HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-17, Page 7TT! the Arm, uspioion between) v. a tri-: ot, be earl •on paid: xermany. A peer -i, a olic leautiful, soldered' the fact' tualified Boli +t'he' ray like niatur'e sign- )oken."' s, Aus-? nation- ' in, but Ahmed. red on. tthe above merely e Bil- led on speak Before ailing acted loular e:1, aro this uoso ;�• real*y 'fit acts • .4 artlt.' Ian: y to frame are eaial _ lief till ed,. et - last' ands Re - of om my me of nee he; to tat ge ,I he d, LOO1). IN THE SPROG he. Passing .QJ 'Winter Leaves Pee. pie Weak and Deprassed As : winter passes_ away it leaves maypeople -*feeling weak de - mod and easily tired.The body eks thpt vital, force and energy high pure blood alone can give. . Williams' Pink Pills for Pale ple are an all -year-round blood 'andnerve tonic but they e especially useful in the spring, very dose helpsto make new, soh,, red blood, Returning strength mmences with their use and the Igor and cheerfulness of good ealth quickly follows,• There is just ozie cure far lack of lood and that•is naore blood, Food $ the material from which blood is ode, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pille ouble the value of the food we at. *They give strength, tone up he stomach and weak digestion, fear the complexion of pimples, ruptions and boils, and drive out mimetic poisons, If you are pale and sallow, if you eel continuaIlr tired out, breath ss after slight exertion,, if you have eadaches or backaches, if you are .citable and nervous, if your joints he, if your appetite fails and food oes not nourish nor sleep refresh u,' Dr. ;Williams' Pink Pills will ake you well and ,strong. To build p the blood is the special-purpose f Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and at is why they are the best spring edicine, If you feel, the need of a nio at this season give Dr. Wil ams'' Pink Pills a fair trial and ou will rejoica in new health, new trength and new energy.,, Do not t the trying weather of summer nd you weak and ailing. Build ourself up now with Dr. Williams' ink Pills -the pills that strengthen. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink; Pills or Pale People and do not be per- uacled to take something else. If our dealer does not keep these ills the will be sent by mail, post aid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil anis'. Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. ifiN4EswDED JUSTICE, ow It Is Carrie(. Out in the Turk- ish Capital. Innumerable aro thestories of he iShrewdneas with which the cadis r magistrates of Turkey dispense ustiee.. .A very amusing one is toad n he Yorkshire post. A', poor Turkish slater: in Constan- inople, At work upon .;he roof of a Ituuse, lost his footing, and fell into the . narrow street upon' man. The it striae was killed, but the sla- r -escaped without material in- ury. A son of the dead man caused he slater to be arrested': The eadi "a late -Tied attentively to the case, and eked the slater what; he had to say 14 his defense. "Dispenser of justice," answered he accused, "it is, even as this mall ye but Allah forbid that there should be evil in any heart. I am a r man, and know not how to ake,amends.'' The son of the man Who, had been Wed thereupon demanded ' that ndigu puni.shmen't should be in- flicted upon the accused. The cadi editated for few moments, and finally said, "It shall be so." Then to the •slater he said, "Thou shaltstand in the street where the father of this young man stood when thou didst fallon shim." And to the ;accuser he Added, "Thou. shalt, if it please thee, go up on the roof and fall upon the culprit, even he fell on ,thy father. Allah be praised! BABY'S. OWN TABLETS BELIEFS ABOUT DREAD. Curious tStlperstitiens in Metas Dared' of :[ ''forte.. There are more 'superstitions and beliefs about bread than about any other article 'of foad,A" One of the InOet CW1111aon of these beliefs results in the making et a erose' on or over a ,loaf. The hot -erose `'buil is the best-known eample of . this. The making of a cross On bread is really a survival of the times when people believed, in all sorts of minor gods and goddesses. It was an old Roman custom to mark with a crass the bread intended as an offering to the heathen deities. . In some parts of England it is be- lieved that, if the top and bottom of a loaf euddeuly come apart