HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-24, Page 410: ,brOctlie Semlere •1k Oreeeh, Props. ¶I fatrit$I) Y" AFib, 24, '1 he, London Advertiser seems to be the only pager that has any kick against the Hydro -Electric. What about Reciprocity? Ask .a Libez ai member that now and he retrains painfully silent. What a eeweepine vindication of the Con aervative stand upon that .question is the Democratic revision et the United States tariff? All the benefits cif Reciprocity are now Canada's with out any of the "adjunct'' perils What will Fielding and Patterson say 3aow' 'Could anything be more ridiculous than the stand of Laurier and his :henchman? When they had the op- ,portunity- they did nothing for Now Eng- land. lana. by meaningless and absurd obstruction they are endeavoring to hindez the first real attempt to aid The Motherland. The Borden govern- menu is honestly seeking to carry in-. to effect the aims and aspirations of every loyal Canadian who believes that b= maintaining the supremacy of the Imperial Navy, Canada is 'Ioing the right thing at the right time, • the Goderich Signal and other -Re - four papers are making a great bowl and cry that the„ Closure might. ,:.grove undesirable in the hands of an unscrupulous majority. The business of the country at the mercy of an unscrupulous minority is a .much greater evil, for at,any, rate the major sty air held responsible tor the conduct of the King's business and are much less likely as the ;present session proves, to become • unscrupul cave" After all is it not a:; general election these howlers are seeking: The spectacle of the great Lib- eral party. doing its best, by flagrant obstruction to prevent Canada from doing her bounden duty to England _ is onc which should- rouse every true Canadian to a determination that the. King's Government must go on, and iihese little flies on the wheels of progress must be brushed aside by an enraged people. Let no one forget the issue In a nutshell it is this. Shall Canadh help England?' Sir Wilfred Laurier and a few of the ex -cabinet ministers who went down to defeat can September 21st, 1911, say not - a, dollar to aid theweary titan in `'sef, tight foi- naval supremacy - Interesting figures concerning the atumher of rural mail boxes bought by the late Libery Goverment just before goingo'rt of office ere shown in a state- ment m Lee in answer to a question by ?i3r.Rainville. Itis shown that before leaving office the Liberal Goverment bought no less than 110,000 boxes, and bought theta without tender at $3 each. Of that number, up to Dscember31, 1911 and 18,846 had been used, so that there re- mained as a Iegacy of the late ad- min(str•itian almost 100.000 boxes va•hwn they went ont of office at the last ell ction. On coming into office Hon. L. P. Pelletier came i r a e to the conclusion that the price that was being paid under the contract negotiated by ?dr. Lemieux was altogether ton high, and he went after the manufactories, with the result that they cut one-tenth of the price on no less than 50,000 of the boxes contracted for, a clear saving to the country of $15 000. THE CLOSURE 11 e present rules of the House of ..�or'v ions were intended to apply to it and reasonable men, but are :atterls inadequate when a different class of men come into the House determined class of men though in a minority Men like Sir Allen Aylcs- worth Hort. Sidney Fisher, and Hon. Wm _Paterson, backed by the Chief Liberal organ, came to the conclusion that closure was glees - sary Now the Conservatives have come to the same conclusion, driven to it by the suffragette tacties of the wild men who took charge of. the Opposition during Sir Wilfred Laurier's absence, and afterwards corn pelled Sir Wilfred to back them up Closure is necessary, not for the purpose of passing the navy hill salon:,, but for the future.. Under the direction of so moderate •a •nan as Mr. Borden it will never be abus- ed but it is necessary to insure the exe.:ution of the people's wine and for the business like execution of ppubliu. business. i+,PWORTH LEAGUE TION ONVEN- The Exeter District Epworth Lea- gue Convention was held in the James Stree" Methodist Church. on Tuesday afteznoon and evening of this week when a large number of relaresenta tures were present from var iotas parts of the District, and several in- teresting .papers were read and ad- dresse=s given. Among those who gave address were W. H. Bartram al Parkhill Rev. T. T. George of :. ucan and Rev Carscallen, returned mis- sionary front China. The election of officers :resulted as follow s; --Hon. Pres. Rev, G. H. Mc Aiister Exeter; Pres., Rev. C. W. Baker, \Voodham; lst vice, Miss O. Gould James Street; 2nd vice, Missd Mabel Brooks, Main Street; r vice Miss Zella. English,Greenwny, 4th vice W H. Bartram, Parkhill; Sth vice Mrs (Rev.) R. C. Burton, Kirk ton, Sec Rev A, H. ,Brown, Ailsa Craig Treas. Wesley Johns, Bethany Summer School Cor See., Miss May Wilson, Greenway; Conf, Rep., Rev. T `;r izlatchford Centralia, Sec. Tem perance and Moral Reform Rev. R. 