HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-6-5, Page 4t
Saxadexs $4 Creech, PreprickOra
A Totted robin is being eigne'•1 ar
Ottawa for art increase of tndenlnity
to $3,500. That $2500 looks pretty
big to as from this distance.
The raffle of fifty-two o .clays of rest
'Pee year on the railroads of Switzer-
land is said to have helped more than
any other cause to reduce accidents
due to :fault of employes by fifty-
eight per cent,, and toprevent seven-
ev .nty°-two per cent. of bodily injuries.'
The Liberal crusade against 1•Ian,
Robert Rogers is nothing but stage
play Liberal members like hits, they'
admire him. He takes their ttbuse
without whining, and ;goes on • with
Shia work administering a great .depart
meet Apparently he regards a knock
'from such a source as being some-
what of a boost and he is right, If
he were a nonentity he would be left
its Queer. Ink Bae and Ito /dttilitr +aa
Change its dolor.
Se t a peculiar auatual eubatan l
obta1ltesi from the ink bags or auk saes
of ! uttleUab,
The cpttletish at a group of alngm
' lar sea creatures ,allied to slugs, snails,
oysters and other so called "shell, filth'.
Tide Cuttletlsh has a sort o; Isbell be -
heath the skin:' (sold, slider thea name of
"culttlebone"), a Pair of Mtge eels and
a horny beak:. Likeall molluscs, they
have un real limbs at all, but from
around -the bead there spring eight or
ten long tentacles, each armed- with
numerous suet ers.
By forcibly squirting Out the sea nit
ter which it has taken in the sepia
can shout backward through tate water
with great speed. The sepia is inter
eating, too, as being able to change its
color in a measure so as to harmonize
with Its surroundings. Just ender the
topmost layer; of skin there are Ws
tributed all over the snrface of ti+e
body a number of Belts, eontatuing. a
dark pigment. When these cells are
expanded the surface of the body tn.
eotnes starkly spotted, but as they are
e•oetraeted the creature looks paler
Though best developed in the sepia
and Its nearestallies, nearly every
member of the euttlefisb group pegs.
i;esses an ink sac The ink sae ion
tains the dark pigtuent secreted by a
special gland. When disc'ov'ered or
!manned by an enemy the sepia' cps.
charges some or its Ink thronail a
sort of fennel or. tube, l'be pt raseut
mixes, with water .very quickly sun
forms,a•derk cloud of .inky water, ut
you& which.the sepia will dart .into
safety '
Sepias are Often caught to netswith
fish. The tiaher4nen, despising its,..
ell Wes." throw there out upon hhi
beaeti; and then they may be seen iy
ing in tiny pooh, of dense black liquid
and continually oozing out more ink In
a vain attempt at concealment.. t'br
eago Tribune.
Libera' Leaders are endeavoring to
.show that the Prime Minister is bound
to dissolve the House; .now that the
:Senate has thrown out the Navy 13111.
They quote his utterance,; in Mon-
treal, in which he said that he would
appeal from Parliament to the people
•..i° Parliament rejected the In
no sense is the 'Senate .p, Parliament
tvb:en it comes to the question e
money Bill, The Government side of
the Senate has already- declared that
the Senate has no power to intend
the. Bill • inasmu,ch as it is a#
Bill The Senate has power'to pass
it or reject it in toto but has rio
.power to amend. The Liberal snaioe
its' ir, the Senate rejected this view,
but from purely partisan .motives. .,
What possible advantage would' Be
.gained by appealing to the people" z e -
cause the Navy Bill is rejected ,)y
the Senate? Mr. Borden ,could, rind
probably would, come back with dou—
ble themajority he has now: That
would not increase the 'Government
side of the Senate, nor would it
modify in the least the bitter uartis-
anship of the Liberals in ..the Upper
Chamber. Mr. Borden could pass the
Bill in the House only to have it
thrown out again in the Senate.
The only result of the . Senate's ac•-
tioa will be to make Canada look
small in its own eyes and in the.
eyes ' of the Empire. It -can only
'hurt the Senate itself and the 'cause
o'_' the Liberal leaders. 'who are 1 e-
spcnsible for the ill-advised action of
the.. irresponsible chamber.
