HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-10, Page 8ER BVflrAgi THEIR 1111, ER ItIARKETS, GaAN•,; „I EA.OH WEDNESDAY ��fave,..,. 0010,0101.,..,. 08 9 8 1 ,C,tii,rie), , ,, ,.,tkK,• 48 8 lekete,•........ ,,.,.,, 5084 1110 115 125 1.! 10'40, ,10 00 2170 1 500 180 22. 22 18 18 9 10 23 00 2200 26 00 ,1'otrttoee, .,.1r bag , $ay, 3 ., :1111...... . , . Flour, tee , . Yet, w family Flour, le *.. ade per OW Butter... .: Lggs... .. ... k k ... . Dried Amara per ib •, Live hogs. per crvt. Shorte li.' nen Bran po, '„n ...,.•...... Sugar Be, t meal. VOGELGESA2 G'S HERB REM- El?IEs.. Sure cure for leakage of ,heart, Gall Stones, Pleurisy,Bheumat- Ism etc.: also Typhoid fever in a few hours, Can be purchased on- ly at 328 Lee Ave BToronto E. LATCHFORD, Marriage Licenses issued at the Advo- cate Otf•ee, Exeter. Housekeeper Wanted'. -A Middle aged woman; light house work. Apply Nat. Corbett Brinsley,Ont, PASTURE TO RENT Anc. Crier Press for Sale. 150 acres bein Lot 11, S,B., Con. 6,Hay and W' 1-2 Lot 3, Hay. Good supply of water .all season. The cider press is iv good ca Jdition,. OHN FORD, Htoply ayP,O. SEED OATS FOR SALE.—I have a quantity of choice Siber- ian seed oats for sale. John Presz- cator con 3, Stephen. Exeter.P. O. DINING ROOM GIRL,—An ex- perienced dining room girl want- ed. Apply to Mrs. W. T. Ache- son, Central Hotel, Exeter. BROILERS Ant. pullets for next winter's lasers Get them going now from Choice Barred Rock Eggs, $3.00 a 100 50c per 13. Also from Brede to lac matings $1.50 per setting. S. J. HOGARTH, Lot 1. Con. 3. Stephen Exeter P.O. A GREAT OFFER— The Ad- vocate has just completed ar- rangements whereby we can sup- ply The Advocate, Mail and Em- pire and Dominion Poultry Guide foe. the small sum, of $1.55. Now is the time to secure cheap and gooc reading at low costs. Farmers wanting help for next sea- son should place their order at once the Canadian Government Agent, Advo- cate Office, Exeter. HAY AND POTATOES FOR SALE Wel. cured Blue -grass and frag- rant Red Clover; also choice Car- man No 1. and Rural No. 2 Pota- toes for sale. S. J. HOGARTH, Lot 13 Con.3. Stephen Exeter P.O. CANNING FACTORY CONTRACT We are prepared to contract with farmers to grow peas and corn for the canning season,—Exeter. Can - nine Co. SEED BARLEY.—The undersign ed has a quantity of No. 21 seed barley grown from selected seed for four years. Lot 22, Con. 2 Stephen.—W. D. Sanders. DOORS FOR SALE. --Two doors 8x9 1-2 made of matched pine as good as new for sale cheap. Apply at The Advocate Office. WANTED—A good reliable. man to represent the Canadian Pacific Raiff- war Land Department in this vicinity For full particulars apply S. C. Mit- chell District Sales Agent 601 C. P.R. Building Toronto. FAREWELL BANQf2 1 .— The Boy. of To . n, particularly those who have been of recent years eon- necten with the various baseball and hockey clubs, to the number of 45 met around the banquettine table at the Commercial Hotel on Thursday evening last and tendered a compli- mentary .banquet to Jr. 1. Thomas Carling who has been closely ident- ified with the various clubs for sev- eral years. The evening. was :a very pleata-,t on:; to all present. The sup- per _provided by Mine Hast Newell and tc wein all sat down at nine p cic.c:,: rr•as an excelie it one and serve~'. in 't'.ie most approved style. At its conclusion a lengthy toast list `:a4 ? ronesed and responded to. the chair being taken by R. N. C-ev In the course of the ad- dresse ,, ven many complimentary thsu_,- «e, said of the honored guest in relation to the prominent part he has taken in sports in Exeter. He has ben the mainstay of the hockey and baseball clubs for years, in fact itis harp to say how he can be replaced as pitcher for the ball team. The following toasts were proposed and responded to,—"The King" by sing- ing the National Anthem; "Canada” responded to by Mr. N D. Hurdon; "Our Town." by M. M. 'Doyle and A. Hastings ' "Sports" by W. W. Ta- man Harold Bissett, and T. Boyle; "The. Absent Boys" by R. G. Seldon; "Thc Ladies" by C. Dyer and W. J. hurray; "The Press,' by J. M, Southcott; "The Visitors" by Mr. Moe and Mr. Jones; "The Host" by 'I' H and ,"Our Honored Guest.' proposed by 'Reeve W. J. Neaman, and responded to by Mr. Carling In concluding his remarks; In proposing this toast rlr. Hearnan. on behalf of the boys, presented Mr Carlin with a handsome club bag. Torn was deeply touched by the thoughtfulness and kind words of the boys, and replied in a suitable man-. nee A solo by E. J. Christie ' `and instrumentals by Latimer Grieve were appreciated. 