'ce r to- s Hicks o1 Hensall. The o t f r gethei with W. G, Medd, ex -presi- dent, make up the executive con, Crediton Rev Burn has returned home from lianover, where he attended the Canads. Conference of the Evangelical Chuch We are very sorry indeed to 'State that he. has been assigned to the Waterloo charge and next Sup. day will be his farewell, service here The . members of his church are not at all pleased that the conference has made this change as he has been. here but two years and during that time the church has been in a very• prosperous condition. His successor Rev Becker, is well known here, hav- ing. has charge of this church some nineteen years ago, He is a eloquent speaker and there is every indica- tion that he will be a worthy suc- cessor ,Christian Hoist has had hisdwell- ing reshingled with metallic roofing Nicholson & Hodgins are sowing fla.c this week. W. H. Brown is, doing the work for them. A union service was held in the Methodist Church last Sunday even- ing Rev. Jefferson was at nis best and • preached a very powerful ser- mon which was instructive and in- teresting. A'Ii,R , G. Williams of ,London is relieving Mr. W. H. Paget as manager of the Commerce. Mr. Paget left on Saturday for St. Catharines where he i.: to be married this week. His many friends wish him every ioy and,happiness during his wedded life•, Mrs James McBride of Carlow spent a few days here Iast week the 'guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Herb. Eilber. Autoes are now in general use. Al- beit Moriock has sold the Studebaker 2:) tc Wes Snell of Exeter. Mr Ferguson of Wingham has been appointed junior in the Bank. The tennis players have got the ::ourt in shape and are now -raking daily use of it. There are some reports of parties starting a musk -rat farm south of here They have 'taken an option for a month on, some., of the property, A team of horses belonging to Mr. Hodgson of McGillivray made things lively one day last week, They '+'ere being backed out of Hill's shed, when the tug became unfastened and one of the horses got loose, whirling a round the other. They soon got across the street and ran into one of the shade trees in front of, A. Hodgins which stopped them but not before the tongue of the wagon and harness was badly damaged. The ,river got off with a dislocated elbon It is expected that the brick and tile yards will commence the season's. work next week. Wages are high this year • and as a- result the manufac- tured material will be higher in price Some Bell Telephone lineman were in town on Saturday connecting Ezra Fais#`s telephone withthe store , of Faist Bros, ;Nlra Christian Fahner received a telephone message on Tuesday from Dashwood that her brother, Henry Guenther had been seriously injured in a run away. At the time of writing. we are unable to state what the out come will be. Chas. Zwicker has made large ship ments of onions this past week. 1 -Ie has had several men at work in the old store cleaning the seed and bagging them. CONSERVATIVE POLICY RIGHT Du:ing the election campaign of 1911. tete Conservative politicians. end next• ;,Japers stated that . Sir Wilfred Lau,ier had selected a most inop+i portuoe time to make a reciprocity bargain:' with the. United States, in, view of 'the fact .that the Demo- cratic Party in the United States was likely to come .into power on a policy ef tariff revision •dovn- warcl, and that Canada would L,et much of the advantage claimed by;l.cb- rals for the reciprocity pact with- out thdisadvantage of triziterlocking tars' E; That prediction has come • true, The Democrats swept -" the ,country, and the Wilson tariff Bill is nee- before congress, It con- .iain, sweeping reductions in, .', the on many articles, whit's others are platted on the free list. Even ar !den:_1,iberalt must be prone to act.- sttit, if only' `to them ^settes, that §it v#' i.tre.l was an 1an9afe guide so tar *as re-iprocity was concerned Whir therefore, should they regard hhi as' tt safwr guide on Naval matter's Milan Mr„ ,Borden is? Notice to Creditors Dashwo9d For an account of runaway acCideut see front page.. �lipretty wedding was solemnized n c village of Millbank on April 9th, when Mr..Normat'CRaby Of Lis- towe. (formerly, of.; Dashwood) was united in marriage to Miss Maud Gil- espie ,Millbank,.'Rev.. Mr. Moffatt of the Presbyterian church, .officiated,, The bride and groom were accompan sed bt Miss Nellie Nanary of Vine emount, .Ont„ cousin ofbride, and Rev. W, O. Ruby of Selkirk. Ont. brother of the groom Mr Fraser Brown, and sister, 