HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-15, Page 1etEliEW ()UR S[l}', '+1deVr1C1N Naw to. 'Oho teMe to goal in and hem' Your subeerlptdeen to ,'ate advocate ae- mewed. We elm O. girefe You nail the focal newe to congers land; tntea eating Pegram, and we be4tete we: eiye up tSt the claim. tiw11, along the good work. Uk7llG4 't'rlrs ,lu the .seaiwoo. 4I the yew whoa y iu are z^anewin* yourpewee ,lpex nuke erlptions, Tho .Ativotnete club. witq . cit Oho Citi Weekly 44)4 Dadly pate ,' and ,tih,c ;Maga a ee ak term* that are at. big inducement. Cel anti Net TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO, Local Items DEATH OF 'MRS, ,HAWKINS. -- dhThe rathersudden and unexpected eath f Mrs. Thomas. t-iawkins : came as a great shock to this community on I'4 ednesday morning, it seeming al- mQs,. incredible. Deceased for the past few weeks had been. ailing slight- ly but she continued to discharge hex household < duties up to within a fete days of her death, thecause of which was an acute awtack of peritonitis. A- bout ,a week ago deceased while on be wav to the _ Trivitt Memorial church slipped and fell on the side walk She paid little attention to the mishap at the tim,e, but the same af- ternoon she was compelled to leave the church for her home, and while it is not thought the accident was the sole. cause of slier death it probably hastened it. Deceased's maiden name was Jessie Whiteford, being a daughter of the .late Adam, ,.White- ford and Vas born in: the Township of Hay Feb, 1857, consequently she was in her 57th year. Mrs. Hawkins was of a cheerful and' loving disposi- tion itnd she won a place; in the hearts of all who knew her,' and she leaves behind her the fragrance of a pure life that will remain while memory lasts, She was a valued member of Trivitt Memorial church, and took an active part and a deep, interest in all that pertained to its welfare," Besides her deeply sorrowing husband she is sur- vived by one son and two daughters, Crediton E N Shier is .carrying on the'Ag- gest price wrecking sale at Carling's Old Stand in the history of Exeter, An Excellent opportunity to save 50 per cent, Never, again will such re- markable; ,low prices :'exist. Don't delay, Act now, James. Cockwill and Walter Clark were kept busy this week delivering the `orders for nursery stock. School trustees have planted a number of trees on the Jaen and, other bushes, which will add greatly- to its appear- ance. "Dick" Howson, formerly • of the Bank of Commerce here, but now of Toronto spent a few : days here last week visiting his old chums. Dick has many friends here who are always ;lad to see him. The Y.P.A. went to Dashwood on Friday and spent a social evening with the League of that town. • A very t n- joyable evening was spent by all. The young, people in Dashwood know hhow to entertain. The Township Council made awn- spection of Essery's bridge ruesda,r They intend having the contraeter take immediate steps to fulfil :iia con; tract and repair the abutments. Notices are out for the two trail routes leaving this Post Office. There is also one for the stage route from. here to Centralia, The west route calls for 18 miles and .the south 10 miles No doubt there wil be a num George of Exeter, Mrs. Pollard of ber of tenders sent into the dept. Windsor and Mrs. Jas.' W. Bawden When the mail routes have been -in- of Edmonton; also three brothers, William Adam and John of Virden, Man. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. Harold Bissett was in London on Tuesday. Dr. Browning and. Dr. Sweet have each purchased autos. Miss Gladys- Dearing left Wednes- day on a month's visit to London, Sar nia and Marlette and Flint, Mich. H. REPORT EXETER SCHOOL As a result of the Test Examina- tions held in Forms II. and, 111. of the H. S. Department recently, the fol- lowing candidates are recommended to write this summer. - On Lower School Normal Entrance Exatriination, I. Sweet 72.5, 13. Walk- er 70.2, M, Case 68.6; J. Allison 67,1 • L. Stewart. 