HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-15, Page 5DENTAL Dr. G. F, 11001.40T014, 1.0,1D.S., '11).P.til? ,l DENTIST • *tabor of the' Meal% of O ttarjo and, HOMO gradUatp of Toronto linivcrslty. Ottftae Wer 'Aleksen & earling'e law pftlee. Closed Wednesday afternoons, P11. A. R. ICi,Ylsf►tA;It, I+,1+1.$., I3..1)4aa,' Honor Graduate of Toronto Ueiversify DENTIST Teeth extracted w'ittfotut pain, or any bad efteete, Otii;ce averQladman & Stanblt res Office, Main" Street, Exeter' LEGAL A M,MCS N & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solioitarra, Notaries,' Conveyancers, Conn. meea1oners., Solicitrors for the IvIelaons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interrst Offices—Madn-St, "Exeter I. 11, Caa•img,' B.A. L, H. Dickson MONETc TO LOAN We have a large amount, of private funds to loan on fan'an andvillage prop- erc es at low rates or interest. ' =ADMAN & STANBUR, Y Barr:eters, Solicitors, Exeter. J. SENIOR .Agent Confederat'on' Ws Assurance, Company, also Flare Insurance +n lead - trig .OanadIaan mad British Comilhaaies. MaP,an-at., Z?izeter.' T:• B CARLING - L[fe, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance; Collecting 'accounts, and con- ducting auction' ,gales, -- Exeter, Ont. The cost, of a Business or Short- hand Education• in the • Et.. IOTT e d J;/•• ,t,,%/. Toronto, Ont. is quite moderate when the splendid results are considered. One postal card.—one effort—we do' the rest This college is open all year , FARTkZ FO,R SALE 1 a I The tmdersigned Is offering for sale that desirable 100 acre farm, situated in the Townahfap of Feiddulph, being Lot 12, Can. 1. Thema is on the preariyeea a geed Praline Mouse, bath with, founda- tion, orchaitld, The farm 5s well drain- ed and all under cultivation', This is an excellent ;farm., well :situated and will be sold reasonable, Foi further parties ulars apply to Jolhtn O'Neil, Mooresville, Ont. W. KELLY, PARI4 ' FOR SALE The undersigned is offering far sale Lot 6, North Boundary Stephen, con- t,aining 100 acres of., good. land. There is on the prenniseis a good :trains house with stone cellar , bank, barn with ce- Ment floors ; 3 good •wells, end -. small orchard;. This is a good grain oicrgrass farm, or veau1d make a good stock farm,. Situated ..two miles from Exebar; phone in housel.' Will be tepid reaso:aabbe. For particulars apply on the premises, or wirite the undersigned, Fred Green, Hay, or B. S. Phillips, tlxeter.. . Collge At e Home Thousands of ambitious young pew.' pie are fast preparing in their awn homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants,. in fact every sphere, of Business Activities You may finish at college if you se wish Positions guaranteed. Enter college any day. individual instruction. Expert tea. chert. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. ,Seven colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers; Affiliated with Commercial hldticators' Association of Olin- ads. Summer School at famous Spotton Business. College, Lon- don. GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal SYNOPSIS OF CANA.DIAN. ORT WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY peraosn who Is the sole head.o. a fasnrlhy or any male over 18' years. old, may homestead a quarter section • of avatlable Dosninlen land rf, n Man:tobe Saskatklhewen or. Alberta. ''the ap- plicant must appear in person- at the Dominion Lands— Agency. or Snub- apiney for the di'steict. Entry by. pro Xy 'Made be' toads at any ageeescy,, on certain conditions by bather, mother, sOon,• daughter, -brother or sister of in- ' tending hoan,gekead:er • • Dukles-,-t11x months'. residence upon. and • cultivation - of the land in each of three years, A hosrteatieador rna,Y- Ilya; witahjn Wine, n..',liee afi id'fs`homestead on a farm. at apt, Leadt 80 at:ges solely owned and ocoupled by' hire or by hie fsther;; mether, eon daughter, brother. or sister. In certaisrdxaltriets a hotitesteader good standing may pre-emtot a' cfuart ° erleectten !along aide hes h'onvestead. Price $3.00 per acre; Duties--Mtitst reside upon the home stead or pre-emiptioin six menials in each, of stet years /men date