HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-22, Page 417- Atitikleate Sand � er> Creech, .e $t re h, Proprietor:,. 3311TItSDA.Y.: MAY '22,, 't3 The leaders of the Liberal wart be to notify .their friends that they., wilt not bring on a .general election for a yeaz or two. • The fact is that the public might w believe that the Liberal members were "gagged" ifthey did not talk so; much about it. The country would be greatly shocked if the power of the Senate wee taker away as Ce• result of the - naval bill situation„ would it not? Yes, it would NOT, -0- It must be inspiring to the Liberal party in this country to think that the actions of their representatives in Parliament have pleased every enemy oa the British Empire the world over;; Xudgine by the magnificent budget presented by Hon. W. T. White, Min- ister of Finance, Canada has entered upon a new era of prosperity under a safe and sane Conservative adntinis- tration. If Laurier wishes to regain the con- . fidence of the people he must first' realize -however distasteful that real- ization may be -that this country is British and has every intention of re- maining so. What an old-fashioned financier the present Finance Minister is! He ac- tually applies over twenty million dol- lar: to a reduction of the National debt This is the Minister whom we we were warned to suspect by .the Liberal press. • Let our readers recall what they read in the Globe, Advertiser and other Liberal papers and recall what has happened and make comparisons. It will help them to decide what con- fidence to place 'in those Liberal oap- ere in future. It must be apparent that there Te.: selfishness as well as obstruction in excessive speaking in Parliament. If' a dozer- members consume days in. speech, it means so much less time for the man of sense who may 1iaee. something to offer besides volubility. The revenue of the Dominion in the fiscalyear just closed was $168,250- 000. This is an increase of more rhan' $3Z,000,000 over the revenue of the preceding year, and this increase is of itself equal to the entire revenue of the Dominion 20 years ago. It is estimated that in Ontario about 18 per cent. and in Alberta about 43.5 per cent. of the areas sown to wheat last fall have been winter killed. These percentages represent a deduction of 261,000 acres from the total area sown to fall wheat, viz, - 1,086,800 so that the area remaining to be harvested is now 825,800 acres. There is no ,reason why we should not have the cleanest town in Ontar- io even . it we cannot boast of the largest Every man, woman and child can do his or her part to make the town neat and attractive and clean' sanitary. It is only a small matter• foi each family to clean up its own premises but with every family i1 i tow r• doing this the whole town will not cell, present an attractive ap- pearance, but wail be more healthful. as well. Let every one joinin this war against dirt,. disease, rubbish ug- liness liness�and indiference o the p- g ublio good and when the town is in the condition it should be, let every one help to keep it so. The town is the urgent need of cleansing and Buri Eying after the long winter and the dampness of early spring and all of -1 fort to this ;end will bring reward a hundred fold. ashwo ►d l he.'l?asebali gauze played here on Tuesday night last between Crediton ancithe home team was fast and in- terestittg resulting in favor of the visitors by a score of 6-3. The home of Mr, and Mrs, Tohn Draft has .been brightened by the ar- .rivat of a fine baby girl. Ar a meeting of the sports commit- tee on Tuesday night it 'Wee decid- ed to have "a calithumpian procession in whish will be about 40 rigs, The Y, P. A of Dashwood has decided to serve• meals on that day in, Jonas 1-lartleib's implement shop.. Mr Ed. Boysenberry is in Mitchell this week to attend the races. The big auto will take a load from her to the races in Mitchell Satur- day. The road at "Smoky Hollow" near Grand Bend has been made impass- able owing to the bridge being down and a new one being erected in its ,stead Mr Frank Chase of Windsor was here; this week repairing Guenther's auto. Mr Thos. Klumpp has purchased the racing' mare, Minnie .Bars, from Mr Cudmore near Seafo"rth, and '.:the a rivedhere