HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-5, Page 5Mari a the If the. L this 13.4 itoo. )00 111 301 184 le are rer ore 1• tTr x is RIV, 1.,0 00,0 ''OJ. �rrTlsx g lu'`;Kir of tho 11.0.1i.S, 4000,110 pstar Ortailleito ett Toratlt+o Illailmutteitea ,CitthweelPear itiaiteen Caritfr+tioo law otriee. Clotsed .W'fdneedaY a•Ltbrnoonis. l7litr . A• R. *'iiI 4N 1 b1,4„ I . Ironer GFratilinte or Toronto iln4 krENTI ST Teeth. eXtuaeiad .without pain, or any • bad Offset% Office over C•lubman A Stalt+kiutrre Of ce, Matin Street, ErC0fOr. LBGAL. . D,ICIt"SON & CARLING, rissairmins, Senators, , Nfalkslsat. Csnreyancerii,. Sonia malestmare. Solicitors for the Mo1sons Bank, etc, aloney to %Da& at lowest rates of interest Offices—I atn-St,,Exeter I. It. Carling, a RA. L. 1T. Dickson 11I.14131 2 TO LOAN We halm a large amount of Private funds to loan ort fanx- and village mop. er cies at 16\7 rasa et tsnilatp►Al, l b�'1S tAII & Mi11/41I WW Barreaters, Soltcltors, Sdreter. 'J. SENIOR Agent Corifedarat;on Life • Aeauranap CoraPanT, aloe P1''e Ins ce ?n scabs trig Caltadiata and Britian ComjRniea. hfatn-Sit.,' Exeter. T. Ft CA.RLINfi Life, Fire, Accielc it ,and Pieta Glass insurance, Collecting accounts. and eon ducting eue{lota (titles, . - legatee, Ont. The cost of a Business or Short- hand Education in the .. Verta11,011111,‘, �1 to interesa d ensiljrnoir aboutthe'was ful Marvel Iklkatl t kray .ask our druggist for •k, Ir be cannot supply, the MOTs steeps no. other' but sena stamp for titpe. trrtod book'-eedlsd. It given Pall pparttomlars end directions invaluable to ladtos,'wlzvDSOn $.ua't' t QO.,' 'indoor' Out Geneva Agents tor cauada, GR ,NO TRUNK"' STEM Homeseekers' Excursions To MANITOBA, SASEATC HEWAN AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY until Oct, 26LI1 in- clusive Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton , and Return 43,00 Proportionate low rates to oth- er points, Return limit two months. Through coaches and Pullman tour- ist, ;Sleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG without change, leaving Toronto 11.00 pan„ via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. ,� 'Tickets are a iso on sale via Sarnia • and Northern Navigation Company. Full. particulars- and reservations from Grand Trunk Agents, or• •write G, E, Horning, .D,P.A., Union Station Toronto, Ont. , N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter Electric Restorer for Meat. Phosphonol.reetores: every neree is rim bed, to its proper -.teniae; Imitates vim and vitality rsoature decal sad r=i cox weakness averted at once. Pkeep3rnol -w make you a new man. Price 18 a box or two isr $5. sailed to any address, The Soo'6ellDreg Co.. et. Catharines. t, , CENTRAL Toronto, Ont. is quite moderate when the splendid results are considered. One postal card. -one effort—we do the rest This . college is open all year FARM FOR SALE The undersigned le offering. Toi• 'sale that desirable 100 sere 'arm, situated 1n the Townsitga or Biiddulph, tieing Lot 12, C. 1. %helve fa on the prem see a good ira,rne 0°14 4, barn with:founda- tioaa, °rettatltl„- The faxen '.s well draipi- ed and all undetr oulfivatioix, This is an excellent fa4r 11 t vibll situated, and will be sold reasonable, For tuntlher p rtic- uktra apply to Jahn O'Neil. MOoresvelie, Ont. WWI. . KELLY:, FARM, FOR SALE The underslimed is offering fasr, sale. Lot Cl, North Boundary Stephen, con- taining 100 atres of good land. There is on the premises a *nod frame house with stone cellar ; bank barn with ce-, meat floors ; :3 good needs, and a small orchaod;. This is a god grain or grass farm, or wtaudrl malas a good stock farm. Situated two miles from Exet,•;r; phone in, house. Will be sold ieasoeabbe. For partictadars apply on the premises, or write the un.dessilgned, Fred Green, Hay, or D. S. Phillips', Exeter. 