of home- ,; stead 'entry'. (including the tetne - re- iluired ,to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty were® extra. h besteatier who has exhausted 'ria lhottiestead right and cannot obtaite to pre-leinprtiom may enter tor , O. Pun- phta,sed herne.sleae In certain diatri`.be Price' $8400 per acre. Duties^• Must reside six months tau esoh af• these yeabe,.:cu1tiv:abe Silty 'acres and erect _d a house worth 1300: • 7W1, W. , CORY, Deputy of, tFite ivEltitater et allt"inter;or N.l'3 �tlnauthrortzed pubiioat:!ao '.t' A 1 p1Et'S 'VS" "� r' N Ilttt3 MI'1'N. � 1. a man saves looney ^-- cause he is kept too bus Farmers weals* haired man or net to spend lt. „ eeaextl 'should p.Irats° thole ordera at axil othar, ,tae thl +ei w4gi be d1tttoulty tp secutl ; Stiletn. memo lett with tlAs I:iocai Govetnmenat EtnolOyment A foS this di '>.iti'i#, Advocate Qtd ce, a!detres sod ttereto:, vifYt receive pt attention !C, lg. S i,Nfl} 11ELS, Agolr GRANO TRUNK RSS"T'rn§ `G`.T CxORIA DAY Single Fare. for Round Trip Between all stations in Canada east of fort. Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mic!1,, Buffalo, Niagara Falls Black Rock and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Good Going May 23 and 24 Return Limit • May 27th 1913 ROMVIESEEKERS' EXCURSIO N S To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, eacl. Tuesday until October 28, inclusive, Via Chicago and St. Paul or Sarnia Through the Pullman Sleepers to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving 'To. ronto 11,00.. p, m; No change of cars. Return limit two months. Ask Grand Trunk ,Agents for lull particulars berth reservations, etc, N. J. • DORE, Agent, Exeter ,Ontario liquor License Act License District of South Huron. Not ice is hereby given that Ez ra Brenner of Grand Bend, has made application for 'permission to transfer his Village tavern license, Grand Bend, to (os. Brenner, Grand Bend, and that the .aid application will 'Ibe considered at the meeting of the Board of License, Com- missioners to be held at the 'Commer cis' Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, May 30 1913: at the hour of 10 a.m. , Al. persons interested will govern tlic inselves"accordingly. John Torrance License Inspector,: 'Dated at Clinton this 5th day '-t May 1913. License District of South iitiron.. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. J.A, Newell of Exeter, has made 'applica applica- tiot. for permission to transfer her Vil- lage tavern license (Commercial) Exe. ter to T. II. Newell, anti that the said application will be considered at a mei eting of the Board of License Com- missioners to be held at the Commer- cia. Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, May30 1.913 at thehour of 10 a.m. Alt persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. John Torrance License Inspector. Dated at Clinton ,this 5th day of fay .1,913; • Dr. de, Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These ,ills are exceedingly'powerful in regulating the enerative portion of the female 'system. Refuse iII cheap imitations, Dr. de Tangs are sold at 5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Che Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, On t, be - k. W `ITa BILIOUSNESS AND SiC:iic HEADACHE Oa1{gla•ry, ALta„ July 8, 1911 1 was a great si'ftes it- fora long timo wltlh. Bills paness, Sick Headache, and 'Liver T.ro'tlib1e. Nothing seemed to do amp any good. x" i)lad almost given up in deapak w1ben I decided to try FIG PILLS After taking about ;half a box the head- $ekes stopped and eny,a,ppetite'Improv- ed. ' I have just Sineshed the fifth box and feel as well, ea ever. I can beartdllY recommend Fig Pelle far stomach and liver troubles. Ore. Mary Epson.. Sold at all dealeris' in 25 ae d 50 cent boxes or$nulled by' the Ftg P111 Co., St, Thomas, Ont, Electric Restorer for Men Pbosphonol restores every tlerve int the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. ] Imiphonol will make you a new man. Price tax box. or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The 8cobellDrug Co.. 8t. Catharines. Ont. very Woman is interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel WhIrlan9 Spray Douche Isk your druggist for l:. It he ennnot supply the MARVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book—sealed. It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windsor, Ont General Agents for Canada. NOOSE CLEANING SNA Ye Olde Firm Of Hentzman .