Miss Liz zie and A&1ie Johns r,p nt
Sunday in Exeter with Miss . Grad
Cudeaore.-1' rs. Arthur Taylor is
visiting her brother, Chas Jacques, of
Stratford. -Mr. Samuel Horn's horse.
ran away from him last week and
spilt oven three hundred pounds of
cream besides damaging the wagon.
-John Herdman wears a broad smile
Its another "farmer," One Mere horse
and buggy. John -Miss Annie Parlin-
sot• is visiting her brother John in
London. -Mr. Chas. Johns gent to
Toronto on Tuesday as a delegate for
the Chosen Friends. -Mrs. Sam, Balk -
wit is able to sit up again, after her
severe sickness. -Mr, and Milton Siem
on visited friends in Zurich on -Sun-
da• last. -Our burg is getting to bee
a great place for sport, football, base-
ball and lawn tennis all going on the:
same nights,-Usborne certainly nas
good (?) mail service note. It takes
three' days to get an Exeter paper
to farmers, five miles from Exeter,
and three days to get a letter ' to
Mrs. -G Smallacombe of Exeter is
the. guest of her nephew, Mr. Robt.
Cole: -Messrs. John ' Fitzgerald at..
tended the funeral oe.;the late Mr,.
Jackson of Kippen on Sunday. -Mr;
D Brintnell is kept busy • n ith; the Cir-
cular sae • these days. -Master Roy
Ryc-1 man and little Vera .Tramur -were
each awarded priz es for collecting
the largest amounts .: of -missionary
money in the juvenile collections.
The baseball team pfayed at Dash
wood on Tuesday andeeuffered defeat
at the hands of the Zurich' team.
Rev. Blatchford, who: has..beer quite
i11, is again able to be out.
Mr. Elijah Colwill i 'all smiles -
its a daughter. t ,
Miss Winnie Essery oft London is
visiting et' her -home here.
ST '.MARYS-Jane Carey, , rrelict .q[',.
Tate 'S. H. ;i'tlitc,hell;'passed:O ay tin.
Saturday after a lingering iIIlt ss in.
her 77th .year, -=;A" grown-ult• t naily
'survives. -After a linger-ing ,illness NIr-
William Dawson passed away Satur-
day in •his 66th year, :S is- wife, .tSvai
'sons and three daughters survive, A
brother of deceased is . Judge Dawson
of Winnipeg,
SEAPORTH-The Getrtte. Heron
cense commissioners endorsed the
transfer of the Roya llibtel, Seaforth
from Thomas Pinkney to Louis Weir,
owner of the hostelry; and ` renewed`
tinti the end of the year the license
of Mrs. Thomas Stevens of -the Queen
Hotel, who had recently 'been 'given
three months to sell out. The license
of the 'Dick House wet be cancelled'
on August 1, owing tri' improvements.
ordered not being caeeied out, 'this.
leaves three hotels and 'one shop 11-
cense in Seaforth.
'Stephen.. for May, : Only .names,: 'al.
=those who obtained 60:per cent for
Over are published. -Entrance, Class,
Percy Sanders 70, List Sanders 60;
Sr IV, Coesina Parsons 74, Vfilten
laaob 74 l'tri"tlic'Hogarth 73,;'; ;Marie
'1 rieDee; 7U ,1;'titer- .Will's 62, Ji ler,,
Ruby , . arsranss 615,' Sr, III, '1Vb"rnran
San legs aa` Ethel Prez cator'60'I$t,
II., Meier Christie 83, Edith. Schro-
der 79, Celia Christie 577. No ens
rel 39 average 37,.b,- Ti3s I 'leibeecl,:.
He Didn't Know . Exactly What to Do.
So They Came to His Rescue.
