HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1913-4-10, Page 7• of ides ves ib: vas .ni<l th 1011 Dg. 1 a :en om a 1n- ' ;he ;re ter .e. 4 t0 ed ch Ld of n- ee 11' •i- r ARE GROWING IN FAVOR tVERY DAY POlDD'S MONEY PILLS PRO'. I1�'(al TREIR VALUE AS A FAMILY ilf:i;DICllNE. Quebec Man Tells How They Helped !Gina and Cured .Ills Nephew of Ii,laal l Disease,. r• South Ham, Wolfe Coy, Qu ,. Apri1.�7 (Special). --There is .fresh proof every day that as a family tnedkine Dodd's Kidney fills are growingtn favor with the people of Quebec. Just to quote an example, Amable Pinard of this place says, in an interview "Dodd's Kidney Pills helped my rheumatism, backache, gravel, and heart disease, from which I suffered for twenty years, f w y "They have not yet cured. me 'completely, but they did cdnipletely 'cure my nephew, who suffered from kidney disease,'' , • ,. I Dodel's Kidney Pills always cure ikidney disease. They will com- plete Amable Pinard's cure, beealrse all the diseases mentioned are the Ixesults of kidney disease. ' They 'cured the young man's kidney dis- 'ease quickly, because it was taken in its, early stages. ' Amable Pin - lard's troubles are of twenty years' standing, and take a longer treat- ment. The moral is, that if you cure your kidney disease early with k Dodd's Kidney Pills, you will never. be troubled with rheumatism; grav- el, and . ther diseases theft are .ceaused by sick kidneys failing to do !their work. A. Hint. Mrs. Youngwedd (shopping) — Look at this new stove with the glass door in the oven. Wonder what it's made of glass for 1 Youngwedd—Its to make the bread lighter, I suppose, , I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by ,71iINARD'S LINIMENT, t Bay. of Islands. J. 74 L. CAMPBELL.. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'8 LINIMENT. Springhill, N. 8. WM. D ANxELS. • I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by ,MINA.R.D'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY. thi.rebuked. "Sir !" she exclaimed, when he kssed her, "you forget yourself." ci "Possibly," he replied, •calmly, e'but I can think of myself any old tine. Just now you are occupying nay undivided attention." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. .E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. ,55c. Two Sisters. Clara—May I borrow your head- ed belt, dear? Bess—Certainly. But why all .this formality of asking permis- sion 1 "I can't find it."; l4linard's Liniment CUres Distemper. Village Gossip—"Was there any- thing . unusual at the weddin' ?" 1Joyey—"Well, the groom looked (happy„ but you know Bill tries to ibe pleasant, no matter what hap- pons." Try Wimine Eye Remedy NoSmarting—Beets Fl no—Acts Quickly. Try lttoe Red. Weak, Watery Byoa and 141 •yrf Q� Granulated aryetids. Illustrated Book: c f'acica ,- oa h go. AtUIt1NIu la co n 1n ppounded by our dculists—nota "Patent 1 ®�J ®� ModlcH,e"but need In suecenteI Phyai• e e rp,� cians'Praotteet for many years. Now e'ra ttao dedicated to tiro Pubilo. and sold by Druggists at 2 c-rOe per bottle. muraie. Care E e Sa• Ase tic vet -in :hes y l p 1u ,5tt ata 0, Mute Eye- Remedy 'Co,. Chica00 It sometimes takes as mueh cour- age to keep out of a fight as to win one. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In cows. Mosquitoes Stop Music. . In some parts. of India, where _;mosquitoes abound, it is impossible to play the violin because the music lattracts the insectis in great num- bers. When the first notes are derived the mosquitoes 'swarm in 1;louds around the player and make the auovements al the hand impoesi- b1e, WHEN APPETITE FAILS AND JNO.IGESTION IS SSD There In Danger Ahead Ear ' the Man ,'halt Neglects -Nature'ig Warning. Dyspepsia Tendenelee are Serious and Should be Treated Accordingly. EEP BABY SKIN CLE SIR FREDERICK PONSONIIY. son The s n ofI l t e late General Sir Henry Ponsonby, whose name has been mentioned as a successor to Lord Knollys, recently retired. Sir Frederick possesses many high or- ders, and is equerry in ordinary to the King: He married Miss Vic- toria ("Ria") Kennard, the claugh- ter.of the late Colonel Edmund Kennard.' Presents Bridegroom With Whip. In Russia, when the groom goes to get his bride'on the wedding day, he finds'ehiuiself confronted by, the girl's brother, if she has one. The brother is standing with drawn sword, threatening the groom. "You shall not take her unless you pay me well," .the brother cries, and the young man must pay before he can take the girl to the cero- usony. Then, during the ceremony, after the various ring services- there are many of them the bride presents the groom with awhip she has made. He takes it, and strikes her gently with it, saying : "I love thee as my soul; I beat thee as my- self. • I am thy master. Thou art to obey me.". TRAINED NURSE Remarks About Nourishing Food. "A