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Sanders dC Creech, Preps
There is cool flaring in the pro-
posat of Liberal leaders `that they
should force their solution of a great
national issue upon a Conservative
Government, Since when did Liberal
teaderc become recognized , author-
.itre' upon. national questions? .Is it
not a fact that almost every ease
the. took the wrong side o,:every
gree` national question?
W cre they right when they •ero-
posed commercial union with the
United States?
Were they right when they ad-
vocated unrestricted Reciprocity,
Were they right when they opposed
the building of the Canadian .Pacific
Rahn ay,
Were they right when they tried
to Race through parliament the Reci-
procity Pact of 1911?
h they were right, the people ~were
wrong and if the people were
in any of these cases they are In -
repentant still,.
Thu, heart of the Liberale:Warty is
sound but that Party has, _'bsea led:
badle on every great occasion. Tlie
leaders appeared to have : a a..enib,s•
for getting in wrong on g reat mat
ionai issues; and there is a touch
of impudence in their suggestion, tow
that on a matter of national., and
imperial consequence their views
shcuie prevail. They were not able
to carry out an unpopular, peijcy
even when they were in power, and
they are less likely to be able new
to ,carry out a similarly,.unpolular
policy when they are in opposition.
'Years agc 'Horace Greely°said, "Go
west young man!' Champ:` Clark
says `rGo south, my boy." The wes-
tern voters say to their senator "Go
east, ,Colonel," and Doc. Cook says
to the world, "Go north with =tee;'
This pretty well covers the points
of the compass and leaves room only
for the additional suggestion 'Stay
in Ontario and go to work,•'-Wat -.
forte Guide-?i.drocate.
The .Ontario Government'; Ailt-
Teeatine Bill has not been abandoned
Provincial Secretary. Hanna says the
,matter is still being studied out in
detail and it is only a matter of
time before it will :be taken up a-
main. In the meantime the government
has a bill before the House -Which
contains several limiting provisions:
Two hours lopped off the time of
sale of liquor in hotels by provision
that bars must remain closed until
eirho'clock in the morning instead
of six as at present, elimination at
the bottle trade over the bar, equal
izatior of the cost of shop and tav
licenses, by a - substantial ri-
crE.ase in the . former, and Inclusion
of livery stables and other places of
public resort with boarding houses
as premises on eeic'm if liquor is
diset e ire l it any considerable quant -
it: is shall : be taken as good
and sufficient proof that the .;in.-
toxicant we.s for sale in contraven-
tion of the Liquor Act.
to Mr Mat uire's house.
Accident -Mr. George Essery niet
with a painful accident on Monday.
1 -le was assisting in moving a piano
which in some way caught his foot
crushing it badly. As a result he le
now forced to get around on crotches.
'Nisi Emma Abbott is visiting ler
sister Mrs, W. Parsons,
Mist Hennessey of Clandeboye
ited her sister ?Mfrs. W. Hodgins, on
D,tssre Syl;'e ter Wuorth, Edgh
Wein and Herbert Wein, with ;he
11Ti:.fes Mildred Klumpp, Clara and
Alan Wein. spent Sunday: at the
horn of Miss Salina Beaver, Zurich.
Rev. E Burn is attending the Con-
ference of the Evangelical Church
in Hanover fir, G. K. Brown will
occupy the pulpit nett Sunday Horn
ing but there will be no service in
the church at night.
Mrs Telfer and family have return
ed to London after a few • weeks
visi. here with her mother, 3lrs.
August Ewald.
The spring weather of the past few
lav: has dried up the. roads. Autoes
have made their appearance. Farmers
aro busy ploughing and it won't be
Ione before spring -seeding will be nn
in full. swing.
The Trustees of the Methodist
are selling the church sheds by
auction next Saturday. These sheds
are still in first-class shape and will
make splendid leu 1 'legs far pecple
regttiran; Barite, ,
Mr eand Mrs•, Sidney Mills of
Woodham "spent Monday in town the
,she guests "' of Mr. and Mrs, W. A.