66.3, E. McArthur 66,' I. McoDnell 60.6, M. Hanlon 60.2., On Model School Entrance E_xamin ation,-J. Walker 72.6. N._ Carmichael 71,1 For Middle Schoole, Normal En- trance Examination, -Honors, Amy 89.5 C, Wood 87, E. `Case 83.6, T. Penhale 79.5; Pass, L. -Harvey 74.6 R, Wood 69.6,' H. Quackenbush 63,6. On Jr. Matriculation, -C. Wood 72 T. Penhale 65.5, L. Harvey 60.5. AuctionSale OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. troduced the farmers *ill find it a great convenience. Automobiles are getting 'as thick as bees .A few are;. developing into speed artists, and might get pinched for their "joy rides, H Eilber, M.P.P., returned home fron. Toronto on Saturday where he hae been attending the Ontario Leg- islature the, past three months. The Evangelical Church Trustees have planted a hedge at the church and at the parsonage. Mr. W. H. Paget, manager of the Commerce, and"bride arrived here on Monday morning. We extend best wishes hearty congratulations, and a cordial welcome to Mrs. Paget, Godfrey Nicholson of Goderich vis- ited his son here for a few,,.clays:' Senator Rate of Ottawa spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Zwicker. The junior Y.PyA. are havbig a ;o- ciat on the church lawn on Thursday evening. A splendid program will be given afterwards.. Everybody come. Mr.: R.S. Wiilliams, who has been acting manager of the -bank here, re- turned to London .on Monday.. with Mrs: Williams.'. While here for two Weeks 'they' made many friends who will always be' glad to see them. Mrs. Williams sang very acceptably inthe Methodist church Sunday evening.. Wouldn't it be a good time to oil TWJRSDAY, MAY 15. 1913. THE CANADA TEMPERAN+ ACT, .. movement has been commence a with reward y the Canada Temper following dues and answers act.-, Canada 'Temperance ensure, license for th can be granted adopted the sacranenta to every Iia-ffectsallta alike and n' one without are an sa vision, have carried is the effect ? the C. T. A. Option is suspended in case, the C. the Local O ick automatically until repealed. upon which it the C. T. A be of 25 per to vote, Parliamentary election pedal election of the votes. the; Act the law beginning) of the vote 1st. of vote on the C e qualified to Election which of the not vote enforce the C Ontario Government in � the b apply to the C.T,A.. and; the the present the C. T. A. meta have promised to is now ' Council The County G a1 Council, or to enforce be shipped into But it emu for outside the for home consump- tion recently regard and the penalties A,? magistrate not less than $5 tai jails for fence. For the either, impose end the person, s, For a third four months in tion of a fine. r and the employe and 'liable have to prove coon. under the It is not money actually was actually conviction if the that a transaction a sale or other actually took place. be months of Since a in- augurated to con campaign in Huron County to an attempt to pass } nper. a nce Act the tions have been proposedgiv- e. en regarng the act. - 1. -Is the Act a prohibitory m Answer -Yes' noe re tail sale of liquor in a county that hasAct except for medicinal,l or 'manufacturing purposes. the streets ? The. oil ie here and now since the dust has been laid,the men in charge would be able, to do the work with little trouble. 'Alfred Wuerth' made a business trip -r-- to London Tuesday., The Esecitors of the Estate of the. Death -Tile death took place on 2. --Does it applyniufl icipality in the county?. Answer -Yes, w'os village:: and townshipscan- not be adopted ithe others, Cities alonecep- tiou to.this pro. 3 -ir places that -Lo- cal Option what Answer -While ie in force Local but not repealed, andr.A should be repealedptiod By-law comes b 1nder remains in force the sane termswas carried. late Mrs; Elizabeth Kay will offer for sale by public auction on Satur- day MAY 17, 1913, at '2 o'clock sharp ON THE PREMISES, the following valuable property, namely,- Lots numbered Four, Five 'and Six in Elliot's Survey .of part of Lot 20 in the lst Concession of the Town- ship of. Stephen, containing one acre of land more or ,less. There is erected on the, land 'a good brick house, with ,summer kitchen al--~. so a good and commodious stable and• hen house. -Everything about the vjyeYnises is in good repair. The. :dwelling has seven compartments and an excellent ever -dry and frost -proof cellar. There are between fifty and sixty plum '. and other fruit trees . can the premises, all _in good condition and at present in full bloom. The property is situated on the South Boundary of the thriving and prosperous Village of Exeter, and is admirably located for any person desirous of leeeping a horse, cow or poultry ' Inspection is • invited, Immediate possession to purchaser. If not sold the premises will be rented. Terms made. known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to T. B. CARLING, Auct. DICKSON & CARLING• Solicitors •tor Executors Monday May, 12 of an agel and re spected resident.. in the person of Ant, Jane Joh.iston, relict of the late John Trevethick, at the age of 80 years, 4 months, 12 days, Deceased load` been in delicate health for years 'Since the death of her husband 14 years ago she has resided with her son Thomas,: here, and daughter Mrs. Redding, London. 