HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-24, Page 5Dr. Q. P. I1GYI]Iac7ll'ON, I,..li7.,9., .D.1),S; DENTIST KenIner of • the It.C.'CI.S. of Ontario. and Honor Graduate of .Throne tlnlveraltee 1, 4fc%cee-•Qrer Dic$aon ,e? Carltng'e law °tr"ies. Closed Wednesday attornoone.. • A. Ii, Keeisee 8, 4P - t. Horror Graduate of Toronto Univers Y DENTIST Teeth exteacted without pain; or any bad effe(:te. Office over fllatItaan & Stan'bt>•ry's Office, Mean Street, Exeter. , u,F LEGAL DtCICSON b'a OA.BLING,. BARRISTERS, Solicitors, aeetariee, Conveyancers, Corn- mlgsloriers. Solicitiors for tees Molsons Bank, etc. Money to Loan at lowest t a.tes of fnterent Offices—Mean-St., Exeter L R. Carling, B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a leave amount of private funds to loan Tort fagan and village prop - steles at low rates of ilntereat. MADMAN & STANEUIIY Barristers, Solibltorse, Exeter. T. SENIOR Agent Confederation ••Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance .in lead- ing Canadian and British Comlraanies: ivXar m»St.r Exeter.. T. B CARL'I•NG Life, Fire,. Accldbut and: Plate Mises Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con- ducting auetioa sales. - Exeter. Ont. Owing to the High Standard •vain- tained in the popular LLIOTT Toronto Ont, the demand for the graduates is far in excess of the supply College open all year. Enter now Write for catalogue. FARM FOR. SALE The undersigned Is offering for gale that desirable 100 acre farm, situated in the Township at Blddulph, being Lot 13, Con.' 1. There is stn the premises a geed fraens house, barn w.ithjounda- tion, oreihatld. The fait= Ls well drain- ed and a)i under cultivation. This is an excellent fa,ran, Well situated and will be sold reasonable., For further partic- ulars apply to Jc(bn 'O'Neil, •Mooresville, Ont. WM. KELLY. FARM, FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 6, North lasu1idary Stephen., cen- taining 100 acres o'f good land. There is on the premises a good frame house with stone cellar ; bank barn with ce- ment, floors ; 3 good w'e11s, and a small orchard;. This is a good grain or grassfarm, or w:auld make a good stock farm. Situated two miles from Exeter ; phone In house. Will be scold (.i•retesena beta. For particulars apply 'on ¢. the premises, or wirite the undersigned, Fred Greet, Hay, or B. S. Phillips, Exeter. Avir, College At I Home: Thousands of ambitious young Deo. ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish at college if you so wish Positions guaranteed. kilter college any day, Individual instruction. Expert tea- chers. Thirty years, experence. Largest trainers in Canada. Soyen colleges, Spec- ial course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer Seboul at famous Spotton-Business College, Lon- don. GiEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD Prosideut Principa SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH • WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who Is the sole head ,of a family: or alny male over 18 years old, naay homestead a • quarter section 'of available Dominion land ':n Manitoba Sa'seetnhewen or Alberta. The ap- plicant 'must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- agency Tor the district. e atey by pro- xy made be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister ;of in- tending thomosteader Duties -Six inonthe' residence upon and cu,itivattion of the land in each of three ye,.rs, A hemeabeader rnoy live within insane nr.rlea ni his homestead 'on a farm of at Least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by hie Cather, mother, son .da•ugtiter•, brother or .eiat,er. In certain districts a homesteader An good standing niay pre-empt a quart etesection 'along side his homestead. Price 113.00 per acre: Dutle•e—:etuat reside', upon the idn e stead or pre-emption six months In met', of six .,,saws from date of home- stead entry (including the Orme re- quired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra, A homesteader who has exhausted 'tis homestead right and caraot obtain a pre-Lemption may enter for a putt chased hc,na,es' clad in certain, ,districts Price $3.00 per acre, Duties-. Must reelde gix months itn, each of., these years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a, IDOose worth $:300, W. , 0G ;, CO.itX ,, l:ieputy el d e "Ivzi,rtLster `a the Interior ri ,-4.1nai.utdvorize. Publiaation . pf iihial4SO4litlieStaile-4111.