HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-24, Page 8►
,,.,..44.,..,,a,• 93 03
Bate at'r • 17 , , . .ere , , 45 48
,Z oe a wheat . . , 48 50
Oatri, 34 34
Peer, ,..,,.,,..,•.., ,,.e 100 1. 15
Pot:, a oes, per bag , .... 1 25" 1 3a
Say, rerton. ,,,. ..,:. 1000 10 08
FJoz►r, per eWt., family 2 70:
1F'lotee low grade per cw 1 50 1 O)
Ratter,,.,, .,., „ 22 22.
Sgt ...,, •.,..,.;k 18
Dried Apples per Ib ..., 4i
Live hops per eWt.. 4,,. 9 10
Short ,• per ton... 23 00'.
Bran per ton , 22 00
Sager Beet meal. , , ... 26 001
100 acre grass farm to rent, Apply
328 Lee Ave,, Toronto,
Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo-
cate =Lee, Exeter. -
.BUGGY FOR SALE—Good strong
second hand buggy, good repair, new-
ly painted apply to D, C. McInnis
Housekeeper Wanted,—A Middle
aged woman; light house work,
Apply Nat. Corbett Brinsley;Ont.
Anc Cider Press for Sale. 150
acres being Lot 11, S.B., Con. 6,Hay
and W 1-2 Lot 3, Hay, Good supply
of water all season, The cider press
is ie good condition,. Apply to
have a quantity of choice Siber-
ian seed oats for sale. John Presz-
cator con 3, Stephen. Exeter.P, 0.
choice chicken for sale. Apply to C,
S. Sanders Andrew Street.
HOUSE TO RENT,—Good frame
dwelling on Andrew Street, with 2-3
acre of garden; a number of. choice
fruit trees and other small fruits. A
reasonable rental. Apply at this of-
fice or C. S. Sanders.
Farmers wants= help for next sea,
eon eiioudd place their order at once
the Canadian' Go.rera nE t Agent, Advo-
cate Office, Exeter.
We are -prepared to contract with
farmers to grow peas and corn for
the canning season.—Exeter Can-
nino Co. ,
SEED BARLEY. -The , undersign
ed has a quantity of No. 21 seed
barley grown from selected seed
for four years. Lot 22, Con. 2
Stephen. -W. D. Sanders.
WANTED—A good reliable man to
represent the Canadian Pacific 'Rail,
way Land Department in this vicinity
For full particulars apply S. C. Mit-
chell District Sales Agent 601 C. P.R.
Building Toronto.
ATTEND CHURCH --The members
of the I. 0. O. F. are requested •. to
meet in the Lodge Room at 6.15. p.m.,
Sunday April 27, to attend divine
service in the Presbyterian Church.—
R, N Creech, Se.
Get some neatly printed calling cards
at The Advocate
Horse Exchange -2 mares in foal;.
three 6 -yr -old horses; five 4 -year-
old horses two 3 -year-olds. All are
sound andin good condition. Suit-
able for local demands.
MONEY FOUND—A sum of money
Owner can have same, by proving pro
perty and paying expenses. Apply to
Newtoe Baker, Exeter.
vocate has just completed' ar-
rangements whereby we can sup-
ply The Advocate, Mail and Em-
pire and Dominion Poultry Guide
for the small sum of $1.55. Now
is the time to secure cheap and
goon reading at low .costs.
Ali First -Class Quality. A Special.
Price for Large Orders.
Containing. 60 acres of choice.
land being south part of lot' 9
Con 3, Usborne. There is on the
premises a good frame house, 20x
26 kitchen 14:t22, barn 36x80, stab-
ling at one end ;; wood shed, pig -
house 16x24; two good wells of
water ; 35 acres in grass ; well
drained and fenced; good orchard.
For further particulars apply to
John Cornish, Exeter P.O,, or, on
the premises.
Situated on Andrew Street; house
contains 7 robaaus; hard and gat water
All In good state of repair new frame
stable; will be sold reasonable. • For.
further particulal's apP1Y to 3A:410S O0 -
DEN, or to 13,. S. PHILLIPS,
Real Estate Aglent, teeter, Ont,
Tenders wanted for watering . , the
Following streets i—Main; irons the
Scutt Boundary north: to the Thames
Read Huron, frcni the Corner of
Albert street east; Wellington, Emmy
Main to the G, T. R. track, The
teecieier to tender for the pumping
ane without ptnn tiing, i'.ee, sante to
be it the: Clerk's hands' not tater
than, _'7,00 o'clock Friday evening, May
'T. B, 'Carling,. Clerk'.
