HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-29, Page 5Dr, CI, tn. ROKTUSTQN, I",r+,Sar lateen D I?1N T I S ' t{...'bot of tie R»4,`.;[1,5.. or Ontario • Gradlint* of Toreltto MVsa+s 1011,, bee,,—Over lin Bc Car$Miets offtee. Cloned Wednesday U•iterhoone. D2'i.. A. R. unix vLAN, 11,.11.5„ D.D. STonor Ore.: Nage or Toronto Unittrer, DENTIST Teeth extracted wittiout Pain, or any had emesis, Odatee over Gladman & Stantatrea, °t rice, Maden Street, 191iceter t eon, 1 1t3AL •DiCKSON 4 CARLI iG, BARRISTERS, Selkitars, N(ofrari'es, Conveyancers, Come mitstiinnere. Solicitors for the Molsona Bank. etc. Money to I.,toan at lowest rates of interpot Offices—Main-St.) Exeter I. R. Carling, D.A.. L, Ti. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a lenge asneuht cif private rands to ,an on farm and Waageprep• err" -es at low ratios o'[ ihteg4'elti, • Gl iA•flBibiiAN 6E lir1 A.NBI3I•i"Y Bar>stera, Sobleitora, Exeter. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation We Assurance Company, also. Fore Insurance lea& Ing Cauticl#at ' sled Brine C,oamtllaltiies. Macu-St., Exeter. T. B CARS.I'h(i • Life, Fire, Ateklbttt and plate Gillian Inaurirnee, colleetisig aceounte, and cora. ducting auetton eales. - ibeeter, Ont. The cost of a Business or Short-' hand Education in the IOTT // .' Toronto, Ont, is quite moderate when the splendid results are considered,. One postal card.—one effort—we do the rest This college is open all year FAXFARM FGR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable 1ou acre farm, situated in the Towns/4p of Biddulpla, being Lot 18, Con. 1. There 2s on the prem s e a good frame tliaottae, barn with,. founda- tion, onto:rld,. ' The farm Is well drain- ed ramed and all under culfirvation. This is ail .excellent faal>n& Well situated, and will ba sold _reasonable, For Cutter partio- ulars apply to john O'Neil, Mberesve.lie, Ont. WM. MOLLY, FARM FOR SALE The underaigtiied is offering for sale Lot 6, North SawndarYStephen, con- taining 100 acres of good .land. There is on the premises 'a gd;od frart>;e houae. with stone cellar ; bank barn with ce- ment floors; 3 good .Alr.,,,11o, and - a small orchard;. This is a good grain r grass farm, or wieuld make a good 1 stock farm. Situated two miles from Eget r; phone in .,house. Will be sold reasonable. For particulars apply on the premises, or write the undersigned, Fred Green, clay, ar Bc. S. Phillips', j Exeter. • College At I Home Thousands of ambitious young per)• ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities , You may finish, at college:; if you so wish Positions guaranteed. Eater college any day. Individual instruction, Expert tea. Chem, Thirty years, experenee. Largest. trainers in Canada. Seyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can-. ada. Sumpter School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. 'GEO, SPOTTON' B. F. WARD President Principa{ SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTI3 WE1ST 'LAND RE ULATIONS • ANY persons who is the sole headioZ a family or any mals over 18 years Old,. ': [nay dtatneetead a, quarter section`..o5' ' available Dominion, land en Manitoba Saskatkhewen or Alberta. . The ap- plicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- agency for the &strict. Mabry' by pro- xy made be made at 'any age, y, on certain conditions by nattier, mother , son, dau+g;htter, brother or sister ;of in- tending homesteader Dirties --Six months' residence upon and cultivaction of the Land in each `. of three, years, A homesteader may live ' within intine ir.:;ires of k's homestead on. a farm of at least 80 acres sotely owned and occupied by hien or by his father, moither, son daughter, brother or ,sister; In certain districts a homesteader An good standing. May' pre-empt a quart er-isectiOn 'along side hest homestead.. Price` $3,00 ,peer acre. Duties—Must reside 'upon the hems stead o.r pre-eirsption sig menitho in each of six years frosty date of ' home- stead entry (including the tFnes re- quired to earn hotrlaestead patent) and cultivate fifty acme extra. A ,he neeteader who has exhausted his hro,iiiestead right and 'carr, not obtain o Pre-temPtion may muter for a pun chased ho'mpsaeacl in certain disttietg Price .