HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-15, Page 4bpi:mote
Inez:s.-ilfr. anti Mrs. Hobbs of Dov.
Sanders & .Creech, Proprietors
ttiDAYs MAX 15,4.3
The Senate Liberals are threaten
kg tat kill the na'v'al bill. Thet•seetue
as quick a way of. advancing the cense
of Senate reform as could, lee devil•
ed, Such action is much more d ely
•^to mark the last of the Libe;raal ma-
jority than the las t of the nasal bill.
Finance. Minister White hats outline;
ed his plan. for bank auditing to the
banking committee. The general nlan
seers of the bank would select '40
persons qualified to act as auditors.
and the names would be submitted
to the minister for.approval, ° The
proposal was adopted, subject to its
being discussed later in the House,
Laurier may petulantly complain of
being "gagged," but the people of
Canada are taking little notice of such
whimpering. The man in the street
Ind the plass-roan ;in the furrow, are
not interested in the. political fate.of
the Liberal party, but are deeply
con_erned in the speedy and :decent
despatch of public business. And •to
brine this about the rules had to
be an nded.
Skirts will be discarded by the
year 2013 rolls around, and both.�exes.
will parade in oriental trousers ; kiss-
ing at that time will have.gone the
way of the skirts, and sentimental
couples bent on matrimony will be
compelled to approach the.altar.arrn-
ed with personal health eertmficates.
These predictions are made in a
drama written by Mrs. 'Christian Hem-
mick, a Washington society, woe=
The Dominion has just passed an
Act for the protection of immigrants,
seeking employment from companies;
or persons carrying on the business
of intelligence offices, or employment
or laboi agencies in Canada. -:Every
person engaged in such shall obtain'
a license from the Superintendent- of
Immigration at Ottawa, which license
shall be issued without fee, provided
the applicant is worthy of suclydic-
r '
eggs The fee chargeable by intellig-
offices .employment of labor Igen-
cies shall not exceed $1.00. The.Iaw
is very strict and any violation there-
of is punishable by a penalty not ex-
cee3ine $100.00, and in default of
payment, to a term of imprisonment.
E •N. Shier is carrying on the:ig-,
gest price wrecking sale at Carliing`s
Old Stand in. the history of Exeter.
An Excellent opportunity 'to save =0 '
nes cent Never again will su.:h re-
markab-y low prices exist. 'don't
delay Act now.
Owing to the illness of -Rev Elat�.h-
fcr�: on Sunday Rev. Yelland of Ex-
eter took the church service. •
The baseball boys drove to Lucan
on Friday and played a good exhib-
ition game los ing by a narrow Mar-
a r . t+-5. Austin Duplan, aur pitcher
payed a good game. , The evening
n as old and not favorable to base-
Mr. Clarenee Duplan occupied' . the
pulpit at - Winghani Sunday.- About
- is a fair estimate of the money
pale out for tattle by different ',uy-
avh - Oe' putting the cattle on grass.
-Mr W. T. Coiwi`.l returned Tuesday
after spending six weeks in the west
He reports tirnes a bit dull, but the
crops are gone in in goad shape. -
_i' arra
and Maisel e n
atMrs G.
x3avn^ra�tr n
t. ded the convention in Parkhill
last week. -Mrs. F. Coiwili spent the
east' week visiting relatives' in Park -
bill and Lucan. Mr. Blanch N illiaans.
is around again after the accident rif
failing off a beam in the barn of Mr.
J- _ tied. -Our Jr. Rall team drove
to Fairfield Saturday and played a
match with the youngsters there and
came home shouting, as they had won,
but the scorer had no more room on
paper. and they says it was 12-20.-e
Rev. B'aiehford is still under the Dr's.
-°are but report says he is mending--
Mrs. Marshall of Exeter is spending.
a' feat days the guest of Mrs. Luker.
-Mr. and Mrs. J, Brock .returned to
the village after spending two weeks
a�;itl their daughter at Whalen, -Mr.
and Mrs. John Wilson are speidiig
this week with :Mr. and Mrs. •C -Kerr
near Goderieb. •
E N. Shier is carrying on the big- -�
gest price wrecking sale at Car'p's
Old Stand in the history of Ehbter.
