Canada 'Wants
''''- • Them .Prohibited. W. H. pherrp;‘, of Gtrnetr.Ontario, Hausej ...Mea says r."Foi'-'-'sonie .naYeterious
ibason. T"had the utmost dread of rising
is the p;bitd•possesser.of the. senior to my feet and often while 'waiting for
'A -daspatCh from Ottawa says: trve.-yeac-old chair/pion-cow of "Pan, an opp.ortunaty some other member would
The Dominion Government' willbeado,. Peter Carnp6han; 14te, of thePerhaTs 118C alld • appropriate the few
'asked by the Royal Society of Can- 0. A. 'C. Dairy Scheol, 4i.a„,the,,test7., fdens. I had, collected: After Muth. bade-
chliona end teeeleee and reresolyes, hew-
ed& to prohibit the Manufacture, ing, and..the , results, :Seven days, ever, J coneluded that r could not leatu
sea and huilortatieu of 'the .white .21.65 p•outlae of -.15-titter, 14 days to swintavithiiiit getting into the water,
and even it I were. to drowe I -would Make
- ' is
t5r poisonous phosphorus match. 1,426,;76.0„.,..f7,naenydely„206.odtay6sci,16.10:d pounds, givesiaetftercateecillhY..le,natiinderzgerffacgus;.6;saibSotend
Bach was the deietSr'decision at t,
ton' miesttee, next" of 'a. speech on the ne-
„ ft$, general meeting on pedueday.60,:o.wnecl.,in the Dominion: eeseita of restrieting the "rialo of intax-
moening. The poisonous phos-, ' ioatiue.liquors'of about forty-five tninutee
phortis match is the one most gen- 60011/INliS 1).A.MAGED. .aed,.`a'''Speeelt on,:the, Pacific ItaIlWay, o1.
shont tseeetYra*re minutes.'
erally in use .in Canada and is said. , "1. snake 'from 'noWe; as was "Uls habit
to have dangers not only for those' rniA,,,ii,iittavietc, ot „1:,,,,sii. Ar,o Also before. I entered the 'Meuse, but.euch was
who assist in its 'manufacture, 'to
whoni it is said to give the -disease on. the War Path. '
knowri as phoSsY jaw, but " for the A aespattth-freln.,caletztta says:.
. consumer: . . The Can -Taiga of, the:•Militarib .Suf-
, * • fragettes ha's "spread. e'Ven,to, India:
'Jho golf links .at . Simla, the poPu-
, - ..
virgrrE PLAGUE CitEdKED,:, lai 8gnikerixtre, for Ea ropesa 5„ were
da-maged ori Thiirsday, and ' cards 1.ndi.,1Strial; i. TnresfTakes the Form of ot.,,, Demand for
statistics Showing fitoll, Deii.th jtate- atid, suffra-gette . iitepEoure :Wove
Has Dieninishodt?-' .,.•' - - . found 'there,. ..." ' . ' . ,Mirtimuin Wage hy thiskilled., Workers .
The ,photo shows a, London rdeb pulling a militant speaker from
the stand in Trafalgar Square.' The unfortunate suffragette is
hanging head dawn in the crowd; her .friends in tbe stand are
holding on to her .skirts.
dreaded a moment's pause to rook at
. Hosts°. To preyent my, attention being,
Xat eny trrciiisZteat Ii.Zsed ant ielsatlaag7-tral
distracted by the restlessueseof the Mem..
DISCUSSED 4."°r° Pl'eeellte I fixed no./ eYe uPon the
son who teolc any .intereet what .1 had
Speaker, who seemetr to' be the .only peel
to Say, and pouted' into. 'hie ears with
rekless rapidity the arguments that I in -
lauded for the Mouse. •1 never ',lost -en.
"Getting Into Paellanien't and After," by tirely tho thread of my subject, although
more than <Mee I wandered from my,.pre.
