HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-22, Page 5DORpA>C itosn.Sl ON, xy aSl trT X T . LXe tear oX tau► 13AR.S. et Ontario and: uat .of T'e'roato 17nbrer t� G;x e 13aziat *fid ' offftt»-Over Dit*Cson &. Oiarillnfen l'e'vy onto*. Closed 'w`edneaday atte naong, DR. A. It. WINA14AT4, HonerGradtheile of' Toronto tfnlnters . y DEN'Yt'IS'�' �°eoth .exteaeted wltxfeput pain, or any • had erfects, Otrtee over Gladman •&, Stan'bury's Orrice, Main Street; Exeter., —110 LEGAL ,iDICICSON '& CAL LING, BARRIbeTERS, Solicitors, .Natarieg. Conveyancers, Cont- mtssioners. psti'ciifora . for the IVIolsons hank. etc. Money to. Loan at lowest rates of 3nterreat Offices -Main -St., Exeter L R, Carling, B.A. L. U. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN of We have a large arnapurtk private funds to lean on frons and village prop- erties at low rates de tntereat. QuAb'M•A:N & MAMMY Barristers, Soidicitors, 'Dreter, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Lae. Aseuranoo• Company, else Fare Insurance !•n lead- ing oanadtati amid British ComP't;niig. . Mss -St., Exeter, T. B CARLItZGt Life, Fire, Aceldaut • and Plate Glees Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ductingauction sales. 7,, Exeter, Ont. The cost. of a Business -madiiiiid Education in the fro,E LioTT,0- or S,iort- Toronto, Ont. is quite moderate when the splendid results are considered,. Onc postal card.—one effort—we do the rest This college is open all year FARld POR SALE The undersigned Is offering for sale that des'iaable 101.Q acre farm, sittuated In the Township of ,Rjddulph, being Lot 13, Con. • .. There is on the prem',see a good frame House, Marti 4tt>i founda- tion, orchard. The farm !is well drain- ed and all under cultivation. This is an excellent farm, wse13, eltuated,aand w=11 be .sold reasonable., E.or furter partie- • ulars apply to Jc!tm O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont. WM. KELLY, FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 6, North B,o'uardary Stephen, con- to ning 100 acres of good land. There Is' on thepremise's a good franse house with stone cella.;; bank barn with co- ma?), floors ; 3 ;good wells, alnd a small orchard;, This is a good grain or greAs ,farm, or would: make a good stuck I farm. Situated two miles from tE*b r; phone in house. Will be sold reaseoabbe. For particulars apply on ceche premises, or write the undersigned, .#Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillips', { Exist?. College At Home Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish ;at college if. you so wish Positions guaranteed.- Enter college any day. Individual, instruction, Expert : tea- chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada., Sayan colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. :Affiliated with .Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada': Summer School at famous Spotton Business College,. Lon- don. I3O.;` SPOTTON B. F. WARD President PrirtclpaI SYNQPSI•S OF CA.NA}IAN NORTH vesitT LAND RHQUL•ATIONS ANY person who is the sole head wf a tangly or any Male over 18 years old, n>,ay diloaneste2,d a, que.rter section of available Dorninieo land ' ran 'Alan toba Saskatletewen or 'Alberta. The ap- plicant must appear in person at the Don*inlan. Lends Agency or Sub- agency for the dl'etrict. Embry by pro-, xy °made be made at any agency', on certain condttitorne by father, mother , soh, daughter, brother or stater ;of in- torlding' harneeteade r Duties—Mx , nipndlha' residence- neon, and cultivation oi; the laud in each of .three years, A homesteader may live within Woe n -fres -of hes homestead on a. 'risen 'qd at "ieasit SO- acnes solely owned and occupied by him or by hie. tether, mother, son daughter, brother or stet aF In' canal;; tddietxdots a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quart er section 'along 'nide hyla homestead. Prior $8.00 per. acre. Duties—Must reside upon the home stead or proomptption mix months to eat!i1 ot: ex years from date of home - 140'4 entry (including the M.A.,: re.