A young author and critic. who ti:s,
conte to be an authority upon a certain
modern Oise of educaton, went a te+ti'
days ago to deliver his first lecture at
a girls' school. Be turd lectured before
but never at a young ladies', -emit
nary, and as two white Crocked, cert)
haired usbers led him .oat to the plat-
form and he sat down beside the nus
troniy principal arnong:tbe women
made up the faculty and fared a sea or
girls' faces( be was young enough ti
feel- a bit. of emharrassment himself'
it was rather difficult at first, Out once
the lecture was started things went all
He finished what be had to say and
sat down. The -audience, and the mire
tronly principal and the women who
made upthe faculty clapped .their.
hands enthusiastically Then the ap
plause died down am silence fettled
upou the lecture ball. The young man
sat on waiting for some one to say
something, dimly -conscious that .a
move of one hind or another was ex
pected of 'him. But his lecture -was
finished. He had said all be bad to
"Say. _There were no questions from
faculty or students. 'A few of tbegiris
began to fidget, but no one spoke,
The young man became unpleasantly
aware that he was expected to do
something and to do it at once, but he
did not know what to do. He reflected
miserably that be did not know the
,etiquette of a girls' school anyhow.
And then there was a signal from the
principal and a move in the audience,
and the prettier of the two girl ushers
approached him. a little ethbarrassed,
a little shy, determined to do bet duty.
"I'm so.sorry, Mr. B.," she murmur-
urmured, "but I'm afraid you'll.., have to --
o -you'll- have to start right this minate
if you want to make your train!" -•New
York 'fines. .
Careful With Their Lemons.
"In English inns," said a man who
bad just returned from a long coaching
trip In England, "they do not use len
..yrs In our haphazard fashion. 'Chep
make the use of one more or less of a
solemn rite. I rernember asking for a
'horse's neck' In a little inn in the north
cont.°nr'yThe landlord bad never heard
bf the drink, and ,1 explained to him
that it was ginger ale with a lemon
feel In it. He went bark to the bar
and- returned presently 7ith a>empty
tray. 'I'm very sorry, sir, ' he said,
'but we ltaven•'t got a lemon open lust
caw,' "-New York Tribune.
Hitt Disease.
When Lord Chancellor' Campbell.
then plain Campbell, married Miss
Searlett and departed on- Ws Wedding
trip, Justice Abbott observed; when a
cause was called on an the bench:
"1 thought., Mr. Brougham, that Mr.
Campbell wee in this cage."
"Yes, my lord," replied • Brongbam;
' but 1 un tstaod he Is suffering from
ticariett fever." ----Chicago Record -Hetes
Wouid'Be terrible
•,•'Phe doctors are going to operate on
"What's wrong"."'
"Somethingabont the coat of her
stomach., i uuderstasnd."
"I hope they don't find its out of
style. She'd never get over that."'-
Kansas City Journal
The Spirit .of Love.
'fon will find as yon look back upon
your life that the moments that stand
out above everything else .are the trio-,
Meats ww•hen'you have done things in
spittt or-love;-Bgtary Drunithond.
E.4 Titch IS. the, 'SOU' .0,Cbgsttless, 51st
nothingt'rttitributes'„cnot'.e•.te, dispateb
then:Seetheid. bard fheiter.tield..
Crediton appears to he the Mecca
for real estate agents these days.
Same time ago agents sold property
in Saskatoon, ]angina, Vancouver, and
Victearia, but now the ;.peculation has
been transferred to Ontario, and we
hear them speak of Landon, Windsor
and Ojibway, A party front here
went to Windsor on Saturday and we
understand a syndicate is being form-
ed to sob -divide a portion 'of land
neat that city.
Christian Trick caught a five pound
pike on Tuesday. He care . home a
proud man and when he reached his
home be found that in the meantime
the stork had brought a little son to
hla daughter, ' Mrs. Lillow, He is a
grandpa now and is the happiest and
proudest man in town,
A large number from here went to
Dashwood on Tuesday to spend the
day at the Celebration. They report
a ,very pleasant time and' all enjoyed
Dr and Mrs. Orme motored to Core
Unna last week and spent a few '.lays
'th the Doctor's
there wi
Rev Selby Jefferson of the Meth-
odist Church is attending, Conference
in London, this week. Xhis is Mr:
Jefferson's tirst year here with us
and during his sojourn among our
people he has won many friends who
will welcome him,. back .to his charge.
Miss Chrissie Brown. has ;returned
home from Sebewaing, Mich., where
she has been, visiting her sister, Dauf
The ring's birthday was observed
on Tuesday as a public holiday. All
places of business tvere closed.
