HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-8, Page 8TEURUTIAT MAY Eby tui a. EXETER MARKETS, Oti4s RE.9,0U IJV'Eli iESIDAX; 4iTh ,........»,.., 93 Duel: , neat , 48 ` 50 Coate. 84 3i 'ee,s ...... ...... ..., 1 0o ' 1 15 Peltti t . ,,.5, per bag 1 25 1 85• Hay, f •±r , oltt1000, : 10 00 Flour. krt4r cwt., family 2 /Q Flour. grade per cw 1 50 100 .Brute+ , .. 22 ' 22 kfl:r~ ,18 18 9 80 ••.`2000 . 26 00 Dried AOPItis per lb Davenu s, per ewt, . r... Short. mit* Bran OA" torr .— Sugar Bet meal......... FARM TO RENT 100 acre grass farm to rent. Apply to. W. M. ELATCHFORD 328 Lee Ave,, Toronto. marriage Licenses issued' at tate Office, Exeter. he Advo - PASTURE TO RENT Anc. Cider Press for Sale, 150 acres being Lot 11, S.B„ Con. 6,Hay and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good, supply of 'water all season. The' cider press is, h, good condition„ Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. FOUND. --A pearl brooch. Owner can ; have same by proving property, and paying for this notice. Apply at this office; • CALVES—Geo. Chapman will have a load of calves ,for sale; at the Cen- tral Hotel. Exeter, at noon, on Wed- nesday, May 14th. • Farmers wanting 1veilp tor next sea- son ehouad place their order at once the Canadian- Government Argent, Aduo-, cafe °ifice, Exeter. C,t A1\�,IN G FACTORY CONTRACT We arere axed . to contract with farmers to grow corn fo the canning season,—Exeter Can - nine Co. SEED BARLEY.—The undersign ed has a quantity of No. 21 seed barley grown from selected seed for four years. Lot 22, Con. 2 Stephen.—W. D. Sanders. Gir' wanted for general housework Must be able to cook and cake: New house with all conveniences. . No washing Wages $20.00 a month. Re ferences required. Mrs. j. E. McCort- reIl Broughdale, London Ont.'s Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. HORSES FOR. SALE—At Doyle's, Horst Exchange -2 mares in foal;. three 6 -yr -old horses; five 4 -year old horses two 3 -year-olds. All are sound and in good- condition.. Suit- able for local demands. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern :•— AI: accounts and notes owing to, William J. Carling have been handed to me for colledtion and the' -same, must be paid on or before the First day of June, A. . D. 1913, otherwise will be placed in Court. • Yours very truly Isaac:, R. Carling C,; - FOR SALE OR RENT. One and a half storey frame house and lot on Andrew street, containing 8 rcoms Hard and soft water; ,n good state of repair; pleasantly situated on right side of street. Will be sonde reasonable or rented to good . termite For further particulars apply to B. S. PHILLIPS,; Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont, ACCOUNTS,—Having sold my t us- Ines:- to Mr. Frank Wood and having beer in business here for twenty-one years. I •wish to thank my many zits- tomert, a -ad friends for their patron- age in the past. Anyone having : ac- counts against me or in my favor will kindly present them or settle them at once. Will bein the same, house unti? June lst.—A. J. FORD. 10,000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE All First -Class Quality. A .Special Price 11:er Large Ord_rs. G. BE, HICKS, Centralia. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot _ 9 Con 3. Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, 3tab- ling at one end ; wood shed, pig- house 16x24; two good 'wells of water; 35 acres in grass; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply ' to John Cornish, Exeter P.O., or On the premises. HOUSE ABVD LOT FOB. SALE Situated on .A.ad'rew .Street; , house cos teens 7 rooms; hard and ,s+dift water Ail to goad std of repair ; neve irairne• stable ; wlll be sold reasonable: Fors. further particulars a4p1y to 3AUIDS C1C3-. DEN, or :to B;. S. 1e tL11 'S,. Real BEebate. Agent, •'Bxeter, Ont; Potatoes "Pile Our first: sili'pznent of Ontario Potatoes ---Northern. Grown—will ar- rive Thursday of this week. Call end Inspect.' We still have a quantity of Delawares from New Brunswick. Jones & May LOCAL IJ.QINGrS, eseeseeeereatieelieeekeaseekeiteemiee 'Open windows close the "doors to consumption. The trees are already to king on a green tinge. The Motor ear driver Must now, carry a license. l yott have. eaten too much get out in the open air and walk. Consumption is .a dirty air disease. Fresh air and sunshine are its ,worst enemies '!r Mrs. C. T. )3roaks is very towe this I Week Divisional camp at Goderich