Spring time is cleaning time.
Mr, Wes. Snell has purchased a
!Jew Studebaker car,
Mr T. W. Hawkshaw last week
purchased a Ford auto,
Mt, Ed. Howald was off work
few days owing' to illness..
St Marys citizens own 42 auto
representing 15 different makes,
It you don't exaggerate your troue
hides, the chances are you :don't tell
Miss Gladys Redden is quite ill
and confined to •• her bed under the
doctor's care.
After several weeks illness of
pleurisy Miss Annie Bissett is able,
to be out again.
Mrs Wm. Fraser, after being' con-
fined to her bed for several days is
able to be out again.
Mr. L. Day rented the fairgrounds
on Saturday being the highest .bid-
der, 380 was the price paid.
There is move on foot which
promises to incorporate Waterloo,
Preston Hespler, Galt and Berlin.
'Mss Annie Stapleton of near,
4Viugbam, well known to a /umber
here was married the other clay to
a Mr Cameron,
Most young men reach%a point some
time in their career when ,their idea
of heaven is to have all the good
clothes, they. want.
Easier money interest may be
expected in Canada since the Bank of
England has reduced the rate from
5 pet cent. to 43 per cent.
that the Ontario farmer is, gen-
erally speaking, in a strong financial
condition is proved by t he statement
to the Dominion Banking Committee
the farmers in the Province are
loaners not borrowers.
Referring to the price advances
made the Brantford Expositor has
this to say; "Prin'ters are paid
much higher wages for en eight-hour
day than they used to receive for ten
while paper costs more, and the
same is true for type and presses
Increased advertising patronage has
enabled most newspapers thus far to
carre the additional leid but they are
not wanting indications that this can
not be done much longer.,''
Au organizing baseball meeting was
held on Thursday nightwhen the
follorcing were elected officers. —
Hon ,Presidents, W. J. Heaman, M.
li Doyle, R. N. Creech, I. R. Carlipg
W D Clark :, W. W. Tam an, N. D.
Hurdon. A. Hastings, W. S. Cole,
G L Waugh. President, Frank Boyle;
Vice W. J. Murray; Sec-Treas. Wm.
Bradt; Manager H. Axt. The diamond
will be attended to at once and
'practice will soon commence.
The Crystal City (Man.) Courier -The
platform of the C. P. R. station
presented quite a holiday appearance
at train time on Thursday last being
crowded with boys and girls who had
come to help their school mate, Arnette
Cann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Cann of this place, unload the splendid
prize she had received in the recent
Telegram contest. This prize was no-
thing less thane beautiful black Shet-
land pony with harness and buggy
all ready to hitch up. Arnette is to be
congratulated on winning such a
splendid prize and she is immensely
gratefnl to her many friends who
assisted .her in ;obtaining it by sub-
scribing to the Telegram, The pony
arrived safely by express and is a
splendid specimen of this diminutive
breed so pobular with the children.
A young lady in Blansbarl Town-
ship recently played a cruel joke on,
her mother and this is how it hap-
pened She had found a love letter
that her father had written to her
mother in their halyon days' of court
ship. She read the letter, -to . her
mother substituting her own name
and that of her lover who lives "on
the Base Line. The mother- was
very angry and stamped her foot in
disgust forbidding her daughter to
have' anything to do with a man.
who could write such foolish stuff
to' a girl. The girlthen gave the
letter to mother to read and the
home suddenly' became' so quiet that
she could hear the snowflakes fal.
ing in the back yard, -St. Marys Jour
A Reactionary Storm Period rovers
the last three days in the znonth -
having the Moon in apogee. at last
quarter and near the celestial equator
Return of April thunder showers, with
low..;barometer, wanner, stiff winds
and hail stones, should not surprise
or alarm any student of this Alman-
ac. These storms, like all general
storms in the northern hemisphere
will develop in western extremes of
the country;yvith falling barometer rn1
much- warmer, cloudiness will follow"
and rain, wind and thunder will pass
eastwardly over the country to .the
Atlantic Ocean. All actual storm
areas are . preceded on the east by
warmer, fair weather, and followed
on the west by cooler, clearer wea-
ther—all within, the storm periods,
i ht W.M.S. of -James Street ,Chur
ch have elected the following of€i
cer.I for the ensuing-year•as follows
President Mrs Charles ,Hooper; first
vice-president, Mrs, C. B. Snell; sec-
ond vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Bissett
recciding secretary Mrs, Rev, Kestle..