Ar. Excellent opportunity to save„ 50
per cent- Never again will suclx,�re-
marks i � levy ice' exist. b prices ,xrst
y n t
delay Act now.
Mr and Mrs. Thos. Morley visit-
ed with her sister, Mrs. Oke,near
Henson on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrk;1
George Squire and Mr. and Mrs. G.
Millson spent Sunday the guests of'
Mr A. Davis at Saintsbury.-Mr. and
Mrs Wm Ogden attended the fere
era' of their rector,, Rev. R<tcey ,at
Parkhill on Thursday. A large` :sum
ber of the congregation from., &frt.-,,
ton also were present. Mr. Raney
was a man well known and highly' re-
spected by everyone, and hied sud-
den call from his field of labor' krill
be sadly felt by all who knew ]vim.
-The regular annual meeting of
the S. School was held here Friday
and the following officers were elect-
ed, --Supt,, John Hazelwood; Assi~t,
Frank Gunning; Sec'y, John Wright;
Assist, Hector Millson; Treas., J. W.
Hodgson; Librarian, Clarence Millson
Pres. of Organized Class, Wm. Hodg-
son; Sec'y of Org. Class, Hilda Omi-
tting; Organist of School, Mrs. H.
Millson; Supt, H. Dept., David John-
ston, jr,; Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs. G.
Millson All reports showed the
school to be in a very prosperous.
condition, there being about fifty dol-
lars i t the treasury, and an addition
of 14 scholars to the school during
the past year,*A number of the mein
bars of the 'i ,.:iGI.-.S, attended the
convention in" Parkhill on Thursdays•
and report a very interesting and istgf
itabl.e time, --Miss Ada Gunning a of
St. Marys is visiting friends here this
week. -Wellington Hern of Exeter
spent Sunday here at Mr. A. Gtann-
les 'spent Sunday with their daugh-,
ter' Mrs , Hector ..Mlillsan,'-The Stork ,
sisite.d at the home of Mr. John Ilut-
i Hinson on May let, and the parents
ere delighted. with the arrival of a
baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson moved
to 'Corbett Monday. --Mrs. Edwards
ha.. returned to pur 'village for the
surbeeer.--We are sorry to report the
serious illness of Mr. J. Turner, -A
number from here attended the Dis-
trict Convention of the W. IM. S. in
Parkhill. --Your correspondent keine
with a host of friends in wishing Mr,.
and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock a long
lift of happiness and prosperity. -tire
Epworth League will meet on `:an -
day night now instead' of Wednaeiey
night. -Misses 1vtMyrtle• and -natio
Sherritt are visiting their pareses -
Miss Laura Stewardson is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. George .?lisar ret
at. Grand Bend .-Congratulations to
Mr. and Mrs. .Will Isaac on the ar-
riva' of a young daughter. -Miss Mar -
nit Ba#ram has been on the sick list
-Mr Couch and Miss Iva Stewardson
of Parkhill visited friends here over,
Sunday: -Mrs. Wickert, Sr:, tis mov-
ing to Parkhill.
E N. Shier is carrying on the big
zest price wrecking sale at Carling's
Old Stand in the history of Exeter,
An Excellent opportunity to save 50
Ae3' cent, Never again will such re-
.rnarkably or .rices exist. Don't
delay, .Act now,
e The farmers - are busy preparing
t'heiz root land, while the good
housewife is diligently engaged at the
house cleaning. -Mr. Wm. Clements
lost a valuable cow by death Sunday
last. -Mr. Fred Delbridge has the cel-
lar for his new red bricic house com-
pleted and the brick work will be
commenced shortly. -The old church
shed has all been moved away by the
parties buying it and the foundation
for the new cement shed has been
rt Mail Contract •.
to the Postmaster General, will be
received at Ottawa until Noon on Fri-
day, the 20th June, 1913, for the -on-
v.-eyance of His .fajesty's ;.fails on a
proposed Contract for four „years six
times per week over Rural 'Mit Route
"A" from Zurich (Hillsgreen way,)
Ontario to commence at the pleasure
of the Postmaster General.