physician's wife gave me a package of Grape -Nuts' one day, with the remark that she was sure I would find the food very bene- ficial, both for my own use and.for my patients. I was particularly attracted to the food, as at that time the weather was very hot and I appreciated. the fact that Grape - Nuts requires no cooking. "The food was deliciously crisp, and moat inviting to the appetite. After making use of .it twice a' day. for three or four weeks, I discover- ed that it was a most wonderful in- vigorator. I used to suffer greatly from exhaustion, headaches and -de pression of spirits. My work had been very trying at times and indi- gestion had set in. "Now I am always .well and ready for any amount of work, have an abundance of active ener- gy, cheerfulness and mental poise. I have proved to ma entire satis- faction that this change has been brought about by Grape -Nuts food. "The fact that it is predigested is a very desirable feature I have had many remarkable results in feeding Grape-N'uts to my patients, and I cannot speak too highly of the, food. My friends constantly com- ment on the change in my appear- ance. I have gained 9 pounds since beginning the use of this food," "There's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to Well- ville," in pkgs. Ever read the abbve letter? A new one appears front time to time. They ars genuine, true, and full of human interest, Row Goes Matrimony. "Oh, Jack, old fellow! Haven't seen you since your wedding, two years ago. How goes matrimony ?" "Very well, thanks. By Jove, it's expensive comfort! My wife's dress- maker takes most of my salary. If I had known—'f "You would have remained single, eh ?" "No, no ; but I would have married the dressmaker'." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, Q Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch. leg, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to i4 days. 50c, When you analyze the ideal hus- band you will find that he hasn't the nerve to be anything else. vUnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Tact and Fancy. The man who says he never made a business mistake isn't necessarily a Rockefeller. ; Maybe he's a liar. Firmness being willpower, obsti- nacy might perhaps be termed won't -power. There are only two authenticated eases in history of men killed by falling meteorites. You can't beat a good wife'—un- less you're a bad husband. Yyang-ylesig, the perfume, :comes from the Philippines. • Marry a man would bo all right if he .eould lose his reputation, The Esqui eaux make a kind of ice ereem from seal oil, snow and frozen berries. A baby le the o ice priceless trea- sure which—unlike a diamond er a tope'ref pe.arlee--Y ever 'excites envy or esatetoueness. There is a strong moral in the statement of James Schrum, of Pleasant street, Dartnioutli, N. S, Like thousands of peo- ple, ho'"was failing in health because his. stomach and digestive organs were out of repair, His vitality was slipping away; he was losing ground every day. "I could not have hold on much longer. T was waetina away simply because no remedy I used gave tone' and strength to my stomas] . The vital foroee of my sys- tem were dead. I was advised to try Dr. Ramiltou's Pills. What hidden woaknese they searobed out I don't know, but in -a miraculous way thea have made a new man of me. My stomach troubles are eared, rich blood now runs through my veins—oloar skin and 'unmistakable evi- dences of health and vigor I feel every day. ,Dr. Hamilton's Pills havo certainly mastered the secret of oaring the sickly enervated man and I strongly urge every- one in failing or lost health to use this grand remedy." ' . - Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut are purely vegetabio-25o. per box, five for $1,00, all druggists and store- keepers, or postpaid from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. WIIERE PEOPLE LIVE LONG. Balkan States hold the Record for Old Folks. Some years ago a German statis- tician made a careful investigation to discover in which countries the greatest age is attained. The Ger- man Empire, with her 55,000,000 population, has but 78 subjects who are more than 100 years old. Prance, with -fewer than 40,000,000, has 213 persons who have passed their hundredth birthday. England has 146, • Scotland e6, Denmark 2,. Belgium 5, Sweden 10, and Norway,. with about 2,000,000 inhabitants, 23. Switzerland does not boast of a. single centenarian, but Spain, with about 18,000,000, has 410. Th most amazing figures come from that troublesome and turbulent re- gion known as the Balkan Penin- sula,. Servilya. has 575 persons who are more than 100 years old, Rou- mania 1684, and Bulgaria. 