'iiss Della Brown of Crediton visited their uncle Mr. Wm, Siebert, who is ill on Tuesday;. -Mr, Win, ,Sibert is on the sick list, he having a lerge absess removed front below lois' knee this week Owinu to the accident to Mr, Guen- ther Mr, Arthur Willert is driving, the stage between here and Parkhill. Gtr and Mrs. Jos. Davis of Exeter \tort+: are visiting 'friends hare, r• ea Lightning. -During I t B' i lthe ? ) severe electrical storm on Tuesday night lightning killed two steers, valu- ed at ,$80 each, tn-o lambs and a calf for Mr Gotfreld Oestreicher, one -and a quarter miles north of here. They were all in the barn at the time and strange to say no other damage was done • Runaway, -A horse belonging to Mr. August Miller ran away yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had driven out to Ratz's mill hear Khiva, and Mr. Miller was about to get into the rig when the horse started off. Mr. Mil- ler lost the lines and Mrs. Miller' was upset out of the rig. The horse coon. freed itself from the . buggy and ran to its stable here. Luckily not ,much damage was done. CENTRALIA. Mr'Albert Alitchell had a 45 -foot windmill erected on his farm last week. William Lewis, of 652 Waterloo St. died on Tuesday, April 15th, at tiffs residence, London. He was 72 years of age, and had been ailing for some time. He is survived by his wife Mario Lewis, two sons J. J. Lewis of Vanguard, Sask., W. P. Lewis, of Waldeck Sask., four daughters, Mrs,P W Neil .Centralia, Mrs. D. C. Wil- cox, Stratford; Mrs. Dr. D. P. Strat- ton Iv elitiamr Man, Miss Edith at home He was a member' of 'Colborne Street Methodist Church. The funeral woe held on Friday to the G. T,R., depot for interment in Nursery Ceme ter. Clandeboye, the .pall bearers 3 e- in,g. members of the I.O.F. The late Mr Lewis was born on alis father's farm Biddulph. He resided there and in McGillivray until 16 years - ago, whet .he moved to London to eside He made many friends being of a bright disposition, He was ever a stronc upholder of the temperance cause • 1 Mr H . Layette, Toronto, attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. W Lewis on Friday last. Quite a number of young people tveu. to Exeter to the S. S. and Ep- e-eitl_ League convention Tuesday. Seeding 11 in full swing. , J E Torn, I.P;S. made his official visi; to the School on Monday. The children have all been anxious the past week as they have been tak- ing their promotion exams. Mss. Marshall spent Sunday with friend:. at Winchelsea. The rain on Tuesday night will be many appreciated bym n3 as owing to the frost and cold winds of the pasr few days the' soil ' was getting vers- hard to work. _iii Robert Baker has moved into the house of Jas. Gods ave recently vacated by Mr. Maguire. House cleaning is going on with a rush and from all ,parts of the vill- age one could hear the carpet beater at work: Mi and Mrs. J. Wilson are spend - ince a week visiting their daughter at Strathroy • . ' Mr• and Mrs. C. Baskerville visited relatives at Farquhar on Monday. :Kis Parsons spent a few days last' week with Mrs. Horrel lat Exeter. Quite a bit of excitement took place on Saturday last when a band of ':or- tune telling gipsies- passed through the village A number indulged in the knowing just how much their fortune would be, and had their future pros- pects. foretold. A horse attached to a scrap iron wager on Tuesday was doing a.,few stunts on 'rlain Street and by the way he performed one would udge that he was a pretty clever actor. OF ELIZABETH KAY, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County' of Huron married woman, deceased Pursuant to Sec. 88,, of ,Chapter 0129 of the revised Statattei at Ontario, 1897 not•ce s hereby given that all eredihors and others hav'Sng clams against the;. estate of Elizabeth Kay, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron married woman, who •died on or about the 23rd day of ..March ,n the year of 1913, A. D., are -en or before the Second- day of June. 1913 to send by, post prepaid to Messrs. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors for the Executors of ,the last • wile and testament .01 the said deceased, their christlan names and surnames, addresses and descr'pttoris, the -full par• tioula.rs of their clahrris, a statement of their accounts and, the nature of the se. aua':ttes (it' any) held by them, and that t ter the day lnstt aforesaid the Exec- utor: will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re. Zara to those ciahwia only, Of which, 'uot'Ce shall ' have been recefved as above required and said executors wi:l n:c't be t.abie for the said assets' or any part .bhereoe so distributed as aforesaid t'o an ,person or persona, o .whose claim or ,charms rsottee shell not haft been .etved by busts at the ttimts sof such t1,s