The. Trustees of the .'Evangelical
Cemetery have levied .an assessment
of $1.00 on each lot owner to meet
expenses. This is a very reasonable:
demand and should meet with prompt
response. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Kerr, Mr. Fred
Saxon, Miss Lily Fahrier and Miss
Martha Wind motored to London on•,
Sunday and spent the day there with,
Messrs Fred Willert and Chris-
tian Stade of Dashwood were here
on Thursday investigating the claim
of Henry Haist, who sustained loss
through fire last Tuesday_
Ice cream parties are becoming.
quite fashionable aeain. Quite a num-
ber have been held in this neighbor-
hood of late.
Miss Bertha^, Ewald returned from
Londoneoa Tuesday, after visiting her
sister, Mrs, Telfer, for a few days.
The members' of the ,sewing circle
met at the home of Miss Della Brown
on Monday evening .for the purpose
of giving Miss Clara Kienzle a linen
shower. A very pleasant evening was
spent during which. a splendid pro-
gram was, rendered, in :which nearly
all the ladies took part. At the close
Miss Della Brown read the address
of presentation and Miss Lily Fahn
er presented the gift to Miss hienzle,
—o --
John J Buckley of Saginaw, f orin
erly of` this place was happily married
at Saginaw on May 14th' to Idiss Al-
ice Marie Wilkinson, also- of Saginaw,.
Their many friends here wish them
a happy wedded life. -A large num-
ber from this neighborhood took in
the big celebration •at Dashwood on
Tuesday, --What `. might have been a
serious accident befel little - Gertie
Dederich, when returning frown school
on Friday evening. She took 'a side
ou a wagon driven by John Merritt
of Shipka and when the little one
was getting off the wagon she fell,
the whee passing over her body and
bruising her badly. She is now do-
ing as \veil as can be expectede liss
Mary McDonald of London • visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • John Mc-
Donald ;for .a few days last week, -
Rev Fr. Forster will hold a picnic
on Wednesday, June 18th, when a
good time is expected, -Mrs. R. Wal-
sh of London was called toethe .home
of her father, Mr. Henry Doyle, who
continues very ill. -Mr. Jos. Eachen
and sister visited their parents at
Drysdale on Sunday. -Mr. P, Kilgal
lin; of Goderich visited at the ?come
of Mr Jos. Glavin for a few. days. -
Mr..' Alex- McLellan is seriously ill at
hi.; home with - 'rheumatism. -Misses
Cecilia Hall and Nettie Carty of De-
troit visited friends here last week. -
MI and. Mrs. Joha-J. Buckley of Sag-
inaw called on friends here lash
week, .
i4ldss. Tena Swint, of Toronto has
beer visiting her mother. -Roca Gei-
ger of Toronto is .home for holidays,
after completing his course in phar-
macy --Ab, Curmore of . Guelph, who
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis, is spending a couple
weeks with his parents, --.We are
pleased to welcome Percy Wiggins
back town. He is a first-class up -to
date harness maker,
A Memorial Service for the late
Rev G. W. Raciey was held in St.
Paul's Church, I:irkton, on Sunday
Nast at 11 a, in., Archdeacon -McKen-
zie of London officiating. He also.
conducted the Anniversary service in
the evening.
Beware of Ointirnentator Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
es mercury will surely destroy, the sense of smell and
completely derange the whole system when entering
it through the mucous surfaces. Sue sartioleesbould
never be used except on prescriptions from repute.
ble phyetoiane, as the damage they will do ff s tenfold
to the good you can possibly derive from them,
Hali'e Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
A Co., -Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous
eurfacee of the system. In buying Halls Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. i! is taken inter-
nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by Sr:. CHENEY
& CO. Testimonials free.
Sold by all Druggists, Price 75e. per bottle. -
Take Halls Family Pillslar constipation;
One of the best known and highly
respected old pioneers of McGillivray
passed away on May 19th, at the
home of his son, Alex. McKenzie,
townline west, in his 87th year, Mr,
McKenzie was •a native of Invernes-
shire, Scotland. He came to Canada
witl, his parents 64 years ago and
settled in Glengarry. Two years lat-
e.- he came to McGillivray and settled
on Lot 13 con. 5, where he has
since resided. He was. married ' 55
years ago to Katherine McLeod of
London, who predeceased him ten
years. He is survived by a family of
10 children.