1 Goliege At Home • Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil Servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Outer college any day: ' Individual instruction, Expert tea- chers. Thirty years, experenee. Largest trainere.in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal SYNOPSIS OF CAII.DIr1.N NORTH W1i7ST -LAND Rritita ATIONS • ANY person who is the sate head of a famiis+ or airy male area. 18 yeare.olcl .. xray homestead a quarter seetlt'f+n• of available Detrntrilon, land an 'Manitoba Sesitatbtiewe n or Alberta. The ap-. ' pl4eant must . appear in person sit the Dor/Slnloin Lamle • Agency or Sub. agency for the district. Illnta'y; by pro- - zy n ade be made at any ageeracy, on certain conditions by flartber, mother , iron, daughter, brother or sister ,of fn tending th!olmetebeader autres --Six months' ths' residence upon, and cultivation of the Mod, in • Beats' oC three years, A hosneedea4er may live within nine rr.'Jleei ;of his homestead on' rami of at least 80 acnes scatty. owned and occupied by hi!ri or. by 1116 rather, mother, .e n daughter, brother or sister, • In certain diatrlets a htoiheeteader Csi` good standing may Pre-empt a quart er-ieection 'along side his homicstead. Price $8.00 per' acre. :.• musics• -Must reside upon the hone stead . or pre-emnptiart six more -ale uta: each of six years from, date oC home- stead entry (including' the' t„tia: re quired to earn iaam,este�ad patent) and cultivate fifty acres 'extra:. ;A 1loaneetead,er who hos exhausted vis homestead right end own not obtain o pieaelnptio;n mast ulster fpr a pun. thawed homesr't,easd ki eertaili ,di.steeis : • Price aa.Oo star acre. Duties-, Must. ',aside six mointlh:s ,Ura e ii' of these years, cultivate fifty a,*es and erect • bduee worth $300. WI;w ttiour, Deputy of tt'ie l t'Lnleter of the 'Interior. nau' or z Tru iCat.00 Of STRATFORD. ONT. The' i:esVt practiced ,trainisig school. ',n Ontario. -Three. departments, COMMER CiA L,, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAP- HY. Ali courses'"are thecoough and practical. Teaeters lie experienced and graduates are' placed in pxrsitione�. we give• individual attention anad students naay enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at. once. D A. McLACEILA.N, Principal. e SCHOOL REPORT or S. S. No, 6 Stephen -4V., 350, V. liattover.2i.0, Mawhinney 219, P. Ragier 193, W. Hartman 161; 111., '300, B. Hartman 227, E Mawhinney 202, K- Willett 182 IL 250 J. Hanover 150, T. I'Iatnacher 95; I,, 200, E. Hartman 139, A. Hart - men 118. Primer, 150, A. Neeb 124; V. Mawhinney 114, F. Hanover 109, 1 Wild 01,-,-J, .G, Yelland, teacbher, SEAFORTH,-•A, very pretty but quiet wedding took place at • .high noon on Wray 28th', „tat the, home,oflvlr and Mrs. Chas. Soole, when their youngest. daughter Miss Florence, be- came the bride of Frederick Arthur Richards of 'Edmonton, RHEUMA DRIVES OUT RHEUM.ATISM AFTER ' 25 YEARS- OF MISERY THIS MAN WALKS, WORKS AND FEELS FINE AGAIN. --Right away—the first day you ,start to take RHEUMA.--the Uric Acid poison begins to dissolve and leave the sore joints; and muscles. Its action. is; little less than magical. RHEUMA—works so speedily you actually can` feel 'the. Rheumatism leaving the body. ,A bottle costs but. but 50c and if you are ,not satis- fied W. S. COLE will return vour money Read this. : . "I wish' to state to.you the faots and nothing 'but ,the „facts. I bless the day a friend brought me a 50 cent bottle of Rheuma . I used one- half of it and it did me more good than all the other medicines I ever tried 3 had been afflicted with Rheumatism all over my body .for more than 25 years;; I could not walk and. was a> broken down man. During that time I, spent a small fortune trying to -be rid, of the horrible .lis-- i:.ase. but without help. Hfolvever; RHEUMA reached my case, .and do. my work. "Before taking your medicine was staying with a daughter on, her farm and despite her loving efforts to tempt my appetite I couldn't eat. After I had taken RHEUMA two' days my appetite returned. Yours for prosperity,"—Prof. H. H. 