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Harvey treasurer, Mrs. E. Rowelifle
sue erintendent of systematic giving,
. Johns, Mrs, Kestle was ep•-
;ointed delegate to the branch cote=
venticr, in Chatham.
W M. S, of Main Street.
Church elected the ,following efficers
fol tht ertsuing year : President, Mrs:
James Beverley, first -vice president;
Mrs BeJones;. recording secretary,
Mie H. Welsh; assistant, Mrs, E,
Dingman; recording secretary, Mrs, F.
J. 'Wickwire; tfeasurer Miss L Sweet
Mir (Rev) E. G. Pfosvell was Ftp -i
pointed delegate tce the oraitch :on-
ventior at Chatham,' and ifrs. Pow-
e1," and Mrs.. A. 7, Ford; delegates to
the district convention at Parkhill.
The bright weather has brought
out ah the local autos.
See Chi -Namel Lady Demonstrator
in North Window of Hean?an's Hard-
ware Store Friday and Saturday,
Mt' Geo. Srnallaconebe is ,;n Strat
ford this week. We understand the
family intends moving to that 'ity.
Mt Geo, Thomas, who, a few weeks
aeo went to London to undergo en
operation for . appendicitis, returned
home Saturday, and is recovering
Alter fourteen years of annual 24th
of May celebrations Mitchell
dxcps out this year, the wind 'iav-
iny demoralized the fence surround -
inn their grounds.
Mrs. C, H. Horney wishes to exp
tend her sincere thanks to the many
friends of the Senior Bible Class of
James Street Church for sending her
bouquets and delicacies while she has
been sick,
Quite a horde of gypsies struck
town on Saturday, The usual fortune
teller was among them, who succeed-
ed in raking in a few sheckles from
a few of the easy marks in town,
The- were about as unkempt a bunch
as ee el struck town,,
The debentures issued by the town
of Clinton for the taking over of
the electric light plant and the in-'
stalling hydro -electric were sold to
Spitzer, Rorick &' Go., Toledo, Ohio
is 91, The amouet is $25,000, the
term twenty-five years and the rate
five percent,
Themes Hood, aged 89, one •of
Godexich's 'oldest residents, knew
the: great explorer 'Livingstone well
and accompanied him on several of
his trips. Mr. Hood is a man of onus-;
ua1 vigor and can relate many inter-
esting reminiscences of his trips
into Africa with the famoussenission-
While Mr. T. Gr Creech was driv-
ing a team attached to the wafering
cart or. Friday morning one of the
lines broke in front of the tele-
graph office, and the team turned in
at the corner of the Commercial Ho-
tel, one of them being jammed be
tween a telegraph and a telephone
post and'its hip injured somewhat
it was lucky the posts were there
or much more damage and injury.
might have been done.
On Friday last Messrs James and Wm
Creech received word of the death
the previous day of their younger,
brother Thomas in Ypsilanti, Mich.
The latter with Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard Bissett of London attended the.
funera' which took place on ,Sun-
day The late Mr. Creech was many
years ago a resident of Exeter, but
moved to Ypsilanti . oyer thirty
year: ago. He had visited Exeter
mane tines and was well known to
many residents here. Deceased had
been enjoying his usual health until
the previous, Wednesday when he,
suffered a paralytic stroke. Besides
the brothers there he, is survived by
two sisters Mrs. Richard Bissett of,
London and Mrs. William Bryan ` of
Pullman City and his wife, one son
and one daughter. The• remains were
interred under Masonic auspices.
Mrs. Waugh was in London Tues-
Rev. McAlister was in London on
Mrs, Geo, Atkinson was in Clinton
this week.
Mr and Mrs. R, N. Creech were in
London on Monday.
Mr. W. J. Murray was a oisitor
in St Thomas toyer Sunday.
Miss : Laura Hobbs of Brantford is.
the guest of friends in town.
Mrs Yager has returned from a
visit with her mother at Clandeboye.
Mr _ . James Walters returned Fri-
day from the Soo where he ' spent
several; weeks. '
Mr Guyner and Mr. Hodgins of• Embalmer
London were visitors with Mrs. AE.,
A. Follick over Sunday.
Harry :Fake of Parkhill spent Sun-
day at his home here,
Mr, Wxn, Lovett of Parkhill spent
Sunday with his son, W. 11,
Mrs Howard of London is visiting
her sister Mrs. E. Christie.
Miss Edna Brock • is visiting her
sister Mrs. Davis in Chathanh.
Mr, and Mrs. James Beer are vis
iting their daughter in London.