- qul fed to earn ' h dtnestead patents and ct tivate fifty, aeries' extra. A.hoonestea.derA who ha,s exhausted hie `hpdrt skead right and cannot obtain p: ' fare-OfnPti-on trfay ether for a puxt. Chased `hu ;lee ead in certain. ,dt,etrecte' Price df3.O0 per aces. Duties-- Musa tilde lex• months tau.,, each of these , cultivate;otlr ae ea and erect sen worth $60.0,' '°t W. Itity or. 'tete Minister be flit 'Interior NE:s-1.1naaethortzsd trubltcatievt o1 thin taivertAsenttent' Mil not .be peed -i. od' onsan la lnteres Atte should #ao about tbo wood rrul w Marvel wo'ling spray Douche a.sk your (Ira et tbr• It. If he can t supply the bfABYtiL., acoept se other. but send stamp for illus- trated bnoif-.settled. It gives tu11 toaistues, Yticulars tnd INIeSeltS!IMinvaluable Iv.7 CO1windsor.Ont General Agents nor Canada. CRAM TRUNK SYST VICTORIA DAY Single Fare for Round Trip Between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, elso to Detroit and Port Huron, Midi„Niagara Falls Black Rock and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Good Going May 23 and 24 Return Limit May 27th 1913 HOMESEERERS' EXCURSIO S N To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,. each r , Tuesday until October 28, inclusive. Via Chicago and St. Paul or Sarnia Through the Pullman Sleepers to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving- To- ronto 11.00 p. m. No change of cars. Return' limit 'two 'months. Ask. Grand 'Trunk_•Agents for Zull particulars • :•berth reservations, etc, N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter Ontario Liquor License Act License District of South, Huron. Not ice is hereby given that Ez ra Brenner of Grand Bend, has made application for permission to transfer his Villain tavern license Grand Bend, to fos. Brenner, Grand Bend, and That the ,aid application wi11 ibe considered at the. meeting or the Board of License Com- missioners to be held at the Commeett ciar Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, May30 1913 at the hour of 10 a.m. Al. persons interested will govern themselves accordingly, John Torrance License Inspector. Dated at ,Clinton this 5th day ^t May 1913`, License District of South tlinron., Notice is hereby given that Mrs. J.A. Newell of Exeter, has made applica- tior. fox permission to transfer her Uil- lage tavern license (Commercial) Exe- ter xeter to T. H. Newell, and that the said application will be considered at a mei eting of thcBoard of License Com- missioner's to be held at the Commer- cia. Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, May30 1.913 at the .hour of 10 a.m. Alt persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. John Torrance License Inspector. Dated at Clinton ;this 5th day of May 1913. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These• pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative pgrt�oo�n of the female system. Refuse. all cheap imlfafions. Dr. de TAWS are sold et tea box, or time for $10Mailed to any address, Tiii beobell Drug Co., St' Catharine■, Out. A •wlNrason 14ADT'S .AI?PXflAtt. To .A;tf "Won>,an^'I v+^ilt went free 'with full instructions,‘ MY home'' treats elft Which positively' ewes Lattoorrheea,'giw aeration, Dloplacemanta, Palling of the womb, Paizltull or Irregular PC2'19d*, rJtertee and Ovarian Timor') or grewtls* Moo Jot Flushes,. Nervouisi esia, ]ILeI ancholy, Paine In the Roam Back er Dowels, and Bladder troubles, whets eaueed by Weakness peculiar to our 14x You can continue treatment- at homy at a cost of on,iy.4kbout i.2 cents; a Week ley book, "Woenan,'rn Own' Medical .AA. vise"r," also sent tree On request. Write to-do,'. Address, Mrs. M,Surnmere 9o4. Xi. 840 Windsor, Ont. NEW MUSKOKA TRAIN The Grand Trunk Railway System is putting on a new train frsm Tor- onto to Muskoka 'Wharf, commencing Saturday, May 17th,, leaving