Sir Ceorge„ W. Ross --"Deborah"'
. , meditated couree. A. few members who 1
.. Not Wanted in Toronto. fear •bad not listened to mas veiy, atten-
tively congratulated me on mY maiden
During the 'last -fe, months there' have effort. To 'myself the effort was far from
been published many 'velum:et] of reminis. slai-ga*cthrY' I pitched my voice evere.1
maces Of prominent public raen which points too high and I galloped along
have conStituteel a distinct additionte fwrhoenan sDtaurrtsutedo fibnyishtail4aikewilicahmes00'SfhaAnuteldr
the literature and .historic records of the
Dominion. Among these may be mention- Kirk Alloway. I thought nay experience
on the platform and in all sorts of toren.
ed the works, of Sir Richard Cartwright,
Hon. Janies Young, and Mr. Goldwiu sic 'combats would haveaso hardened me
Smith. It is doubtful, however, it any for- •the ordeal that' I could face the
similar volume has ever been publiehed House of Commons:' without a • quiver.
iCanada which toe:Mines ,the intereet, Vin delusion. The House bore no ref:en:1-
the entertainment and the historte data blanoe to any audienee I .had ever ad-
which. are ,to be found, in a volumedreesed. It was as solid as jest
and 'as 'Athe Sphinx
plibliehed by' Ilon. Sir George Ross. It is unimpressionable as obelisk.
entitle"Getting Into Perna -merit atid
After" and,' is published by William
'Btiggs. In the course of 1s career, Sir George
Sir George's book is free fromathe. in- lies come in contact with Tractically
ieetiee and bitterness which'eharacterizes everyapublic mats- impertauee in the
many.pertions-of Sir Baehard Gaeta:right's DOM:futon f Oatada. Of many of them
Beettinieeenees.. But it does not Jack grip he -gieee delightful ,pen pictures, eaeh
upon ale reader enathat, account.„...To the delineated With ,the- utmost good humor
average Canadian Who is interested in though with perfect insight into _their
the"hietory and ,progressacf his emantey, realaphateeters. 0! Sit John 'Maedenead,
the 'book'wifl be as faseinatina as a re itekaaake in kind terms. Ile ricalla*.that-
matee. 11- is coffehed in the language, at theetirae of the big re -distribution his
enibraidarea, with imagery and. quotation elopement iu 'West alichireseo asked, for
svhieh ha e done .rauch 10 make Sir George therecasting, of the constituency- and.
ffese the m,ost finished andattractive went to Sir. John' about it, telling hira,
orator °amide hat; ever ' produced: . And how. a. Coneervative majority- mild be
like hie- speealles, too, the volume sparkles made perfectly Cure. Sir john looked at
with humor. him rather a deubtfully,ana remarked.
'Yon may' put thie township in West
Miadlesex and you May take, that one
Off, or yo.e. Maymake any shuttle you.
please, bit' that little devil leosa will
beat you in spite.of what. you: &a"; 'MY
opponent told ane of this interview a few
months alter .-his. defeat, asan instance
of Sir'Sehhae'pelitical Sagacity, and with-
out any- feeling of disappointment."
He speake Ali admiration of Sir. John's
adroitness M debate. and chiefly 'of his
capacity :for pielcing men. Personally he
seldomeatue in contact with the great
Conservative leader. Omone Occasion they
net in the lobby during Sir George's Bret
eessien and -without the formality of an.
introductien 'Sir' John shook hands with
the youthful member, quoting the lines
from Pow:
"Who- tattgbt, that heaven.diretted spire
to ;aim? '
`Thenian of Rees' 'each lisping babe re-
Plietff.rAnd,,His eater Slot.
Incontee.et with this ratty .be set down
an extract ...frem"--aatother 'porion of, the
book where4Hir.:,:,,geoge,:A.4e' gle having
made -as speech on Recipsoeity, Hon. Ed-.
ward Blake .theit'bei-eg hite'party, leader.
Ile nye: ...Mho -Ugh not im-
preesed wiffiaanY, effort te inetruct the
*House, ,I.exerittifedsto .saar. to- Mr. Blake. a
-few hour s ,afterward, We1b, 1 have done
ray best, ,fcat Reciprocity: Mow did you
liko my",,,sireeth?' !My' dear boy,' he said,
'I did not bear a' word of 11., / slejt the
whole tinie ,you were, speaking.' Whether
to take 'his- tehose' as a mark -of perfect
pone -deuce in my 'ability to de' justice to
the subject, M. ae showinga lack of in-
terest itt agything I, might say.. was Lea
cUleOSnia. mtaWa's, .11c40ve1, the last
speech. ,,about. Which I asked his opinion,
'either 'before, or after delivery."