$8.00 pier acre. bufips -• btuet reside six mentlhrs fit each, of these Years, ottjlhlvrate fifty? adios • and trent; • a, house,',,iortti, $306. VA W. CORY, Deputy of the Willie the Interior N.R. AIn$rotherised laublictativn e f this ativertisarnent will net .be pad tor. EversWoman Marvel1'u'v §Bill! Douche„ to intens Q end slap 4d ku0'w about tbe wobe?str risk your druggist for it, Irc a not Supply dhe MAItY l accept no other, but sen temp for illus. tinted hook-,.sealed,'itt ggives full Particulars and direetionp-involuable to tedieaWalenso aSUPI'LTCO.,Windsor,'Ont General Arcate for Canada, GRANUTRUNK S s EM Homeseekers' Excursions To •MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN ., AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY until Oct. 261h in- clusive Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Proportionate low rates to oth- er points. Return limit two months. Through coaches and Pullinatt tour- ist, Sleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG without change, .leaving Toronto 11.00 p,m., via. Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Full particulars and reservations front Grand Trunk Agents, or write C E. Horning, D,P,A., Union Station Toronto, Ont. N. S. DORE, Agent, Exeter Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol ;Ors i sps ever tem kt/h�ej vim and vitality. Premature y a sax w ness averted at once. anal mike ou a new man. Pirko a'bor •rasp_ ��, o61Peu D yy�� toanya �E b..$tiCd` Catharines. STRATEORD.-Stung by a bee over the left eye son his, return from church, on Sunday, 'John Paff, a well known fanner be the first concession o5 North. Easthope, was dead' twerrty minutes later, His wife, :two sons and ane slaughter survive. PILES CURED at HOME by New "Absorption ¥ethod., if you suffer from, bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send in your address, and, 1. will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also send some .of this home treatment free for trial, with references fzoni your own; locality if re- quested, Iininediate relief and, permanent cure assured. Send too money, but tell other s , of this offer Write to -day to Mrs., M. Summers, Box 840 Windsor, Ont; CENTRAL STRATFORD. Ole T. Tlhe ilesit prarctt4ad training school in Ontario:-4Thinee 'dePartments, COMMER, Cut., ratio ',.`,EIA liD and. TELI8GRAP i Y., Ali caursea ars tililoatough and prarticsa. tresiotaars are experienced and graduates acre p . in litasittot s.. �Ne give ind edual aiflttenVon and students may eater at aniy time Write for our. tree catalogue at once, - r1 McLAQ3LA,N, Principal. vv1,1uvvuWWv ALE --- STOUT -- LAGER PURE,— PALATABLE NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE .AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local. option .districts can legally order *from this `brewery whatever they require for- personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA A/Ara A /AAA A APO nA&41/4 annnnnnrannnnnnnnnnn/UNA% CLEANING SNAP Ye Olde . Firm Of Heintzman & Co. LIMITED GI HENWAi• We aye 'pleased to report Albert k ollocis. as convalescing, after his re - cuff illness.'-'9Ulte a number; from. herr` attend the bltll gamestSahi e a -Mrs. A.. M. Wilson attended branch meeting of thw W.M.S. in Chatham last week, Mrs. J. Sllerritt: was the 'delegate from this auxiliary, Mr I. Lawson of Crediton has the contract for a cement Bridge • at the creels north of here, also one -on Baker's sideroad, McGII,LIVEAY fortes Marrwho has been a resi- dent of Parkhill for the past 21 years died early Tuesday morning. The de- ceaeed was born in the Township of Markham in the year 1826 and at the time of his death was 86 years, 9 months and 22 days,, Sixty-four years agc the decreased, with his wife, mov- ed to the 3rd concession of McGi1Ii- vray near Clandeboye, when the front of McGillivray was a new settlement. The deceased early took an interest in the public affairs of the township, serving as a member .of the Munici- pal Council for 28 .years; first as a councillor and then as second and first deputy Reeves and 'finally. as Reeve, One Genuine Heintzman & Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar- anteed, 5 years. Regular price 450 selling price $290.00 $6. per month. One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 74 1-3 Octave over strung scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. per month One R. S • Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case .7 I-3 Octave over 'strung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years. $1.50.00 $3.00 per month. One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Oetave overstrung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years $150.00. $3.00 per month, 15 or.20 Organs in good repair fully guaranteed from $10 to $50.00 one to • $2.00 per month. Reinztman & Co.. 193-5-7 Younge Street; Toronto or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario « Street, Stratford Heintzma,n and Co. Pleat a mail me to -day .a list of- slightly used Upright Pianos advertised in . the Exeter Ad- vocate. lame .Address, ZURICH Mrs. Cyrus Colosky returned after a few days visit with relations and friendsik Detroit.-- Mr, Fred Kalb. Nadi has erected a new smoke stack as the other one was badly` damaged by the last wind storm. — S. Ticknor delivered to Mr.`Chas lil'ritzSfteen live, healthy skunks for which he received in the neighborhood $75. Mr. Fritz has. a skunk farm. Mr. Fred Leibold, who has secured ajob in the baggage department of the G. T. R.. at Strat- ford moved to that city. — Rev. C. C. J. Maass, pastor of the Lutheran church for some years will leave shortly to accept a call from near Philadelphia. Mr. Henery Truemner and family tnoved to town last week. =- Rally Day was observed Sunday in the Evangelical church. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, jr., of the Township Tuckersmith, have the sympathy of the community in the. death this week of their infant daughter. — Mr. W. R. Hodgins, an old-time resident of the village, and who for many years conducted a hotel here, is visiting his relations and friends in HenselI and neighborhood, after five years in Winnipeg. —Councillor Rob- ert D. Bell is not quite as well he has been during the past 12 months, having over exerted himself in the state of his health in endeavoring to overtake his spring farm duties. 3. C. Werra ener, of Sarnia, has taken a position with his brother' Nathan in his con- fectionary and restaurant business. Mrs. Sararas is moved into James Priest's house. — Mrs. A. H. King ie - turned to Ingersoll, after spending a week with her parents here. — Mrs. Rathwell, who has been quite ill for a couple of montbs,is recovering.—May 24th was observed as a public holiday in the village of Hensall. John Zueflehas 'purchased from the execut- ors of the George Petty estate, the block in which his residence and shoe shop are located. — Tile third annual Gun Club Shoot was held May 24th. F. Kerr of Crediton East won the silver cup, getting 95 out of 100. The other scores in the 100 -bird event were. —3. E. Hovey 92, J. Passmore 01, G. Dalry- mple 89, I3. Solden 88, J. Hawkins 87, J. E. Cantelon 85, G. East 81l, C. Fritz 17, D. Brintnell 78, 5, 'Webb 74, R. Bell 73. In a team shoot, five men to the side, between Hensall and Clinton at 25 targets,Clintonwon by 1 bird 105.101. in the 14lring-glus *Women ofteaa rear Mi►rirtklaA. h*lloer eirelea under eyes, "'—.to tar right remedy when worn. crow a toAt, sit becapse she did not' tura yy�� dont with thine troubles which are disti*. ctly feminine, Rackactse, heedacbe, ;pains, lassitude, teervousnere and drain upon vitality --bring untold stt8•ertng to wornsnhood.ead the fare show* it. The nervous system and the entire woeoagly mak.-up feats the tonic egeet of - IERCE'S EAVQRITE PRESCRIPTIC,N. It allays and subduer neryous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, and; other distressing symptoms commonly attendant *open functional and orgaeic diseases of the feminine organs, It induces refreshing aleep sad relieves mental anxiety And despondency. Known everywhere and for ever 40 years as the standard remedy for theditleae 1 of women, Your dealer In medicines sells it in liquid or sugar-coated tablet form; or yeji can send 50 one -cent stamps for atrial box of I3r, Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets, Address • Dr. R, V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N."li. , DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS REGit1LATE AND INVIGORATE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. SUGAR-COATED TIN'lf' GRANULES. Dr, de Van's .Female Pills reliable Fr ch regulator; never fails. 