'Kol ling j S. Ninth St., Richmond Ind. October 10 1912. LABATT'S STOUT. - The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE—SOUND—WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED. LONDON, CANADA 29 moi Ye Olde Firm Of •. i. eintznnan LIMITED One Genuine Heintzman & Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar= anteed 5 years. ,Regular pike 450'' selling price $290.00 $6. per , month. One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case, 7.1 1-3 Octave over strung scale guaranteed years $150. or $3. per month One- R. S , W.:1liams ,S :: uare Piano Rose Wood Case "7 I3 Octave over strung scala in splendid • condition guaranteed. 5 years. $150.00 $3.00 per month. One Steadman Square Rose Wood. Case. '7 1.3 Octave overstrung scale in splendid .condition . guaranteed 5 ' years $150.00. $3,00.p$r month; 15 or 20 Organs in g. repair fully gfrom $�+10 guaranteed4P to 550.00 one to $2,00 per month, �e nztrain & ' Co. 103-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario Street, Stratford Heintzman and Co. Please mail me y Y' d to -clay �a 'list of • slightly � >tse � Upright Pianos advertised in the !Exeter Ad- v c,�ate. { " Name N i3 th i ed Uhl tAddaress. iers aJ ertisetYlerit. tilrnp.t''bet* d tors Ns. RAN Messrs, Tos. and Ezra. Brenner were in Exeter on business Friday, ---Mr. J. Darrow is hired with Mr. Brenner to tend bar,,. -Mr, L.,Rnveiie was in LOA - don Wednesday last on business, -Mrs Jos Sharrow,who has been visiting in Detroit, returned home Sunday;.' Quite a number from, around here at4 tended the celebration in Dashwood Tuesday. --Mrs. A, Graveile and Mrs, • Tetreats were visitors at Part'' Franks ,ivlondaylVIr, Wm, Oliver was in Port Franks; last week,, -=•Rev. Gren- zebach of Dashwood will preach in the Presbyterian church Sunday next, —Mr John Statton. and Mrs. Walter Statton and children left for new On- tario Saturday,—.Mr, and Mrs. Hus- ton of Exeter were 'here for a few day last week, --Tile Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will 'hoicl a Bazaar oil June .10th, when they sell theft autograph quilt and other articles. A program has been prow- ided There will be a lunch served by the ladies 'afterwards, The following is h correct re- port of the standing of the pupils of S. S, No. $, Stephen, for May, ' the names being in order of merit,. Div. L --Sr, TV„ M Ravelle,, G Steb- bins. R Oliver, E Cameron, K. Pollock' Jr. IV. C Hamilton, A Hamilton, L L, Patterson, M Lovie, N Stattori, W, Ravelle,, C Dewey,., Sr, III,—A Ravelle, . L Ravelle, L Green; F Dewey. Middle III,—K Patterson, R: Disjar- dine, G P,atterson, E" Defore, E R Down, A Page, M Carriere absent. Jr. III, -111 Pollgak, E Disjardine, 'S Gratton A Lovie and, T Allister ab- sent • Sr. T;—E Green„ If Bossenberry, Tiederman, L Pollock, S Lovie, J Down, E Gill. No, on roll 35; average attendance 25. (Mrs.) Vinetta Kerr, teacher Div, 2—Sr.. II —D Stebbins, F Baird, E Cameron, E Disjardine, K Laawrence M Teiderman, G Teiderman.' Middle II.—H Green, I Hamilton' R Disjardine, F. Gill, B Gratton, W Ha- macher. Jr. II, -1 Ravelle, H Lovie, P Stone V 'Page, M Dewey, W Down,: T, Baird Part II.—O Oliver, G Pollock,. G Allister. I B.—M Stebbins, R Gill. Jr I.