is to; be held June 16 to 27, both elates, inclusive. It takes mighty little to please, some people whoare pleased with. themselves. Some people are always burying the hatchet and digging it up to see if. it is still there. A few troubles ,are just as nee essary to the development of elan as a few fleas are to a. dog, Most people.care nothing for your sorrow and misfortunes; they are in, terested in' your prosperity and sue- cess People learn to think by thinking and to talk by talking. In explaining. a theme to another it becomes ;uniin- our' to ourselves. The recovery of all sick people is retarded by much company. Some. flowers will be . better evidence than. your presence of love and sympathy A man went into a butcher shop and ordered a dollar's worth of ;heat sent to his house "If ,,here's nobody at -home," he added " just, poke it through h ti e keyhole.. Rev ,Dr T. Albert Moore of To ronto . Methodist moral reform sec- retary will take 'a trio. in June to study' social conditions in. Norway, so that h e will s11 e" 1 b in aposition L' ospeak authoritively on the merits of Govern -t ment ownersship of the liquor traffic. Mr J. J, Tilley of the Department of Education, Toronto, on Friday; purchased Mr. A. Hasting's residence on .Andrew Street., Mr. Tilly gets possession in a month. Dr. Amos' will reside in the house and Mr. Tilly expects to live in Exeter several months of the year. "The other day while some sur- veyor:. urveyor:. were at work on the Lake Road 6th Con., they came . across nineteen blue racers in one bunch sunning themselves. They were all full growth They succeeded in kill- ing seventeen, two of them escaping." —Tedford' Tribune. Something new in bowling is to be introduced in the W. O. B. A. Tour- nament at : London, during, the week of July 21st, when those that go down in 1, 2, 3 style will be given another chance to win by competing for a trophy presented by the press dent _A. J Taylor of Toronto. Two French peasants have `the re- cord for large families. They are, brothers and to-gether the children number 53. The fathers make on an, average 15c. .a day 'and .$.2. a year from the government. In this countryl men with such families could not keep them in chewing gum on such wages. The assessors rolls for the county of Huron for the year 1912. shows a decrease of population in the coun- ty. of 1,267 in the rural districts for the county of 1,643. The township of West Wawanosh shows the great- est decrease, amounting 'to over 20 per cent, of the population in one year The liquidator of the National Lana Fruit and Packing Company is sell- ing the sprayers, tools of various kindsand stock in general of the, couapany by public auction, at Clinton - at .Kincardine and at Exeter, It is noe yet generally known what dispos- ition will be made of the leases, the Which. as they have eight years to run area the orchards have been: mucle improved are of considerable value. The men of the egg trade have issued an ultimatumthat they wills irtefuture buy eggs only on the basis of quality We wonder what basis, they have been buying eggs up to. the present, but should judge that quality 'would have been an im- portant factor in their negotiations for the purchase of eggs. If they have been so generous in the past as to buy rotten eggs, stale eggs and every other kind of eggs, good bad and indifferent, without regard- ing the price to suit the condition of quality possessed by the, eggs, they: are more innocent than we have taken them to be. TURNED TURT LE -Messrs. Frank Durdle and W. (Clayton hall an ex- perience Friday morning that they will not forget for a few days. They were in Connor's Bros automobile and running at a ;fairrate east of... Winchelsea and in turning to get out of 'a rut the driver lost control, the machine turned on the road then turned a complete somersault, right. ing itself in the ditch. The occupants, went over with_ the machine, and. were considerable'scfatched bruised- and skinned, Mr: Durdle had his ear. torn and ,Mr. Clayton his collar bona broken, The windshield, top and sterring wheel of ,the machine were smashed but they, brought the car, home by its own power. HICIIS' FORECAST FOR MAY.