7'he gather - hue broke up shortly before mid- ' et all expressing best wishes to "Tommy " who with his parents leaven' shottle to reside near Brighton'. great inconvenience and much ,oss. 11, LOCAL DOINGrS. •�A� ,��il. �,cart,csil>c,d�c �l�i, Archie Davis has commenced ' to learn the printing at The Advocate, Trouble is the one thing for which any borrower can get unlimited •gyred. it. Mr, Ed, Christie was judge of light horses at Clinton Spring Show last week, Neves be afraid to ask questions —that is the best way to acquire knowledge. At 86 per ton how many tons of coalcan be bought for $24.00 'The greenhdrn will answer "four tons,"( ,;11rs, Robt, Elsie had the misfortune to fall the other evening, injuring her hip and bruising her face considerably To remove shine from clothes use a bit of fine emery paper and then sponge worth . • ammonia water and press lightly. The local option opponents in Clin- ton will appeal the decision of 'Fudge Holt anc make another effort to .le - feat the recent by-law. In future every driver of a motor- car in the province must carry n license. and be prepared to produce it whet+ asked to do so by officers of the law. The County of Middlesex plans the expenditure' of 8500,00 on good roads and ' a by-law authirizing this ex- penditure will be presented for rat- ification of the Legislature as soon as possible. A horse .belonging to Mr, William Turnbull of Winchelsea enjoyed -a little runaway trip on Main Street on Monday morning, but was caught af- ter going around a block. Little .lam age was done. A farmer sold eleven bushels of potatoes and the product purchased two gallons of whisky at 90 . ents per gallon. How much per bushel did he get for his tubers, and where did he keep the jug? Mr Dow moved this week to the house` purchased from Mrs. Baw- den and Mr. Hewitt has moved in from Anderson. Dr. Bright has mov- ed tr the house vacated by Mr. Jes- se Elston, on Gidley street. A friend out in the country said to an old farmer" "You do all your work now riding, and I haven't seen a hoe fora week" "A hoe" said the farmer. "It would take an expert salesman to sell -a farmer anything he can't sit on." A druggist mixes three ounces of water and 3 cents worth of powder 'o getber and charges 56 cents for the prescription. Estimating the water at 80 cents and his, time at 20 cents, how ,much does he lose? It's curious but druggists lose money just that way. Mr, Wm Clegg, license inspector for North Huron has sent in his re- signation to take effect at the end ,of the financial year, April 30th, Mr. Clegg was appointed about eight years ago. Mr. John J. Mitchell, of Wingham, has been recommended as his successor. Attention is again directed to the practice of enclosing in newspapers and periodicals, letters and other articles of Dail matter. To enclose in a newspaper any article liable to a higher rate of postage, renders the sender liable to a penalty punishable by a fine from 810 to $40 for each offence. The hearing of the alleged charges of bribery which were to come up in Exeter, charging Joseph Brenner, and his son Ezra, of Grand Bend, with bribery in the recent local option contest in Stephen, has again been postponed till Saturday, April 12th, awaiting the decision in an Ottawa case, but it will be disposed of then in any event. While working in an pld gravel pit on the Prince farm in, Sandwich, Jos. eph Morenci uncovered an iron bound chest, in which he found $90. in silver half - dollars. The money was all of the old 13 -star variety of United States coins of the period of nearly 100 years ago. The property was formerly owned by Col. Prince one of the earliest settlers of Western Ontario. Every once in awhile someone in- timates that we ought to "rip some- one up the back." Say they deserve it and don't see why we don't do it. Friends, we are not in the roasting business. Apply at a crematory. If van have it in for someone go to him and fight it out like a man Don't try to mix