& LIMITED One Genuine Heintzman'&' Co. Up -Right Piano, Fancy Walnut Case, slightly used, splendid condition, fully guar- nteed 5 years. Regular price , 50 selling price $290.00 $6. ler month. One Thomas Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7 1-3 Octave over strung scale guaranteed, 5 years $150. or $3. per month One -'R. 5 Williams Square Piano Rose Wood Case 7 1-3 Octave over strung scale in splendid ' 'condition guaranteed 5 years. , $150.00 $3.00 per month. One Steadman Square Rose Wood Case 7 1.3 Octave overstrung scale in splendid condition guaranteed 5 years $150.00. $3.00 per month, 15 or 20 Organs in good= repair fully guaranteed from $10 to $50.00 one to $2.00 per'month. Heinztmnan & Co. 193-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto or Heintzman & Co. '38 Ontario Street Stratford Heint2man and Co. Please trail me to -day a list of 'slightly used Upright Pianos advertised :inthe 11Exeter Ad- vocate. Name Eh F>J a lvdrtisernent will 'taloa be paid for. Address UENs..L N. Shier is carrying on the big- sprice wrecking sale at Carling's d Stand in the history of Exeter, An Excellent opportunity to save 50 ,per cent. Never .• agaitt Will such re-„ tnarkably low prices exist. Don't delay; Act now. ' Dave Cantelon of Toronto was in talvu last week.—Miss Jean Chidley 'of Clinton was the guest of Mrs, 1-1 ',or Clinton J. HQbkirk of Seaforth is the guest of her sister Mrs. Tay- lor,—Mrs C. Simpson has returned after spending some weeks with her sisters in Barrie, --.Mrs, Brussel, who has been visiting relatives in This section for some time, left last week for Winnipeg.—Mrs. John. Shepherd had the misfortune to let a stick of wood Fall' on her foot injuring it con- siderably,—Mrs. W. Stone who ' has been very ill for some weeks, has undergone, an operation, and is now recovering,' CROMARTY E. N. Shier is carrying ory the big- gest price wrecking sale at CarIing's Old Stand in the history of Exeter. An Excellent opportunity to save 50 pa: • cent. Never again will such re- markably low prices exist. Don't delay Act now. Mrs McKay, wife of Rev. R. G. McKay of Alvinston is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Scott,— Miss Lizzie Hoggarth went to God- ericl last Saturday, and accompanied by Mr and Mrs, Peter McLachlan of, that' town intend leaving for Regina Tuesday where they will spend the summer.—The many friends of Miss Margaret Wilson will regret to learn that she is quite ill at present, hav- ing recently undergone an operation for appendicitis in the Woodstock hospital. We trust that she may soon be well again.4-Mr. John McCulloch had the misfortune to lose a valuable Jersey cow this week,—Mr, John Mc- Lachlan has also been unfortunate in losing a working horse, the result of indigestion. This is the second horse Mr McLachlan has lost within a year. ZURICH E N. Shier is carrying on the big - (gest ,price wrecking sale at. Carling's Old Stand in the history of Exeter. At: Excellent opportunity to save 50 per cent Never again will such re- markablk low prices exist. Don't delay ` Act now. The Jackson Factory was open for inspection on Wednesday and many people availed themselves of the op portunity of seeing the machines at work.—Albert Heideman attended. the funeral of a relative in Wood- stock last week.—The frosts of last week did considerable damage to the fruit '.small fruits particularly.— Mrs. Keller 'and Mrs. Rothermal were in London last week.—Miss Lillian Faust of Napierville is visiting her mother, Mrs. P Faust, for a few weeks.