3883. In other words, Bulgaria has a centen- arian to every 1,000 inhabitants, and. thus holds the international re cord for old people. In 1892 alone there died in Bulgaria 350 persons who had exeeeded the. century. Ik Japanese Pool of Tears. . One e.polb in Japan shunned by all is the "Pool of Tears," a little pond on. the execution ground of an old •prison at Tokio. It 'never dries, and -even the hottest weather seems to have' little effect upon it. Since the removal of the prison no build- ings have been erected on the site, occupying the brow'of a hill. If "The Family Friend for 40 years." A never failing relief for Croup and Whooping Cough. BURGLAR'S. ORIGINL IDEA. Why Ile Robbedtl el Employer of a Wovkgirl. The methods of the Paris (France) burglar are often surprisingly ori- ginal. 1f, as is usually the ease, he holds anarchist er socialist . opin- ions he will go to considerable pains. in an attempt to justify his crime. One of the fraternity has just had an unusually brilliant idea. Name. B., who is a milliner in the Rue de la. Chaussee d'Antin, arrived on her premises on a recent morning to find that she had had a nocturnal. visitor who had relieved her of a sum of 225. On a table the guilty one had left a letter as a,n "acquit de eonscienee.'•' It read : "Madaane, I have been robbed by one of your workgirls, a pretty little brunette, who is .one of the .last to leave in the evening's and lives near the Rae de Bellefond, I advise you to keep a watch on her, as she is probably robbing you too. In the meantime L. have taken out of the till the amount she . stole " Curiously enough, "the amount she stole" was the aaeactamount-which had been in the till. Miothet. Case of Blood Foisioning Peroisted in paring his corns With a k•azer. Faolieli when curd it e0': Pain1oss and .Nitre with Pntnam's Odra xtraotor• toe t'utnar's onlay -»it's the host -guar - Matted and painless. tato Sic. at all deal ilrr. CUTICUR SOAP AIifetilne of disfigurement anclsufferre <ing often results.from the neglect, in infancyorchildhood, of simple skin af- fections. In the prevention and treat- ment, of minor eruptions and in the promotion of permanent skinandhair health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura. Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. ' Cutteura Soap and Ointment are cold throughout tho world. A liberal sample of each, with 32 -page booklet onthe care and treatment of thq skin and scalp; sent post -tree. Address Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.. Dept.10D, Boston. U. 8. A. Honesty in Trivial Matters. Be entirely honest in trivial matb- teris, One who borrows a. cent should be as careful to return it as if ,,he had borrowed a 'dollar. If grocers and market men were asked to tell their experience they would sometimes relate stories of 'small thefts made by custonlers who pick- ed up an apple, a bit of candy or sugar, and had not the least idea that in. doing this without payment they were violating the rule- of strict honesty. A girl at school was warn- ed against' another because the lat- ter, though very sweet in manner and amiable in conduct, borrowed ribbons, hairpins, postage stamp's, nate paper and loose change, and seldom took the trouble to return. the loans Be honest, not for the reason that this is the best policy., but, for the higher reason that it is right. Not 0eeflciilt. This story is related of a young French :teacher whose English was just a little uncertain, and who in- quired of one of her pupils how to ;ask in the English shop for an "eponge pour le bain." "Oh," said the latter, "all you've gob to do is to tell the shopman that you want a big bath sponge to take home; with you." "Ah, it is not deeteult," she said; but when the shop was reached she expressed it differently. "Please," she said, smiling pleasantly at the young man, will you kindly take me home and give me a big sponge bath?" RE SENT IIIS "BEST" REMEDY The young daughter of Mrs. T. S. Dougall; 523 Flora Avenue, Winni- peg, was arranging some of her doll's washing on a clothes rack, beside the stove, when she fell, and her hand came in contact with the hot stove. She sustained a serious burn, and her screams broughtt •her mother quickly to. the spot. "I sent to the druggist for the best remedy he had for burns," she says, "and he sent back a box of Zam-Buk. He said that there was nothing to equal it I applied this, and it soothed the pain so quickly that the child laughed through her tears. I bound up the hand in Zam-Buk, and each. day applied Zam-Buk frequently and liberally,. until the burn was quite cured. "The little ,ane was soon able to go on with her play. and we had no trouble with her during the time the burn was being healed." All druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk at fifty cents box ; and Soap at 25c. tablet. Post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. It isn't ignorance of the law that defeats a client so often as the ig- norance .of his lawyer. It's all right' to take time by the forelock, but don't tell your trou- bles before they happen. - A man's idea; of making a friend feel at home is inviting him to came to the dining table in his shirt sleeves, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM Conquered by GIN PILLS Mr. W. G. Reid, Ifansiltoti, Ont., wi nes:. I have been for the last two years a cripple with 1vXtiscular and Inflanlntatory. 