'Three sons and three daughters survive, Wesley of Detroit,. Thomas of Crediton, Edward of Arizona, Mrs. J. H. Shelton of Detroit, and Mrs. Redding and Miss Marietta 02 Lortdon. Our sympathy is. extended to the bereaved., 4. -How can tt cured ? Answer --A petition~ent,, of all persons qualifiedat a Dominion Parliat must be secured, a s held and if a- majoritycast are in favor of t comes into force at thethe license year, providingis taken before Novemberthe preceding year. 5. -Who may•T•A? Answer -Thos vote at a Dominion includes parts one and threeMunicipal List. Women donor can they sign' the' petition. se - 6, -Who will,T;A.? Answer=The have special -clausesnterio. Liquor Act which`n- forcement of thesame officers as enforceliquor laws will. enforce` The. Ontario Govern the same rigid ,.hs C. T. A. as theregiven to no license municipalities. 7. -Can the Countyappoint inspectors ?- Council Answer-Yes,both or the MuntciP otb may' appoint officers. C T. A. 8. -Can liquor'o a C. T. A. County ? st be Answer -Yes. Co be bought and paidoun ty and only usedbeen a- mended. 'The Act mended. in thisis eery strict. 9. -What arefor vio- lating the C. T. Answer -The shall. im- pose a fine .of " ,00, or send the person'month for the first of second offence he- cana fine of $100.00 or to jail for two month offence the penalty isjail without the op The employe are equally responsibleto be fined. 10. -Do youa sale to get a cont C. T. A,2 Answer -No. necessary to show that any passed or any liquorconsumed to secure a c magis- trate: is satisfied in the nature of unlaw- ful dispositionace. f prosecution maycommenced , nye- time within three'he al- leged offence. EXETER SC210014 BQARI. Minutes of a Board Meeting held in the Town Hall Monday, May 12. Ab- sent F, Gladman and L Armstrong. The following business was duly submitted and approved, -The read- ing of the minutes;. Reports of the Committees -Wood, the contractor to deliver on completion of seeding; the Floral no additions •made; Grounds and Sanitary,. repairs to fences com- pleted satisfactorily;'the Principal, at- tendance good, H.S. present etarol- enent 75 average' 70; midsummer ex- ams to commence June 9,"with forms doing good work, H. S. Exams. to be eld lst form second week in June; econd form 3rd week; third form 4th week;Peb'lij ,school to remain open to the send of June North and 4.nd south rooms air very impure;; the Feed received from Guelph distribut- ed for home cultivation with reports o be returned in the fall, Pier F,. Wood and R, N. 'Creech; that the Principal's report be adopted, The fire drill is reported to be hell bi- Monthly and the school empties in pincty seconds. Per R. N. Creech & A. E, Fuke, that a fall term scholar- ship be given to the pupil taking the highest standing at the forth corning Entrance Examination, open to those writing at the Exeter centre, such scholarship meaning free tuition for a tall term. -which would otherwise need to be paid for, Per R. N. Creech and F, Wood that the following accounts be paid, -A, Cottle, repairs to rump, 2.00; Times, exam. paper, 6,55; Tor- onto or onto School Supply Co., microscopes. 4.41; J, Grigg, sundries, express, etc: 1;2:86; R. Quance, repairs to fence Per R N. -Creech adjournment. SINGLE FARE FOR DAY. VICTORIA The Grand Trunk Railway System wil issue round trip tickets at Single Fare between all . stations in Canada east -of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, .Mich., Buffalo, Ni- agara Falls, Black Rock and Suspen- sion Bridge,N. Y. Good going Fri- day and Saturday, May 23 and 24 valid returning until` Tuesday, May 27 1913 Tickets and full information front -Grand Trunk Agents. Mr Thos. Brock stillcontinues in a very low condition. lienovatineg t Spring g is in keeping. The housekeeper is pretty busy these days. Its a sort of a Stocktaking time in the home, and it is al most sure to reveal a need for something. new in Furniture of which we have a 'great variety of the