while an unmarried lady is cutting it she will not be married for at least another twelve months, Bread that; has cracked in the baking is supposed to foretell mis- fortune to the people who eat it. In Germany it is thought that; when these cracks are on the top of the loaf, it portends the death of a dear iriend or near relative, while cracks on the bottom of a loaf foretell , a birth. The bread oven is looked. upon as 'sacred in many parts'of Europe.' In Brittany, for instance;' when a new oven is first useld, there is quite an imposing ceremony. The wood that• is used to heat .ib is sprinkled with holy water, • the oven itself is blessed, and, . finally, an egg is broken for luck. Baby's Own Tablets are shebest medicine a mother eon give her lit - le :one. They act as a gentle laxa- ive, sweeten the stomach, break up colds and make teething easy. Con- cerning them Mrs. Alphonse Lan- dry, Upper Oaraquet, N. B., says: "Baby's Own Tablets were - of great benefittomy little boy and I would advise all. mothers with sickly chil- dren to give them a trial." The Tabletsare sold at 25 cents a beix from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • n+ Some women are easily pleased - 'judging by the husbands they select. Minard's: Liniment Cures distemper, "1 shall probably go through life with one ambition ungratified." "And that is?" "To know what the Chinaman really . writes on 'my laundry ticket." Called Steamboat Impious. Montrose, Scotland, is to be an aviation station, and the 'appear- ance of flying machines , these is enough, ace -riesling to the London Chronicle, to bring some of the good old ladies of that town out of their graves. It was one of them, as Dean, Ramsay records, who. pro- tested again h steam vessels, as counteracting the. decrees of Prov,i- denoe in going against wind and tide. "I would hoe naething to say to` thae impious vessels," she in- sisted. Another was equally shock- ed by the introduction of gas in. place of oil, demanding: " `What's to become o' the puir whales?" eattlnle free if you terlti'NNational Orue ,`, Chirflcal Co. of Canada,- L1►ttitoti,, ioradtee Sore Back, No Fun, Cure It To -Day, Popular Young Farmer Talks TELLS WHAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOR OIL 1Res Back at Work. Again, .After Suffc'i'itg from the Pains, Nen'. OUSI1eSS and Depression that Orth Kidney 'Disease Can Driing. Point Alexander, Ont., April 14 (Special). -Mr. D. A, Froneare, a well-known and popular young far - riser, living near here, who has been a sufferer from kidney disease for some time past, is back at work again, and he says, without hesita- tion, that his cure is due to. podd's Sidney Pills, ."I was always tired and nerv- ous,". Mr. Froncaire says, in speak- ing of his illness. "I;suffered from backache and neuralgia, and °My sleep was broken 'and unrefreshing, My eyes were puffed and there were dark red circles .around them. "My muscles would Cramp. Ifelt heavy and sleepyafterwards, and I was depressed and low; spirited, while shortness of breath'and dizzy spell's` served to make life yet` more'. miserable for me: "I was always thirsty`; my limbs .were heavy;, and I had a dragging sensation across the ,loins. "My symptoms led nie to believe I had kidney disease, and I started to: use Dodd's Sidney Pills. have taken eight . boxes in all, and I am very grateful for the benefit I have received from them?' If the disease is of the kidneys or from the kidneys,; Dodd's Eid-' ney. Pills will cure it. • Long -Range Forecasting. Lang -range weather forecasting, so long discredited by scientific men. appears to be gaining respec- tability, little by little, with the progress of meteorology, says the Scientific American. The last an- nual report of the Dutch East In- dian meteorological service men- tions the fact that forecasts of the strength and weather characteris- tics of the easterly monsoon are now issued at Batavia each April. Official monsoon forecasts have been regularly made in British In- dia for many years. In the United States Weather Bureau, Sunday forecasts for a week in advance Rub on "er� e v'li�ne'!" have beesene:an eetaablished austral - N tion. Of course in all these cases the foreooasts deal withonly the , broader features of the weather over wide areas. Strenuous Task. Woman -"I gave you 10 cents last week and you.look as disreputable as