HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-29, Page 7op
'E1iou1d bQ tile. ~ Birthright at Btverky
Woman awl Growing OK
Mangy ' women and growing girls
iwho should have bright eyes, rosy
elieeles etroug nerves and elastic
•step, and a good appetite, are seers
4, .decline in health. Their spirits
g� :sluggish, the cheelos� bece e
paler temper fitful, and tilenerves
over -sensitive. They must have in,-
herited a tendency to ill -health, or
they in:ay 11are,,over-worked, over -
studied or worried until the
strength of the body was not equal
to the domande made upon it. -
To guard, against a ,, coi nplete
breakdowx in health the blood'mOt
be kept pure end rich:. No other
medicine calls do this so 'well as Dr.
Williams' Pinkk'i11s, for they act
both on the blood :and nerves, re-
store the ,appetite and keep every
organ toned up. A11 women 'can-
not rest, whenever they should,'but
this strengthening medicine leo with-
in every woman's reach, and will
keep them in the ,oanjoyn>vent of good
health.. And it is especially impor-
±t ortant that in every stage, of women's
life the blood supply be kept pure
and rich. The value of Dr. Wil-
1iama' Pink Pills is well illustreted
by the case ,of Mrs. David Cham-
bers', :Bensfort, Ont., 'who sa.yb:
"Some years ago I suffered greatly
from impoverished blood. I wars
beery pale and thin, and had no
strength. I took a, lot of doctor's
medicine without ,getting any bene-
fit, and at last decided to try Dr.
Williaans' Pink Pills, which I had
heard highly trecotnamended. It was
lao`t long before I began to feel bet-
ter,.'a.nd after taking the Pills for
perhaps a eouple of months my
health was fully restored, and al-
though, some years have passed I
have continued strong and healthy,
and I think I owe it entirely to Dr.
Willialne' Pink Pills-.
"Sometime later may daughter,
then about twelve years of age, had
been -working very mrd at rohool
and her health gave way. She, was
weak and listless and her hands
and faQe were badly swollen and
we feared dropsy was setting in.
However, we started to give. her
Dr. Williams' Pink Fills and she
,was, soon quite well again. I " al-
ways recommend' Dr. Willia,ms''
Pink Pile to any Buffering as we
did, knowing the benefit our family:
received from them."
Dr. Williams' Pen'k' Pills are sold''
�by all medicine dealers or will be
se41t by mail, post paid, at 50 cents,
a; box or six boxes for
D Willi
"Why did she want to set her
husband's.• will aside?"
"Merely because it w
band's, and she had n
habit of setting it aside
$:50 by
bang The r, r anis' Medieine
Brockville, Ont.
From Habit.
as her hus-
ot in the
Minard'S Liniment Co„ Limited,.
Yarmouth, N. B.
Gentlemen,—In January last, 'Francis
Leclerc,one of the men employed by me,
working in the lumber woods, had a tree
fall. tR,)tim, crushing him fearfully. He
was, when found, placed on a Bled and
taken home, where'. grave fears were en-
tertained for his recovery, his hips being
badly bruised and his body turned blank
from, his rile to his feet. We used MIN-
,A.RD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden
the pain and with the use of three bottles
e was completely cured and able to re-
turn to his work.' -
Elgin . Road, L;Is1et Co.; Que.
"A dressmaker can soon tie an
extravagant woman up."
"Yes, especially with the new
hobble skips." cr
Hon. S. K. Flemming.
Premier of New Brunswick.
Guides, for Travelers --Rushes for
Church Floors.
Ancient bequests for having bells
rung and 'beacons "lighted for the
Purpose "of guiding travelers by
night ajb quite numerous in Eng-
land, and this is not to be won-
dered at when one considers the
apologies for roads and, the. ,ab-
sence of fences in the "good old
Among the curious legacies is one
Doctor Said He
- Hai Diabetes
That's Why Mr. David J1con, •'of
/1.1i0044 00., Quebec, Is Weems
mending, the Greet 'Canadian Kid -
Ploy Remedy To His Neighbors.
