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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-17, Page 8r MARKETS. C H AN , . , ra EACH WEDNESDAY Whey' ...,, 03 1?3: arl s . • talo.• 1,' cr ,., •, Oats, ". ....• Teas: . . ., .,.., nor bag • . • .. attyi 15 our, ri. • twit, family (Flour, 1 v gads per ew Eggs , . a • • Dried zA pples per lb • . Live hu,,. per cwt....." Shorn, ton Bran ut,. , „n Sugar 1'i t nasal. 48 0 34 34' 100 1 1i; 1 25 1 85 1000 10 00 1$0 °1501 22 22 48 18 LOCAL Mr,,Janaes Ode has moved to Us borneto go fainting Family jars are sometimes almost as noisy as the cup that cheers. Rev .Blatchford of Centralia .and Rev Powell exchanged pulpits an Sunday, R usually .happens that the man who 4.7,r yield, to temptation generally goes 0 05 more than half way to meet it. 23 00 • Mrs. Swazie of London has been 22 00 the guest of her father„ Mr, John 26 00 Broderick who has. been 'itil but is improving. • Mr Chas, Cann has moved from Us - holm to Exeter, and will 'occupy ;the houseehe r'.ecentlY bought £roan Win Blatchford, FARM TO •. RENT 100 a. -r, . grass farm to,rent. Apply to W, :1I, BLATCHFORD 328 Lee Ave., Toronto, • marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate QCf°ee, Exeter. Housekeeper Wanted.—A Middle aged woman ; dight house work. Apply Nat. Corbett B rinsley,Ont, PASTURE TO RENT Anc Cider Press for Sale, 150 acres being •Lot 11, S,B,, 'Con,' §,Hay and 1t 1-2 Lot 3, Hay; Good supply of water all season. The cider press is ir, goo:l condition.. Apply to JOHN FORD, Hay P.O. SEED OATS FOR SALE. -I have a quantity of ,choiee Siber- ian seed oats for sale, John Presz- cator ' can 3, Stephen: Exeter.P, 0. DINING ROOM GIRL.—An ex- perienced dining room girl want- ed, Apply to Ms. W. T. Ache- son, Central Hotel, Exeter. ,. .., CHICKEN FOR SALE.—A number choice chicken for sale. Apply to 0, S. Sanders Andrew Street. HOUSE TO RENT.—Good frame dwelling on Andrew Street, with 2-3 acre of garden; a number of choice fruit trees and other small fruits. A reasonable rental. Apply at this of- fice or C. S. Sanders. Farre%ers want!x,g help for next sea, - ,son should place their order at once. the Canadian C•roveapurient Agent, Advo- cate Disco, Exeter, CANNING FACTORY CONTRACT We are prepared to contract with farmers to grow peas and corn for the Banning season,—Exeter Can - nine Co. SEED BARLEY.—The undersign ed has a quantity of No. 21 seed barley grown front- selected seed for four years. Lot 22, Con. 2 Stephen.—W. D. Sanders. 1,t WANTED—A good reliable man to represent the Canadian Pacific Rail -1 wav Land Department in this vicinity For full particulars apply S. C. Mit- chell District Sales Agent 601 C. P.R. Building Toronto. • Ei , l:; i. ATTEND CHURCH --The members of the I. 0. 0. F. are requested to meet in the Lodge Room at• 6.15 pan.,. Sunday April 27, to attend divine service• in the Presbyterian Church.- R. N Creech, Se. Get Borne neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. 10,000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. All First -Class Quality. A Spec -a1 Price for Large Orders. G. E. HICKS, Centralia. STANDING FIELD CROP COM-. PETITION The Exeter Agricultural Society will award the following prizes in Field Crop Competition for white oats—not less than five acres -1st.: $20 2nd. $15 • 3rc1. $12; 4th, $10; 5th.. $8 6th $6 • 7th. $4; Entrance fee $1.00 and to be made before May 1st. Apply to E Christie A. G. Dyer, or any director, Exeter Fall Fair Sept. 15th and 16th. FARM FOR SALE. Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3, Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame house, 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36k80, stab-' Iing at one end; wood shed,• pig - house :16x2.1; two good wells of water; 35 acres in grass ; well drained and fenced; good orchard For further particulars apply to John Cornish, Exeter P.O., or on the premises, FOR SALE Skating Rink, Store, Dwelling House and Lot. Size of rink 180x 80. newly built and covered with corrugated galvanized: iron, built in the latest approved methods of convenience, Store 40x20 in fair state of repair. Dwelling House one and half storey frame, con- taining' 10 rooms; hard and soft water good cellar under house; all in good state of repair. Also a choi ce building lot 100x80 feet. The above property Will be sold altogether or separately to suit purchasers. Satisfactory reason for selling For filrther particul- arz aplily to either of the ` under- signed Wm, Leavitt, Frog, 03'11 S. Phillipa Real Estate Agent, H0USZ AND LOT Volt. SALO Situated, on Andrew Street; house` contains. 