HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-5-8, Page 1a iNowYOITA StrZS m:mo
row 10 300 tdtme to ectelt in and hese
Your oubrrcrigtI4t to :!ho Advocate xe.
mewed. We ratan to gee yoo eel . tote
Iora'l news calnettvee and interesting :.
rem, and wo beklolto "We five :;en • tp
flip claim, 1ie,tp along the good work,
'1ti ria ^iia the eea etr Mot Year
Pott re renewing.your ixawtJpa.Irt
eriptio s» The..,. A•dvteta..te; clubs wl.._
all tta>t, City Weekly arid fitly Pape
and rift Ua 'aramett at terxn,s that are e
big Inducement,. Call and get our ratetr,
L oaai Items
Don't n car thev..;
s . d heavy -unclerweat
for, a'fewr days,
Once more we are galled' upon to.
push lawn mower.
Should' we' pay, that last year's'
coal bill or buy a. new spring suit
'big t
.� g delivery of Erni trees took
piae here ., 1 on Thursday and Friday
Nearly 100 less licenses were issued`
this year than last year in Ontario
largely due to Local Option, •
Conrad;We&d"enhamrner, brother 'of'
'_12r ,W Fa.` Weidenhamnier, principal
rinci al'
of ; the ,.Exeter School, ,:was the'
successful, Conservative candidate for
Stony' Plain: in the recent Alberta.
Provinccial Election.,'
The frshingseasonhas opened and
a number of thelocal, disciples - of
Isaitk Walton have already' been seek
int', out their old haunts, the ;yell-,
renembered streams, ,:od ib ,•:rand
it 'search of the If tnny beauties.'
Happy' is the 'Man who in such -fine
spring weather is •in.,..•a position;-
osition;say; "I' go .'a -fishing," "and, suit ' the:.
action to the word.
The Advocate is again in readiness
to print your horse cards in the.
best of style and on shortest notice,
Our cuts -.are the .best.
A free notice of the- route is giv-
en for two weeks -which is Worth.
more than the whole cost.
The .Eireter ,Band has been engaged
to take . patt in the big celebration at
Dasli.Cvood�' on `June" 3rd:. The. `anti is,
tieing, oe ,
Well and will give a good ac -
Count of themselves,
itis+-•. purchased the' Butchering '; Busi-
ness of Mr. A. J. Ford, l desire to
intorrr, the'people of'.. i.xeter and
distiiet that we are 'open to' supply
them ;vith the best of meats, . and
we solicit your patronage. -•F, WOOD
13. AND • I -ITS
The merchant:. encouragesus td
Ways, to buy a good •article :in;ref-
erence to that which . may be,, cheap-,
is right, without doubt, but
how often he i fails to; learn. this,
lesson` himself' -especially is this.' not.
icabic• . in stationery --some' envelopes
which "reach us through the •mail are
a;disgrace.' to, the gentler.:; We wow
der ifthe merchant always under-
stands` that his ,business is measured
oftentimes by the ,class of stationery
he se
n out yes, even qualify.
of 'paper in the bills he renders -we
venture to say that there • is nothing'
whicl, points out a buseness Man's
carefulness and general make up more
plainly than the quality and style al
the stationery he uses. It advertises
his standard -it announces clearly to
the public what class of goods they
may expect., at his store. If the net-
chant sends out a wishy-washy rag ot.
a letterhead, , envelope, invoice of
statement, the public may reasonabld
expect the same quality and cheapness
in the. merchant's stock of goods.
just think over, the business firms
you are acquainted with and notice
the quality of their stationery. And
Mr Business -man, think this over too
and see that you do not suffer for
proper attention to this sometimes ne-
glectea but very necessary detail.
Spring Renavatn
isin • keeping. The housekeeper is pretty busy these 'days..
Its a sort of a Stocktaking .time Vin- the biome, and it is al-
most sure to reveal a need for something new : in Furniture
of which we have a great variety of the latest designs.
We also have samples of Wall Paper of the most artistic
designs. You should see our
Jas. Beverley
Undertaker & Furniture Dealer
The 20th Centur • Preparation`' _:
,, :• Century
iehing`O ld Furniture, Linoleums, Oil CYoth
ew AndOld ��oor
REMEMBER Varnish Stains` are in past
e .'•-• Iry `• <•.; � � . ( ..