Printed notices containing further
information`as to conditions of pro-
posed. ,Contract may be seen and
blank forms of tender may be ob-
tained at the ,Post Offices of Zurich
Hillsgreen, and at the Office of the
Post Office Inspector 'at London.
Post _Office Department, Mail . Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, 5th May, 1913.
Mail Contract
to the Postmaster General, will. be
-_-ed „
-_-ed at
Ottawa until gill
Noon on Fri-
day the 20th June, 1913, for the : on-
veyance of His Majesty's Mails -in a
proposed Contract fon four years six
times per week over Rural Mail Rou''e
"B" from Crediton (South), Ontario,to
commence at the ,pleasure of the
Postmaster General.
Printed notices containing further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen and
blank forms of tender may be ob
rained:at the Post Office of Crediton,
and at the Office of the Post Office
Inspector at London.
Post. Office Department, Mail Ser-.
vice,"Branch, Ottawa, 7th May, 1913
Mail Contract
to taePostmaster General, will be
resew d at Ottawa until Noon on Fri
dayi.,,ie 20th June1913, for the . cn-
veyatice of His esijesty's Mails on a
proposed Contract for four .years 12
times per week over Rural Mail Route
"C' from Czediton and Centralia Rail-
way Station, Ont,, from the Postmas-
tereGeneral's pleasure.
'P r ted
notices containing Further
infor enation as to conditions of proms
po sed Contract may be seen and
blank forms of tender .may be ob-
tained at the Post Office of Crediton,
Creditbn East, Centralia, and at the.
Office -of the ,Post Office Inspector.
�.t:1L don
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
-vitt• :Branch, Ottawa, 5th May, 1913.
"lill a li Contract
SEALED TENDERS' addressed ;o
the Postmaster General, will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri-
day,. the 20th June, 1913 for the con-
vcyaride of His Majesty's Mai's an a
props sed Contract for four years, : iv
times per week) over Rural Mail"
Roble crF' from. Exeter (West) (Hur-
on S R.), Ont, front the Postmaster
General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing further
information as to conditions of: pro-.
posed Contract may be seen and
.blank fornix .ot .'Tender may be ob-
tained at,. the Post Office of Exeter,
Hay earlat the offMee, of the Post
O:fice enspee�tbf";'ik LoitEiLolki
G. C: ;AN11ERS ON,
Pest Office Department, Mail 'Ser-'
vacs Branc•b, Ottawa, May 6th, 1913..
N, Shier is coercing on the big-
gest price wrecking sale at Cerli4.g's
Old Stand in the history of: Exeter,
An. Excellent opportunity to save 59
per cent. .Never again will such re-
markably low prices exist. Don't
delay. Act now.
The Canada Temperance Act was
discussed in the Township Hall here
Friday night by Revs. McAlister and
Powell of Exeter, and A. T. Cooper
and J. A, Irwin af. Clinton. The sown
ship was organized for the Scott Act
campaign .with Arthur Doupe, Pres.;
W. G. Medd, sec,;. chairmen, of polls,
John Morgan, Antos Francis, Joshua:
'obits .John Essery, The speakers
were entertained to a tea by Mrs,
Steadman after the meeting
�1 '���1 "�"�SrnTO
R,i.. E'V MA.L 1V
I1 you suffer from' Rheumatism and
don't read this advice, then the, ter-
rible disease must have robbed' you
of your power to be fair to yourself:
Read it: 'I, John Barhorst, Justice of
the Peace of McLean Township, Ft,
Laramie, Ohio, do certify, after treat-
ment by three doctors without :re-
sult, I have been cured of a very bad
case of Rheumatism by using two
betties of RH.EUbIA. It is now two
years since I used the remedy, and
I ant still as well as ever. Previous to
using RHEUMA I was a cripple, ,t -alk
ins with crutches, and I feel it: my
duty to let other sufferers from
Rheumatism know what it will do,
The result seems almost miraculous,
to me, I have advised RHEUMA to
a• least a dozen person,, ;al each ens
speaks as highly of it as I. I will
answer any one suffering from 'he
disease if a two -Kent stamp is en-
closed 7' -May 31 1912_
You car secure a bottle of RHEU-
-MA for only 50 cents, at W. S. Cole's
and he says if not as advertised, mon
et back It's just as good for gout
Arthritis, Lumbago and Sciatic -a.