7 roams; hard and ,soft water good state et repair; new'tralntre stable; will bac sold reasonable • leer -furtiher ,particulars apply to J:A.;1IT.S OtG- IL 1v, <sr tow 13 S., 11,03,1 estate Agent,`iliXeter, Ont. The annual training camp for No 1, Military division, which includes the 33rd Regt of Huron, is ;apparently settled for Goderich this year, A Clinton Nev Era Correspondent is advising the Liberals of South Huron to choose hir. McEwen of tlensal, as the next: candidate. The Licensed and Allied Trades Association are .asking the Province to provide "That all those on the "Indian List" , be photographed and copies sent to bartenders. ' That would not be a bad move either. 'The death occurred in London on Saturday last of Edwin Johnston, a brcthei of Mrs. Peter Frayne of Ex- eter aged 41 years. 'The funeral tack place :.on Tuesday, Mr and' i\Ii c Fraync and Mrs. Samuel Jory welt• present 'at the funeral. ' , The Mission -Circle. of Tames Street chu,icl> gave a pleasant tea and pro- gram to a large crowd on •Monday evening. The children excelled chem` .sets es, in' both program and a ef.resh-' merits .The proceeds ariounted to $25 al an admission' fee of 15c. The heavy rains of last week were not particularly appreciated by 'many of the farmers, particularly by those who have not yet got their barn roofs repaired 'since the big gale. ;Nina grain and other produce stored in the barns was soaked and badly damaged, Mrs Thos. Sanders, Huron street received word last week that her son Edward is now confined to the Win- nipeg hospital suffering from a while on duty on the train. The in- jured member was' broken in two places consequetnly it will be several weeks before he has, the use of it. King Hiram Lodge, No: 37, A. F. & A. M.. Ingersoll, of which Rev. - R. 7 ivl ' Perkins, former Rector of- Tri - vitt Memorial Church is Wor. -Master celebrated its 110th anniversary. on Wednesday night last, An interesting feature of the celebration was the reading of the minutes of the first meeting. in 1803, Mi N. D. Hurd,on was taken =sud- denly ill in the Bank on Thursday ant/noon last with a hili, •sndhas since been confined to na.s bed, suf- Perin& with pneumonia. He is ' im- proving slightly, however. -Mr. Tohn Hasgkshaw is still confined -to his home. Mrs. J. D. Atkinson of Clin- ton i not as well this week. As a result of demands made • by the underwritefs a numberof the heap= iest insurance holders in Kincardine are strongly considering establishing an independent association. Basing their estimates on the, loses in the past. and the chance of fire being minimized by increased fire protect- ion which is being installed the poi icy holders consider the underwrit- ers' demands exorbitant. The Epworth League of Main Street church elected the following offi- cers for the ensuing year. — Hon- orary president, Rev. E. G. Powell, president Miss W. Howard; first vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Ford; sec- ond vice-president, Miss M. Brooks; third vice-president ., Watson, four th vice-president Geo. alawson; fifth vice- president. Mrs. Minroe; Secre- tary Miss B. Howey; corresponding secretary Miss Jessie Brickwood ; treasurer, Richard Quance, pianist, Miss Edna Follick assistant, Miss M. Dauncey BOWLERS ELECT OFFICERS. The Exeter Lawn Bowling Associa- tion held their annual (meeting in the Town Hall on Thursday night, when the following officers were elected: Hon Presidents, J. J, IVIerner, M. P., H. Eilber M.P,P.; President, I. R; Carling Vice, J. G. Stanbury; Sec., R. N Creech; Treas., N. D. Hurdon;. Hon. Chaplains, Rev. D. W. Collins and Rev. S. F. Sharp; Hon, Members Rev. Martin Rev. Perkins, Sandy G. Bawden James W. Bawden; Ground Committee Messrs. Heaman, Carling and Taylor; Auditors, Messrs. Stew- art and Levett; Membership, Match and Tournament Committees were al -- so appointed. The clubstarts off. the year in good standing and ,vith very bright prospects.' The annual fee was fixed at $5.00. The privil- ege of bowling has been extended to the Ladies during the afternoon&ex- cept at tunes of local or other tour narnents, at an annual fee of -$2.00. A vote of sympathy and hope of a speed recovery was extended to the Treasurer: Mr. N. D. Hurdon, who is confined to his bed through ill- ness. • HICK'S APRIL FORECAST— A regular storm period iscentral on the 23rd, covering the 21st to Z3rd The temperature will again rise • very high, and the barometer will fall low as we enter this per- iod, beginning in western extremes. Storms, of