°4110f1A4 paid INCR Ei S14D CROP QLD Clarence 1i.alf 9f Orwell, Ont,, writes "One of my crops the ,past season was onions„ in growing which 1 learned something, x bought some Homestead Fertilizer from their a gent Chas Mittard, and. used it an a pal't of the crop. Where this Was done I had three times the crop that 1 had %heire:,,rlo fertilizer was. applied and I got .equally as good results on my corn," Hornstead Fertilizers are nlanu factured and sold by the Michigan Carbdn Works, Detroit, Michigan, who will send free to any fanner their book on fertilizers with a handsome ccalender .postage :?aid$ They want agents wherethey are not now represented. Address •» Michigan Carbon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814-A, Detroit, Michigan, ask ing „for terms. A merry chase of a silver gray fox worth several hundred dollars, is in progress through the woods in East Williams, The animal belongs to Alex. G. McKenzie, a farmer in East Williams, who secured two some time ago from a Wyoming breeder with the intention of going into the GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Homeseekers' Excursions To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY until Oct, 26th in-' elusive Winnipeg` and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Proportionate low rates to ()Ul- m' points; Return limit two months. Settlers' Excur ions To ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Ever) TUESDAY until April 29th ire from stations in Ont•tno Poi hope. Pcterboro anu Wast, :tt very low rates. Through coaches and Pullman tou-- ist, Sleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG without change, leaving Toronto 11,00 p.m., via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route he- tweer, Winnipeg -Saskatoon Edmon - ton. Berth Reservations and particulars from Grand Trunk agents. TG FARMERS WANTING )1EN. Fanners warntitug .hired men for next season should pls.xe their orders at woe other -v. let. there will be difficulty ea securing 'cheep. Orders left with Alae. Local. Government Employment Agent for this. distrbt, Advocate Office, or addres sed t`ereto, will receive prompt attention. C. H. SANDERS, Agent. Dr. de Van's Female _Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion,of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van'* are sold at 15-a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. rho Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. huelnew , After feedlxr•g.. the ,anilntRly, Xr,,141e7iCeneie In some Way lett the qata of his fox.yard untaitene4, and both the anIxrual(i got out and i►t puce took' to the woods. Qoe was located in the bush, nod after some difficulty was ipduoed to return • to Ka den. The other ham Bleep seen (several times, but, all efforts to capture it have so far prove unsuecess- fttt„ A bill to emend Assessment Act In- troduced by lion. W. J. Hanna. The prindipal change is three -fold; (1)Rais- irsg of the exemptionon personal earnings of householders or beads of families in cities from $1,200 to $1,500; (2) from $900 to $1,200 in towns and villages; and (3) repeal of the section of the act providing the special form of assessment as'tfarm lands" in towns and villages. i BOOKKEEPINO SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING PENMANSHIP and all other Commercial Courses Taught right at Your Borne it Spare Hours, Our courses are the best and our instructors the ables in Canada. We Guarantee our Courses WE- PLACE ALU OUR Graduates. Take your course with us, Mail the coupon to -day SucCesS Shaw Correspondence School ' 393 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada Please explain (Without obligation on my part) how l can successfully qualified for the position or profession underlined. Charted Accountant Auditor Business Manager Office Corresponde't Bookkeeper Stenographer Penman Commercial Specialist 4Ad-Writer Illustrator Designer Art Specialist Teacher of Art Story Writer Journalist Newspaper Reporter Photographer dhow -Card writer Name Address E. A. i Heintzman & Co. LIMITED EAL BARGAINS IN UPRICH' PIANOS d kllF NSA L "i'he SeddaY School Institute WAS held here on. 21st, --Mrs, F, A, Sel eery has so far recovered, as to be able to be out, -bliss Bawden .of Clin- ton visited friends in town last week. -1Vliss Bell. who recently went into London for medical treatment is re-• cohering. -Mrs, Jabez Short of Mt. Bridges visiteda few days with her brother, Mr. Millson.