the printer up in your grievances. He has troubles enough of his own. None of us poor mortals here below are perfect, not by a long shot, and other people may think that you yourself deserve spec- ial attention, SACRED CANTATA—The Sacred Cantata "Easter Angels" given by the Main Street Choir in the church on Monday ,evening last was a very pleasing affair and well attended. The Cantatta was wholly of a musical na- ture consisting of solos, duets, quar- tettes and chorses, and the members .or, the choir deserve great praise for the excellence of the entertain ment. The Milligan Boys, violinists of London assisted and their selections were exceptionally good. The pro- ceeds amounted to $45.00 At the conclusion of the program the ladies of the church treated the choir to a dainty luncch. HICK'S APRIL FORECAST Another change to much cooler with rising high barometer will run its course with frosty nights north- ward on and next to the 14th, 15th and lath A reactionary storm period is 'central on the 17th, 18th and 19th,• The moon is in perigee:. and on the cel ostial equator on the 18th. This :alis for sudden and great increase of tem- perature. rapid fall of the barometer followed by thunder storms and hail with probably ,tornadoes in reg- ions central and southward on arid toughing .that date, Those who, have, or can secure adequate means of pro- tectirt' exposed glass from hail storms at ,this time. and during other April storm periods, may save themselves Mrs Boon spent. Tuesday in Lon- don. Mr J A. Stewart went t.o Toronto Monday night. Mrs• Barr and children visited in Warta', last week. Mi. L. K Dickson was in Stratford Friday on legal business. Mi Wm. Blatchford of Toronto is spendine a week in town. Mrs Fred Bowden is .visiting with her parents near Dashwood. Messrs. Wes. Snell and Thorn Bak- er were 3'n London Monday, Mr, John McIntyre of Hensall vis- ited friends here over Sunday, lMlt. W. T, Hawkshaw o. Winnipeg arrived here on Thursday last, Mrs. Isaac Salkeld of Goderich, vis ited with relatives here this week, Bliss Lille Johns returned Friday from a. visit in Toronto and Aurora. Mr. D. Mills of Guelph 'is shaking hande with old friends in town this week. Mr' Wm. Atkinson left 'Monday for Filmore Sask., where he intends re- maining Miss B. Hill, after a month's aisit with relatives at, Crediton, returned to Buffalo this week. Mrs. Johr, Mc Falls of Biddulph is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLeod for a couple of weeks. 11r ,Daniel Hartleib, who has been in Michigan for some months, is agein in town and intends remaining. Mr Robe Sanders, who has been sojourning at Lake Charles, La,, is now spending a few weeks at Galv- eston Texas. . :6•Iessrs. Herb. Walters, Thos. Car- ling Thorn., Baker, Wes, Snell, Thos. Wilson Thos. Newell and Dr. ;Kins- man were in London Monday. Mr. and I'lrs. Sidney Snell and daughter arrived here from London Township on Tuesday to resideon the Rowe farm which Mr. Snell re- centIe bought. Mr and Mrs, Vrooman of Capetown spent the past week withthe latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Ander- son They left Tuesday for the State or Florida to spend _ six weeks. Mrs. P. Bawdep is recovering from her recent illness. The Misses Kraft are learning dress making with Miss Tom. Mr. James Sweet is able to be out again after a few days illness of rheumatism. The Exeter Lawn Bowling Associa- tion will hold their annual meeting in the Town Hall on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock. Parents' having children of an age to commence school should send them now as it is not convenient to open new classes in the fall. The Town Council of Clinton has decided to offer a reward of $200 for evidence that will lead to the con- viction of a person or persons who tampered with the ballots cast on the recent local option measure. It takes twenty blows of a hammer in the hands of a woman to . drive :a ten -penny nail three inches. She misses • the nail twice where she hits it once. How many blowsdoes she strike in all and how far can her voice be heard when she strikes her thumb. earaeag ATTEND CHURCH—The members of the I. 0. 0. F. are requested to meet in the Lodge Room at 6.15 p.m., Sunday April 27, to attend divine service in the Presbyterian Church.