Toronto 10.15 a,m. daily, except Sunday, ar- riving Muskoka Wharf 1.40 P. m, making direct connection with steam- ers for all points on Muskoka Lakes. A brand new train, consisting' of baggage car, Vestibute Coaches, and will Buffett car w>1l be op orated and passengers are assured of a comfortable ride along the • most interesting route to Muskoka Wharf which is the original gateway to the far-famed. Muskoka Lakes. This train runs right to to side al steamer at Muskoka Wharf, thus a- voiding any inconvenience to pass- engers Return connection is made •vith trait, leaving Muskoka Wharf at 10.45 a.m. daily, except Sunday, arriving at Toronto 3.10 p.m.�, Tourist Tickets at reduced tat3s are now or sale to Muskoka " e- sorts good for stop -over at ' any point and good to return tntil November 30th, 1913. Full particulars and ti.: sets from any Grand Triple Agents. IN. J. )ore Station Agent, Exeter. - KIRKTON George Button, tailor. left last week for Edmonton via Chicago. Mr. Burton intended stopping off at Chic- ago for a couple of weeks to take a special course in cutting. Mrs. Burton and family left via G. T. R, on Thurs- day to join Mr. Burton. They will then proceed to their home at Edmon- ton. LOST VITALITY CAUSED BY. KIDNEY, STOMACH AND BOWEL DISORDERS. St. John, N. B4 September 18th, 1911 -My brothierNwas a great sufferer from kidney, istoamath and bowel troubles and was given up by two _doctors. He was advised to try Fig Pills, which he d.d, and after 'taking live boxes was com- pletely reetvzerl to health and, is better to -day than he fay, l':,en for years. You can't recommend Fig Pais too L',ghly. J. W: MANVER'S At all dealers, 25 end 50 cents " or the Fig Pill Ob., St. Therms, Ont. HOUSE.CLENING SN Ye Olde Firm Of eintzrnan & Co. LIMITED One Genuine Heintzman & Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar- anteed 5 years, Regular price 450 selling price $290.00 $6. per month. One .Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7 1-3 Octave over strung scale guaranteed 5 years $150. or $3. -per month One R. S Williams Square- Piano Rose Wood Case .7 1-3 Octave over strung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years. $1.50.00` $3.00 per month. One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Ootave overstrungscale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years $150.00. $3,00 per month. 15 or 20 Qrgans in good repair fully guaranteed from $10 to $50.00 one to $2.00 per month. lieinztman & Co. 193-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto . or Heintzman & Co.' 38 Ontario Street, Stratford Heintzman and .Co. Please mail me to -day. a; list of slightly -used Upright Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad- vocate:., dame Addlres�;• MSALL Miss M.I ell returned to Calgary last week afterapending some time here. - lamei Priest and family wear to London to reside, , Frank gplernan; of Stratford, is hose visiting his mother, Ab Oudmore is in* Guelph hospital and' tflay have to undergo an operation. - Mrs. Hail and children' returned to Waterloo on Tuesday after after spending five months with her sister Mxs .James. Bonthorn,— The R'epMr, Moorehouse of Birr will preach in the Methodist Church Sunday. Rev R. Hicks will take the Birr work, -- On turning bie cattle out to grass W Northcott of Sexemith had the min fortune to have one break its leg and another become paralysed. .-•- R. Y. Morrison, harness maker has assigned for the benefit of his creditors. LVMLEY Miss Nan E. Horton has returned from visiting her parents in Harpur- hey.—Word was received herd on Saturday evening of the death of the little daughter of Mr. Robt. Ellering- tonof ' Toronto. We extend our sym- pathy,_Mrs. Horton of Exeter, who spent the past week with relatives here. has returned home.