Mt. Walter Dearing of London vis-
ited with relativess in town over
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, E. Case of
Toronto visited with relatives' here
Mrs Rich. Gould left Tuesday to
visit her. daughter Mrs. Salter in
Miss Mabel Foliick hasreturned
home from St, Marys. She will spend
the summer with her mother here.
Mr, Wni. Balkwill returned on
Monday frons a visit with friends and
relatives in London and St, Tlhom
its, (
Mrs John Mallett and daughter
Miss Dorothy left Friday with Mrs.
Humble to visit in Sarnia for a
Mrs Livingstone of Calgary vie -
ed her parents Mr. and Mrs. John,
Idawkshaw part of the week. She
is nosy visiting in Stratford,
Mrs. Rich, Hunter, who has been
viisting her daughter, Mrs. C. tDi-
vine at Trenton, N. J., for the past
two months, returned home last.
Mr Mich. Fletcher returned Mon-
day evening from a six week's trip to
Saskatchewan: He took a car of
horse:. with him, and while there pur-
chased a half -section near Outlook,
and established his son on it.
Mr Chas S. Sanders left Tuesday
for Exshaw Sask., where he intends
remaining Mrs, Sanders left the
same thne for London where she
will visit for a time before leaving
for the west.
IVir and. Mrs. Thos, E. Jones, ,who
were married in Camlachie on April
15th visited relatives here during the
week. Mr. Jones ,is now a resident of
Detroit Mrs. Jones, is a daughter of
Mt and Mrs. Peter Salesbury. of Cam-
Try some B3uckwheat.
Flour for good pancakes
also a choice lot of Corn
on hand
Exeter, - Ontario
Phone 20a
Residence next to the store.
Undertaker and License
Speciai Values
In Men's & Boys' Suits
This week we offer exceptional values in all. Spring
Clothing, The new tweeds and Worsteds thatwe
are showing this season are tailored in Styles that
are decidedly up to -date, Whether you, want a
Ready -Made or a Made -to -Measure Suit. We have
them at prices you are prepared to pay. Big range
at $10.00 to $24.00.
New King. Hats for
Its the most conspicuous
thing a; man wears. You`'
will feel better about ydtit r
appearance if your hat is •
new, Caps too at 500., 15c.
and $1.00.,
Beresford Shoes
Smart Shoes that are
comfortable, fit easily and
neatly. and wear 'a long
time is :what you want
That's what we sell at
$4.00 and $6.00.
A car of choice Delaware Potatoes (quality
guaranteed) is expected to arrive in the
course of a few days.
J. A
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second-
hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way,
I am the only authorizes
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who canissue an,Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada:
Specials in Dinnerware
Cups and Saucers per doz $1.75.
Dinner plates per doz. $2,25.
Tea Plates per doz, $1,50
Bread and Butter per doz 1.25
Berry_ Sets 12, naps $1,25.
These prices while present stock
ly a 1, and a whole set of it would
Sugar and Cream 50c.
Vegetable Dish 75c
Gravy Boal 50c.
Bowls 25c.
last only. I he ware is strict
please you.
Carpet Beaters 15c., Carpet . Tack:: 5c., Hair nets 6 ter 25c., Bar-
rettes 15c. up; pins, needles, Hait pins 5c, "Combs, Brushes, etc,
Come here for you small wants We make a specialty of
5-10-15-25c. articles,
Powell's Bazaar
Spring Time
Is Here
The balmy breezes arc blo wing and make us feel good. To
fe 1 good we must be dressed good and this the place toy• come
for the up-to-date cloths r or Ladies Children, Men and Boys.
Ladies Stylish Suits and Coats
We are showing a beautiful range of Ladies, and Misses Suits
and Coats in The seasons best shades and Cloths. No two alike. all
exclusive designs. Do. not miss seeing them.,
For Ladies, Misses and
Children.. They come in
all colors and combination of
colors ` also Whites a big
range to choose from, from
50 cents. up.
We have a great big show
ing of all the New Fabrics
and Colors in Stuff Goods
that are right up to the thin
rite You must see theist'
kNothing too good or Net;
for Our Millinery Depart-
ment. 1f you want the Just
Right Slat you will find it.
7 here, Leave your orders
early as our Milliners are
workitrg` overtime,
Our Spring Suits , have
arrived and are the very
height of fashion. Every
suit a good Model
For the little boys all
colors to choose from and
the niftiest styles you ccan
see 75c.,,.$1.00, and 150 each
OTES +V.t'"
feadquarters for the celebrated W E. Sanford Clothing