Sant Brown has had a telephone
snstailee. in his seed -warehouse and
can now attend to the wants of his
.customers •
Mist Hannah Zwicker of London is
visitinT Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Zwicker
this week
Messrs Hodgins & Trevethick ce-t
ether', another shipment of buggies
this week. .They now handle six dif-
ferent makes and can suit the most
particular buyer.
111r John Torrance, License inspec-
tor 01 Clinton, was in town Tuesday.
Mt Henry Steinacher is putting up
a fence around his premises.
The majority of the barns which;
wre damaged in the storm on Good
Friday have been repaired, It is sur-
prising .to see the number .of patch -t
ed roofs as you drive along the road
Norman Holtzmann has returned to
Saskatoon, Sask., after spending the
winter with his parents.
Tuesdavis Advertiser contains the
report that Herb. Falmer is going to
have a try -out with the London base
ball team Herb is a good one a t ,.he
game and we -wish him every success.
Mrs. Matthew Wein Has returned
home fro Woodstock, after a tew
weeks visit with her daughter, sirs.
Mr. Victor Blatchford left this week`
foe Listowell,
where he 't
ds :e-
maining. -
Mrs. G , Anderson visited in Lon -i.
don Monday and Tuesday, '
Mr Bowies moved his household
effects and family from St. Marys in -
Tenders will be received by •the''"
undersigned for the building of ce-
ment abutments for bred ge,ver A
Sauble on B oomfield s Sideroad, also1. cement bridge on Centre . Road
north. Z on 4th Con. <.South p and. 1
on Carter's ` Sideroad. Pleas . end
specifications May be seen at the res-
idence of J. D. 'Dsummoxid,%Tp- Cle k.
Tenders to be opened at the Town
Hall West McGiIlivray, ..on ..Monday.„
the 5th day of May, et -7 o'clock p.
m. The lowest or any tender not,
necessarily accepted.
W. T. CTlens J. 0, Drummond,
Reeve Clerk
Lam✓ BRICAT•13 •.
The Wheels of Business
Our Classrhed Want Ads.' (UMIil
iubrirant test ,ss good' for any kind of
• business:riiarhtnery A
1)o you want ery^• employer or an em
pi¢yee. ...Rave you something td sell or is
there something you with to buy?
Igo• matter how largo or how small
your business is. Conden3ed "Ads well ins
prove it. -oil up.
Fred. Kerr is busy cutting up logs
This spring has been a busy season
Mrs Hugh Girvin left for Lucknow.
on Monday morning after visiting her
daughter Mrs. Herb Eilber, for
some time. • -
Posters are out for the concert to
be given in the Town Hall on the
3oth inst., under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid of the Methodist church.
The talent will come from .London
and comes with good report. Rem-
ember the date.
Chas Finkbeiner of Guelph and
Sans Finkbeiner of Chatham were here
attending the funeral of their brother
on Thursday.
The grin, reaper has again enter-
e.1 out midst and removed a young
person William Henry Finkbeiner, a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Fmk -
bellies of this village. The deceased.
died on Tuesday morning at the age
of 15 years, 11 months,. and 15 days
after an illness of about three years.
He bad been up and about as usual
havine his supper with the family'
and retiringto bed. at $
before Besides the parents . seven
sisters and three brothers survive.,
The remains will be interred in the
Evangelical cemetery on Thursday
afternoon. The •bereaved family have
the sympathy of the entire commune
Mr. Geo. Kellerman is this. week
moving into his new block. Mr. r. Jo s
Wambold of Exeter is doing the
interior decorating for Mr. Keller -
The farmers in this section -rill
start to seed this week,
Messrs Kellermann & Son are
showing a choice ",lot of floor rugs
this week.
It is "expected : the aew, ditch be
put down through the village' will be
started this week.