Mr. Thomas Morley spent a. few
days of this week with his relatives
`at. Wiarton.-Mrs. Wm. Ogden 'vas cal.
led to Clavering, near Owen' Sound,
ss "
last week, owing. to the illness of her
mofher.-Newton Millson- •of Windsor
visited . over . Sunday with his brother.
Hector. -Anniversary services will be
held here on Sunday June 15. Rev.
Alvin Millson of McGill University,
Montreal will preach at 10.30 and 7•
o'clock. Singing will be in charge` of
Granton choir. :On Tuesday, 17th, a
garden party will be held in Mr. S.
Gunning's orchard. A splendid supe
per and a Choice program is being
prepared,Mr. and Mrs. J." V. Mill-
sor of Hensell visited over 'Sunday
with relatives around here. -11/1r. and
Mrs. Geo Matson spent Sunday with.
friends near Granton.
Mr Peter .Cook, St, Thonias, .Ont.;;
writes, --"i had a third more oats;
where I used the Homestead ' Bone
Black Fertilizer. This T know be-
cause I lett the fertilizer off part
of the field, Also the grain • vwas a
great deal taller where the fertilizer,
was used, thus giving a greater a-
mount of straw." '
1-lomstead Fertilizers are mann ;•
featured and sold by the Michigan
Carbon Works, Detroit, Michigane
who will send free, to any farmer
their.. book on fertilizers with a
handsome ccalender postage eaidi
They wantagents where they are
not riot represented; Address -
Michigan. ,Carbon Works, Postoffice
Drawdt; 8142A4'Detroit, Michigan, ask
ing for 'terms:
Spanking does -hot cure clslidtees of reed
wetting. There is a constitutional cause
for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box
vv. 840. Windsor, Omit., will send freetio
any mother her successful. Nome treat-
ment, with, full Instructions. Send no
money but write her to -day if your
children trouble you lens this 'way. Don't
blame tee child, the chances are it
can't help it. This treatment also cities
adults and aged people troubled. With.
urine difficulties by :day or night
The prizelist of the Canadian.Nat-
ional Exhibition, Toronto, August. 23
to Sept. 8, is being distributed, .and
it shows that the' management have
given special attention to the Agric-
ultura' department -generally, and to
the encouragement of the smaller, ex-
hibitor in particular,
In. Cattle more money is given to.
both thebeef and dairy classes, and
the list has .been extended so shat '•a
some classes as many as eight prizes
are given. Thus the small breeder,
with a good animal is practically sure.'.
of recouping, at least a part of the
expense of shipping to Toronto.
More money is always given to Hor
ticulttie .Floriculture and Poultry.
The entire list totals $55,000, and as
no prizes are 'given for Manufactures
every dollar of this goes to the pro-
ducts of The home, the school, the
farm and the garden,
The special attractions this year are
featured by three high-class bands -
the Iriish Guards, and bne other from
England and' Conway's band from.
Chicago, while of the spectacle, "The
Burning of Rome,” It -is enough. to say
that itwill be staged by John -Hen.
derson of England, who has put on
all the big spectacles of recent years
in Britain
PARKI-IILL.-A meeting of the
license commissioners of North Mid-
dlesex and Provincial Inspector Ay
hearst and License Inspector Ilodgins.
of Lucan was held in the council
chamber, • when it was decided
to give rio license to the Schafer
Hotel; the Arlington was given to
the first of August to sell out; and
the Franklin House was given a re-
newal of its license.
Rheumatim, Lumbago
and Lame Back
can to cured by : the great rru.t Iddnley
and liver renrre<dy,
F'ixr 'PELLS
Brenmtleard, Ont., /4.0g:118, '11
Your m dicitn$,. taw Patel has -workeel
wonders: for me. The rheumatic Pains:
.ilvavo entirlefly i,eRJt Huss, and .1 tows every,
'titling to Your :reanedy. 7iau ar* sit lib.
erty to purbiish. thin R. IX.'d03ir s.'