St. Wenceslaus', Nieolet 00;, Que-
bec,,: May 26 (Special). --"I started
to take Dodd's Kidney Pelle becaueo
the doctor told me 1 wee.threatened'
with diabetes. After taking ten
boxes I was again examined by the
doctor, end •he ' told me that all
trace of diabetes ilad disc pe .red."
This is the •statesn nt of Mr..D4-
vid Iieon, . well-known and highly
respected here, and he is only one
of many in thine neighborhood who
have found a new lease of life in
the great Canadiaxl Iidney Rem-
It is euros such es this cart have
given' Dodd's Kidney Pills their
reputation. They, axe now known
from the 'Atlantic to the Pacific as
the remedy' that never fails to cure
kidney disease, no matter 'where or
in what form it is found. '
Dodd's Kidney Pills; are no care--
ure-ell, They simply cure diseased: kid-
neys. The reason they eure back_,
ache, dropsy,rheuttliatisnl,. neural-
gia diabetes, urinary tiro•ubles, and
Bright'e disease is that all of these
which provides for the holding of a are either diseases of the kidneys
plot of land, rejoicing in the name or ere eaused by disordered kidneys
of "Petticoat Hole,' at Stockton- failing to do their work. -
Operation Was Needless—Dani ge
THE ANTI-il'ORRY BOOR. • Suit 'to Follow.
Designed to Show the Folly of icor- Gomez Lopez del Novarette, a
rowing Trolibie. well-known diplomat, of Bareelcne,
Spain, was in love with an &tress,
A new idea in diary -keeping is Dolorez 13;everode Tiomanones, who
announced. Procure a little vol- is thee' daughter of an aristocratic
lime called "The Worry Book," Spanish family, whose • nasus she
the -pages of which are all blank, brought into great notoriety by go -
and record at night the thing or ing on the stage. A young but al-
things you worried about •in the ready famous surgeon, Dr. Dorado
course of the day. At the end of del Pozo, was also a suitor for Do -
the week, or month, or year, go lorez, and her affeetionts wavered
over the records and note the num so uncertainly as to cause a duel
her of .things that caused you need= between the young men, is 'which
less worry, the bad, things that the diplomat was wounded in the
didn't happen, the good things that. leg, .
you were afraid mightn't happen Immediately Dolores was at his
but which duly arrived on schedule side and nursed him devoutly. Sev-
time or after no unreasonable de- era .docters were Consulted, but the
lay. leg only became worse. At last
Of course, the book is intended Dolorez persuaded her lover to con -
to act as an anti -worry specific• cult his rival, the brilliant young
Wise men and women warn us Ire- Burgeon. He did so and Dr. Dor-
quently against borrowing trouble, edo dele rszo said that a raputaG on
against worrying about the future, would alone nave his life, as gall_
and tell us that most of the evils grene had set in.
and misfortunes we dread never More persuasion, by the actress,
come to us,. The worry record is who assured him that her affections
designed to prove and illustrate were now fixed, was ,needed before
this. the young diploan.at would consent
We have no doubt that it will do to the operation. The operation
so in the majority of cases. Worry was eventually performed, and Se -
is the worst of our physical and now Navarette provided with an
mental enemies. It kills more vie-
e- artificial deig,
tiros than the laymansupores1 In spite of her previous protesta-
poisons existence where. it doesn't tions Do1orez had now to confess
actually shorten life. We are not that ,she could never marry a man
all optimist's by nature, but if we with one leg. Not long ra.,fter she
can fight off worry by figures and married the young surgeon. This
items that do not lie, the invest- aroused Navaretate's suspicions and
ment in an anti -worry diary is de- he visited the doctors whom he had
cidedly worth while.' consulted before the operation.