1theuinatistn. 1 tried almost everything known to tnedical science and sought elaaage of climate without relief, '!.'our fnatsager in this: city recommended Orin Pills and 1 have sixice taken eight boxes and ant now cured. I consider Gin Pills the conqueror of Rheumatism and Kidney Disease". 5oc. a box. 6 for .$2.50. • Sample free ;f you write National Drug and Chentieat Co. Of Canada, Limited, Toronto. f 3a THIS W]IEA`.1183,400 YEARS QLD, Bart A.ttempte to Giow I't Pr'ov°•e IJn' ruecessfuL, .n interesting account of the attempts to grow port. frons wbeat rainy discoveredin bhe tombs; of Egyptian m'tlmmies, is given i'n the March number" of Knowledge. All these' attempts have failed, and re- oent `rhsearehes suggest that, while the power of germa,ne.tron in wheat or barley is little affected for _five years, after that period a rrapid lo6so of vitality sets in, Con,sider'able ehemieal change was detected in the' mummy wheat, which is probably 3,400 years: It had lost two per cent. of its moisture; and with that its vitality. When crushed the flour' was very irritating to the nostrils and smelt strongly of bitumen --the preserva- tive used to embalm the mummy. it was also markedly acid. Examined under the microscope its particles differed c entirely from these of mod- ern wheat. When treated with wa- ter it gave a thin .paste without any strength -of dough. - Just Enough. That very well-known doctor, Sir James Crichton-Browne, has been• reproving us for our "sanitary•apa thy." Sir James is a 'thorough Scotsman, but he does..-not'mind tel ling a story. against himself and his own countrymen. He says that dur- ing a visit to Jamaica, feelinga lit- tle lonely, it:tle.lonely, he asked a colored offici- al—"Are there many Scotsmen in these parts ?" "Not many," was. the reply; "just a few -but quite enough !" New ' `reatment Now Advocated For Bronchitis Is Having .Wonderful Success, and 'is Making Most Remarkable Cures. For bponehitls a different form of treat- ment is now advocated. It consists of a scientifically devised vapor that a pene- trates to the uttermost recesses of the lungs and bronchial tubes.- :Every spot that is sore, every surface that is irri- tated is at once bathed with soothing balsams and healing essences that make chronic bronchitis an -impossibility. This treatment now so universally em- ployed in bronchitis, throat troubles, colds, etc., is called OATARItfOZONE.. It acts just as air of the pine woods vets, as a healing antiseptic remedy for' all diseases of the breathing organs. Just think of it -a remedy that can be carried with the very air you breatheto. the' teat of bronchial or catarrhal in- flammation. A remedy powerful enough to kill germ life and yet so healing that disease flees before it. Catarrhozone is truly a wonderful remedy. In many lands it has wan its way, and is afford - inn grand results to sufferers from colds, catarrh, :throat weakness, asthma and bronchitb: Thera is no sufferer from a grippy cold or any Winter 111, that won't find a cure in Catarrhozonce, which is ent- ployed by physioians, n,iztistero, lawyers. and public men throughout auany foreign lands. Largesize lasts two months and costs $1.00 and is guaranteed; small size 50c., sample size 25e., all storekeepers and. druggists, or The Catarrhozone Go., Buf- falo, N. Y., and lringston, Canada. TRE WILD BEAST DOCTOR. A GOOD #IAEXT" Tea why01 axe 'hire particularlYen it •it's LIFT° TEA , Goes farthest for the money Long Wearing GLOVES If you are looking for a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican Snake whip and that will givee you full satisfaction or a new pair free. ask your dealer for U.B'.E. Pinto Shell diodes These are the best wearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for interesting story "The pinto's shell . . HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO, , Canada's Expert Glove and &IIIc Makers, MONTREAL.' 4"{ FARMS. FOR SALE. II� H, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, i Toronto. ii G00D STOCK FARM OF. 600 MIXES with Three R'eus'es: large Rank Earn. Must ho Fold quirk. Price is very low, SFVaR.Ar, DESIRABLE FARMS IN Manitoba. Alberta and Paskatebewats that can be bought. Worth the money fo>r quirk sale. • - RAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD IL farms in different sections of Ontario oa my list. If you went a farm coneulI me. H. W. 11A WSf N. Toronto, NE HUNDRED ACRES IN. LA'AfBTON 1 lJ County; soil clay and clay loam; S acres timber: 3 acres orchard: buildings in fair condition. Close to market and' Railway Station. Anxious to sell. The Western, Real Estate Exchange, Loudon. Ont. ILIA= IN SASICATCIIFWAN—EQSTIP. , ped; ID crop; must gall; terms easy. Percy Love, Hnwarden, Sark. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE -MEN TO LEARN BARBER. trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools free; always:. sure employ- ment for barber.' write for catalogue. Moler College,, 221 Queen E., Taxonto. STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLFOTOli,s-110N l)IQ, 1, Oitaj _. 1 ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. f Album, only Seven Cents, Marks Stamp , rumba nv. Torun ro. Ml SCE LLAT1E01SS Ca. ea a, •Tv la ORS; LUMPS. Ertl. Internal and external, cured witb• 1 eat nein by our home. treatment. Write ' sus before too tarp. T1r, Rehman Efedtoal Co.. Limited. Collinowond, Opt. GALL ti'TQNES, 1UD.Ni,Y ANL Raab - der Stones, Sidney trouble, Gravel Lumbago and kindred ailments positiveli mired: with the new German „itemedP. " tanol,"• price 81.50, Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus. and sure cure, is "genera Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The aanol Mepufao- taring Company of Canada, Limited,, ! wi"nines*, 1Tan. wi i„y.,,,,, � u, uu u.,n,u Relates His Experience While Ex - ;mining a Lion's Mouth. "The ma.n who medically and sur- gically attends cattle and wild beasts has often a'harder tinge than I en ordinary hospital surgeon,” says a wild beesat doctor, ' in the SCUMS Of a recent • conversation. `It is no easy task to operate upon a. large animal, whether it be a `horse or an elephant from a tropi- cal forest, and the danger connect- ed with wild beast 'doctoring' would drive many an insurance agent into a fit. "I had an alarming experience while examining the mouth of a large lion suffering from a badly- inflamed ad1 -inflamed tongue. The beast seemed so friendly when he approached me that I decided to 'treat' him straightaway, and without binding the anitnale or placing a, gag be- tween his jaws. It was a foolish thing to do, and I knew, it was fool- ish when I touched the lion's tongue, for he lifted apaw in a second, and brought it•down with a terrific crash on my left ahouldee, ripping open the flesh, and almost exposiug the bone. "On antsier occasion, when I w:as medically treating a monkey, the creature took it into his head that I was out for `fun,' and imme- diately started wrestling with met, The playful simian had mac on the `Mat,' BO to speak, in no• time " quickly stops coughs, cures ccids, and heals the throat and lungs. :i ;i 25 csnta. Kissing Surprising Customs. Visitors in England in the seven- teenth century were surprised to find that kissing was a ocmanon form of salutation. Nicolas de Bethlen, a Hungarian, who vi ed England in 1683, wrote ;'• "My bro- ther and I boha.vecd very rudely on one occasion, being siisaware that it was eustoanaryin that country to kiss the corner of the mouth of wo- men; 'instead of shaking hands as we do in Hutgary.'' '"It's no trouble at all," says rt bill collector, "to find people out," ,�i KA%W GliAMPIQ Is In 'a class by' Itself—the easiest running;, the most substantially built, the most satisfactory washer; ever invented. Only washer 'worked with crank handle at side as well as top lever—and the only onewhere the whole top opens up. Ask your dealer to show you the "Champion" Washer. "Favorite" Churn is the world's a best churn. Write for catalogue. OHIO MAXWELL & SONS ST. MARY'S, ON T. obto h,h hi gig 11 PIN 11 rkli`; Temperance Orator—"Drink wat- er, my brethren. Eschew all spirits and other evil drinks, for water alone will never hurt any lean " Timid voice from the rear—" What about the Pitied ?" idlnard's Unlit -tent Cares Diphtheria. Uncle—"I hope you don't •spend all your earnings, Mike?" Mike— "No, `No, airee ; I make it . a rule never to spend tmore'n two-thirds o' me wages." Uncle—".Ah, that's good 1 that's goad ! Arad you put the other third In the bank 1' Mike— "No ; ike-"No; I give it to the missus--to keep house on !" Dr. MMors&3 Indian Root Pills are just the right medicine for the children. When they are constipated —when their kidneys are out of order when overindulgence in some favorite food gives them indlgestiofi —Dr. Morse's Indian 1'tooe Pills will quickly and surely put tticni right, Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harsh ur atives. Guard your Children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Root ?Wein the house, They t it ILeesp the Chtk,ttrea'► `Vold 4 4 4 • 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 -4 '1 .4 4 4 4 41 4 4 4 1 4 4 J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 r 1 4 4 4 4 'd 4 a 4 4 .4 .4