Be8,utiful free Souvenirs to each lady; Doll
Ronde or Drawing Book" for each child:
Come . Along . !
Mr, Ern Davis of. Chatham is vis
iting -here
Miss -Lewis: leaves -sills. week` to .vis-
ithez sister Mrs Stirrer -reel
mtJlel Wash
Shareholders and depositors of he
Fairnergs Bank :still have, hopes of
securing some .help from; the Govern
meal -and 'a deputation will „'':; wait
on `Hon, W. T.. White, 'Finance Min-
ister. and Premie Borden,' in Thurs-
day to lay theit' claims, before'' them
The deputation=wilt.be introduced ,oy
J. -E ,•Am
rstrong M,P.,; ,ind Richard
Blain M.P.
Taches. and.parents' a • a
Teachers, :can c com-
.plish a real service to the. 'country
by instructing the children to spare;
the robins. The robin .and its -,test-.
dings`are perfect gorntanclisers when'
it comes,, to making•,a• meal • of bugs
and caterpillars. -the eneniie`s of
mankind, 'The fledgelings. eat one rind
two-fifthstimes their own weight of
worzns and , insects each day. NQ
tvonder men speak .of these little
birds as "worth their weight' in
gold.'• No bird is more welcome in the
spring and summer than robin:- red-'
6;reasl•:,Robbing the- nest,• breaking
the eggs• and killing ,the young., bird
make cruel sport' and cause us alt.
to suffer from a lack of "economic
wisdom that permits heartless de-
struction of our' songster friends of
the - thrush family.
An interesting time is reported to,
have taken place.at the Council meet-
ing on Friday night last, when the
petition •: torecind the 'by-law, im-
iting the licenses to two was pre-
-settled by' Mr. John Morley, proprie-,
tor of the Metropolitan. The petition'
was signed by 222.r ratepayers . which.
is about half of the number who vot-
ed at, the last election, and : was r.
pretty fair indication that the -najc r-
ite of the people of. Exeter did not
favor license reduction. It is just a
question whether the council thought
reduction any 'good, but a temperance
deputation got 'a snap' verdict several
weeks ago, and the same deputation,
Revs . Powell, ' Rev. McAlister and
Mr Gladman, were present on Fri-
day night; and it is. stated that a rape
id cross-fire of words and arguments
took place between ithe two parties
rent esented and the council. As will
be • seen by the minutes the matter
is left for further consideration, and
there is '.little doubt if the council
were doing it over again there would
have been no license reduction, for
which• we have not yet heard a good
and sufficient reason.
The Ruri-Decanal Chapter and Sun-
day School convention of the Dean-
ery of Huron .was held in, the Trivitt
Memorial Church on Tuesday, May 6
Holy ,Communion was celebrated by
Archdeacon Richardson at 10. a. m.,
.followed by a meeting cif• the Chap
ter' in the Rectory. After . several
niattei•s affecting the Deanery had been
disposed of the Rev. J. B. Fother-
ingham, M. A., of Goderich read a
paper on `The Church and Social and
Economic Questions;' An interest-
discus'sion participated in by all rhe
members followed.
Tice Sunday School convention was
opened at 2 o'clock, with Archdeacon
Richardson presiding. :',
Mrs. Parsons of Forest ga,ve an ed -
dress on "The Organized Bible Class
detailing her own experiences incon-
neetion with a Bible class in - . her.
own parish.
Rev: T. B. R. Westgate,. mission-
ary to
ission-ary'to German East Africa, gave two
excellent addresses on his work at
botl• the afternoon. and evening ses-
sions. .
Mr. D. M. Rose, the secretary of
the Layman's M. S. of the Canadian
Church, spoke at both sessions.
The Ladies of the congregation ser-
ved Luncheon and` Tea, to all the del-
egates. Following the Tea a short
toast .list was ,,given to ..."Our Vis-
itors " "Our - Missions"; and Rev, J.
C. Jeakins proposed to "aur Hosts
and. Hostesses", which was responded
to by Mr. C. H. Sanders and Mr. L
H. Dickson
Rev. Rural Dean Doherty who had
charge of the Convention, carried ev-
erything through in a.most thorough
and efficient manner.