-Dr, Sellery's two little girls returnecl< to town with their aunt Mrs. Joe Case, after spent- inl, twc months in Toronto, -Robert Thompson of the 2nd Line nas lis- p.osed. of 12 trees in his line bush for $.1000 There is some value plac- ed on timber these days, -Nelson Blatchford has gone West.. He will visit his former home in North Dak- ota and points in the Canadian West. Garfield Chesney left Thursday for Keret Man. where he expects tc spezlc the summer, and if the coun- trf suits hiir will become .a oerma- neri. resident. -.-Councillor Wm, Pfaff ,vhf'over a week ago had the •nis- foitkne to cut his foot with an axe, is new •able to go around with the assistance of crutches.—Mrs. James Mccrc received the sad intelligence last week of the death of her broth- er $ little son, aged three, of Detroit wvhicl, .occurred on Monday, —Anniver sari sermons were preached 'n the Presbyterian Church on Sunday by Rev 1) C. Macgregor; B. A., of To- route The choir was assisted in the foienoon by Mr. Goodwin, tenor solo- ist el Clinton. -Inspector of Fire Rangers, R. Higgins, left Thursday for New Ontario, where. he will take charge of his alloted. division,—Mr. Mc Lean who has been supplying Hen- sall people with milk for the past three: years has taken• his wagon off the route as he, 'finds ;that owing to so many cows being kept by our citi- zens it does not pay him. Ten slightly used Upright Pianos all in good condition. At one-third to one-half. the original price, on small Weekly or Monthly payments. Write for needed particulars eintzman • 4Sc Co. 193-5-7 Younge Street, Toronto or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario Street Stratford Heintzman and Co. Please mail me to -day a list of slightly used Upright Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad- vocate. ame ddr reS$• . ZURICH A quiet but pretty wedding was sol emnized.. in St. Peter's Church et Drysdale on April 15th when Miss Laura Denomme became the ,bride of Edward Mero, of the Sauble line. The ceremony was performed by Father Stroeder, Mrs Graham of Goderich is visit- iting at the home of .her ,daughter •Mrs. J J. Merner.--Owing ,to the ab- sence oi. Rev. G. F. Brown the Y. P. A had charge of the evening ser- vice in the Evangelical church.—Mr, W. H Bender recently brought a fine percheron stallion ' from Illinois Mr. John Diechert returned home after visiting friends. in Detroit 'fors two weeks. --Real estate has been somewhat active this spring and good prices were obtained. Mr. Zellers pur chased a brick house,, and four acres of land on the north side for $3,300 Mr. Fred Hess purchased a brick, house on the south side for .52,200 Mr. Ropp purchased a•brick house on the Goshen line for $2,200. Mr. Cas- per Walper bought Truemner's farm for $6,600 Mr. Henry Truemner bou- ght Mr Casper Walper's residence in the village for $.1,500. Mr. Sol. Sch- roeder bought a farm from James Ha- gen, on the Zurich road for 56400. LUCAN The marriage of Miss Gertie M. Kitt only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kitt, of this place, to Ernest A. Hol- brook of the Merchants Bank staff Lethbridge, Alta. took place quietly at 1 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, Aprill6th, at the home of the bride's parents. on Main . street. Rev. T. T. George, of the Methodist church, officiated.. The bride looked exceedingly well in a white satin gown with overlace of white ninon, and carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. After the wedding breakfast, the bride and bridgegroom left on the 3,30 train for Toronto. Before leaving on May 1 to reside in Lethbridge they will return here for a few days.—Fred Atkinson, who has been ill for over a year, died. on Wednesday April 16th. Interment took place Friday at St. James Ceme- tery. -The dissolution of Stanley Ross & Co. will take placeaboutJulyl after 10 yeaas in business Mr. Stanley is retiring. — It is said that another weekly paper will make its appearance in Lucan about the middle of May. — There have been three or four cases during the past month of women and young girls being held up on the streets at night by an unknown young man with no more serious consequences however than a scare. 