Mt Adam Birk will start the
foundation for his new bank barn this
heasel in London last week. but 'udge
nwnt was reserved. Findlay Perrin for.
the plaintiff and Dickson & Carling
of Exeter for the defence.
Mrs Henry Calfass is slowly r e
covering from her recent illness,
The . Dashwood Flax Company will
commence the erection of `he .yarn
recently` blown down by the wind.
Miss Hingst was taken: suddenly ill
on Wednesday and as a consequence
schoo, sees dismissed.
O. Stade has moved to town into the
house recently vacated by Mark Broken.
Messrs Hµssenbe.nw of Berlin "spent
afere days best week d+itb their sister
Mrs. Ehlers.
Mr. Thos: Klurnpp'x barber shop is
nearly entnpletrd slid Tom will be able
to move in tsfety da,ye,
The Y. P, A. ntr'r1i bane charge of the
evening services on April the 20th in
the absence of th' p tsto#k, *bet will ho
ttteriding Cnilf.renC*'.
Mrs ,H:rr;,rrts,p :R'idt of. 1'•oresipisvislt,-
init ben; tkr6fhlti 'NPR f'i., St -n.404,,
A suit by Henry Edwards " for $80
s einst George and Jacob Schroeder
eK'.Weutors et the estate of the late
Georgi. Schroeder of Dashwood, was
l UML aY
A. little daughter has ' `rfv. d at the
holm of Mr, Fred, Ellerington. Mr,
John Glenn and daughter, Mrs, Good -
feller( spent first of the week with
relatives at Vern a. -Mrs, John "wc-
Queer was in London for a fe,,v
days the first of the week. --Mr: and
Mite R,obt. Bullard of Hensel). spent`
Sunday with relatives here. --Mr, Har
Gltnt of Crediton spent Sunday with.
hie parents here; -Mr. W, . ,B. Wijseo
of Zurich spent Saturday and Sunday
with his aunt Mrs. John
Gleet. -Miss Angie Passmore has re-
turned to her home out Thames Road,.
Miss Love of Walton having 4aken.
her place, Mrs. H, Town qf Winni-
peg }lar returned home;.,, after visit -
int het uncles, Messrsu John :and
Wm Glenn, -.Mr, Jas, Broadfoot and
son James wei;e in Seafortli on Sun -
lase -Mrs. A. Cole is able to take a
dist c. -Mrs, Stacey, mother of Joseph
btace� died at•his hone Tuesd
Misr Olive Mitchel:is attending ;ler
aunt, Mrs, Mitchell, Huronclale.
111rs McConnell of Vancouver has
been visiting at the home of iktr. and
Mrs S. Ford. -Mr. and Mrs, Wesley
Mille .Mr. •and Mrs. Arthur : Rundle
left last wedk. for the Wes. We re-
gret very much much their departure
from our locality, but,wish them
every success in their • new home
at Medicine Hat. Before leaving Mrs.
W Mills' was presented by the W:
M. S. with an address and token o(.
The funeral of Mrs. Leo. Hodgins
who died after an illness of •only
five days held to St. James 'Church'
on April 10th was conducted by Rev.
Wm Low -e, of Lucan. Mrs. Hodgins
was the youngest daughter of .?dr. and
Mrs George Carter, and was born in
McGillivray 37 years ago, and came
to Biddulph after her marriage, Be'
sides her husband, she leaves three
children Wilfred Verne and' Myrtle,
two sisters and four brothers, Misses
Sadie. and Jennie and William. -=In a
runaway ,last week the Lucan stage
was demoiii shed. The team ' became
frightened -at the station. In` ° their
coursse they collided with George
Dauncey's buggy and badly damag-
The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hod-
gins relict of. Moses Hodgins, occurr
ell at her hoes_ in • Glandeboye on
Sunday Mrs. Hodgins who was in
he 74th year, leas born near, Ottawa
-gut for 50 years she has been are-
sident of Clandeboye,
She was well-known, and was idents
Pied with St James Anglican , Church
in the village. She leaves to mourn
a family of six children, Mrs. Root.
Harlion• Clarideboy e; Mrs, Catherine
Hodgins, Wilkie, Sask; Mrs, James
Frazer Port - Huron; Mrs. William
Doe nley, London Township;.' Mr. J.
E Hodgins, London; Wm. J. llodgins
at home Her husband predeceased
her three years
The funeral was held onWed
nes day.. at 3 o'clock, and interment
war made in Clandeboye cemetery.
et Gids a uk esti be leaed to
teat there to et least ono dreaded disease the scienoe
has been Able to cure at all its stats and that le
Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Oume is the only npoaitivo,
cure now known to the medical irattairaity, vatarrh,
bein8 a conetituttonal disease requires a eonetite.
tonal treatment, Beira Cetarrh Our* fa taken in-
ternaliy,,;acting directlyupon the blood and mucous
atrtanes of the avatem, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and racist•.
lute natuto is doing its work. The proprietors have
Po Much faith in its ourettve powers that they Offer
One I3andced pollara for any ease that it fella to p rjrlf� A x �QO ���
cure. Send for list ofteetituoniela. CAPITAL, aTr, , ,
SIR EDMUND WALKER, ic.V.O., LL.ZZ, D.C.', President
General Manager Assistant Gener!aa. Manager
Mrs Joseph Glavin left last week
for St. Joseph Hospital, London, for
treatment. Her many friends here
wisb for her speedy recovery.- :dn
Frank. Guinan .of Drysdale spent Sun-
dal- at his home here. -Mr. James
Graham and mother of St. Marys at-
tendee the "funeral of his aunt Mrs.
McKeever on Friday. -Miss : Nellie
Hall left last week for London where
she intends to remain. -Miss Nora
Regan who has been seriously ill, we
are pleased, is recovering. -Quite
a number attended the entertainment
held in Town Hall here on •Mondays
evening, -Mr. Joseph Glavin is very
busy repairing windmills and placing
thein in order after 'the storm Good
Friday. Joe is the boy to make the
wheels spin. -Michael O'Brien has en-
gaged Patrick Sullivan for the sum-
mer. Mr O'Brien makes no mistake
as Pat is a good roan.
At Detroit on April 8th the death
took place of Mrs. Alice McKeever
at the advanced age of 85 years. Mrs
McKeever was in -poor health: for the
past four months. She was a resident
of this township for nearly fifty years
going to Detroit to live with 'ter
daughter only a year ago, Mrs. Mc-
twoso s Fr nk
• is 'vel n
e esurer by
e v # ,
anc, Joseph of this place, and three
daughters Mrs. Ed, Ryan of this place
Mrs Dan Morrison and Mrs. Thos.
Lane of Detroit. The funeral took.
place on Friday morning at 10 terra
lc the R. C. cemetery here, and was
largely - attended.
Addrees k'. J. PUNNET St CO" Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, ?5 cents,
Telcottnll's i+'t nilly Ptlla for aonstteemee,
The hone of Henry, Squire, of Us-
borne was the scenes of a pretty.
wedding when their.. daughter, Minnie.
Elsie, was unitedin marriage to Or
villi' T Cann. of Usborne, on Wednes,
day at ra o'clock. Rev. T. A,' Steadman
performed the ceremony, Miss May
sister of the bride, played the wedd-
ding March. The bride was dressed
in cream silk and wore a bridal veil
crowned with a wreath of orange ,lo
soros Guests from far and near to
the number of 100 sat down to the
wedding supper. The gifts were many
and costly. .Mr, and Mrs. Cann net
this merging. for a trip to Detroit
and other. points, On, their return they
will reside on the groom's tarn,
Don't Grow Bald
Young:. Mao
It's a sate ten' to onls het that the
young mai' Who uses PAR.ISTAN Sage
as an occasionstshair dreasteeg wfdl nev.
er grow bead,. •
There's a. teaston4 of ,00uraca, and it's
a very good and •auifficiernt one:
Dandruff germs versa.e statism- hair
and fa1Uzg flair kii'eane thinner . hair
and in Rue throe brilrinester.
PARISIAN Sage prevents baidniess,
by destroying the cause of .baldness-
the little versa gent vocif&rou's date.
dr tett geritm.
If you have d;endtrufr or itching scalp
It tzxean's .tbitt ' detiidriitfberme are nap-
phi l the vitait':(ty fromtl. thh rorsts of
your hair. ter rid os silt troubles by,
using PARISIAN Sage;
i s
is nfOt a. dye, mm to d you, nerthelr
d'cies it contain, pofistolnouaa ,sugar of lead
or even suLpher.i TPC i(et a scldnttiVc pre-
paration that •abol5sheisI daudr,iff, ,'stops
nailing hair and s'oalp .iltoh, and snakes
hair grow- lustrous tend 1uxuria1it.
'hinny young w'onvein as- we11 as, men
are growing baud.: and Lor th8 same
Use delightful, refreshing: PARISIAN '
Sage; it neiurighes' tb'e hair roots, Vii?
the roots are r n't dead, and brings
to every insist a head Of gliori au'a' hair
-radara!nt and fascinating. Large bot -
tie Pot! 50 cents at drug stores and
toilet counters. See that 'you get PAR-
ISIAN Sage. W . S. COLE .guarantees It.
Council met on April 7 with all
members present. A number of tc-
counts were paid. A by -lease ap-
pcinting pathmasters and Fixing the
statute labor commutation was read
tit: third time and passed. The
reeve -and clerk were instructed to
consult the Township Solicitor in re-
gard to procuring a rold to gravel
pit ane gravel on Lot .N1-2 11, Con.
9, Adjournment to April 12:-
Ccuncil met with all present Apr,
12 A. by-law was passed providing
for the getting from above lot, the
councl' agreeing to erect 40 tads of
fence and to build a brill e on T.
Hodson's lane 1Z feet wide end 10
ft long. and to pay to the said T.
Hcagsonthe stun of $1.7 for each end
every year that said road is used:
fo- that purpose. The clerk was in
strected to prepare plazas and speci-
fications and advertise for tenders
for ,bridges,--'Qne over • Auxe Seuble
Rise. known as Bloomfield's ',ridge,,
one ca. Centre Road. North, two en
4th Can.: South, and `one on" Carter's
Sideroed, tenders to be opened ith
Mao at 7 p.ni. Couni:'ii adjourned to
5th May at 16. o'clock,, ;gravel. contract
to be let at 2 p,m, ••
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
"The Brew
that Grew"
Selling fast because
made right
Tat TRUE FLavox=--main • :
Putts. TRY IT I
Made and matured in
the' old way
1913 Catalogue New Ready
80 Pages brim full of good things. Con-
tains valuable information for the farmer,
market gardener and private. planter. 12
pages of the latest' and best,, world-wide
introductions. Valuable promiuzna. Your
choice of s new varieties atni unnamed
(not for sale until 1914). 'absolutely free
with every order, large . or small. .Don't
delay writing. 14Tai1 this with your name
and address. .''our request will receive
special attention. State if you grow
vegetables or :'flowers for market, as we
have a special Brice list. VlirIte today
while it's fresh in your mind.
Dept. El
REST, $12,500,000
Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and
upwards. Careful attention is given to every. account Small accounts
are welcomed.. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts bopened in the names of two or more persons,
withdrawals to be made by anyone of them or by the survivor,
13EXE ER $RANCH -•C#. k,,. WATJGt , Nl.anat ere
Branch also at Crediton
he 1V�olsons .Bank
Reserve ,: $3,000,000
Deposits $23,677,730
Loans and Investments - 27,457,090
Incorporated 1855'
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-1911,
•$3,000,000 $4,000,000
Total Assets $33,090,192 „' 48,237,284
Sas 83 Branches in janada; and Agents and DorrespondenlEan all the
Principal Oities in the World.
at al Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.. •
.&gentss at Exeter' for the Dominion Government.
Dic>tsoN .& CABLING, Solicitors. N. D. HUR,DON Manager,
very Woman
is inter.d and ebouldknow
about the wonderful
Marvel whiriin9 Spray
The hest practical training school `.n
Ontario, --Tree depantnmeints, COMIBR
T-IY. All courses , are thorough and
practical. TesrcPubers are experienced and
graduates are placed in positions. We
give ind:v,:dual aittent`_on and students,
may enter at any blue,. write tor our
free catalogue at once.
D A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
Ontario Liquor License Act
License District of South Huron
Noticeis hereby given that the Board of License
Commissioners for the License " District of South
Fluron will meet at
, TUESDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1913
AT 3.0 A. n7.,
for the purposeof eonsid ering applioations for Liquor
Licenses for the License Year 1918.14.
All persons interested will govern themselves ac-
License Inspector
Dated at Clinton on March 31st, 1915.
For the current year there were thirteen_tavern
and no shop licenses Issued,
The total number of applications for licenses for
the ensuing year is thirteen tavere and no shop
Any petition against granting License to any
applicant or premises must be lodged with the
undersigned at least tour days before the meeting of
the License Board
License o Inap ect r for South Huron
Dated at Clinton this Sis day of March,1913
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension ; restores
vim and vitality, Prematuredasay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. 8la iphoaowill
Make_ ro
you a new an. Price S8 a box. or two for
$5. Mailed to aayaddress. The Scobell Drug
Co.. St. Oetluarinea. Ont.
-cur druggist for
it.it hs cannot supply ,
the SIA RV._L, accept,no
>rt:• , brit send stain i for i11ns• -
:r ttr i boob—sealed. It gives full
a ar`iculers_.und directions till, doable
.0 L iier'tVSNPSORSt nuLvCO,.WttndsoC.Ont
General gents 1%...r.{.w idn.
For Sale
That desirable frame residence en
Wil item street, Exeter, south of the
river. Three lots, modern coltvenitances
electric lights and furnace. number
of fruit trees and bushes.` Good hard
and •setr water.
Por partic0iaa-s apply to
or B. b. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer'
Auction Sale
At The Commercial Hotel, Hensall
al 2 p,m, Saturday, April 10, 1913
T he following houses and lots be-
longing to the estate or the latefeeo.
Lot 61 Petty Survey, Queen St.
(Abid ebrandt)
Lot 6Z Petty Survey, . Queen St
(vacant house).
Lot 111 Petty Survey, ming St,
Lot 11C Petty Survey Brock :St.
(vacant lot.)
Lot 126 Petty Survey, Brock St.
Lot 131 Petty Survey, Brock St,
(Double House).
Loi 138 139, Petty Survey, King
Street (Germette).
Lot 140 and 141, Petty Survey,King
Street (T. Welsh).
Lot 182-3-4-5-6, Petty Survey, on
Queer. and Elizabeth (vacant lots)
Terms -10 per cent on day of sale
balance. in, 30 days. For further par-
ticulars apply to the executors, Rev.
W. J Doherty and G. C. Petty,
B, S Phillips H. T D. Cooke,
Auctioneer. Solicitor
We have just received a car of
Thefam sous Brockville
Canada Carriage Company
These buggies area special lot, specially built
and specially finished.
The young man will be particularly pleased
with these buggies. Be sure to see them. As they
have been bought in car lots,we can give you
them for the right price.
We also have a shipment of
Gray ll
bell Chatham
g'.F9eS _..
xmplemetlt Agent a;.•l tarlrp'