" It will be sad news to many in this
and other districts to learn of the
death of Rev. George W. Racey, rec-
tor ot; St. Paul's Church, Kirkton,and
St Patrick's Church, Saintsbury, who
died; ,at. Wellsley Hospital, Toronto
Sunday morning last, at the age .;of
68 years. The deceased had been in.
vert' poor. health for some time, the
result of rupture,: He was removed
to the hospital a 'short time ago' in
the hope of improving his condition,
but ,he grew gradually worse till the
end : came, The late; Mr. Rae,ey . was'.
one. of the best known Anglican cler-
lrvmen in Western Ontario;, and in
his various fields of labor in ,doing
His Master's work be numbered 'his
friends as many, being uniformly Pot?-
ula • , with, all 'denominations. He is
surds ed by a : sorrowing' widow, end
three. Dr, George Racey of
Parkhill Norman' of Viceroy, Sask.,
and Maurine of Toronto,
v8 ' Woman
to interested and should know
about the wonder'tnl
Marvel winding Setae
r 3k' evert druggist for
k IE ho cannot supply
`dhe MAit'VIte, accept no
o'thor, bat seed.'tate for illus.
triton book• -healed, pIt coves hell
artieulars and direction,1n Usable
b ladiem.Ivtis sen S ner.+x.v co.,SV'indsor, Out
ieaeraiAgents iur canatut.
j` Corlricil met in 'the Town Hall on
Friday e
ay-2,"' Minutes ?of'
were "read and aP,�'.
proved '•Hind -Scott -That the ac-
,cot{nt4 as read be paid: -..W, Davis,
• •earetaker North End fire hall, $10
A G Dyer, assessor; postage and
truant officer, ,$72.05; Electric, Light.
'Co. $116.39;, G. Ideaznan,• ratchet, 2...
"G. Crawley, livery, $2; Hamilton •.
Toronto Sewer Sewer Pipe.'' Co. $25,301 - T
Creech` labor,and freight, 12,78 T.
:Flynn;, labor, $19; T. Web"ster $18
G • Atkinson . $9.63;.: N. Vale. $11; . J.
'McDonald . $12; G. Sanders - $2; W.
W'.estrcott $9,63; R. .ayfoyard $13;, V.
,Moya:rd:.• $7.87; H. D. .Wachter. $7.871
Weekes Bros $15; G. Orange, $11.50
-R Davis $19 S. Handford $33; .W.,.
Welsh•810, W. Satter $4.; T. Houl-
den 9• 'Mrs. A. ,Sheerer -stone hams
gnei ,,$$1.50; T. B, Carling, pt, salary,
'$29,. W. J. Bissett, do.,. $42; J, Ford
$3/.5t1;..,Total '577,55,
'stir"t..Jo_'txi Morley: of the Metropol-.
itan .;Hotel presented -a petition con..
tninine 222 names oflicthe ratepayers
asking! to have: the.license reduction
by len repealed, that might ,night -e-
ceive ;his license ;for, this` year.
Doyle : bio seconder -that• the bylaw,
reducing the licenses to two ' be re-
scinded, anda by-law be framed, in-
creasing the same to three.
Hind -.-No seconder -That the pet-.
itiou be filed.
Scott-Harton-That the matter be
'lett over for further consideration.-
(Petitions were ;preseute3 and accept
ed f"tr• the watering of Main, Huron,
and. Wellington Streets.
'Mr Beaver waited on the ` council
asking to have sink hale connecting
his, drain removed as the drain was
hi; being put in at his expense. The
council agreed togive the matter,
their . consideration.
Mr I. R. Carling asked the Council
CO .have Brock street . closed, The
sante `was granted:
Onl: .
3 one tender for street water-•.
in¢ was received, and the matter was
laid over,
The; -clerk was instructed to write.
Luear, and Parkhill re oiling the roads
as to hoe- they, approve of•it, 'etc.
Doyle -Adjournment.
- T.• B. Carling, clerk.
Room '4, -Sr. 4th, -Honors, wF Wood
78, D Kuntz 76, G Fitton 75; Pass.