Mrs (Rev.) Kestle attended the.
Missionary Convention in connection
with the Methodist church at Park-
hill on Thursday last,
Notice is hereby given that a Court
of Revision of the Assessment Roll of
the Village of Exeter will hold the
first, meeting for -the present year in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday,
June 6th, 1913, at 7 o'clock p.m.
Exeter, May 15, 1913. - T. B; Carling
Mail Contract -
to the Postmaster -General will be re-
ceived at Ottawa. until noon, on Fri-
day the ZOth June, 1913, for the con-
ve •arise of His Majesty's Lai s
� rl on a
proposed contract for four years, six
time:, per wee* over Rural Route "L"
fro:: Hensa:1 (Hj.'lsgreen) (Huron S,R;)
One. frog: the Postmaster-GeneraI's
Printenoticesccontaining further
information_ as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank
forms of tender may be obtained at"
the post office of Hens ll Hillsgreen
and at the office of the, Post Office
Inspector at London.
Post Office Department, Mall Ser -
Viet:. Branch, Ottawa, 5th May, 1913
Mail Contract
TO the Postmaster -General, will be
received at Ottawa until noon. on
Friday, ' June 20th, '1913 for the
'conveyance of His Majesty's Mails en
a proposed contract for four years
six times per week, aver Rural Mail
Route "D'' from . Dashwood (Shipka
Corbett) Huron S.'R., Ont. from the
Postmaster -General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing furtherin
formation m son as to
conditions of pro-,
posed contract may be seen and blank.
forms of tender may be obtained at
the Post Office of Dashwood, Ship
ka, Corbett, and at the office of
the Post Office inspector at Lon-
Post Office Department, Mail Ser-
vice Branch, Ottawa, May 2, 1913
Mail Contract
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Fri-
day, the ZOth JUNE, 1913, for the
cont eyance of I-Iis. Majesty's Mails on
a proposed contract for fouryears,
six times per week, over Rural Mail
Route No A. from Crediton West)
Ontario, to comfnence at the pleasure
of the. Postmaster General.
Printed notices, containing further
iniorniation as to conditions .of pro-
posed Contract, may be seen and
blank forms ; of Tender nay be ob-
tained at the Post Office of CREDI-'
TON and at the Office of the Pest.
Office Inspector at London,
Post Office Department,
Mall Service, ,Branch,
2nd May G. C. ANDERSON,
sxA'rs oA 010o Orrr eV %WNn1r, L.
le'raexs J. Cheney ]mesa oath that he to equips
portant of the drier of F, J. Cheziey &. Co„ doipstruai�
nen inthe City ofxotodo,CaaeQr end State afore•
said, laid that said Onus will par the emu ot ONlt
J:IUNP$FD DOLLARS for *;eh sz every case of
Catarrh that cannot be eared by tihe nae of .Bail's
Catarrh Cuto bra, 5'$ANIC'O.. CHENk Y
Swo*n efore nie and aubspaibed in my prey
once, this etb Oar of Peoetuber, A,Ies 4984.
(Save .A•w.OUBASON,
Dedeasx runic
Hall's Caters Cureis taken intwlwally, end ants
direottyan the blood and, mucous surfaces of the
eyatem, Send tor, testimonials free,
5.°BENET&CC, Ifeke4o,0.
Soldby all DruO'triste, 75e.
Take Nall'ar'amily Pills for eoiiitlpatlion,
Stallioin Routes
HESOPE 76,585, is a pure bred
Percheron stallion, of excellent pedi.
gree Will leave his own stable, Lot
4 Con 1 Usborne- ow Monday and
proceed to Henry Hodgins' and Geo.
Haskett's; Tuesday So Elginfield
tel. to Granton Hotel; Wednesday to
John Davis', to Wm: Hodgins; Thurs
day to his own stable; Friday to the
Commercial' Hotel, Exeter, to Cred-
iton, Saturday home. --''R, COLBERT
Prop and manager.
THOMAS CARLYLE, 13879, 13146
is a pure-bred imported clydesdale
stallion, of the best of pedigree and,
proven to be a sure foal getter. WW
steed at his own stable this season
in Centralia. -C. H. BASKE RVILLF,
Proprietor and Manager.
This Stallion !Loubeen enrolled
LORD HOWATSON 11406, 10703
is a Pure-bred Imported Clydesdale
Stallion and well-known in this dis-
triat as a good horse, Monday leaves
his own stable, Maguire; 'to Eli Bice's
for night: Tuesday to Moses- Simp-
son's. to Ben. Dobbs',. Wedne'sdayto
J. Millson's, Whalen, to I-Iugl1 Ca.rrolle
Thursdav to Rich. Coates, to Garnet
Frayne's ; Friday to W. J. Stanlakes*
to Henry Wilson's; Saturday to his
own stable. -T W. HODGSON, Prop;;
This Stallion has been enrolled
BARON 1REBY; . 9996, 13335, is a
pure-bred imported •Clydesdale, the -
property of Isaiah Tetreau and Wm,
Devine. Lot' 17, Con. 15, Stephen,
He is of excellent :.pedigree and asure
foa,. getter. He will stand at his own
stable for improvement of stock, -I1
Tetreau Manager.
This Stallion has been enrolled
NON PAROLE, 34,617 is .a 'standard
bred Trotting Stallion, and . is the
property of Isaiah Tetreau and Wm;
Devine. Lot 17, :Con. 15,- Stephen
He is a particularly fine animal and
is well known in the whole district:
and needs no intro duction. He will
stand at his own stable this season.
-W. DEVINE,- Manager.
This Stallion has been enrolled
HUMIDE, -75739, 67979, 1480, is a
guaranteed percheron sta:lion import-
ed from Prance, the property of Re-
gan Bros. and Witzel and Son, hhiva.
Monday afternoon leaves home t oT.
Amy's; Tuesday to •Nelson Stanlakes
to Commerciar Hotel, Exeter; % Wed-
nesday to B. Williams' to S. Pym's;
Thursday to Dan. McCurdy's, to -Cen-
tralia, Friday to Wm. "Flynn's, to A
HiIl's Crediton; Saturday home. -W,
WITZEL Manager.
This Stallion has been enrolled and
is a pure bred imported Clydesdale
of excellent record and pedigree, the
prdperty of .W m. Witzel & Son, Khiva
;Monday goes to Mark Wild's for noon
to Grand Bend; Tuesday to C. Fish
er's to 11..' Miller's ; Wednesday to H
r slyer, s, to Zurich; •Thursday. to E.
Broderibles,; to Wm. Morlock's ; Fri-
day to Levi Stahl's, to John Smith's;
Saturday- home. -DAVID PFAFF,Man.
This Stallion has been enrolled and
VOLTAIRE, 32682, the °greatPer-
cheron, leaves home, Lot 27, Con.11
Hibbert, and goes to "Kipper, and to
Brucefoeld;'Tuesday to Clinton,. and
to Aibert Harris', .God,erich Tp. Wed
nesday to' Bayfield, and to E. B;oyce's
Bronson Line; Thursday to B.Pfile's
to •T -'Key's, Stephen; Friday to Cred
iton"and Exeter; Saturday to Albert
Etherinaton's, a and -home.- JOHN
CHAMBERS, Prop. & Man.