'F They all assured him tee gangrene
A Contingency. was, in their opinion,: quite impotssi-
"There is one cruel possibility : ble. He is now bringing an action
for damages against his successful
about a Maiden speech."" •
on -the -£sorest, in Yorkshire, on
condition of providing a. poor wo-
man with a petticoat once a year.
In the old days when rushes
were strewn en the floor in lieu of
carpets, says the London Telegraph,
many persons left bequests of mon-
ey and land for providing rushes
for the floors of churches. Their
use, of course, has long been dis-
continued, but in' certain places
the chttrcli wardens attend to the
preservation of their 'rights by out -
ting a little grass each .year' and
strewing it on the church floor.
But perhaps one of the • most ec-
centric bequests was that Of a cer-
tain John Rudge, of Trysull, Staf-
fordshire, who left a pound a• year
for a poor span to go round the par-
ish Church white the sermon was
being preached; awakening the
slumberers and incidentally to eject
any - stray dogs that,,' might invade
the sacred 'premises.414
Look for the signature of E. W. GROPE.
Curet a Cold in Ono Day. •Cures Grip in
Two Days. 25o.
Mistress—"I'm sorry you are go -
elm; to leave, Maria. Are you go-
;ing to better yourself 2" Marie—
"No, ma'am, I'm going to get mar.
'i6Mtnard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows,
"All, I demand_ for my .client,":
:declared the prisoner's counsel, in
ithe' voice of a man who was paid
for it, "is justice." "I am very
,sorry I can't 'accommodate you,"
replied the judge, "but the law
won't allow me to give "him mare
than fourteen years."
Mrs. John Kenny,St. Norbert,
Man., says: "I have used. Baby's
Own Tablets and am well satisfied
with 'them." Thousands of other
mothers say the same thing simply
because there its no medicine for
little ones to equal the Tablets.
They act as a gentle laxative, regu-
late the 'bowels and etomaoh, break
up collo, expel wrens and. make
teething easy. The Tablets are sold
'by medicine dealers or by mail; at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
When a man gets all he thinks he
needs he has a large surplus.
Sample free. If you, Write Nationat. DrUtt
• ,t hshtioaf t:o;' ptg Canada, ' Lltziltod,
Nun Lived for Fifty Years 'Strapped
to a Wall.`
An octogenarian nun by the name
of: Maria Benedetto. Frey has just
died at Viterbo, Italy,, from paraly-
sis of the lower spine..
Fifty years ago her death was
considered inevitable and the doc-
tors were convinced that;it Inas im-
possible for her to bear the excru-
ciating pain or to remain motion-
less, as was necessary, mare than
a couple of days, but they strap-
ped her head to the wall, and in
this unnatural position the nun
lived for half a century, never com-
The people considered her case a
miracle, as the nun showed a pro-
phetic spirit, predicting many
events, such as the conviction of
the Caniorrists ,the assassination
of King Humbert and kr this year
the death of the Pope.
When the nun celebrated the fife
tieth anniversary of her illness the
Pope sent Cardinal Classetta with
an autographed blessing andin-
structions to 'Celebrate mass -at her
bedside. Before her death the Pope
sent his blessing" with a message
asking her to pray for him. The
nun may be beatified in the near
Pim pteson Legs and Arms. Scratched
and Made Sores. Kept from Sleep-
ing. First Application of Guticura
Soap and Ointment Gave Great
Relief, Cured In a dew Weeks,
i,aelele° Locks, Quebec, ---"I had itching"
conuuoneing' with my lags and iuereesing
Hradeaiiy until lb revolted all parts of n»
Body, There were email
pimples on nay legs anis arra,
and the thin was red and in-
flamed all over tho body and
itched and burned so badly
that I scratched and made
soros. It caused me so
nalleh pain thait;it kept me
trona sleeping during entire
" mots. I was troubled with
26 for about two years,
"After having tried several remedies
Without success I used Outioura Soap and
Ointment and from tine first appljestian I
felt a great relief, I continued the troatnienb
taking warm baths with Cutieura Soap fol-
lowed by the arnllcation of:Oakum, 'Dint-
rent, apd.at the end of e, few weeks the
trouble had disappeared completely and I
-Was cured:", (Signed) N. C Roulet, May
27, 1012.