Mr. Blake, ho says, as always on his
good . behaviour Re „eujeyed * good'
story but.' ri. iswehappithed1.7.f n oy ifs the Ftecoubd 001, tik.
The SUpOression' of "Deborah.".
The meet -,sensational, incident ilr recent
LeAlTerISITI o''43°0-PuritlirebetrttlhelOviatliheric'raly tWhheaentriPcaol.
lice Mag1taate ..Dettistia and the police
condeinnecl emar sUppreeeed the play ',Deb.
, Termite Jeltsthat it was being rat to
the test ,with''thita-play- in linet-Y•nihe
elases otit-of kiln/asked when questionable
plays come to Teri:tete' 11 18 Only !after they
have appeared for''.'weeks or 'menthe or
my etate of ziervoue excitem.ent that I, perlaape years ati ether"cities..When they
Picture of Sir John A.
„ Learnms to Make speeches.
'A despatch from Berlin *, Says :
From Prussia came statistics to
gladden' the hearts of,the fortes en --
aged in world' -wide battIe,, with
tuberculosis. Not -15'111y has .the on,
ward:march of the white pi4gtio
been checked, in this section of the
tiTIPite, but its ravages have even
been lessened. The cleoth rate -in
101/ was 15.12 per 30,000; in'1912 it
wo,A 14.49.• Where 01410: Petatm$
died in 1011, 59,509 died id 1032—
iatid this not/Withstanding the, tort,
mad increase in 1xpti1ati6/10
Fcnch Artillery ,Offieer Billed on
• PritlaY.
•A despatch from bourges,•Fraficet
says: 'Lieut.. Jean Ferdinand ,
der a French arm .Y aviator ,h4fien,
leg fo the' 64th .Regrm.ent of A.rb
lery, Was, killed on Friday by a, 'fall
Earn his monoplane, which turned
turtle iu:a s sudden ' storm whIle 4e
,latta.04orvitig the effects, of t,re.jsr-
praetide of his tegidtent.,
despatch 'from London says: Of 30,600 ,,are "Black Country'
oer,.11period o ,wxtaykrativo team workets:
tnhhe gnglish in;dustrial ivortd a' iedll°1,:43481.: ve L8,11' s xktitrie, fritg ancil
x,. tveI', disputes between the police and the strikers.
-14,4 Joiken .ont in the Midlands, TheAnoventent ip.the coin-
viO 41ceS 'tiA.0 1,0414 „ g,enier" trY' is assured Of larger' p rop or -
-6t^.`a denriPid; for imtinnunt tions as it is spreading to 'other
Vtagea Workeri,, indttitiitt4,-;•,'Thet.leadet4 ef the 1'4611
neaoI 4aYepr..11i2i2.tho'Arike..b$gftlyaosus.t their intention of making the
notice to the eiployerira Strikei'llnatfonal n'ne,. Large .13t4',
ila,,eg!bil:nated that 40,000 pitgeris ies of' hirve,heon sent,tc, ,the
ar ,011f strike or locked out, Whore- troubled' districts,
Notes of -Iriter,est as to What Is Going
on All Over the World
Montreal Beard of Control voted
$10,000 to provide playgrounds for
the children. •
The Ceuzens brothers of Hamil-
ton were sentenced in Toronto 10
serveatIve years for counterfeiting.
Henry Gehman, a surveyor of
Sault Ste. Marie, VMS drowned in
the Shin() river when his canoe up -
et, rafted States.
tol:2)rw.440s. eJi.e.cOte.dHapsit,ionsigdse,notf oTfoiothn; faiTCa
Medical Officers, of Ilea,Ith A.ssocia- eharges of violating the trust laws*
tion of Ontario. Dr. L. M. Ottofy claimed, befOre
Mrs, Geo. Chafer, daughter .,,of the St Lenis Society 'ef
David Barnhart of Shannonville, Research, that he 13ad a erlaitt to
was one' of those. killed At Long euro 'Ca -II -e'er'
Beach; Cal. The British ArabasSider 'and See -
The first regulartrain over the retarY Bryan 'signed, the renewal of
new Algoma Eastern Railway, from the - general arbitration •'breaty •
Sudbury to Little Current, ram on tween Qr'eat'Britain and the United
Monday as far asa Espanola,.