This stallion has been, enrolled and
No 15597 Canadian' No. 41477,; En-
rolnient No. 1601, is' a pure-bred . im-
ported Clydesdale. Leaves home in
Exeter Monday to J. Ratcliffe's, to W
H. Kay's; Tuesday to John Gilfillan's
to W. Kay's„; Wednesday to Ed,
Stone's, to W. H. Kay's; Thursday
to Walter Kerslake's, to Geo. Williatii;
Friday home until Monday, Thomas
Berry & W. H. ICay, Proprietors; M
Fletcher an
M. 1etch ..M r.
CLAN 'MacGREGOR, 5566, 10528,
Vol XXL, the property of J. Hand-
ford and A. & W. McWilliams, is a
pure-bred imported Clydesdale, well
and favorably known, leaves home at
Clandeboye Monday to Alex...O'Neil's
McGillivray," to 'T. Eagen's, London
Tp.: Tuesday to J. Morgan's and D.
Ashworth's; 'Wednesday to G,Ryan's
and home. Thursday tto R. Flynn's
Biddulph, and T. Hodgin's; Friday to
Hy McFall's and W. Johns' London
Rd.; Saturday to J. T, Simpson's end.
horne.-S. BASKERVILLE, Man'r,
This stallion has been enrolled.
ED. FLETCHER, 01432, is a great
trotting stallion, with an excellent
pedigree, the property of Doyle Bros.
(McDotrell's Stables), Exeter, leaves
home Tuesday, via Centralia to Cred
iton, and to M. O'Brien's S. B.; Wed-
nesday to Dashwood, and home; . On
Thursday to T. Fletcher's and Kirk -
ton • Friday to T. Hunkin's and home,'
-THOS. CASE, Man'r.
This stallion has been enrolled,
LORD SHARP, 11413 is a Clyde,
stallion of excellent parts and well
known Monday leaves home, Lot.16
Con 8, Usborrte, to .W, Rowcliffe's,
to Centralia. Tuesday to Nelson 13a-
mgr's, •to Morgan Dicksotress ,Wednes
day . to Pet Boyles, to Clandeboye,
sii btirsdav to John McLaughlin's, to T
Morley''s Friday to Melville. Skinner
and home. Saturday to J. Allison's
Iter home.-GEO. COWARD, Prop,'.
superintendent. and Manager.
CAPITAL, $15;000,000 REST, $12,5000000
Issued by The Canadian Bank o£ Commerce, are a safe, convenient an
ineinexpensivemethodthod of zemittin�,strlail sums of money. these d
a able without char e at an bank in Canada (except is the YIA
Territory) Y °'gcities of the U'nite4 States, are issue
andin theprincipal .,. �
the following rates
$5 and: wider , .. o. • ..... 3 cents
Over 5'and not exceeding $10 6 '
it 1.0 s, ,i 30 ...,, 10 "
30. " „50.. 15 44
should bre made by means of our SPECIAL FOREIGN DnArre and 'IVIONEY
ORDERS, Issued without delay at reasonable rates..
EXETER BRANCt -G. L, WAUGEI, M.anaser. Branch also at Crediton.
he Canadia
Incorporated 1855
Record of Progress for. Five 'Years -1900-1911
' Reserve -
'Loans'and Investments'
Total Assets
$3,000,000 04,000,000
$3,000,000 4,600,000
27,457,090 38,854,801
$33,090,192- • : 48,237284
Has 83Branches in Canada, and Agents and (:orrespondentsin allthe'
Principal Oities in the World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government:'
DICKsoN & Q` imic i, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON Manager,
Potato Planter
With or without Fertilizer Attachment
Plants 4 to ,6 acres per day
Get a Planter now
Pv SBYALE R. Willies & Son
Madein Walkerville
WE GUARANTEE Ten Cents_ for every Button that
comes off and Twenty-five Cent for every Rip and for every
Sig Stamped Pockets cut froth worn garments, we will give
you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free.. Get the habit of
saving your pockets.
Guaranteed by Walkerville Pant Co. Walkerville, Ontario,
uggies! Buggies!-.
We have just received a car of
Thefamous Brockville
Canada a oda
Carriage Company
These buggies are a special lot, specially built,
and specially finished.
The young man will be- particularly pleased
with these buggies. ' Be sure'to see them. As they
have been bought in car lots, we canu
give yet
them for the right price.
We also "have a shipment of
Gray - Campbell Chatham
Wes. Snell
Agent Exeter, Ontario