rain, wind and hail will fol- low and during the 22nd to 25th' these storms will pass in regular, pro gressive order from west to east over the country, The Jupiter influ- ence will intensify all storm con- ditions during this season, ; making it necessary to exercise watchfulness and precaution during all the storm periods, The regular change to high barometer and much ' coolerwill follow immediately behind, and for. severe nights atter these storms; galling An ogthet seismic period,lli gfd c r xeti•Jt• and numerous earthgstake u°e' ports is central On the 20th;. •in- volvink:. the 17th to 23rd, ltilr W, W, 'Taman was in Blyth dais week Morris Wexler waw in London on Sunday, School Inspector Tom is in town this week. Alt W. D. Clarke was. in London ove.• Sunday, slut Ed, Howald and wife spent the Sunday in Zurich.. Ma J, D. Atkinson was down from Clinic on Friday, Mr T. J. Wilson and family moved to. Lcndon this week. Mr. William Davidson .of London spent Sunday in town. Mrs Chas. Lindenfeld. and family are visiting in Goderich, • ;fir ;Percy 'Browning' of `.Hamilton spent Sunday at' his boats here. ,•iyiis,' Victorian Mifiers of Goderich visifco her father here, Saturday: ; Irs Stanbut y of Say£xeld ; is the: guest .her son, -,Mr; J,-Q.,Stanbury. Mi Art. Wood of the- West spent a cls, or two with his parents this week, •13.obe 't Sanders is expee.ted to' arrive home from his southern trip to -day' Miss Velma Easl:erbrook has rea turner from Toronto where she -;,has been for several weeks. Mr Clinton Sweet who has peen in Edo•onton" for a month; returned to hit home here Last week • Mt and Mrs. Thomas' Elliott ° at- terdec 'the radrriage in Camlachie on Tuesday of Thomas Jones; an . Exe- ter Old Boy. ' District Deputy Grand .Master Col- lins is spending this week visiting a number of masonic lodges in _ :• the: Noitit and East,.: Dr ,Harry Browning, who has been at his hone here -for the`.past ; three weeks leaves on his return trip to Montana Thursday. Mrs Geo, Smallacombe has returned from a visit with her daughters Stratford having neatly recovered from her recent illness. Miss Emily Case, a former resident of Exeter. who has been -spending the winter in California, has returned to her home in` Alma, Mich; • Mrs Knight, Miss E. Bissett, and Miss Birdie Boyle were appointed to attend the Women's Auxiliary meet- ing in London this week. ' Elmore -Howey, who has been on the Bank of Commerce Staff here has been moved to Berlin and Mr. G. R. Burdett of Goderich fills the va- cancy here Mr. • and Mrs, Donald McInnis ' who have been spending tie past ten mon. t-bs' it Western Canada •and South- ern States returned borne last week reporting an excellent outing. Mr Wm ' Miners left Tuesday to joi a his daughter in Detroit,- from where they will go td Saskatoon to speno the summer. Miss Miners has R. G. SELDON been recently confined to the lbospita] in Lcndon through illness,, and the Exeter, .,— Ontario change it is hoped with be of benefit to her. They may probably sfO"' in th.t. west. In the meantime thehome. on William Street is being occupied by .Mrs. Ortwein and family. --- Mr, Wm. Zinger, who has beers' proprietor of the Grand Union Ho- tel' at Berlin, since leaving thir- teen years ago, has sold the business and will retire, May 1st, Mr. Zin- ger has been in the hptel business, 44 years. To the Editor of the Advocate, Kindly allow me through the columns of your valuable paper to thank : my, many friends far and near, for their expressions of sympathy and love to ward me during my long, illness,• in sending- so many beautiful bouquets of flowers as well as many tempting' delicacies. I also thank to W. C. T: U. and Senior Bible Class of James Street church. Those tokens of love have certainly spread sunshine along` the path and given cheer, when per- haps'at the time I would reel de- pressed ' Your kindly deeds shall re- EXETER' main with' me, -Mrs. C. T, . Brooks : TurnianAY. Every line in `a newspaper costs something. If it le for an indivtdnal it should,be.paid for, If the metehatnt were asked to contribute, his wares to pay for them, he would refuse. The proprietor of newspaper t'npst pay a1 or the free advertising if the bene floiary does not, and it le oneof the hardest things to be learned bymany that a newspaper has space . in its columns to rent. To give away for auything less than °living rates would be cetainly as fatal as for a landlord to furnish hooses free of rent. Word bas been received from Ottawa that. Middlesex county would have the first remount station establish- ed by the Department of Militia and that fpr the commencement of. this plan to improve the horse industry in Western Ontario, _fifteen .stallions would be brought from Fngland and> stationed .in .