For red; rough; chepped.and bleeding;.
bands, itching, - burning palms, shapeless
nails' and painful anger -ends, a one-nigghb
Outicura treatment works wonders. Soak
hands, ou retiring, in hot water and Outicura
•Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura Oiiztnzent,
and wear old, loose gloves during 00 night,
Cuticura: Soap and Outieura Ointment are
sold throughout the world. Liberal sample
of each mailed free, with 82-p. Skin Book.
'Address post card Potter Drug & Chem,
Corp.,, Dept, 42D, Boston, U. p. A.
Regretting the Cost.
"Gentle, Inoffensive Creatuares".
'IIuit Fiil Stinging T'ites,
The public has heard of wasps es'
pots, but it has been reserved for,
Major Hurletone Hardy, of Eng
land, to tell us that the hornet is
"a gentle, inoffensive creature very
suitable as a, pet,"., Writing in
Knowledge he states that when
walking down 'Chiswick lane many
yours ago he discovered hornets
busy around four straw hives in the
front garden, of a cottage,
"I entered," he ;says, and, asked
the proprietor to . let me observe
them. I found that he kept these
hornets for pets and . that he had
no bees, He lifted up a hive and
let me observe the queen at worlf.
He said -that he felt no danger
whatever." Major Hardy adds
that he personally has "no fear
whatever of these innocent slid use-
ful creatures,' who seem quite will-
ing to share our dwelling with us
if encouraged to do so,"
It will. be remembered that Mr.
Bates in his account of his experi-
ences on "the Amazon states that at
first he killed hornets which hew
near his face. But having observed
them closely and . noted that they
killed stinging flies, pouncing upon
them as the flies attempted to bite
him, he left them alone and was
rather glad -of their company.
The time may yet come when
every well regulated household will
keep its hornet to deal with flies,
as it now keeps its dog to guard
against burglars,
Do You Feel Moody,
,Henry never knew stairs could
be so frolicsome and alpine lintel
that midnight. He had reached
the turning point of his perilous
journey, when his wife appeared,
armed with the :well-known candle
and poker.
"You're drunk, Henry l" she
cried "vindietively, "You're drunk."
"Well, if I ain't," responded
Henry demurely, "I've spent $3.65
for nothing et all."
And he wept.
It is never safe to entrust impor-
tant Worl+ to a man whe has 'noth-
eag else' to do.
"What is that "
"That it may also be a mics."
"LIKE MA -G -1C." -
New Food Makes Wonderful
Guilty of Assassination.
A man, razor in hand, was caught by
his wife assassinating not an enemy, but
a corn—what he needed was Putnam's
Corn Extractor; it's eafe, painless and
d11 re. Try "Putnam's"—cures so fast, 26o.
When a man lies suffered from at all dealers.
dyspepsia .so manyyearn that he Rather Odd.
can't xem.ember when he had a nate ,
ural appetite, and then Hits ,on a "It's pretty expensive to have
way out of trouble he nay be ex= one's own lawyer."
°used for seeing "it acts like ma- "But it doesn't cost anything to
gic ,r keep one's own counsel."
When it is a simple, wholesome
food instead of any one of a large smartie Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
number of se called remedies in the 409 Crimes n 24 Hours.
form of drugs, heis more ah no everoMore than 400 news items, most
likely tw -feel as though a soxrt of
miracle has been, performed. of them dealing with the crimes or
A Western an;an, in the delight of misfortunes of Londoners during 24
restored digestion, puts it in this, hours, appeared recently in the
way : newspaper . which is circulated
"Like Magicfittingly describes daily be the authorities of Scotland
the manner gln, which Grape -Nuts Yard for cthge exclusive nee of the
Irritable, Depressed?