latest designs. We also have samples of Wall Paper ' of the most artistic designs. You should see our COLORS GUARANTEED FASB TO sum ANDtvizATER rnclertaker Purtliture ]Dealer EXETER ONTARIO a,. J. Grigg, Sec, GRAND BkiNI) E, N. Shier is carrying on the big- gest price wrecking sale at Cariing's Old Stand in the history of Exeter. An Excellent opportunity to save 50 per cent. Never again will such re- markably low prices exist. Don't delay.. Act now. Miss Potter spenta couple days. with friends in Drysdale, -Mr, Wil- bur Dewv arrived home last week from Amherstburg,-Miss Mantle Webster returned to her home, in De- troit after spending a week with Mrs, Wm Held.- Myrtle Welland and Maurine Ravelle spent Sunday in 'Zur ich,--Mr. Bert Statton returned home on Monday, after spending the win- ter in Detroit.--Mr.land Mrs: Jack Heiman and son of Winnipeg trriv ed here last Friday. They intend staying the summer, -Mrs, Wm. F3u.:a- anai: is very Iow' at the time of writ- ing. -Mr. Fred Southcott of Lone en was around here getting his cottage in repair for the camping season.-- A number of the high climbers at- tended Mr. John Baird's raising last Thursday, also Harvey Hamilton's on Friday. -Mrs. F. Geremette and daughter Laura, spent Monday in:. Dashwood, -Mr. H. Gill and family moved to Port Franks for a short time. -David Wilson and family of Arkona visited at Joe Gill's Satur- and Sunday, -Rev. Cariere and Rev. Johnson of Varna .exchanged pulpits Sunday. -Messrs. Ware and George Oliver are working at Port Franks, -Those who are leaving for New Ontario this week are Walter and' Frank Statton, Jas. Clark and Jos. Ravelle with their families. -Mr. L, Ravelle is improving his property by putting up a new fence.-Statton's sale was well attended Friday. -Mr. Campbell of Sylvan was in our burg Friday. -Mr, Mitchell of Sarnia visited for a few days bare last week. -Sam Pedlex of Ailsa Craig visited rela- tiva here Sunday. EXETER DISTRICT CONVENTION HELD AT PARKHILL. Parkhill, May 9.-A most successful W. M. S. distti't convention was held is the Methodist church yesterday, Large delegations were present from the district, Mrs. (Rev.) Yren conduct- ed the opening exercises. The program was full of . good. things, Miss Welwood, of China gave the. addresses, replete with incidents. of the work. The memorial service was in charge of Mrs T. McGladdery, Mrs. George. Stewart of Lucan, gave resume of the study book. . Mrs. (Rev.) Snell of Sylvan circuit conducted 'a conference on effective methods 't7rs.' (Rev.) McAlister of Exeter, the branch secretary,.gave a fine address P.,n;:,the work of .the W. M. S. She gleaned figures and 'facts from the report and arranged them • on the blackboard, Greetings were received from the fax and home mission societies of the . Presbyterian Church by Mrs, (Rev.\ Graham and Mrs: Dawson. Miss Hutchinson of Ailsa Craig,. Mise Munroe of Parkhi'l and; the zhoir of the church furnished music. The pastor of the church, Rev. H. J TJren presided at the evening ,es- Sion. They will meet in Kirkton next year. • SENT FOR TRIAL • Seaforth, May . 7. -Robert Gordon' was this afternoon committed to trial at Goderich for the murder of his Lather. Hugh Gordon of McKillop Township, whom he struck over the head with an ;iron bar. Magistrate Hblmstead declined to reduce the charge to manslaughter, as asked by the prisoner's counsel. Six witnesses were heard, and !the evidence was similar -to that at the inquest. McGILLIVRAY COUNCIL Council met pars uant to adjourn-, meat; all rnembers present. Minutes of last meeting were read.. and signed. Accounts amounting ,in all to $71.55 were ordered to be paid. Ross er- Nickles-That the Court of Revision be held in the •Town Hall on Saturday May 31st at 4 o'cick p.m, --:Carried. Robinson-Murdy*That by-law No. 5 of 1913 • to ttttthorize the Reeve end Treasurer, to borrow from the Stand- ard Bank cert3izt sums tee meat the current expenditure, as :read a first and second thne be read a third time ante passed, --Carried. Murdy--Rob` lnson-That the, contract of cement abutments to Bloomfield, bridge for $,11,89 and iron superstructure at $32; twc bridges on 4th 'Cori., at $5„90 and 86,25' per cubic yard; one on Carter S. t2.. at $5,90 per noble yard, be award ed to D. Wcatherspoon and one on .Centra road • at $4.65 per „cubic yard II. Payton, --Carried Gravel contracts were let and commissioners appoint- ed. Adjournment