ever." Beggar -"Well, lady, it's deuced hard breaking' into the smart set with 10 cents." No Alimony —Just a Separation Peaceful. quiet separation. no damage, done, everybody happy again -that's the situation when you divorce your corns with Putnam's Corn Extractor. Acts like magic—don't.. um any. but "Putnam's"- it'sthe beet, 25c. at all dealers. Orator -Now, then, is there any- body in the audience who .would like to ask a question? Voice=Yes, sir; how soon is the band going to play? It Will Stop Your Aching Back Stop Your Suffering, Keep Yo1i Well. Back Sufferers, Read' Below. "I am gust so delighted with the com- fort Nerviline brought me that I want to talk about it all the time," writes 3. 0. Coughlan, of Saskatoon. "For ages I have been subject to an aching, dragging feel- ing at the base of the spine. When at- tacks came on it made my whole body ache. It appeared as if I' had taken cold and a soreness developed -all through my =teenier system. When in Winnipeg one day a friend siwke to me of Nerviline, and I bought a 50o. bottle. That was the best half -dollar I' ever spent, it did so much for me. It is hard to convince some Peopleof what a really good medicine cando, but there: will be no sceptics after they try out Nerviline. I use it for every- thing now. It's line for Rheumatism and Neuralgia and all sortr'.if muscular pain it sures quickly, But internally, if pos- Bible, Nerviline' is even, better. I5 cures a cramp in ten seconds, and, as for gas tie -"I wish you t0 know thatrind upset or sour stomach, nothing could Gel tY excel Nerviline. I think it should be kept I dont stand on trifles," Helen in every home a:s a :protection, against (glancing at her feet.) --`-`No, dear; sudden f)1"s, and also to cure ills that re- "I see you,don't." " :net other treatments." idlnard's Liniment Cure Diphtheria. Family size bottle, 50e.; trial eine, 255.; at all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrho0one Co., Buffalo, N. Y., .T- S. A. Close Call. "I had a narrow escape yesterday noon." "How's that ?" "Four of us ate lunch together and each of us insisted on paying the check,'' "Well 1" "For a minute' or two it looked as though I had overdone the thing and, the others were going to let me do it.,, Jim Hicks says times are so good that there have been days when no- body but customers hung around the "corner grocery.. When Your. Eves Need Care TryMurfneEyelteme tr. NoSnaarting=8eels Fine -Acts games. Try it tor Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. Crated Book in each 'Package. ' amine is compoundedby our Oculists—not a "Patent Med' seine"—but used In succoserul Physlclans' Praia tiers for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold by' Dru g[sts at 24e and 60oper Beetle. Murine 'nlye Balvein Asoptla '.Cubes, 250 and 60c. figurine Eye Remedy Ob., Chlca'go. She Caught It. Sarah. the new maid, Was unused fo city ways. One day soon after her arrival her mistress noticed a pail hanging from the gas bracket in the hall. Suspecting the coun- try girl, she called Sarah and asked what it all meant. "Well, you, see, ma'am," replied fgeteah, "the master said the . gas was leaking, so I put up ,the pail to catch it," We Are Still :L' ookiug Forward. Can you remember' bow you look- ed forward to ;your suture 20 years PILES CURED iN 6 TO 14 OATS. Your druggist will refund money if. PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ease, of Itch - bag, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilee in 6 to 14 aye. 52o. OCCUPY GRATES 20 YEARS.. New German taw Allows Them to BC Used Again. Statistics ,show that the average grave in Perlin 1•s cared for by lov- ing relatives for less than ten years, consequently the term of occupancy by the departed has been s'educ'ed in Wilntersdorf from' 30 to 20 years. Thus is provision made to meet the increasing demand on cemetery space in a large .and growing city; and a. leeway of eight years still allowed . for the. protection of the feelings of those who remain be- hind. This applies to adults, The same ruthless statistics show that the graves of children are looked after for a longer period, and con- sequently they may be occupied for. 12 years only. One of the largest graveyards of Berlin, is at Wilmersdorf. The S0. and 12 year periods of tenancy 'al- ready prevail in the Berlin munici- pal cemetery, the mounds )then be- ing