Tuesday. She is a good. mare and Tom does not have to take' dust from any of them. Dashwood will celebrate the King's ,birthday pn Tuesday, June'3rd. There -wit be procession in the forenoon, followed by a ball game between Zur- ich and Centralia, In the afternoon there will be a ball game between Crediton and Fullarton, The feature .of theaday 'will be horse racing, for which .good prizes will be offered, There will be .prizes for ,er-erything. le the • evening a concert will be .,*iv= en, in the hall. Miss Laving Koch of -London spent a few days with her parents,. Mr.and. Mrs Geo Koch: Another business has changed hands in this village,MMr Jacot Kellermann having purchased the flour mill from Mr. Wm. Ehlers. i4lr Keilermann has already taken Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Postmaster General, will he received ar Ottawa until Noon on Fri- day, ;the =20th June, 1913, for the eon- veyance of His ;Majesty's Mails on a propgsed: Contract for four years six 4tianas per week over Rural Mail Route "A" from Zurich (Hillsgreen way, Ontario to commence at the pleasure cif ; the Postmaster General. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may ;be seen and blank forms of tender .niay be- ob- tained 'at. the Post Offices of Zurich Hillsgreen, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector "at London. G: C. ANDERSON, Superintendent, Post 'Office Department, Mail Ser - vier Branch, Ottawa, 5th May, 1913. tlossession.-Mr. John Hall of London wee here lest week on business.. --Mr, Jael. Routledge has gone to 'Hyde Park for the summer, -Earl Neeli la's: gone to London where he has accept ell a position, -Mr, and Mrs. O'Neil of Parkhill have been .visiting here. lELIIYXVILLIJ Mr. a:nd Mrs. John Hind spent See - day with .relatives here, -Miss. Lizzie Johns is home from London Business College to spend the summer with het parents. -Mrs. John Caldwell of Hen- sel) spent Sunday with her son,Chas, Gccibolt jr,-We are sorry to heat that Mrs Samuel Balkwill is very low,: at present. -Mr. John Heywood is, rushing the mason workon the new sheti and expects to soon have it completed. -Mrs. Arthur Taylor and children are visiting her mother Mrs Win Jacques; prior to moving to Win nipeg to join her husband, --Mr. John Jacques is visiting his uncle near Lon- don. -Miss. Lizzie Hern left last week to visit her brother. • IN 1913; NO MORE RHEUMATISM Easy to Cureit Now; Also Gout and Sciatica W S. Cole guarantees RHEUMA to banish Rheumatism or money back. He sells lots of it. People come for miles to get it. RHEUMA quickly steps the torturing pains, relieves at once -the intense suffering, and drives the Uric Acid poison from swollen. joints. RHEUMA -is a wonderful remedy- a splendio doctor's best prescription; yot, don't have to take it a week and then wonder whether it is doing the work or not. Start to take it to-day-RHEUMA wcn't waste any time; it starts toed' on kidneys liver, stomach and blood today, and tomorrow you'll knoty :hat Rheumatic poison is .quitting you 'for- ever Use RHEUMA for rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, neuralgia and kidney disease. It surely does wcrk-a bottle for only 50 cents. Mail, orders filled by The R. T. Booth Co. Lt'd, Fort Erie, Ont. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. --- The Court of Revision of the as-„ sessinent Roll for 1913, of the Town- ship of Usborne, will be held at the Township Hall, Elimville, on Saturday the 7th day of June, at one o'clock iti the afternoon, to consider and de- termine appeals against assessments imposed by said Roll. Any person having business at said Court please take notice. - Whalen, May 30. Francis Morley, Clerk Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Postmaster .General, will be • eyed at Ottawa until Noon onFri- day the 20th June, 1913, for the :on- veyance of His Majesty's Mails an a proposed Contract for four years six times per week over Rural Mail Route "Be from Crediton (South), ), Ontario,to commence at the ,pleasure of the Postmaster- General. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may ,be seen and blank forms of tender may be ob- tained at the Post Office df Crediton, and at the Offiea of the Post Office "Inspector at London. CENTRALIA Miss Kate Marek• m .; ,tai1 spent Sunday eeeee` under the parental, roof cat BIyth. Mrs. D. French ie visiting -with her sister Mrs. W. R. `.Eilliott. Rev Blatchford is improving nicely and able to be out of; bed again. Mr. and Mrs, Gry*nan ,of Granton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bowles on Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellerington of Lumley spent Sunday the guest of Mr. Wm Quinton. Mr. C:" Baskerville lost his fine stal T ar-Car e onTuesdayof horn 1 .,rt rr z ro y this week from ulatrma^tion. It is a. heavy loss to le. Baskerville. The Ladies' Aid Social, and Con cern on Tuesday evening was quite a success financially and 'otherwise, The ladies catered to .;the crowd in capital style. From a curious menu especially prepared for the occasion A splendid program of speeches by Rev. George of Lucan and Rev. Steadf man of Elimville, and songs and duets by local talent. The proceeds amount: ed to about $25.00. , From the Fairfield. Correspondent. -Last Wednesday evening the Fair- field school ball tossers journeyed to Centralia to play a return game of °. ball with the Junior turnip boosters. After their bluff of ; the previous' week the Centralia lads greatly dis- appointed their native supporters, for the Fairfield boys, after playing a lie- surely game won, with ease -by a score at 16 to 11 ZURICH Mr. W. Schwalm, who has been on the sick lisG for Che last week is slowly recovering, Tne Zarieh baseball club w 44 ed,'ri+,'.i.nized with the follow- bag ollowing offt wee - loin, presic.ent,e �. J. mortice,dt. P. •president, P, Lemont, vice peee..L Preeter, sec-tieee Hess; manger, Lee'Ei,fl'men; cw tarn, Ed Wtn•m;ruundcot ttnittee, It. Stade John Dilebert, Win, Holtman. Aa effort is being rascals to reorganized the Z iamb Silver Bend, ee. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch,Ottawa, 7th May, 1913 tes Mali Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Fri- day 4111 20th :June, 1913, for the •:on- ceyance of•'His ,Majesty's Mails on a proposed • Contract for four years 12 times per week over Rural Ma'i'l Route "C'' from Crediton and Centralia Rail- way Station,. Ont., from the Postmas- ter General's pleasure. - Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms, of tender may be ob- -ained at the Post Officer of Crediton, Crediton East, Centralia, and at the Office of the ,Post Office . Inspector. et Loudon G C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, 5th May, 1913. Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 20th June, 1913 for the con- veyance .of His Majesty's 'Maio on a proposed Contract for Lour years, i .. .imes per week, over Rural Mail Loute ."V," from Exeter (West) (Hur- yn 5 R.), 'Ont, from the Postmaster 3eneral's pleasure. Printed notices containing further .nformation as to conditions of pro- ,osed Contract may be seen and jlalnk fdrms .;or Tender may be ob- ainede at the Post Office of Exeter, fay'Lead at the office of the 'Post 3ffice inspector at London,: G. C. ' ANDERSON, Superintendent Post Office Department; Melt Sere, vice,l3ranre, Ottawa, May 6th, 1913. Mail Contract IN SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the Postmaster -General will be re- ceived at Ottawa until .noon, on Fri- day the 20th June, 1913, for the con- veyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week, over Rural Route "L" frog• Hensa'l (Hillsgreen) (Huron S.R.) Ont.. from the Postmaster -General's pleasure. - Printed notices containing further information - as to conditions of pro- posed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the post office of Hensall, Hillsgreen and at the office of • the; Post Office Inspector at London. G. C. ANDERSON, superintendent, Post Office Department, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, 5th May, 1913 Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the Postmaster -General, will be received at Ottawa until noon. on Friday, June 20th, •1913 for the :;onveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a ro osed p p contract for four years six times per week, over Rural Mail Route "D" from : Dashwood (Shipka Corbett) Huron S. -R., Ont, from the Postmasterleneral's pleasure. Printed' noticescontaining further in formation as to