to May 31sst. J. D. Drummond, Clerk. IT IS THE DAY OF CANDID AD- VERTISING --o-- Time was when even reputable merchants lacked full candor in their advertising. It was argued -by people' ridiculous ideas of the aims and purposes of advertising -that the people would only believe a small part of what an advertiser claimed anyhow; hence it behooved him to exaggerate accordingly, so that after the reader's deductions for exaggerations had been liberally made a basis of truth would remain. As: this was always a false argu- ment, It has been exploded -to stay exploded! Self-respecting, thinking people are the people who read ads nowadays. And to deliberately mistate a fact in advertising now is simply a species of attempted business suicide. A store which would thus forfeit the confidence or respect of all honest people would' soon find out that there were not enough dis- honest people -or of people who would condone' dishonest advertising in this town to, support the small -- est store 'itt"'It. " Yot: may read the ads nowadays with "the' satisfying knowledge that advertisers realiz e that falsehood is business suicide -unfailingly! Candid advertising is necessary :low adays USBORNE COUNCIL -_o--- Council met May 3rd, All members were present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, Tenders, for the construction of the Washburn Drain repairs were receiv- ed from Wellington Wallace, Merlin; Thos, Elliott & Sons, Kirkton; Cope- land Eros,, Woodharn; Wm. Connelly & Co..Iennicott, The contract was let to Copeland Bros for $925,00, the lowest tender. The Court of Rev- ision of the Assessment Roll, 1913 will be held at Township Hall, Elim- ville oh Saturday, June 7th, at one o'clock, The Reeve was authorized to attend to the needed repairs on Stew- art Drain. Accounts amounting to $4188 was passed andorders issued in payment. Council then adjourned to meet June 7th, aftetti the Court of Revision. P. 1 1 rley''Clerk. HORSEMEN The. Advocate is again in readife s to ,print your horse cards in hest of style and on shortest notice, Our cuts are the of A free notice of the route is iglu: en t acrthe weeks -which hole iWorth SANDERS & CRE Mrs. .11. tariff of London is. v!sit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R, Hunter • "Mamma' becomes "mama," " o h" o elow" "hiccough') pI ug "hiccup", m » s "Plow"„ °iccou ,, drop- pedbecomes hiccup , the ue is rop_ from such words as catalogue prologue ..pedagogue, and rhyme becomes "rime" according to the de- vision of the Chicago University. BIRTHS Collins -In Brockville General Hos- pital on May, 9, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter H. Collins, formerly of Ex- eter a daughter. Webb, -In Stephen, on May 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Webb, a son. kennings -At Earlton, on April 23, to Mr and Mrs, Frederick Kennings, daughter -Margaret Laving. Isaac. -'In McGillivray, on May 7th, to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Isaac, a daugh- ter MARRIAGES Reddell,-Clark,--At the Memorial Methodist parsonage, London, on May 8th, by Rev. Anderson, Mr. Fred Reddell of that city to Miss Lill$„ M. Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Clark of Stephen:. DEATHS Hawkins -1n Exeter, May 14 Mrs. T. Hawkins, aged 56 years, 3 months, 12 days, Lamport -In Denfield, on May 14th Edward Lamport, formerly of Ste- phen, aged 88 years, 2 months. Trevethick-In Crediton May 12, Ann Jane Johnston, relict of the • late John Trevethick, aged 80 years 4 months 12 clays. Laird, -In Seaforth, on 'May 4, Johrt. Laird, aged 74 years. Scott -In Brucefield, on May 1st, Beattie Scott, son of A. T. Scott, aged 1 year and 5 months. Riley, -In Tuckersmith, Leslie Benja- min. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley aged 2 years 4 months and 7 days MAKING GOOD The men who are winning applause these days by 'Making good" are, as a rule, men who look their part as welldtheir part. Proper attention to attire is a, duty as P every man owes to himself. We assist him to dress welland. dress correctly..= Did you ever notice how With better you feel, how,• much more confidence you have in yourself when you're well dressed? COATSRAIN We have a large assortment of rain coats, -- latostilstyles at reasonable prices. Put not off till to -morrow, what buying you can do to day "Swish! Splash!. Whew!" says the wind, Get a Rain Coat W W. TAMAN Tailor and Furnls'"epi eter