Parry sound _temperance 350151e A movement to revive the old ens-.
have organized a prohibition alli- tem. Of publishing the banns for a
ance Tand 'will bring on a- Canada rea's°nable Period Pre"ding a wed -
temperance fa+, eanvoagn next fall. ding was stared at the annual con -
Eleven new Judgeships in differ- venti°11 of "the Cbi°a°°diocese of
ent parts of the Dominion, are pro- .the EPlee'ePal Chnreh'
vided for in an amendment to the A New York jury awarded $12, -
Judges ',Act, of which the Minister 500 i•'° MISS Nur
Ida Newlands, a ne,
of justice has given notice. ., of Kingston, Oat., in her suit for
John A. Harp, jun., of -MaIabide V50,000 against John W. Butler, a
township, died of rheumatic fevers, millionaire apartment house own-,
contracted through his being over- ex', for injuries she received in a
mciohniitleds at his
his wifejs fall ckvfn an elevator' shatt'
Harry Swift, aged 21, of Toronto,
was electrocuted at the Hydro-- The elections,in Australia result -
Electric transformer station at ed in the return of the Labor Gov -
Dundas while 'tightening a mit with ernment.
a monkey wrench. An Austrilin officer, ounvieted
betraying arra3r 'secrets, ended his
Great' Britain. life with a pistol.
Lord Avebury, the noted English The Imperator, *ill start on her
banker, scientist and anthor, is maiden -voyage 'from Hamburg to
dead. New York on June 11. For the re-
- R,1,000,000 suit was commenced turn trip all berths have already,
in London. against directors of the been engaged.
English Marconi Company. Belgium will increase the peace
King Georgeand ' Queen Mary strength of the army from 40,000
were given a big ovation in London to 55,000 and the war, strength from
on their return from Berlin on 180,000 to 340;000, the latter in -
'Thursday. crease being- to defend Antwerp)
Marconi ,wire1e4s apparatus was Liege and el anaur.
the means of preventing a big 'mar-
ine disaster off the Irish coast,
Allee T111. a notorious English''
criminal, just sentenced to three •
years, annouxices she will emulate
Airs. Pankhurst and refuse food.
The public is wondering what the,
authorities will do, •`.
arrive in Toronto it is felt that it would
be an exhibition of prudishnees or at
least Of a 'holier than' thou" attitude if
TotontO was to deplete lt would not -haveA
that whieh other eities apprerfed 'or at Calm* dial), National Exhibition Aro i
least tolerated. la the ceee.of 'Deborah"' ' ' -Raking SDetial Efforts. ---• ' .4
however, ,the situation was different, be-,
eaase Toronto was selected as the place . The prze list of the Canadian Nan . I
for the first performance or premiere of tionsa Exhibition., To.ronto, August
As a matter of feet most of those who 23rd to Sapt. 8111, is being clistri-- ' .41
Mao -
alive to the character of the pray that bated, and it shows that- the Man-
, 4
saw the first:Presentation ,wee not teeny
was being presented. They were. 80 °alai. agement have given sp,ecial atteii-
-Tated by the art of the actors alto 00 tpiaarntitcOultahle., Ag•rieedtural departalent
tresses and the skilful:rem with which
whole thing was haposeibleatIt was
the piece had beers constructed by' the
author that they fallen to zee that the ment of the smaller exhibitor in
00U01.0 3, and to the en,c,ourag,e- 4
1 , ,
next day, when they came to !attempt to
tlthesteryefthe p/ayto teirfrnce, In cattle, more inTeYisgiventogattheyrerdsedwhatahdinagtivsbothtlebeefLddaryciasses,and
piece of etageaeraft it,was., The Owas
such that it 'maid noT.possibly be reatlated the list, ba.s been extended so that
or desciabed in any mixed compauy. With in some ela-S802 as, many as eight
Perhaps one or two exceptions it was tbe przes are gven. Thus the -small
, .
rawest thing that has ever bd'in -put onii
in a local theatre. The dramatic censors breeder With a good animal is prac-
w40 eee ail first Performances And who, tically sure of recouping at leapt a
acting wider authority of the police de -4
uttgenot egaivole: tilva;oct,heflitra iiieirc4mi:tehloorli, Tpoarrt6;riotfo.the, -e,xpe_pse of shipping to
spectators, to recegnith the Charneter of More money is also given. to Hor-
Deborah as a play.' They eut out certain . ,,
scenes, but they could not alter the • sig- ttcutture, Floriculture and Poultry.'
nificance of the wholestory.