levelled of&, any memorials re- moved, and: the graves made ready for other oocuipante. The authorities declare that sin- less some eu:oh .course, as this is fol- lowed all the, land in Berlin avail- able for burial purposes would be exhauetod in 12 years. The tardy authorization by Parliament last year of cremation may check the deinand for eereetery space, lint probably riot to any great, extent. YAR1C08.E 9EIN3 BOVE ANKLE Broke Into Sore. Itched and Burned So Badly Could Scarcely Sleep,,. Red an d Inflamed, Ca i ura•S ooP. and Ointment Entirely Cured. • 257 Greenwood Ave., Toronto, Ontario, - ',My trouble was varicose veins above my aukle. It broke into a sore whieh was The Pain - fat. ful. sore itched and burned so badly that I could scarcely sleop. The skin around It was red and inflamed,, I could not wear a shoe for eight weeks. I tried several obit, moatsbut' they didn't seern.to do It any good,. Then i was reeommended to. use Cuticura Soap and Ointment, I bathedwlth the Outi- cura Soap and,put a little•Qutleura Glut- menf on. and they ,gave the greatest relief. In a few weeks the sore was. entirely oured.': ($igned) Mrs. 'MacGregor, Feb. 21, 1912. SALT RHEUM ON BABY'S HEAD Woodstock, Yarmouth, Cie,. N. S. -"My baby ,was about • three weeks old when ho had stilt rheum on his head and forehead, It. began in a little fine 'rash, which ,came. on tits heatt and down over his forehead and formed a herd, brown; crust: It looked terrible, and it must have bothered hint quit° ,a lot, as he would not sleep.'. I used to washcldni with the Cuticula Soap and bot water end put the Outicura Ointment on. and In three weeks his head end fore- head were clear. I can't -speak.' too htghlY of the Outicura Olntnieat and Outicura Soap." "(Signed) Mrs. George B. .Allen, Nev. 18,1911. ' Outicura Soap and. Outicure, Ointment are soli. by druggists and dealers everywhere. A single 'set Is often sufaclent.`. ,Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin 'took, Address post caret ''otter Drug & Chem. corp., Dept. a f'D. 27oston.1T. a. A. ORANGE FOR INFLUENZA. Londoners Eat. •litmus Fruit as Preventive. The orange is very rich, in citric acid, which is itself a blood puri- fier, and when green vegetables are scarce there is nothing better than agood feed of oranges to supply the acids and salts which the blood craves• One of the cures for influenza is dosage with an alkali, and it is held that the acid of the orange becomes changed in the blood into an alka- line, carbonate, and thus acts pre- cisely like the alkali commonly pre- scribed for influenza. The oranges should be of good quality, sweet and juicy. .Otherwise they do not appear to suit most peo- ple. - Half a dozen, it is said, should be eaters in a day; and the best time is between meals, when one is a bit hungry Opinion is divided as to whether thisor any Jruit first thiing in the morning does -good or harm. It is perhaps a question of individu- al idiosyncrasy. Probably the 'best all-round plan is to take nothing be- fore breakfast, and then to eat the fruit -about half an hour or .an hour before the following meals. By taking the ,oranges into a compara- tively empty stomach we give the acids and colts their best chance of being absorbed. into the blood. The lime,the lemon, and the grape fruit contain the same citric acid. Oise lemon contains about four times as much acid as a small orange, and lemonade • is an excel- lent blood purifier. A glass or two taken hot. going to bed is believed to give some protection from on - corning influenza. Grapes and gooseberries also have anti -influ- enza virtues.' ttheCth oat and lungs. stops toughs, cures Useless. A. young fool never an old fool tells him, use of anybody either ing advise? colds, end heals 25 Cents. believes what so what's the giving or tak- ON TUE DOOMED 'SHIP. Ill'}IYe Deed o1' a Mall Who Galas His Life far .a Friend. A sailing vessel left . iietralia for England, and one of the pa.ssengere. was a. gentleman who had gone oat to Australia for ale health, but the countryhad not suited him, so he was new returning. The ship had made mire than half her homeward voyage when she was caught in a storm, It lasted night after night, until in the end she was without mast, sail or rudder. Whilst the storm was ,still raging the only two boats were lowered', but they were not half enough for the paseengers