tr2buti'on. Dated at Exeter this 24Th day of April A. D. 1913,. DIC'f(9ON dt; CARLINC4 Solleitterai for lliixecu,Gorer • -FIRE NEAR" WINGHAM James McGee, a farmer residing on the first concession of Morris, had pis house completely destroyed by fire which was caused by ;an overheated star e.pipe. The family nad only re- tirees a short time when Mr. McGee wax. awakened by, the smell of smoke and or going out discovBered that the fire had make considerable head- way As quickly, as possible he a-, roused the others, but so quickly did the flames spread. *hat they only got out in the scantiest clothing, and had much difficulty in rescuing Mr. McGee's mother, who was ill that she had to remain in bed. $xoa > sward 31O. TFIE CANADIAN. BAN rbs read,rs of this. p#per will be pleased to lesrn that Morel* at lost ane dreaded diseasettia Galena, has been able to alts in all its at es, and that18 Catarrh. Heil* Catarrh Cure la the only positive cy8I naw Mown to the Madinat fraternity. catarxlh, being a constitutional diocese require, a cpnttlttt- Lionel treatment.. llall'a Catarrh Cure is talon in. tumidly, eating direotir upon theblood and rauoous surfaced ,at the eyeten, ,tIvereby destroying the foundation sot the disease, and giving the patient etrengt# by building up the vonstitutian and moist. ing nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith In its curativepowers that they otter One Hundred Dollars Tot any caao that it faila to. awe. Send for List, of testimonial*. , Address P. 7.ORIU:NNY & 00., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76 cents, Take Iia1l's Family Pliny for constipation. EXETER COUNCIL Council met in the Town Hall. Frida=. evening, April 17th, Minutes of tht last meeting were read and approved Doyle-Harton.-That the accounts be passed as read :-H. Spackman $7.23; A. Marchand, Clock $62 T Sanders, •labor, $6.82; Thos; Brock $7,25; Robt, Sanders $5.94; W. Creech $6.82, S. Handford, teaming, $12.35 R., ,Davis $15; Geo, Atkin- son labor, 5 07 • ester "3 5 s rW . Q b � T Flynn x$5,25; T. T.reech $2; Wm. Vale, cemetery, S1.75; Mrs. Brown, hall 50 Hind -Scott -That we ask tenders for street watering. Theten- derer to tender for the pumping and without pumping. Harton that we ad- iourn.-Carried. T. B. Carling, Clerk, RHEUMA. DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM AFTER 25 YEARS OF MISERY THIS MAN WALKS, WORKS AND FEELS FINE AGAIN. Right away -the first day you start to take RHEUMA-the Uric Acid poison begins to dissolve and leave the sore joints and muscles. Its action is little less than magical. . RHEUMA:-works so speedily you actually can feel the Rheumatism leaving the body. A bottle costs but but 50c. and if you are ,not satis- fied W. S. COLE will return your money Read this. • • "1 wish to state to you the facts and nothing but the .facts.. I bless the day a friend brought me a 50 cent bottle of Rheuma I used ane - halt o1. it and it did me more good than all the other medicines I ever tried I had been afflicted with Rheumatism all over my body for ,,more than 25 years; I could not walk and was a broken down man. During that time' I spent a 3ma1l fortune trying' to be rid of the horrible dis- l;ase, but without help. fees -ever; RHEUMA reached my case, and ,do my work. "Before taking your medicine- 1 was staying with a daughter on her farm and despite her loving efforts to tempt my appetite I couldn't eat. -After I had taken RHEUMA two days mi: appetite returned. Yours for prosperity." -Prof. H. H. I:ol- ling j S. Ninth St., Richmond lnd. October 10 1912, An attempt is being made to secure tin release of Private Wm: Moir who wa . sentenced to life imprisonment fc, killing Sergeant Lloysl at Wolse- ley Barracks, London a few years ago A Lc ndon man hes, offered to put :rp 5C(.(; to be forfeited at any time. Mci: should fail to keep the peace,. or tc become intoxicated, SUleSCBI13F3 E'OEt Tolle AND; Sul i ALL E" NE /S; EGMONDVILLE-Mrs. Chas. Petrie died at her home in Egmondville On Thursday. She had reached the age of 80 years. Although she had not enjoyed the best ,of health for the past year or so, she was blessed with an unusually robust con- stitution and had lived a vigorous, active and useful life. ,Since the dea- th of her husband .some years ago she had lived alone in her home in Egmondville. `A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women -I will send free with full instructions, my ..home treatment which positively cures Leueerrhoea, U1- eeralion, Displacements, Fslli*g of the womb, Paint ull or Irregtiar Periods, Menne and Ovarian Tumors of growths also Hot Flushes, Narvesen**, Mel- ancholy, Pains in the Bead. Back or Bowels. and Bladder trembles, whore eaiised by weakness pecullit is our sex You can continue treatment at dome at a• cost of only 'about 12 conks a