. Th0 entire lig totals $55,000, and as-
.. A. Clergyman Acted, no prizes are given for Manufac-
It, remained for Rev.: John Coburn, act. tures„ every dollar of this.goes to
inezeor the. Owiardietee of Vigilance,. to the -products of the - home the
,suppressian of Deborah. Raving wit. school, the ta,rart and the garden.
take -the action which res-alted in the a ‘,
neseed the first ,pertormanee personally. The special attractions this year
ehres lianidthae"che:mrtea„paygaoknfetvraoldlutchire gpearnforimin:
are fea,tored' by three high-class
moral play. Mr...Gob:1ra told hi story hams—the, Irish, Guards and one
before. Magistrate Deuition, a number of other fl'orn Engla:nd, and Conway's
witnesses were called for the defence, but
the upehot' of a day's deliberations was. Band' from Chicage,.. while of ,the
that the •magistrate rendered a COaVie. spectacle, ame. Burning of Ron:1.e,,
tion and tbe company 'waa netified that
they must not repeat tlettplay. Thus- end- it IS enough 10 say that it will be
ed Deborah after a °short life Of three sta, ed by John Henderson,' of Eng-
, .. • , I
. .. A .
it is to he expected land, that as a result who has put on all the big
, w ,‘ a .
TotOtte Wilk be tartaller ad'a7r1:1,-140511.11. apeetaelea of recent years in Bra-
A.mericau dittee Ise the moat etra1 tott. 4.a.,,,,
laced. city in Ameriea. that it willaprola !,'---
ably be foto% thAt there _will, be many ' ;1" 1
other cities that will suppress -Deborah if,
indeed, attempts axe made to revive', it. i
.Already Hamilton, London and . sOtthava, . a EXPISION, AND FIRE. A
are reported to have Wined it down. The
example set. by Toronto may- also have
TOP 01" C opola Blown Oil atid Too- I
a .wholesome influence in . -malting ether
cities fllti
more careuy scrunize firtitapro--
. der Killed.
/t is
people a common refornaere allegation of theatrioal A. despatch from Halifax says ..•
that tbe ate plia.risa,-
foal and. hypocritical. But it would .no t One, life was loSt, several ,persons
be possible te have any mote hypeeritmal had narrow escapes, anda, propci'ty
statements than those made by the people loss of $10,000 resulted from an ex-
spositRe for nine So-called "problem
playe" that these produetions are put on plosion followed by fire at the Nova
for the purpose of teaching great moral SCOtia, Car C,ornpany's ' plant on
lessone, or to preach, sermons,
Saturday aft,eraoon. Tlie explosion
a occurred in the cupola, in which the
\ ion is melted. Workmen were
SU P,EOPLE INJURED. drawing off the melted iron' when111 .
— some of it fell oil wet land, which -
Trolley I'Vreek at Mount Cie- .
, .generated ,steaan, The top of the
monS, illichlgan• - cupola, was blown off and charles
A despatch from :Detroit says; In Spinney, the -cupola, tender, was sit
a rear -end collishm between two, badlyhurried by the hot Metal ,:-"tat '
suburban cars near Mount. Clemenw be: died a few 4itArs Jater: , '
on, Thursday night, hag ,aadezen .„
persons were moreror less injured
by flying glass and shock of the col-
lision. George N. Day, of Owen
Sound, and Miss Atina„Griffin, Sat,-
ni1)1 were badly shaken up, but not
seriously, '
Relief Pelt That proposal paiica to
Got Two-mitirdfi.
A despatch from (oba1t sayP:
The vote as towhether they should
The Seettigh hill was tirlo °())10bat.63-6-1)1„:1;ftalht:toTfrrttcittie °4,vvQwcznitt,„},t,ittY
given its second reading in the 33ri-
Federation .of '111iners, as it failed
tiSh House of Commons, on rriday,
of a twothirds ,majority.
'Fiib-yar-o1d Albrt Benion., was ing- to 00 COBStItlItaou ofthe uplaa
killed by BB aritoinebile on Dlecelter two-bliims 45i the,tow voto felest bo
Street, Toronto, on Pridai. deeloted for 41,18,0,1k.e,