G Ford. 74, ;M Kydd 73, B. Harney,
71, ,0 Macdonald 70, A Johns 10,J
Mathews 69, A Horton 69, J Brick,
wood 69, L Kestle 68, •I Delve 67,
E Davis 62, W Mack 62, F.Bowey 61
Jr 4th Pass, L Rice 71, M Sharp
71, E Powell 71 L Walker 69, . ' M
Walker 67, G Davis 64: No,' on roff
30, average 27. C. Vosper teacher
Room 5. -Sr. 3rd, 'Honors, G Harvey
90 H Boyle 82, I Zuefle 80, D Charl-
ton 75; Pass, E Doyle 74, M Mar-,
chand 73, W Davis 72, C Morley _ 72
W Hedden 70, B Rivers 69, V Mal-
lett 68, Czar Harness 66, V Hill 66,
C Mallett 66, D Knight 61. Jr. 3rd
Pass C. Sanders 70. . No. enrolled 31
average 28. 5. S. Murray, teacher
Room••7.:-Forin 3s Jr., honors, G
Harness', -89:J lir Harvey 87, E Davis
97. P Weidenhammer 86, T Connor;
83; S :Sanders 82, M Harvey 81, V
Rowcliffe= •80 ':B Senior '80; P Collins
75. Pass =_E Yellow 74, HHorton 69,
Form 2, sr., honors, E. Russell 761
M Holden 75, M Wood 74, J Davis
74, I' Hanress 72, C. Ford 72, C Da-
vis 63. No,, on roll 35, " average 21.
H. M. Kinsman, teacher.
Room - 7 -Class A. Sr.' 2nd, V Wal-
ker 83 - G Hind 81, D Balkwill 77,
M Kuntz. 74, - H Dignan 72, -M Johns
71 V Vale 70, B, Ac - heson 68. C1,B
W Webster 66; Cl. C., G Powell
87, G Hedden 77, M Elworthy 76, F
Ban 70, R. Witwer 66, R Davis 64;
Clasp D., M Weidenhamner 88, L
Statham 63, No, on roll 32; average
27 E, Quackenbush, teacher.,
Room 8.-Jr.rt. 2nd, C Doyle' 95, J
Morley AB' Brown 85, C Davis 84,
Jr. Pt 2,-M Scott 92, M Elworthy,
91, G Creech ;88, G Bedford 35, B
Russell 78. :E Houlden 68, L Brim-
acombe 53, E Mallett 50; Sr. -Pt.1,
H. Seddon 86, M Gladxnan 85 'S.Stan-
bury 82 R Davis 80, M Rowe 76
H Dignan 72, F. Hartleib 70. G Long
63 B 'P;owell 61, F Heaman 60, L
Davis 59, C Webster 52, L Wells 45
No. on rroll:5p,- average ,13,.
P'„ W. Howard, teacher
Mr, and ' Mrs •Sid; Andrew, of Cen-
tralia visited antoiag friends Sunday.
-Miss Lizzie johns of London Busi-
ness College ,his returned to herhome
here. --"The Ladies'. Aid •intend giving
an ,old fasli4oaAd ...tea on the evening
or* june-3rd, Further particulars lzt-
er.•-Ocving to .the serious' illness of
Mrs, Martin of Seaforth, Mrs. Wil-
bur Hunter and Mrs. George Hunter
'vert^''talled, to Seaforth on Tuesday
-'Ihc: base -ball fans are ready for
lst"of July. ;Rev. and Mrs. Hicks end
au ter asset t irauH r' t e . vi arr,
d gh p' T 1 gl h 'll_ge,,,
en 'then way., to visit their ntdther. at.
Zioii.-•Mrs., `Jas, -Earl has purchased'
a home in Ethel, to which she will
drove some time ; this summer. -A
number • ,of ladit s front.: here •intend
taking rn .the „M. S. Convention
in Parkhrl lore Thursday, -Mrs ltob
iuson Sr., is 'visiting at • the home of
twits,. Ifunter.-Rev, T. A.. Steadman
will sail, trout Montreal on June 21st
for a •trip to theOld-Country and
the Continent, end . will attend the
World's S. 5. Convention in Zurich
SrwitzJerland on July 8-16,
le '
Gl " �
a in, .pitsof.� p ose h
Glavin of Mount Carmel, 'died at St.
Joseph's Hospital, April 30th. Mrs.
Glavin had been in the hospital for,
three, weeks, and :.had been .ill for
some time previously. She is a
daughter of the late Thomas ITCilgal-
i and Mrs
.. Bridget Kilgallin of Lon-
ss. ss• flavin is survivedby two
sons. Charles at home, and John 'of
Sandwich College; two daughtersi
Mary • C:A ate home, and Madeline at
the Urssuline Academy, Chatham; •3
brothers Walter - Kilgallin' of London
'Patrick Kilgallin, Goderich;John,
Kilgallin, Ottawa. The ; body , was
brought to Mount:Carinel on the 4.40
train. Thursday' .for interment.