- An aged resident Samuel Foster died at his home in this village on Wednes- daj' of last week after ani illness of some months."' Born in New York State 74 years, he early; in, life mov- ed to Zurich, where he taught school for twenty-three... years. ,1e also ser- ved as township :clerk for 17 years. It -was here he was united in mar- riage to Miss Jane Broderick. Seven children blessed this union, four of whom are living, viz : Herbert of Tex- as Mrs 'Donald McAuley, Bad Axe, Mich. James and Marion of this vic- inity In 1890 Mr. Foster moved to Pigeon, Mich., and settled on a farm south of. Pigeon, where he remained until four years ago, when he moved to 'this village: The 'official estimate of those who pay income tax in United States is as follows,—On $5000 126,000 persons From $5000 to $10,000 178;000 per- sons :$10,000 °to $15,000, 53,000; $15,- $25,000. 10,500; 25,000 to $50,00o, 21- 000: 50,000 to 100,000, 8,5o0; loo,000 'to $250,000..2,500; 5230,000 to 500,- 000 to $1,000,000, 250; over $1,00o,- 000 100." SEAFORTH-An exceedingly pret- ty wedding took place at the home of Mr •and ,Mrs. J. Archibald, Vic - toil?. Square, at high noon, on May 7th, when Miss C. Souch, of Sea - forth, became the bride of A. L Porteous,also of Seaforth. AILSA CRAIG—Frank McCarty and John ivicKinnon, late of Lucan, were Wednesday convicted by P. M. E. B. Smith of Ailsa Craig of selling liqu- or to three Indians, Eli Antone; John Schuyler and Edward Schuyler in Lucan. The pair• were fined $50 each and McCarty was mulcted $8.67 ,osts and McKinnon ,$5.07.. They neglected however, to pay !the money and will' each spend' the next 30 days with Governor Carter at the County jail. HURONDALE,—Mr. and Mrs. Geo Dunr have the sympathy of the whole community in the loss of thein little son, Leslie. He had been ill about a month. The funeral was held to he Exeter cemetery on Tuesday after- noon NEW MUSKOKA TRAIN The Grand Trunk. Railway System is putting on a new train frere Tor- ontc to Muskoka Wharf, commencing Saturday, May 17th, leaving Toronto 10.15 a.m. daily, except Sunday, ar- riving Muskoka Wharf 1:40 p. m• making direct connection with steam- ers for all points on;, Muskoka Lakes, A brand new traini•'consisting of baggage car,' Vestibute Coaches, and Parlor -Library -Buffett car will be op erated and passengers are assured of a comfortable ride along` the most interesting route to Muskoka Wharf which is the original gateway to the. fat -famed Muskoka Lakes. This train runs right to to side of steamer at Muskoka Wharf, thus a- voiding any inconvenience to pass- engers Return connection is tnade vitt traiu leaving Muskoka Wharf at 10.45 a,na. daily, except Sunday, arriving at Toronto : 3.10 pan, ' Tourist Tickets." at reduced rates ate now on tale to Muskoka e - sorts good for Stop -over at' ' any. .point and good to return • rout November 30th, 1913. Fla particulars and ilJicdts' from. mix Grand .Tritnit Agents. N. J. Jere Station Agent, Exeter., nu iil H11i1 umuOnial D f oliiCil, ' ,elicate sylsterp, atluiras +' 11 more than ordinary care end et. 1 1,,,,,� t r tendon a roots carp and att+ntion than 0 4 ,R o e itis given b the average woman, m• Neglect Wand ins soon creep in, and the look, of old age, sometimeN quickly,. YOUr J.. 8 sometimels gradually follows, 1 1'hat baekI he,,,so.common alnang wornen,brinSs with it t11a sunken chest„ the 13 eadaehe,tired muscles, crow's-feet, end soya: the ,youthful body is no Mere/04th- 3 A fel in appearance—and alt becau#e of tack of attention.. There is no reason why you should be so unfortunate, when you have at your E 1 disposal a rernely ouch as Dr, Pionee's Fay.)irite 7,* resor•iptiou•--recommended for over 4U years as a remedy for ailments peculiar to women. We have thou- ee sands' upon thousands of testimonials en 61e—the E .accumulation of Ao year$—testifying to its effect- iiiiiiiiiiIMMINIMMINIMO lyenesa..Neither aurcotica nor alcohol are to be • C= found in this famous prescription, R.01[111834*t ' Irregularities. Correrte displacements. Overcomes Drs: "tierce painful periods,. Tones up. nervee. Brings about a p : pperteek health. .Sold, by dealero in medicines. Favorite is liquid or tablet form.. ... Dr. Pierces Adviser, nawo .. wised up.to-dat. editin, nwers hosts "► �- _: ofdelicate enestfona about which every t�� wohtan,aingle or married ouoht to know: p n ip11111111111111111 umIUnnlIflD ynnllnntluIlll n11f1I17t11111111r1111111f11111111111111►1i11 YIN THE Best Brains int Canada have