— R. N Creech, Se. . Get some neatly printed calling cards at The Advocate. 10,000 CEDAR POSTS FOR All First -Class Quellty. Price for Larva Orders. SUBS I133a .FO' �r. AN1 QM. ALL THE NEWS. FARM FOR SALE, Containing 60 acres of choice land being south part of lot 9 Con 3, Usborne. There is on the premises a good frame houses 20x 26 kitchen 14x22, barn 36x80, stab- ling. at one end; ~Wood shed, pig- house 16x24; two good wells of water ; 35 acres in grass ; Ny li drained..and fenced; good orchard For furter particulars apply to Sohn °V,Cornish, Exeter P.0., or on the premises. FOR SALE Skating Bink, Store, Dwelling House and Lot, Size of rink 180x 80. newly built and covered with corrugated galvanized iron; built in the latest approved methods of convenience. Store 40x20 in fair slate of repair. Dwelling House one ,and half storey frame, con- taining• 10, rooms; hard and soft water• good cellar under house; all in good state of repair, Also a choi ce building lot 100x80 feet, The above property will be „sold altogether or separately to suit purchasers. • Satisfactory reason, for selling, Iilor, further particul- ara apply to either of the under- signed Wm. Leavitt, Prop. or B. S. Phillips Real Estate Agent. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Situated on. Andrew Street; house. contains 7 rooms; ,herd and solt water All in good state of repair; new trans stable; wwill be sold reasonable. For further particulars apply^to JAMES OG - DEN, or to H. S. PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agent, Exeter, Ont. Try some '3uckwheat Flour for good pancakes also a choice lot of Corn on hand 11.0 R. G. SELDON Exeter, -- Ontario ,V+ R. N. ROWE Phone 20a Residence next to the store. Undertaker and License SAYE A Special Embalmer EXETER . ONTARIO G. E. HICKS, Centralia. STEWART'S PHONE 16 Scotch Linol'eums. WE HAVE A BIG ASSORTMENT OF THIS POP- ULAR AND SANITARY FLOOR COVERINGS. RE- MEMBER Wb LAY IT. WITHOUT ANY ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE. IT COMES IN 2, 3 AND 4 YARD WIDTHS. New Wall Pap�rs A FEW ROLLS OF OUR NEW WALL PAPER WILL MAKE A WONDERFUL, DIFFERENCE, IN THE APPE.A.RANCi+. OF YOUR HOME WE HAVE MANY NEW DESIGNS SUITABLE FOR ANY ROOM AT PER ROLL S-40-15—TO 25c. ASK TO SE,E T%fh NEW VELVET ANI) TAPES TRY' SQUARES; THE NEW ONES ARE HERE J. A. STEWAT ;\PL AGS„; NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold. withoo#t an :Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am .the only authorizea Official `Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Office' ial Guarantee which Will -be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND Reduction Sale Of Talking Machines and Records All are new and ;ip-to date. prices quoted are with 6 records. EDISON-- Genf 6 Wax 4in. Records for $21.9(' Fireside 6 Wax, 4in. Records for $35.85, Standard 6, Wax, 4in Records for $46.35 Triumph 6 Blue, 4in. Records for $101.40. Concert 6 Blue, 4in. Reords for $113.90. VICTORS -- No. 1. Hornless with 6 double Disc Reords for $5.440 No. 2. Hornless with 6 doubiedisc Reords for $37.90. No 3, Hornless with 6 double disc Reords for $57.40. DOUBLE DISCS HAVE MUSIC . ON BOTH SIDES We also have Columbia, Grafonolas and Columbia records, at Bargain Prices. Hear all the kinds before von buy Be fair to *yourself. Step in anytime and hear the latest We repair machines, on short 'iotie. Powell's Bazaar JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 32 Spring Coats And Suits WE ARE SHOWING A Vb,RY SWELL RANGE OF LADIES AND MISSES SPRING SUITS AND COATS IN ALL THIS SEASONS MOST POPULAR SHADES AND CLOTHS. NO TWO ALIKE. ALL EXCLUSIVE. DESIGNS AND COLORS COME IN AND SEE- OUR DISPLAY. Spring Millinery This department is in fulswing, Our Milliners are showing all the New Hat Creations in Colors Shapes and Designs ..Visit our Show Rooms,. Dress Coods $ Suitings In all colors. Plain Cords and Stripes. Our stock is complete in this department, Wash Goods A full stock of Ginghams, Chambrays, Foulards, Vest . ings 'Cords -or Prints, Children. Dresses Good servisable Wash dresses in a nice selection of colors, Ladies Dresses From 2 to 16 yrs, old. All colors, all kinds, 50c„ 75c,, $1 $2. and :$3,00. JONES [ieadquarter s fox the celebrated W. E, Sanford Clothing -1.040