'rUCKE1tSIVIIT Sproat of Tuckersmith died on Thursday 05 last week at the hone of her son-in-law and. daughter, ' Mr. Charles McAllister in the township 05 Hay, where she had been staying for the w iulcr, The deceased had; reach James ed t,h SEAFO'RTH—The grim reaper has again been busy in this vicinity, three deaths having occurred during the past few days. On Friday, Clara Me. Veith, wife of Mr. William Wilson, passed away in Hullet Township. On Saturday, the death occurred of Jane Cairns, relict of the late J. Winter, in her 84th year. On. the same day Geo. Henry Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson, passed away at his home in Egmondville. He was in his 41st year and is survived by his wife and two small cnildren. CLINTON— A very pretty dainty wedding took place in St. Paul's church April 16th when Miss • Amy Alberta, daughter of Mrs. John Wood, was married to Mr: Charles William Stew- art of Hullet, son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Stewart, wbo have lately taken up their abode in Clinton. H. P. Sibley passed away at New Brunswick, N. J. after an illness following on a stroke of paralysis which he suffered a couple' of years ago. Mr. Sibley was well known in Clinton, having resided here for many years and was especially recognized in musical circles,being a talented singer. Thomas Kearns, an old andrespected resident passed into the Oreat Beyond on April 19th after an illness extend- ed over several years,, The deceased was born atTullymoore King's Country, Ireland, seventy-three years ago. Ile came with his family. to Canada when he was' about nineteen years of age gild Icor years he resided in Albion tOitti'sifili, :in the county of Peel.ljut for nearly forty years he has lived in this district, first at Granton then at Stapleton, but of•late years in Clinton. age of $ years and $ months 5b'e is survived by two sons and three daughters, Messrs 4Vilifatn 'nd A.lexander Sproat in Tucicersmitb Mrs Robert "dell of Seaforth, 7Mrs Mc- Allister of Hay, and Mrs. Robert Fultor of Brenerton, Washington. "BLOOD IS THICKER. THAN WATER" Without good red bleed a titan has'aweak beart and poor neryryes. Thinness of the biped, air anaemia is common in young, folks as Weil as old, Es eeleIly is it the case with those who work le illy ventilated factories—or those wile are shot up indoors in winter time with a coal stove burning up the oxygen or emitting. carbonic (oxide) gas. This blood, or blood which lacks the red blood corpuscles, in anaemic people may have been caused by lack of good fresh air breathed rotor lungs, or by poor digestion or dyspepsia. Sometimes people suffer intense pain over the heart which is not heart disease at all, but caused by tad gestion. 1Nhatever the cause, there's just oue remedy that you can two to—Knowing, that it has given satisfaction for over 40 years, DR. PIERCE'S {OLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver and stomach Into vigorous action, It thus assists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart—nerves—brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly 10ce machinery running in ell. You feel dean, strong and strenuous instead of tired, weak and faint. Nowadays you can obtain. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Des- . covery Tablets, as well, as the liquid form from all medidne dealers, or tablets by mail, prepaid in $1 or Sec size. Adress R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIBRCE'S GREAT 1008 PAGE ILLUMA.1110 COMMON SENSE MEDICAL ADVISER WILL BE SENT FREE, CLOTIS BOUNDFOR 50 OIi11-CENT STAMPS. VV%Vveve ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE— PALATABLE — NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for persolal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA .ti ra&Ale&AG1MAINAA1l2 AIVANAVAVNihAVAAANA\,/.VA /.tA&AtYNAINl.�G\gr/�C[[g ,_ . . � ` „ k : %, Ztz-', �..; ' =•. �7,.,P:tif i £� ...,._' , .• .: d-keY P :CIFI_ = EPLLADjAN: i EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta I?!OMESEEKERS SETTLERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. TOURIST $LEEPINQ CARS excursions. Comfortable berths, fully For settlers travel- ling with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY IHARCA AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAIN'S Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleeprrs on all equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAIriS No charge for Berths Some Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, July and August. Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto