HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-17, Page 5;DBNTAZ, Or, a. t" l a LSTON, taleaS„ L1,13,tg. DENT/ST eleaeber of the 11,Q,D,S. of Orstaxie and Honor Graduate or Toronto tentveradt . QtfiCe-O er Dickson ke Carilefes saw Ort0. Closed Wednesday afternoons. DU. Al BB, 2YTNSeXUL Honor Graduate Kit' Toronto terreversetY D iN` XST Tenth ext>raoted without Pain, or tine bad effects. Offi ce over Gladniail et Stannury's. OM ee, Mata- Street, Exeter LEGAL. DICKSON c4 CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, conveyaeeers, Cora miss3.onere. Solicittore for t,re Moisors is, Sank, etc. A2oney to Loan at lowest a'ates of intere•rlt aL1 Offices--Matin-St., Exeter" I. 11. Carling, I3.41.. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private la eprop. Cunds to loan o�n famm and vi.l g . arfles at low rates at • interest. GLADMAN ee Stl.'ANBUIiY Beerastesa, Soldaitors, Exeter. e, SENIOR Agent Confederation bite Assurance ..Company, also F.e'e .Int+urance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Marin -St., Exeter. T. B CARLING Lite, Fire, Aecidwit and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting acoounta 4and,•con- ductineeauotion gales, Exeter, Ont. Owing to the High Standard :Hain= tained in the popular LLiQTT Idozeddi Toronto Ont, the demand for the graduates is far in excess. of the supply College open all year. Enter now Write for. catalogue. FAR FOB SALE The usidensigned is offering for "reale that desisable 100 acre farm, s-ttuated in the Township of B,iddulph, being Lot Le, Con. 1.- Tlhidre is on. - the prean;,ses .a good Varna tiioinee, barn with,, founda- tion, orariartd,. The fanny is well drain- ed and all under cultivation. This is an excellent fNunn, wall situated and will be ,sold reasonable., For further verde,- Wars apply to 'L7'olbn O'Neil., Mooresville, Ont. WM.. KELLY. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering f'or sale Let 6, North B;ouir dary •Stephen, -con- taining 100 arsea of good land. 'There. is ..enY the prem eses a. good Prattle house with stone cellar ; bank barn with ce- ment floors 3 good wells, and a snail orchard;. This is a gotod grain or grass "fa'rm, or wiould make a good stock rar`m: Situated two miles from E4xot.ar , phone in house Will be scold reasonable. "For particulars apply on the premises, or waits the undersitgned, Fred Green, 1 -lay, or El'. S. Phillips, Exeter. College At e dome , Thousands of ambitious young peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, oivil rervants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities You may finish M college if you so wish Positions guaranteed:' Enter college any. day. Individual instruction. Expert tea ehers. Thirty years, experenee. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven colleges, Spec- ial course pec-ialcourse for teachers, Affiliated with Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. Summer School at famous Spotton Business College, Lon- don. 1 GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal TI'IRB.SHE,D OUT 4Q l U'SMt.1,S ( F WHEAT TO THE ACRes ' Serco mbe of 'Medford Ontario writes , -.541 am sending you a photo gawk.,, of my wheat field which I think shows .a very good crop in- deed for it yielded 21 loads of sheave on 0 ,acres and•thresb,cd out 41 bushe1 to the ,acre. In growing it we asci 200 lbs of Homestead Bone Black Per tilizex' without any other manure, We also lead another field of 20 'teres which threshed out 34 bushels to the acre"' 1.1.onlstead Fertilizer's ' are lnanu - factured and sold by the Michigan Carbon Works, 'Detroit, Michigan, who will send free to any farmer their book on fertilizers with a handsome ccaleader 'postage •.,aid$ They want agents where they are not now represented. Address - Michigan Carbon Works, Postoffice Drawer 814-A, Detroit, Michigan, ask ing..for terms. BRTUCEI{IELD—John Murdock, ' of, Stanley has rented his uncle John Murdocks farm; on the London Road. He will now work 200 acres,—John Kitchen has moved into the house lie recently purchased. R. -Ston has moved into his house recently oc- cupied ' by Mr, I(itchee. GRANETTRUNK RAVI I Homeseekers' Excursions To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY. until Oct. 26th in' elusive Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 43.00 Proportionate low rates to oth- er points. Return limit two months. - settlers' Excursions To ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Evers TUESDAY until April 29th incite -eve from stations in Oaten() For• hope, Pc,terboro anu Wast, +it very low 'rates. Through coaches and Pullman tour- ist, Sleeping cars are operated to WINNIPEG without change, leaving Toronto 1.100 p.m., via Chicagoca oo and St, Paul on above dates. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tweeWinnipeg-Saskatoon Edmonu ton_ Berth Reservations and particulars from Grand' Trunk agents. TC FARMERS WANTING LIEN. Farmers wanting hared men for next season ishiouid plaice their orders at once other v'is'r there will he iiff.culty as seeming help. Orders' left with the Lora' Government Employment -Agent for this distriet, Advocate ozs:ce, or a.ddraesed thereto, will receive prompt. attention C. El.. SANDERS, Agent. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generat't,ve portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Tan's are sold at 55 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Tho Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. S"i'NOPSIS OF CAbTADLA.N NORTH WEST LA.ND REGULATIONS ANY person whois the sole Bead 'c a fasnfiy or any ruti,le over 18 Years 'nay homestead. a -quarter seetioan of available t ohriin blot . land fin Manitoba Saskatchewen or Alberta. The ap- plicant must • a ppea r in person at the, Doniinton Lairds Agency Or Sub- agency for, the-diStrict. Entry by pro- xy, made be made at any a8'ein:TY, on. certain cc ndit_i one by bather, mother , soon, _daughter, brother or sister ,of in- tending setenelseeader • Duties—S1Y months' residence upon and culetvettion of the land in each,. o t three - years', A boniesteadar nkay rive Within anfaas r it -;les ' eat toe homestead on a. farm '"ext at ..least . BO aches solely owned and occupied by Man or by his father, mother, son daughter, brother or Isistert, In certa.in, districts a hionieateader /An gOOd trtaandimg may pre-empt a quart er-Oecirion 'alonag side his hones stead. Prier.: '$0.00 per acre. <+- Duttee—irluet rehide upon the heanie ectad or pre -en ptten six months in each of.'eix years ficin zlate ochome- stead entry (trio uding the time re- quired, to earn hoarneeteed patent) and cultivate fifty acnes "extra, A hoolesteader who hag etchtrin ted li•s h ataeertead right and carr not obtain a. preeenttetton may enter tel' g; puri.." oliladed ''-hetnes'eed in certain, .distn'cta Fries • 1.0o per acre. 'Dutiefr--, Must reside atk nrUeitihe frs eaeh of these, years, cultivate tety eeoreseea'nd erect ti. house worth b„300..,.. 14 W. COB Y, rlttty, .., the .Miti$Ateett •of the retterior BID u'Lrrf, We have to announce the death of HphraimLangford c Riddul b,which ooenrred the 3rd inst. Mr. bald f,o 4 had retired from active farm life ,for some years his farm, being operated by his son, Normals. Ile was et native of of the township, I1.a is survived by his widow three dangliters;' Mrs. Ris- don, Mrs, Cleorge Stewart and Mrs. Charles Walden, four sorts; Norman of Biddulph Rev. Albert J.+afRincard- ine, Rev. Vred of Vripcolxger and Rev, Frank of Regina, My Marshall Bob, who has been on the Lonclo Police force for • • num- ber of .years has resigned; .i his .position and - having purchased a farm in Wes Williams Township ; near Park hill, moved, there with his laniily las week. 1 BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING PENMANSHIP and all other CouCommercialrses u rses Taught right at Your Home it Spare Hours, Our courses , are the best and our instructors the ablessin Canada. Are (Guarantee our Courses WE PLACE ALL, OUR Graduates. Take your course with us, Mail the coupon. to -day S ucCes Shaw Correspondence School 383 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada Please explain (without obligation on my part). how I can successfully qualified for the position or profession underlined. Charted Accountant Auditor • Business Manager Mee Corresponds t Bookkeeper Stenographer Penman Commercial Sp • li ' solo sl illustrator Desi er Art Specialist - Teacher of Art Writer Journalist Newspaper Reporter Photographer Show -Card wt rer i Ad:writer Name Address E. A. Heintzrnan LIMITED & Co. EAL BA.RGAI IN UPRIGHT PIANOS - Ten slightly used Upright Pianos all , in good condition. At one-third to one-half the original price, on small Weekly or Monthly payments. Write for needed particulars & Co. �3Ceiiatzxn,�l�a. 193-5-7 Youngs Street, Toronto .or Heintzman & Co. 38 Ontario Street Stratford Heintznian and Co. Please mail me li used Upright to da a list of slightly g �htly' Pianos advertised in the Exeter Ad. vocate. Arnie [ `--17natt+Ji �rrtzett ` pubiiceton of Address this• n,:vrrtisenttnt Wilt not bo peed tor. Ilia: L Dr. Sellery is riot likely to move to Toronto for some time, Rev. R.. Melts preached in Wesley Church Clinton an Sunbay.—Miss 'Urquhart of Chatham is the guest of her :.Cine sins, Misses Urquhart—Mr, And Mrs. C. A. lktafottetl returned from Toron- to 'last week.—A, .McPherson has nearly recovered from the effects of the fall over; his back steps, which he snstained last week. --Mrs, Shirray and daughter Miss ,Agnes, aeoompan- ed by Helen Cooke left for 'a ,two weeks visit to Toronto., -11. Ingram and family moved, to ' London this week, where Mr. Ingram is engaged in building operations. Mr: Ingram has lived here for a number of years ---Rev. Mr. Smith is quite a pedestrian as Ile walked to Exeter last week to attend a meeting of the Ministerial Association. ". WCRICH Reinman Ealbfleisob has taken a position as junior in the local branch of the Molson'e Bank.—Samuel . Mer- rier has disposed of his farm in the 15th Oon. to his sate Roy Merner.: Mr Jacob Haberer moved into their home at ur, the South end,—Mr. R. Laren 9 , who has been running the mail and stage route between here. and Hensall for so many years, is laid up with an attack of dropsy.—Henry Truemner of the Goshen line South has disposed •of his farm to Gasper Walper, who in- tends turning it over to his son Wm. Mr. Truemner has taken Mr. Walper's house in town,—Mr. John'pecher sr„ bas disposed of his general purpose show team tor the big sunt of 8580.00 to ttr. Snaith .of Hamilton. Mr. Ern- est Rader also disposed of a fine team to the same party for $550.80.—A very painful accident occurred to Mr. Con- rad Fuss, a farmer living close to the village on Thursday afternoon. He was adjusting a rotary cutting machine, when the thumb of his left band was cuaught in the gearing smashing it in a terrible manner. Am- putation was suggested, but his fam- ily physicians thought the member could be saved by pressing the bone to its normal shape and bandaging it. —A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfleish oe Tuesday, the 8th of April at 5 p.m., when their daugh- ter marriage to .ter Laura.was united Frederick J. Haberer. Rev, C. J. Maass being the officiating minister. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties. amounting to about 70 persons. St. Peters Church Drysdale was the scene of ,a pretty and fashionable wedding on Tuesday morning, when Joseph E. Laframboise, and Blanche Laporte were united in the Holy bonds of ma- -trimony. TEN COMMANDMENTS First -Thou shalt not wait for something to turn up, put thou shalt pull off thy coat and go to the work that thoumayestprosperin thy affairs. and make the word "Failure" spell "success", Second—Thou shalt not be content to go about thy business looking like. burn, for thou shouldst know that thy personal appearance 18 better than u letter of recommendation. Third — Thou shalt not try to make >exeuses, nor shalt thou say to those who chide thee, "I didn't think." Fourth Thou shalt not wait to be told what thou should do, nor in what manner thou shaltdo it, for thus may thy days be long is the job which for- tune has given thee. Fifth Thou shalt not fail to main- tain thine own integrity, nor shalt thou be guilty of anything that will lessen thy good respect for thyself. Sixth -= Thou shalt not covet the other fellow's job, nor his salary, nor the position that he has gained by his own hard labour. Seventh - Thou' shalt not fail to lige within : thine income, nor shalt thou contract any debts when thou, const not see thy way clear to pay them. '- . Eight — Thou shalt not be afraid to blow thine own horn, for he who faileth to blow his own horn at the proper occasion, findeth nobody stand- ing by to -blow it for him. Ninth — Thou shalt not hesitate to say "No" when thou meanest 'No' nor shalt thou faileth to remember that there are times when it is unsafe to bind yourself by hasty judgment. Tenth — Thou shalt give every man a square deal. This is the last and greatest commandment and there is noother like unto it. Upon this comm- andment hangs all the law and profits of the business world. Good Health vim arta Vitality Are asauxed If YOU Will cleanseyour. atQeutetl of utndiitoeted ,teed mid tout gases ; the excess bile fresi . the neer RURAL ROUTE POSTS The following questions have been asked and answered in the Mail and Empire. Is it lawful to place the ruralmailbox withinfour feet of the traveled road? (2) In case a vehicle is broken by coming in contact with the mail box, who would be responsible forthe dam. age? Ane.- The regulation with regard to placing rural route mail post boxes is "that they shall be placed ''near enough to the travelled road to enable the courier to deposite the mail in the box without ,dismounting from his vehicle." 1 should -think that the post might be placed even nearer to the travelled road than four feet. (2) If the poets have been legally placed near to the traveled road,' these. driving vehicles along the road should take care not to run into those posts. Posts are there for the the convenience. of the public, just as bridges are placed on. the highways for the convenience of the public. If a traveler, comes into contact with the side of a bridge and injures his vehicle he would not have any legal right to claim damages from anybody and on the same principle a traveler coining into collision With a rural mail post cannot claim damages from anybody, but the traveler may have to pay for the damages done to the post. rr and:'tha waste m;ttiter from the flit Ines and, trowels hY the use aY. pre Pti.LS the great tt'utt kldneV. Vas' itb t and • bowel remedy. At sU doa$crs '�5 rarea0 rt bo or zna.11od byT„te rid 11 Ca., Th�aniar Bait, INGmalooD WomAnHOOD OR The Women who have used MOTHERIM”Dr. Pierce's Favorite ;�Prescrirptl:o>�z `will te�I you.. that it freed them from. pain --Y helped them over painful periods in their life—and saved them many a day of anguish and misery. This tonic, €.a liquid form, was devised over 40 yea.'s ago for the womanly system, by R, V, Pierce, M. D. • and has been sold ever since by dealers in medicine to the benefit of many thousand women. Assist Nature now and Men, with a gentle cathartic Dr. Pierce's Pleas - and Pellets tone up and Iliangor. ate liver and bowels. Be sure you get what tyouYask for. Now -if you prefer - o can obtain Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets at your druggist at 31 per box, also in 50e size or send 0 ons cent stamps to Pro 1'i.' Y.,Pierce, Buffalo, N. F. for trial box. FREE TO Y01.1—MY SISTER Fy1EE TO YOU ANO EVERY SSSTER SUFFER., All R '(NQ FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. Iamawomen, I Irani- roman's sufferings. I have found the cure. I will mail, free of any charge, my home treat- ment withfull instructions to any sufferer from women's ailments. I want to tell all women about this cure you, myreader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to tell, you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand wom- en's sufferings. What we women know from ex- perience, we know better than any doctor, I know that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Leucorrhoeaor Whitish discharges Ulceratloa, Dis- placement or. Failing of the Womb, Profuse Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also. pains In the head; back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness. creeptngfeel- ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot Gashes, weariness, ,kidney and bladder troubles wherewant cato usedsend byyou weakacompnesseslete peculiar10days' totreaoursez.tment • I entirety free to prove to youthat you can cure • yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, that It will cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial ; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about is cents a week, or less than two cents a day. 11 will not interfere with your work or occupation. 0you suffer, if you wish, i . r`at will n Just send fire your name and address,tell Incne yand-1 w send you the treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper; by rturn mail. will also s; i:d y" u free of cost, uty book—"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations show. Ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home.. 'ver-ywoman should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says—"You .must ho: a an opera, tion," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women liave cured themselves wit's try home remedy. It cures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, i will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you live I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know nod will gladly tellauy sufferer that this dome Treatment really cures all woman's diseases and makes wOznen well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the tree ten days' treatm,ent is yours, also the book. Write to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address : MRS. M. SUMMERS, Sox H.840 - - - WINDSOR, C1nt A. GREAT- OFFER-- The Ad- vocate has • just tiompleted ar- rangements, whereby We can sup- ply 'the Advocate, Mail and 'Haw $r ,,aid Dominion 1 otititry Giticte lox the 'small shit ',Of., +tqw i?1 the Limo to eeaure hap anti. goo reading at IOW costs. Why should any other cereal be called"just as good" as Because Kellogg's is known to be the best and most nutritious cereal on the market— Because arket;Because the sale of .Kellogg's Corn Flakes is enormous as trade returns will show— Because another large modern factory, the best and most sanitary in Canada had to be built to take care; of our constantlp in- creasing trade-= Because the imitator, knowing these facts and having fewselling arguments for his own product thinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellogg's: But ---the aim, al- d1 thesita t iin ng Kellogg's Corn Flakes qualitiesof :. cannot be counterfeited : Sold, .in big packages .fit ..1Oe, Look ..for the `s nature. • s 1 03, . j : 1 . gal 1 G N� �T �..� M _ EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta IIOMESEEKERS SETTLERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return • 43.00 Other points In proportion Return Limit two months. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Comfortable berths, fully For settlers travel- ling with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. Settlers and fainities without '.- stock shoutd '.Ise REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.in. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers on all excursions. equippedwith bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. COLONIST CARS ON ALL 7:?AIr3S No charge for Berths Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, and. at 2 pain.. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, July and. August. Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and, West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto • Why should any other cereal be called"just as good" as Because Kellogg's is known to be the best and most nutritious cereal on the market— Because arket;Because the sale of .Kellogg's Corn Flakes is enormous as trade returns will show— Because another large modern factory, the best and most sanitary in Canada had to be built to take care; of our constantlp in- creasing trade-= Because the imitator, knowing these facts and having fewselling arguments for his own product thinks to create a market for it by comparing it to Kellogg's: But ---the aim, al- d1 thesita t iin ng Kellogg's Corn Flakes qualitiesof :. cannot be counterfeited : Sold, .in big packages .fit ..1Oe, Look ..for the `s nature. • s 1 03,