participated in the preparation of our splendid House Study Courses in Banking Economics, Higher Accounting Cont ttlercisl Art, Show Card Writing, Photograph, Journalism, Short' Story Wrililtg Shorthand and Book- keeping. Select the workwhich most interests you altd writes us for par. ticulars, Address The Shaw Cor- respondence School, 391-7 Yong° St. Toronto, 1 We Give Steady Employment to reliable energetic men for the sale of our products. We give all the advantages that a reliable well advertised, estab- lished firm can offer. If you wish to represent us, WRITE NOW • before it is too late, for further information. OVER 600 ACRES under cultivation and one of the most complete Nursery. plants in Canada: Established 35 years. Free catalogue of stock on Application. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONTARIO u CENTRAL STRATFORD. T. 'Sine bestt praleticad traiONnTmsschool Sn On'tari'o —'] tt'de 'demtetmeruta, COMMER CIAL, SHGR!.TIEEAND and TELEGRAP- HY. All courses are thorough and practicatl. !Iaes!dhlecs are experienced and graduates axe Waned in pasit'on . We give indlvradual athenittion and students away eat'ter aft atnpr time. Write for our free catade�ina at On,ro, D A. McLACELAN, Principal, CANADIAN i► ' 'e HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $25.00 Edmonton and. Return 43.00 Odle* points in proportion Return Limit two months. BOMESEEYERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m... each Tuesday. May to August, Inclusive Best train to take, as Winnipeg is reached early morning, enabling passengers to make silbranch line connections. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. MURPHY,. D.P.A.-C.P. Ry., To,onto FJtLL 1U YOU—MY SISTER FREE NG FROM WOMEN S A mEERtiTS. R. ETE I am a woman. • I know woman's sufferings. I have found the cure. I will mail, free of any charge, my home treat- ment with full instructions to any sufferer front women's ailments. Iwant to tell all woman about this cure — you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I wat to tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor. 'Men cannot understand wom- en's sufferings. What we women know from ex- perience, we know better than any doctor. 1 know that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for LeucorrhoeaorWhitish discharges, Ulceration, Dia- placement Palling of e or uorsrrPn nful Per os,Utdine Ovarian Tumors Qrowths;-also pains in the head ; back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness, creeelrg feel- ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hat flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weaknesses peculiar to.:•ursex, I want to send you a complete 10 days' treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure vourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, that it wilt cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial; and "if you should wish to continue, it Will cost you only about D2 cents a week, or less than two cents a day, It will not interfere with your work or ocrnpation. Just send me your name and address ,tell pie how you suffer, if you wish, and I will send you the treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of cost, my book—"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatoryillustrnti^ns show- ing why women suffer, and howthey can easily cure themselves at hour_. very won :•t should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says—'You must have an opera. tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with r:v home remedy. It cures all,old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a sti ,le home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Eeucorrhcea, Green Sickness and Iainful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you live, 1 can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all woman's diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Just send mo your address, and the free ten days' treatment is yours, also the book. Write to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address : MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 14.840' - - -• - WINDSOR, tint. 1 • t, 1