In Hamilton thee
d ath occurred of
Mrs, Thomas Carey an old resident
o* thio place,, aged 73 years. $he
had been at Hamilton for two weeks,
visiting her daughter, flouter;. and while there
cccntratted•a' severe.' cold whioh re
suitea in her death. Mrs. Carey was.
beloved byeverybody who
survivedby an aged husband
and five 'sons, James ands this
ohn of
7 r
place `Patrick of Goderich, and Mich-
ael, and Thomas out West, and Five
daughters, Mrs. ' Frady and Miss Han-
na of Hamilton,. Miss Margaret of
Landon, Katie, Saskatoon, and . Nel-
lie at home; one brother, James Mc-
Carty also of this place. The' fun-
eral took place tc the R. C. Cem-
etery. which was largely attended -
Mrs John Donohue and son of Sarnia
attended the funeral of the late Mrs,.
Carey on Friday, -Those from- a dis-
tance who attended the funeral of
tin fate Mrs. Giavia on Satu day, were
Mr, and Mrs, Flaherty, London; -Mr..
and Mrs, John Hall, ` Stratford; Mr.
and Mrs, Walter - Kilgallin, London;,
Mi. and Mrs. John Hall, Detroit; Mes-
srs. Kilgallin, Ottawa, and Patrick
Goderich; Mr. Mrs. B. Kerns,
Bornish; Miss Mary Kilgallin, Drys-
daie; Mr. Jas. Glavin, :eft, Pleasant,.
Micli.; M. M. Doyle and sister, Ex-
eter, -Mr, Joseph Doyle is all smiles
at the arrival of a son on Thursday,
May 1st, -Mr, J. A. Coughlin, Toron-
to ;called on friends here last week.--
14Jt Cory Reganis on the 'sick list,
-M 'k and Mrs. P. ,Carey::. of Godericl. ;
a ` asci Oh funeral Of fife foranergs:
axe ta,er here on 3 d �
• 1"ar a5.
m nn.•�--At St, Joseph' Hospital'
London, on Ap'ril 30tlr, to Dr, and;
,Mrs, I'illmann, a daughter.
Patlock-Softer.--.At the Method's
parsonage, Corbett,. April 30th, Mr.
Lawrence R, Pollock of Stephen,.
to' Miss
i abet G. Softer of �TeGiII-•
•'ivray Township:'
Paterson-Jdarding--At Ailsa C ai
:b'T ty. •1, :Thomas C r rg,on
•• Paterson to.gnn:
nie .Id Harding, both ;of.,MeGilliv-:.
ray ,Township,
Israelis--Tn Clinton, on A;pro 28tri'
Owen Graelis, aged, 82 years,
Rundle, -In Brucefield, ;gin.. A ril 2
p T
Thomas Rundle, in his 75th
Hatter. --In Effete year., '
r, on,
May 3rd, Kate,.
Yager, wife of Thomas Hatter, ag-
ed •59 years, 9 months.
Racey,-In Wellsley Hospital Toron-
to. on. May 4, Rev. George W.
Racey, rector of of Kirkton Ind
Saintsbury, aged 68 years.
Glavin -In St. Joseph i•Iospital,
don Mrs. Joseph Glavin of Mount.
SEAFORTH,--Word was received
here on: Friday last of the death in;
Toronto of Mr. Archie Scott, son cd
Mr, James Scott, - of this town. De,
ceased was' a very promising young
man, He had nearly .completed his,
course at the university, preparatory
to entering Knox'aCollege to study .for
the ministry; His death resulted from
an attack of pneumonia, and not scar-
let fever as was first reported. The
remains were brought to Seaforth of
Saturday for interment.
The men who are winning,
....applause these days b
Making good are, as a rule, hien' who look their part as
well as do their part. Proper attention to attire is a : duty
every man owes to himself. We assist him to dress Welland
dress 'correctly.
Did o
y u ever notice how much better you feel, how
much more confidence you have in yourself when you're
well dr"eased •'
We have .a of r
t t
lar e,assormenain coats -•
at,asouable ,prices.
Put not ofd till-to-xnorryow, whatbuying you
"Swisli! pl sh! Whew!" says, the Wind, . Get
W. W. TAMAN ..
Tailor and Furnisher "
latest styles:
can do to day
a Rain Coat