-- A Regular Storm is central on the 9th 10th and 11th. The Mercury equinoctial period begins in this reac- tionary period and its added iinfluence, wilt be ziotic eable in thick, pro- longed cloudiness, with tendency to drizzle . and rain. .But,. for the fact that -solar conditions are yearly inten- ,sified. in all the central states, in tin. month of May, the causes of heavv storms are at . a .nine -nem, at this time.. But •it is always wise to watc I4 storms developments in May. de pecielly when we are Massing tltroegh, end are near the centre 01 a Jupiter period, Very coal nights with probable frosts northward, will come with the high barometric area behind these ,storms. fir, Thomas Brode, sr. ` of . whore. mention was madelast week ee being vert' ill, is still in a precarious +None dition, but the ;past few days has taken a slight turn for the better. Applications have been made co the License Connrniesioners to transfer tl i licenses :,.of the Commercial Hotel Exeter, to T. I-1, Newell, and ` ,the Brenner House, Grand Bend, to roe. Brenner. See notices on another pege•` Sunday was observed as. -Missionary Day throughout the Anglican'' Church of this and other dioceses Rev, D. Sagc of London preached two ex- cetlent dicourses in the i"a�ivitt ivlexn-. orial Church . here while Rev= -0, W, Collins preached in St. Johns. church London'.' Mr. A. J. Ford, who has been eon ducting a .butcher shop in Exeter, tor over twenty years, sold his business to Mr Frank Wood, who took charge Monday. The purchase . includes the shop, land and business. We .: under - slant. Mr. Ford will continue .to re- side here—at least for some time 'to come. . .,.. Albert Mallett of Chatham, -,son of eh. Frahk Mallett of,. town,.:met ,,v:itir a painful accident on. Friday.flast . 't that place. When carrying a -pail of bot tar in theScane block., he slipped and both di' his, hands and ,truss went into -the pail. He 'Was fearful- ly burned, but it le thought 'that' his hand:. Will be saved,.:: Mrs Frank Gill, Huron Street, re-. vett ed the sad intelligence Tuesday of the death •of `het brotherein-late Mr. John Hutchinson of Lafend, Alta,, n -ho died on April -26th, at the age of 54 years. The deceased was avic- tinr of sciatica, which caused his death ,being ill only • a short • time, Mr. Hutchinson hxn on va t s I of former, . resi- dent dent of Exeter, but left here about 20 years ago for Muskoka, where he resided until a few, years ago, when he moved to the 'west: He issur- vived by his wife, three daughters and one son. NEARLY A FIRE.—The 'wiud,biew the curtain!: ''against a gas jet in one of the bedrooms of the Central Hotel on Saturday evening, and caused the curtains to catch fire. Luckily it ,rasp noticed in time and was, soon ex- tinguished, little damage being done, DEATH OF MRSHATTER. There passed away at_ ner home ,n Exeter North on Saturday last iatie Yagei, wife of Mr. Thomas ...latter, at the age of 50 years •and 9 months, The deceased had been ill only a short time paralysis being , the :m - mediate cause of death, Mrs, r$ 'at - ter was a native of Ireland and :ame to Canada over twentyfive, years ago. After residing, in . Clinton and later near Zurich for a few: years, the fanisi' moved to Exeter, North, ,where the; have since resided. Besides her husband she is survived''by three daughters and three sons: The eras. which took place to the Eiceter cemetery on Tuesday was conducted by Rev. Sharp. Auction_ Sale . OF HOUSE & LOT AND HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS on LOT 85, Eliza.- beth lizabeth street, EXETER NORTH. on SATURDAY, MAY 10th, at 1.30 p.m.. sharp the following valuable property viz. Glass cupboard, writing desk, cup board coal heater, wood stove,, new Williams sewing nra, chine, kitchen table work bench; number of pic- tures. hammock, alarm clock,coal oil stove three burners, extension table iror bedsteads, wood bedstead, man- tle clock parlor lamp, 6 p..rlor chairs couch ,parlor rug, 2 bed springs, 2 mattresses -dresser and comeapde; several pieces ,linoleum, harp, 4` pair, lace curtains, stand, 5 kitchen chairs hwee; barrow, many other arti cies.. Terms—Effects, cash; real estate;' made known on day of sale: ' ' ' GeoBartPhillips, Bartner B. S.Philli i p , Prop. Auct. wecl� Dr Browning was in •1.ond,Londonthis Amy Wexler has.eettirned from Berlin Mt Geo Bedford was in London Friday Mr, W. T, Acheson ,.was in London Monday. • ' Mr Laird of Toronto'visited Waugh last week, Miss Etta' White,ferd has returned from a visit in Varna. Miss Lillian Boyle left Tuesday, cn a• visit-:'inMarlette, .Niels:: : Mr ,and Mrs. George. 'Smallacpntbe' argue to Stt:atford Monday,;'. Urs 'W', J, Beesett returned Tues- day from a ,visit tri.