conditions of pro- posed contract may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the Post • Office of Dashwood, Ship ka, Corbett, and atthe office of the Post Office Inspector at Lon- don G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department,, Mail Ser- vice Branch, Ottawa, May 2, 1913 Mail• Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed lb :he Postmaster General, Will be -•e -eived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri - ,1a4 the 20th JUNE, 1913,? for the ;root eyance, of His Majesty's Mails on s proposed contract for four years, •i1` 'times per week, over Rural Mail touts No A. from Crediton West) Ontario to commence at the. pleasure Jr the Postmaster General, Printed notices containing further ntortnation as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and. 'rank fornis .of Tender inay lie '' ob-. :dined at the'„Post Office of CREDI- ['OIIv and at the Office, of the Post Office•'Inapector at London. ?os't'Office Department, t, Malt: Service Branch, • 2nd May yin Cx:'C. •ANDERSON, Superrntendeet, ti'rAra Or Ogto PVC! of Tobapa,'( Lv'as count, t f'raok obeuo;rmaim. oabh'thet he is senior rrtner•ot the ossa of F, .l. (heaey A Co„ cle w bust, es in the Oity of Toledo, County �d Stobe afore, said, andrt that said arm will par * emu of 0$ sal h DttB.p DQLLAitS for .ac raid every base of Catarrh that cannot be ogr04 br two of Hgll's: catarrh Oure, N ltABB CHENEY Sworn tobefore ire and subsea*** In my prey Once, this Oth day of lheeniber, A.% tii00, (Saab) A. W.itleiASON, allthitY,PV1tt,r0 Hall's Catarrh Curets talren {riifrrpy and acts directly on t'be blood and ruOoue 1111Bbooe of the, system, Send for testimonials free, '. J, OulteZ els 00,, tli eedo, 0, Soldby all Druggists, 76o. Take iia11'e Family Pills for emuti>o,ton, Stallion Routes HUMIDE, 75739, 67979, 1480, is a guaranteed percheron stallion import- ed from France, the property of Re- gan Bros. and Witzel and Son, Khiva. Monday afternoon leaves home t oT. Amy's; Tuesday to, Nelson Stanlakes to Commercial Hotel, Exeter; Wed- nesday to B. Williams' to S. Pym's Thursday to Dan, McCurdy s, to Cen- tralia, Friday to Wm, Flynn'e, . to A Hill's. Crediton; Saturday ,home, -W. WITZEL Manager. This Stallion has been enrolled and inspected. VOLTAIRE, 32682; the great Per- cheron, leaves home, Lot 27, Con.11 Hibbert, and goes to Kippen, and to Brucefoeld; Tuesday to Clinton, and to Aibert Harris', Goderich Tp. • Wed nesday to Bayfield, and to E.`Boyce's Bronson Lige; Thursday to B.Pfile's to T. Key's; Stephen; Friday to Cred iton and Exeter; Saturday to Albert Etherington's, and hotlin JOHN CHAMBERS, Prop. & Man. This stallion has been enrolled and inspected, • CHARMING PRINCE, PRINCE, Old Country No. 15597,. Canadian No. 11477, En- rolment No. 1601,'is a purebred im- ported Clydesdale. Leaves: home in Exeter Monday to J. Ratcliffe's, to W H. Kay's Tuesday to John Gilfillan's to W. H. Kay's Wednesday to Ed, Stone's, to W. H. Kay's; Thursday to Walter Kerslake's, to Geo. William Friday home until Monday -,-Thomas Berry & W. H. Kay, Proprietors ; M. M. Fletcher 1blan'r_ This Stallion fias been Cheesed --0-- CLAN MacGREGOR, Mt,. 10528, Vol XXI., the property of J. Hand- ford and A. & W. McWilliams, is a pure-bred imported Clydesdale,well ad favorably known, leaves home at Clandeboye. Monday to Alen. O'Neil's McGillivray, to T. Eagen's, London Tp, : Tuesday to J. Morgan's and D. A shworth's ; Wednesday to G.Ryan's and home • Thursday to R. Flynn's Biddulph, and T. Hodgin's; Friday to Hy McFall's and W. Johns' London, Rd.; Saturday to J, T. Simpson's and home. -S, BASKERVILLE, Dlan'r. This stallion has been enrolled. ED FLETCHER, 01432, is a great trottingstallion, with an excellent pedigree, the property of Doyle Bros, (MeDonell's Stables), Exeter, leaves home Tuesday, via Centralia to Cred itoti' and to M. O'Brien's S. B.; Wed nesday to Dashwood and home; On Thursday, to T. Fletcher's and Kirk - ton • Friday to T. Hunkin's and. home, -THOS. CASE, Man'r. This stallion has been enrolled. LORD. SHARP, 11413 is a ' Clyde stallion of excellent parts and well known Monday leaves home, Lot.16 Con 8, Usborne, -to W.' Rowcliffe's, to Centralia. Tuesday to Nelson Ba- ker's, to Morgan Dickson's. Wednes day to Pat Boyle s, to Clandeboye, l'hursday. to John McLaughlin's, to T Morley's, Friday to Melville Skinner and home. Saturday to J. Allison's and home.