11`hhme p' aro ezeee, ypowerful in regulat tiie neraiive p on of the fezttale sX ons. Kase 1rii ps. Dr.: elfin n li arey�t,ld ai a�11 sten . ta� rt a box, or t ee for 510, Maii to any address. i s Beebell Drug Co.. St. Catharines, KIRKTON Dr Marion Oliver, a Presbyterian missionary, who has been working in India died at the home of, her father William Oliver, Burnside Farm, near here, on Thursday` last. She had been in failing health for some time and critically ill for two weeks. A Delegation from Kirkton end Saintsbury met the Rev. D. Williams, D. D., Bishop of Huron, regarding a successor to the Rev, G. W. Racey. There was a long conference regard- ing the present and the future of the parish. Kirkton has done well for there are not many families there. It bas paid all the debt off the church, built only a few years since, and both places increased their assessments ov- a year ago. In both places the church. has also received accessions from out- side. The Bishop strongly exhorted the Deputation to raise more than the maximum stipend, stating that under the most favorable conditions he could not promise a clearyman at once, as there was a scarcity of men. He could only premise student help for the present, but would appoint a clergyman.as soon as he possibly coUld. The prospects of the parish never looked brighter. NEW MUSKOKA. TRAIN This • train now leaves Toronto 10.15 a,m, daily,, except Sunday, ar- riving Muskoka Wharf 1.40 p, m, making direct connection with steam- ers for all points on Muskoka Lakes, A brand new train, consisting of baggage car, Vestibute Coaches, and Parlor -Library -Buffett car are op- erated and passengers are assured of a comfortable ride along the most interesting route to Muskoka Wharf which is the original gateway to the far-famed Muskoka Lakes. This train runs right to to side of steamer at Muskoka Wharf, thus a- voiding; any inconvenience to pass- engers Return connection is matte avith trail, leaving Muskoka Wharf at 10,45 a.nl. daily, except Sunday, arriving at Toronto 3.10 pan, Tourist Tickets at reduced rates are neve`dn, sale to MuSkoka e- sorts . good for stop -over at any point . and good to return tntt] Never fiber 30th, • 1913, Fins particulars and ti.:tzets from alit Grand Trquk Agents, Ie. I. )Are $tation Agent, Exeter, CANADIAN P C IF 1 ; HOMESEEIKERS" EXOURSI ONQS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October nth, lnctusive, Winnipeg and Return $3500' Edmontonr ppooints in d Return - 3.OP iPortion Sentra Limit two months. • IIOMESEESERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto emsm. each iTuesday. May to August, lndusive. Best train to take. cis Winnipeg is reached .early moraine. enabliue passengers til' make all branch line connections. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Particulars from Canadian Pacific !.gents or I write M. G. MURPHY; ;.C.P. ily.t,Toronto TO 1 &!IIf a4n,NTIXalG dEel,' Farmers watntiat - tared men for next season s'hrould place their orders at otxce others iso there will. be . 3•tff:oulty 3n sem.% Mg help, Orders left with the Local Government Employment Agent for Oda •distriilct, Advocate Ofirce, • or addressed t,'hereto, win •receive prompt. ixttaiitiea C. R. 3 lltD DRS, Agent4. We Cive Steady Employment to reliable energetic men ,for. the sale of our products. We give all the advantages that a reliable well advertised, d,estab- lished e s a - lished firm can offer. If you wish to represent us, WRITE NOW before it is too Iate, for further information. OVER 600 ACRES under cultivation and one of the most complete Nursery plants in Canada. Established 35 years, Free catalogue of stock on Application. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONTARIO What This Sectional Fire - pot Means -to You These are some of the ad- vantages of the Sunshine Furnace. Our agent will be pleased to show you others, or write for booklet. The " Sunshine " has a straight -sided semi - steel firepot, extra heavily rib- bed and made in two sections. The two sections allow for contraction and expansion --which prever_ts cracking. The heavy ribs and semi -steel give extra strength and added radiat- ing surface. Ashes cannot adhere to the straight sides which assur9s an all --over clear fire. This means the greatest heat from the fuel consumed. MCC1; • rys Sans ine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 334 ' Sold by T. Hawkins & Son II