—G Statton, F Ravelle, M Dis- jardine J Brenner, H Gratton, A Bos- senberry H Patterson, C Bossenberry nI Patterson, E Mollard: No . on roll 39; average 32, Belle W, Potter, teacher. SAINTSB URY Intended for last week. A game of football was played here between the Lucan and Saintsbury teams resulting` irk favor of the lat- ter 2-0.—Mr. •Chas. Dobbs, who sus- tained injuries by .falling off Mr. Car- rol's barn. is on the mend, and ex- pected to be himself again shortly( —A quiet wedding took place at St. George's church, , Calgary, on May 15. wheel Mr. Edgar• B. Smith. of Edmon- ton, a former resident of this. place, waa married to Miss Ethel Washburn of Calgary, daughter of Mr. Allen Washburn of Comber, Ont. Edgar will have the best wishes of .- his many friends here for a long and happy - wedded life, - ZURICH 'The band has been reorganized and it is expected that • the first open- air --concert will be. given on the first Saturday in June,—Mr, 0. 'H. Ehnes son of Mr, and Mrs, A. G. Ehn,es has been promoted to the Calgary ,branch of the Dominion Bank, after a several••years' stay with that bank at Claresholm, Alberta. -Miss Lillian Faust rettlrned to Naperville on Wed- nesda'; : after spending a few weeks at her hbme.—Miss Eva -Brown who has been in Berlin the last six mon- ths, returned on-ths,.returned home last week. -Dr. E. J. Egan of North Dakota, formerly principal of the public school here, - is visiting his mother;, Mrs. Jas. Ha- gen Pari-, Line. 'Mr. Hagen is on his way to Great Britain. -Mr. Geo, Elton Datars, son of ` Mr. and Mrs. Henry batars died at Detroit, after a short illness. The deceased had been away from here for some years and was for a while with the Tor- oats Street RaiLway, and later left t'or Detroit. 'His iParents were noti- fied of -his serious illness atld both left foe Detroit on Monday morning the day of: his death. He had eeached the age 27 years, 6 months. and 12 days His remains, were brought home, --Rev. C. C, J, Maass, and Mrs. Maass. were pleasantly°surprised ,nn the 22nd May, when the members' of the Ladies' Aid and their husbands assembled at the parsonage to lid farewell to the departing pastor and his wife: Mrs. J. Deichert read an address and Mrs. Johnston handed to Rev _Maass a well filled purse. Mrs. Maass intends leaving for Preston on Tuesday while Rev. Maass will re- Mair until the let of July. NEW MIUSKOKA TRAIN' This train ; now leaves Toronto 10.15 a,m: daily, except Sunday, ar- riving, Muskoka Wharf 1,40 p. _ m• making direct connection with steam err for all points on Miiskoka Lakes, A brand new train, consisting,,: of baggage car, ' Vestibute Coaches, and Parlor -Library -Buffett car are op- erated, and passengers are assured of a comfortable ride along the most interesting route to Muskoka :Wharf which is the original gateway to the far-faxned Muskoka Lakes., This train runs right to to side of steamer at Muskoka Wharf, thus a- voiding any inconvenience to pass engers •.Rfturn connection is made .with traiir leaving Mttsltoka Wharf at 10,45 a,ni. loris except Sunday, arriving at Toronto 510 p.m. Tourist T`iekets at rcducecl. ;lutes are , rionr 'On sale •' to ivuskoka, i e- sert,s, good for stop over at any' point' and good to return Until No'retnbcr 30th, 10.13 Full particulars and i nets i l orti~. aria' Grated Trgnk Agents. NJ. „:sere; Station ,Agent,' Exeter. ‘‘All Is 'WeU1hat Erids We Along with.4yipepais eot4ea nervousness, sleeplessness twtd gee - end ill, health., What Because a dltsordered stomachh, doestaverna the rand to be arsitgilsted and Waded to. the blood, On the other band, the blood is. *barged with pollens *ditch coatis .from this disordered digestion.. In turn, the nerves sore not fed