When That Languid, Leggy, Easily -
Tired Feeling. Comes, Your
Liver Is Slow.
Tons HoW to Cure Quickly.
"Even when I was young I was not
robust and healthy like other girls.' I
suffered from headaches, and had sort of
blue feelingsthat deprived me of the
joyful epirite and pleasures other girls
seemed to get. After I married I found.
I could not throw worries off like ether
women, and those full feelings of des-
pondency and weariness made me 'Very
unhappy. ` There was no pause to feel so,
and my dootor said my liver was Slug-
gish, and this accounted for my Poor
color, my tirednese, langour and despair.
The pills the doctor gave me were too
purgative, made Inc weaker because they
were too active for my constitution. Dor-
ens-of my friende reeommended Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills, and they were so mild and
helpful. Well, I never usgd a pill that
acted so quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. They
,were se comfortable to use, I was afraid
they would not help.' But in a week
I knew' they had been actively engaged
in cleaning atp my system. They did the
work of a tonin and' blood medicine com-
bined. I improved to a marvelous degree
with Dr. Hamilton's 'Pills, • and I now
maintain the meet perfect kind of health
by using them just once or twice a week."'
It is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger, well known
at Gloucester, who relates the above ex-
perience. She proved what you and all
others, meir and women, can prove—that
Dr. Hamilton's Pills are best for restor-
ing health. and beet for keeping the eye -
tem in perfect running order. Don't be
misled into using anything but Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills, 25c. a box, five for 21.00, at
all druggists and storekeepers, or poste
paid by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo,
N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. '
Looking A.head.
relieved taw of poor digestion cerate police, The pub'lieat1on bears the
d tongue and Zees of appetite, of title "Inforlriations," and four edi-
many Years' is��e.nding.
e tions' appear every day. The
"I tried about every medicine "eo'f'y" is sent in to Scotland Yard
Ellam 'was recommended to me, with- by *facers in charge of central de -
out relief. Then I `tried Grape- partments, and the paper is print -
Nuts, on the ;suggestion of a friend, •ed in tale blleldirig,
By the time 1 had teished the
fourth `package, eny stomach was
all right, and for the past 'two
mouths, I havo been eating with a
relish, 'anything telt before me,
That is something 1 had been un-
able to do previously for years.
"I am stronger than over • and I
'consider the effects of Grape -Nuts
on a weak sten-meth ;,as something
really wonderful, It builds up the
entire body as well ,as the bra.irr
and nerves." Name given by the
0aeadi,an Poston Co., Windsor.,
"There's a reason," and it is ex-
plained' in the little book,' "The,
read the elle," in pkgs.
to W611ve
Ellerdove, letter? A new one
genuine, true andefult of human Interwitt, LD. /
Cynthia—Billy, I wish to share
all of .your troubleswith you l
Billy—I have no troubles, dear-
est I
earesti •
•Cynthia --Oh, I mean 'when we
are married.
When Your Eyes Had Care
Try Murine Ere Remedy. No Smarting—Peet.
Ifine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Iilue
trated Book in each Package. Murino is
compounded by our Oculists—not a' Patent Med-
101710" •-• bvt used do successful Physicians' Prac-
tice for many years. Nov' dedicated to the ,Pub
llc and sold by Druggists et 25o and Ole per Bottle.
Marine ]Dye Claire in .Aseptic Tubes,.25o and ale.
Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Two classes of people worry about
money—those who have too little
and those who iavo too much.
Your druggist will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch.
leg„Blind, Bleeding of Protruding Pilee in
( to 14 daye. 50o.
.Anyway, Ezra, you don't require
capital to start a rumor.
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
It Sounded Like It.