wee My book, "Woman's Own, SBedtcal Ad- viser, also sent free on r, aquae. Write to -day. Address, Mrs. l .Iummers Box. H. 840 Windsor, Ont. BLANSHARD-One of the pretiest weddings seen in the township of Blanchard for a long time was cele- brated on April 9th, at half past six When Elizabeth Thompson daughter of Mrs Simon Thompson of the 8th con. of Blanshard, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Knox, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Knox .of the same concession. The strike of teamsters in Toron- to ended on ,Monday. Sallow Complecticn Indicates 1Ilndilgestf.on; conbt',laatdon or liver trouble. FIG PILLS will regul- ate your ,system •and build up She nerve forces so that you cam sleety asul en- joy lite, At all -dealers 25 and s0, cents or The Fug P111 COs., St. 'Thorns, Ont. TENDERS TOWNSHIP' OF McGILL1VRA'' Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the building of ce- ment abutments• for brit ge over Au -t Sauble on illoomfield's Sideroad, also ,I. Cement .bridge* on Centre Road north ' 2 on 4th Con. •South and 1 on Carter's Sideroad. Plahs And specifications may be seen at .the res idence;,of •.J. D. Drummond, Tp. Clerk, Tenders to be opened at the Town Hall West McGilliyray, on Monday the 5th' day of May, at 7 o'clock p, m; The lowest or any tender net necessarily ' accepted. - T. Ulens lr, D. Drummond, Reeve Clerk OF COMMERCE SIR R01 111,40 Weelteelatfr C.V.Q.0 T I,.D,, Y1.Q,ii,., PMIdent ALEXANDER LAMP JOHN Arid) Cxenersel Manager Aosistant Generod Matcupo CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce enable the traveller tQ provide himself with funds without delay at each point of his loiirney in a convenientet inexpensive manner. They are issued payable in every country in the world in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100, $200 iva ent inthe moneys s of theprincipal countries stated With the exact equivalent Y s els safe self: on the face of each cheque. They are ecanomlbal, ab olut y afe . identifying and easily negotiated. EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGH, M,anaeer, Branch also at Crediton 8.3 The lVlolsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for Five Years -1900-1911 Capital - - $3,000,000 $4,000,000 Reserve $3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits - $23,677,730 35,042,311 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 Total Assets - $33,090,1.92 , 48,237,284 Has 83 Branches in .Janada, and Agents and Correspondents i n all the Principal Cities in the World. t3BNBRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAViNCS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CABLING, Solicitors. N.D. HURDON Manager, CENTRAL Every Woman 1s interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche STRATFORD. ONT. The beset practical training school In Ontario. -Three d+epatrtnieints, COMMER CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAP- HY. A11 courses are thorough and practical. Teadhiers are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. WO give individual attention acrd students nay easter at any. time. Write for our free cats,lotgue apt once. 13 A. McLAC13LAN, Principal. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonoll restores every nerve In the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phoephonol will make you a new pian. Price 3 a box, or two for 85. Mailed to any address. The Scoboll Drug Co.. St. Catharines. Ont. Ask your dru'gist for At. is he cannot supply the MARYIaL, accept no other, but send stamp for Illus- trated book -sealed, It gives full particulars and directions invaluable to ladies.1VINDSOn SifJPPLY CO., Windsor, Oat General Agents for Canada. For Sale That desirable frame residence on William street, Exeter, south. of the river, Three lots, modern conveniences electric lights and furnace. A. number of fruit trees and bushes. Good hard and rc 1c water. For particulars apply to T. H. McCALLUM, EXETER, or B. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer WEAR WALKERS OVERALLS Made in -Walkerville WE GUAR \NTEE Ten Cents for every Button that comes off and Twenty-five Cent for every Rip and for every Six Stamped Pockets cut from worn garments, we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets. SOLD BY— JONES & MAY Guaranteed by Walkerville Pant Co. Walkerville, Ontario. uggies! Buggies! We have just received a car of Thefam ous Brockville Canada Carriage Company Buggies These buggies are a special lot, specially built and specially finished.. The young man will be particularly pleased with these buggies. Be sure to see them. As the have been bought in car lots, we can give ou them for the right price. We also have a shipment . Pment of Gray Campbell Chatham Buggies Wes. Snell Implement, .Agent Exeter Ontario -,r