—Mr, Fred Ellerington has an addition ;built to hie house which adds very much to its appearance as well as convenience. --Mr and Mrs. I. "A. Bolton spent Sunday at R. D. Bell's, Tuckersmith.. -Mr. L, C. Glenn spent Sunday at Peter Case's, London Road,—Mr. Fred A. Ellerington went to Toronto the first of the week to attend the funeral of his little. niece.—Mr, Hugh McDou- gal; is net enjoying the best of health at present: GRAND BEND Mr. Fred Page and son, Walter and Peter Ravelle, who have been in Pt. Franks, returned home Saturday.—Mr. W. J, Amos and children of Brinsley were here on business Saturday. -=Mr. Rich. Jennison of Parkhill called on friends here Monday.—Mr: John Snell ane. Robt Sanders of Exeter were in our burg on Monday.—Mr. J. Heaman and. L. Ravelle were in Exeter one day last week.—Messrs, Tetreau -and Zapfe were in Port Franks Saturday -George Oliver moved into Joseph Ravelle's house Wednesday, and P. Baker moved into the house vacated by Walter Statten,—Geo. Oliver.. spent Sunday with his family here.—Mr, and Mrs Walter England of Greenway vis itee Sunday at P. Baker's.—Ware Ol- iver moved into Jim Clark's house last week.—Mr. J. Ross went to_ Lon - dor Monday `on business—Miss Stew- ardson hat returned to Greenway. - This week 'it becomes our sad duty to mention the death of Mrs. Wm. Buchanan., who died Friday morning. Deceased had been ill the past two years of that dread -disease consump- tion, About three fearsago she was married to her now bereft husband. She was .twice married, her first hus band being a Mr. Lawrence. She had attained the age of 30 years. She leaves to lvtourn a husband, three sons a sister and 'brother. The funeral on Sunday wa's ";largely attended. MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan of Chic- ago is visiting the former's parents, 1\Ir ,and Mrs. Thos. Ryan.—Mr..Henry Doyle is seriously ill at his home.-. Rev. Father . Tirney of London • is visiting Rev. Fr. Forster for ..a fear days.—Mr, Corey Regan continues very ill. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. -Mr. Patrick Rear- don purchased , a team of colts last wed: from tvtr. John Hogan, paying for them •a handsome figure.—Mr. Daniel Barry. is on the sick list 'his week.—Mr. Jos. Glavin was in Lon- don last week on business. -Mr. Jos. Mahoney and sister visited friends near Zurich on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs; Louis Rowland spent Sunday with friends at Elginfield:-Mr. Jacob Quer- rin purchased the hundred acre ;arm 1 'r nerly owned by J. W. Doyle, :or the sum of $5000.—Mr. Pafr'iik Car - lot! spent Sunday with, friends at 1..u- can.—Inspector Sullivan of London 'visited the school here last week. W HALENN. The crop prospects in this dis- trict 'are bright, and the recent rains have advanced the growth of every - thine: far more than the frosts put them back. The fruit blossom is not hurt like some , are predicting it to be.—Miss Bessie Morley left Tuesday for Chatham, being chosen as a dele- gate to the Branch imeeting of the W, M S..—Messrs. Hector and Clar- ence Millson spent Saturday in Lon- don on business. -Mr. Geo. Squire has recently purchased the farm late- ly occupied by Mr. Jas. Bossence. On Friday he had a plowing bee, as there wa no plowing done last fall. Mr. Bossence is living in., Toronto and working for a dray company.—A num- ber front around here attended the anniversary services at Woodham on Sunday.—Roy Langford and sister of near Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Armitage of LuCan spent Sunday here at Wm. Ogden's, WINCHELSRA. • Miss Nellie Medd, teacher of our school, is suffering from an attack tonsilitis, and school is closed for a ,few days.—Mr. John Stewart of Wood ham .who has been working at the blacksmithing here for Mr, Robinson. quit work on Saturday last and ac- cepted a position with the Maxwell firm of St. Marys, Winchelsea would be a good place for a blacksmith or woodworker to start business. -Mr. Frank Coward still remains very .sick with little hope of recovery. --Wilbur Batten sports a fine , new buggy: ---A number from here took in the Wood- bare anniversary Sunday, -Mr. and Mrs G :L 'Waugh.,of Exeter were guests; at the home of ;Mr j"ohn'< pelbridge. S'tiaday.