on board. While thus was being done the captain ordered that lots should be drawn to settle 'which of them should go in the beats. The last had been drawn, a,nd the ;for- tunaate ones ranged them.seltves in. line. The man mentioned was one of the fortunate ones, and as he wait- ed until the menbefore him had leaped his eyes suddenly fell upon a face close to hint. He remembered it, and its story flashed upon hiin, He had talked with that young man a few days ago, and had learned, that three years ago, with but small chance of life, he had heft behind him in England his wife and chil- dren, and now, in full health, was• on his way home. But he stood axncng the doomed. The gentleman in an instant seized the man and forced him over the `gunwale and stepped into: his place. Ina few minutes all was over. The ship had gone down, carrying with it many brave men, but none braver or grander than he who gave his life for his 'friend. Gained in Weight, Digsilon Be stored ' e Health Renewed Minard'e Liniment Cures Coids, Eta. "1 want an engagement ring - something cheap that looks good." "Do you want it solid'?" "No, Something for about seventy-five cents," "Certainly, We have them." "That's what I want. You see it's like this -seven girls have thrown me over in the last six months and, I've lost a perfectly good ring each time." ago. Well,- thisit your future. *�tnn►wts�.s: tee Famlly'iF`riend for 4ayetasi A nevelt Whet are you• doing with it? dales relief for group and Wboopiflf derttb. BOILEB8 New and Second. hand, for heating and power `ptar ores. TANKS AND SNI.(KS STACKS. Agony for Stotts, vont Venaitt,liee tied Heating 9ystemr, i=OLSOft `R►14+ Teas TOgOHTO f eal:tee end Sbipbuudeett Here Is 11iore Proof of Quick Cure for Ali•Folks That..tre Weak, Ailing, Nervous. More Praise for Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "For a period last anmmer the thought. of food excited feelings of nausea," writes Dire. C. A. Dodge, of Bloomsbury. "The heat had made me listless and the ;Ha - taste for food reduced me to a condition of semi -starvation and brought me to the. verge of nervous collapse. Tonics were useless to restore an active desire for food. The doctors tem me my liver and kidneys were both at fault, but the medi- cin;es they gave me were too eevere and reduced my strength so that I had to abandon them. At the suggestion of a friend who had been cured of blood_ and skin trouble, I began the use of Dr. Ram- ilton's,Pills. The difference I first noticed was, that while they cleansed the system, instead of feeling weaker I felt better after taking them. Indeed their activity was so mild it was easy to,forget I bad taken them at all; they seemed to go right to the liver, and in a very brief time not only did all source of nausea disappear, but I began to crave food and I digested it reasonably well Then I be- gan to put on weight until within three menthe I was brought to a condition of good health. I urge Dr. Hamilton's Pills- for illsfor all who are in poor health. Get this best of all medicines to -day and refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold by till druggists and storekeepers, 25c. per box or Oise for $1.00. Sent post pati. by ..The Catarrhozone Go., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. One on Tier. "What is the matter with my hus- band, rlector ?" "Well, to be perfectly frank with you, Madam, it seems to be a chronic case of home cooking." I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT-- the BEST Liniment In use. I got my foot badly lammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. TRY IT WHEN YOU'RE TIRED You will find it wonderfully refreshing .IPTON'S TEA ft sustains; and cheer; aeoweemeoewsesomumearisos TRAYED from the X Randh Corral await eyed 'Pinto Bronobo with a Roman nose andlightnieg heels. We have issued a hurnorousdescriptive circular of this remarkable, bronco with MIS- trattons of his antics. Sent 'free Cit application to any reader of this paper. This is the most famous circular ever printed in the English language. More than half: a4lfioti copies have ea y alr d beets distributed to advertise our famous Pinto Shell gloves made from tough Bronco hides. For a free) copy send postal to HUDSON SAY KNITTING -CO;) Canada's Expert.%eve and Mitt Ifakeree MONTI:WAi. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto.. (1_ 000 STOOK PAM OF 500 ACRES with Three Souses; large Bank Barn, Rost he sold ahick: Price is very low. EVEISAS DESIRABLE' FAEIVS iN i. Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that tan be bought. Worth the ,money for amok pale. IWAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontarls en MY list. If you want a farm consult: we. H, W. DAWSON, Toronto. ONE HUNDRED ACBES FIVE MILES front London market: soil raw, and gravelly le'm: 2 acres orchard: out'uild' Ings fair; 'half' mile to 'electric ra'ltvay- Wnuld exchange for ten. or twertir-ttve acres near city with good buildings. 'rhe Western Real Estate Exchange, Lnrdon. i Ont. ARTS IN : SASKATOiflWAN-EOCtIP. ped; in 'rop; must sell; terms eats,. Perm Love: Hawstrden, Soak. MALE HELP WANTED. ll UT OF EMPLOYMENT?. • SERVES VOLT ‘...1 right. Learn barber trade; always sore era -element fol` barber. Our ha - proved. methods, constant practice • and h*+etruct:ions gnalify you for position 171 short time. Send for catalogue. Molex College, 22t Queen E.. Toronto. She -"Which do you think .is the best time for her to be engaged?" He -"I shoals'say just before she is married. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That 1s LAXATIVE BRLOMI() QUININE.' Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cutes. a Cold in One Day, &urea drip la Two Days. 25e. Persistent Beggar•' -"And both me. parents died and left me an or- phan," Pedestrian ---"Poor fellow What are you going to do with It 1" Mlnard's Liniment Cures target In Cows STA.MPS.AND CO/Nit. TATIP COLLF,Ci'oRS-BOJrif1RED DIY- ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue Album. only Seven Cents Narks- Stamp frmnsnv.' Toronto t± • MtSCELL* NFOtta IMPLES, BLOTORES, ON PRETTY 1 faces removed sure: eminent dostor'n remedy not advertised before; simple, ef." festive. Large sunnly $7..00. F. Osborn. 22 Arlingt-on Ave., Westmount, Montreal. etlJAN.CEtt, TUMORS. L(JKPS, 50.. internal and external. cared tb- out.nnin by our home treatment. Writ. ns before too 'late. Dr, Reliman 'Medical fo.. Limited. Chllinewond. Ont. GALL STONES, KIDNEY AND 111,AD- der Stones, 'Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments poettivel1 eared with the new German Remedy. "Hanot," price 11.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus. and sure cure, le •'Sanol'e .Ant' -Diabetes. Price '52.00 from druegists nr direct. The. Renal Ma nufate taring Company of Eau ads, Limited, Mart MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC 111 On the biisoissippi, we've Had aL,vete Thee, That Old Girl of Mute, }when the Midnight Oheo,. Wthenl Lest' You, Then yl'stapLuengYou, At the Devin's lta.11, That's How 1 Need You. And Hundreds of-ather Pop.:fongsand Instrumen-. ta.s, Ise each, 7 f ,r $t.ed; postpaid. I ban fill orders for Standard Songs Operatic Vo• cal and inane Music, Albums, 'Llutura, .t.o. Quick Dispatch. Bottom ]'rices. dash with Orders. Glias:.). Churcbcr, ,6,2 Dundas St.: Torontq. Much Broken Il,t;altla to Although the practice of tatooing is expressly forbidden in the Scrip- tures -for in Leviticus it is stated, "Ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor print arty marks upon you" -the fashion of decorating the skin with religious. subjects seems to be steadily grow- ing. According to a London taboo artist, he is often called 'epee to. tatoo hymns, texts, and copies of fafnotis religious pictures on the bodies of religiottt enthusiasts, as well as original symbolical designs; tY Wel feel sorry -°for the hero. yytC,,,��yy� 1,7,.E V b 16--'13.out of a job. i, The Soul of a Piano !stile ,Action. insist on the -OTTO HIGE .e' Piano Actio a Maypole Soap CL.EAINS AND DYES Gives rich giotwng colors, fadeless in sun or suds. Dyescotton. silk, wool or mixtures. Use itourself at home. No trouble - no trues. 24 colors -- will give any shade. Colors l0e,black 15e, at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from xo6 BENECICT & CO, Montreal 13nwelcome Caller. `'Opportunity really knocks :fit litany a door." "Then why don't more of us riilti ceed better?" "The trouble is that opportunity wants us ,o go to work." No great length of time is requir- ed to give a young doctor a a=isti' look. The burning, stinging, smart ing pain is ended, the bleeding stepped and a permanent ears effected by use at Zant.B ski j Cive it a fair trial Ali'. ruggi5ts attd Sforeo, 40e'bou.