-London. Farmers .who who mares will be asked to give op- tion upon cots to the department. lairs'' Jamds Stanlake, Stephen, who bas been' under the: doctor's 'care for several days 'is recovering; 'DIED' IN - TJSB ORNE.-An old and Conner . well-known resident of -Iay and Stephen, in, the person of Mrs, Mur. Ants Stacey, widow of the late John Stacey, passed away at the home of her son Mr:. Joseph Stacey, of the 4th concession of Usborne, on Mcndat last April 14th; at ;the age of 73 years, Mrs. Stacey had been in failing health ,for several weeks frcn heart trouble, lint it was not ex-- pectec the end was se near. The de- Ceased was a native" of Stephen, be-' in,r a daugh=ter of the 'late ' James Stenialce and was born on the 2ncl Concession of that township in! 1840. She leaves a family. of four sons and three daughters -James in British umbia; .Jabez and Daniel ,in ttie Northwest and -Joseph, Usborne, with wt• c at deceased has made her' 'tome since the death of her husband -some feu years ago;- Annie •and Lena :n in Chicago Mrs, John, Cudmore, Crys- tal City Man. She is also survived by two brother& and one sister—Sam. Stanlake of town,, John and Crectio Stanlake. Stephen ;and Mrssreenway in the West, The funeral took place to the Exeter Cemetery yesterday, (Wednesday.) • Try some Buckwheat Flour for good 'pancakes also a choice lot of Corn on hand 1N1: 1-40CLIE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License Embalmer ONTARIO STEWART'S PHONE 16 - Scotch Lin 'ieums WE HAVE A BIG ASSORTMENT OF THIS POP- ULAR AND SANITARY FLOOR COVERINGS, RE- MEMBER WB LAY TT. WITHOUT ANY ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE, IT COMES IN 2, 3 AND 4 YARD WIDTHS: w Wall Papers A FEW ROLLS OF 013R NEW WALL PAPER WILL MAICE A WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE IN THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR HOME WE HAVE MANY NEW DESIGNS„SU'ITABLE FOR ANY ROOM -AT PER ROLL y -•-,10.15—T0 25c, ASIC TO SEE THE NEW VELVET AND TAPES- TRY SQUARES, -THE NEW ONES ARE HERE • sTEwA.T •'Ji 1 S1015teta NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by ether than an authorized agent,`are liable to be Second- hand land '"Watches, taken '.in -trade' or procured -in some other'. second -hand Way.: I am the only authorizecii Official Agent here, and am the • only one who can issue an ` Y a Off><c ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada, A.' MARCHAND • Specials in Dinnerware WHITE AND GOLD DESIGNS. Cups and Saucers per doz $1.75. Dinner plates per doz. $2.25. Tea Plates per doz. $l.50 Bread and - Butter per doz 1.25 Beiiv Sets 13 '.naps ".$1.25, PRICES" TO CLEAR Sugar and Cream 50c. Vegetable Dish 75c •' Gravy. Boal 50c. Bolds 25c. These prices trhile present stock last only. I he ware is strict .ly a 1; anda whole 'set of it would please you. REMBER' WE SELL— Carpet Beaters 15c,, Carpet Tacks 5c., Hair nets 6 tor 25c., Bar- rettes 15c. up; pins, needles, Hair pins 5c, Combs, Brushes, etc, Come here for you small wants We make a specialty of 5-10-15-25c. articles,' Powell's Bazaar JONES & 1VIA PHONE NO. 32 Spring Time. Is :Here The balmy breezes and blo wine and makes us feel good.. To fe 1 :good we must be dressed good and this the place to come for the up-to-date cloths ;or Ladies Children, Men's and Boys. Ladies Stylish Suits and Coats We are showing a beautiful range of Ladies, and Misses Suits and -Coats in The seasons best shades and Cloths. No two alike. all exclusive designs. Do. not miss seeing them., WASH DRESSES For Ladies, Misses and Children.. They come in all colors and combination of: colors also Whites a big:• range to choose from, from 50 cents. up. DRESS GOODS We have a great big show ing of all the New Fabrics and Colors in Stuff .Goods that -are right up to the min- ute You must see them. MILLINERY Nothing too good or New for Our Millinery Depart•- Ment, If' you want the Just J Right Hat, you will find , it. / here, Leave your orders early as our Milliners are working overtime, MEN'S AND BOYS SUITS Our Spring Suits have arrived and are the ” very height of fashion. Every snit a good Model °.. . BOYS WASH SUITS' Far the little boys all colors to "choose; from .rind -the niftiest styles you • ceari see 75c., $1.00, and 150 each JP N e, i\ Elea .. u a > .: 6 i rtiers for, c cede . ; Iirateci `E. 'Sanford G1o>uhYilg v;.