---Mrs. Roberts Hicks is some- what,. improved after her recent r11 nesSatr We hope:'. to soon see, her e•- rauritl ag'altt -tb,tr and Mrs.Jas,13eer of Exeter, passed" through Sunday 'on their' Way *to visit,. with friends in Zion: Stomach Weak? Blood Bad?, Liver Lazy? Nervous WHY go along day' after day .sneering when aid is at hand fig convenient and at so little cost Dr. Pierre's Golden 01.11.1011.101.110 011.11111.0.11•1•11 Medical Discove aids digestion and purifies the blood. As a eonseguence both the stomach and liver .return to their norrnal and healthyCondition. Won 'Nervousness and, biliousness on disappear. The entire tlyetem takes on new life. • For over forty, years this famous old medicine' has "made good' rand nevermore so than today►, enjoying a greater sale all over the world than any other doctor's prescription. For sale at all druggists in liquid or tablet forma or you can send fifty lc stamps for trial box. Address ,..�+ DR. R. V. PIERCE, BUFFALO, N. Y. ,. momsmmmsosmmoo THE Bost B Itt Canada have participated In the preparation of oar splendid House Stfdy Coursos in Bastkittg Economics, Higher Accoltlfting Qom iuercial Art, Show Card Writing, Photograph, Journalism, Short Story Writing Shorthand alta Hook - kite mug. Select the work which most interests you and writes us for par- ticulars. Address The Shaw Cor. respondence 391.7 Yong*- St. Toronto. i CENTRAL STRATFORD. ON'f.. Tuve, beat practical training school Int Ontario.-.-Tihtee 'departments, COMMER CIA L, fo'HORf1HANCI and Ti$L RAP- IIY. All cO rrsee are !thoneUgh and practical. IL1eatdhidra are experienced and graduates -.are placed in positions. 'We give individual attention and students may enter at airily time. Write for our free catalogue at once.. Ii A. bfel aCHLAN, Principal. TC FARMERS WANTING, Jf'BN. Farmers wanting Mired meat for n .xt sea ' scar should plaice their ordersat once othery i•se there will be difficulty" 'an accusing help. Orders. lett with the Local Government Employment Agent for this diatribt, Advocate 011lce, or aieres.eed £'hereto, wi1L •rege1Ve prompt attention C: T3. $&` rsatS, Agent. We Cive Steady Employment J to reliable'; energetic men for the sale of our products. We give all the advantages that a reliable well advertised, estab- lished firm can offer. If you wish to represent us, WRITE NOW before it is too late, for further information. OVER 600 ACRES Under cultivation and one of the most complete Nursery plants in Canada. Established 35 years. Free catalogue of stock on Application. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONTARIO i, No Furnace, Dust in Your Horne. - , fge You will have no fur- nace dust in your home if you have a Sunshine Furnace. . special dust flue ; prevents this en- til'• by carryin all dust smoke pipe. The Sunshine has advantages which make it by far the best furnace to in- - stall. Our agent will be pleased to ex- - plain them, or write for' booklet. McC1rft Sunshine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver St. John, N.B. Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 333 Sold by T. Hawkins 8& Son 11 Why should an other cereal be called just as good" as G RN FL Because Kellogg's is known to be the best and most nutritious cereal on the :market— Because the sale of Kellogg's Corn Flakes is enormous as trade realms will show— Because another large inodernfactory, the best and most sanitary- in Canada had to be built to take care of our constwitlp in- creasing trade— Because the imitator, knowing these facts. and having few selling arguments for his own product thinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellogg's: But—the flavorand':the sustaining qualities of. Kellogg's Corn Flakes:: cannot be counterfeited..: Sold in ackagesat 10c.. Look for the signature. ature. 03