A young girl from a country town
vent to a city boarding school,
much against the wishes of her
father, who thought she would be
spoiled by city ways. -
Seen she wrote in one •of her let-
ters "I am in love with ping -
on ”
The mother read the letter aloud
to her Lather, who turned ting i y
upon her, saying': "Well, you see
I was right. I knew no good would
cone of her going to the city. Now,
you see she has got in with one of
those Banged Chinamen."
Elting dish reedy to nerve.
Deliciously cooked and
—Insist on
W. CLARK, 14T Montreai.
By The Year
if you want the best and longest.
wearing gloves or mitts ever turned
out of a factory b:1 sureand ask for •
the famous
Those. gloves are specially tanned,
for hard service and will save you
money and reduce your glove
expense by the: year. Send for our
descriptive pamphlet—The Pinto's
Canada's Expert Clove and Mitt Makers.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
• Toronto.
Parms' in "all sections of Ontario,
Some. snaps.
JCg Railway trackage, in Toronto.
Brampton and other -towne and eitiee,
Brampton and a dozen other towns.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
4,-1• County—Soil, sand and black loam;
2 acres orchard; number buildings. 'Phone
in house. • Price, four thousand. The
Western Real Estate Exchange, London.
UTight. Learn barber trade; always
sure employment for 'barber. Our irm
proved methods, constant .practice and
instruotiona quality you for position is
short time. Send for catalogue. • M.oler
College, 221 Queen 17., Toronto.
tAlbum, only Seven Cents. Marks (Ramo
Company, Toronto.T - -
Coin . Silverplate Tableware, extra-
ordinary prices, handsome gift with
orders, prepaid. Write quickly for in-
formation. Russell Supply Co., Box 162,
Westmount, Que.
internal and external, cared with.
natbefore n too y larte. Dr.. Be ellmant. Wrier
fa-, Limited.' f`ollinewnnil. Ont
der Stones, Kidney trouble, Grare.
Lumbago and kindred ailments posctivel!
cured with the • new German Retried/.:
°Sanoi.' price $1.50. Another new remedy
for Diabetes-Mallitns. .and sure cnre, 15
' lianas Anti -Diabetes." Price 82.00 from
druggists or threat. TheSanoCanada. tLanuttas.
taring- Company of
Winnipeg. Man.
"There is plenty of self-conceit
in the world to -day," says Dr. J.
W Jowett, "'bet we have •not near -
ISSUE 2rt--'13.11y enough' cif esteem." •
The Sotd of a Plano is the
Action. insist on tho
Piano ActionA�l►
DR. cloth, LS' big horse book bound j
in cloth, a treatise of 20 ahapter>,
197 pages on the diseases of the horse,
treatingg the Stomach, Intestines, Drs-
eases of the Respiratory, Digestive and
Urinary organs, Wornts in the horse,
Wounds, Cuts and Abrasions, Bunches,
Swellings and Rnlargenten t5 as Spavin s
Curb and Ringbone, Skin Diseases, Hoof
told itootllls, Strains arid Sprains, Ins-
easesoftheEye,HeadandMoutI,. How
to tell the age, heed and Diet. Row to
locate Lameness etc. This book con-
tains 22 cuts, 23 lithograph cuts, 125
two-colour plates. If you have one or
more horses get this book. Bent by
mail on receipt of $1.00.
8 Mc411t College Ave., Montreal.
, Never There.
She—Anyhow, you must admit he
is a well-bred man. Did you no-
tice his knowledge of Aristotle?
• He—I did, and if you .want my
candid opinion, I don't believe he's
ever been there.
Minard's Liniment Cures DlptttherIa.
. An Exception. . .
.,''In the nature of things, every.
body ought to be delighted to see
an oculist." =
"Why should they?"
"Because to see him is good for
sore eyes.,'
The heroin,gy stinging, smut.
ilig polo is ended, the bleedia1g
stopped and a permai a at cure.
efleeted by use et• baroftfl k.
Cleo 11 a Lair trial i
ldi •Dr uggisde end Slues, 50c two.