on good, red blood Ind we no times symptoms of nervous breakdown. It ie not bead work that doge it, but peermtoreach work, With poor thin blood the body is not protected against the attack of germs of grip•,-bronchitis---conIurep- troa. Fortify th.laody now with emoomeeellimmealeetie 1DU,7k'I]RH,,"S isoralownsmaTaarmas GO�de�t Medical Discovery an siteratiguextractfzom nati'vw inisdic nal plants,, proscribed in both Iitiaid and tablet fora by Dr. R. V Pierce, over 40 years ago, More than 40 years of experience has proven its superior worth ars an.In- viroratinc stomach tonic mad blood purifier. It invigorates and' regulates the stomach, -liver and bowels, and through -thein the whole enetem. It can now alae be had in surae -costed telpiet farm of most dealers in medicine. If not, tend 50 gents in one -cent stamps for trial box to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Butralo, N.Y. r.J..�.,The Common Sense Medical Adviser IS A BOOK OF 1008 PAGES HIANDSOIVIELY BOUND IN CLOTH -TREATS PHYSIOLOGY i3YGTENEE,,ANATOMY,MEDICINE AND IS A COMPLETE UOME PHYHIhZAN, Send SO one -cent Stamps to It V. Pierce, Auriga. N. X. Dr. -de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never' fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the gpserative portion of the female system. Ruse ail cheap. imitations. Dr. go Tan are s set lSabox, or three fors 0 Mailedto �s _ r ra , T1t6 Ai'asbell Drug �o., PJt. Catharines. fTn� CANADIAN I OM RSEE KER,S' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASSATCHEWAN' Each Tuesday until .October 28th; inclusive, Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Other points in proportion rn Retu _Other two months HOSLESEUERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 3.Ol� vp,m, each iTnesday. Meq' to August; lndaaive. Best train to take, as. Winnipeg is reached early morning enabling Passengers to make all branch line connections. Through trains Toronto to Wlanipe& and Wat wiPtii m1a:s from Ga MadiaGri RAYeats or DPA.: C.P. sty.; Toronto • TC FARMERS WANTING EM " Farmers wanting hired rnen for next season should place their orders et orale o'i terve i•se there . will be. difficulty as etecullaIS dip Orfs -s lett with the Local Grovern nen t 11iminoynt nt Agent for this d'isot'cttkert, Ail voeate Ofn'ce, or addresoad salt rein, wilt receive promo u,f;entlon C. , •I' SANDERS, Agent. We Cive Steady Employment to reliable energetic men for the sale of our products. We giveall the advantages that a reliable well advertised, estab- lished firm can offer. If you wish to represent us, WRITE NOW before it is too late, for further information. ,OVER 600 ACRES under cultivationarid one of the most complete Nursery plants in Canada. Established 35 years. Free catalogue of stock on. Application. •PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONTARIO 1 The Right Place : for a Water Pan in a furnace is just.. over the feed door andthis is where it is placed in the "Sunshine." It has a lip front and is the right height for easy fill- ing without removal. Its position and capacity of the pan healthy humid heat. Write for the Sunshine booklet, yr get our , localagent to ex., plain the- many advantages of this furnace over any other. make certain of a MCCIarfs Sunshine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. Hamilton ' Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 335 Sold by T. Hawkins & Son "II 5ustaini That's the big essential of a~ l foods and Kelso ° . 's :Corn Flakes possesses this quality in a high. degree. Has a flavor all kits own—as nutritious as ;;;heavier . foods but, being more easily digested, is farmore sustaining~. Sold by all" Grocers at I0c...ry Look for this signature SI LAKES