• Listowel, Mr S,' A. •Poplestgne,•of • Blyth ryas a visitor in ton Tuesday,.' Mrs, Fred Baivdtn left' Saturday night to join l>er husband in Eclmon tong - 'Weiss':My=rta Hawkshaty has ;n 'return- ed 'frroa visit in L' ondon and' De- troit "-Mr 'lel. ` .Doyle and: a number of. friends took a trip to Stratford' by auto on •Sunday. Mrs. Jos:: Hawkins is visiting ire Seaforth owing' to the-: illness of her istet. 11Irs Martin. Mr ,Livingstone of Calgary, who. has been here on a visit, is spend- ing. pend-ing: the week in Ottawa Mr Wm, Heideman left Monclay' morning for Toronto, where he will take a position in a hardss are store.' Mrs. Ern. Davis of Chatham . ;and sister Miss Edna, Brock arrived here Monday,.. owing .to.. the illness of their fattier Miss Lena 'Stacey of Chicago has beet+visiting friends en ' and around Exeter, the guest .of ::MI* Maude Harness, her Wm .Birney, who has been book-keeper for Messrs, Harvey Bros, has 'resigned the position and left Tuesday for a visit in Chatham and Windsor,prior to going to Winnipeg whereheintends Mrs John Willis and daughter Miss Violet of Marlette, Mich,,. were. 'were lasr week attending the l unaral of the former's uncle,, Mr, Wni. Bell, at Hassall 'returning to their home on Saturday. etremeoleeaselowomestmeeomemen Try some l3uckwheat .. Flour for good pancakes. also a choice; lot of . Corn. on hand . 4r►.: R. G. SEL.DON: Exeter.,— Ontario, NOTICE Re,n • ; gi a Watches, when sold withQtlt 'anDfficiAl Guarantee, and by other than, an authorized: agent, are liable to . be Second' Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured ' in some other second-hand way. • 1 ,,arn- the only authorizeu Official Agent here, andam the only one who can issue an Offric' ial ;Guarantee which will be re- spected b: other,Olficial Agents throughout Canada. . • • ►pecial Bargains • For May This week we are sellingLadies and Gents Japanese Linen Handkerchiefs, 6 for 25c. Special Window Bargains every day, Watch our windows: It page. Try' our Jamacia Bananas, and our Fresh Roasted Peanuts. They are good. Come in often -and look around. Powell's Bazaar Big Variety. Store' PHONE NO.. 32 ,Phone 20a Residence next to the store. 1 Undertaker' and Licensee • :Embalmer EXETER .:. O NTARIO STEWART'S PHONE 1.8 Crex Verandah Rugs In five different sizes. These rugs are made from grass. They are not affected ;lb'u the sun or rain,: and are easily cleaned. Ask to see them. - LADIES HOSE In black and tan, med- ium weight, very special value in sizes 8i• to 10. 2 pairs for 25c. LINOLEUMS A few yards of this san- itary fluor covering on your kitchen, bedroom or dining room will add to its appearance:and save you much work; we sell "Nar- ins"; its the best. WINDOW SHADES L•. Don't forget us 'when. you' want new window shades. W ebave all shades and can get any size .you need. SUMMER' UNDER- WEAR In plain, ribbed and por- ous knit. Vests, Drawers, or Combination suit, Some splendid values at -15e. 20 25c. WALL PAPER What a difference a few rolls of our Wall Paper will make to a room in your home, Make your home as cheerful as poss- ible. Papers at per roll 5c, 10c. 15c. 20c. 25c. RUGS Don't try to make' your old carpet, do another sea- son, You will be surprised at the low prices we Can give yoti on tapestry and velvet squares. POTATOES BUST ARRIVED—A car of Green Mountain Delaware Potatoes, They are selling fast. The quality is good. If you want some good potatoes for 'seed. Order thea ,note Per bate $1;25. 1 �chase Sovereign Brand:: Clothing 250 Mop's Suits &; 300 prs, Odd Fanta • Mr. Walters has 'just returner; from a large purchasing trip in Clothing, 'including 250 :Men's Spring and Summer Suits in all the lattest shades. Browns Greys Fawns, BIues and Blacks. We ,., bought these right -and will put them on sale •A.T LESS THAN. REGULAR WHOLESALE' PRICE "Come, early while we have the sizes. Boy's Bloomer'':Suits We will also show a Zig,• range ef" Boy's Suits in all the leae- ing colors and can save•y,u •mons* -on-them. oust Furnishing . -Department' dig selection on;:hand ren 6tral'' Papers,_ ..Rugs,, Carpets, ] rn glen s, Blinds and-LaceCurtains. Theyre g _. rapidly a'movie :;out ra idl. just now; Better cone: in a nd loolc''them over; Millinery y Millinery �:. THE M.IL INERY SE s S ON IS AT ITS HEIGH''T'. LEAVE - yduii ORDER I;OR A .,SUMMER HAT EARLY, SO YOU CAN GET 'TT 1N tGOOD TIME,` ES E eadquarters for the celebrated W` E. Sanford Clothing