-GEO.COWARD, Prop. and Manager. This Stallion has been enrolled KING. O'GOWRIE, 14207, 76e0, is a pure-bred imported Clydesdale of choice pedigree . and .well known in, his district. Monday leaves home at Crediton, to Wm. Hodgins', to Wm. 'Reid's ; Tuesday to pat: Sullivan's ,to Silas Brokenshire's ; Wednesday to his owr, stable; Thursday to John Hep-, burn's, to Sam Joey's ; FridaY-45' 4PJ n; s i r = r a.lel-- 8'afes'; Saturday. to Jonas Sim's, and home. ELI KING Prop, and Manager. This stallion has been enrolled. SOUTHPORT,. 347, is an Imported Shire. stallion, of fine, pedigree and well-known as a,600d breeder. He wilLstand at his own' stable, Cred- iton, opposite the Baseball Grounds, JAS COCKWILL, Prop. and Manager This stallion has been enrolled. JOHN SMOLLETT, . 44459, Vol. 17 is a standard -bred trotting stallion. will stand at his - ow and well kn n. He wtl own stable Thames Road, this season. El H Brown, •Prop. and Manager. LORD OF THE MANOR, 23216, is a magnificently bred trotting stal- lion with an excellent reputat ion. He will stand at his own stable, Thames Road, thhs season. 'H. H, BROWN, Proprietor and Manager. , Auction Sale OF HOUSE AND LOT There will be sold' by public auction the house and .three-quarters acre of• land. on •SIMCOE STREET, EX- ETER on . WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, at 3 p.m.. sharp, on. the preinlses, Frame House, containing 4 rooms good cellar under house; a large number of fruit' trees, consisting: of apple, pears,' plums, cherries, rasp- berries and currants. Terms -10 per cent.. of . purchase motley on day of sale; half balance: tit 6 months; the other half in 1 yeas from' date of sale, . MRS, T. ELEBER, 13.'.S. PHILLIPS Proprietress Auctioneer Electric Restorer fir. Men Phosphene' reeteres'every nett* lotlie bodi. to Be ptoper teeeloa ` eatores ,VAIrand vitality, Prebtatttro d Cay.�t�gq�da,eextral. weakrferr ' averted at Made. ]tlrdNpleAlao Will hake -ret a':ti'ow malt. Price r♦ 6�ex, es taro Kot 16. Mailed to•any addrest. T'eie )sed) nig Co tic Cat'hprInes.Ont. TiE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., I, L.11),, D.G.L., President ALEXANDER LAIRD JOHNI AIRD ietant General .re! General Manager Ass Manager CAPITAL, $15,000,000, REST, .$1.2,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and upwards. Careful attention'is given to every account Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and -operated by mail. Accounts p may be opened in the names of two or more pergolas, Y withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 13,: EXETER BRANCH -G. L. arA,UGEz, Id.anager. Branch also. at Crediton The lVlolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-1911 Capital - $3 000,000 $4,000,000 Reserve - $3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits - $23,677,730 Loans and Investments - 27,457,090 Total Assets - $33,090,192 • 35,044311 38,854;801 48,237,284 Has 83 Branches in .anada, and Agents and Oorrespandentsi i allthe Principal cities in the World. '' A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT - at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DIOgsoN & CABLING, SolieitorS. ' N. D. HURDON Manager, Potato Planter With or without Fertilizer Attachment Plants 4 to 6 acres per day Get a Planter now .. FOR SALE BY. R. Gillies t Son WALKERS OVERALLS Made in Walkerville WE GUARANTEE Ten Cents for every Button that comes off and Twe�t _f ve Cent for every Rip and for every 'ixttamped Pockets .cut from worn garments, we will give. you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets. SOLD B- • JONES & MAY Guaranteed by Walkerville Pant Co. Walkerville, Ontario ies! Buggies! We have just received a .car. of Th of amo us Brockville Canada Carriage • a e Cam; an. P Y Buggies These buggies are a special lot, specially built and specially finished. The young man will: be particularly pleased with; these buggies. Be sure to Bee them. As they have been bought in car lots, we can give ive ou them for the right price. We also have a shipment of Gray Campbell ' Chatham Buggies Wes. S. Sxie 1. 1 .Implement Agent Exter, ; Ontario