At "all dealers 25 and" 50 ;newts ori
masted by Tice, g. Pi11 Geo., St.. i1'hornasa,'
Sold at Howey's Drug Store.
The undersigned is offering for
sale that fine 150 acre farm in the
Township of, Stevhen, being the west
half of Lot 15, Cion. 8, _and Lot 16,.
Con 9. There. is on the latter a good.
frame house, containing 8 ;toonrs, two
good Mink barns 84x40 and 30x50,with
good stablu'lg underneath; a -never-
ratline well with wind stili appliances
water through the barn; well tinder.-
nder-drained well fenced end in gaud state
o cultivatio0. For . zitrther': particul-
ar: apply on the ,premises. to J. R:'
Schroeder;' or B, 5, rPhillips, Real
Estate .Agent,. Exeter, Ont,
SIR EDMUND wmausn.-i'»D.,1.1..x1. P,C..L, President
General *apage.z Assistant Gsaetal Maaagor.
CAPITAL, $15;000,009' REST, - $12,500,000
_T e Ca
•ebranch of h il�tail
Accounts may be pen d at every
k of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the
same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the
Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this
satisfactorily as byapersonal visit 'to the B -
way as s Y �
Hrencis. also at Crediton
FJA"P1TiltR BFtANCAr*q..L,. WkILTGi�., ,ivZ,ana;¢er, w
Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--1911
Capital . .; '$3,000,000 $4,000,000
Reserve aA00s000 4s600a00
Deposits - 23a677a 7 O 35,042,311
Loans and Investiients. `' 27,457,090 38,854,801
Total Assets $33,090,192 48,287 284
rres '
Kai 83 Branches in. �a�iaad&, and: A.gente and Correspondents onden t . sin alithe.
Principal Cities in the World.
highest at al' 'Branches. Interest Aimed ab ... h �hest current rate.
Agents at-Eseter forthe Dominion. Government.
%DIMON°"& CIARLING, Solicitors:. N. D. HURBO i Manager,
will soon be up and the bugs and disease will get in their work if you are
not prepared for them,
The 0,K. Canadian Four Row Sprayer
This machine will take care of bugs and disease and gieee• you a full crop.
We guarantee to satisfyyou or your money back.
A couple of dav's work by a blanch of healthy bugs will cost you more
than the price of an O. K. Canaditen Four Row Sprayer.
A copy free .for .the asking
Gillies- Son\
-.. BY
ent for the complete..line of O. K. Canadian Potato machine.
Stallion Routes
UNCLE JOHN, 12668, a.fiRe import-
ed clydesdale stallion of . excellent
pedigree will stand as follows, -Mon-
day leaves home, Lot 29, Con. 6, Us -
borne, to Fred Stewart's, to. G, Jef-
frey's; Tuesday to Wm. Coates, to T.
Quinton's; Wednesday to F. Moyle'y's
to Wm. Delbridge's; Thursday to. B.
William's, to home; Friday 'to Wm.,
Oke'.s, to . John Rowe's; Saturday to
Johr Westlake's, and home. Fred A
ELLERINGTON,'Prop;; John :West-
lake, Manager.
The Court of Revision of the es-
sessment Rolf' for 1913, of the Town-
ship of Usborne, will be held at the
Township Hall, Eiimville, on Saturdays
the 7th day of June, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, to consider and de-
termine appeals against assessments
imposed by said Roll. Any person
having business at said Court please
take notice.
Whalen, May 30.. Francis Marley, '
y Clerk
Say a G000 Word
it is wise to saga good
word for yourself or your
business, whether. your
stock in trade be merch-
andise or labor, Want
Ads. are the mosfdlrect
line of communication
to the boat buyers.
•. Leon
We have just received a ear of
uS ` Brockville
Canada Carriage Company,
B ie
These buggies are are aspecial lot,specially� built
and specially finished.
The young man will be ...particularly. 'pleased
with these buggies.. Be -sure to see them. As they
have been bought in car lots, we can ;give you
them for the right price.
We also have a shipment of
Gray Campbell Chatham
Bui Vis•
Implement 'Agent
Exeter, Ontar.